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Buying shares?

Re technical trading I have worked with some of the top pro fund managers around and despite all the client marketing literature being about the huge amount of fundamental analysis they undertake many of them use technical analysis to time trades if not pick them as well. However as it is not regarded as being 'intellectually rigorous' it does not get marketing spin.

Agree about spread-betting though would not touch it with a bargepole. You would have to be enormously disciplined not to misuse the leverage and the betting connotation and philosophical line crossing is too much.

A bit too much like saying you eat meat of cow or sheep so why not eat cat/dog/human to give an extreme example.
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Agree about spread-betting though would not touch it with a bargepole. You would have to be enormously disciplined not to misuse the leverage and the betting connotation and philosophical line crossing is too much.

You sir, have hit the nail on the head with respect to discipline. SB is by no means everyone’s cup of tea but if you have the discipline you can absolutely rake it in. Though I never trade on margin just guaranteed stops (1:1 leverage), but discipline is absolutely everything in SB.
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Nope, I was supposed to go to the Oracle presentation tomorrow, but now have other personal commitments that I cant get out of. Grrrr.
I personally think there's more money to be made in commodities and currencies as the $ weakens. Massive $ inflows into the commodities market - traders/investors hedging themselves against the impending wave of inflation.

I'm currently long on US Crude Oil (Lmit at 105.00) and long on GBP/USD (Limit at 1.80000) but am shorting Cotton.

My Gold and Silver hedge-short positions are set but not active. (Gold will have to drop below 1335 and Silver 2800)
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Gambling is haraam in any way, shape or form. It is unlawful for us to take any part or have anything to do with it. It's irrelevant whether SB makes you money or not. Just like the brother said what won't benefit us in the hereafter we stay away from.
The Noble Qur'an - Al-Ma'idah 5:90, 91
O you who believe! intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab (stone alters), and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan's [Satan's] handiwork. *So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.
Shaytaan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. *So, will you not then abstain?
Gambling is haraam in any way, shape or form. It is unlawful for us to take any part or have anything to do with it. It's irrelevant whether SB makes you money or not. Just like the brother said what won't benefit us in the hereafter we stay away from.

With all due respect brother, there are users in this thread taking - and I quote - a 'punt', on AIM shares via traditional share dealing platforms [Not via SB]. You do not see this as gambling?

SB is just a trading platform, so surely the platform itself is not haraam? Even the PP advert banner at the top cycles an advert for SB platform (IG Index).
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I dont see punts on AIM as betting, because you still own the share as an asset, and it still has a value. Much like property speculation. And unlike SB.

But I would be grateful if we could all agree to keep religion out of one PP thread just for once. Please.
I dont see punts on AIM as betting, because you still own the share as an asset, and it still has a value. Much like property speculation. And unlike SB.

I'm not sure how holding an asset declassifies your position as a bet. You are still speculating because the outcome of your punt is not certain by any means yet you are risking capital on the outcome itself - that's a gamble regardless of your assets/ownership simply becasue your intention is to profit from your position while risking capital. The value of your share is the price you are betting on. Unless of course you're saying that your paper share value is worth something in the event your punt turns out to be wrong. Even then, the value of your share is meaningless as your invested capital is resulting in a loss!



Barclay’s Shares (I’ll use £3.00 price per share for simplicity)

You buy 10K worth of Barclay shares giving you approx 3300 shares.
I open a position on Barclays at £33/pip with a 300 point stop. (Not owning a single share)

Both our 10Ks are vested.

Now, the price of the share goes up to £4.00. Your profit on shares is £3300. My profit is also £3300 (increase of £1 is 100 points thus 100 x 33). You still own the shares, I do not one a single share.

We both are in equal profit.

Now the share turns south and heads down to £2 from £4. The value of your shares drops to £6600. The value of my position drops to £6600 too (£2 drop means 200pts (33x200)). You still own the shares, I do not one a single share.

