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Commenting on the Placing, Jan Nelson, CEO, said: "The type of opportunities that have presented themselves which we believe will transform Xtract from a small scale to a mid tier producer do not come across our path very often, and we believe that the opportunity to raise funds in order to progress with these opportunities will deliver significant shareholder value, notwithstanding the initial dilution to our shareholders. In addition the objective is to also increase the resource base and accelerate output from our current operations. This places Xtract in an extremely strong position to deliver growth."
If monies go towards decent acquisition, then not all bad.

I agree Jaspa888, the company can have greater success if money is pumped into the right acquisitions. This sort of thing was expected but would have thought Jan Nelson would have waited for share price to be a bit higher. He went the extra mile with PAF and grew that.

The debate could go on but it's going to be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks.
I think the potential acquisition may be more advanced than we believe, hence why the immediate need for funds.
perplexed why cpx brought a halt to the rise, they could have waited and raised a lot higher than they will do now.
If there ever is a demonstration of how the aim is corrupt and manipulated, NEW is showing it right now.
perplexed why cpx brought a halt to the rise, they could have waited and raised a lot higher than they will do now.

it seemed on its way to 10p and it would be verging on criminal of them to then do a 3 or 4p placing so sensible decision from the company

the people they are targeting are proper Institutions who they want to cultivate for long term provision of capital and thus letting them in a bit cheaper is fair enough usually there would be nod and wink understanding that such Institutions will 'support' the aftermarket by buying more higher up having been given a 'start' in building a position

for many Institutions it isn't worth their time investing in small cap situations given lack of liquidity so they do need to be given some freebies
(XTR) Xtract Resources
Share price: 0.32
Market cap: £15.62M
£3M placing
2 potential acquisitions
Faster development of Chepica mine. There should be a steady stream of newsflow in the upcoming weeks.
One to watch#
NEW some big games being played on that will be fascinating to watch that unfold


action was a bit delayed but crazy goings on
So do we think five years of a Tory majority is good for AIM?
personally am cynical about all politicians so no idea cant be worse than the last few years surely

Which party do investors do better under? How the stock market fared under 45 years of Labour and Conservative government
PUBLISHED: 21:41, 6 April 2015 | UPDATED: 10:30, 7 April 2015

The stock market has performed twice as well under a Conservative government as it has under Labour, according to performance statistics dating back to 1970.
But the facts behind the raw numbers suggest events taking place on the global stage are far more important to the UK stock market than the next resident of Number 10, Downing Street.
That is perhaps for the better, given the electoral cycle often seems to imbue our political leaders with a breathtaking sense of short-termism.
True blue: The stock market has performed twice as well under a Conservative government as it has under Labour, according to performance statistics dating back to 1970
True blue: The stock market has performed twice as well under a Conservative government as it has under Labour, according to performance statistics dating back to 1970
Over the last 45 years there have been five Conservative governments, five Labour governments, and the current coalition.
Over that time the UK stock market has returned, on average, 16 per cent a year under Conservative rule, compared with 9 per cent under Labour.
Markets can be capricious beasts in the short term, but this reflects the growth in UK company profits under the two parties; earnings grew by an average 11 per cent a year under the Conservatives, compared with 6 per cent a year under Labour.

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/...y-wins-stock-market-s-vote.html#ixzz3ZcojpAzS
very encouraging to see this

CPX products being enthusiastically promoted by third parties


David Taylor, PR Manager of ACTE comments “Seeing much success in the integration of CapXX supercaps into a whole host of embedded applications, CapXX’s latest range allows us to offer an even more comprehensive range aimed at next generation IoT areas such as; active credit cards, RFID tags, retail security tags, electronic shelf labels, wearable electronics, all which are powered by coin cells, thin film/solid state batteries or energy harvesters.

