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Salutary from Dennis Gartman...

The World economy is in a really bad place. Markets are being propped up with liquidity. IT will end in tears. Do not be fooled if your stocks are doing well or 'markets are showing health'. It's monetary illusion.

That is why I'm sticking to gold related stocks for the most part. If the **** hits the fan and we are all reduced to living in caves again at least gold should hold it's wealth relative to everything else.


Good trading update from Bindura Nickel talking of bull cycle in Nickel.

Seems Management are serious about wanting their stock up. They never usually re-issue Bindura Nickel press releases.


Salutary from Dennis Gartman...

The World economy is in a really bad place. Markets are being propped up with liquidity. IT will end in tears. Do not be fooled if your stocks are doing well or 'markets are showing health'. It's monetary illusion.

That is why I'm sticking to gold related stocks for the most part. If the **** hits the fan and we are all reduced to living in caves again at least gold should hold it's wealth relative to everything else.


I'm hearing about this "gold safe" options since 2012 now esp when QE was being done by Fed and still the dollar didn't tank.

The new tag is Chinese real estate bubble is going to fall which again might not happen because its all borrowed from Chinese central banks and Chinese are investing in Pakistan,Thailand and other countries and getting more build projects.
Believe me it's going to be such a crash if it happens its worth having some insurance

The MACD is showing divergence...it below the signal line, also histogrram is below zero, think there will be a big correction

Many people are perplexed and concerned when looking at charts. Try not to get too bogged down with all the TA jargon. Look at the longer term chart and look at price action and see what the direction is of the trend instead.

The trend is your friend.
22 Sep 2016 12:10 pm
Gunsynd PLC (GUN) Investment in Alba Mineral Resources
12:09 pm
Alba Min Res PLC (ALBA) Holding(s) in Company
19 Sep 2016 1:41 pm
Gunsynd PLC (GUN) Investment in Alba Mineral Resources plc
1:38 pm
Alba Min Res PLC (ALBA) Holding(s) in Company
GUN definitely something going on here. In recent weeks they've built decent position in ALBA. Looks like ALBA may have lucked out with some Greenland graphite concession


Alba's work to date at Amitsoq has confirmed the following:

· Test work carried out on hand/grab samples collected during a field expedition returned excellent results, showing graphitic carbon contents varying from 20.5% to 35.4%, with an overall mean graphitic carbon content of 28.7%, significantly higher than the previously reported historic average grade of 20% and higher than most reported advanced graphite projects globally.

· Measurements of the discrete graphite flakes suggests that the mean flake-size varies from 300-500 µm, 'Jumbo' to 180-300 µm 'Large', however the single most common flake size is in fact 'Super-Jumbo' (>500 µm). The larger flake sizes attract a premium in the market.

· The results of a remote sensing study were highly encouraging, highlighting several anomalies for a variety of commodities. Numerous and continuous graphitic horizons were suggested along strike and proximal to the Amitsoq graphite mine.
The 7 Trading Habits of Paul Tudor Jones

“Don’t ever average losers.”

When a trade is going against you it means you are wrong. Adding to a loser just usually makes it bigger and your stress overwhelming.

“Never trade in situations where you don’t have control.”

Getting into a trade that you can’t easily get out of is a dangerous trade in itself. Liquidity risk, headline risk, and volatility can be dangerous when you are at their mercy.

“If you have a losing position that is making you uncomfortable, the solution is very simple, Get out.”

Many times exiting a trade is the easiest way to stop a losing trade from getting worse, managing stress, or freeing up capital for other uses. You can always get back in.

“Don’t be too concerned about where you got into a position.”

All that matters about your current positions is what you should do now based on the current price action not your cost basis or entry level.

“The most important rule of trading is to play great defense, not great offense.”

Trading offensively is trying to grow you capital while defense is protecting what you have. Winning trades are how many points you score and losing trades is how many points you give up to the other team. While offense is great for a show defense wins championships.

“Every day I assume every position I have is wrong.”

Mental flexibility is the ultimate effective habit of successful traders. Being willing to accept that a trade is wrong will lead you to cut losses fast, keep losers small, and lose your opinion not your money.

“Don’t have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability.”

