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Buying shares?

Apple are very secretive about who their component suppliers are so we may not find out until some people get their hands on these products and then take them apart around September 25th.

Cap-XX partner Murata is a major supplier of capacitors to Apple so it is very possible at some point Cap-XX will get a slot in Apple products. The new iphone 6s is meant to have new flash camera so that is one potential area where a supercapacitor could be used. Separately Apple also launching Apple Pencil and that is another product with potential to utilise a supercapacitor. Lenovo recently launched one "A Supercapacitor Stylus Is The Best Thing About Lenovo's New Laptops" (http://gizmodo.com/a-supercapacitor-stylus-is-the-best-thing-about-lenovos-1728110187).
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Personally I would not get too hung up on just Apple. Cap-XX are talking to 20 automotive companies with regards to selling their automotive supercapacitors and about 19 companies wishing to licence their Thinline supercapacitors so there is huge potential from multiple avenues right now.
Personally I would not get too hung up on just Apple. Cap-XX are talking to 20 automotive companies with regards to selling their automotive supercapacitors and about 19 companies wishing to licence their Thinline supercapacitors so there is huge potential from multiple avenues right now.

Thanks S28, true Apple could be one of many companies, CPX could have dealt with
AGL recent presentation
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rbAlnq6QOeI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
CDC - Zak Mir mentions it at 1m 45s in this video. He seems to think it should trade up to 3p. With 2.65p cash and Jim Mellon on the Board I think sky could be limit with that one and some nice downside protection.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0ridj34tJBk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
almost six months on...

AFPO has flown

HNL playing catch up today

a couple i am keeping an eye on at the moment

small market caps , recent placings at around these levels but crucially new management who may be able to act as catalyst for change in business fortunes or at least investor perception of the businesses

HNL - Hague and London used to be WSX Wessex Petroleum but new management who ran a successful oil and gas company previously. Mkt Cap about £1.5m and have about that in cash so no premium for assets or management.

AFPO - African Potash new guy in charge may do a kitchen sink exercise and bring in a better project going forward


s28 - judging by the carnage on AIM. CPX has consolidated nicely at these levels and share price has held up quite well in comparison to other stocks. Due another climb upwards imo
Yes they are primed for news on multiple fronts

September 1st 'news on Truckstart over next 3 months'

October 12th AGM

November Investor Day
I have followed the norwegian stock market for some years now and all you need to know how it is going in China and the oil price and you have almost complete idea of how the main index will fare. The whole market is like yo-yo, up one day and completely down the other day.
Not good times ahead, but it must be the best time to Invest in oil related compqnies as the raw oil price will surely increase soon?
3LEG - good little first investment won't move the dial at this stage but promising given the background of the movers and shakers behind SalvaRX

The Company is pleased to announce it has subscribed £215,000 for new shares in SalvaRx Limited ("SalvaRx"), a company owned by Jim Mellon and Dr Greg Bailey, which owns 60.5 per cent. of iOx Therapeutics Limited ("iOx"), a new company which is developing a series of compounds for cancer immunotherapy. Mr Mellon and Dr Bailey are also subscribing £215,000 for new shares in SalvaRx on the same terms. 3Legs holds 11.1 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of SalvaRx following the investment.

iOx's technology is based on a discovery by Professor Vincenzo Cerundolo MD, PhD, the Director of the Human Immunology Unit at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford University and supported by the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Its compounds stimulate invariant natural killer T cells, and preclinical testing in several cancer models suggest the compounds can inhibit the growth of tumours.

SalvaRx has a strong management team with considerable experience in the field of cancer immunology. It is being led by Ian Walters, MD, who is a veteran oncology drug developer, formerly of Bristol-Myers Squibb, where he managed physicians overseeing the international development of several oncology compounds and was also a core member of the Strategic Transactions Group, which evaluated and executed licencing agreements and the company's immunotherapy strategy. Ian is joined by SalvaRx's Chief Scientific Officer, Rob Kramer, PhD, who was Global Head of Oncology Discovery Research at Bristol-Myers Squib and Jansen Pharmaceuticals. Together, the team have contributed to the development of over 30 drugs, including blockbuster cancer immunotherapies Yervoy® (ipilimumab) and Opdivo® (nivolumab).

