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Buying shares?

Corbyn has plenty of support amongst City Capitalists. If anything we know better than most how iniquitous it is that Society pays for Austerity caused by the 1%/Banksters.

Doesn't sound very likely to me. The 1% won't want a proper socialist in charge. And you evaded my question. How do you personally square your capitalism with Mr Corbyn's desire to nationalise the banks, the railways and energy providers?
What about Silver? Surely that's bullish too ��

Most gold bulls are buying gold because it's uncorrelated to the business cycle. Silver is an industrial/prescious metal so it's going to have some correlation to the business cycle.
Most gold bulls are buying gold because it's uncorrelated to the business cycle. Silver is an industrial/prescious metal so it's going to have some correlation to the business cycle.

Thanks! I wasn't too sure so thought I'd ask the question.
TJI Tejoori is that good news on Dubai land plots ?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TJI?src=hash">#TJI</a> <a href="https://t.co/BImAKT2k03">https://t.co/BImAKT2k03</a></p>— Moz8 (@mozEIGHT) <a href="https://twitter.com/mozEIGHT/status/709727711544152064">15 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Chart and NAV discount look interesting

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TJI?src=hash">#TJI</a> remember nav is higher than any price on this chart .... this has been a long play coming to fruition <a href="https://t.co/97n8x1BL93">pic.twitter.com/97n8x1BL93</a></p>— Moz8 (@mozEIGHT) <a href="https://twitter.com/mozEIGHT/status/709715022654660608">15 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
This TJI news only come out a few minutes ago, many ppl might be on lunch break so not notice it.

Sounds like a big land price uplift to me.


Statement re share price movement


Update on Arjan Plots

The Board of Tejoori (AIM:TJI), the Dubai-based Shari'a-compliant investment company, notes the recent share price movement in the Company's ordinary shares and today provides an update on the Company's investment in the Arjan Plots. The Arjan Plots are three plots of land in Arjan, a commercial and residential property community development within DubaiLand in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Arjan Plots were acquired by Tejoori in December 2012 and the final deferred consideration payment in connection the acquisition of the Arjan Plots was made by the Company in February 2014. As previously announced by the Company, whilst the third Arjan Plot had been fully acquired by the Company in December 2012, the Company has been awaiting the granting of the title deed for the third plot in the Company's name. The Company can confirm that the third title deed has now been granted in the Company's name.

As previously announced, the Company continues to assess its options for the Group's interest in the three Arjan Plots. These include the potential sale of the plots, individually or as a whole, to a third party. The Company remains in ongoing discussions with third parties on the Arjan Plots and the Board continues to evaluate the options for the Arjan Plots that would seek to maximise returns for Tejoori shareholders. At this stage no agreement has been reached and no contracts have been exchanged with any third party with regards to the Arjan Plots and there is no guarantee that any such agreement will be reached or entered into in the near future.

The Company will keep shareholders updated on developments.

TJI - It's quoted in Dollars so $0.10 is c.6p

Some suggesting Arjan alone is worth 37p per share so circa $0.50
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Odd RNS from <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TJI?src=hash">#TJI</a> given that I've seen an email from the company saying the SPA's been signed in one plot at a 20% premium <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/justsaying?src=hash">#justsaying</a></p>— Veldt (@veldtspar) <a href="https://twitter.com/veldtspar/status/709739905535049728">15 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
ASA chart


Liking this consolidation between the 50 and 200 day MA lines. We could easily get a Golden Cross suggesting long term positive trend. The fundamental numbers continue to suggest ASA is trading at a huge discount to the realistic valuation of a Company with its production level and stated cost level. Still some distrust of ASA as the Chinese shareholders stabbed the old CEO Kalaa Mpinga in the back and may have burnt some bridges with Zimbabwean mining fraternity by doing so. IF they stabbed them then could they stab minority shareholders in back as well? I think its worth a punt on risk-reward basis.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">TJI - pleased to have a position here before they sell any of the land. The money they will get will be much more than current mc</p>— smudgedan (@Smudgedann) <a href="https://twitter.com/Smudgedann/status/710054937506357248">16 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Great RNS

Excellent by comparison to other successful shale plays, including Eagle Ford
Funding approved by Bank of America
I'm crying here... sometimes you just have to forget the fundamentals and believe the chart dynamics