In addition to CapXX offering the lowest leakage and highest power density 2.7V - 5.5V super capacitors available today, they offer excellent shock and vibration resistance to IEC68-2-6. CapXX super capacitors are also particularly good at minimising downtime on portable devices with ultra-quick charging times due to the absence of inrush current limits, as opposed to several hours battery charging.
Been following CPX for years and never seen this level of promotion in the public domain

ACTE will be participating at the Motiv8 Forum to be held at the Williams F1 Team HQ on June 16th 2015.

Members of ACTE's commercial and technical team will be supporting guest speakers from Radiocrafts AS who will provide a workship focussed on their latest short-range wireless modules. Radiocrafts have recently released an updated version of their successful TinyMesh modules which allow designers to add low-cost, simple to manage mesh-network capabilities to products.

The Radiocrafts workshop will also introduce Sigfox, a highly scalable global network for connected devices and include details of the latest narrow-band wireless modules with extended range and reliability for industrial telemetry applications.

ACTE will be displaying and demonstrating wireless solutions from their leading range of manufactures including Java powered GSM Terminals and modules from Gemalto, Cap-xx supercapacitors, low-cost High-Flying Wi-Fi modules and Radiocrafts range of wireless modules as well as other devices and accessories.

CPX placing at 3.25p

hopefully now that uncertainty is out of the way the medium term rise can continue
EVO two pieces of news neither seem all that significant to me

Horse Hill consortium has increased OIP estimates. Just looks like more ramping based on no actual new drilling. They need to flow test to prove this oil flows and at what rate
CPX time to stop focusing on micro price movements and placings sentiment

CPX simply produce leading technology vital to some brilliantly innovative and incredibly useful products which add to the sum of human health and wellbeing


1. Social (Infotainment & Communication)
 CAP-XX example: Activity wristbands
Coin cell battery can’t support vibration alert.
Supercapacitor provides peak power

2. Sport (Activities & Goals)
 CAP-XX example: Shoe sensors
Kinetic transducer harvests energy.
Supercapacitor provides power

3. Medical (Health & Wellbeing)
 CAP-XX example: e-Call wristbands
Supercapacitor powers radio in emergency & monitoring device for Alzheimer’s patients
 CAP-XX example: Insulin pumps
Supercapacitor powers pump & wireless comms (final prototype now in production)
CPX - still holding that 4p resistance, as S28 mentioned earlier

I think there is a margin of safety with CPX, and they have a tangible product. NEW was an out and out gamble. I'd hate to put myself in such an untenable situation.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/apSnwVxsJ1k?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Astonishing admission by Peter Hambro that he didnt have a clue about convertible bonds

Do you reckon this media attention may renew people's interest in the stock?

By posting a blog post, am sure he has revitalised his ego!
I havent seen an error like this in years, possibly ever. It's a real schoolboy error for an experienced investor. Hence why I think its a deliberate ploy. Why, I am still not sure...
I don't think that chap is all there. A bit of a fantasist I remember a few years back he was widely derided for claiming to be attending a business meeting at the Savoy when the hotel was actually closed for refurbishment!
REH GCM and AVP having a go

GCM they need to get a placing away so will they ramp it then place or place then ramp

AVP looks a low priced option on potential activity at some point and could get a PI following due to it costing just a couple of hundred quid to buy a million shares

REH chart looks good and could be some big news within six months
REH also notable that Weiss have been loading up almost unheard of in such a small cap for an Institution to load up with a big position
Hikma Founder and Honorary Life President Samih Darwazah passes away

London, 18 May 2015 - Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC ("Hikma") (LSE: HIK) (NASDAQ Dubai: HIK) (OTC: HKMPY), the fast growing multinational pharmaceuticals company, is deeply saddened to announce that Samih Darwazah, Hikma's Founder and Honorary Life President, passed away peacefully on Friday, 15 May, in London at the age of 85. Mr. Darwazah was a politician, a philanthropist, an entrepreneur and a business leader that founded Hikma, a company that recently entered the FTSE100 index and now employs 7,000 people bringing affordable medicines to the world.