Dr Walters commented, "The SalvaRx team welcome the investment from 3Legs as helping us execute on our business model of identifying, developing, and financing novel therapeutics that stimulate the immune system to fight cancer. The team are eager to build on the iOx investment by adding additional products or companies."

Richard Armstrong, the Company's Chairman, added, "The particular area on which SalvaRx is focused has recently attracted considerable interest as an approach to the treatment of cancer and the Board believes that this investment represents an exciting development and is a first step in implementing the Company's new investing policy.
OXS - bullish sounding update

£20m company suing Republic of Uzbekistan for $400-1000m so could be huge if they win


The directors remain confident that the Arbitral Tribunal will, in the very near future, rule in the Group's favour and that fair compensation will be awarded for both the AGF and Khandiza mining assets, which were blatantly misappropriated by the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this respect, the Board will continue to take whatever steps it deems necessary to ensure the return of value to the Company's long-suffering stakeholders.
Good week overall for OXS. Had expected it to really go much higher but RNS confirms today there has been a hedge fund seller which has created an overhang. But once that clears I am expecting it to move much higher. Still highly risky though and certainly not for widows or orphans.
Good week overall for OXS. Had expected it to really go much higher but RNS confirms today there has been a hedge fund seller which has created an overhang. But once that clears I am expecting it to move much higher. Still highly risky though and certainly not for widows or orphans.

s28 incredible volume and approaching 52wk high. Could Oxtober be the month for OXS
CDC changes approved, new ticker will be LIFE from tomorrow.

Chart is looking very good having formed a Golden Cross and really do think it is a very low priced option here at 2p.

In conjunction with the new Investing Policy, the Company has today appointed Jim Mellon as a non-executive director. Mr. Mellon is a successful, experienced entrepreneur and investor, whose focus since 2012 have targeted the life science sector. He is also a well-known author of widely-read books on investments. Further disclosures on Jim Mellon, as required by the AIM Rules, are set out in Appendix 2 of this Announcement.

Shareholders have also approved a change of the Company's name to Life Science Developments Limited. As a result the TIDM will change to 'LIFE' and we anticipate that the ISIN will be KYG7255F1063. Trading under the new name is expected to become effective as of 8.00 am on 6 October 2015. Whilst the Company is developing a new website, www.lifesciencedevelopments.com, the Company's current website will remain live until this is complete: a further announcement will be made once this new website is liv
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I don't trust tipsters might I add after having subscribed to a few different publications over the years. I usually just follow the hype so I know what to avoid.
HotStockRockets are acquaintances of Jim Mellon who runs LIFE so looks like a good steer in this case

New hot share tip out today – this can’t wait – catch it for a fiver

By ShareProphets | Tuesday 6 October 2015

This was not in our schedule but there is a new hot tip out on HotStockRockets today. It just cant wait. The aim is to bag a very quick 30% so we are not hanging around. You can access that tip for just a fiver HERE

Yes the stock is on Aim. We think it is incredibly low risk and just mis-priced and we expect news soon to kickstart a re-rating of the shares. Anyhow, more later, the share tip will be out before lunchtime and you can catch it for just a fiver HERE

- See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/...ait-catch-it-for-a-fiver#sthash.tlMc3UyH.dpuf
HotStockRockets are acquaintances of Jim Mellon who runs LIFE so looks like a good steer in this case

New hot share tip out today – this can’t wait – catch it for a fiver

By ShareProphets | Tuesday 6 October 2015

This was not in our schedule but there is a new hot tip out on HotStockRockets today. It just cant wait. The aim is to bag a very quick 30% so we are not hanging around. You can access that tip for just a fiver HERE

Yes the stock is on Aim. We think it is incredibly low risk and just mis-priced and we expect news soon to kickstart a re-rating of the shares. Anyhow, more later, the share tip will be out before lunchtime and you can catch it for just a fiver HERE

- See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/...ait-catch-it-for-a-fiver#sthash.tlMc3UyH.dpuf

Kudos in advance s28 another multibagger you can add to your long list God willing
ARS keeps coming out with great copper drill results

22m @ 2% from relatively shallow depth as well

[MENTION=107620]s28[/MENTION], do you trade stocks or is just an interest ?
CPX Zak Mir comment today 1 minute in

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2h7mQX9ABPU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Used to keep an eye on it mainly because the CEO was called Shah Rukh Khan

And there was a time when emerging market coal plays like GCM and CHL were all the rage.