I still think ultimately 88E is crap but people believing their inpenetrable garbage

will probably drift down in the next few days, until next peace of news, maybe an opportunity to buy a small stake
I'm crying here... sometimes you just have to forget the fundamentals and believe the chart dynamics

I still think ultimately 88E is crap but people believing their inpenetrable garbage

There obviously seems to be a method to your madness lol you certainly know what to look for and have proven that time and time again. Don't sweat it

Gartman: Gold Reacting As it Should Post- Fed
By Daniela Cambone of Kitco News

Thursday March 17, 2016 11:10

(Kitco News) - In his Thursday edition of the Gartman Letter, famed market watcher Dennis Gartman says gold is responding as it should to the Fed’s “non-decision” on rates.

t rose sharply and it rose relentlessly in the several hours following the announcement. The Fed has taken a much more expansionary direction than had been expected, and noting that expansionary tendency gold has risen. Well it should,” Gartman wrote.

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting ended Wednesday afternoon with a statement that fell firmly into the camp of the monetary policy doves. While the central bank made no changes yesterday, it hinted that it would raise interest rates twice this year—down from the three or four rate hikes previously anticipated. Gartman wrote, “[T]he real concern was that any hints of further tightening were put off farther into the future as ‘inflation is expected to remain low in the near term.’”

On the yellow metal’s rally, Gartman said that there is “formidable” resistance between $1260-$1280, “that shall take some while to overcome, especially in light of the large increase in ‘spec’ long positions as well as the equally larger net short positions held by the ‘commercials.’” The famed economist also noted that he will not be acquiring more gold to what is already a “huge position,” adding “nor shall we reduce the size of the trade. We shall, instead, sit tight, awaiting what we think shall be… and certainly should be… an eventually assault upon and defeat of the resistance noted just above.”

Gold prices extended gains on Thursday morning with April Comex gold last up $36 at $1,265.80 an ounce.
Playing out as expected

Do like the ONZ chart

Nigel Theobald ex OXP CEO (which went 1p to 12p odd after being talked about on here). He says he wants to do similar stuff to OXP with ONZ but just own a bigger equity stake this time.

I think he left 'under a cloud' at OXP so don't take his words too seriously but he has announced he owns 15% of equity of ONZ today so his actions may speak louder than words.

May need a placing to fund trials etc but chart could get very interesting.

some really interesting snippets in this http://www.investegate.co.uk/3legs-...intention-to-float---aim/201603210700136695S/

SalvaRx, via its ownership of iOx Therapeutics Limited ("iOx"), is currently developing a series of compounds, with the lead compound funded through to the end of phase II development via a collaboration agreement with the University of Oxford;



SalvaRx has a strong management team with a proven track record of discovering and commercialising drugs in the area of cancer immunotherapy.

Dr. Ian Walters (CEO) and Dr. Robert Kramer (CSO) held senior roles within the oncology department of Bristol-Myers Squibb, where they were heavily involved in the development of more than eight oncology compounds, including OPDIVO® (nivolumab), YERVOY® (ipilimumab), and EMPLICITI™ (elotuzumab). OPDIVO® and YERVOY® are the backbone therapies for the management of cancer through the modulation of the immune system.

Ian Walters and Rob Kramer have assisted iOx in identifying appropriate individuals to form a scientific advisory board and join the board of directors. The board of directors of iOx comprises Ian Walters and:

Vincenzo Cerundolo MD PhD, who is the Professor of Immunology at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford. Professor Cerundolo's work in immunotherapy has led to the development of the iNKT agonists on which SalvaRx's compounds are based;

Declan Doogan MD, previously Senior Vice President and Head of Worldwide Development at Pfizer at the time of multi-billion dollar programmes such as Viagra and Lipitor;

Jonathan Skipper PhD, who is Executive Director of Technology Development at the Ludwig Institute; and

Annalisa Jenkins MBBS, MRCP, who is currently CEO at gene therapy company Dimension Therapeutics, Inc., which floated on NASDAQ in October 2015.

Edison issues research update on Angle

Today Angle has announced results from a prostate cancer research study carried out by its KOL partner Barts Cancer Institute (BCI). The final data are yet to be published, but headline results indicate that Parsortix can potentially perform as well as or better than current standard of care in terms of detecting early-stage prostate cancer and assessing its severity, and can do so with a simple blood test. While this will require further clinical studies, it represents a likely second clinical application, in which Parsortix can substantially affect the management of cancer patients.

