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Been a bit quiet on here...

Here is something worth a watch if you have half an hour spare a presentation delivered by Optibiotix (OPTI)


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/SvTsJ15pyGc?list=UUM_V6cU7x9K3NqjvN9OQATQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Can't say I understand the science but it looks interesting.
OPTI chart

Chart is impacted by it's legacy as a shell DUC Ducat Ventures so historic chart may not be that relevant

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CPX had a brief AGM statement today

nothing much to be gleaned from it, cash and burn rate seem fine, seem to have dropped or just left out talk of being in 'negotiations' re licence deals

Result of Annual General Meeting

The Board of CAP-XX announces that all resolutions put to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting held earlier today were duly passed.

The Company also provided the following update to the current operating performance:

· In early October, the Company received the latest instalment of the Federal Government's R&D Tax rebate

· Realisation of the operational cost savings are nearing completion, with the achieved quantum of savings in line with the Company's forward estimates. Accordingly, the cash burn rate is decreasing

· Large prismatic cell for both the automotive and battery replacement markets continues to generate interest from multiple vehicle manufacturers and their Tier-1 component suppliers

· Product Sales are running at a higher rate than the same period last year

· Cash balance after the receipt of the R&D rebate was A$1.5m
CPX had a brief AGM statement today

nothing much to be gleaned from it, cash and burn rate seem fine, seem to have dropped or just left out talk of being in 'negotiations' re licence deals

Result of Annual General Meeting

The Board of CAP-XX announces that all resolutions put to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting held earlier today were duly passed.

The Company also provided the following update to the current operating performance:

· In early October, the Company received the latest instalment of the Federal Government's R&D Tax rebate

· Realisation of the operational cost savings are nearing completion, with the achieved quantum of savings in line with the Company's forward estimates. Accordingly, the cash burn rate is decreasing

· Large prismatic cell for both the automotive and battery replacement markets continues to generate interest from multiple vehicle manufacturers and their Tier-1 component suppliers

· Product Sales are running at a higher rate than the same period last year

· Cash balance after the receipt of the R&D rebate was A$1.5m

Waiting anxiously for this to show some upward movement
HUR - placement on its way or being hammered due to fall in brent price?

Lets revive this thread btw guys :)
coming into seasonally strong period for small cap equities Nov-Jan

nutty move in FITB recently shows that some of these forgotten small caps can have huge moves in a short space of time if they get present news in the right way
HUR - I think Shareprophets website has suggested there may be a placement due at HUR
CPX - it does seem to be taking it's time but as has been remarked here previously unfortunately big auto companies design cycles are quite long and they are very safety conscious so will want not only tests done on a product at a single point in time but some evidence of longevity of a product performance and material characteristics. They won't want to risk recalls / impacting their brand.

However the general industry mood music is consistent with the story CPX are presenting which gives some comfort.


Corning adds weight to super-cap development for vehicles

Maxwell ultracapacitor supercapacitorMaterials firm Corning has joined Maxwell Technologies to develop better supercapacitors, also known as ultracapacitors, for cars.



IKA slowly climbing back. Good NED appointment yesterday, giving market some confidence that they arent just playing at it.
LRL worth keeping an eye on as well


mentioned this before

a split out from LEN it could be interesting, ticking a bit right now

£1m mkt cap ; cash of over £1m and trying to do something with legacy Mt Leyshon gold project in Australia

have talked about a 20-40 MW hydro power storage project which in aggregate could be a $50m type project so if the economics are good might be a price mover
LRL had cash of $2.7m AUD earlier this year which i make to be about £1.5m

so enough to be getting on with and their various strategic projects have a lot of upside optionality


The Company's strategic objective is to identify mineral resource projects that have a clear pathway to production or monetisation and can generate high returns to shareholders. This will be achieved by leveraging the in-house expertise and track-record in identifying, acquiring, financing, developing and operating resource projects, and un-locking value. The Company's plan is to identify advanced or brown-field assets which have a stronger chance of being re-rated in the listed market.

The investment climate in the resources sector continues to be difficult. Resource equity and asset valuations are currently substantially discounted which we believe will provide an attractive entry opportunity for the Company at the bottom of the investment cycle.

Since the completion of the demerger, the Company has commenced preliminary discussions with prospective debt and equity financiers in regard to a number of investment opportunities and has been encouraged by the response regarding the level and types of funding that could be available.