Being over confident and arrogant leads to trading too big and staying on the wrong side of a trend for too long. Most account blow ups and ruin comes when a trader believes they are smarter than the markets and stay with their strong convictions after being proven wrong.
CPX announce AVX have launched products based on their supercapacitor technology. Good initial reaction on share price, chart suggests much more upside to come.
CPX announce AVX have launched products based on their supercapacitor technology. Good initial reaction on share price, chart suggests much more upside to come.

Hope so mate..

been a long wait this this one...
Key technical level here but all the fundies suggest we break out and up from here. Investor indifference and ennui a great sign, suggests many stale bulls will give up around here leaving stock to gap up in future.
Big move on volume through resistance lines

CPX chart starting to look more constructive. Would like to see it back above 200 day EMA / 4p+

Medium term downtrend looks like it may have been broken at least
CPX results due early next week

I've bought more because I think it's about time this takes off. Re-reading the last Interim statement suggests confidence should start to be rewarded.

The Board firmly believes that the recent announcements and associated funding will provide the Company with the necessary resources to underpin the business for the foreseeable future and will also provide the necessary credibility in order to create additional opportunities in new and emerging markets, such as IoT. The Board remains confident that the Company's strategy will continue to be successful and looks forward with some optimism in reporting the results for the full year ending 30 June 2016 later in the year.
ASA good update today



The process of rationalising the Group's subsidiaries by resource class is taking shape. For example, bringing Freda Rebecca, Zani Kodo and its other gold interests together to form ASA Gold as a separate entity within the Group will unlock significant value. Not only will this corporate reorganization benefit ASA shareholders, but it will also facilitate investment in a single mineral class whilst retaining the overall multi-commodity group listing for those who wish to invest in all of the Group's activities. As these plans start to crystallise we will update shareholders on their full impact and their benefit to shareholders.
ALO seriously annoying investors with a hugely discounted dilutive placing today

Management try to justify the move in statement

We are also evaluating larger projects with a view to building Alecto to become a profitable African metals producer. We are also pleased to have secured value accretive paths for the rest of our portfolio via joint ventures. I believe that Alecto is now poised for significant growth in the next 12 months.

I would like to touch upon the often emotive issue of equity issue and dilution. As the Company's biggest shareholder and Chairman of the board I am ever mindful of the fact that issuing new equity dilutes existing shareholders. Indeed, the entire management team are shareholders and each one understands the issues. I am, however, in the privileged position to be able to see how active our team is and the essential work that they continue to do on the ground.

Throughout the period we have maintained very tight austerity measures and focused on ensuring that monies raised through equity have maximum impact on the ground. These activities have required us to fundraise during the period but I believe that we have done so judiciously, and as a shareholder I am entirely comfortable this was the correct thing to do."


With the worries in world economy / banking system I'd want to get financing sorted and gold mined as soon as possible so overall still support position in this one
Despite the media trying to create a panic about Deutsche Bank the real tell is Gold which isn't shifting (yet)

If it breaks out of that consolidation pattern though it has scope to go mental

AOR - been keeping an eye on this for a while looks to have a lot of optionality for a £1m Mkt Cap company

From August results :-

Over the years, AorTech has made substantial investment in the development of bio stable polymers and medical device designs. The objective is to capitalise on this investment for the benefit of shareholders...
Significant funding has been achieved by AorTech licencees in developing and commercialising their products with AorTech's Elast-Eon™ seen as critical to their success. In one instance, funds in excess of $100 million have been raised to achieve successful commercialisation. We anticipate that with the renewed interest in our material being generated through our licencing partner, Biomerics, that additional licences may be completed during the course of the next twelve months.

Then there is the new 'Heart Valve Project'

Heart Valve Project

We have previously announced a potential transaction with a new business established to commercialise the AorTech heart valve technology. Fund raising for the new project is continuing but is not yet finalised and any license will be dependent upon the new business being fully funded. The package of data and information that AorTech is able to deliver to the project is substantial. This ranges from specific manufacturing know how and trade secrets for the precise polymer best suited to a heart valve, detailed design files for a polymer valve with a stress/strain profile substantially less than the material mechanical properties, together with a fully documented manufacturing process that allows a clinical quality valve to be made on a repeatable basis. All of these processes have been developed over a number of years of trial and error and experimentation at considerable investment by AorTech.
I've been doing it over 20 years, still learning. Usually best way is to learn by doing. Also read some Investment Classics.
ASA good update today



The process of rationalising the Group's subsidiaries by resource class is taking shape. For example, bringing Freda Rebecca, Zani Kodo and its other gold interests together to form ASA Gold as a separate entity within the Group will unlock significant value. Not only will this corporate reorganization benefit ASA shareholders, but it will also facilitate investment in a single mineral class whilst retaining the overall multi-commodity group listing for those who wish to invest in all of the Group's activities. As these plans start to crystallise we will update shareholders on their full impact and their benefit to shareholders.