Unfortunately I think their coal quality is quite low and usual Pak politics to navigate
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Used to keep an eye on it mainly because the CEO was called Shah Rukh Khan

The low POO is pissing me off. Cant go after more interesting stocks until it turns, and I get some money back. Still seems a long way off, though rumours surfacing that OPEC looking to cut production as early as December.
I thought it was this guy. He is quite business savvy. He hasn't held onto his fortune by luck.

Nice Rns but why the drop in sp over 10% ?

The RNS reads well. A mention of deferment of orders from the first half of the financial year to the second half may have caused the share price decline. Unless there is something else that I may have overlooked?

Results of AGM. This is non news really and I wouldn't think it affects the bigger picture.

I hope that helps.
Nice Rns but why the drop in sp over 10% ?

Because there are thick speculators out there that still believe BIG news will be reported in the AGM, rather than through a specific RNS. I cant remember the last time (if ever) important price sensitive information was reported via the AGM.
Because there are thick speculators out there that still believe BIG news will be reported in the AGM, rather than through a specific RNS. I cant remember the last time (if ever) important price sensitive information was reported via the AGM.

jaspa888, no doubt those selling will be really disappointed when contract news does land.

I perceive anything under 10p to be a bargain. That's taking into consideration the huge potential in my humble opinion.
Have to admit on first glance it read fine to me but there has been a bit too much of this promising of jam tomorrow and not delivering. Investors rightly or wrongly to want to see some tangible named customers with specific end products/revenue/licensing numbers now.

CAP-XX's Chairman, Pat Elliott, also provided the following update in relation to the Company's activities:

"The Board is very pleased with recent progress made with our large supercapacitors aimed at the automotive market. Our customers and potential partners have undertaken rigorous testing of our products, both in the field and in the lab, over the last several months, with excellent results. The Board looks forward to potentially providing additional updates on our automotive applications over the remainder of this quarter and the first quarter of 2016. We are also very pleased with the progress with our research and development partner Thales, and other third-party product development contracts, which is expected to continue over the coming months.

"The Board is also very encouraged by the interest shown by customers desiring small supercapacitors targeted at the various Internet of Things (IoT) markets. Murata royalties have more than doubled over the last year, and while still modest in absolute terms, we are pleased that Murata is forecasting increased small supercapacitor sales.

"As a result of our research efforts and after rigorous testing we have now increased the voltage rating of our Thinline and our single G series cells to 2.5V and 2.75V peak, and our dual cells to 5V and 5.5V peak. We believe that the effect of these significant performance improvements will be to greatly broaden our addressable markets. More importantly, this makes CAP-XX supercapacitors even more cost effective than previously. Our new Thinline range of supercapacitors has been very well received, and we have seen an increasing level of requests for product testing and prototyping in end products. As customers plan for the changes to these new parts, we expect that we will see some deferment of orders from the first half of the financial year to the second half.

"We remain very excited by the opportunities that we see for our supercapacitors in the automotive markets and the IoT and remain confident for the outcome for the year."
Have to admit on first glance it read fine to me but there has been a bit too much of this promising of jam tomorrow and not delivering. Investors rightly or wrongly to want to see some tangible named customers with specific end products/revenue/licensing numbers now.

CAP-XX's Chairman, Pat Elliott, also provided the following update in relation to the Company's activities:

"The Board is very pleased with recent progress made with our large supercapacitors aimed at the automotive market. Our customers and potential partners have undertaken rigorous testing of our products, both in the field and in the lab, over the last several months, with excellent results. The Board looks forward to potentially providing additional updates on our automotive applications over the remainder of this quarter and the first quarter of 2016. We are also very pleased with the progress with our research and development partner Thales, and other third-party product development contracts, which is expected to continue over the coming months.