Mt Leyshon Strategic Review

The Company is continuing its strategic review of the Mt Leyshon project and a number of potential opportunities to create value from the project have been identified, including:

1) Utilising the existing pit and other infrastructure for small-scale hydro power generation;
2) Reassessing the exploration potential of the ground in the vicinity of the old mine; and
3) The potential to recover the gold from the ball mill scat stockpiles. A previous economic study demonstrated only modest returns at a gold price of US$780 per ounce, compared to the current price of US$1300 per ounce.

1) Hydro Power Generation

During the reporting period, the Company completed the concept study into developing a pumped storage hydro ("PSH") power project at Mt Leyshon.

The concept involves generating near-instantaneous electrical power and supplying it into the grid at times of peak power demand by releasing water from the existing upper reservoir through a hydro generation plant. The upper reservoir is refilled from the existing open pit during periods of off-peak prices.

The Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts that new generation capacity will be required in Queensland by 2020 in order to maintain supply reliability within the National Electricity Market Reliability Standard. Under a high growth scenario, this requirement for new capacity may be as early as 2017.

The optimal project sizing based on the physical reservoir characteristics is estimated to be around 40 megawatts ("MW"). The existing power line infrastructure connected to the site supports a project of up to 20MW and with modest upgrades may support up to 40MW.

The unit cost of production for a 20-40MW PSH plant at the Mt Leyshon site compares favourably to the cost of a larger-scale open-cycle gas turbine project, the assumed next best alternative for providing fast-start peak to intermediate generation capacity.

Whilst the study demonstrated positive project economics, further work will be required in areas including water chemistry, capital and operating cost estimates, networks, engineering, and regulatory.

The report recommended identifying a strategic partner to assist with managing market risk and underpinning the commercial viability of the project by securing either a medium to long-term off-take with an electricity retailer or major energy user, or a medium to long-term network support contract with the local network service provider. The Company is currently discussing proposals with a number of industry players.

2) Further Exploration

The historical focus of the Leyshon mining operations was the Mt Leyshon Breccia, the main ore host, comprising a large pipe-like breccia, approximately 400 x 300 metres in plan, with a minimum vertical extent of 650 metres. A number of areas of brecciation and porphyry intrusion extend outside the main pit area. Historical surface sampling has identified areas of anomalous grades of gold, silver, lead and zinc. The Company will study the historical data to assess whether a new re-interpretation should be undertaken using modern day exploration methodologies including sampling and geophysics.

3) Recovery of Gold from Mill Scats

In June 2012, the Company completed a drilling program and economic study on the potential recovery of gold from a large stock pile of between 12 and 15 million tonnes of ball mill scats from the historical operations. The study considered a number of different process routes to recover between 100,000 and 175,000 ounces of gold through the retreatment of the highly mineralised material. The material was stockpiled at a time when gold prices averaged around US$300 per ounce, and the 2012 study was based on a gold price of US$780 per ounce.

The results of the program indicated that the project was viable but required significant capital expenditure for a relatively modest return, and the project was put on hold. Given the current gold price of approximately US$1300 per ounce, the Directors have decided to revisit the economics of the project.
Shorter period chart on LRL showing some of the key chart resistance levels in form of 50 and 200 day moving averages

Just been looking back at some old LRL RNS releases.
In the recent Strategic Review they mentioned the potential to recover gold from existing 'waste' stockpiles. In the Strategic Review RNS they left it at that but pointed to their work being a continuation of a June 2012 study.

Reading back that June 2012 RNS it appears that previous studies done in 2007 had come up with potential 'operating surplus of $25m before capital' when gold price was $780/tonne

The stockpile comprises approximately 12-15 million tonnes of highly mineralised ball mill scats. One option provided for in the closure plan is for the scats to be reprocessed. A study in 2007 concluded that treatment of the scats could produce approximately 100,000 ounces of gold and at a gold price of US$780 per ounce would generate an operating surplus of $25 million before capital."


So LRL is valued at £1m with £1.5m of cash and has 3 potential projects , one of which could be worth $50m+, another which could be worth $25m+ the headline numbers being as high as $200m in revenue terms (175k oz gold x $1200/oz). Spanner in the works could be the up front capex which they have been reticent about admitting.

Starts to look pretty interesting here.
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LRL - quarterly activities report out. Confirmed cash levels of $2.8m and some progress being made on 2 of the 3 strategic initiatives with potential for near term newflow. I think this has potential to move big soon if any one of the 3 come off.

