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Marc Faber Sees Gold & Trump's Potential; No Rate Hikes

May 18, 2016

Gold prices remain under pressure ahead of the release of Wednesday’s Federal Open Market Committee minutes. However, one famed economist, known for his usually “gloomy” economic outlook, says the U.S. central bank will not raise rates and may actually resort to more easing. “My impression is that the Fed will not increase rates any further this year – my impression is that the economy is actually weaker than the statistics would suggest,” Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom, & Doom report, told Kitco News. “My impression will also be that eventually there will be some type of helicopter money in the U.S, or the launch of QE4.” The contrarian investor also chimed in on gold and the U.S. presidential election, to which he had interesting comments. “I feel that the gold price and gold miners still have a significant upside potential,” he said. On GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, Faber characterized him as “courageous” for challenging the establishment. “Whether he will be a good president? I don’t know but given the other options, I’d rather take Trump, who is not the most honest person but in my view, more honest than Ms. Clinton.”
GCM chart reminder

Looking close to a serious volume breakout


After big initial volume breakout needed a technical retrace to retest Resistance as Support
Textbook example
Is newly Casino-listed SDX Energy already a Bargepole?

By Nigel Somerville, the Deputy Sheriff of AIM | Friday 20 May 2016

This morning it was announced that SDX Energy Inc (SDX) had joined the AIM Casino, to add to its TSX-V listing in Canada. Welcome to the mad-house. But reading through the admission and first day of dealings RNS a few things jump out at me. I wonder if it is already one to be avoided like the plague.

- See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/...ergy-already-a-bargepole#sthash.leTdaXkj.dpuf
The Great Fall of China

By David Scott | Monday 23 May 2016

There is a growing fear in financial and monetary circles that there is something deeply wrong with the global economy. Publicly, officials and professional investors alike have become confused by policy failures, and privately, occasionally even downright pessimistic, at a loss to see an easy solution.It is hardly exaggerating to say there is a growing feeling of impending doom. The reason this has happened is due to today’s Central Bankers and their very failure on the one subject about which they profess to be experts: economics.

Their policy recommendations have become the opposite from what sound economic theory shows is the true path to economic progress. The adaptability of humans in their actions has allowed progress to continue through the ages with commercialism, despite all attempts to discredit markets, by politicians and central bankers and their beliefs in the magic of unsound money. But this is being shattered because it has only generated a legacy of unsustainable debt. Those of us aware of a gathering financial crisis know that governments have tamed important statistics over recent decades so they reinforce their view of things.

After making over $1 billion in one day last August, and warning that "the markets are overvalued to the tune of 50%," Mark Spitznagel knows a thing or two about managing tail risk. "This is the greatest monetary experiment in history. Why wouldn’t it lead to the biggest collapse? My strategy doesn’t require that I’m right about the likelihood of that scenario. Logic dictates to me that it’s inevitable." The outspoken practitioner of Austrian economic philosophy told The FT in the week, "Markets don't have a purpose any more - they just reflect whatever central planners want them to," confirming his fund-management partner, Nassim Taleb's perspective that "being protected from fragility in the financial system is a necessity rather than an option."

BlackRock Inc.’s Larry Fink, who oversees the world’s largest money manager with $4.7 trillion of client assets, said in the week “we all have to be worried” about China’s mounting debt amid slowing growth, even as he remains bullish on the economy in the long run. “You can’t grow at 6 percent and have your balance sheets grow faster,” Fink said in a Bloomberg Television interview on the sidelines of a forum in Hong Kong on Tuesday. “In the future, I would prefer seeing the economy growing 6 percent with some form of deleveraging,” he said.New credit in China increased by a record 4.6 trillion yuan ($706 billion) in the first quarter, surpassing the level of 2009 during the depths of the global financial crisis. Total debt from companies, governments and households was 247 percent of gross domestic product last year, up from 164 percent in 2008, according to Bloomberg.