We are both sitting on a loss. I can only lose my position (money vested) if the share hits zero, at the same time, your shares in Barclays would also be worth 0. We both lose out. You lose 10K, and I lose 10K. But alas, you have ownership of Barclays - but what's the value of your ownership in Barclays? Zero.


This beg’s the question – what difference does owning a share in a company make given the trading example above? Absolute none. Even if the share price drops, the shares you are holding are only valued at the face price. I have the identical exposure to those shares without holding any shares. You are still holding on to your shares, I am still holding on to my position. When you are in profit, I am in profit. When you are in loss, I am in loss. Holding on to paper shares doesn't change the outcome nor does it declassify your holding as a bet.

Our intention is to profit, we are both speculating, risking capital, hoping for Barclay shares to move up. We’re both sitting on an equal loss and will profit equally too. You can hold your Barclay shares for 10 years hoping the price will move back up (because shares have a ‘value’), I can roll my position for 10 years hoping the price will move up with out owning the share. The net effect is absolutely identical - doesn't matter whether you hold shares or I do not.

But yes you are correct, buying shares gives you ownership of a company something which SB cannot provide and I agree with this. However, the real elegance and power of SB lies in the form of hedging.

I hedge against Gold and Silver on SB because I know for certain that Gold and Silver Bullion can never drop to zero and will be worth something in value, unlike paper shares which have, can, and will collapse to zero leaving the share worthless. In this respect, what good is a paper share ownership when there’s a risk that you could lose all your investment when the shares collapse? At least commodities will be worth something regardless.

The point is, if you take pride in ownership, then forget owning paper shares, forget owning debt in forms of bonds or mortgages - own the real deal power money that has zero liability – Gold and Silver Bullion.
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NH - I did dabble with leveraged silver ETF recently.....

How is the process of owning gold and silver bullion compared to shares?
No target on SOU as not really done any work on it.

In oilers generally prefer plays on big basins where majors underrepresented e.g. TRP and GBP in Namibia and BPC in Bahamas

In metals am doing more work on CDC and FCR which look like they might have decent resource potential with active management at the helm who have track record of delivering
timely article on CDC just out on Minesite


February 17, 2011

Copper Development Corporation Sets Its Sights On Becoming A Mid-Tier Producer With Assets In The Philippines

By Charles Wyatt

It is fairly obvious now that when Copper Development Corporation (CDC) listed on Aim just before Christmas, raising £40 million at 35p per share, its second acquisition was already well underway. The company has just announced that it has acquired a 70 per cent interest in the Basay porphyry copper project on Negros Island in the Philippines. This new property lies about 25 kilometres away from Honiba-An, the porphyry copper project that company already own. The deal is a slightly complicated one, as might be expected of some of the bright people behind CDC. It involved a loan of US$1.9 million, made just a week after listing, to a company called Solfotara Mining Corporation. A stipulation was made that this sum, in the form of a convertible, was to be used solely to acquire a 100 per cent interest in Basay from a couple of companies, one of which held the exploration permit. No details have been forthcoming on Solfotara, but chief executive Mitch Alland explains that it is a private Canadian company, the directors of which helped to set up CDC.
More information would be useful at some stage, though, as CDC proposes to enter into a joint venture with Solfotara on the development and operation of the Basay project. Under the proposed terms of this joint venture, CDC would have to hand over its entire 70 per cent interest in the project to Solfotara for nil payment, if it fails to spend US$5 million within two years on the project. Also, if it satisfies the US$5 million expenditure requirement, but then fails to complete a pre-feasibility study on the project within four years, it will have to hand back a 45 per cent interest for nil consideration, leaving it with 25 per cent. And again, if a pre-feasibility study is completed, but a feasibility is not completed within six years, CDC will have to hand back a 20 per cent interest to Solfotara for nothing. Agreed, it will still have a 50 per cent interest, but one gets the impression that it was Solfotara which held the whip hand in these negotiations

The Basay mine is currently dormant, having been operated in the late 1970s and 1980s, when it produced 45,500 tonnes of copper between from open pit and underground operations. It was then closed due to low copper prices. A total of 189 diamond drill holes were completed a previous operator, and the data from this drilling was used to compile a historic reserve of 129 million tonnes at 0.48% copper, and a resource of 230 million tonnes at 0.44% copper. However, these figures did not conform either to JORC or to National Instrument 43-101 requirements.

