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Will take a look in more detail when I have time. We have discussed other stocks in the TiO2 value chain here before albeit more focused at upstream end i.e. the commodity miners and explorers for TiO2 raw commodity Rutile / Mineral Sands such as SRX (Sierra Rutile) and SAV (Savannah Resources). Many of the downstream Industrial Chemical companies such as ICI/Dulux etc who produce paint using TiO2 will no doubt have massive investment in their current chemical processes so it might be a hard call in a downturn to switch to new processes when money is tight for maintenance capex let alone expansion capex. There would of course be risk in any new technical process whether it be implementation, technological, cost over-runs etc so adding further issues with investment.

Don't think changing their tio2 is a big problem for paint producers. At times big pant producers are using tio2 from 3-4 different supply sources at the same time. I am a distributor for Huntsman ( 2nd biggest tio2 producer in the world) in Pakistan and over the past 5 years we have been priced out of the market by the Chinese for the commodity paint and now we only exist in specialties I talk with my counter parts regularly in China, Indonesia, India, Thailand all of them are facing similar issues.Growth for paint will continue to come from Asia due to construction boom from rising middle class. so European tio2 producers need to do something otherwise the Chinese will eat them alive as with time they are also improving their quality for specialty grades.

PPG the 2nd biggest paint producer is helping Argex with the R&D stuff to make the product more robust for commercial scale production.My only concern is if their technology is such a game changer why isn't a big paint company putting their skin in the game to help them bring the technology to commercial scale.
This is quite a specialised market with lots of moving parts. China has a lot of issues right now with managing their own economy so there is no knowing what will happen to those competitor companies and their 'terms of trade' whilst commodity prices also in flux right now and the investment climate will also impact adoption of new technology. The link to the shareholder discussion of Argex shows dissatisfaction with Management delivery on several areas. All I would say is be very wary of corporate speak when Companies talk of unique technology and new innovative processes or partnering with big companies. Every agent in the capitalist system is out to maximise there own profit so don't trust what they say but where they put their own money.

Are PPG committing real man hours of senior people to working with Argex ? What percentage of their R&D budget ? Are they not working with others on the quiet ?

What about Argex management are they buying stock themselves ? What is staff turnover like ? (i noticed the CFO left recently ? do senior officers of a Company leave just before it is about to hit the big time ?)
would not be chasing this afpo right now, expect it to consolidate on the lower 50 day moving average first before medium term it goes for a full breakout above the 200 day moving average


Tip with one hand, take away with the other.

I hate Jackett. Boring ****
Know what you mean. Yesterday was frustrating. Buy/loan attacking players and then play a defensive formation at home.
CDC chart was stopping me being enthusiastic on CDC but today is showing how quickly it can turn given just how illiquid it is. Doing the maths the free float was probably just a £150k just a bit of buying means the MMs have to widen the spread to discourage buying.

Just read this from a Court appointed Professional regarding another Company :

"7.5 The value of having a quotation on a recognised stock exchange is estimated to be up to £1 million based on the cost required to complete a listing. The listing allows investment to be raised more broadly given the regulated nature of it. In the opinion of the Investor, the Examiner and the Board a delisting would be detrimental to the business and in the matter of the Examination also to the Members and Creditors. This will become apparent in light of the proposals outlined below."

That makes CDC look very cheap as it has cash + listing value almost 4x the current valuation. I have seen previously that random anonymous people on bulletin boards put the value of a listing at £0.5m or so but to have it coming from a known Professional in a Court appointed role is quite another thing (well strictly speaking he says 'upto'). It's not money in the bank mind but just gives more confidence in the potential for CDC or other shells to be used for that purpose.
Just read this from a Court appointed Professional regarding another Company :

"7.5 The value of having a quotation on a recognised stock exchange is estimated to be up to £1 million based on the cost required to complete a listing. The listing allows investment to be raised more broadly given the regulated nature of it. In the opinion of the Investor, the Examiner and the Board a delisting would be detrimental to the business and in the matter of the Examination also to the Members and Creditors. This will become apparent in light of the proposals outlined below."

That makes CDC look very cheap as it has cash + listing value almost 4x the current valuation. I have seen previously that random anonymous people on bulletin boards put the value of a listing at £0.5m or so but to have it coming from a known Professional in a Court appointed role is quite another thing (well strictly speaking he says 'upto'). It's not money in the bank mind but just gives more confidence in the potential for CDC or other shells to be used for that purpose.

