Club looking for players in brampton/mississauga area


Local Club Regular
May 4, 2009

We are starting a new club in the bedcl league, and are looking for some players. We do training on folks that need their game improved as well, so simply honing your game as we grow as a unit... currently need a wicket keeper and batsmen (bowlers and allrounders are still welcome as well)...

Please note that, our roster size will be mainly of 16-18 players... so yea unlike other clubs, there will be playing opportunity (that means minimum of 10 out of 16 games or to that extent depending on weather etc)

We are also not afraid of taking youth unlike many other clubs, come down to have a practice with us and you will surely want to play with us for the upcoming season. If you know of any players that are being sat out by their current clubs and are not getting playing opportunities do tell them about us.

We can be visited and contacted at also there you can find more info about the club.

Good day and happy cricketing...
pm me through a mod or post here for more info or questions inquiries as well if you want...
Ah Qasra Sports. I've been there before, when do you start InshaAllah?
we practice on sundays from 12-2 pm at qasra sports ... come down we are always on the net 2nd from the far right... (the one in front as you enter...)
just a heads up, for sunday feb 05 the practice is at ICL sports arena

Indoor Cricket League Canada (ICL)
Units 18-24 7676 Kimbel

Mississauga , Ontario
L5S 1J8
(416) 951 8484
Pakpassion does have some hidden talent, we found a good player, hoping for a couple more hidden gems... also if your skills are raw, don't worry, come on out, practice with us, we will work on you to become game ready... it is a fun and learning environment... not a random bunch playing...

we will be at the icl location again this sunday feb 11th from 12-2 pm ...
i don't think he is a regular poster, but a user...
we will be at the icl location again this sunday feb 12th from 12-2 pm ... that is tomorrow, just a heads up for anyone interested...
just a little bump to my thread... we are no longer practicing indoors... outdoor practice + games are starting soon... still recruiting to add a few players to the roster, if you or any of your friends may be interested, tell them about our website :) thank you.