2. Further Exploration

Historical surface sampling has identified areas of anomalous grades of gold, silver, lead and zinc. A study is currently underway to examine all the historical data to assess whether a new re-interpretation should be undertaken using modern day exploration methodologies including sampling and geophysics.

3. Recovery of Gold from the Mill Scats

"During the quarter, a private group completed a bulk sample of scats to test through a trial processing plant. The results of the trial should be available during the December 2014 quarter."
CPX related

Electric Superchargers Ready For Prime Time

Both Audi’s RS5 TDI and Volvo’s High Performance Drive-E use electric superchargers to supplement engines that are already turbocharged. The electric compressor can spin up from rest to 70,000 rpm in about a quarter of a second, providing instant boost on demand. Once engine revs rise, the electric supercharger shuts off and the turbo takes over. From the driver’s seat, the impression is of one long, continuous burst of power with no gaps. Using an electric supercharger also provides a significant boost to fuel economy because the engine can get more power out of a given amount of gasoline, as demonstrated by the HyBoost Ford Focus project.

Adding an electric supercharger is easy. All you need is a bracket to hang it from and an electric wire to the power source. And that’s where things get interesting. The true beauty of an electric supercharger is that it uses stored electricity harvested during normal driving. Because a regular battery is slow to charge and slow to release its energy, the key component is the supercapacitor – an energy storage device that charges and discharges almost instantaneously.

They have become PI favourites so always a chance for some oversold bounces in those which have some cash and other assets to ramp up I guess.
CPX related

Department of Energy Funded Program Supports Energy Storage Technology Innovation

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Maxwell Technologies, Inc. MXWL, -1.12% announced today that it has been awarded a $2.68 million cost-shared technology development contract by the United States Advanced Battery Consortium LLC (USABC) to develop a high-performance hybrid ultracapacitor/lithium-ion battery for stop-start idle-elimination microhybrid autos.

USABC is a subsidiary of the United States Council for Automotive Research LLC (USCAR), the collaborative automotive technology organization for Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Company and General Motors. With funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, USABC's mission is to develop electrochemical energy storage technologies that support commercialization of electric, hybrid-electric and fuel cell vehicles.

Maxwell, which will provide 51 percent of the program funding, is tasked with demonstrating the technological and economic feasibility of a 12-volt hybrid energy storage system consisting of lithium-ion batteries and Maxwell ultracapacitors that can meet stop-start auto performance specifications established by USABC. Of particular interest are ultracapacitors' high power density, long operational lifetime, low-temperature performance and influence on battery performance and lifetime.
EOG agm comment today

"Europa is one of the few oil and gas companies traded on AIM that generates
revenue and cashflow from hydrocarbon production. Europa has multiple low risk
opportunities in the UK to grow production in the near term and offers major
upside potential thanks to two company-making assets in Ireland and France.
This is an exciting time for the Company, one in which we are focused on
monetising the value inherent in our licences, and in the process generating
value for shareholders running into multiples of our current market
Simon Cawkwell aka Evil Knieval has been ramping the stock. Not saying anything new.

found this comment on Leyshon , was made when price was 0.7p and it's now 0.4p so if anything the value proposition has increased whilst presumably we are if anything closer to some realisation of the potential


Leyshon Resources - hydro plans, worth a punt?

By Tom Winnifrith | Wednesday 4 June 2014

Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

As part of its strategic review of its currently on care and maintenance Mt Leyshon gold project in Queensland, Australia, Leyshon Resources (LRL) has announced the completion of a study into pumped storage hydro power generation.
The study has indicated favourable economics compared to a larger-scale, open-cycle gas turbine project - the assumed next best alternative for providing fast-start peak to intermediate generation capacity. Although the potential project is considered to be one of the first to capitalise on existing mine site infrastructure, the company notes “other highly successful pumped storage schemes around the world”.

This comes with the Australian Energy Market Operator forecasting that in order to maintain supply reliability new generation capacity will be required in Queensland by 2020 and a recent company-commissioned study indicating that new power generation capacity could be required as early as 2017, with peak electricity demand forecast to grow at more than 3% per annum over the next decade.

The company notes that it now “will be approaching potential strategic partners that can bring off-take or development synergies to the project”, though that this is currently still only “part of broader strategic review which includes assessing the reprocessing of the mill scats and the historical exploration data”.