Some investors are betting that the credit bubble will implode, devastating the economy. Kyle Bass, one of the world’s most successful Fund managers and the founder of Hayman Capital Management, a Dallas-based hedge fund firm, told investors earlier this year that China’s banking system may see losses more than four times those suffered by U.S. banks in the financial crisis. Goldman Sachs has downgraded its stance on global equities to 'neutral' over 12 months, citing growth and valuation concerns. "Until we see sustained earnings growth, equities do not look attractive, especially on a risk-adjusted basis. We expect particularly poor returns in dollar terms, with our forecast of a stronger dollar and the prospect of less negative equity/FX correlations," the bank said.Goldman remained 'overweight' cash on a three-month basis, saying there was potential for higher cross-asset volatility. "We believe the market's dovish pricing of the Fed increases rate shock risk, in which case both equity and bonds could sell off." It upgraded commodities to 'overweight', noting it now expects less downside to oil over the three months, given supply disruptions.

The bank pointed out that commodities have rallied on the back of the dovish Fed, China data and supply disruptions.On a 12-month horizon, however, Goldman remained 'neutral', saying the physical rebalancing in oil was incomplete and spot prices should weaken as inventories start to build again in the first quarter of next year."We think continued fundamental adjustments in both the physical and capital markets are needed, and now see oil prices reaching $60/bl in 4Q2017 versus mid-2017 previously." GS's key 'overweight' remains credit on both a three- and 12-month horizon, where valuations and fundamentals appear supportive. The bank kept its 'underweight' view on bonds.

One of the more closely watched US quarterly regulatory reports last week, in addition to that of Warren Buffett, was that of Soros Fund Management, the family office of George Soros, which revealed that the 85 year old billionaire Has turned decidedly sour on overall equity exposure. As shown in his 13F return, Soros dramatically cut his overall long equity holdings by over 25% to just $4.5 billion as of March 31, which was the lowest such position since 2013. Soros has warned of the risks coming from China’s economy, arguing its debt-fuelled economy resembles the U.S. in 2007-08, before credit markets seized up and started a global recession.

In January, the former hedge fund manager said a hard landing in China was “practically unavoidable,” adding that such a slump would worsen global deflationary pressures, drag down stocks and boost U.S. government bonds.So Soros has also more than doubled his Shorts on the American market to 2.1 million shares, or a value of $431M, up from $205M in the previous quarter. Of greater significance was Soros' significant return to gold, after he acquired 1.7% of Barrick, making it the firm’s biggest U.S.-listed holding. This marks a prominent return to gold for Soros, who had sold his stake in Barrick in the third quarter of last year. Soros also disclosed owning call options on 1.05 million shares in the SPDR Gold Trust, an exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of gold.

There is evidence that central bank intervention began to irrevocably distort markets from 1987, when Greenspan cut US rates and flooded markets with liquidity. It was at that point the free market relationship between the price level and the cost of borrowing changed, this was the point when central banks wrested control of prices from the markets.

In 2008 the world’s central banks embraced the idea that easy money that is, low interest rates and high levels of government spending would produce sustainable growth with modest but positive inflation and for a while it seemed to work. But that was an illusion. What actually happened was the vast misallocation of capital in which individuals, companies and governments were fooled into thinking that adding new factories, stores and infrastructure at a rate several times that of population and demand growth would somehow work out well. China, was the epicentre of this delusion.

In response to the 2008-2009 financial crisis it borrowed more money than any other country ever, and spent most of the proceeds on infrastructure and basic industry. It’s steel-making capacity, already huge by 2008, kept growing right through the Great Recession, and now dwarfs that of any other country.The immediate result was higher prices for iron ore and finished steel up front, But this was soon followed by falling prices as the rest of the world’s steel makers fought for survival.Miners that produced the raw materials for the infrastructure/industrial plans started projects based on these inflated price projections and now have no choice but to keep producing to cover variable costs and avoid bankruptcy. Prices of virtually every commodity have as a result plunged.retailers built new stores at a rate that vastly exceeded population growth, apparently on the assumption that consumers would keep borrowing in order to buy ever-greater amounts of semi-useless stuff. These deflationary forces will not abate quickly quietly but they will leave significant political wreckage in their wake.