The results are encouraging and we expect Angle will provide an update on the strategy for prostate cancer in the coming months, which may bring clarity about commercialisation. Once that is available, we will review our financial forecasts and the assumptions underlying our DCF-based valuation which, prior to adjustments for the new developments, is unchanged at £95m or 161p/share.

If Goldman Sachs etc ever get hold of AGL and start ramping it you'll be looking at a 5 or 10 handle rather than 1
CPX - I think that's great news

At last a licensing deal and it's with a big company and it answers any funding issues!

Shares really should go well from here.


AVX technology licence agreement

CAP-XX, a world leader in supercapacitors, is pleased to announce that it has signed a technology licence agreement with AVX Corporation of Fountain Inn, South Carolina, USA ("AVX"). AVX is a leading international manufacturer and supplier of electronic passive components and interconnect solutions found in many electronic devices and systems worldwide.

CAP-XX will licence to AVX its patents on a non exclusive basis for a range of prismatic and cylindrical supercapacitor sizes. Under the terms of the licence, CAP-XX expects to receive upfront licence fees over a three year period and a 5% royalty for the life of the patents, based on the volume of sales of supercapacitors sold by AVX covered by CAP-XX patents. The last of the CAP-XX patents granted expires in 2029. New patents applied for by CAP-XX will extend this date beyond 2029 once granted. The initial upfront licence fees receivable by CAP-XX for the first twelve months will be a minimum of £1.26 million, with payments in subsequent years being subject to AVX maintaining the licence.

Anthony Kongats, CEO of CAP-XX, commented:

"Our partnership with AVX is a further significant step in executing our business model. This licence agreement again highlights the value of our intellectual property and will provide significant additional momentum to the adoption of CAP-XX supercapacitors in numerous very high volume applications across the globe."
This announcement comes a day after Apple announces a swathe of new products. If people add 2 +2 and get 22...
Great news CPX. Funding was my concern - now fears allayed.

Also non exclusive deal meaning more potential deals to come.

Well done s28.
What is really really interesting and impressive part of news is that AVX is a Competitor ! Even Murata is a Competitor. They are basically saying to their customers , yeah Cap-XX can do this small stuff much better than us and we can't compete so we will just licence from them.

It's a huge financial boost but also a huge strategic boost.

It reminds me how ARM became a massive company in chips when previously people thought how could a small UK company compete against likes of Intel.

Screenshot 2016-03-22 at 1.38.08 PM.jpg

Really don't think the Market has discounted todays news yet. Expect decent follow through tomorrow and we should challenge 10p level in coming weeks/months.

News may quicken now from other licencees, including in the Auto sector where they were talking to 19 companies at last count.
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wow Apple are indeed looking at small/mid cap UK tech listed companies


22 March 2016

Statement from Apple Inc. ("Apple") re. Imagination Technologies plc ("Imagination")

From time to time, Apple talks with companies about potential acquisitions. We had some discussions with Imagination, but we do not plan to make an offer for the company at this time.
CPX - I think that's great news

At last a licensing deal and it's with a big company and it answers any funding issues!

Shares really should go well from here.


Good continuation day. Results due next week and you'd expect on back of this outlook would be bullish.

Other thing to bear in mind I think Daily Mail mentioned Company before so might do a follow up. Tends to get some of the slow money PIs interested.
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Textbook charting I'd say. Fails at first attempt on 200 day MA after a almost 200% move in a few weeks. Needed to take a breather/allow people to take profits and build new investor base for next climb higher.

Now expect rebound off the support line of 50 day MA which is rising. Second or third assault on 200 day MA resistance should do the trick better if on the back of News and Volume as catalysts.

Should be a Quarterly Update of some description due for quarter end March 2016 sometime in April.

Last years update was on April 16th http://www.investegate.co.uk/mwana-...tion-update---march-2015/201504160708483894K/

ASA chart


http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk...eing-interest-from-iot-operators-124083. html

Super-capacitor specialist CAP-XX, which issues results on Wednesday, has been on a good run of late.

The shares were among the top risers last week after the company licensed its technology to a US manufacturer, AVX.

AVX is licensing CAP-XX's patents on a non-exclusive basis for a range of prismatic and cylindrical super-capacitor sizes.

