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Buying shares?

you make some interesting observations but some of them are inconsistent

e..g you complain of shares being a rigged market but your advice is to buy physical gold when gold is one of the most manipulated markets !

personally i have exposure to junior gold equities because i don't reckon the physical gold bull case will play out and if it does it is such an armageddon scenario you aren't really going to be that well off as the whole of society will collapse and you'll be lugging around a lot of gold and you'd better hope you have the guns to defend yourself that is if the government doesn't confiscate it !
re PYC been flying today (Dubai/Qatar) so missed all the fun and games LOL

i'd imagine i'd have been kicking myself at the start of day for not having more exposure and then kicking myself for not trading the spike better

unprecedented for a company to come out two days in a row to say they have no idea why the stock is going up

i tend to be quite cynical and it always makes me think management still want to buy low or set themselves some low bar option incentivisation which is why they don't want the stock spiking it is after all a corporate virility symbol and indirectly a comment on how well they are running the company

they may however just be very sensible guys who know that long term value is built with long term institututional investors rather than a shareholder base of wideboy punters like us :-p
PIA... As the rise of PYC was linked to SAR, I think the fun maybe over and people like myself are left nursing these shares for sometime:) I went for the spike and got well and truly impaled.

Like I said yesterday, it was only a matter of time before sensible voices begin to make noises and the shareprice begins to head south. See what Edison lot had to say:

"It's one of these periods of irrational waves of exuberance," Robin Davison, analyst at Edison Investment Research, said.

"Sareum's had some good results but these are very early stage results and there may have been a misunderstanding."

Maybe he read this board last night :)
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two way to play these SAR and PYC type situations

1. Have big cojones
2. Have small stake

I go option two
e..g you complain of shares being a rigged market but your advice is to buy physical gold when gold is one of the most manipulated markets !

Agreed, Paper Gold and Silver markets are manipulated to the hilt [JP Morgan heading to court to explain their Silver short position manipulation]. Physical Gold on the other hand is a different kettle of fish.

Physical Gold cannot be created like Gold certificates, shares or properties therefore cannot be manipulated. Gold is a finite element created by a Supernova [not our Sun] which makes Gold ultra rare; valuable by natural decree. Gold is never in a bubble and never has been, but the currencies measured against Gold are and will continue to be. What this all means is that Gold is not an investment, but a protection against currency debasement which is precisely why Gold has maintained its purchasing power for over 5000 years – this rooted relationship between human psychology and finance cannot be manipulated.

personally i have exposure to junior gold equities because i don't reckon the physical gold bull case will play out and if it does it is such an armageddon scenario you aren't really going to be that well off as the whole of society will collapse and you'll be lugging around a lot of gold and you'd better hope you have the guns to defend yourself that is if the government doesn't confiscate it !

I was actually referring to Gold as a protection against currency collapse but yes a collapse in currency could easily lead to a collapse in society. Guns would be useful but in the UK they are illegal, but Gold is acceptable as money in every part of this world. Gold is power money; I could still use it to trade, even in an Armageddon scenario.
Jaspa, anything on the horizon for PXS? Seems like some sort of news is well over due.

RRL is continue its march to 20p+ within days it seems. News from Texas due soon
I hate the PXS BoD - genius boffins, but incompetent businessmen. News expected anyday, though global FF products will inevitably take some time to launch.
SAR, VAL, PYC again big movers today as people look for exposure to the biotech sector.

No expert on it but SUMM looks like one which has so far not got caught up in the spotlight yet but has very small market cap £3m odd albeit has already failed a couple of times and will run out of funding pretty soon.

Will probably invest £50 in it tomorrow.

Keep an eye out for Oxford Nanopore.... Its a spinout from University of Oxford and its not listed yet. It will be a game changer once its technology matures... It will be the day when we will all carry a copy of our DNA and go into the realm of personalised medicine... It will change the way we carry out biological research as well...
have a look at PPA, shares are suspended at the moment due to a RTA, but looks promising....
I hate the PXS BoD - genius boffins, but incompetent businessmen. News expected anyday, though global FF products will inevitably take some time to launch.

yeah getting bored of waiting now, have you invested in pxs?
Been invested for 5 years, but have bought and sold at various times.

Ive researched it to death, and while I dont have confidence in the BoD, their FF product is brilliant, and potentially transformational.

After so long, I dont want to be out of it when it does blow. Be that 5 days or 5 months....
Guys what you reckon on CRND ?