China’s currency will devalue… and beaten down commodity prices (like coal and uranium) will recover. It might not happentomorrow. But it will happen… because in the end, markets win. That’s the messages of legendary investor Jim Rogers. In the early 1970s, Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, one of the world’s most successful hedge funds. After generating returns of 4,200 percent over ten years, he quit full-time investing in 1980. He then went on to travel the world a few times, and wrote a few books about what he saw and learned. His investment tourism books –Investment Biker and Adventure Capitalist– are still must-reads for anyone interested in understanding how global markets work and there are a few lessons very relevant to investing today: - Why central banks will always fail to control prices (fromInvestment Biker, 1994) “In all my years in investing, there’s one rule I’ve prized beyond every other: Always bet against central banks and with the real world…

Central banks and governments always try to maintain artificial levels, high or low, whether of a currency, a metal, wool, whatever. Usually these prices are absurd, and the market knows they’re absurd. When a central bank is defending something – whether it’s gold at thirty-five dollars [when the U.S. dollar was backed by gold] or the lira [Italy’s currency before it joined the euro] at eight hundred to the dollar – the smart investor always goes the other way. It may take a while, but I promise you you’ll come out ahead. It’s a golden rule of investing.” The best example of this today is in China, where the central bank controls the exchange rate of the renminbi and it’s just a matter of time before the Peoples Bank of China (China’s central bank) is forced to allow the currency to depreciate. In recent decades, nearly all the central banks that controlled their currencies were eventually forced to surrender to market forces. In January, a lot of investors were concerned that China’s currency was going to depreciate sharply. It didn’t, and the issue faded from the headlines. That doesn’t mean that it’s gone away, though currency wars are going to cause trouble and significant volatility.

Markets were worried last week after the Fed minutes, which put a June rate hike back on the agenda. But With the UK Referendum a week after the next US FOMC rate setting meeting I can’t see much logic to a June hike. Hiking a week before the UK vote seems like a totally unnecessary risk that this extremely risk-averse Fed would never take. But July makes perfect sense if they want to get a hike out of the way before US election mania really gets going.

- See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/20962/the-great-fall-of-china#sthash.9XEC2j1p.dpuf
XTR odd move and market clearly confused by it

If you are bullish on gold and want to bring a mine into production why take cash for it just a few months later ?

The premium of 40% hardly seems to account for the fact underlying commodity gone up 20% plus

Raises more question about Management and people will now worry about re-investment risk (up and down)

It's an internationally traded commodity so subject to whims of correlations with other assets / liquidity etc not just it's own internal market demand/supply dynamics
XTR hard to see discernible pattern on short term chart... so worth looking at longer time frame and using Weekly smoothing rather than Daily levels chart

Shows a long term basing pattern. I think over long term Jan Nelson will have shown he has secured the downside risk (it could have gone bust earlier) and now in long term the upside risk profile looks better as long as he can re-invest wisely. I suspect he will eventually find a good project and investors who were in for the earlier hype will get bored and move on clearing path for renewed momentum eventually.

It's an internationally traded commodity so subject to whims of correlations with other assets / liquidity etc not just it's own internal market demand/supply dynamics

IRAN Pumping more,China Slowing down.2 big factors going against it wonder if it will go down again by end of this qtr.
I expect so in medium term it is economically sensitive, but in short term trading can be 'noisy'.
I'm a long term bull of Gold based on fundamentals because I believe the World Financial System is screwed.

Short term I think its oversold chartwise. You can see from this chart that it looks to be technically 'oversold' on the MACD measure at current $1210 level when previously at the same sort of level (February) it was looking technically 'overbought'.

i still think its a dollar call - the commodities are all trading pretty much lockstep with it. for some reason, despite their constant flip flopping, u-turns and desperate undependability, traders seem to want to bet on the fed. i would imagine the logic is so weak theres a decent chance of a rip your face off short covering rally in the near term, but medium term its a case of which asset class is the least crap.
Gold has gone down 8 days in a row. A bounce is due.