Good call s28

Not a lot of people know about CDC yet. Still pretty much going unnoticed.
On nothing in terms of news, simply trading into resistance of the 50 day MA and MACD still negative although it has turned and due to head positive soon by looks of things. It's a cheap option though so decent punt on increased volatility.
Tough few days in markets unless you have been in cash or AFPO.

Always like to see what some of the macro/experienced experts are saying.


What follows are some basic tenets that form my investment consciousness, which are admittedly simple to write about but far more difficult to execute.

Know Thyself, Work Hard, and Don’t Get Emotional

If you don’t know yourself, Wall Street is a poor place to find yourself. There is a reason why there was a church on one side of the old New York Stock Exchange building and a cemetery on the other.
If you enter the hedge fund biz, remember Darwin. It is survival of the fittest, the smartest and the most practical. The hedge fund industry is populated by some of the most obsessive and idiosyncratic practitioners extant, most of whom are highly educated and possessive of a greater-than-normal cerebellum. Differentiate yourself by your process and by routinely working harder than anyone else (e.g., my day routinely starts at 5:00 a.m.). As John Maxwell wrote, “Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities; they vary in their desires to reach their potential.”
Do not get emotional in making investments, and however eloquent the strategy is, it is the results that count. The ecstasy of getting investment performance right is always eclipsed by the agony of getting it wrong. If you are uncertain or temporarily lack confidence, raise your cash positions and reduce your risk profile.

The Investment Process Is Methodical

If you are a fundamentalist, write a brief synopsis of each investment analysis/conclusion. It will serve to crystallize your investment analysis, and it is an excellent personal and investment discipline. (It is the principle reason why I write my diary.) Moreover, an ex post facto reflection on why one achieved past success or failures is usually illuminating, instructive and often leads to fewer mistakes. After all, as philosopher Benjamin Disraeli once wrote, “What we have learned from history is that we haven’t learned from history.”
If you are a technician, keep all your charts, just as the fundamentalist should write up a summary of each investment. Reflecting on past mistakes/successes is as important to a technician as it is to a fundamentalist.
A combination of mostly fundamental and a dose of technical input is usually a recipe for investment success.
Regardless of one’s modus operandi (fundamental, technical or a combination of both), logic of argument and power of dissection are the two most important ingredients in delivering superior investment returns. Common sense, which is not so common, runs a close third!

Stay Objective and Independent

Neither be a Cassandra nor a Sunshine Boy! It is much easier to be critical than to be correct, as financial disasters are always impending by the ursine crowd. Conversely, the outlook is never as perfect or clear as it is seen by the bullish cabal.
Within limits, stay independent in view. Above all, remember equilibrium is rarely observed in the stock market. To quote George Soros, “Participants perceptions are inherently flawed” (at least to varying degrees).

Investment Discipline Is Key

Let your profits run and and press your winners, as knowing when to seize opportunity is one of the basic principles to investing. But stop your losses, as discipline always should trump conviction. In “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator,” Edwin Lefevre wrote, “I did precisely the wrong thing. The cotton showed me a loss and I kept it. The wheat showed me a profit and I sold it out. Of all the speculative blunders there are few greater than trying to average a losing game. Always sell what shows you a loss and keep what shows you a profit.” Woody Allen put it even better: “I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.”

The Past Is Not Necessarily Prologue to the Future

History should be a guide but not a jailer. There is little permanent truth in the financial markets as change is as inevitable as it is constant. Do not extrapolate the trend in fundamentals in your company analysis nor in the trend in stock prices. Be independent of analytical and investment conclusions, greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy, but always remember that possessing a variant view has outsized risk as well as outsized reward.