SA government have announced assistance on the AMD issue last night, reckon stock will rise? As it was main reason it collapsed last week because lack of help...
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Guys what you reckon on CRND ?

SA government have announced assistance on the AMD issue last night, reckon stock will rise? As it was main reason it collapsed last week because lack of help...

yeah really wanted to buy in but no funds...
Been invested for 5 years, but have bought and sold at various times.

Ive researched it to death, and while I dont have confidence in the BoD, their FF product is brilliant, and potentially transformational.

After so long, I dont want to be out of it when it does blow. Be that 5 days or 5 months....

i ordered some sirco today from amazon, thought i would try it out anyway i personally think sirco is not really going to make huge amounts money for us, we need some big deals or i wouldnt even mind a takeover..
i ordered some sirco today from amazon, thought i would try it out anyway i personally think sirco is not really going to make huge amounts money for us, we need some big deals or i wouldnt even mind a takeover..

Sirco was launched several years ago as a trial to prove to large potential partnersof the benefits of FF. And of course it made PXS a few quid as they were burning through large amounts of cash...

The real deal maker will be if Coke/Pepsi/ANOther decide to market a product with FF as an ingredient. With royalties in perpetuity from a global market, it would make the SP many times what it is today.
Sirco was launched several years ago as a trial to prove to large potential partnersof the benefits of FF. And of course it made PXS a few quid as they were burning through large amounts of cash...

The real deal maker will be if Coke/Pepsi/ANOther decide to market a product with FF as an ingredient. With royalties in perpetuity from a global market, it would make the SP many times what it is today.

what is your average?
Alot of people think that SAR is going get licensed very soon, check this out it can take another 10 years of testing maybe more before licensing http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/about-...-for-a-new-drug-to-go-through-clinical-trials

Dont believe anything that you read about licensing..... Its just plain wrong and as you rightly said it takes a long time. Indeed in the region of 10 years or so and several round of trials. At each stage, the trials will last lot longer than 6 weeks.

SAR do not intend to carry these trials themselves as it involves massive costs and at the end of which it could all go pear shaped. Instead, they want to sell the rights over to big pharma to take it to the next stage.
what does anyone think of nighthawk energy (HAWK)? seems to be in the lows and a strong buy rating by many brokers...
CRND - toxic rubbish

they have a mine which unfortunately is underneath johannesburg and contributes to a major issue poisoning the cities water supply and causing subsidence

the potential liabilities/externalities are huge and the prospect of economic mining remote

would not touch it with a bargepole, it has fallen 90%+ for a reason !

it really takes some 'skill' from a management team to have achieved a share price now which is below the share price during October 2008 when the banking system was about to collapse and we were all going to be living in caves
HAWK - is similar to CRND in that is has had the worst management to hit AIM

check out some pictures of the dishevelled fat mess that is/was the CEO of Nighthawk one of the ugliest and no doubt thickest CEO's around who has left a string of shareholder losers in his wake

Anyone who invests money with that guy without researching his reputation frankly deserves to lose all their money
HAWK - is similar to CRND in that is has had the worst management to hit AIM

check out some pictures of the dishevelled fat mess that is/was the CEO of Nighthawk one of the ugliest and no doubt thickest CEO's around who has left a string of shareholder losers in his wake

Anyone who invests money with that guy without researching his reputation frankly deserves to lose all their money

didnt he step down a few months ago?
SAR, VAL, PYC again big movers today as people look for exposure to the biotech sector.

No expert on it but SUMM looks like one which has so far not got caught up in the spotlight yet but has very small market cap £3m odd albeit has already failed a couple of times and will run out of funding pretty soon.

Will probably invest £50 in it tomorrow.


im going to take a punt at SUMM looks like they have got enough funds till the end of the year maybe spike on some new in that time??
Lots of chat about SUMM on the boards. Be very careful as it could spike early monday and you don't want to be the one impaled on it. I bought on Friday when quoted spread was a ridiculous 2.0 to 2.5p and my order actually got dealt at 2.2p!

Also worth bearing in mind SUMM changed their name (vastox), strategy and management after failing with their initial strategy which was something to do with zebrafish so take 'Management confidence' with a pinch of salt.

Re HAWK yes the guy who founded the company has left so now it is just a crap company whereas before it was a crap company run by a cretin
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Lots of chat about SUMM on the boards. Be very careful as it could spike early monday and you don't want to be the one impaled on it. I bought on Friday when quoted spread was a ridiculous 2.0 to 2.5p and my order actually got dealt at 2.2p!