COT picture remains bearish but miners seem to be holding up pretty well for now atleast.

The question is, is the bear market in precious metals over or are we getting ready for another leg down?
XTR incredible results, the level of fail is incredible

They were talking about millions in profits and they haven't even delivered millions in revenues
Observing. Really disillusioned by how bad Jan Nelson has been. Came with a great rep and talked a good game. Massive fail on his part.

Interesting to hear these mutterings referencing Apple and 'lithium microbatteries' with 'supercapacitor' like charge/recharge capabilities. Fits into my pet theory of Murata/CPX partnership to develop this for Apple.


That's likely to be the case for the 2020 iPhone too, although wireless charging and fast charging - again, common in Android already - will make the routine less painful.

But more advanced battery technology is on the horizon, and Apple has been looking at all the possibilities: from hydrogen fuel cells to solar energy capture or lithium-ion "microbatteries" that deliver thousands of times more power and charge almost instantly, there are multiple ways for future iPhones to last longer.
Does anyone cover American markets?

Im curious about the future of tesla, att, ge and energy company etf (yes i have a very diversed portfolio)
Gold looking close to a breakout above $1300.

A Brexit vote would be a very good reason for a big move up. Many would lose hope in the Euro as a global currency leaving Gold as the only alternative to the Dollar.

Gold briefly broke $1300/oz and then met massive selling (Fed? Plunge Protection Team? Goldmans?) No doubt in my mind they watch these major technical levels to try to 'colour' the market.

CPX some progress with Evaluation units, still waiting for big commercial licensing breakthrough in auto sector though

New customer orders for automotive evaluation units

CAP-XX, a world leader in supercapacitors, is pleased to announce that it has secured new orders for its supercapacitor solutions for both passenger vehicle and heavy vehicle automotive applications.

Three new orders for evaluation units of large supercapacitor systems have been received. The customers comprise a North American vehicle manufacturer, an Asian Tier-1 OEM and an Asian distributor/OEM. The Company is also in advanced negotiations with additional North American and Asian OEMs for the supply of evaluation units and the licensing of its technology.

Good progress has been made on CAP-XX's programme with the Global Tier-1 automotive components company under its extended memorandum of understanding. Test results for CAP-XX's Generation 2 modules are excellent and the remainder of the evaluation units are due to be delivered to the Global Tier-1 automotive components company by the end of June 2016.

CAP-XX's Chief Executive, Anthony Kongats, said:

"The broadening of the international customer base for our automotive supercapacitors firmly demonstrates the potential applications for energy capture and storage to support traditional batteries. We continue to receive new enquiries for an increasingly wide range of applications and look forward to securing additional contracts."

CPX some progress with Evaluation units, still waiting for big commercial licensing breakthrough in auto sector though

New customer orders for automotive evaluation units

CAP-XX, a world leader in supercapacitors, is pleased to announce that it has secured new orders for its supercapacitor solutions for both passenger vehicle and heavy vehicle automotive applications.

Three new orders for evaluation units of large supercapacitor systems have been received. The customers comprise a North American vehicle manufacturer, an Asian Tier-1 OEM and an Asian distributor/OEM. The Company is also in advanced negotiations with additional North American and Asian OEMs for the supply of evaluation units and the licensing of its technology.

Good progress has been made on CAP-XX's programme with the Global Tier-1 automotive components company under its extended memorandum of understanding. Test results for CAP-XX's Generation 2 modules are excellent and the remainder of the evaluation units are due to be delivered to the Global Tier-1 automotive components company by the end of June 2016.

CAP-XX's Chief Executive, Anthony Kongats, said:

"The broadening of the international customer base for our automotive supercapacitors firmly demonstrates the potential applications for energy capture and storage to support traditional batteries. We continue to receive new enquiries for an increasingly wide range of applications and look forward to securing additional contracts."


But nothing regarding the 19 companies previously mentioned.