Whats all target price with ASA, initially before the update for me it was £2, after update changed to £3, it looking good to break that,

So much to come in my view, not idea realistically what I should be targeting
ASA i think 4-5p is decent short/medium term target
4p is c. 2x NAV (most companies should trade at at least book value, premium for producers/cash generators because it would take time to rebuild asset value if you started with clean slate)
5p is c. 1x sales
4-5p is the level big Chinese investors put money in at first time
ASA i think 4-5p is decent short/medium term target
4p is c. 2x NAV (most companies should trade at at least book value, premium for producers/cash generators because it would take time to rebuild asset value if you started with clean slate)
5p is c. 1x sales
4-5p is the level big Chinese investors put money in at first time

Thanks S28
CPX results tomorrow. I would never usually buy prior to results because by and large they tend to be historic and backward looking. Sorely tempted with CPX because there is potential for a transformational 'hockey stick' moment in terms of growth as high quality high gross margin licensing revenue kicks in. On balance I think market is still slow and in show-me mode on this one so not going to pre-empt. A Market Cap of £13m seems far too low when multi-billion companies are licensing or interested in licensing your tech.
GUN is poised. Excitement currently from its ALBA stake but could have other things up its sleeve as well. Would be nice to hear how their $1m investment in Brazil Tungsten is going! Seeing as entire Company is only valued at £0.8m i.e. the Market currently completely discounting it.


CPX the proverbial Curate's Egg ('good in parts'). They really seem to be dire at running the business. Good job they are pretty much outsourcing a lot of it to Murata and AVX now. Two positives looks like there is a Smart Credit Card design win for Thinline product and cash inflow should improve. Negatives still no Auto design wins (they admit tech adoption slow in Auto industry) and looks like they had to take out emergency credit line due to poor cashflow during the year.
Some stocks I would keep on watch. Potentially interesting blue sky stories but have queered their pitch in short term with poor financing choices. Once overhangs clear could have capacity to move strongly higher.

PREM - Could spin out Zulu Lithium got Lenigas acting as 'consultant'
VAST - Could re--open nicely named 'Giant' Zimbabwean gold mine
KEFI - could start mining of gold in Ethiopia w




I like VAST chart set up best but PREM has the coolest story as Lithium fad is hot with investors right now
CPX Interesting with regards to possible Credit Card design win

Why would you need a supercapacitor/battery in a Credit card ?


This Bank Card Changes Your Security Code Every 60 Minutes

By Aatif Sulleyman on 03 Oct 2016 at 5:00PM

Fraudsters everywhere, there may be trouble ahead. French digital security firm Oberthur Technologies has come up with a method for making stolen bank cards useless after an hour, and we hope it works.

Motion Code replaces the fixed, three-digit Card Security Code (CSC) that sits next to your signature with a miniature display -- probably not a 4K one -- that changes every 60 minutes, giving a fraudster who managed to steal your card details a one-hour window in which to make a purchase using your info. Once your CSC changes, you'll be protected again.

It’s a clever solution that could completely thwart thieves and also save you from the hassle of cancelling your card and waiting for a replacement to come through. The little display requires electric juice, but Oberthur Technologies promises that battery life will keep it going beyond the expiry date of the card, so you shouldn't ever find yourself in a situation where you're plugging your bank card into a power socket.