Risk and Reward Should Be Assessed Properly

In buying a stock remember risk/reward is asymmetric. A long can climb to indefinite heights and one can only lose 100% of the value of each investment. Buy value, but only with a catalyst. When longs have high short interest ratios, investigate the bear case completely.
In shorting a stock, remember risk/reward is asymmetric. A short can only return 100% (a bankruptcy) but can rise to indefinite heights. Never make conceptual shorts without a catalyst. Avoid shorts when the outstanding short interest exceeds five days of average trading volume.
Use leverage wisely but rarely as financial markets are inherently unstable. While the use of leverage can deliver superior investment returns when the wind is at your investments’ back, it can also wipe you out when events fail to conform to your expectations. Only the best of the best consistently time the proper use of leverage.
Knowledge of Accounting Is a Must, but Meetings With Management Have Little Value
There is no substitute for a thorough knowledge of financial accounting. Accounting can be misleading, opaque and unaccountable, but free cash flow rarely lies.
If you must meet with management, do so to understand a company’s core business but remember that managements infrequently, if ever, view their secular prospects with suspicion. In the late 1980s Warren Buffett wrote in his letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders that “corporate managers lie like Ministers of Finance on the eve of devaluation.”

Be Open to Others’ Ideas, but Rely on Your Own Analysis

Always be self-critical, and once your view is formulated, be open to criticism from others that you respect. Take their criticism and test your thesis (constantly). Avoid what G.K. Chesterton once mused, “I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.” Bullheadedness will get you into trouble in the investment world.
Only Invest/Trade When Distractions Are Limited
Invest/trade/speculate only if you are not dependent upon the investment profits to maintain your standard of living.
A stable personal and financial life, outside of investing, is typically a necessary ingredient to investment success.
Take vacations and smell the roses. When you return you will be rejuvenated and a better investor/trader.
Be well-rested and in good shape physically.“Investing is 90% mental; the other half is physical” (another Yogi-ism).
Keep your investment expectations reasonable and expect to make mistakes as perfection is not attainable. Nevertheless, by all means, try to chase perfection as the byproduct will be investment excellence.
Read As Much as Possible
Learn from those investors who have excelled by reading and re-reading the classic books on investing.
EVO quite a messy chart but the considerable level of consolidation and flatlining and lack of interest could prepare the way for any decent news to lead to a significant move just as AFPO was recently catalysed.

Would prefer breakout on news rather than speculation but everyone looking for next AFPO
Not a good time for buying any stocks.

A mini crash is pending.
Crude is gonna floor at $32.

Sell all, wait for the mini crash. Then reassess the market in late 2015.
are you qualified to give financial advice ?

Most people agree time in the market is more important than timing the market
Horse Hill posse in focus

EVO could get interesting. Suspect all a pump to raise cash to drill let's see if Lenigas can do a Cleverly.
ARS AsiaMetResources the former KLG Kalimantan Gold

Finding decent Copper grades and intersections in Indonesia, new company maker Management in as well
88E a strange one used to be TPET i think which crashed and burned trying to find oil off Morocco?

Anyway now its done massively dilutive placings and going after some unconventional oil in Alaska (no idea really)

Interesting thing is a $10m ? Company getting a $100m line of financing to drill some potentially high impact wells in coming weeks.
Worth keeping an eye on some of these under-currents. Whilst August is traditionally quiet and you can get some outsize moves in complete crap , on the down low you do tend to see some small companies re-inventing themselves with a view to a big Company transformation for the Sep-Dec period
OXA another one. 3D Printing of your own drugs/medicines !

Announced reverse takeover of Cronin 3D yesterday.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pZqTLGCz09I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
WRN you have asked this question several times. To all intents and purposes WRN looks like a con and a fraud. If you have any shares in it I would write it off as a loss. Do not expect it to come back to market.
FJET could it take off at some point ? Taking low cost airline model to Africa

Easyjet's Stelios Haji-Ioannou involved. Lenigas tweeting up a storm about it (I went on there to check what he was saying about EVO but he is raving about FJET)

£65m Mkt Cap but a lot of cash has been invested in this Company and with the oil price crashing it should be boom time for Airline stocks (Easyjet is valued at £6 Billion)

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The shares have been suspended for a year. They have confirmed they will not be re-listing on the UK market having previously claimed it was a major part of their business plan to make acquisitions using highly lucrative sterling based quoted equity. Their latest gambit is to be 'taken over' by a bankrupt Danish company. I'm not sure what you see in that which is promising?
The shares have been suspended for a year. They have confirmed they will not be re-listing on the UK market having previously claimed it was a major part of their business plan to make acquisitions using highly lucrative sterling based quoted equity. Their latest gambit is to be 'taken over' by a bankrupt Danish company. I'm not sure what you see in that which is promising?

