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Buying shares?

so how many baggers you took on 88e, 200%?

What you in at the moment, ASA? What else, might be getting back in soon. i must say never made much in shares, think im cursed, i fell for LGB. That killed me...

I am constantly looking for that elusive 10 bagger. I see a high percentage rise and very good paper profit but don't sell. Then I watch the value of my portfolio get decimated. Rinse and repeat. One day rodderz.
I am constantly looking for that elusive 10 bagger. I see a high percentage rise and very good paper profit but don't sell. Then I watch the value of my portfolio get decimated. Rinse and repeat. One day rodderz.

I must say im an amateur but been tracking the mkt for sometime, what you in at the moment?
I'm out of all stocks at the moment. Looking to make a comeback in the near future.

Mining786, to get an 10buggar, will need to ride out the share, the high and the lows, (probably more lows)

What I been doing e.g with 88e, when it rose, took my initial investment with some profit, left the rest as free flow,
With the big drop with 88e yesterday, did not affect me much (would have had an painic attack if had my initial investment in it)
Mining786, to get an 10buggar, will need to ride out the share, the high and the lows, (probably more lows)

What I been doing e.g with 88e, when it rose, took my initial investment with some profit, left the rest as free flow,
With the big drop with 88e yesterday, did not affect me much (would have had an painic attack if had my initial investment in it)

What shares you in at the moment, if you dont mind me asking.
My biggest conviction idea right now relates to Gold going up... or at least the gold price going up not being reflected accurately in some small cap gold miners/explorers

So I am keeping an eye on producers such as ASA, AAZ, POG, OMI, XTR etc
and also some explorers who might have projects which could be 'bootstrapped' with production of surface tailings or re-start of 'brownfield' sites where there has been previous mining but for one reason or another project became orphaned e.g. ALO, GRL, it really helps as well if there is some 'validation' in form of some larger mining concern having interest in explorers projects because if funding dries up they may stump up. In case of GRL they have STI as major shareholders, whilst ALO have a JV on one project with Randgold

To me the most tasty charts are ALO and ASA. I have much more ASA than ALO because ASA has cashflow and real resource (5m oz) vs ALO is a punt with limited resource and no cashflow at present. The volume in ALO does speak volumes though. Breakouts on volume of 200 day MA suggest major turning point in market appreciation of a story. e.g. in this case some major stale bulls selling up and new enthused investors taking over. The ingredients for a big rise are certainly there as once the overhang clears the enthusiasm of the new story could see it rise quite quickly. They probably will need another financing soon though but will it be here or after a ramp higher?
Gold appears to be holding at $1240 oz level and given MACD showing signs of turning I'm hopeful of attempt on $1300/oz in coming weeks

Operational Gearing is the key word/principle for some of the small cap producers. IF you are a high cost producer at say $1100/oz a move from $1200/oz gold to $1300/oz gold can be huge. 100% increase in profitability from just a 8% move in gold price.

or if you produce at $1150/oz and gold moves from $1200/oz to $1300/oz your profits increase 200% for just an 8% gold price move

In tech world I really like RED and CPX as big and small plays on Energy Storage and the move to a Tesla Economy whether at home or on the move. They also seem bit safer ways to play oil price rise because they are in effect oil substitutes so oil prices going back up make them seem better value. I don't have enough conviction on oil price to make a call on oil producers/explorers like I have with gold and gold producers/explorers.
China Accumulates Gold: Buy The Dip, Bear Cycle Is Ending

Friday April 08, 2016 10:28

(Kitco News) - The Chinese central bank continues to see wisdom in diversifying into gold as it purchased another 9 tons in March. Older economy central banks possess large holdings of gold, but emerging market central banks remain under allocated to gold. Diversification by emerging market central banks remains a strong underlying bullish factor for the gold market in the years ahead.


In addition to the fundamental bullish catalysts, the long-term chart is improving for the gold market as well. Both fundamentals and technicals are positive.

"The monthly chart of gold prices show a downward sloping channel has been broken in bullish fashion," says a BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research report. "We first became bullish on gold on January 18th and provided additional updates throughout the quarter. We remain gold bulls and would like to buy on a pullback at support in anticipation of a resumed up trend to 1,315 and 1,375," according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research report.
To me the most tasty charts are ALO and ASA. I have much more ASA than ALO because ASA has cashflow and real resource (5m oz) vs ALO is a punt with limited resource and no cashflow at present. The volume in ALO does speak volumes though. Breakouts on volume of 200 day MA suggest major turning point in market appreciation of a story. e.g. in this case some major stale bulls selling up and new enthused investors taking over. The ingredients for a big rise are certainly there as once the overhang clears the enthusiasm of the new story could see it rise quite quickly. They probably will need another financing soon though but will it be here or after a ramp higher?

