Controversy surrounding Imran Khan's use of Engro's private jet


First Class Captain
Nov 9, 2014
Confusion over who allowed Imran Khan to use Engro's private jet for his rally in Karachi.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I find this highly unprofessional on part of EngroCorp that its private jet is being used by a political leader for anti government rally regardless of fact whether it was chartered or sponsored. Please know your limits being a public listed company; its not personal fiefdom. <a href=""></a></p>— Ahsan Iqbal (@betterpakistan) <a href="">April 17, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">With regards to media speculation around Engro's ownership of the private jet taken by ex-PM Imran Khan for the political gathering in Karachi, we wish to clarify that although the plane is owned by Engro Fertilizers, it was chartered to Princely Jets as a routine practice.(1/2) <a href=""></a></p>— Engro Corporation (@EngroCorp) <a href="">April 16, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Well, he is paying from out of overseas Pakistanis donations to his party and since they don't have a problem with it, others also shouldn't.
Well, he is paying from out of overseas Pakistanis donations to his party and since they don't have a problem with it, others also shouldn't.

Read the story, it was paid for by "a" businessman from Dubai.

Don't derail this thread.
Read the story, it was paid for by "a" businessman from Dubai.

Don't derail this thread.

I don't see anywhere in the story where it states that it was paid by "others" (whoever that entity is). It (the story) is silent in that matter.
I don't see anywhere in the story where it states that it was paid by "others" (whoever that entity is). It (the story) is silent in that matter.

The private aircraft used by former prime minister Imran Khan, to travel to Karachi from Islamabad, was bankrolled by a Dubai-based businessman, those privy to the developments revealed.
This is nonsense and trying to pressurise Engro openly on twitter is idiotic.
The private aircraft used by former prime minister Imran Khan, to travel to Karachi from Islamabad, was bankrolled by a Dubai-based businessman, those privy to the developments revealed.

Legitimate business man? Pakistani citizen?

If yes, whats the problem?
Move along… nothing to see here. Just angry nooners whining about something that doesn’t even exist.
Even though this might be exaggerated and a little over reaching, IK’s entire politics revolves around calling his opponents names from what I have seen.

There is only a certain level of thick skin we all can have. I am not justifying this but probably he has pushed them into a corner (no pun intended) a lot and now they are naturally going to try and make everything difficult for him.
What a free loader and pathetic stuff from asad umar who probably was able to use his links to use resources of engro.

An investigation should be done and SECP should take action, because this is someone who is creating false narrative, misused the constitution and trying to create a civil crises.

Engro should be held responsible.
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A lot of businessmen bypass reporting requirements by paying for expenses directly and then get kickbacks or favours when the political party is in power.

Most parties do this in the subcontinent so PTI is not doing anything out of the ordinary, but its something which needs to change. A businessman should donate to the party and the party should then spend it and report their donations and expenses to the election commission.
What a free loader and pathetic stuff from asad umar who probably was able to use his links to use resources of engro.

An incestigation should be doneand SECP should take action, because this is someone who is creating false narrative, misused the constitution and trying to create a civil crises.

Engro should be held responsible.

Oh dear, another day,another lie. It was paid for. Get over it.
Non-issue. The anti imran lobby needs to get over it and move on.
What is wrong in this? Imran cannot use a chartered jet?

Compared to dozens of cases of huge corruptions of Billions against Sharifs , Patwaris are finding it very hard to find any case of "corruption" against Imran , but all they could find is the ridiculous events like this.