You'd be better off talking to a brick wall.
The shares have been suspended for a year. They have confirmed they will not be re-listing on the UK market having previously claimed it was a major part of their business plan to make acquisitions using highly lucrative sterling based quoted equity. Their latest gambit is to be 'taken over' by a bankrupt Danish company. I'm not sure what you see in that which is promising?

You could be right bro but it was suspended for a year before in the past and it relisted, have a look at the rns's since suspension and it looks promising, surely rns's are a source of facts
No RNSes are not statements of facts. They are promotional material from Companies talking their own book.

From my Doug Kass post on page 67 where he quotes Buffet :

Knowledge of Accounting Is a Must, but Meetings With Management Have Little Value

There is no substitute for a thorough knowledge of financial accounting. Accounting can be misleading, opaque and unaccountable, but free cash flow rarely lies.
If you must meet with management, do so to understand a company’s core business but remember that managements infrequently, if ever, view their secular prospects with suspicion. In the late 1980s Warren Buffett wrote in his letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders that “corporate managers lie like Ministers of Finance on the eve of devaluation.”
No RNSes are not statements of facts. They are promotional material from Companies talking their own book.

From my Doug Kass post on page 67 where he quotes Buffet :

Knowledge of Accounting Is a Must, but Meetings With Management Have Little Value

There is no substitute for a thorough knowledge of financial accounting. Accounting can be misleading, opaque and unaccountable, but free cash flow rarely lies.
If you must meet with management, do so to understand a company’s core business but remember that managements infrequently, if ever, view their secular prospects with suspicion. In the late 1980s Warren Buffett wrote in his letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders that “corporate managers lie like Ministers of Finance on the eve of devaluation.”

But you are aware that it has relisted before from a year suspension from 3p to 2-3 quid
Yes and the Authorities having learnt their lesson won't allow such a fraud to re-list.
Yes and the Authorities having learnt their lesson won't allow such a fraud to re-list.

Yes but as you are aware, if it was fraud then it would have been delisted by now, at the moment it's in suspension like it has been for last 10 months, and this happened previously and it came out of suspension
Quite happy with how EVO, CDC and 3LEG have held up/consolidated in last few weeks whereas there have been some significant moves downwards in many other stocks. Just the fact they are 'acting well' suggests they are worthy of accumulation but I am waiting for the 'fat pitch' or 'leg stump half volley' before buying more. This is a Test match not a T20. You don't have to be trading everything all the time.
Quite happy with how EVO, CDC and 3LEG have held up/consolidated in last few weeks whereas there have been some significant moves downwards in many other stocks. Just the fact they are 'acting well' suggests they are worthy of accumulation but I am waiting for the 'fat pitch' or 'leg stump half volley' before buying more. This is a Test match not a T20. You don't have to be trading everything all the time.

CDC taking a bit of an hammering today..
CPX announced their results for the last financial year today. Read fine. Nothing new as far as I can see apart from alluding to more newsflow on Truckstart and having more R&D cash rebate coming in. Some have noted lack of news on the previously mooted 'European Sports Car manufacturer licensing deal'.

CAP-XX Limited, a world leader in the design and manufacture of thin, flat supercapacitors and energy management systems, is pleased to announce its audited results for the year ended 30 June 2015.

Key highlights

· Sales revenue of AUD$4.4 million (2014: AUD$4.0 million) reflecting a 10% year on year increase. Sales units increased by 6%

· On a like for like basis, Gross Margin (GM) increased to 30.6% (2014: 13.6%) reflecting significant progress in the cost reduction program. Significant operational cash savings are being realised and the Company has identified further cost savings which will incrementally improve gross margin and enhance product competiveness

· During FY15, the company announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with a North American Tier-1 Automotive components company. Following the supply and testing of numerous evaluation modules with good results, the Company anticipates making further announcements associated with this undertaking during the next three months

· The Company also announced the release of its Thinline range of supercapacitors, which were developed to address the emerging markets applications associated with the Internet of Things (IoT). Take up from customers and developers since launch has been good

· Sharp increase in royalties from Murata, up 106% for the year and over 200% in the last quarter

· Following the capital raisings completed in the second half of FY15, cash reserves at the end of June 2015 were AUD$2.6 million. A R&D tax rebate from the Australian Tax Office of AUD$1.1 million (2014: AUD$1.2 million) is also forecast to be received in October 2015.