Surely the assets alone are worth more than 12m mkt cap the company it currently valued (asa). Whats you target price?

do you think gold going up 20% since september 15 results that the company will be profitable, well ebitda + at least Mar 16.
I think Q1 CY2016 they could do $7-8m cashflow easily. Just for one quarter. Looking forward to update. Of course any one quarter can disappoint due to geology/mining/engineering breakdowns impacts production etc but run rate EBITDA for Full CY2016 must be 70koz x $400/oz = $28m

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ASA Quarterly Operations Update <a href="https://t.co/bepIfQeYlB">https://t.co/bepIfQeYlB</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ASA?src=hash">#ASA</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gold?src=hash">#Gold</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ASAresources?src=hash">#ASAresources</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Zimbabwe?src=hash">#Zimbabwe</a> <a href="https://t.co/ZS7wNG87m6">pic.twitter.com/ZS7wNG87m6</a></p>— ASA Investors (@asa_investors) <a href="https://twitter.com/asa_investors/status/708709495707471872">12 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I think Q1 CY2016 they could do $7-8m cashflow easily. Just for one quarter. Looking forward to update. Of course any one quarter can disappoint due to geology/mining/engineering breakdowns impacts production etc but run rate EBITDA for Full CY2016 must be 70koz x $400/oz = $28m

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ASA Quarterly Operations Update <a href="https://t.co/bepIfQeYlB">https://t.co/bepIfQeYlB</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ASA?src=hash">#ASA</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Gold?src=hash">#Gold</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ASAresources?src=hash">#ASAresources</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Zimbabwe?src=hash">#Zimbabwe</a> <a href="https://t.co/ZS7wNG87m6">pic.twitter.com/ZS7wNG87m6</a></p>— ASA Investors (@asa_investors) <a href="https://twitter.com/asa_investors/status/708709495707471872">12 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

so what do you think a fair value for the stock is? this 12m value the mkt put looks cheap. At the moment mkt reflects that this company is going to fail.
Is your middle name questionnaire? Do you enjoy being spoon-fed? Please go and have a look at the company website: http://www.asaukplc.com/

I recommend you take a look 👍

Don't mean to be harsh bro. But in this game if you want all the answers before buying. Then you are only creating a disadvantageous situation for yourself. If you go on the investopedia website. Very educational and resourceful website. Tons of free information on there. Information that will improve your understanding and put you ahead of a lot of people. Good luck!
Don't mean to be harsh bro. But in this game if you want all the answers before buying. Then you are only creating a disadvantageous situation for yourself. If you go on the investopedia website. Very educational and resourceful website. Tons of free information on there. Information that will improve your understanding and put you ahead of a lot of people. Good luck!

Non taken brother, im a total novice but have been following AIM shares for some time. S28 has been very informative and i was asking with next year projections what a fair mkt cap would be.

Hur which is at 10p i was punting that when they were 30p, iae when they were around 50p. UKOG the great 100 billion barrel story, thats a pumpers and dumpers paradise.
I love this

More people covering the 'Gordon Gekko supports Bernie Sanders' story

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qnduUjFr-yw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This could be huuuuge.
Supercapacitors and Batteries form a new category some call them Supercabatteries. It's a crap name and probably won't take off but the market for the product should.


CAP-XX's Chief Executive, Anthony Kongats, said:

"The extension of CAP-XX's licence agreement with Murata materially increases the breadth of applications for our family of patents into the already large and rapidly developing battery markets."
Doesn't look to be any news but option value suggests it could move a lot on no news.

People used to talk of NPV of £46 per share in 2005 obviously coal price in different environment now
Doesn't look to be any news but option value suggests it could move a lot on no news.

People used to talk of NPV of £46 per share in 2005 obviously coal price in different environment now

think it a share that can move fast on rumors alone
ASA chart on SMA moving averages looks ready for a big breakout move. News or volume , or ideally both would be great now.


ALO been a good call so far


£3-4m odd Mkt Cap now (was £2m when first mentioned e.g. #5713 http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?107390-Buying-shares&p=8565283#post8565283)

Announced Feasibility study and Vendor financing today.