Nevertheless, Neil Motton, an independent consultant engaged by Solfotara, has estimated that 99 million tonnes at 0.42% copper do qualify as a post-mining 43-101-compliant inferred resource. There remains a further 44 million tonnes present in two deposits that has been categorised historically as a resource, but for which there is insufficient drill data to support verification. Mr Motton also indicated that the Basay project had significant, but unquantified, gold, silver, rhenium and molybdenum credits.

CDC’s Mitch Alland commented: “we are excited by the opportunity to evaluate and potentially acquire an interest in the neighbouring Basay Project, and exploring the possible competitive advantages of development with the Hinoba-an Project. We feel the Basay property could potentially contain a major resource that could be developed substantially in tandem with Hinoba-an, and transform CDC into the category of a much larger copper producer.”

As far as Hinoba-an is concerned, the development work continues apace. The project contains two well known porphyry copper deposits – Don Jose and A1, both of which have been the subject of a fair amount of exploration work in the past. In 2007, Snowden put together a JORC-compliant mineral resource covering the whole project, amounting to 173 million tonnes grading 0.42% for 726,442 tonnes of contained copper. Don Jose accounted for 96 million tonnes at 0.44% copper in the measured and indicated category, as well as 74 million tonnes at 0.39% inferred. At A1 the resource was a modest 2.7 million tonnes inferred, grading 0.36% copper. These are fairly low grades, but a scoping study carried out on Hinoba-an last summer gave the project a post-tax net present value of US$485 million, and reckoned the internal rate of return at 38.5 per cent, based on a copper price of only US$6,614 per tonne and an annual throughput rate of 15 million tonnes.

With Basay coming along behind, that’s a pretty good foundation to build any company around. Based on historic resource estimates, the acquisition of Basay will double CDC’s copper resources, and the plan now is to put the two projects together, with a view to creating a major world class copper project, well located to serve the Chinese market. CDC now intends to start a drilling programme to confirm the historic resource estimates at Basay. The price of copper is strong, and does not look like retreating, so the quicker CDC gets on with the work, the better.

So, in very short order since listing, Copper Development Corporation is now within sight, albeit in the distance, of becoming a mid-tier copper producer with some very useful credits from other metals. It has sufficient cash in the till to take both these projects through pre-feasibility. The management is experienced in exploration and development, and those in the background should be able to ensure the availability of funds in the future. Not a bad combination and little wonder that the shares are already at a healthy premium to the listing price. And, according to Mitch, the story of CDC has also made a favourable impact in New York on his recent visit. It’ll be an exciting year.
How is the process of owning gold and silver bullion compared to shares?

Here are some of the differences:

1 - You cannot use Credit/Margin to buy Physical Gold and Silver - must be cash.
2 - There's no VAT on Gold therefore the premiums are very low (4%)
3 - There's VAT on Silver therefore premiums are high (30%)
4 - You can Buy/Sell over the phone.
5 - There's no dividend paid on physical bullion.
Potential delays in puntland spud for RRL.... not the most convincing RNS from Africa Oil.