Anthony Kongats, CEO of CAP-XX said:

"The past year has been transformational for CAP-XX. We are very excited by the opportunities we see for our supercapacitors in the automotive markets and the Internet of Things. We are looking forward to an exciting year."
CPX CEO Interviewed on Proactive channel
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IdZblAKmbxc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
CDC, EVO and 3LEG all setting up nicely so far. CDC has moved from 0.80-0.90 to 1.40-1.80 on very little volume so far. Shows the potential if they can get a story going. Copper price actually looks like it may be breaking out of a six month downtrend so that could be a useful catalyst. Mkt Cap £0.6m there was talk at $3/lb copper their main project had potential NPV of $500m.
If I have about $2000 to invest is it worthwhile to invest in stocks or anything.

I would prefer if no one mocked me as I have only just started working recently. I was hoping I could add some muscle to my hard earned money and I have read in some places it is better to invest young when you do not have too much to lose.

I will appreciate some help and on how to get started on this if you feel it is advisable.
I would probably advise you to put aside enough savings to live on should you be incapacitated for any reason but once you have a cushion of savings for your near term outgoings say the year ahead you should start thinking about long term financial planning such as building up a deposit to buy a house or think about your pension. Equities can certainly play a part in any long term investment plan. I would warn you much of the 'tips' you tend to find here and other BB's tend to be of the higher risk variety so I would allocate only a small portion of your 'disposable income' to investing in this area.

So for instance if I was in a position where I had annual outgoings of say $10,000 I would want $12,000 in savings accumulated before I was ready to invest $2,000 in higher risk securities. Ultimately you are the best position to know what your own incomes/outgoings are and what level of risk you are prepared to take. Ultimately common sense and your own psychological comfort are best known to you. Some of these pithy well known sayings are pithy and well known for a reason as they encapsulate a lot of sense. e.g. 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket' and 'Only invest what you are prepared to lose' etc
or you could set aside a small amount and just play the stock market with that. There's no point regularly putting additional money into portfolio on a weekly/monthly basis unless you can make your money grow. Be prepared to lose money and research any tips further but you can find some gems on this thread. Just need to time your entry and exit strategy accordingly.
I would probably advise you to put aside enough savings to live on should you be incapacitated for any reason but once you have a cushion of savings for your near term outgoings say the year ahead you should start thinking about long term financial planning such as building up a deposit to buy a house or think about your pension. Equities can certainly play a part in any long term investment plan. I would warn you much of the 'tips' you tend to find here and other BB's tend to be of the higher risk variety so I would allocate only a small portion of your 'disposable income' to investing in this area.

So for instance if I was in a position where I had annual outgoings of say $10,000 I would want $12,000 in savings accumulated before I was ready to invest $2,000 in higher risk securities. Ultimately you are the best position to know what your own incomes/outgoings are and what level of risk you are prepared to take. Ultimately common sense and your own psychological comfort are best known to you. Some of these pithy well known sayings are pithy and well known for a reason as they encapsulate a lot of sense. e.g. 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket' and 'Only invest what you are prepared to lose' etc

Thanks. I am however not only talking about equities. Any form of investment. I apologise if I am going out of topic with respect to the thread. I have read online about balanced index funds. Has anyone invested in one of them and if so what is the risk and reward?
Could be good for CDC / MNC

Macroeconomic News

BUZZ-Glencore's production cut proves a pain killer for Dr Copper

Mon, 7th Sep 2015 10:50

** Shares in pure-play copper miners rally after Glencore says it will suspend production at two of its mines, taking out 400,000 tonnes of copper supply from the market

** Antofagasta up 7.2 pct, top of the FTSE 100 and Stoxx 600

** Rio Tinto's copper and coal chief said on Monday that global copper markets could flip into a structural shortage within two to three years

** Kaz Minerals up 7.6 pct, top of FTSE mid-250 ; Vedanta Resources up 4.4 pct, second-largest gainer

** Copper prices rallied after Glencore's announcement as traders rushed to cover short positions
Copper aka Dr Copper isn't getting any respect right now. To me it looks like it's broken the downtrend and due to go higher.