The UK firm expects to receive licence fees in advance over a three year period plus a 5% royalty for the life of the patents, based on the number of sales AVX racks up of products that use CAP-XX's intellectual property.

At its annual general meeting in October the chairman, Pat Elliot, said the board had been very encouraged by interest from customers operating in the so-called Internet of Things sector in its small super-capacitors..

Textbook charting I'd say. Fails at first attempt on 200 day MA after a almost 200% move in a few weeks. Needed to take a breather/allow people to take profits and build new investor base for next climb higher.

Now expect rebound off the support line of 50 day MA which is rising. Second or third assault on 200 day MA resistance should do the trick better if on the back of News and Volume as catalysts.

Should be a Quarterly Update of some description due for quarter end March 2016 sometime in April.

Last years update was on April 16th http://www.investegate.co.uk/mwana-...tion-update---march-2015/201504160708483894K/

Thanks! Much appreciated.

http://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk...eing-interest-from-iot-operators-124083. html

Super-capacitor specialist CAP-XX, which issues results on Wednesday, has been on a good run of late.

The shares were among the top risers last week after the company licensed its technology to a US manufacturer, AVX.

AVX is licensing CAP-XX's patents on a non-exclusive basis for a range of prismatic and cylindrical super-capacitor sizes.

The UK firm expects to receive licence fees in advance over a three year period plus a 5% royalty for the life of the patents, based on the number of sales AVX racks up of products that use CAP-XX's intellectual property.

At its annual general meeting in October the chairman, Pat Elliot, said the board had been very encouraged by interest from customers operating in the so-called Internet of Things sector in its small super-capacitors..

Excellent news hopefully the news on Wednesday is also encouraging .
Didn't expect anything too exciting in CPX Interims.

This though gives more hope for the future now they actually have secured a licence rather than just talk about them.

"· The AVX licence and ongoing other licensing negotiations highlight the extent and wide-ranging applicability of CAP-XX's Intellectual Property portfolio especially as increasingly manufacturers are seeking power delivery solutions beyond the capability of current battery technology."


· Licensing activity is much higher than last year and is expected to deliver further outcomes.

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CPX poor reaction to results but the longer term licensing outlook more important than short term financials

Chart wise we've only gone back to the strong support at c.4p level so would look to accumulate here for long term position building
ALO Alecto Minerals

Incredible volume going through last few days. Think 50% of the total stock has changed hands last couple of days. Way the stock is behaving must be some overhang clearing and maybe news due. Recent stuff has been interesting. A JV with gold major Randgold and announcing they have possible 7k oz gold at surface worth c.$8m
Not bad for a £2m Mkt Cap company.
ALO Look to have picked up a project on the cheap which had had $20m of sunk cost spent on it.


· The Project has excellent potential to be developed into production in the near to mid-term

- 25 year renewable mining licence covering 32km2, associated environmental permit and advanced resources

· Matala and Dunrobin Gold Mines, have, in aggregate, a 760,000 oz Au JORC Code compliant resource estimate in the Measured, Indicated and Inferred categories at an average grade of 2.3g/t Au

· US$20 million invested in drilling and test work on the Project to date, culminating in a scoping study on the Matala deposit and a feasibility study on the Dunrobin deposit prepared by Coffey Mining Pty Ltd ('Coffey Mining') in 2013

· Updated internal scoping study by Alecto for Matala indicates the potential to generate strong cash flows and economics at an assumed gold price of US$1,150 through an initial three year open pit operation at Matala

- Indicative IRR of approximately 65%

- Indicative NPV (10%) of approximately US$18 million

- Low initial capital cost of approximately US$18 million

- Estimated C1 cash cost of approximately US$695/oz (excluding government royalties of 6%)

- Positive economics reflect in part, the good regional infrastructure with site access, power and water available

- Resultant surplus cash flow from such an operation could then be used to develop the Dunrobin mine

· Alecto has acquired the Project for an aggregate consideration of £1.54 million, to be satisfied through the issue of 943,750,000 new ordinary shares of 0.01p each in Alecto ('Ordinary Shares'), £100,000 in cash and £307,500 as deferred consideration (the 'Acquisition') from C3W Limited ('C3W') and CNG Trust ('CNG') (together the 'Vendors')