Jurassic Rift (Dharoor and Nugaal Blocks (Puntland, Somalia))

Exploration activities in Puntland are focused on drilling the first exploration well in Somalia in over 20 years. The Company plans to spud the first well in the Dharoor Block during Q3 2011. Activities are currently focused on the identification and contracting of drilling and drilling support contractors willing to operate in Puntland on commercially acceptable terms. A second well in the Dharoor Block is planned to commence following completion of the first exploration well.
The Puntland Govt has set them a deadline of July and September for two drills. After the endless delays before, they are unlikely to renew if AO miss this deadline.
Jaspa - RRL "own" 50% of strait oil who have just acquired another major block in Georgia. I think Georgia might be the major player for RRL in the short term whilst Puntland faces uncertainty.
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The 50% interest of Strait Oil was not publicised very well. Infact much confusion reigned until few of the PIs on the Range Underground email group received confirmation from PL, which is pasted below:

"Thanks for the query re the Block VIII license award – Strait had
applied for these a long time ago (before Range obtained its 50%
interest in the company as you point out) - process from here is for
Strait (which we are part of ) to negotiate terms of a PSA with the
government. Range (through Strait) can take whatever interest it
wants but needs to assess terms of psa, prospectively , risk reward
etc before deciding what (if any) interest it wants (if we want over
50% effective interest will require deal to be negotiated) - block was
previously held by Indian group - good position for range - too early
to tell how lucrative and beneficial "

Surely an RNS about this should be forthcoming?
LSE trading halted due to technical reasons.

GKP - My close friend's father is the second most powerful man in Kurdistan. He told me about GKP at 9p, I opted for Gold instead but he put his money where his mouth is and is sitting on a massive profit.

His advice: Buy and hold, GKP will hit £5 within 10 years.
Jaspa - whats the deal with SXX.... why has it fallen so much over the last few weeks.
A number of factors, including dilution as they are giving shares away in exchange for assets. Because they dont have any cash to pay for these assets, where the resource is as yet unconfirmed.

Another big reason is that the company priorities seem to have changed in their asset portfolio. ND was supposedly at an advanced stage, but all the recent public mutterings have concentrated on the newly acquired York Potash in the UK - a project very much in its infancy.

Now considering SXX doesnt have much money spare, it has to choose its spending per project wisely. And the market doesnt seem to like SXX's decision to priortise York over ND.
Thanks Jaspa.

I got some spare cash after selling some RRL. I have been pretty RRL focussed most of this time, any other interesting shares out there?
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Ive sold some GKP and GCM this morning as nothing seems to be happening until Q2, and added BMR, SXX, MTA and XEL as newsflow expected within days on all of these stocks. DYOR.
Thanks Jaspa.

Brokerman keeps updating on mta and pushing up the price as soon I think its a good entry point. Next time it is 3.50 ish, I'll be in.
Margins have been reduced indicating volatility within certain markets is over and market plateau is the new norm.
Jaspa - I originally sold the shares to get back into PXS after the RNS but it seems that the CEO is a complete bafoon, he cannot even get a RNS right!!
Ive met Stephen Moon a couple of times, and spoken to him on the phone too. And I can confirm that he doesnt intill me with confidence.

His only saving grace is FF. He is like a gimp who has won the lottery.
RHEP is worthy of some research, potentially transformational deal, becomes a pure E&P company and looks backed by assets (cash/field due to come on production) with little in the price for the upside optionality of its explo portfolio
PYC got quoted 0.59 to buy when the quoted spread was 0.47/0.48

unwilling to pay up as they do like to come out with 'we know of no reason for share price movement' rnses

do quite fancy building a position in this one as their approach looks interesting (more of a technology facilitator to bio rather than a bio itself ?)

but happy to wait and 'buy when i can not when i have to'
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My advice would be to stay away from stocks in general due to the current overall economic conditions. The main reason for this is because the value of stocks is measured in terms of a paper currency whether it be the pound, dollar, euro, yen etc.. These fiat currencies lose at least 5% of their value annually because their respective governments love to print money out of thin air which causes inflation. So if you make a stock pick and it goes up 5% in a year while the currency in which this stock is valued goes down by 5% (loses purchasing power) you end up back to square one.

