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Apply that to CPX today. Plenty of people will look back at CPX when it was a 100p a share stock and had Intel and Nokia as Investors/Partners and think the Company failed so the technology and Management must be failures. However maybe the Market just wasn't ready for their products at that time ? Maybe now is the time when they have more innovative potential customers who can take that technology and actually dream big with it or be compelled to do something because otherwise their competitors might.

Totally agree that timing is everything.

The very first social network was Six Degrees, who also held the social networking patent. However, the company ultimately failed because they were so far ahead of their time, but the infrastructure, social habits and supporting technology just wasnt ready back in the late 1990s.

Only a fraction of the world was online at the time, and all of those were on slow dial-up connections. This made social networking cumbersome, slow and not a great user experience. So six Degrees and Friendster failed.

Fast forward just a few years, and broadband connectivity and huge proportion of the world coming online resulted in FB taking full advantage of the changes in technology. They used the same patent, but the timing was now right for it to fly.

Success of a good idea relies on many (often uncontrollable) factors. Perhaps now it is CPX's time.
I hope so. Its had a few false starts in the past ( I turned down the IPO at 100p in 2006 but got swept up in the China deal hype 10p-30p in 2010) but on this go round it seems to be the real deal with the massive trend towards IoT. Would like to see some big name customer RNSes and some revenue details for real tangible evidence of all this. Then would be fully confident this can be a potential 50-100p stock
Hi guys what's your opinion on wrn Worthington group, at moment share is suspended but it's ready trade again in August and has huge projects lined up
WRN I'm afraid there are some very clued up people who have been saying all along that the Company is dodgy and so are the people behind it. I personally would not touch it with a bargepole.
Ramadan Mubarak to my Muslim brothers and sisters, wishing you and your families. InshAllah you all have a month full of happiness and blessings.
#XTR - I'm a bit disappointed but not for one second betting against Jan Nelson. These short-term price fluctuations are to be expected. I wouldn't write off this company just yet. Although there is every chance this could still fall further, there is considerable upside from current share price it all depends on the company generating profits. I'm looking to sell half my holding on any spike and let the rest ride for free.
SAV results still look mixed to me but Archer will be banging the drum at Proactive forum tomorrow so expect positive spin articles

cash position looks ok for now so can't see imminent placing albeit no doubt there will be soon hmm

chart looks to have based so room for a manufactured run


Did think the chart basing pattern might imply news soon. After todays JV with Rio Tinto I expect next news wil be placing. I don't think Rio are that interested in this so happy for a minnow to take it off their hands.
Aussie listed EMH might be Lenigas's next big ramp. Yesterday EMH said they would do a placing with REM. REM have not RNSed that deal as far as I can tell.

EMH from a cursory glance looks to have a 500mt Lithium deposit grading about 0.4% compared with REM / BCN 's Lithium deposit of 1000mt grading 0.2%

But REM and BCN combined have a market cap of over £100m compared with EMH only c.£8m

Not checked figures properly but with upcoming European Lithium IPO this sector could get hot


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/D1v4ENzY17M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
An insightful post from that BB

They say that if you want to be a successful fisherman, you need to think like a fish. In the stockmarket, we are all “fishing” for money; consequently, IMHO, you need to think like the sharks running the market – especially when you play the spec end.

Keith Coughlan put $200K in at the 5c placement. He didn’t sell a share on the way up. So why do you think he’d do anything detrimental to the company? I don’t! That’s why I think there are things that we may not know hidden behind the numbers.

REM holds over 16% of BCN and 3% of WLC. Both these companies have been used in past EMH reports as market comparatives. In the last corporate presentation, EMH had an EV/t LCE of $1.79 vs. $12.39 for WLC and $36.16 for BCN. Do you think REM realizes value when it sees it? Do you think REM believes EMH will be capped at a comparative EV/t LCE as BCN and WLC?

Like him or loathe him, David Lenigas, the executive chairman of REM is no idiot. He knows how to promote like few others, and I‘d be shocked if the remainder of the placement didn’t end up with friends of his.

As for the price action, don’t you find it a bit suspicious that the sell order for 300K at 11.5c that was depressing the share the whole day was cancelled after market? Think about it – announce a placement at a price well below market knowing that the market won’t really like it, cap the stock and flush out the last of the weak holders.

The fact is that a share price usually gravitates toward its placement price following the placement, yet on this supposed negative news, EMH closed down half a cent on the day. Who knows, perhaps EMH will get to 8c – but I doubt it. Similarly, who knows, perhaps REM takes about 5m EMH in the placement and comes in to buy a similar number on market. All I’m saying is that in the case of this placement 2 + 2 DOES NOT equal 4.