"The Board is also very encouraged by the interest shown by customers desiring small supercapacitors targeted at the various Internet of Things (IoT) markets. Murata royalties have more than doubled over the last year, and while still modest in absolute terms, we are pleased that Murata is forecasting increased small supercapacitor sales.

"As a result of our research efforts and after rigorous testing we have now increased the voltage rating of our Thinline and our single G series cells to 2.5V and 2.75V peak, and our dual cells to 5V and 5.5V peak. We believe that the effect of these significant performance improvements will be to greatly broaden our addressable markets. More importantly, this makes CAP-XX supercapacitors even more cost effective than previously. Our new Thinline range of supercapacitors has been very well received, and we have seen an increasing level of requests for product testing and prototyping in end products. As customers plan for the changes to these new parts, we expect that we will see some deferment of orders from the first half of the financial year to the second half.

"We remain very excited by the opportunities that we see for our supercapacitors in the automotive markets and the IoT and remain confident for the outcome for the year."

TCM profit warning? I still think it's an overreaction. That bit of news doesn't justify the fall in share price. Panic selling comes to mind.
With any new operator I would only ever invest a small amount through them initially until they have proven themselves. Many of these start up outfits go out of business very quickly and you can never be sure as to how good they are at maintaining distinction between their own and clients funds. With the City preferring 'light touch' regulation you can not expect to be protected if the worst happens. Much better to go with a firm that has decent reputation over long period and which is backed by a bigger financial institution with diversified revenue streams. At least you can sleep at night that way.
I perceive anything under 10p to be a bargain. That's taking into consideration the huge potential in my humble opinion.[/QUOTE]

mining786 have you got an exit target in mind
I perceive anything under 10p to be a bargain. That's taking into consideration the huge potential in my humble opinion.

mining786 have you got an exit target in mind[/QUOTE]

Zed_mann - I'm trying not to pay too much attention to daily price fluctuations. I think it will be a multibagger. Target prices probably s28 can give a more realistic number.
Reading the update and it seems like a number of those issues have been resolved or will be

As someone that wants to invest in shares BUT I don't intend on making frequent trades the price is really appealing

3 or 4 pounds difference here or there is not going to make a difference. You should always think about safety first. Remember all the icelandic banks that were all the rage pre 2008 crash? when you buy shares, the broker buys on your behalf and puts it in a nominee account. In the olden days, when you bought shares, you would physically get the certificate and that wod be your ownership document (S28 is the only old man here who gers the share certificates). Who you bought it through once you got the certificate, didnt really matter. Nowadays it matters because they hold your money. Just think of it like a bank, can they survive if a freak market event happens? And these events are not as uncommon as you may think. In Jan 2015, swiss stopped pegging their currency to the euro... result was increase of 30% in value against the euro and it wiped out many leveraged product providers, one of which was a west ham shirt sponsor i think.

Imagine if degiro goes kapput on a market event? Where is the recourse for you to get your money back or sell shares etc? From what I can see they are mainly regulated in the netherlands.

Stick with the large UK based and regulated brokers and dont worry about the few quid extra dealing costs.

I deal through hsbc, sharedealactive.co.uk and IGindex.
3 or 4 pounds difference here or there is not going to make a difference. You should always think about safety first. Remember all the icelandic banks that were all the rage pre 2008 crash? when you buy shares, the broker buys on your behalf and puts it in a nominee account. In the olden days, when you bought shares, you would physically get the certificate and that wod be your ownership document (S28 is the only old man here who gers the share certificates). Who you bought it through once you got the certificate, didnt really matter. Nowadays it matters because they hold your money. Just think of it like a bank, can they survive if a freak market event happens? And these events are not as uncommon as you may think. In Jan 2015, swiss stopped pegging their currency to the euro... result was increase of 30% in value against the euro and it wiped out many leveraged product providers, one of which was a west ham shirt sponsor i think.