I live in the US and can tell you that most people's 401k's (retirement instruments) have declined by at least 30% in the last few years because they are heavily invested in stocks. If I were you I would invest in commodities, but keep in mind that you would want to physically hold these instead of just buying up stocks of these commodity companies mainly due to reasons pointed out above. If you really must own stocks, then you also have an option to invest in mining stocks or you could look at local companies in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc..

Furthermore, majority of the companies based out of western countries are gradually losing market share due to various reasons one of which is their own governments over taxing and over regulating them. For example the US has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world thus it should come as no surprise that it's economy is in the tank and manufacturing jobs are disappearing. While China and Eastern Asia are thriving because they encourage businesses by giving tax breaks and creating "free trade zones."

Should be a new issue of RHPS out either tonight or tomorrow.

Tom Bulford usually gives a bit of a clue as to what he intends to tip but because people started to guess and front run him he seems to have stopped giving too many details. Only thing he has said this time is that it'll be an internet company with a new big market opportunity. Could be just about anything then !
Cornered Tigers

I don't think that is correct reasoning to say to stay out of stocks because they are priced in fiat currencies. Most stocks have 'real' tangible earnings which are simply priced in the currency in which they are listed. Stocks tend to do pretty well in inflationary episodes because they still give you a claim on the real cashflow/asset. I won't argue the toss though because if you believe in such apocalyptic scenarios then as i've said before you need to forget about protecting your 'finances' and make sure you have lots of guns/ammo/tinned food although maybe visit a shrink as well.
PIA ...... He is going to go for cloud computing company NASSTAR (NASA), which is already up 15% today....

How do I know? He sent an email yesterday or day before about NASA... like he did for Avanti (AVN) last month.

Feb was very bad for his tips....

I wonder if he will revert his sell recommendation for RRL :)... all will be revealed tonight or tomorrow.
I think Bulford bottled it earlier in the year because so many stocks were moving big he deliberately went for more risk averse strategy and tipped stocks with lower risk-reward profiles. Given we've had a pullback since and so he has been partly vindicated if that was indeed his strategy then he may offer up some better high risk ideas this time. I don't think he'll tip NASA it is too close to the mention in his 'free email' and it is a bit 'earnings lite' for him I imagine at this stage. Frequently he uses his weekly 'free email' to alert readers to stocks he may tip 3-12 months later in the paid for monthly RHPS newsletter.
I have only subscribed to RHPS newsletter since Jan... I just remember him sending an email and 30 mins presentation about Avanti..... and hey presto day or so later Avanti was tipped.... It tanked in Feb.
Who is this BMD? A mate was chatting to me about him and going through his blog he seems to chat a lot of s**t at times.

Also has anyone looked into Rare Earth Minerals (REM)?
BMD is also known as Bin Man Dan on account of him trying to sound as though he is something in the City but actually not having a clue but still leading lots of gullible private investors into situations they have no idea about.
By a bit of fluke i managed to guess that Tom Bulford was going to tip MOS (internet company with new big opportunity, i actually thought it could be MOS or MTV so bought both as he has mentioned both previously in his weekly free email alerts)

OCG is a re-tip but I think it genuinely could be a very special company as it has developed technology which allows stranded gas to be monetised. Huge potential for it in the US to arb the difference in oil and gas prices with its GTL technology. Massive genuinely massive companies are doing their R&D for them so huge is the potential of this technology. Petrobras spending about $30m I think (admittedly chickenfeed to Petrobras but if they like it and buy it when the technology is commercial presumably it is going to move the dial for them and that is a big dial).
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DV - just do not get caught out on a spike..... these companies have no asset just pure speculation. Use to be a music company before turning into "Rare Earth Mineral" miner except that it has nothing at the moment. Rare Earth mining is a trendy subject but there are very few western miners who are in position to explore for these elusive metals and none of these are listed in UK.
Cornered Tigers

I don't think that is correct reasoning to say to stay out of stocks because they are priced in fiat currencies. Most stocks have 'real' tangible earnings which are simply priced in the currency in which they are listed. Stocks tend to do pretty well in inflationary episodes because they still give you a claim on the real cashflow/asset. I won't argue the toss though because if you believe in such apocalyptic scenarios then as i've said before you need to forget about protecting your 'finances' and make sure you have lots of guns/ammo/tinned food although maybe visit a shrink as well.

