LRL had cash of $2.7m AUD earlier this year which i make to be about £1.5m
so enough to be getting on with and their various strategic projects have a lot of upside optionality
The Company's strategic objective is to identify mineral resource projects that have a clear pathway to production or monetisation and can generate high returns to shareholders. This will be achieved by leveraging the in-house expertise and track-record in identifying, acquiring, financing, developing and operating resource projects, and un-locking value. The Company's plan is to identify advanced or brown-field assets which have a stronger chance of being re-rated in the listed market.
The investment climate in the resources sector continues to be difficult. Resource equity and asset valuations are currently substantially discounted which we believe will provide an attractive entry opportunity for the Company at the bottom of the investment cycle.
Since the completion of the demerger, the Company has commenced preliminary discussions with prospective debt and equity financiers in regard to a number of investment opportunities and has been encouraged by the response regarding the level and types of funding that could be available.
Mt Leyshon Strategic Review
The Company is continuing its strategic review of the Mt Leyshon project and a number of potential opportunities to create value from the project have been identified, including:
1) Utilising the existing pit and other infrastructure for small-scale hydro power generation;
2) Reassessing the exploration potential of the ground in the vicinity of the old mine; and
3) The potential to recover the gold from the ball mill scat stockpiles. A previous economic study demonstrated only modest returns at a gold price of US$780 per ounce, compared to the current price of US$1300 per ounce.
1) Hydro Power Generation
During the reporting period, the Company completed the concept study into developing a pumped storage hydro ("PSH") power project at Mt Leyshon.
The concept involves generating near-instantaneous electrical power and supplying it into the grid at times of peak power demand by releasing water from the existing upper reservoir through a hydro generation plant. The upper reservoir is refilled from the existing open pit during periods of off-peak prices.
The Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts that new generation capacity will be required in Queensland by 2020 in order to maintain supply reliability within the National Electricity Market Reliability Standard. Under a high growth scenario, this requirement for new capacity may be as early as 2017.
The optimal project sizing based on the physical reservoir characteristics is estimated to be around 40 megawatts ("MW"). The existing power line infrastructure connected to the site supports a project of up to 20MW and with modest upgrades may support up to 40MW.
The unit cost of production for a 20-40MW PSH plant at the Mt Leyshon site compares favourably to the cost of a larger-scale open-cycle gas turbine project, the assumed next best alternative for providing fast-start peak to intermediate generation capacity.
Whilst the study demonstrated positive project economics, further work will be required in areas including water chemistry, capital and operating cost estimates, networks, engineering, and regulatory.
The report recommended identifying a strategic partner to assist with managing market risk and underpinning the commercial viability of the project by securing either a medium to long-term off-take with an electricity retailer or major energy user, or a medium to long-term network support contract with the local network service provider. The Company is currently discussing proposals with a number of industry players.
2) Further Exploration
The historical focus of the Leyshon mining operations was the Mt Leyshon Breccia, the main ore host, comprising a large pipe-like breccia, approximately 400 x 300 metres in plan, with a minimum vertical extent of 650 metres. A number of areas of brecciation and porphyry intrusion extend outside the main pit area. Historical surface sampling has identified areas of anomalous grades of gold, silver, lead and zinc. The Company will study the historical data to assess whether a new re-interpretation should be undertaken using modern day exploration methodologies including sampling and geophysics.
3) Recovery of Gold from Mill Scats
In June 2012, the Company completed a drilling program and economic study on the potential recovery of gold from a large stock pile of between 12 and 15 million tonnes of ball mill scats from the historical operations. The study considered a number of different process routes to recover between 100,000 and 175,000 ounces of gold through the retreatment of the highly mineralised material. The material was stockpiled at a time when gold prices averaged around US$300 per ounce, and the 2012 study was based on a gold price of US$780 per ounce.
The results of the program indicated that the project was viable but required significant capital expenditure for a relatively modest return, and the project was put on hold. Given the current gold price of approximately US$1300 per ounce, the Directors have decided to revisit the economics of the project.