There are games within games being played, and if you want to swim with the sharks, you’ve got to feed when they feed rather than be eaten like a guppie.
#XTR - I'm a bit disappointed but not for one second betting against Jan Nelson. These short-term price fluctuations are to be expected. I wouldn't write off this company just yet. Although there is every chance this could still fall further, there is considerable upside from current share price it all depends on the company generating profits. I'm looking to sell half my holding on any spike and let the rest ride for free.

Same here, had the chance to sell at 0.46, don't now why I didn't.
The problem is Jan is saying a lot , but not following it up. Surprising Jan should now how AIM work, from his previous company.
AVP been disappointing and announced £2m placing at 0.12p today but suggestions from some that Chris Akers involved. He has a 'hot hand' when it comes to Tech reverse take-overs. Worth keeping an eye on that when dust settles.
CPX break the moving average resistance on volume and this could go nutty

people realising a £5m cap is far too low for a company with so much potential


Ended today towards the highs of the day and has set a new 52 week high so momentum should continue here.
ASX: CXB Cobre Montana

An interesting Lithium process technology company

Recent Investor Presentation http://cobremontana.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Investor-presentation-May-2015-V5.pdf

Already had a decent move but could get some real global buzz around this if it works and takes off. Already partnered with EMH and lots of puff pieces appearing

'ASX Company to Dominate Global Lithium Market?' - The Next Mining Boom http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=71abc8fc40c52730fa60ed2a2&id=59057dbec6

Cobre Montana disruption leading to lithium eruption - Resources Roadhouse, June 12, 2015 http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=71abc8fc40c52730fa60ed2a2&id=ce1e25bbec

Note recent Golden Cross breakout

Yes it could be a tactical rise, the bondholders are probably throwing in sweetners for the yes vote
I was in AFR until a couple of years ago. What's happened there is a disgrace.
Jaspa spill it out mate,
I'm in afren got 200k shares @ 9a share, is there no upside to this, I'm confident when the refinancing gets sorted then this is a multibagger and thers tons of positive updates not been released yet
56 minutes ago | By Waseem Shakoor

Afren equity is toast, ignore the spike says Waseem Shakoor

It has been some time since I wrote about Afren (AFR) but, suffice to say, anyone who chose to ignore the warnings about what would happen in a restructuring will now be sitting on very severe losses. From memory, I first called Afren out as a short at 7p, and then added heavily to that position as retail buyers drove the price up to as much as 14p. On Friday, the firm announced that the predicted dilution was on its way as a vast amount of shares would be issued to bond holders in exchange for a very modest reduction in debt:

56 minutes ago | By Waseem Shakoor

Afren equity is toast, ignore the spike says Waseem Shakoor

It has been some time since I wrote about Afren (AFR) but, suffice to say, anyone who chose to ignore the warnings about what would happen in a restructuring will now be sitting on very severe losses. From memory, I first called Afren out as a short at 7p, and then added heavily to that position as retail buyers drove the price up to as much as 14p. On Friday, the firm announced that the predicted dilution was on its way as a vast amount of shares would be issued to bond holders in exchange for a very modest reduction in debt:


I'd take his comments as a pinch of salt, he's a shorter and basically hes been shorting for months
If he has been shorting for months then he has been right. Of course he will want to talk his own book but he is a Bond holder and thus will be privy to information that Equity holders aren't such as Bond covenants and Bonds are senior in the Capital structure so Bond holders hold the power in determining fate of the Company ?
If he has been shorting for months then he has been right. Of course he will want to talk his own book but he is a Bond holder and thus will be privy to information that Equity holders aren't such as Bond covenants and Bonds are senior in the Capital structure so Bond holders hold the power in determining fate of the Company ?

Why would Allan linn the newly appointed ceo of afren who has credibility worldwide give video speaches like I firstly work for the shareholders and work to make sure they and all stakeholders get value going forward?
How is there any value going forward when only 11% of equity will be in the hands of shareholders - especially at the current SP?

It's criminal the way the company - only recently seen as a stock market darling - has been run in the last 12 months.

The new CEO may be genuine but the damage is terminal IMHO.
How is there any value going forward when only 11% of equity will be in the hands of shareholders - especially at the current SP?

It's criminal the way the company - only recently seen as a stock market darling - has been run in the last 12 months.

The new CEO may be genuine but the damage is terminal IMHO.