Chile sees copper recovering by late 2016 as deficit returns: minister
Santiago (Platts)--25 Aug 2015 549 pm EDT/2149 GMT

Copper prices should recover from its recent slide by late 2016 as the global market returns to deficit, Chile's deputy mining minister Ignacio Moreno said Tuesday.

"We believe that the price should be around $2.80-$3/lb by the end of 2016 -- this is a reasonable price for the industry," the official told reporters in Santiago.




Chile sees copper recovering by late 2016 as deficit returns: minister
Santiago (Platts)--25 Aug 2015 549 pm EDT/2149 GMT

Copper prices should recover from its recent slide by late 2016 as the global market returns to deficit, Chile's deputy mining minister Ignacio Moreno said Tuesday.

"We believe that the price should be around $2.80-$3/lb by the end of 2016 -- this is a reasonable price for the industry," the official told reporters in Santiago.


This should be good for #ARS
Yes good for ARS, MNC and CDC I hope.

St Legers meeting starts tomorrow so hopefully the market will become more interesting after the Summer lull.
CPX - some excitement about possible CPX supercapacitors being in new iphone. Apple never release this sort of information so people will just have to wait for tear-downs in a few weeks time. At some point it surely has to happen. Some of the guesses on other forums did actually connect some relevant dots i.e. Murata stock was up 9% and the commentary relating to Murata in the CPX Annual Report sounded quite positive about Murata selling CPX into some good applications/customers. Nothing concrete yet though.
CDC - Just looking into their main project Hinoba-an it had an NPV of $500m at a copper price of $3/lb. The problem with the project wasn't economics / grade it was the Chinese dispute with Phillipines over South China Seas territory. That put off Chinese firms who were otherwise interested in funding the project. That dispute is still live and due to go to Court soon so it seems intractable. What could rescue CDC is if either copper price goes above $3/lb so maybe some other non-Chinese Companies will come in to finance or if they just bring in new projects and use the listing as a shell. They have written value of Hinoba-an down to zero anyway.
CPX - a great write up on Proactive Investors


CAP-XX tapping into some potentially huge global markets

09:52 10 Sep 2015
“What’s held us back in the past is we have been waiting for the technology convergence to happen,” said CEO Anthony Kongats.

The surge in the share price of technology firm CAP-XX over the past six months has been nothing short of spectacular.

Investors lucky enough to get in at March’s £2.5mln fund-raising, priced at 1p a share, are sitting on a near 500% paper profit. Those who exited at 8p have done even better.

However, there is an argument the current price of 6p a share is merely a staging post to a valuation way in excess of the current market cap of £16mln.

Certainly, if orders materialise from 20 or so automotive companies it is working with, or the integration of its tiny super-capacitors into machine-to-machine technology takes off, then the current share price will seem laughable.

Listed on the AIM here in London, CAP-XX is an Aussie headquartered firm that is tapping into some potentially huge global markets.

Its specialism is (as mentioned earlier) super-capacitors – from the wafer thin, to those large enough to help power a high performance sports car.

In layman’s terms, super-capacitors bridge power gaps.

They store electricity very efficiently, so it is there when it is needed. Importantly, they are able to supply the current in sharp, very powerful bursts.

Chief executive Anthony Kongats says CAP-XX’s technology is ‘disruptive’ on a number of levels

Its Thinline product is the lightest, thinnest super-capacitor on the market and is ideal for electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops where space is at a premium.

The ability to extend battery life is an added bonus that will no doubt be seized on by the consumer electronics industry.

However, the Internet of Things, where machines communicate via wireless, could be transformed by devices such as CAP-XX’s.

Its larger units, used in cars and for jump starting trucks, offer customers “more punch for their dollar” by being smaller, but more powerful than the other products on the market.

Very little of this latent potential was apparent in the last set of results – the prelims – which were nevertheless revelatory on a number of other levels.

They showed the company’s gross margins, on sales of A$4.4mln, had more than doubled to 30.6% in the space of the year as CAP-XX became more efficient.

They also told us the royalties from Japan’s Murata Manufacturing, which uses the technology in a number of electronic devices, were on a sharp upward curve.

Notable also was the amount spent on research and development, which at A$2.6mln, was 60% of revenues.