What is your definition of inflation? I am pretty sure you use the Keynesian definition where the rise in price of goods is considered inflation. This is completely wrong and inflation's real definition is the increase in money supply and rising prices are just a symptom. I think that you need to read writers such as Bastiat, Von Mises, Rothbard, Hazlitt.

As far as earnings are concerned, do I really have to tell you the million accounting tricks some corporations use to fudge their numbers? The only way to really protect your finances is to invest in commodities. Gold has more than doubled in the last 3 years and so has silver because governments continue to print trillions in fiat currencies. I guess the situation in Iceland was not real either and I am the one ho needs to see a shrink. I guess the economy in Greece is all hunky dory and I am the one who needs to see a shrink. Talk about living in denial. The economies of England, Europe and the US are in deep trouble but you continue to blindly believe in the corrupt system which is akin to going to the casino to place bets blindly on certain picks. The derivative market bubble alone is in the hundreds of trillions of dollars yet you want to keep faith in the market. This bubble is already hemorrhaging ans soon it will burst and all of your stocks will become worthless because the currencies they are measured in will become worthless. Why do you think the G20 countries are regularly meeting to come up with a new world reserve currency if everything is good? When, and not if, the stock markets crash and you lose the shirt off your back you will definitely require guns, ammo, food and most definitely a shrink. I guess to each their own, but protecting your purchasing power by investing in commodities is not as crazy as buying worthless pieces of paper with empty numbers printed on them.
DV - just do not get caught out on a spike..... these companies have no asset just pure speculation. Use to be a music company before turning into "Rare Earth Mineral" miner except that it has nothing at the moment. Rare Earth mining is a trendy subject but there are very few western miners who are in position to explore for these elusive metals and none of these are listed in UK.
Thanks Eagle_Eye will have to look into it more.
If I were you I would invest in commodities, but keep in mind that you would want to physically hold these instead of just buying up stocks of these commodity companies mainly due to reasons pointed out above.

So, in your opinion, whats the realistic/best approach of investing in commodities?
PYC centre of attention today ?

they have tended to follow SAR but announced their own deal today and it seems to be interesting

no idea what they do really though !
SUMM quiet but getting some attention from 'names' who do have a following on the BB's
It looks like anticipation for its US introduction later this week, and the innovation award FF is up for again. A bit like the run-up to Madrid last year, where SP went up to 6p before dipping again.
March 10, 2011

Oracle Coalfields Will List On Aim Within A Matter Of Weeks

By Alastair Ford

So it’s official. Oracle Coalfields will at last move to Aim. One way or another, the move’s been on the cards since the company first listed on the more junior PLUS market back in 2007. But as anyone who’s been in the equity markets in the intervening period knows only too well, it’s been an up and down sort of a time since then, what with the credit crunch, the total collapse in commodities prices, and their spectacular recovery. An up and down sort of a time for Pakistan, too, where Oracle’s 1.4 billion tonnes of coal is located. There’s been earthquakes, terrorism, and flooding, not to mention the corruption in the national cricket team, which only dealt another blow to national morale. But the country has also been suffering a much less widely-reported, but deep-rooted problem: a chronic shortage of power, such that most of the country’s residents only get supplies for a couple of hours a day, if at all.
This is a serious concern for the government, which knows that its legitimacy in the eyes of a population perennially being presented with more fundamentalist alternatives rests on its ability to deliver a decent standard of living for the people. At this point, up steps Oracle, if not with the solution, at least with part of the solution. The company has a memorandum of understanding with Karachi Electricity Supply Company (KESC), one of Pakistan’s major suppliers, to consult on the development of a symbiotic mine and power station in the neighbourhood of Oracle’s Thar licence, approximately 380 kilometres to the east of Karachi. The idea is for KESC to build a 300 MW plant that will be scalable up to 1,100 MW in due course, fed by lignite from Thar.