Feasibility study shows NPV of $28m. Based on gold price of $1200/oz and Discount Rate of 8%.
Could have used higher gold price (given spot is $1250/oz) and higher discount rate I'd prefer 10% but overall that is a wash I guess.

Vendor financing from Chinese entity I think so although sounds good I always wonder whether these Chinese entities will actually front up when necessary. May still require an equity fundraising in short term.
ALO finished disappointingly at bottom of days trading range after a gap up opening. Suspect placing or overhang being worked off. However very encouraged about how this is developing medium term and will personally look to accumulate over time. This first project is small scale and aiming for cashflow, which can then be used for 'boot-strapping' further projects. It's a very disciplined capital allocation strategy and should be appreciated by investors. There are satellite projects nearby which could then be targeted by the plant.
ALO short interview today on Stocktube

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6qMCeuMR-70" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
what about chl, you following that one?

He is too much of a big player to waste his time on small trades? He holds big positions and probably doesn't care for chasing rainbows.

CHL what a run it had though today. Did you manage to get some?
He is too much of a big player to waste his time on small trades? He holds big positions and probably doesn't care for chasing rainbows.

CHL what a run it had though today. Did you manage to get some?

chl was a favourite of mine ages ago, im not investing in the mkt just occasionally looking around.

If CHL get compensated by malaysian govt then this will be multibagger...

Dont tell me s28 puts loads of money in those small penny shares, risky game..
chl was a favourite of mine ages ago, im not investing in the mkt just occasionally looking around.

If CHL get compensated by malaysian govt then this will be multibagger...

Dont tell me s28 puts loads of money in those small penny shares, risky game..

It's a binary play bro similar to OXS do you recall that one? I tend to avoid but the returns can be huge if they come to fruition.

s28 can put loads of money in small penny shares. It's what he specialises in. Me or you would probably end up broke. Remember a lot of people buying penny shares can end up with pennies.
This might be slightly a bit good for ASA and ALO etc

'Gold will soar 700% in near future': Economist claims precious metal set for $10k an ounce as cyber-criminals hack into digital wealth

James Rickards reckons cyber threat will drive people into gold
Says China is trying to nearly double the amount of gold it holds
Told Bloomberg Markets that 'Putin has 6,000 strong cyber brigade'

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/...minals-hack-digital-wealth.html#ixzz45kMyreex
This might be slightly a bit good for ASA and ALO etc

'Gold will soar 700% in near future': Economist claims precious metal set for $10k an ounce as cyber-criminals hack into digital wealth

James Rickards reckons cyber threat will drive people into gold
Says China is trying to nearly double the amount of gold it holds
Told Bloomberg Markets that 'Putin has 6,000 strong cyber brigade'

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/...minals-hack-digital-wealth.html#ixzz45kMyreex

s28 you have gone quiet on AFPO? I recall you said that could be the next one after 88E to go mental.
ASA acquiring a Slaughterhouse! Seems bizarre to me. This is sort of thing which will raise questions about management.
If you are having it off on Gold why not focus on Gold? Poor.
Let's see if they can justify this crazy move. I guess only minor good thing is that they have a bit of cash to throw around.
ALO Brilliant intraday reversal after it re-filled the 'gap up' again textbook charting playbook stuff


Very confident of this one playing out well in medium term now. Take a look at their Twitter feed they seem enthused and engaged to deliver.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thanks to all of our 1st <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/100Followers?src=hash">#100Followers</a>. We hope our regular RNS/non-reg feed & facts relay enthusiasm we have for this transformational plc</p>— Alecto Minerals Plc (@AlectoMinerals) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlectoMinerals/status/704739639094022144">1 March 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Great to see Paternoster joining us as a strategic investor. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PRS?src=hash">#PRS</a> - track record of savvy investments. On and up! <a href="https://t.co/v5JOb1HDrN">https://t.co/v5JOb1HDrN</a></p>— Alecto Minerals Plc (@AlectoMinerals) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlectoMinerals/status/718064345696092160">7 April 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
ALO Brilliant intraday reversal after it re-filled the 'gap up' again textbook charting playbook stuff