As previously noted, I have regarded the Mt Leyshon project as a legacy holding of little interest unless the gold price went through the roof but it now appears that something of interest may develop from it in any case. Shares in Leyshon have edged up from 0.60p lows to a current 0.725p, though with the current price still capitalising the company at sub £2 million ($3.35 million). With cash of $2.77 million at the end of the first quarter and new management looking to be making some progress, I remain of the view that it is worth holding on here at what is currently an effectively option money share price.
Holy Hell FITBUG. I saw it on 22nd October at 0.9p I thought well its up 100% already how much can it go.

boy oh boy was I wrong. could have made the trade of the year
FITB looked dangerous due to financing issues and some experienced well known shorters were bearish, that may have contributed to the rise as they and their followers would probably have had to cover given the speed and extent of the rise and that in turn added to the ferocity of the rise

e.g. from Evil Knieval

October 29th

I had to short Fitbug (FITB). At 6p it is capitalised at £8m as against tnav of minus £5m+. The debt position is understood but not yet controlled (albeit in friendly hands). The product/service does not strike me as interesting and I can only presume that a placing is under way in the not too distant future if only to bring the debts incurred from the directors and their mates under control. (But please note that there are a rather larger number than those of my persuasion who think fitness is a very interesting subject. Seemingly, they will pay money to get in on a fad.) Apparently, there is a road show next week which can reasonably be taken to be a precursor to an imminent placing

Hybridan, one of Fitbug's brokers, points out to me that there is this litigation against a US company, Fitbit. This is what is known in some circles as an ongoing binary situation. Still, it is all highly speculative and I cannot see why one would hold Fitbug based on what has so far been disclosed. Besides, the confident belief expressed by Fitbug's board that Fitbug will win the litigation (and why persist with a litigation if that result were in doubt?) was advised to the market on 30th September. Since there has been no update it is fair to remark that the pressure that has taken the stock up from 0.6p, less than a week ago, is not entirely rational - unless of course it is Fitbit and its advisers buying Fitbug stock. Just joking.

I have checked with both Hybridan and Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (the latter being a de facto joint broker) and neither offer any price target right now. This seems sensible enough given the limited evidence. However, it also strongly suggests that the excitement in the rise is down to lunatic lemmings running hard at it.

on the 31st October

Back on Fitbug (FITB), when (not if) the placing arrives - presumably next week, the question is at what level. This is not easily answered. In one respect, the directors should seek that it is at as high a level as possible - so to avoid dilution of existing shareholders. On the other hand, loan creditors known to the directors (perhaps £6m) want out and that means converting loans to shares. (And there are also current losses to be funded into the bargain.) In which event the price should be as low as possible. And the placing could be at as little as 1.5p. Hard to say.

There are of course rules on placings. For instance (would someone please correct me if necessary - this is quite possibly the case) there are restrictions on the size of a placing. This could impact here: if I am right in reckoning that the issue might be at 1.5p, a raising all told of £6m would be 400m shares or a trebling of the current issue. I am not sure that that can be within the rules.

on 7th November

Still no placing announcement from Fitbug (FITB). This morning's offering is merely the launch of a product which had already been disclosed. It gave another selling opportunity.
IKA on the rise again. Worth keeping an eye on as it usually flies after a few days of growth.
What are the best shares to buy related to the drop, and inevitable increase in oil price? I am thinking Tullow and/or BG Group but anyone here more knowledgeable? Would greatly appreciate any advice :)
Im into Hurricane Energy & XEL as 100% owned NS smallcaps who are asset rich and cash poor.

The Autumn Statement by Ozzy should also perk things up on Wednesday.
You should stay away from oilers, if you are not in already....

Jaspa - did you read what happened at range resources? board sacked at the AGM earlier today! Complete chaos.

I throw in Amerisur resources in the hat. Solid producer in Colombia with a good track record, and the chairman is none other than the chairman of ecb, Giles Clarke.
Im into Hurricane Energy & XEL as 100% owned NS smallcaps who are asset rich and cash poor.

The Autumn Statement by Ozzy should also perk things up on Wednesday.

Hmm I shall look into them. Anything you can say about them in more detail please? :)

You should stay away from oilers, if you are not in already....

Jaspa - did you read what happened at range resources? board sacked at the AGM earlier today! Complete chaos.

I throw in Amerisur resources in the hat. Solid producer in Colombia with a good track record, and the chairman is none other than the chairman of ecb, Giles Clarke.