French banks Société Générale and Groupe BPCE are jumping on board with Motion Code, and if all goes well it hopefully won't be too long before the technology comes to the UK.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zbDYmvRAqgA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Some interesting comments in there. Talks about AVX licensing for cells up to 3000 Farads (cursory glance on Google suggests those go at £600 a pop so must be some serious kit). Also more R&D and partnership potential within AVX going forward. Expresses excitement about Credit Card opportunity as new PIV2? standards come in.
Auto stuff 'expect announcements over 2017' ...zzz
Expecting more interesting stuff from Murata and AVX
CPX wasn't all that impressed yesterday but the shareholder base seems renewed and rational and chart wise we look to be at a major turning point


break outs from 50/200 day pincer movements can be explosive... 10 bags in a week ! Extraordinary

So recently I had a couple of days off so I thought I would try out stock trading. I basically based all my trades off certain information in the market which I used as indicators. Prior to this I did read up on different things about investing in stocks.

I created a demo account on one of the apps which I researched. I have in the last 4-5 days gotten the hang of it. My investments have basically been where I have held the asset for that day itself and based off the information I have closed my position the very same day. I did the following so far:

1- Constellation brands went long - Currently down $200 (info based on revenues beating the forecast)

2 - Twitter - Was a subject of sale acquisition - Went up today by $200

2- Amazon - Introduction of a new service called Prime Reading - Went up by $300

Now the issue for me is follows:

1 - On the demo account I am able to play with high volume so I see higher gains. Is it really worth investing in stocks when gains are going to be so low. Maximum I will be able to work with is around $5000. Would I rather be putting my money into something else?

2 - The question of timing. While I seem to understand when I could see a potential shift the timing of how long to hold an instrument for is what I find very confusing. Though you might have the right info the pendulum of the stock price shifts all day during the day.

Can someone shed some light on these 2 points. Also, if someone does not mind can they please explain what is Forex.
Forex or Foreign Exchange Currency Trading is a complete joke. Nobody understands how that stuff works. I had a friend who was Chief Currency Strategist or something at a major City Bank and most of what he did was just trying to run multi-variable regression analyses and stuff( I have no idea really) to pin down some factors and whether they could be played by some hedge fund or other. He used to try to explain it to me and I'd glaze over within a few seconds.

At least with investing in equity of stuff like Twitter you can have some idea of what makes it a good product, what the competitors are, whether it can monetise it's brand or a new product will go down well or not. You can actually learn something and maybe even make some money in long term.

If you are looking to trade (as opposed to invest) just to make money then I'd say it's v risky and you're more likely to end up chasing returns unless you are brilliant/lucky at it (which even most pros aren't). Anybody who makes it rich like that has either taken stupid risk (and got lucky) or taken on stupid leverage (and got lucky). Of course these few 'winners' will shout their brilliance from the rooftops. You won't hear from the thousands who followed same 'process' and lost.
Forex or Foreign Exchange Currency Trading is a complete joke. Nobody understands how that stuff works. I had a friend who was Chief Currency Strategist or something at a major City Bank and most of what he did was just trying to run multi-variable regression analyses and stuff( I have no idea really) to pin down some factors and whether they could be played by some hedge fund or other. He used to try to explain it to me and I'd glaze over within a few seconds.

At least with investing in equity of stuff like Twitter you can have some idea of what makes it a good product, what the competitors are, whether it can monetise it's brand or a new product will go down well or not. You can actually learn something and maybe even make some money in long term.

If you are looking to trade (as opposed to invest) just to make money then I'd say it's v risky and you're more likely to end up chasing returns unless you are brilliant/lucky at it (which even most pros aren't). Anybody who makes it rich like that has either taken stupid risk (and got lucky) or taken on stupid leverage (and got lucky). Of course these few 'winners' will shout their brilliance from the rooftops. You won't hear from the thousands who followed same 'process' and lost.

What is the difference and what do you recommend as an investment strategy if you do not mind me asking.
I don't think trying to make money 'daytrading' is a sensible goal. It will most likely lead to losses and disenchantment very quickly especially if you time the entry/exit wrong despite having chosen a 'good stock'. I would set as a goal to do long term investments and initially expect to lose some money as a sort of cost of learning. I also tend to advocate pound cost averaging/dollar cost averaging so you are not plunging in or out of the market but investing steadily over time and thus less likely to get caught out by stock/market volatilty. The other basic thing is diversify your risk. Remember you can't manage your returns as those will be uncertain however you can manage your own risk by diversifying holdings across different stocks/sectors/commodities/markets etc
I don't think trying to make money 'daytrading' is a sensible goal. It will most likely lead to losses and disenchantment very quickly especially if you time the entry/exit wrong despite having chosen a 'good stock'. I would set as a goal to do long term investments and initially expect to lose some money as a sort of cost of learning. I also tend to advocate pound cost averaging/dollar cost averaging so you are not plunging in or out of the market but investing steadily over time and thus less likely to get caught out by stock/market volatilty. The other basic thing is diversify your risk. Remember you can't manage your returns as those will be uncertain however you can manage your own risk by diversifying holdings across different stocks/sectors/commodities/markets etc