Mr. Darwazah founded Hikma in 1978 in Amman, Jordan. His vision was to bring high quality and affordable medicines to the world. With the help of his children, who joined the business in its early days, Hikma grew from a small factory in Jordan into the largest regional supplier of pharmaceuticals in the Middle East and North Africa ("MENA") region. The company also expanded outside the MENA region, establishing successful operations in Europe and the United States. Today Hikma operates in around 50 countries, selling a broad range of branded generics, generic injectables, non-injectable generics and in-licensed patented products. In 2005, the company floated on the London Stock Exchange and in March 2015 it entered the FTSE 100 index.

Mr. Darwazah was born in Nablus in 1930. One of several children, his family lived in Jaffa, where his father was a merchant, for most of his childhood. In 1948, the Darwazah family left their ancestral home and moved to Jordan. Mr. Darwazah went to study at the American University of Beirut ("AUB"), where he met and married his wife, Samira, a fellow AUB student. After obtaining a B.Sc. Degree in Pharmacy in 1954 and working for a few years in pharmacy in Jordan and Kuwait, Mr. Darwazah was offered a Fulbright Scholarship and went to study at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in Saint Louis, Missouri.

A couple of months after receiving his master's degree in Industrial Pharmacy, Mr. Darwazah signed on with Eli Lilly. He worked for the company from 1964 to 1976, first in the United States then in various positions in the Middle East marketing division. At the age of 48, after 12 years working for Eli Lilly and with extensive experience in marketing and management, Mr. Darwazah decided to return to Jordan and establish his own company - and Hikma was born.
As an entrepreneur and business leader, Mr. Darwazah became an influential figure in Jordan, creating jobs and developing a vibrant local pharmaceutical industry. He believed strongly that he had a responsibility to invest in local communities and he became a strong advocate of corporate responsibility. In 1995, Mr. Darwazah was invited by Jordan's Prince Zeid Ben-Shaker to serve as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to the late King Hussein. In later years, he was also a senator, served on the Advisory Economic Council to His Majesty the King of Jordan, and founded the Jordanian Trade Association. As a firm supporter of education and an advocate for women's rights, Mr. Darwazah established a school for girls in Al Shoubak in Jordan in 2009, amongst many other philanthropic endeavours.
In recognition of Mr. Darwazah's remarkable achievements as a businessman, Ernst and Young named him Middle East Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007. He was also the recipient of five honorary doctorates in recognition of his lifetime achievements - from The St. Louis College of Pharmacy, the Lebanese American University, Birzeit University, the American University of Beirut and the Jordan University of Science and Technology.
In addition to Mr. Darwazah's significant professional achievements, he will perhaps be best remembered by all who knew him as someone who valued family above all else. He surrounded himself with his four children and his eleven grandchildren. The supportive "family" culture at Hikma thrives today, ten years after becoming a public company. He will be sorely missed and always remembered by all who knew him.
Condolences can be sent to condolences@hikma.com.
XTR chart looks good but with Nelson some times the delivery has failed to match the hype so I would be cautious after a big move that delivery may not match the expectation and promise

can see argument if news is big enough for a gap into the 40-200 zone but would require such momentum news and volume i would argue against it on this go but the golden cross can see big moves eventuate and should at least act as support if no breakout

My old favourite SXX looking interesting. Just weeks away from a binary planning decision. A Tory majority helps massively and the local MP campaigned in the GE on the basis of supporting planning and the thousands of jobs a YES vote would bring to the area.
Silver tongued devils Yorkville purveyors of Death Spiral Financing try to talk their own book

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ow2WsfyWePk?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some stocks bursting into life on no news

GRL today after long chart basing pattern

doesn't take much if they are low market caps, limited free float and a story that can be spun

AFPO, EVO, HNL all fit right now
j888/s28/Zed_mann, what's your exit strategy? When it comes time to sell a stock, do you sell some of your holding, make a profit or do you hold all your holding until your target price has been realised? It's the toughest decision knowing when to sell a stock that has had a spectacular run.
i have long been an advocate of "dollar cost averaging" in exit and entry nobody can call the exact bottom or top
j888/s28/Zed_mann, what's your exit strategy? When it comes time to sell a stock, do you sell some of your holding, make a profit or do you hold all your holding until your target price has been realised? It's the toughest decision knowing when to sell a stock that has had a spectacular run.