Boss Kongats makes no apologies for the amount invested back into products.

What he is selling is not another ‘me-too’ super-capacitor, but the best in class product, be that at the micro-end of the market, or larger units.

“We need to keep ahead of the competition,” he told Proactive Investors.

“If we cut back then we won’t be huge or a success. We believe there will be large growth in a number of markets we address that justifies the level of R&D

“We have to have something unique to sell.”

Neither is this a single-shot-on-goal company.

It is currently active in areas or developing products for car keys, electronic locks, smart metering and building controls.

Add to that list smart credit cards, electronic shelf labels, medical and fitness devices and asset tracking.

Each in and of itself is a multi-million pound market.

“We are selling the shovels here to the gold miners,” CAP-XX boss said.

“I don’t know which application is going to take-off in the medical market for instance, but what I know is they are going to have a better product using CAP-XX.”

Among the high profile products on the market is a next-generation insulin pump that uses its super-capacitors – and provides an entre to the wider medical devices arena.

CAP-XX has a twin-track approach to commercialising its Intellectual property (IP).

The larger opportunities in consumer electronics, mobile telephony and the automotive sector, it will joint venture or license out.

But where the market is smaller, the company will oversee the manufacturing of the product, while maintaining control of the technology at the core.

The plan ultimately is to be for advanced power what Intel is to the computer central processor – the default technology.

Currently CAP-XX’s Thinline product is under evaluation with more than 20 different companies involved in developing machines that talk to one another – part of the so-called Internet of Things.

A further twenty-odd automotive businesses are interested in the technology – some of these collaborations are close to throwing up licensing opportunities.

These and the deal with a tier-1 vehicle components maker to commercialise the truckStart product (it does as the name suggests), should tell investors the next six to 12 months will provide many more catalysts for share price growth.

“What’s held us back in the past is we have been waiting for the technology convergence to happen,” said CEO Kongats.

“We’ve had our technology ready, but others haven’t. That’s all changed and it is having a profound effect on our prospects.”
GCM - just got clean chit from that OECD nonsense body. With chart depressed it could go on a run here.
Just updating the prices in this list :-

Major mover has been CDC from 0.80-0.90 to 1.55-1.80 so far.

Yes. Mixed news. I'd have liked them to have kept the Copper project as an option given potential NPV of $500m.

However getting 'billionaire' Jim Mellon on the Board and becoming a life sciences / med tech shell is brilliant news. That could really motor going forwards as it still trades at a discount to its net cash level. I reckon it should trade at about 3.5p to reflect net cash level. Then there is the hope/hype potential if Jim Mellon can find a good exciting bio/med tech Company into the shell.

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Jim Mellon now deeply involved with a couple of shells mentioned here (CDC and 3LEG) which he has every intention of turning into bio/medtech vehicles. This guy wants to create Billion dollar bio/medtech companies so worth seeing what he has planned. This is a video of him talking about his bio/medtech investment strategy.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kA6wQW1OJ6g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
3LEG - speaking of which this could be due a run at any time given this chart formation. Should not take much for a major breakout one would hope ordinarily. Of course the chart is a majorly distorted by a big capital return which meant a mathematical adjustment to the share price. But it looks very cheap now on fundamentals as Mellon is showing he has some serious plans for these shells he is collecting.

Keeping an eye on a few other situations which may offer interesting RTO potentials

e.g. HCP

and TGL

and AVP




AVP was massive dilution at 0.12p with new investors coming in. So a bit too much of a hope/hype premium already compared with CDC/3LEG etc. Chartwise a conclusive break over 0.03 required for it to become interesting and by that time probably will have had most of any run. So the chart and fundamentals put me off right now.

TGL currently suspended and may not be back until 2016. Will require financing.

HCP story looks a bit bust for now after major EGM defeat for the Insurgent leader.
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AVP was massive dilution at 0.12p with new investors coming in. So a bit too much of a hope/hype premium already compared with CDC/3LEG etc. Chartwise a conclusive break over 0.03 required for it to become interesting and by that time probably will have had most of any run. So the chart and fundamentals put me off right now.

TGL currently suspended and may not be back until 2016. Will require financing.

HCP story looks a bit bust for now after major EGM defeat for the Insurgent leader.

Thanks s28 for your timely updates.

Very much appreciated dude.