Re HAWK yes the guy who founded the company has left so now it is just a crap company whereas before it was a crap company run by a cretin

did you really just invest £50 in summ as you said in your previous post??
the point I was trying to get across was that i was only committing a 'de minimis' amount given my personal circumstances
fruitflow to debut in china next month, dont understand why the sp is soo low considering all the potential..

"1, FloraGLO lutein lutein free type of eye disease prevention and care about the latest findings; 2, Fruitflow? New heart-healthy ingredients; 3, the wonderful combination of color and nutrition to add unlimited energy drinks; 4, supplier development and change management : To ensure quality, safety and standards at the same time adhere to the bottom line.

DSM (China) Co., Ltd.

March 23 13:30-16:30 Guang Yun floor East Hall Hall 2"
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fruitflow to debut in china next month, dont understand why the sp is soo low considering all the potential..

My avg is around 4p, I think, though it was as high as 11p when I first bought in 5 years ago.

The reason SP is sooo low is because the company has no revenue, and loses a couple of million quid a year. They have been talking about potential since when I first got involved 5 years ago, and at that time it was all talk of an impending deal for FF with Nestlé.

Market capitalisation is about £40m, which is about right at the moment. Of course, when FF gets commercial deals, it will be many multiples of this. But until then, most investors want to increase their wealth rather than stand still.
Have not followed or researched PXS in any depth but only thing I remember which put me off what does sound like a potentially amazing story is :

Management selling out in large quantities during previous spikes?

Early investors like AGL selling out claiming other stuff in their portfolio had more potential?

Appreciate any comments you have on those?

Only other thing preventing me buying PXS is intellectual arrogance that I did not 'get it' before the market awoke to the potential :-p
I heard about PXS through a friend who was doing mgt consultancy work for them in 2006. He told me that the company was in advanced talks with Nestlé regarding a licensing deal. Of course, nothing subsequently happened but the company remained remarkably high-profile for one its size with a collaboration agreement with Coca Cola.

Undoubtedly, the biggest feather in their cap is their unique EFSA 13.5 approval.

Undoubtedly, the biggest obstacle the company has its BoD.

The early seed capitalists (Angel, Rising Stars) have all made multiples of their initial investment so not too worried that they want out after so many years.

Stephen Moon is a very poor CEO IMO, especially when it comes to investor relations. He sold 6m of his shares when SP was 7p - 1 day after the DSM tie-up - and the SP then tanked.

He still has millions more in options, but the damage to investor confidence has never fully healed since.

Still a buy at anything less than 5p IMO, but you may have to wait many months for your large return.
Jaspa.... I sold out of PXS and invested it all in RRl, got tired of the PXS BoD. I have a feeling that the tie up with DSM is all in favour of DSM. I suppose all will be revealed when the results are published since the tie up. I may yet jump back in if its worth it. But not until they provide further information.
RRL is a good choice, and I hope you bought via ISA.

I agree with you about PXS, but it is a dangerous game being out of it IMO as it can spike like no other share I have ever seen.

BoD are commercially poor - no doubt - but the FF is excellent. Im not sure that deal is in DSM's favour because PXS was being courted by all the big players yet gave exclusivity to DSM.
VAL is dangerous to play. Already 20% down on its peak within just 10 minutes.
RRL is a good choice, and I hope you bought via ISA.

I agree with you about PXS, but it is a dangerous game being out of it IMO as it can spike like no other share I have ever seen.

BoD are commercially poor - no doubt - but the FF is excellent. Im not sure that deal is in DSM's favour because PXS was being courted by all the big players yet gave exclusivity to DSM.

I did put it in an ISA.

I get what you are saying, everything seems to be there in place for PXS to be successful but yet there is no movement or information. Its just puzzling. The BoD are just dire and I have serious reservations about their strategic capabilities.
The lack of timeframe and information is the biggest problem, and hitting investor confidence too. BoD has hidden behind the commercial confidentiality argument, but they dont really seem to understand that AIM SP is largely driven by sentiment and newsflow. Not potential sometime in the undefinable future, especially if that potential has now been priced in over a long period.
The lack of timeframe and information is the biggest problem, and hitting investor confidence too. BoD has hidden behind the commercial confidentiality argument, but they dont really seem to understand that AIM SP is largely driven by sentiment and newsflow. Not potential sometime in the undefinable future, especially if that potential has now been priced in over a long period.

can i put PXS in a isa?
can i put PXS in a isa?