I personally always leave it late,(greedy) but with XTR looking at minimum 0.50, think that the price jan will exit the compant
I was never sentimental about stocks, and used to strictly trade on +/-20% but with transaction costs and spreads, you have to be a very active trader to make this feasible. I just dont have time for that anymore.

Instead,I now only invest in stocks for the mid/long term where I truly believe in the company. This means you are potentially sitting on big losses for a long time, but you actually then become involved more with the company. I've found this to be potentially a less lucrative but more emotionally rewarding experience.

Ive now only got 6 long-term holdings of varying sizes, and set my own exit price (come what may) on these stocks.
I was never sentimental about stocks, and used to strictly trade on +/-20% but with transaction costs and spreads, you have to be a very active trader to make this feasible. I just dont have time for that anymore.

Instead,I now only invest in stocks for the mid/long term where I truly believe in the company. This means you are potentially sitting on big losses for a long time, but you actually then become involved more with the company. I've found this to be potentially a less lucrative but more emotionally rewarding experience.

Ive now only got 6 long-term holdings of varying sizes, and set my own exit price (come what may) on these stocks.

Thanks j888, that's very similar to my strategy. I tend to hold my position in any given stock until I want out or the story changes etc. I used to overtrade a lot to begin with but was losing money left right centre. It's all good seeing p/f % increasing but the downside when investing, you know to and can expect periods where you will be seeing the value of your p/f going down and just have to grin and bear it. I only hold 3-4 stocks that way I can stay current with the story. XTR is my favourite right now.
I personally always leave it late,(greedy) but with XTR looking at minimum 0.50, think that the price jan will exit the compant

Thanks Zed_mann, I'm sure you've got it right sometimes can't all be losing trades. I doubt Jan will exit at 0.50 but then none of us know what the future holds.

Jan Nelson will want to match his performance at PAF if not exceed it. It seems unlikely that he will do better than PAF. RNS today of warrants being exercised more dilution. Awaiting next batch of news to see where this one is going. Onwards and upwards I hope.
s28, are warrants a bit like holidays inclusive at work if you don't use them before a certain date then they become worthless? Just trying to understand how these things work.
#XTR - I'm a little bit skeptical, JN Nelson has stumbled a few times as s28 has picked up on. A red flag for me is why dilute shareholders at such a low share price. If the profits and grades he is anticipating are as good as he is forecasting. I will wait for the feasibility study to be completed, and wait for some fundamentals/facts to be established. The new projects that he has mentioned but not yet disclosed to the market, will he look to partner with another company or dilute shareholders further. This not ticking the boxes of a multibagger for me.
#CPX - Looks a good long term profitable investment, and they have a tangible product to boot. I'm looking to buy more if this sits at this level below 4p next week.
XTR - Everything in place, just need J Nelson to deliver..
CPX - The longer they take to announce an deal, the more people will lose interest and sell up, which is happening at the moment.
XTR - Everything in place, just need J Nelson to deliver..
CPX - The longer they take to announce an deal, the more people will lose interest and sell up, which is happening at the moment.

#XTR - I reckon is still very early-stage. These mining stocks are cyclical, and placings, delays these things are commonplace. The company will need money to finance acquisitions/projects. I'm going to wait and see how things play out.

#CPX - The share price doesn't always reflect the underlying business. It's an opportunity to accumulate shares at a discount. People losing interest is good and I hope they make the price drop even further. Prior to the placing this was only heating up. Once this gets going, the price will rise and probably astronomically.