· Placing to raise £0.65 million (before expenses), with the net proceeds being used, inter alia, to fund the cash element of the Acquisition, to advance Matala and the Company's proposed JV project with Desert Gold in Mali and to provide near term working capital


NPV of $18m since when they talked of the 7k oz at surface worth c.$8m which would accelerate the cashflow and add significantly to NPV

Possibility then to 'bootstrap' other exploration/development initiatives
Suspect the recent volume may be the vendors of the project selling ? Doesn't look great at first blush for the vendors to sell their stock but presumably they needed the liquidity otherwise why sell a project with $20m of sunk costs for just £1m odd. Would overall see it as positive the overhang is out of the way.
PVCS commentary

Despite extensive negotiations PV Crystalox has been unable to reach a mutually acceptable agreement and was forced to file a request for arbitration in March 2015 with the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The hearing of the arbitral tribunal is scheduled to take place in Frankfurt in July 2016. Bearing this in mind, and with the caveat that a positive outcome is far from certain, chairman John Sleeman believes that “the value of any award could be a multiple of the company’s market capitalisation if our claim is upheld.” PV Crystalox is also seeking recovery of €400,000 costs it has incurred to instigate this action.

The other major point to note is that there is now a positive divergence between the spot price of wafers and the company’s cash cost of production, so much so that it now makes financial sense to turn inventories of polysilicon into wafers rather than trade surplus polysilicon in the secondary market as PV Crystalox has been doing in recent years. Polysilicon stocks were worth €20.3m (£15.9m) at the end of last year, or 90 per cent of the company’s total inventories. Interestingly, chief executive Iain Dorrity says that "a recent report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights that while considerable surplus capacity exists in the polysilicon, cell and module sectors, the wafer sector could be a potential bottleneck with capacity closely matched to demand. Consequently the tight wafer supply situation and higher wafer prices are expected to persist in the short term".

The other consequence of a stabilising in wafer pricing, and subdued polysilicon spot prices, is that there is no need to make an onerous contract provision on future contracted polysilicon deliveries as these can be turned into wafers at a positive gross margin. As a result investors can now focus on what is a relatively clean balance sheet with PV Crystalox’s net funds of €12.7m, total inventories of €23.7m, trade receivables of €5.7m and deposits made on polysilicon feed worth €5.2m accounting for most of the company’s net asset value of €44.8m, or 21.9p a share. Cash and inventories are worth 17.5p a share at current exchange rates, or 75 per cent more than PV Crystalox’s share price.

The point being that if current market conditions persist, and the company is able to turn its polycilicon stocks into cash through wafer manufacturing, and at above the depressed level these assets are held in its balance sheet, then there could be significant upside to the shares. Add to that the possibility of PV Crystalox winning a major financial award later this year, and the risk still points to a decent recovery in the share price.

Trading on a bid-offer spread of 9.75p to 10p, I continue to rate PV Crystalox’s shares a speculative buy.
PVCS - Chart has formed Golden Cross (50 day going through 200 day Moving Average) and looks v bullish

Fundamentally could be worth multiples of current price given Balance Sheet NAV

wow ! you won't want to be short of any gold minnow in this scenario

The US Dollar Is a Shadow Gold Currency – The New Case for Gold

By Amanda Van Dyke | Saturday 2 April 2016

Get ready to dispose of your preconceived notions regarding the Federal Reserve and its take on gold! Is it possible that the Fed wants a higher gold price after all? That is what Jim Rickards reckons. Upon quick review, the Federal Reserve today looks like a really bad hedge fund with leverage of roughly 100:1.

However, Jim made a discovery in the Fed’s balance sheet, revealing a treasure trove of gold at Fort Knox and West Point worth a staggering $300,000,000,000! Adding $300 Billion to the Fed’s capital account reduces Fed leverage from 100-to-1 to a much more respectable 12-to-1, the capital ratio for most well-capitalized banks. This hidden asset is more than enough to absorb the mark-to-market losses on the bond portfolio when they arise.

“Countries around the world are acquiring gold at an accelerated rate in order to diversify their reserve positions. This trend, combined with the huge reserves held by the United States, the Eurozone, and the IMF, amounts to a shadow gold standard!” – The New Case for Gold

The historical changes of the way gold was used in banking led to the formation of the gold deposits at Fort Knox. Unlike many today, Jim Rickards believes the gold is indeed in Fort Knox but has not been audited to avoid drawing attention to it and to downplay its role. There is no proof of its absence.