Imagine if degiro goes kapput on a market event? Where is the recourse for you to get your money back or sell shares etc? From what I can see they are mainly regulated in the netherlands.

Stick with the large UK based and regulated brokers and dont worry about the few quid extra dealing costs.

I deal through hsbc, sharedealactive.co.uk and IGindex.


Yeah, been thinking about this and what you say makes a lot of sense. It's daft to worry about a tenner if I'm going to invest a much larger amount

Do the sites you mentioned simply charge a per trade fee? Or do they take a yearly account management fee or a percentage of total investment?
Stocks Thread

Recently started doing stocks.

Figured we could discuss everything related to the topic in this thread..

Hopefully there are a few hear who invest in stocks.
Just brought GBSN morning...for 150 dollars..it is at .08 dollars today. Very cheap...and also has a last year high of 6.17...they are waiting for an FDA approval of drug which apparently will be only drug for a certain E.Coli strain of bacteria. Let us see
Recently started doing stocks.

Figured we could discuss everything related to the topic in this thread..

Hopefully there are a few hear who invest in stocks.
I know nothing about stock investment in US. Can you please help me understand how to set up a trading account and how to do day to day trading
I think Seymour Pierce? had a target price of 50p for CPX but that was in 2011.

Depending on the type of contract, that could be achievable.

So far the same communication is coming from the company, - "we are at advance stages, with out clients", which is not going too well with the market.

The investment day , in November (think its on the 16th-17th), could be a big game changer,
Rather than the steady climb we expect from the share based on contract wins, it's more likely that a potential licensee will buy the company outright imho. The price is low and would give a potential acquirer the competitive advantage over its rivals.
Do you guys think it's better to open a shares and stocks ISA or better off with just a regular share dealing account?
I would probably recommend an ISA if it is long term savings that you want to accrue and you don't need to access money from the account for a long period. Any investment gains within the ISA will be tax free. However some of the additional charges for an ISA wrapper can be expensive so you do have to choose carefully. A regular account will be better if you want more flexibility with regards to withdrawing funds etc on a short or medium term basis.
Hello All,

Time to make some investment. Being a novoice in this field, need some advice.

I am planning to open an account in Hargreaves Lansdown. Do you think its good? Any other trading platform you suggest?

Also, which account you think better - Stock & Sharres ISA or Fund/Share Account?

Being an immature investor, I have decided to invest mostly in funds as I know the risk is covered due to experience Fund managers. Once gain experience will start with other asset classes - Shares, Bonds etc. Do you think its a good approach?

How to earn 1million pounds in 3 years time in trading? :asadrauf
Depending on the type of contract, that could be achievable.

So far the same communication is coming from the company, - "we are at advance stages, with out clients", which is not going too well with the market.

The investment day , in November (think its on the 16th-17th), could be a big game changer,

It's had a sharp pullback but I reckon it will bounce up and down for a bit, and then continue to move upwards.

CAP-XX will host a London Capital Markets Day in November for analysts and investors. A series of presentations covering strategy and the market opportunity will be given.
Only you can answer that question and if you cannot?

Then you're at a huge disadvantage before you've even begun.

Yes bro...I think you are correct.

So today I have invested in an Emerging market mutual fund.

Fund name - First State Asia Pacific Leaders Class B

Fund Objective - The fund invests in large and mid capitalisation equities in the Asia Pacific region (excluding Japan, including Australasia).

Asset Allocation

International Equities - 89.66%
Cash and Equiv. - 7.87%
International Bonds - 1.47%
Property - 1.01%


Hope I make some money :afaq
Did think the chart basing pattern might imply news soon. After todays JV with Rio Tinto I expect next news wil be placing. I don't think Rio are that interested in this so happy for a minnow to take it off their hands.

s28 at least they've got funding sorted now. should see a decent move upwards.
I'm stuck until POO turns...

Just kidding yaar but really enjoy reading your posts and s28, Zed_Mann's. Always good to share ideas and profit before everyone cottons on. XTR been a disgrace for me but overall portfolio not affected.
OTC potentially interesting RNS

90m @ 2% copper is a great result from trenching