These are my views, I could be wrong.
NIA has calculated the monthly market cap/GDP ratio of 24 major countries going back to 1991, which best indicates how undervalued/overvalued its stock market is being valued. To make it easier to compare the market cap/GDP ratios of multiple nations and to calculate the overall valuation of the global stock market - we converted each country's historical market cap/GDP ratios into percentiles of 0% to 100%. (100% means its market cap/GDP ratio is at its highest level in history vs. 0% the lowest in history).

NIA considers a country's stock market to be overvalued when its market cap/GDP ratio percentile is above 75%, and extremely overvalued when above 90%. Currently, the US has a market cap/GDP ratio percentile of 95.56%. This means that over the last 293 months dating back to the beginning of 1991, the US stock market was more overvalued than today during just 13 of those months.

Unbelievably, 19 or 79.17% of the 24 countries tracked by NIA now have stock markets that are overvalued, with 14 of those or 58.33% overall being extremely overvalued. In fact, 12 or 50% of the 24 countries tracked by NIA currently have market cap/GDP ratio percentiles of 95% or above. The median country tracked by NIA has a market cap/GDP ratio percentile today of 93.69%.

Japan and South Africa currently have their highest market cap/GDP ratios in history with percentiles of 100%. Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, China, Thailand, Singapore, along with the US - also currently have market cap/GDP ratio percentiles of 95% or above. Historically, the only time in history when over 50% of the countries tracked by NIA had market cap/GDP ratio percentiles north of 95% was in late-2007. This lasted for a total of only two months. In October 2007, a peak of 15 or 62.5% of the nations tracked by NIA had market cap/GDP ratio percentiles of above 95% vs. 12 or 50% today.

Clearly, the global stock market is nearing a peak - and current valuations will be impossible to sustain. After the global median market cap/GDP ratio percentile peaked in October 2007 at 97.44%, it fell to 81.4% within the following three months and ultimately crashed to a low in February 2009 of 26.45%. The next crash could be far more devastating.

Take a look at these three MUST SEE exclusive NIA charts showing why the mother of all stock market crashes could be just a few months away: http://inflation.us/global-stock-valuations-nearing-extreme-peak/
a couple i am keeping an eye on at the moment

small market caps , recent placings at around these levels but crucially new management who may be able to act as catalyst for change in business fortunes or at least investor perception of the businesses

HNL - Hague and London used to be WSX Wessex Petroleum but new management who ran a successful oil and gas company previously. Mkt Cap about £1.5m and have about that in cash so no premium for assets or management.

AFPO - African Potash new guy in charge may do a kitchen sink exercise and bring in a better project going forward



HNL dead quiet
AFPO stirrings https://www.discussthemarket.com/company/afpo/stream/1/
27 May 2015

Hague and London Oil PLC

Presentation at 12th Africa Independents Forum

Hague and London Oil PLC (the "Company") is pleased to announce that Andrew Cochran, Chairman and Interim Chief Executive, today presented at the 12th Africa Independents Forum in London, UK. In front of a broad audience of oil & gas executives, government officials, investors and other industry representatives, Andrew covered the Company's strategy, ambitions and approach to portfolio management.

There was no material new information disclosed in the presentation. The slides are available on the website of Hague and London Oil.

very good volume on AFPO any overhang could be cleared soon allowing lift off on any decent news
AFPO hitting some resistance

news and volume could see a serious move the chart above uses Simple Moving Averages

some chartists prefer using Exponential Moving Averages and on that basis the chart still has some near term resistance

AFPO hitting some resistance

news and volume could see a serious move the chart above uses Simple Moving Averages

some chartists prefer using Exponential Moving Averages and on that basis the chart still has some near term resistance


I think you are a little early, next week this should climb upwards.
GCM that seems pretty good news funding wise

Malaysians in charge doing a friends and family round prior to possible good news or covering themselves each way. Either way short term funding concerns out of the way so upside should prevail.