Well I sold my BP shares off a while back but would like to get in, why would you recommend I stay away? Surely they will rebound at some point which is why I am asking?

If not, is there are decent (FTSE or AIM) shares that you would recommend, the oil crisis has presented an opportunity to be exploited imo.
Jaspa - did you read what happened at range resources? board sacked at the AGM earlier today! Complete chaos.

I throw in Amerisur resources in the hat. Solid producer in Colombia with a good track record, and the chairman is none other than the chairman of ecb, Giles Clarke.

Ive a tiny holding in RRL. Lost complete faith under Landau, and then these clowns took over. There is even a rumour on advfn that PL may make a comeback. Crazy scenes indeed.
Keeping an eye on a few other situations which may offer interesting RTO potentials

e.g. HCP

and TGL

and AVP



Been asked, offline, to give an update comment on some of these


HCP - Hotel Corp failed business trying to reinvent itself as a shell and act as a vehicle for a private company to gain a public listing 'by the back door' or to utilise it's hotel activity tax losses. Have been a few interesting characters emerging on the shareholder list including Marcus Yeoman who was involved in the CHA shell which was an amazing success went up well over 10 times and Richard Thompson former owner/chairman of QPR football club. So it looks like activity may be building. In absolute terms the market cap is very small (about £0.7m) and the chart looks like it building to go higher. On Friday afternoon it was apparently tipped by Tom Winnifrith so may be a mover next week and will gain greater prominence.

TGL - Touchstone Gold , formerly a failed gold explorer now trying to reinvent itself as a RTO vehicle. Recently acquired a security technology company GOS Systems out of Administration. The earlier rumours had been it might RTO a more exciting Quantum Computing play Cambridge Quantum so it has lost a bit of momentum as a story and chart not looking too hot right now. In absolute terms the Mkt Cap is £2-3m so a bit high i think for a shell.

AVP - Armstrong Ventures , capped at about £1m and has a bit of cash maybe c.£0.5m ? Some interesting recent appointments and looks a pretty clean shell so could start to get interesting. Given the low share price just 0.03p you can buy a million shares for about £300 so if they sort themselves out and tell their story properly it could take off amongst private investors. Unfortunately up to now they have been pretty poor on that score. Maybe this will mark a turnaround in their communication strategy


Board Appointment

The Board is pleased to welcome Mr Peter Redmond to the Board of the Company as Executive Director, effective immediately. Peter is an experienced natural resource investor and corporate financier with over 30 years' experience in the SME investment market. He has gained particular experience in the field of reverse takeovers and mergers. Over many years he has acted on and assisted a wide range of companies to attain a listing, whether by IPO or reversals, across a wide range of sectors, ranging from technology through financial services to natural resources and, in recent years, has done so as a director of the companies concerned. He has reconstructed a number of AIM companies which have subsequently acquired or established operating businesses. Reverse transactions on which he has acted include Weatherly International PLC and IGas Energy PLC, in both cases acting as a director both before and after the reverse. Currently, Peter is Chairman of Pires Investments Plc and a director of Kennedy Ventures Plc, both of which are quoted on AIM.

Peter Redmond has invested £10,000 in the Placing and will therefore hold 47,619,047 shares in the Company, representing 1.3 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of the Company. Pires Investments Plc has invested £100,000 in the Placing and will be issued with 476,190,476 Placing Shares, representing 13.0 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of the Company.

CPX related


India’s first ‘green’ sports car to hit roads next year

Mahesh Trivedi / 30 November 2014

The SNEV could cover 1,000 kilometres with a single charge of its batteries with the top speed of 150km an hour.

Ahmedabad — India’s first indigenously-developed electric sports car, the Supernova Electric Vehicle (SNEV), is all set to hit the roads next year.

Ahmedabad-based Golden Arrow Wireless Pvt Ltd, which showcased the prototypes of the ‘green’ car at an exhibition in Gandhingar in Gujarat, is looking for a 50-acre plot of land in the state to set up a factory where it also later plans to manufacture electric buses and three-wheeler autos.

Shashi Vyas, CEO of Golden Arrow Wireless, told journalists at the ‘Auto Show 2014’ that the SNEV, which would cost between Rs1.5 million to Rs2.5 million, could cover 1,000 kilometres with a single charge of its batteries with the top speed of 150km an hour.

The company, which also plans to launch a four-seater family car, is awaiting approvals from the Automotive Research Association of India before establishing manufacturing facilities at multiple locations, including even Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Raipur, besides Gujarat.