I think youl find the dilution is actually drafted in the share price hence the shocking level of sp, after the refinancing goes ahead youlsee the bondholders drive the sp back up with release of big possitive news
I think youl find the dilution is actually drafted in the share price hence the shocking level of sp, after the refinancing goes ahead youlsee the bondholders drive the sp back up with release of big possitive news

Wishful thinking
CPX looking good going into next week

I had a look through recent news releases and was surprised at the number of really big deals we should be getting news on in coming weeks. CPX were talking to about 20 Companies in the Automotive industry about licensing and about 19 companies for their Thinline Supercapacitor.

Specific deals we know about are : -

1. Car Deal 1 "Truckstart" with North American Global Tier 1 Auto components Company 'initially for development of products for the North American Truck Market'

2. Car Deal 2 " a separate global Tier-1 automotive systems company has bought a number of 500F cells, in November 2014, for the development of a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) for use in racing cars, prior to anticipated broader adoption in sports cars."

3. Car Deal 3 "Another global Tier-1 automotive components company has approached CAP-XX to licence a patent and has tabled an initial offer involving an upfront license fee, plus a sliding scale royalty on sales. This opportunity is currently in active negotiation."

4. Thales Feasibility Study - Graphene Supercapacitors ? This would be mega and make CPX a huge 'concept stock' favourite amongst Investors.

5. Thinline - Mulitple sector opportunities in Wearables, Energy Harvesting and Smart Credit Cards
CPX looking good going into next week

I had a look through recent news releases and was surprised at the number of really big deals we should be getting news on in coming weeks. CPX were talking to about 20 Companies in the Automotive industry about licensing and about 19 companies for their Thinline Supercapacitor.

Specific deals we know about are : -

1. Car Deal 1 "Truckstart" with North American Global Tier 1 Auto components Company 'initially for development of products for the North American Truck Market'

2. Car Deal 2 " a separate global Tier-1 automotive systems company has bought a number of 500F cells, in November 2014, for the development of a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) for use in racing cars, prior to anticipated broader adoption in sports cars."

3. Car Deal 3 "Another global Tier-1 automotive components company has approached CAP-XX to licence a patent and has tabled an initial offer involving an upfront license fee, plus a sliding scale royalty on sales. This opportunity is currently in active negotiation."

4. Thales Feasibility Study - Graphene Supercapacitors ? This would be mega and make CPX a huge 'concept stock' favourite amongst Investors.

5. Thinline - Mulitple sector opportunities in Wearables, Energy Harvesting and Smart Credit Cards

A lot of near-term catalysts that could propel the share price a lot higher. A textbook no-brainer IMO
Yes only proviso is they tend to make out stuff is imminent but then don't deliver in timely fashion.I do just get a gut feeling this time it's different mainly due to Directors loading up, PI interest /momentum and chart set up.
Well, there are no signs of any imminent red flags. CPX looks really good right now. Easy money to be made. The company are looking to grow the business and will take the share price to new heights.

I can't say with a high level of certainty the same for XTR
Jan Nelson hits the placing button again. Will be interesting to see how the market reacts to this news. Acquisition complete!
SXX - Planning permission granted (with caveats) 8 votes to 7.

Will be fun and games tomorrow.
SXX doing very well today 50% up on the day . Is it still worth buying here ?
I sold out a couple of years ago. Its as close to a sure thing, but the issue was always the long timescales involved. They wont get to production for at least 5 years, and there will be plenty of opportunity to pick up de-risked cheap shares in that timeframe.

Comes across a bit small time and hobbyist to me

http://www.powersystemsdesign.com/podcasts-resources/html/1435603792-Anthony Kongats of CAP-XX.mp3

CAP-XX on Powering Advanced Portable Devices (Podcast from Paultre on Power)
Posted June 29, 2015

In this podcast, Anthony Kongats, CAP-XX CEO, talks to Alix Paultre of Power Systems Design about the challenges in creating power systems for advanced portable devices. Between traditional personal-product applications and next-gen Internet of Things (IoT)-driven functionality, power demands in portable devices have never been greater. CAP-XX recently launched its Thinline series of 0.6mm thick single-cell supercapacitors, developed to address the size, weight and cost challenges of designing ultra-thin, ultra-portable, and sometimes disposable electronic devices for the Internet of Things (IoT).
One interesting thing to come out of the audio though is that they really seem to have cracked the thin thing

After having got it down to 0.6mm they are already talking about going even thinner

Should make it impossible for likes of Apple and Samsung to ignore
Last edited:
I sold out a couple of years ago. Its as close to a sure thing, but the issue was always the long timescales involved. They wont get to production for at least 5 years, and there will be plenty of opportunity to pick up de-risked cheap shares in that timeframe.