No. Only dual listed AIM stocks can be put in an ISA. What this means is that these stocks are also listed on a main Internationally recognised Stock Exchanges. Like Range Resources (RRL) are listed on AIM but also in Australia.
thanks, really wanted to invest in RRL, but think i have missed the boat.

It may seem that way. The potential upside is huge for RRL. News flow will be constant till September. There may be bumps on the way but on the whole it has the potential to be 30+ in the next few months. Keep an eye out for any retraces to 10-12 and get in. There are whispers of takeover talked about at 30p, so it can be many time what it is now in the next few months.

I got in at 6 and topped up at 10, now averaging around 8.

Sound Oil, is another I am looking at closely. I think PIA and Jaspa are in already.
RRL is 11% down today, and 40% down on its peak last Thursday.

Lots of newsflow pending so IMO now is still a good time to buy. Could be 30p by end of Q1.
I am in for 310k shares in SOU at 2.2p average. Its got plenty of cash, and lots of interesting drills coming in Italy and Indonesia.

Potentially the next O&G multibagger?
i havent been following ATC looks like a good time to get in? are any of you in?

I sold out at 1.6 when it initially spiked few months ago. As the dilution is staggering, 1.6 billion shares at 0.75, I would wait a little while to see how it plays out. Right now it would just be a guess where it stabilises.
VAL seems to be rising good missed out but was risky learnt my lesson in the past from buying into rises..
Trade for VAL is in auction currently so its a lottery what you can buy/sell for.
Some of these aim stocks are nuts right now

No fundamentals just punters chasing stories and then demand v supply takes over.

The unscrupulous pump and dump traders are buying a small cap with limited free float then talking up the ticker relentlessly.

You do not want to buy the spike or at all unless prepared to lose entire investment.

Management of many cash starved situation will no doubt use spikes to raise funds. e.g. SAR

Glad I bought a very small amount of PYC and SUMM before herd arrived.
Some of these aim stocks are nuts right now

No fundamentals just punters chasing stories and then demand v supply takes over.

The unscrupulous pump and dump traders are buying a small cap with limited free float then talking up the ticker relentlessly.

You do not want to buy the spike or at all unless prepared to lose entire investment.

Management of many cash starved situation will no doubt use spikes to raise funds. e.g. SAR

Glad I bought a very small amount of PYC and SUMM before herd arrived.

yeah true, when did you get into PYC ive been in for over a year but sold at the spike. have you averaged down with the current drop in sp or waiting for it to drop further?
Jaspa did you dip in to VAL?

Had a quote for 0.8 when we were posting on here this afternoon but dont really know enough about it to chase the punt so declined. Could have made a grand I suppose, but equally so lost some money on it.

I used to do a lot of day trading but found out I wasnt very good at it. If you find a good stock that you are confident of, I personally believe there are more long-term gains made by holding rather than trying to trade it.
Had a quote for 0.8 when we were posting on here this afternoon but dont really know enough about it to chase the punt so declined. Could have made a grand I suppose, but equally so lost some money on it.

I used to do a lot of day trading but found out I wasnt very good at it. If you find a good stock that you are confident of, I personally believe there are more long-term gains made by holding rather than trying to trade it.

I agree, long term investing is better for returns as well as your sanity....unless you are watching the screen constantly... there is no point chasing these spikes.
anyone in NTOG OR RXP?

NTOG... Few weeks back, I was going to look at them with a view to investing then PIA posted serious reservations BoD, I have not looked at them since. Read through earlier posts.

RXP.... Had a duster today. I suspect the price will remain low for sometime till the next drilling news gets closer.

The bru haha over sound oil continues the blog has been swamped with comments and emails asking for an opinion of the company.

Having taken a long hard look at the company I’m afraid to say that as an investment they just do not cut it for me. They have major hurdles to overcome, COS, shares in issue, and a funding problem that will have to be resolved via further placings and a capital reorganisation. The difficulty they have at the moment is lack of Broker interest EMV doesn’t cut it hence the coverage on them is sparse a sure pointer that there are just too many issues to be resolved. I wasn’t too taken aback by the CPR re’ Indonesia. It’s full of gems like the one below:

“The Bankanai PSC holds potential for future gas and possibly oil discoveries but currently the work to define the opportunities is immature. The West Kerendan prospect up-dip of Kerendan-2 is considered to be the most mature opportunity but carries a major risk on reservoir quality.”

There are also delays at Citarum re’ the drills.

I also noted that Synergy never actually visited the sites and relied upon information widely available to most investors?