Positive potential customers from north america/ Asia, will not affect Britain being in the EU
A lot of junior gold sector in UK up handily today in the carnage. They get double whammy from Gold rise in Dollar terms and the Dollar rise against Sterling. ASA should be up loads. Produces 70k oz gold per annum.
70k x $1275 / $1.50 = £59.5m
70k x $1325 / $1.35 = £68.7m
i wonder how goldman's short has done in gold... they probably covered after all the noise they made a month or so ago, but lets hope they got their faces ripped off.
They'd better have because there's scope for a big continuation move in gold chartwise with the 12 month highs getting taken out on huge volume Friday

there is i think something like all time high speculative longs in the latest survey though.

lets see....
there is i think something like all time high speculative longs in the latest survey though.

lets see....

Expecting gold to attack $1,400 with all the brexit stuff going on. Gold plays could do really well. I am liking the look of Noricum Gold in particular about to go into production.

Worth having a look at NMG not a recommendation to buy though.

Would prefer current producers in current environment. About to go into production is usually riskiest phase as it usually means small companies going from doing just 'simple exploration' to serious hard graft mining engineering financing management etc etc
Pure explo plays have their place in rapidly rising gold environment because they can add to economic resource by doing nothing and become attractive take out targets for cash generating producers looking to replace mined reserves and extend Company 'mine life'
Would prefer current producers in current environment. About to go into production is usually riskiest phase as it usually means small companies going from doing just 'simple exploration' to serious hard graft mining engineering financing management etc etc

s28 you have seen and experienced many a downturn in your time. I'm not looking to hold it for too long. Just a small position so more than happy to see how things play out.
why wouldnt you just buy physical gold - an etf replicating it for example?
why wouldnt you just buy physical gold - an etf replicating it for example?

I don't quite subscribe to the survivalist tendency who buy gold, guns and canned food.

I'd prefer stocks because theoretically you can benefit from operational leverage in rising gold price environment. Often on big gold commodity moves (50-100%) say you can get 500-1000% moves in stocks (as long as you choose the right stocks anyway)
I don't quite subscribe to the survivalist tendency who buy gold, guns and canned food.

I'd prefer stocks because theoretically you can benefit from operational leverage in rising gold price environment. Often on big gold commodity moves (50-100%) say you can get 500-1000% moves in stocks (as long as you choose the right stocks anyway)

you're absolutely right.

Ian Walters, CEO of SalvaRx, commented: "2015 was a transformative year for the Group, which saw a repositioning of the investment policy to focus on Life Sciences, the investment in SalvaRx, and a clear path towards an RTO. In 2016, SalvaRx's subsidiary, iOx Therapeutics has made significant strides, doubling the number of planned clinical trials it is involved in and investing in a second technology platform in Intensity Therapeutics, which has shown significant potential in preclinical models and plans to treat its first cancer patient later this year. I am particularly pleased with how SalvaRx is positioned to achieve its initial targets at a fraction of the cost traditionally associated with this industry.

"As we continue to progress, I want to thank our new and existing shareholders who remained during the process of change seen within the business, and I look forward to continuing on the path towards a value inflection point for the Company. We hope to help the millions of people suffering with advanced cancers in a humane and more effective way in the future."

275% wow, admittedly from low base but CPX starting to deliver

Product launch by Murata

Murata launches new battery product under widened licence

CAP-XX, a world leader in supercapacitors, is pleased to announce that following the extension of the scope of its licence agreement with Murata to include battery markets, announced in April 2016, Murata has launched a thin laminate energy device for wearable devices utilising CAP-XX' s technology.

At Murata's request, CAP-XX agreed to extend the scope of the licence to enable Murata to manufacture and sell lithium ion batteries using CAP-XX's international patents. Murata has subsequently announced the development and commercial launch of the UMAL, a low-profile, large-capacity, laminate-type energy device which incorporates CAP-XX intellectual property into a lithium ion battery. This is the first product launched under its new licence agreement with CAP-XX for applications in the development of lithium ion battery technology.

The device has been launched by Murata in order to address "market demand for a thinner, larger-capacity device" than its existing product, the UMAC which was launched in 2015, prior to the CAP-XX licence.