China is probably suppressing the gold price through the COMEX market in order to build up more physical supplies itself. Once they have a sufficient supply, equal to the United States, they will no longer care what the price is and the price is likely to skyrocket after the expected reset of the international monetary system.

There are extreme physical shortages of gold. All the elements to cause a bull run are in place. Jim even talks about gold stocks, an area he believes is set to outperform and in a big way!

“The confidence of the entire global system of finance rests on the U.S. dollar. Confidence in the dollar rests on the solvency of the Fed’s balance sheet. And that solvency rests on a thin sliver of… gold. This is not a fact anyone at the Fed wants to acknowledge or discuss.” – The New Case for Gold. All is explained in this podcast with my colleagues at Palisade Capital.

- See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/...cy-the-new-case-for-gold#sthash.f6jmJhqa.dpuf

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FhwViWdM5GY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
PVCS - Chart has formed Golden Cross (50 day going through 200 day Moving Average) and looks v bullish

Fundamentally could be worth multiples of current price given Balance Sheet NAV


s28 If I recall you mentioned this company earlier this year?

What did you see on chart that prompted you to buy when you did? It will probably go higher from here with the golden cross and all that. Nice!
I've been long term fan of PVCS but most recent comments in Jan and Feb. Chart was basing and given fundamental value exceeded 200 day MA knew it would not take much to get over that resistance and then sky can often be the limit. A few decent volume days in Jan and Feb weren't enough to break the resistance. Usually I'd look for something like 3x Average Daily Volume with the average taken over say 90 days. Many charting packages have signals based around volume moves. Volumes moves tend to be regarded as more significant than Pricing and tend to lead. i.e. you can see in chart above there were some significant volume days prior to eventual confirmed breakout of 200 day MA.

Screenshot 2016-04-02 at 10.09.40 PM.jpg
After my initial investment, which I have now recovered, I missed out big time on Glencore when the Share price was down to 70p but after thinking long hard I decided not to invest. It's upto 150p.
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I've been long term fan of PVCS but most recent comments in Jan and Feb. Chart was basing and given fundamental value exceeded 200 day MA knew it would not take much to get over that resistance and then sky can often be the limit. A few decent volume days in Jan and Feb weren't enough to break the resistance. Usually I'd look for something like 3x Average Daily Volume with the average taken over say 90 days. Many charting packages have signals based around volume moves. Volumes moves tend to be regarded as more significant than Pricing and tend to lead. i.e. you can see in chart above there were some significant volume days prior to eventual confirmed breakout of 200 day MA.

View attachment 66231

Thanks for explaining your reasoning s28. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to reply. The stock is not very far from 52wk high of 12.5 so we could possibly see a big move upwards.
ALO clear breakout on volume using SMA rather than EMA moving averages


Next news could see a real move now that major resistance taken out
ALO big conversion. I'd read negative as surely PRS will sell but painting as +ve
Some stocks just mad for spurious and deeply troubling 'reasoning'

HER today for instance... within the statement on 'potential financing' today they included this worrying summary

Working Capital Update

The directors believe that, due to prudent cash management, it currently has sufficient cash to support its working capital requirements until no later than the middle of April 2016. At this stage, and due to the complexities of preparing the legal security documentation, there can be no guarantee that the conditions precedent will be satisfied in the required time frame. The Directors and their legal team are progressing this as a matter of urgency, and the Company is continuing to explore other funding options but there is no guarantee that the Company will be able to continue trading after this time.

Reminds me all about March 2009 when in the middle of massive deflationary panic crap small cap stocks went up and up and up for no real obvious reason (other than the massive QE that had been pumped into the system between October 2008 and ... 2009/10/11 etc)

Dash for Trash ?
im assuming with a mkt cap of around 14m, the company is trading in AIM.

Aim shares are dodgy its all huff and puff. Their are many great pump and dump stories, gkp, yoo, cairn energy, blnx.

I have found most shares come result day take a hit especially in aim mkt. Best time to buy shares is when they massively fall and you expect a temporarily bounce.

AIM shares should never be invested for long term, its a gamble. Its like going to casino putting it on red.
You do need to learn how to play the game and even then the odds really seem to favour the House.
The odd mega winner does make up for the dross. Went back and had a look at when I first mentioned ARS (it was called KLG before) recently moved from 1p to 5p in weeks.