Italy looks to be their best bet but again the costs of the campaign will have to be met via further placings. They have approximately $16/17 million dollars on account. They have 17 licences all at various stages most at permit or assigned permit status a long way from where they need to be. The company in all truth seems to be chomping at the bit and eager to progress the assets as quickly and efficiently as is possible. Italy is the key getting the assets on production will bring revenue. There is potential but again it’s some way off. A punt.


Did you read his RRL blog? Even as a RRL shareholder I chuckled at his ramping of 500p.
PYC is another example why not to buy on a rise, so many got caught into the nearly 100% rise, then on close the famous RNS 'no reason for rise', seen this happen many times, now i expect a big drop tomorrow, feel for the new traders sometimes...
PYC personally quite happy to buy more tomorrow on any dip. A function of small initial position.

Three RNSes in a row stating they know of no reason for share price increase smacks of something being up but them not being able to formally admit it as it would compromise them in some other way.

You could paraphrase Oscar wilde. One rns is unfortunate, two looks like carelessness...

This may very well just be retail bio mania but now PYC will be in the spotlight for when it does have significant news and management decide to let it run.
PYC personally quite happy to buy more tomorrow on any dip. A function of small initial position.

Three RNSes in a row stating they know of no reason for share price increase smacks of something being up but them not being able to formally admit it as it would compromise them in some other way.

You could paraphrase Oscar wilde. One rns is unfortunate, two looks like carelessness...

This may very well just be retail bio mania but now PYC will be in the spotlight for when it does have significant news and management decide to let it run.

what price are you looking to top up at, i think anywhere around the .25 to .3 mark will be good???
VAL placing at 0.6 not nice for those who fancy themselves as traders but that is how companies finance themselves and grow for benefit of long term investors
VAL placing at 0.6 not nice for those who fancy themselves as traders but that is how companies finance themselves and grow for benefit of long term investors

i was fully expecting that, lucky i never brought in yesterday will look to get in now might wait abit longer for it to drop to around .65ish..
TDWATERHOUSE and Barclays Stockbrokers

Have you ever thought of using a spreadbetting platform to trade shares? The key benifit being that all profits are tax free (since each position is deemed a 'bet') . Plus you do not get hit which commision charges per buy/sell trades, and perhaps the best of all, you can profit on the way down (unlike actual share buying where you can only profit on the way up).

It's just a thought as I noticed you guys are heavy into trading shares and would recommend looking at alternate platforms/trading vehicles that would maximise your exposure/profit.
The key word is "bet"..... Thats stops me right there :)

Buying shares, working out entry/re-entry points, and hoping the price goes up is also a bet. Nothing is certain.

But in the case of Spread betting, the classification of 'bet' means your profits and position are exempt from tax by law plus you get to short shares too. Doesn't really bother me what it's called; I look at the nominal plus side. You can also use SB as a hedge vehicle and if you are looking to profit more than 10K a year (CGT Threshold), it's most certainly worth checking out.

If you really want to work out the best entry exit points, take a look at the MA, MACD, Volume, and momentum indicators. Of course technicals are not 100% accurate, but they are a better indicator compared to guessing. You will pocket more cash for sure.

I used to buy paper shares until I started Spreadbetting. The net effect between the two is identical but with SB having way more benefits.

Anyway, like I said it was only a suggestion from experience. :)
With shares you are part owner of the company which is not the case with spread betting.
The reason it is exempt from tax is because its classified as gambling. If the Government says its gambling then its good enough for me. You can hedge with CFDs as well and also make money when the price is falling. There actual shares are bought and sold hence, CGT applies.

If I was to drop dead tomorrow... non of the spread bet money will be any good for me. Thats the way I look at these things.

If it was that easy looking at technicals and making money then everyone would be trading successfully. They are all great for telling you about the past :)

Good luck to you though.
If it was that easy looking at technicals and making money then everyone would be trading successfully. They are all great for telling you about the past :)

Mate, it is that easy, but the fact is not many people are inclined to SB which is why not many people are aware of it and the benifits from it. I mean you're not even prepared to take a look at it despite the return being TAX FREE which is fair dos, but don't insult the intelligence and information here and claim technicals do not work etc when you've never tried SB.

By the way, I buy physcial Gold and Silver Bullion and hedge on SB. I profit on downward movement while re-entering on physical Gold/Silver.

No guess work. Not a penny lost.

BTW - I do not believe in luck but thanks anyway! ;)
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