You're a really great guy s28 👍
As a natural contrarian now might be a good time to short S28 stock or ignore any 'calls' !
VAL is worth watching regardless now because Morris has really put his head on the block. To say in public Investor presentations that your drug 'bloody works' for Cancer is a huge statement. IT's bordering on illegal anyway under Market Abuse rules so they either have something to back that up or he's in big trouble. Also ethically just to get peoples hopes up about something as serious as cancer is a pretty low thing to do. Anyway all eyes on this presentation of data on Monday about the supposed trial progress may or may not confirm what he says/knows. I've always found him pretty unimpressive in the flesh when I have met him previously but if they pull this off it'll be huge and some of the people talking up the potential on the VAL internet BBs are cynical experienced bio industry observers who seem to be buying in whilst retaining professionally sceptical stance.

The weakness in share price today despite the upbeat chat should be taken as evidence of how the market holds VAL and its management in contempt and also the dampening effect of the financing 'tap'.
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.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LJTxyieXB1A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
.<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">From the archives: 'The hit to the pound sterling has made Britons poorer. Almost nobody has recognised this' <a href="https://t.co/777tDRuDaS">https://t.co/777tDRuDaS</a> <a href="https://t.co/61k0IHv6Wv">pic.twitter.com/61k0IHv6Wv</a></p>— Financial Times (@FT) <a href="https://twitter.com/FT/status/785391930633052160">10 October 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Some really good examples of pincer movements in 50 / 200 day Moving averages above.

KEFI - there was a positive one indicator in April trading in range 0.35-0.45 with eventual breakout up to 0.65 ; then a negative indicator in Aug-Sep at 0.45-0.55 and eventual breakdown towards 0.35p now. KEFI is a classic where it looked great in terms of development but the stock just didn't 'act right'

Ideally you want the 50 day below the 200 day (and the stock to be trading within pincer) as it indicates most recent investors are happy holders with decent low bases and should be strong hands. Meanwhile the fact the stock is below 200 day MA suggests longer terms stale bulls/weak hands will be out already. So it sets the base for a big move higher. IRG, VAL, VAST above all looking good at the moment. Can make cases for all to be fundamentally a lot higher.

IRG at 0.08, Management recently paid themselves in shares at equivalent price of 0.22p (I hate stock, Management serial failures after previous star status ; hate fundies (operating in Egypt and not getting paid/legal issues) but chart makes me think 'hold your nose' and buy a bit?)

VAL serious funding issues but if a cancer drug works in any what whatsoever sub £10m Mkt Cap is plain mad. Mentioned before what low quality unimpressive people the Management are in person and stupid financing choices etc but simply getting drugs into Phase I / II trials are quite a major achievement.

VAST a few mines in operation in romania and zimbabwe, revenues probably a multiple of current Mkt Cap so if they can deliver cashflow should be easy route to higher valuation.
VAST announced nasty financing deal, huge volume, all should be known knowns. Chart development still key for me.

VAST getting massacred on it's 'financing'. You can never trust these non-traditional financings because they usually have toxic conditions/fees which serve to undermine normal equity investors in some way shape or form. Still expect it to wash out eventually and chart to reassert. Watching for entry.
GUN bit of a pain bug suspect 'certain private investors' are Lenigas and/or mates in a 'friends and family' deal

Gunsynd Plc

("Gunsynd" or the "Company")

Issue of Equity

Gunsynd (AIM: GUN, ISDX: GUN) announces that it has raised £300,000, gross of expenses, through the issue of 545,454,545 new shares of 0.01p each in the Company ("Placing Shares") at a placing price of 0.055 pence per share with certain private investors ("the "Placing"). This Placing is to raise funds to assist in progressing possible investment opportunities that the company is currently looking at.
I thought highlight of this was "the Lithium battery is a Nickel battery, it's only 3% lithium"