The government likes that idea in principle, and will do plenty to facilitate the development of such a project, if it can. But as Oracle’s chief executive Sharukh Khan explains, it doesn’t all hinge on that. “We had to ask ourselves, are we an energy company, or are we a mining company?” he says. And although in the early years of Oracle’s existence there was some blurring round the edges, the answer couldn’t be clearer now. “We are a mining company”, says Sharukh emphatically. And in that context it’s interesting to note that while KESC is tied to Oracle via an exclusivity agreement, and is prohibited from developing plans for a power station in the Thar vicinity with anyone else, Oracle is not tied in a similar way.

That’s an important distinction for London’s investment community, who will shortly be presented with the opportunity to buy Aim-traded, as opposed to PLUS-traded Oracle. Oracle already has the prospect of short-term cashflow from a deal it struck with local cement company Lucky Cement back in January 2010. But it can also get mining in a serious way in the knowledge that if KESC can’t keep pace, it’ll be able to sell its coal elsewhere.

More will be known when the results of the ongoing feasibility study into Thar are released in June. That study uses some well known consulting names, including Wardell Armstrong and SRK, and will incorporate new drilling on Thar. Once the details are in, it will be combined with parallel studies that are being produced by KESC, and the two will then move towards the production of a bankable document.

At that point the company’s Aim listing should come into its own. “The idea of the Aim listing is to raise our profile and present ourselves to a different investor audience”, says Shahrukh. So far, Oracle has been well supported by some prominent names at the more entrepreneurial end of the market, including Andrew Bell of Regency Mines and Red Rock, and Bruce Rowan, who has cast his net widely in the resources space for many years. But the key thing, according to Shahrukh “is that once we’re on Aim we can build a platform, to look for larger funds”. The construction of a mine at Thar will require a certain level of institutional support, although precisely what form that will take isn’t yet clear. Sharukh talks of a debt-equity split, but also mentions the possibility of partnerships with local or regional businesses. There might be interest in the Middle East, he intimates, although obviously it’s early days, yet.

In the meantime, investors will have to wait just a little bit longer for the precise details of the listing to come through. It won’t be a massive raise at this stage, says Sharukh, although the company will top up its working capital when it lists, so it won’t be a pure introduction either. As to the precise date, that’s also under wraps, partly because the documentation is still in the works, and partly to keep the PLUS say-traders at bay. “It’ll be the early part of the second quarter” is all Shahrukh will commit to. But if you think about it, that’s only a few weeks away. Watch this space.

Are you going to invest?

The patriotic half of me tells me I should be supporting them, the realistic half tells me not to go anywhere near anything Pak-related...
i did buy some ORCP at 3p a few years back and probably sold it again at 3p

am on the sidelines at the moment

i share your apprehensions

loaded up on other sits at moment but even if had spare cash would only have a very small punt on it until i'd met SRK and seen the whites of his eyes

having the RGM/RRR guys as investors means the stock will probably get ramped when it does list on AIM and as it's illiquid could indeed have a run, that rather low grade promoter Andrew Bell (of RRR/RGM) is talking about it being worth 50p (versus current 8-9p) and for some of the AIM punters that 50p 'target' will constitute their 'research'
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Jaspa or PIA, not sure if you have GKP in your portfolios... Is it worth getting into GKP or should one look for explorers in more stable environments...
Good entry price, but the politics havent changed.