Murata has confirmed that mass production of the new device commenced in June 2016 and that it plans to continue to expand its product line-up to meet future demand for larger capacity devices. CAP-XX continues to seek additional licensing opportunities for its patents and intellectual property in the fields of supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries and other energy storage applications.

CAP-XX additionally announces that royalty receipts from Murata under its supercapacitor licence agreement for the year to March 2016 were 275% ahead of the prior year. The Murata license extension highlights the broad scope of the CAP-XX patent portfolio in many different energy storage applications and is anticipated to generate a material uplift in licensing revenue in the coming years. The global lithium ion battery market, which was US$12b in 2012, is expected to exceed US$33b by 2019.

CAP-XX's Chief Executive, Anthony Kongats, said:

"We are delighted to announce the commencement of production under the extension of CAP-XX's licence agreement with Murata, which materially increases the breadth of applications for our family of patents into the already large and rapidly developing battery markets."

Big buys coming in!

ASA getting heavily pumped now by the usual suspects on Twitter some big names. I wonder what's sparked all this interest? It was a dead duck until yesterday. Today it has become the AIM darling. Every man/woman and their dog are buying shares.
Gold on another tear higher. In the space of a month up c.$100 an oz

For ASA which produces 70k oz p.a. that is potential increase in bottom line profit of $7m p.a.!

Yet the Market Cap is only £10m odd

Take into account that $100 p.a. translates into 15% more in Sterling and it's hard to see why ASA isn't a multiple of it's current price.

Latest price is $1370/oz so breaking out above 52 week highs now, this move still has legs

ASA taking a breather today at the 50 day MA line.

I'm convinced the cashflow in a normal quarter (we've been here before, unfortunately it's mining so it's hard to have a normal quarter due to vagaries in geology and potential issues with mining/processing) the cashflow potential of this Company is in the tens of millions of dollars p.a.

e.g. just taking into account the Gold side and last quarters 'inflated' cost level
C1 US$1,060/oz
C3 US$1,250/oz

the Company should be on for C1 cashflow of $21m p.a. on current run rate production and pricing
Lloyds Banking Group Share Price (LLOY):

The day when Brexit happened...the SP fell down to lower 50s. I have bought 19k shares at 52p. Was pretty hopeful of making a good profit as the fundementals of the company looks solid. Next day the SP went upto 56 and I was sitting on a profit of 600 pounds. I did not sell and set up a target price with my brokers for 70p/share.

Today it went down to 49p. Just wondering if it was a sensible investment looking at the financial condition in UK. Lloyds bank mostly make profit by lending loans to UK real estates. But since housing market is all time low...and with the UK politics in turmoil...no one wants to to take loans from bank.

Lloyds pay a good divident lasy year with an yield of 4.3%. This year it was expected to be 7% but not sure now after Brexit.

Anyone here thinks it market will go up eventually? Was it a good investment for long term? Any suggestions will be helpful.

It went down to 48p as I type :(

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Lloyds Banking Group Share Price (LLOY):

The day when Brexit happened...the SP fell down to lower 50s. I have bought 19k shares at 52p. Was pretty hopeful of making a good profit as the fundementals of the company looks solid. Next day the SP went upto 56 and I was sitting on a profit of 600 pounds. I did not sell and set up a target price with my brokers for 70p/share.

Today it went down to 49p. Just wondering if it was a sensible investment looking at the financial condition in UK. Lloyds bank mostly make profit by lending loans to UK real estates. But since housing market is all time low...and with the UK politics in turmoil...no one wants to to take loans from bank.

Lloyds pay a good divident lasy year with an yield of 4.3%. This year it was expected to be 7% but not sure now after Brexit.

Anyone here thinks it market will go up eventually? Was it a good investment for long term? Any suggestions will be helpful.