This is a short video from Mines & Money with Rick Rule of the world's best known precious metals investor, Sprott, explaining to a dumb blonde what will be the kicker that sees gold prices head higher over the next 12 month. Rick also comments on the "disgusting sideshow" that is the US Election and what that means for the markets. And what he says about Rare Earths is damning and hilarious. Something for everyone.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VYV6QLLC1yY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
IRG interesting high volume attempt at breakout on news today. Worth watching.
Maybe safer to wait as recent examples of VAL and VAST show that a failed breakout usually leads to a big fall

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IRG interesting high volume attempt at breakout on news today. Worth watching.
Maybe safer to wait as recent examples of VAL and VAST show that a failed breakout usually leads to a big fall

Any chance you could be a little transparent? State whether you are buying or selling? Doesn't have to mention the amount £ or quantity but a bit vague just posting charts.
of charts highlighted on this page

IRG - have bought insignificant amount just to watch it mainly because of chart. Even if it goes up 10x right now it won't make any difference to me. If it goes bust inconsequential.

VAST - watching not bought, may buy a small amount soon.

PREM - watching not bought, may buy a small amount soon.

KEFI - not bought, still watching (development phase is actually one of riskiest as transition from exploration to production is outside of skill base of most Management but most investors don't acknowledge this)

GUN - bought significant amount and will just wait it out now. Think have to accept Brazil is a dodo so now in the hands of a bunch of dodgy/incompetent mates of Lenigas.

VAL - bought substantial amount as any cancer efficacy is a big deal not reflected in a Mkt Cap of only c.£10m. Also this seems a novel duodecapeptide or something. Any medical pros want to weigh in?
of charts highlighted on this page

IRG - have bought insignificant amount just to watch it mainly because of chart. Even if it goes up 10x right now it won't make any difference to me. If it goes bust inconsequential.

VAST - watching not bought, may buy a small amount soon.

PREM - watching not bought, may buy a small amount soon.

KEFI - not bought, still watching (development phase is actually one of riskiest as transition from exploration to production is outside of skill base of most Management but most investors don't acknowledge this)

GUN - bought significant amount and will just wait it out now. Think have to accept Brazil is a dodo so now in the hands of a bunch of dodgy/incompetent mates of Lenigas.

VAL - bought substantial amount as any cancer efficacy is a big deal not reflected in a Mkt Cap of only c.£10m. Also this seems a novel duodecapeptide or something. Any medical pros want to weigh in?

s28, thanks! just my curiosity gets the better of me sometimes 😆
S28- if you don't mind me asking are you a holder of CPX if so where do you see this stock in 3-5 months time ?
S28- if you don't mind me asking are you a holder of CPX if so where do you see this stock in 3-5 months time ?

I wouldn't have thought s28 or anyone could predict the future. You can only wait and react accordingly.
S28- if you don't mind me asking are you a holder of CPX if so where do you see this stock in 3-5 months time ?

CPX is one of my major holdings. I'm confident on a number of levels that there is limited downside risk and potentially huge upside from here. Timing of rises and falls is a whole different ball game as it involves trying to anticipate mass psychology of the rest of the market ie impossible.

However putting my neck on the line I expect the Company to deliver on licensing contracts in auto industry in 2017. Markets usually discount ahead by 6-9 months so I expect the next 6 months to see a major move. CPX management always been rubbish selling their own tech for whatever reason. Now grown ups at Murata and AVX taking over I'm more confident.

Also given global macro picture with threat of deflation / low growth I think investment institutions will pay large valuation premiums for genuine innovative growth stocks. CPX should show itself to be one soon and finally deliver on $100m of past investment.

Chartwise on longer term charts a stealth breakout looks to be occurring so I'd also watch for major technical breakout imminently on back of news. My chart based target is 20-30p within 6-9 months. I wouldn't put my mortgage on it though :-p
CPX is one of my major holdings. I'm confident on a number of levels that there is limited downside risk and potentially huge upside from here. Timing of rises and falls is a whole different ball game as it involves trying to anticipate mass psychology of the rest of the market ie impossible.