Very confident of this one playing out well in medium term now. Take a look at their Twitter feed they seem enthused and engaged to deliver.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thanks to all of our 1st <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/100Followers?src=hash">#100Followers</a>. We hope our regular RNS/non-reg feed & facts relay enthusiasm we have for this transformational plc</p>— Alecto Minerals Plc (@AlectoMinerals) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlectoMinerals/status/704739639094022144">1 March 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Great to see Paternoster joining us as a strategic investor. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PRS?src=hash">#PRS</a> - track record of savvy investments. On and up! <a href="https://t.co/v5JOb1HDrN">https://t.co/v5JOb1HDrN</a></p>— Alecto Minerals Plc (@AlectoMinerals) <a href="https://twitter.com/AlectoMinerals/status/718064345696092160">7 April 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

what your target price on this?
Well on Fundamentals they have a 1.25m oz gold resource inventory. That could be valued at $10/oz on an in-situ basis? (there is a wide range of variables but Endeavour recently paid $190m CAD for 6m odd oz's of Proven&Probable,Measured&Indicated, and Inferred.) That works out at about $30CAD per oz. Bear in mind ALO stuff is lower rated I&I stuff rather than higher rated P&P/M

So that might value ALO at $12.5m on in-situ resource basis

On a NPV project basis I think they have said two of their projects are c.$20m NPV's which would give a $40m NPV valuation but clearly that assumes you can get the financing so if you apply arbitrary 50% discount call it $20m

On technicals I can see chart potential quite easily to 1p if this story gets momentum behind it and that implies a Market Cap of £40m+

Triangulating all that you are looking at somewhere usefully north of the current £4m Mkt Cap maybe by 100% but it is of course a moveable feast. My rationale is based on gearing to the gold price. A 10% gold price move could raise these numbers by 100%. So in effect I would care less about what this could be worth now but what the optionality is worth.

Last edited:
Personally have more in ASA than ALO

ASA Mkt Cap £10m 5m oz resource Producing 70k oz gold p.a.
ALO Mkt Cap £4m 1.25m oz resource Producing 0
CPX new interview with CEO talking about AVX and Murata deals. It's good stuff. Your competitors coming to you licensing tech off you.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NM2oLR1p1uc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hayman Capital founder Kyle Bass sat down recently for a conversation with Maria Bartiromo and Gary Kaminsky on Wall Street Week. He covered a variety of topics such as NIRP, income inequality, and the U.S. presidential race. As our regular readers know, Kyle correctly predicted the housing crisis, and is now calling for the yuan to be dramatically devalued.

On the growing use of negative interest rates as a central bank policy tool, he pointed out that while the central planners have their PhD's and elaborate excel models, the reality is that not all people behave rationally, and thus in the real world those types of policies won't necessarily work as intended. He also touched on the fact that a concern that should be on the front of everyone's mind is the fact that if NIRP goes full Shinzo Abe and banks start charging customers for keeping cash at their banks, that there will be a run on cash.

"I think this is where the academics are kind of clashing with the practitioners. I think on paper negative rates make a lot of sense if you're running academic models, but in reality they make no sense. Having seven or eight trillion dollars of debt trading at negative rates, having thirty year JGB's trading at fifty basis points is absolutely ludicrous. This experiment that's going on we all know will end poorly at some point in time, I just don't know when that time is."

"I think that one of the fears that they have is a run on cash. If they told you and I that they're going to tax your deposits by a hundred basis points, well it's better to put it in a safe or under your mattress. And that's why you see a resurgence in gold. The more they move to negative rates, the more gold is gonna take off because there's no carrying cost."

GCM plenty written about it on this thread. The historic broker notes talked of 4600p + NPV

Been a lot of dilution and coal prices lower but still would expect 100p+ if we do get Coal Policy approval and Project green light.
GCM plenty written about it on this thread. The historic broker notes talked of 4600p + NPV

Been a lot of dilution and coal prices lower but still would expect 100p+ if we do get Coal Policy approval and Project green light.

how come the bangladeshis are delaying this, is news imminent?
Just one small trade taking it up. This is really nicely poised for a positive update which could take it up significantly on volume breakout of key technical level.

i think like you said q4 results out soon, last year they were out on the 16th.
Yes. Really looking forward to ASA results. Just taking their cost numbers for last quarter and assuming they maintain those and then take into account current commodity prices you could be looking at cash run rate of $10m per quarter. Extraordinary value opportunity in my opinion.
ASA case can be made for 20/30/40 bagger if things work out in it's favour.