It went down to 48p as I type :(

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

unless you're holding them for a while I don't see the market improving drastically in the next 2 to 3 months. You might reach a high in the 60s or close to it but 70p/s seems doubtful in the short term. British banks have been shrinking since 2008...Lloyds, Barclays, all have been taking hits every year.
Lloyds is one of the UK Banks most exposed to the housing market. I can tell you house prices will go down a lot following Brexit. The FCA/BoE stress test on capital adequacy ratios is based on 30% fall in property prices. I'd say London prices are 50% overvalued on affordability criteria. I'd be extremely worried as a homeowner with limited equity in my property / insecure job. Definitely not the time to be owning UK bank shares.
£ fall may make some London property more attractive to foreign investors and the strength of UK economy is so based on house price growth you can expect BoE and Government will do everything possible to protect that from implosion. Expect if necessary unlimited QE furthering the ridiculous long term misallocation of capital into housing rather than into industry/infrastructure.
Thanks for the info guys. Will hold it for now and wait for an oppurtune moment to sell.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
ASA a bit weaker last couple of days as the news of Lansdowne selling seems to have spooked the market

I suspect it was the overhang which caused the price to fall in recent weeks

Now the overhang is gone as long as they aren't still selling we should see recovery (all other things being equal which they won't)
ASA a bit weaker last couple of days as the news of Lansdowne selling seems to have spooked the market

I suspect it was the overhang which caused the price to fall in recent weeks

Now the overhang is gone as long as they aren't still selling we should see recovery (all other things being equal which they won't)

Great shout s28 as per usual. Impatience on my part having sold too soon.
Sold the LLOY shares at 54.84p. With Theresa May certain to become PM, investors are now buying bank more. I expect LLOY to go up more but yet sold it and settled for whatever profit.
Total profit earned of 463 pounds (after commission). Will buy it again in future if goes down.

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ASA, is too inconsistent, they will have an good quarter and then two full poor quarters. With the price of GOLD steadily increasing one would assume this will be alot higher, also nickel prices have increased lately.
ASA, is too inconsistent, they will have an good quarter and then two full poor quarters. With the price of GOLD steadily increasing one would assume this will be alot higher, also nickel prices have increased lately.

I reckon these results that we are anticipating will be really good. Gold we know looking great but nickel price doesn't look too bad either. This could start to get very interesting all being well.
ASA chart


The SMA rather than EMA chart shows share price breaking out above key 50 day and 200 day MA lines.
Usually I would not buy prior to next weeks results because they will be historic and not really of much consequence. However I think this is getting close to a big move.
Today they announced they received this £1m licence fee up front. It's something that was already known about but still a big tick in the box for a £10m Company to receive £1m cash in one go from just one customer. Really does illustrate potential here. Typically good growth royalty tech licencing companies are valued at 20-50x cashflows (e.g. ARM) so this licence deal alone should see CPX valued at £20-50m+ IMO
Add in the increased royalties they are getting from Murata which I reckon could be circa $500k p.a. I think CPX will really motor in the coming year. After the move from 1p to 9p in 2015 it needed a bit of time to 'reset' investors expectations and interestingly now at 5p (right in the middle of the 1-9p range) it looks like that technical process may be completing.

CPX - I think that's great news

At last a licensing deal and it's with a big company and it answers any funding issues!

Shares really should go well from here.

ASA chart


Close to breakout on volume, would like to see two day close above 200 day MA

RSI may be getting a bit stretched and a lot of PI involvement so still sceptical prior to results on July 19th

But risk-reward massively favorable medium term
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ASA since their last update in May have seen Gold prices up c.5%
Nickel prices up c.15%
(both of those in Dollar terms so in £ terms you're looking at further 10-15%)
Should give scope for positive update as long as they are meeting production numbers.

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CPX related

Softbank are paying a huge premium for ARM Holdings. Big endorsement of UK tech and the future potential of Internet of Things. Market slow to appreciate how massive this should be for CPX whose products go into many of the same products and was regarded rather as the 'ARM' of supercapacitor market. Had some common early investors and follows similar Tech IPR licensing and royalty business model.

Should provide UK tech investors with cash to reinvest in other UK tech stocks. CPX is seriously undervalued already, if they can market themselves to investors properly they could see big increase in their own valuation rating on the back of this era-defining technology acquisition.