Do you like the look of any stocks in particular at the moment? I agree it's best to look for de-risked cheap shares.

XTR was all hype and bought in thinking not going to miss the boat. Yet the price has fell and shares been diluted four-fold. I could have easily have patiently waited and avoided this in hindsight.

Note how the share price has enjoyed some recent big 'white candle' gains when it has reconnected with the 50 day EMA line. By my calculations we are 45 days after the time when we traded in the 2p range so those numbers will slowly go out of the Moving Average calculation in the next few days and be replaced by 5's and 6's. That should see the 50 day EMA line start to move up more rapidly and at least provide support to the share price if not hopefully cause another big 'white candle'. So I'm expecting another decent move higher within 5-10 trading days.

£15m Mkt Cap seems far too low for a Company talking about licensing to major automotive tier 1's, targetting an addressable market of $1.8bn in Truckstart battery replacement, and with potential to become a major supplier to likes of Apple or Samsung and or others in multiple Internet of Things applications.

Do you like the look of any stocks in particular at the moment? I agree it's best to look for de-risked cheap shares.

XTR was all hype and bought in thinking not going to miss the boat. Yet the price has fell and shares been diluted four-fold. I could have easily have patiently waited and avoided this in hindsight.

I'm excited by PLE's potential right now. But lazy management with a world class product.
I'm excited by PLE's potential right now. But lazy management with a world class product.

Pharmaceuticals can deliver life changing gains if they come to fruition. I'll take a look and see if I want to start small and build a position. Thanks!
We have gone past midpoint of this year. This thread has become rather uninspiring as of late. Hope someone shares their research/findings for a tenbagger or two before year end. CPX of those that have been mentioned by s28 is the only stock that looks to be going places.
Remember it is summer and most movers and shakers take extended breaks and go watch Wimbledon / The Ashes

Think about what Warren Buffett says

"You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing."
Remember it is summer and most movers and shakers take extended breaks and go watch Wimbledon / The Ashes

Think about what Warren Buffett says

"You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing."

Thanks s28 but I still think there will be opportunities to make money even during the summer lull.
CPX - Heading in the right direction, receives Prestigious 'Electron d'Or 2015' Award from ElectroniqueS Magazine
CPX - Heading in the right direction, receives Prestigious 'Electron d'Or 2015' Award from ElectroniqueS Magazine

The thing is about CPX it is going from strength to strength. Everything seems to be flowing in the right direction. I'm more likely to stick with this one long term.
This is from the French magazines website translated :

Interesting to note that the awards were made several weeks ago and the calibre of fellow award winners (Intel, Bosch etc). Could the news have been delayed to coincide with more upcoming newsflow ?


Discover the 14 winners of the electron d'or 2,015 gold!
The 18th edition of the Golden Electrons, which are given annually by the magazine Electronics, held yesterday, Wednesday, June 24, in the Salons of the Express, in Paris, in the presence of over a hundred people . The awards ceremony was preceded by a conference on the Internet of Things.

The 18th edition of the Golden Electrons, which are given annually by the magazine Electronics, held yesterday, Wednesday, June 24, in the Salons of the Express, in Paris, in the presence of over a hundred people . The awards ceremony was preceded by a conference on the Internet of Things. This conference will be a report that will be online in the day.

14 Electron Or were awarded during the evening, highlighting the 7 best products of the year, 4 innovations in application areas of electronics (automotive / transportation, health / wellness, aerospace / defense , smart building / energy) and three outstanding companies of electronics (better start-up, best distributor, best supplier / company).