However putting my neck on the line I expect the Company to deliver on licensing contracts in auto industry in 2017. Markets usually discount ahead by 6-9 months so I expect the next 6 months to see a major move. CPX management always been rubbish selling their own tech for whatever reason. Now grown ups at Murata and AVX taking over I'm more confident.

Also given global macro picture with threat of deflation / low growth I think investment institutions will pay large valuation premiums for genuine innovative growth stocks. CPX should show itself to be one soon and finally deliver on $100m of past investment.

Chartwise on longer term charts a stealth breakout looks to be occurring so I'd also watch for major technical breakout imminently on back of news. My chart based target is 20-30p within 6-9 months. I wouldn't put my mortgage on it though :-p

Thanks S28 I am keeping this one on my watch list . I noticed it went to 8p last year but I guess lack of news drifted lower over the months however its starting to move in the right direction. I am tempted to invest in this technology as I do feel it is the way forward.
so you guys not a fan of acp, graphite consumption will 3 fold in 4 years?
Will take a look when I have time. Not particularly well disposed to it because of its history as WET a failed play on South African AMD Acid Mine Drainage issues. However no doubt graphite is a story which plays well with investors and a change in story can be a useful catalyst to reevaluate stocks
Will take a look when I have time. Not particularly well disposed to it because of its history as WET a failed play on South African AMD Acid Mine Drainage issues. However no doubt graphite is a story which plays well with investors and a change in story can be a useful catalyst to reevaluate stocks

i think acp is the only uk listed company which is exploring graphite, quite a few aussie stocks are into graphite. Acp asset is situated in middle of two companies which possess world class resources. Acp has recently found high grade graphite which management believe can be world class resource. I think this is a multibagger.
i think acp is the only uk listed company which is exploring graphite, quite a few aussie stocks are into graphite. Acp asset is situated in middle of two companies which possess world class resources. Acp has recently found high grade graphite which management believe can be world class resource. I think this is a multibagger.

Stratmin global resources are the only uk graphite miner..... has not really worked out for them. There is an issue with flake size and purity. Unless its large flake and or 98% (i think) purity, the price varies widly. Going out there and securing a long term buyer is also an issue.
Stratmin global resources are the only uk graphite miner..... has not really worked out for them. There is an issue with flake size and purity. Unless its large flake and or 98% (i think) purity, the price varies widly. Going out there and securing a long term buyer is also an issue.

Welcome back! Eagle Eye, good to see a post from you. Hope you'll consistently contribute to the thread. Have missed your posts bro.
Stratmin global resources are the only uk graphite miner..... has not really worked out for them. There is an issue with flake size and purity. Unless its large flake and or 98% (i think) purity, the price varies widly. Going out there and securing a long term buyer is also an issue.
yes the graphite market is quite opaque and good point about STGR which failed to deliver so may make UK investors reticent about ACP

Question should be asked if it's such a great project why did vendors sell and why to a non specialist poorly funded UK entity
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vendors havent sold, they took 80m shares in acp for the asset, shares in issue are around 208m now. Fact is acp have found high graphite, by year end will have jorc resource.
Stratmin global resources are the only uk graphite miner..... has not really worked out for them. There is an issue with flake size and purity. Unless its large flake and or 98% (i think) purity, the price varies widly. Going out there and securing a long term buyer is also an issue.

acp has found high grade graphite, they saying it has potential to be world class.

"Wide intervals of high-grade graphite schist, have been intersected on the first RC drilling runs at Mahenge."

"Mineralisation is commencing from near surface and has already returned standout results such as 60m @ 10.7% Total Graphitic Carbon (TGC) – "
Look at similar players, kibaran resources and black rock resources, all had very very humble starts last year. I think we are getting drilling update this week so that will be interesting. They have found something significant and its high grade not the cheap stuff. :).

I chickened out with ASA, and that could have been a 3 bagger for me, sold at a loss, but I won't let this one go.

Acp is also gold explorer but is focussing on graphite, they have an asset with 9 year mine life which will be capable of 25000 ounces of gold per year, recent signed a farm out deal, where at the end acp might just hold 15% of the asset with no commitments for costs relating to asset.
So......What do you guys do on this thread and can I learn this ???? What's the best place to start guys ??