I recently sold out 75% of my holding for 160p and put into XEL because of the rumoured CPR at the end of March.
not the person to ask about GKP ! (historically i have bought at 12p sold at 28p ; bought at 90p sold at 89p ; bought at 114p sold at 106p)


a bit too many moving parts for me to be comfortable with an investment in it what with security situation, kurd/iraqi politics , international politics, geological risk, management risk, background 'deals' and lack of transparency, heavy oil, it being a bulletin board favourite etc etc
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Condor Resources (CNR) 6.25p

After a move from 0.6p to 10p in such a short period CNR was always going to require a period of technical consolidation before the next major move. That technical consolidation looks to be coming to an end (bollinger bands contraction and MACD reversal) and will coincide with a lot of fundamental news in coming weeks, months. Such that a 60p share price target is not out of the question. On the La India project alone the SRK report suggests potential for 2m oz of gold. CNR's partner on La India is valued at over $800m with total resources of 3m oz so provides an easy comparitor for benchmark valuations. CNR market value is just $50m. The maths for a ten bagger are quite easy even without gold going higher although that seems inevitable and will add fuel to the fire.

(Courtesy of my uncle)
Thanks Jaspa and PIA.... I think I will wait and see how it plays out little more, although its quite atempting entry price.
SUMM - positive research update , very small market cap company with some real 'promoters' on the BB's now behind it so expect it to get ramped. You don't want to be caught on that spike !

SHE - great news today, have been a long term fan of this. Ethiopia emerging as a new gold territory but SHE is valued at £3m versus other UK listed operators in Ethiopia valued at £20m and £100m.

Sheba have received huge validation of their strategy today because the ex-Technical Director of Cluff Gold has become a 3%+ shareholder.
Some momentum building behind SUMM

Fairdeal2008 - 15 Mar'11 - 08:35 - 114 of 137

Now returning to the sensible business of Summit.

The reason this is such an opportunity (apart from the fact the market has its head up its backside and can't see the value).

Its in the programmes, with Summ you have the ridiculous situation that you could possibly be buying a company with multiple blockbusters in one wrapper and for just £6.5mn cap (£3mn ish cash).

In layman's terms:

Muscular Dystrophy - programme came alive yesterday with results rns. Remember this was such a draw to Biomarin in 2008 their JV deal with Summit potentially provided Summit with $143mn return - a new deal is on the way imho

Acne - worldwide problem, massive spend p.a. and Summit, unlike all the rest have a formulation that seems to cut sebum production by 90% with no material side effects - this is stunning and could be a major product

C-difficile - 4x more likely than MRSA and a major problems in hospitals, nursing homes and care homes - hence affecting the elderly and costing $7bn pa in the west to deal with. Other treatments have high recurrance rates which is the problemt - the Summit product in development has low recurrance rates - unusually and thus making this a very valuable programme.

Malignant Melanoma - we read all about this kind of this all the time in the West - any products targeted at this area have huge potential in our paranoid world.

I could go on but the message is clear - and in the midst of this chaotic market, Summ remains at less than 5p to buy - which is so ridiculous imho.

I have a short term personal target of 25-30p - I am often accused of being over-optimistic. And generally I find my accusers to be very wrong....

Stunning and cheap as chips - but in this wobbly market opportunities will crop up ;-)
PXS investors including myself really frustrated with the lack of news flow, they need to sort this out as people will just move on.
There is an on-line petition to remove Moon. I have had my doubts about him for the last 2 years, and he has never filled me with confidence whenever I have spoken or met him.

I still think the FF product will come good, inspite of his shortcomings.
There is an on-line petition to remove Moon. I have had my doubts about him for the last 2 years, and he has never filled me with confidence whenever I have spoken or met him.

I still think the FF product will come good, inspite of his shortcomings.

I am not sure where its going and for that reason I sold out at small loss in the end. I just cannot fathom how he has messed up a winning situation to one of complete despair for those who are locked in with large losses.
He hasnt messed up a winning sitation, and IMO FF will come good eventually because it is that good and that unique.

What he has messed up is the the short-term SP via **** poor investor relations. Lack of information, poor communication, incompetent management - all have surpressed the SP to ~3p.

But when the first big commercial deals arrive, even Moon's incompetence wont be able to hold the SP back....