Vyas said would come in three battery options — the lead acid, lithium ion and supercapacitors. While the lead acid version would take eight hours to charge, the lithium ion battery would take two hours to charge, and the supercapacitors would take less than five minutes to charge.

Golden Arrow has raised around Rs5 billion from investors so far and is looking to raise more funds to start manufacturing the electric vehicles, though it already has 250 bookings for the SNEV with delivery scheduled for 2015-end.

The company plans to sign a Rs25 billion MoU during the 2015 Vibrant Gujarat Global Investor Summit in January next.
CPX related


Supercapacitors: Jostling for Leadership
no comment richard wilson 2nd December 2014 Get news by email
IDTechExSupercapacitor market leader Maxwell Technologies has faltered temporarily due to phasing of demand for supercapacitors on Chinese hybrid buses.
One of the most formidable innovators it now sells large stacks for grid management and for energy harvesting in large construction vehicles. The recent IDTechEx Supercapacitors event in Santa Clara, California taught us more.
Supercapacitor companies have been bought or closed recently but new manufacturers are encouraged by 100% growth rate of Ioxus and much larger growth of Nippon Chemicon.
IDTechEx forecasts 30% growth for ten years. The growing number of manufacturers, currently at 85, are all getting some business.
There is a clear roadmap of new applications kicking in.
At the conference Professor Burke of the University of California Davis argued that the adoption of supercapacitors by Honda and Mazda in conventional and hybrid vehicles will force other manufacturers to adopt a more optimal, supercapacitor-centric approach to design, improving both reliability and performance.
He argued that the difference in energy density between the lithium-ion batteries currently favoured and supercapacitors is much less than portrayed because powertrain designers only use 5-10% of the battery capacity in a hybrid to get the fast charge/ discharge.
They like a lot of energy storage in reserve but this is not optimal. Indeed, having converted his own hybrid car and carried out extensive research Burke finds that even smaller supercapacitors suffice in hybrids.
Many car manufacturers are now assessing supercapacitors for their next hybrids, following the practice of Chinese bus manufacturers, MAN buses in Germany, the Toyota Formula One racer, the Yaris concept car and other hybrid electric vehicles in adopting supercapacitors in place of lithium-ion batteries.
Add the trend to an increasing minority of stop-start and energy harvesting alternator systems on conventional cars adopting supercapacitors so they operate at low temperature and with the toughest duty cycles. Professor Burke felt that there will one day be another jump in adoption of supercapacitors in electric vehicles but, for him, “It has been a long wait”.
Writer is Dr Peter Harrop, chairman, IDTechEx
- See more at: http://www.electronicsweekly.com/ne...ling-leadership-2014-12/#sthash.exXlozHr.dpuf
IKA i think some realising just how long the timescales can be in this sort of technology development business and the length of the sales cycles dealing with large global multinationals
He’s the teen wolf of Wall Street.

A kid from Queens has made tens of millions of dollars — by trading stocks on his lunch breaks at Stuyvesant High School, New York magazine reports in its Monday issue.

Mohammed Islam is only 17 and still months away from graduating — but worth a rumored $72 million. “The high eight figures,” is as specific as the shy and modest teen would get when asked his net worth.
Islam bought himself a BMW but doesn’t have a license to drive it. And he rented a Manhattan apartment, though his parents, immigrants from the Bengal region of South Asia, won’t let him move out of the house yet.
Still, the cherubic prodigy is living, and dreaming, large.

“What makes the world go round?” Islam asked in the interview, explaining his preference for trading and investment over startups. “Money. If money is not flowing, if businesses don’t keep going, there’s no innovation, no products, no investments, no growth, no jobs.”
Islam and a pair of other young, Wall Street wolf-cub buddies eat regularly at hot spot Morimoto, where they enjoy $400 caviar and fresh-squeezed apple juice.
They hope to start a hedge fund in June, after Islam turns 18 and can get his broker-dealer license.
“Mo’s our maestro,” one of the kids explained.
The three pals intend to make a billion dollars by next year. All while attending college. “But it’s not just about the money,” Islam told the mag, which ranked his spectacular success story as No. 12 in its 10th annual “Reasons to Love New York” issue.