Coincidentally around the same time (August 2015) I mentioned 88E, which has recently gone from 0.4p to 4p



  • Screenshot 2016-04-05 at 9.14.24 PM.jpg
    Screenshot 2016-04-05 at 9.14.24 PM.jpg
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Quite a few abandoned AIM exploration stocks springing to life on no real substantive news

GRL today

Gold Close Above $1,240 Would Be "Impressive" - Gartman

Thursday April 07, 2016 09:31

Gold is seeing strong support at the $1210-$1215 an ounce level says newsletter writer Dennis Gartman. The famed market watcher explains in his Thursday edition of The Gartman Letter that there has also been strong resistance along the trend line that extends back into mid-March. “A close today above $1,240 would be most impressive, just as a close today below $1,210 would be most depressive,” he says. Gartman adds, “Our ‘money’ is on the former however, and our enthusiasm would be greater were we to see signs that India is back in the gold market in size.” Kitco’s Spot Gold was last quoted up $17.30 at $1239.60.
are you going to summarise your losers too??!!

well done on those two.

goldman came out today reiterating their sell on gold. i would bet anything (not literally) that they are trying to cover their short - i understand their call is based on an expectation of an accelerating us market. i suspect oil will meander towards the 45-50 level by mid year, which will give some of the oil industry a marginal boost, but also suspect we should see that inflationary cost pressure on the rest of the us economy. im neutral on gold but want to be a bull just because gs's positioning stinks to high heaven.

incidentally, i did read somewhere that they reversed out of most of their 2016 calls within the first two or three weeks of the year once they went completely wrong.
You do need to learn how to play the game and even then the odds really seem to favour the House.

It seem you know quite a bit, judging by your posts you are a chartist. What success stories have you had from shares in AIM.

Im glad someone is doing well because i wasnt :-(
are you going to summarise your losers too??!!

well done on those two.

goldman came out today reiterating their sell on gold. i would bet anything (not literally) that they are trying to cover their short - i understand their call is based on an expectation of an accelerating us market. i suspect oil will meander towards the 45-50 level by mid year, which will give some of the oil industry a marginal boost, but also suspect we should see that inflationary cost pressure on the rest of the us economy. im neutral on gold but want to be a bull just because gs's positioning stinks to high heaven.

incidentally, i did read somewhere that they reversed out of most of their 2016 calls within the first two or three weeks of the year once they went completely wrong.


the losers are for all to see ! documented on the thread (uneditable :( ), hopefully even the losers provide some lessons for the future
It seem you know quite a bit, judging by your posts you are a chartist. What success stories have you had from shares in AIM.

Im glad someone is doing well because i wasnt :-(

I used to be a Fundamentalist. But worked in City alongside some really good Fund Managers who were all secret chartists on the side. Many of the best would come to a conclusion on a stock on Fundamentals but use Technicals to time trading/entry/exit.
One of the things which both KLG/ARS and 88E demonstrated was the idea of 'mispriced optionality'

88E when I mentioned it I talked about it was only valued at £10m but had $100m of funding sorted. That speaks to a great risk reward with a small entry price. Fundamentally I didn't believe the oil/unconventional story in Alaska but they had nearology favouring them being next to Prudhoe Bay or some other major discovery. Finally the Technicals showed it was completely unloved,underowned with a huge basing pattern on the chart. i.e. there could only really be net buyers left on any news even bad !
Re comments on Gold and Goldman no doubt about it if they are making a public call they or their best clients have already taken a position and they are looking to trade against the Herd.
I used to be a Fundamentalist. But worked in City alongside some really good Fund Managers who were all secret chartists on the side. Many of the best would come to a conclusion on a stock on Fundamentals but use Technicals to time trading/entry/exit.

City Boy... ;-)

So what you in at the moment...
I'll be sharing my own ideas and stock picks soon. I've had enough of piggybacking off s28's stock picks 😉
I'll be sharing my own ideas and stock picks soon. I've had enough of piggybacking off s28's stock picks &#55357;&#56841;

so how many baggers you took on 88e, 200%?

What you in at the moment, ASA? What else, might be getting back in soon. i must say never made much in shares, think im cursed, i fell for LGB. That killed me...