If that is the case you only need a small investment in it. The risk is double edged of course it could just as easily go bust if commodity prices go against it (which is why it is where it is). And there remains uncertainty as to whether Chinese owners will screw over UK retail investors and take Company assets for themselves or just run Company as personal fiefdom rather than for shareholders. Thus the 'wider market' is very much in 'show me mode' with ASA. They want to see definitive tangible results before committing capital here.
GCM chart reminder

Looking close to a serious volume breakout


After a move from 3p to 22p and now back to 12p some of the fervour around this has subsided for now.

I still think this time it feels a bit different. e.g. Articles in Daily Mail and official sounding pronouncements in Bangladesh newspapers on coal policy finalisation.

I'd look to see stabilisation above 200 day MA c. 8-10p and for technical indicators to show less extreme overbought readings before reassessing trading it. Still think it's an outstanding option investment anyway.

getting some attention on BBs and Twitter

run by Arthur Mulholland who has a 'chequered history' I think one of his previous companies died so some may give him a wide berth

chart looks good though

not a big fan of oil myself

still dont understand why the board of ASA purchased an slaughterhouse. Q4 updates are a bit late, if they were poor it would have been stupid purchasing this slaughterhouse.
I can only imagine business is throwing off so much cash they are happy to be so recklessly expansionist.

One might even attempt to make a weak case for vertical integration. You need strong protein fed miners after all.
There is definitely something strange about ASA with these new Chinese owners. It's a bit of cliche. The 'inscrutable' Chinese. That is only thing stopping me from being all-in bullish on ASA right now. A Chinese run Zimbabwe play. What could possibly go wrong. Hah!
i think asa may struggle, golds doing well, but nickel last quarter roughly fell 10% from previous, sep-dec 15.

interesting to see some action...
After a move from 3p to 22p and now back to 12p some of the fervour around this has subsided for now.

I still think this time it feels a bit different. e.g. Articles in Daily Mail and official sounding pronouncements in Bangladesh newspapers on coal policy finalisation.

I'd look to see stabilisation above 200 day MA c. 8-10p and for technical indicators to show less extreme overbought readings before reassessing trading it. Still think it's an outstanding option investment anyway.

I think it's looking real. The chart was saying as much with the big volume move above the 200 day MA.
ASA has 3 major value drivers (leaving aside Diamonds / Copper / Slaughterhouses )

1. Zimbabwe producing gold mine Freda Rebecca. Should be throwing off cash of c.$30m p.a.
2a. Zimbabwe producing nickel mine Bindura. Should be generating cashflow of c.$10-20m p.a.
2b. With minor capex the nickel smelter can refine PGMs... becomes a multi-hundred $m asset
3. DRC gold exploration project Zani-Kodo with 3m oz resource, next door to Randgold 20m oz project

Either of those 3 assets is a huge Company maker in it's own right. IF all 3 come off then ASA should be many multiples of current price. A £50-100m Mkt Cap seems about right, not the current £12m so 4-8x valuation upside I reckon.
hi s28

The cash from the gold c.$30m per annum assumes that gold price continues to stay above the current price and cost price and sale price difference of roughly $400.

Are you expecting $7m from gold this qtr too?

So whats the mkt missing, they are producing gold and nickel, what gives?
The 'market' doesn't look at ASA. There are no analysts notes. Hardly any broker coverage. The market will react late as it always does to small caps they take no notice of normally if they publish good numbers and/or promote the stock effectively.
well took a punt today at ASA, hoping to see update next week. The ceo did promise nickel department will be profitable this half.
well took a punt today at ASA, hoping to see update next week. The ceo did promise nickel department will be profitable this half.

Have you researched the company? if you are following s28 into a position, then please note that he will not post at what price he entered or at what price he will exit. Be sure to ask him when to dump a stock before it turns bad. Good luck bro!
I really like this.

There are two efficient market theorists walking down the street,
when they see a $100 bill on the ground. Looking at each other,
they precede to walk right by it, neither making any effort to pick
up the cash. Why? Because as efficient market theorists, they conclude
that if the $100 bill were real, it would have been picked up
Have you researched the company? if you are following s28 into a position, then please note that he will not post at what price he entered or at what price he will exit. Be sure to ask him when to dump a stock before it turns bad. Good luck bro!

Ive looked at quite a number of gold stocks here in the UK and USA, all have very similar graphs falling down to significant lows and then recovering. Commodities have been struggling for awhile now, some have started to gain momentum. Eager to see if they have maintained or bettered last quarter.

S28 probably bought in the lows, i've come in at 0.88.