These winners were chosen by an independent jury from a list of 70 products, innovations and companies prequalified by writing Electronics. The jury of engineers and experts from R & D and industry, met on 3 June. The evening was moderated by Pascal Coutance, editor of the journal Electronics, who presented the 14 trophies to the winning companies in the company of Aude Portet, head of division of Electro events (company that owns electronic) and official partner of the ceremony (Emmanuel Villand Linear Technology has awarded the "Passive Components / connection", Sylvie Cohen the BIRP presented the award "Products / Technology / Innovation of the Year", Julian Shepherd Eurocomposant presented the award "Smart building / energy," Julien Laval Intel presented the award "Start-up of the year, "Angel Moran Lemo presented the award" equipment supplier / company of the year "). The winners of the 2015 Gold Electrons are: Digital Circuits: Winner: ambiq Micro for its microcontrollers "subthreshold" low consumption Apollo series Analog Circuits / mixed: Winners: DelfMEMS for its RF Switch Technology Mems of SP12T series Passive Components / connection: Winner: CAP-XX for its ultracapacitors "ultra thin" for implementation "wearable" Thinline Series Sensors: Winner: Bosch Sensortec for its weather station on a chip the BME680 series Embedded: Winner: OriginGPS modules for GPS Spider miniatures of the Nano series Instrumentation: Winner: Tektronix digital oscilloscopes for its high-end series of DPO70000SX Products / Technology / Innovation of the Year: Winner: Intel for its technology FinFET 14 nm Automotive / Transportation: Winner: Valeo / Safran for his smart car key on smartphone InBlue and joint R & D partnership providing motor Health / Wellness: Winner: Cityzen Sciences for its connected tee-shirt D Aerospace / Defence: Winner: Microsemi for its FPGA 65nm hardened dedicated to aeronautics Smart Building / Energy: Winner: Semtech for the creation of the Alliance LoRa dedicated to Internet Objects Start-up of the Year: Winner: EnerBee for its micro-generator based on movement, enabling to empower connected objects into energy
Hi guys whats the opinion on this board about wrn ( Worthington group), currently not trading, but heard it's got huge potential, any opinions?
my answer last time you asked the same question

WRN I'm afraid there are some very clued up people who have been saying all along that the Company is dodgy and so are the people behind it. I personally would not touch it with a bargepole.


All Worthington articles - the fraud series - now back up

2015-06-14 01:13:44

We got the ex parte injunction lifted. we won. Tonight pizza hardman Darren Atwater has reloaded all articles in the Worthington (WRN) fraud series. You can check out our complete Worthington coverage HERE http://www.shareprophets.com/EPIC?epic=wrn
SPGH - Superglass

Interesting chart set up ? Seems an ultra low market cap for the Revenue levels and the Plant,Property,Equipment etc ?

Setting up a junior ISA at the moment for my son

Been a bit wary of some of the below the line small print charges this Industry uses to mug off investors but thought it would be interesting to punt in some money with a long term to maturity and just leave it in a couple of stocks and see what happens

This lot charge over a quid a month just to POST hard copy statements so turned that off and gone for email only communication

Admin fee of £1 p.m so about £15 pa which is about standard if not towards lower end from my brief overview of the DIY accounts

Setting up a junior ISA at the moment for my son

Been a bit wary of some of the below the line small print charges this Industry uses to mug off investors but thought it would be interesting to punt in some money with a long term to maturity and just leave it in a couple of stocks and see what happens

This lot charge over a quid a month just to POST hard copy statements so turned that off and gone for email only communication

Admin fee of £1 p.m so about £15 pa which is about standard if not towards lower end from my brief overview of the DIY accounts


That's commendable s28
Not really any need for it but just nice for him to have a pot in his own name and from an investment discipline perspective its getting me to think anew as to what stocks should go in on a ten to twenty year view

Given it is in effect "free money" can afford to just punt it and let it ride and forget about it

Toying with ideas at the moment as to what to invest in


on the prospective list
CPX looked like it was about to go ballistic at one point today before Company issued an RNS which seemed to indicate there was no imminent news to divulge.

However the statement reads very encouragingly and you don't hold Investor Relations events unless you have a story to show off so this looks like it will have continued momentum going forward.
Investor Relations Event

CAP-XX will host a London Capital Markets Day in November for analysts and investors. A series of presentations covering strategy and the market opportunity will be given.

Commenting, Anthony Kongats, Chief Executive of CAP-XX, said:

"The past year has been transformational for CAP-XX. We secured an MOU for the development of our automotive supercapacitor, which is progressing pleasingly. We also launched our Thinline range of supercapacitors to address the requirement for power hungry devices for the IoT. We are grateful for the support of our shareholders as we launched these exciting products and view the coming financial year with increasing confidence, supported by recent product investments and encouraging activity levels."
Usually a good sign when an AIM company issues a statement to actually dampen short-term enthusiasm. It generally indicates that they want longer sustainable growth and have a real story to tell, rather than the the countless pump & dump case studies we have seen over the years.
As an illustration of the power of compound growth I put together a little spreadsheet for a Junior ISA with an Initial lump sum of £1000, annual returns on the portfolio of 10% and annual lump sum additions to the portfolio of £100

Using those assumptions I make the £1000 turning into approximately £10000 over the 18 years

Of course Inflation will eat into the real value as will Dealing and Admin costs
10% is a heroic assumption given the accepted long term return on equities is regarded as being closer to 7%

However just for fun tweaking the assumptions 'slightly' to use a 20% return rate and £200 annual additions I make it that the £1000 becomes worth £50000 after 18 years