Salutary from Dennis Gartman...
The World economy is in a really bad place. Markets are being propped up with liquidity. IT will end in tears. Do not be fooled if your stocks are doing well or 'markets are showing health'. It's monetary illusion.
That is why I'm sticking to gold related stocks for the most part. If the **** hits the fan and we are all reduced to living in caves again at least gold should hold it's wealth relative to everything else.“zimbabwe-isation”-global-capital-markets
The World economy is in a really bad place. Markets are being propped up with liquidity. IT will end in tears. Do not be fooled if your stocks are doing well or 'markets are showing health'. It's monetary illusion.
That is why I'm sticking to gold related stocks for the most part. If the **** hits the fan and we are all reduced to living in caves again at least gold should hold it's wealth relative to everything else.“zimbabwe-isation”-global-capital-markets