“We want to create a brotherhood. Like, all of us who are connected, who are in something together, who have influence.
“Like the Koch brothers,” he added, referring to sibling oil magnates Charles and David, worth $40 billion each.
Islam’s biggest inspiration, though, is Paul Tudor Jones, a billionaire hedge-funder and private asset manager from Connecticut who ranks as the 108th-richest American, according to Forbes.
Battered by losses, Jones would jump back in the game again and again. It was a lesson Islam found instructive when, while dabbling in penny stocks at age 9, he lost a chunk of the money he’d made tutoring. Islam swore off trading, realizing, “I didn’t have the balls for it,” he said.

Fortunately, he turned to studying modern finance, reading up on the titans of trading and ultimately finding inspiration in Jones. “I had been paralyzed by my loss,” Islam remembered of his 9-year-old self.
“But [Jones] was able to go back to it, even after losing thousands of dollars over and over,” he said.
And while Islam still needs to rely on Dad to chauffeur him on inspirational drives past the magnate’s Greenwich mansion, he’s quick to quote from the guru whom he credits with getting him back in the game and making him “who I am today.”
“Paul Tudor Jones says, ‘You learn more from your losses than from your gains.’ ”
Doesn't seem the most inspiring tips when followed by a note stating their previous year tip portfolio was down 3.4% from last year.
from The Evil Diaries!

29th December 2014

Evil discusses Victoria Oil & Gas, Bowleven and City Link...

The standard disclaimer applies:

Victoria Oil and Gas (VOG) have this morning announced a considerable extension to its sales of gas in Cameroon. Yet again, this company is shown to be daily growing more and more solvent. What should the shares be standing at now? I do not know but suspect that 200p would be more in point than the current 60p or so.


Elsewhere in Cameroon, Bowleven (BLVN) has put its Etinde deal to bed. It's been overshadowed by Cameroonian delays and, of course, the collapse in the oil price. But the fact is that there is no debt and cash alone exceeds the current share price, 32p. Still time to climb aboard.


Finally, the point about City Link is that it was never possible for its directors to do other than they have. Leaving aside insolvency laws and what is known as wrongful trading which in a sense take any possibility of a kindness to employees decision out of the directors' hands there is the further residual duty (breach of which renders the directors liable to civil suits) which is that directors must act on behalf of shareholders and creditors, maximising the returns to both groups. Clearly, stopping deliveries on the day before Christmas is to take advantage of the seasonal peak and avoids losses immediately thereafter. QED.
The Supercapacitor In Your Next Microhybrid

By Bill Moore

There a pretty good chance that the next time you buy an automobile, even if it's not an EV, it's going to have a supercapacitor in it to help recapture braking energy and instantly restart your car's engine, among other functions now being explored by global carmakers as they search for evermore cost-effective solutions to reduce tailpipe emissions and improve fuel economy.

Thorntons the chocolate manufacturer/ retailer has dropped a lot in the last year. I am thinking of taking a punt, any views?
THT had a great couple of years a few years back 20p to 200p

that rise came much to the surprise of many, the chocolate market is a mature market so hardly a great growth sector, the THT story was one of a turnaround/recovery from near extinction due to debt?/competition and it seems much of that story has run its course and now there is a big 'shareholder distribution' period going on as stale bulls sell up and latecomers to the party lose faith in the supposed 'growth' characteristics of the stock if not the Company

AMP was todays stormer

Interesting Company. At start of today valued at only about £1m (i.e. pretty close to nothing) a true penny stock but taking on US software giants like Microsoft and Microstrategy in the big stakes patent litigation.

Also has some investments in Companies like Motif due to IPO involved in 'Super new antibiotics' to take on 'Super bugs resistant to old antibiotics'

I would not chase it but one to watch if it becomes too cheap again.
Might be worth keeping an eye on some select producing/near production junior gold miners ?

Not because the Gold price is strong... although some chartists think it is basing nicely at the strong $1200/oz support but because many of the former gold bulls seem to have given up and maybe more fundamentally gold price has been relatively stable over the last few months compared with the price of oil. Oil tends to be a major cost for mining companies (I think i recall one estimate suggesting it can account for up to 30-40% of operating expenses). That will come from running diesel generators to power mine infrastructure and fuel for trucks / diggers etc.

Slightly different view here :- http://www.kitco.com/ind/DDuval/201...ices-Have-on-Gold-and-Gold-Mining-Shares.html

Lower Oil Prices "Super Bonus" For Gold Stocks - Frank Holmes
Jan 12, 2015
Guest(s): Frank Holmes
Gold kicks off the weak on a positive note, and Kitco News speaks with Frank Holmes to see if he thinks the metal can maintain this trend. Holmes says the marketplace is concerned about deflation. “The great fear is not inflation but deflation,” he says. “And that’s causing, all of a sudden, gold to rally because governments will respond with excessive printing of money.” Holmes also looks at the mining sector and says the strong dollar is actually helping foreign gold companies’ margins. He says that gold companies working in “countries where commodities are produced [and] which are experiencing a declining currency value versus the dollar” are expanding margins. He adds that margin expansions are critical for these gold stocks to have a sustainable rally. Tune in now to find out what he thinks may be gold’s touchdown pass for the week. Kitco News, January 12, 2014. (show less)
Gold Price moving up due to concerns about deflation. Expectations increasing that there will be need for more money printing going forward. Let's see ECB dash those expectations Jan 22 then ha ha.

Meanwhile Oil price still going in favour of gold miners.
OXS share price is starting to move after being stuck in and around 2p for about 2 years

The long awaited Arbitration Tribunal result with potential in a success case of a payout of $400-1000m is due out soon.

In addition it appears that a Institutional seller overhang may be about to be cleared so potential for a triple whammy up move (some move on overhang relief / some move on expectation of result / ultimately a move on a definitive result )

Worth also noting recent Uzbekistan news that Islam Karimovs nutter daughter's accomplices / criminal friends are all getting banged up for corruption so providing the perfect backdrop for Uzbeks to admit they screwed OXS over and they will do the right thing and pay them back for expropriating the asset.
Judging by this chart and the parameters of the potential arbitration award in a success case the 'flagpole' could be from anywhere to 6 to 60p

Holding on to the hope portrayed in this section of September's results statement

Strategies for Growth

The Company continues to engage in discussions aimed at securing business with a number of global OEM's active in portable consumer electronics. We are strengthening relationships with these organisations and have regular engineering meetings together with their integrated board providers and design teams. We are unable to comment on specific clients but are pleased with overall progress and are confident that the available market for supercapacitors is increasing as manufacturers become familiar with the technology. During the year new business was won in markets such as: security products; metering systems; flow control systems; location tracking; military products and mobile phone accessories.

The Company will continue to explore additional opportunities to increase the product offering both through the current distributors and direct to customers. These offerings may take the form of complementary energy storage devices and modules.

Separately, the Company is exploring the opportunities in several new markets to leverage its strong intellectual property and engineering expertise through new license agreements or joint ventures. Given the increasing levels of market interest in CAP-XX technology and high performance supercapacitors, the Company believes that the automotive market in particular offers significant opportunities for growth.
Can someone explain how to purchase shares to me? Simple terms please? Where to buy em. How to know what to buy etc?

Dont understand the language used!
Well in the old days you went to your bank manager/solicitor/financial advisor and they would call up the stockbrokers in London and get some 'shares' for you no doubt after you had perused the Financial Times stocks page or got a hot tip from someone who knows someone at such and such firm.

Now thanks to the wonder of the internet and disintermediation you can sign up for a brokerage account online and usually be trading almost straight away (although strictly speaking they will need some identification and some money deposited in your account first)

Then you start guessing (sorry i mean researching and analysing) which of the thousands of listed Company stocks/shares that you wish to invest in. For instance when I started out i bought shares in football clubs because i felt I had some understanding of their business models and hoped that would translate into understanding how their shares would perform. Maybe if you are just starting out only punt money you can afford to lose and / or try to buy shares in a Company you know well or a sector you have an interest in through work/family/hobbies etc
Jan Nelson has failed badly so far. He promised cashflow in January 2014 but still hasn't delivered a year later. Having taken on debt to develop the project the operational failure and gearing added to the financial gearing could now take this either down the toilet or massively higher. He may get still bailed by other related parties or exogenous variables like gold price going up and oil price going down but he came with a reputation for getting things done on the ground and hasn't delivered.

No_dollar_bill 09:08
Riddler Always dropped on very low volume mate... These spiked to 30p back in 2011 about the car licensing agreement.. The company has been in talks for the past 3 years... I have spoke to the CEO twice and he has confirmed there are 2 deals in the pipeline expected in the medium term.. This is very much in loved and in noticed... But now is the time to be buying as if the licensing deal is with one if the bigger car manufactures this will smash through 10p, which expected this side of summer.. Good time to be buying!!
