Crowd in Pakistan vandalise and loot Dream Bazar Mall in Karachi on its inauguration day


Hall of Famer
Jan 10, 2011
Post of the Week
Just saw the news and it’s quite crazy.
Any comments from localities. Is this story true. Are things a really that bad in Karachi.

Nightmare At Karachi's 'Dream Bazaar' Mall As Crowds Ransack Stores, Loot Products On Opening Day

The grand opening of “Dream Bazaar Mall in Pakistan’s Karachi turned into a nightmare after hundreds of people forcibly entered the venue on the opening day, leading to widespread vandalism and destruction. The mall, which was heavily promoted on social media and offered special discounts, opened its doors last Friday.

However, it quickly became overwhelmed by eager shoppers who thronged the place soon after it opened, according to Pakistan’s Ary News. Videos going viral on social media X show hundreds of people storming the newly opened mall in Gulistan-e-Johar, vandalising property and looting stores.

Staff members attempted to manage the crowd but were unsuccessful as people forcefully barged in, damaging shops and stealing merchandise. Many were seen frantically grabbing items and stuffing them into bags.

Despite the chaos, police were notably absent from the scene. After the incident, videos revealed the aftermath of the rampage, with clothes scattered across the floor and shattered glass littering the premises. Some individuals even filmed themselves looting.

The incident sparked a heated debate online, with many users expressing shock and disappointment at the lack of civic morals displayed by the crowd. Comments on social media questioned how individuals could resort to such behaviour.

The destruction at Dream Bazaar raises concerns about the investment climate in Karachi, as the mall was built by a Pakistani businessman living abroad. Local residents and social media users expressed outrage over the incident.

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Jahalat, greed and lack of sanskars. While they cry about lack of leadership, there's something inherently wrong with the awaam itself.
Don't know much about it. Most of the articles are by Indian media.

Fights happen on sales in black Friday etc across the world. Not sure you can draw such deep conclusions from it.
Pakistan is a struggling country teetering on the verge of economic collapse every few months. Then some foreign entity comes and bails them out. The real suffering ones are the people with no hope and n sight. When people become desperate, they resort to looting.
Whoever opened that mall did not think through the ramifications of the sale he has put on. You cannot dangle a chicken piece in front of a hungry pack of wolves and expect them to behave.
Pakistan is a struggling country teetering on the verge of economic collapse every few months. Then some foreign entity comes and bails them out. The real suffering ones are the people with no hope and n sight. When people become desperate, they resort to looting.
Whoever opened that mall did not think through the ramifications of the sale he has put on. You cannot dangle a chicken piece in front of a hungry pack of wolves and expect them to behave.
What have written is fairly accurate.
The country is in dire straights
What have written is fairly accurate.
The country is in dire straights
No it's completely inaccurate.

It's the same country that made the Global sales record for Tim Horton branch and malls are packed out day and night by paying patrons. Do you think these malls never have sales? How many of them have resulted in riots like this?

People are drawing some very heavy conclusions from a random incident that I described earlier as being similar to black Friday sales in the US.

Scroll through this recent video as an example of how nice and lively the malls are.

No it's completely inaccurate.

It's the same country that made the Global sales record for Tim Horton branch and malls are packed out day and night by paying patrons. Do you think these malls never have sales? How many of them have resulted in riots like this?

People are drawing some very heavy conclusions from a random incident that I described earlier as being similar to black Friday sales in the US.

Scroll through this recent video as an example of how nice and lively the malls are.

I was generalising.
But let me speak from my Karachi experience, that is the place of my birth after all and although we contribute to charity work all over Pakistan let me just concentrate on Karachi.

The vast majority of charitable works that are carried out in Sindh including Karachi cannot be undertaken without the seal of approval from the PPP. You can't even help the poor without having to give credit to the criminals.
People are absolutely desperate and so yes it is true that people spend their money on consumable goods the disparity between the rich and poor is increasing at an alarming rate. That fellow is not wrong when he says the country teetering.
Jahalat is on the rise in Pakistan sadly. They were doing much better under Musharraf (affectionately called Mushy).

These are the same people who stole korma from Lahore Corps Commander’s house along with other household items few months ago.

The situation is such that if you are holding a bag of rice in your hand in Pakistan, you better be having a cheap car with you at the least otherwise people will loot you in the way to home. Harsh but sad reality of the times in Pakistan.
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Jahalat is on the rise in Pakistan sadly. They were doing much better under Musharraf (affectionately called Mushy).

These are the same people who stole korma from Lahore Corps Commander’s house along with other household items few months ago.

The situation is such that if you are holding a bag of rice in your hand in Pakistan, you better be having a cheap car with you at the least otherwise people will loot you in the way to home. Harsh but sad reality of the times in Pakistan.
Pakistan desperately needs foreign investment and jobs to uplift the poor to middle class and the middle class to upper middle.

they need a leader who can embrace modernity and change the outlook of the country. Foreign investment will only come if the businesses see stability in the country. They need leaders with vision and put Pakistan first attitude. It will take some sacrifices on the part of the country and citizens. But with proper vision of the future, Pakistan can bounce back quickly. Easily said than done.
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In Pakistan, let’s not kid ourselves, there are far graver issues at hand than a store getting ransacked by thousands of people just because they decided to hold an inaugural sale.

And let’s not forget, stores in the USA, Canada, and the UK get looted regularly, and that’s without the excuse of a sale.

Let’s discuss the real issue.
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In Pakistan, let’s not kid ourselves, there are far graver issues at hand than a store getting ransacked by thousands of people just because they decided to hold an inaugural sale.

And let’s not forget, stores in the USA, Canada, and the UK get looted regularly, and that’s without the excuse of a sale.

Let’s discuss the real issue.

You’re going to defend that?
Which mall in USA got looted like this
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This is Pakistani unity at its best, who said the country is fracturing? When push comes to shove (no pun intended), Pakistanis come together for the greater good!
These guys are ready to die for a 50 Rupee shirt but they will not say a single word about people dying in front of them, inflation.

These guys will never come out in numbers to get their on right but for a 50 rupee shirt, it will be a traffic jam.
Don't blame the people. Blame the rulers.
These people are not willing to correct themselves, but they just want the rulers to be pious and work in favor of general public, not gonna happen until we as a nation try to make ourselves better.
These people are not willing to correct themselves, but they just want the rulers to be pious and work in favor of general public, not gonna happen until we as a nation try to make ourselves better.

Many years ago i was in Maldives. I got chatting with the resort manager.

I asked him about Maldivian history and how they became Muslims.

He told me that they were originally Buddhists. Trading with Arab merchants.

Few centuries back, the arab traders were able to convince the king to convert to Islam. He did.

Seeing him the rest of the people followed.

Muslim society is a top down society. You change the rulers, the people will follow.

Pakistani rulers have successfully diverted the people's attention from their problems using religion. Time to make these rulers follow the actual religion.
In Pakistan, let’s not kid ourselves, there are far graver issues at hand than a store getting ransacked by thousands of people just because they decided to hold an inaugural sale.

And let’s not forget, stores in the USA, Canada, and the UK get looted regularly, and that’s without the excuse of a sale.

Let’s discuss the real issue.
a businessman loses out on alot of money due to theft, and you are claiming this is not an issue?

This is an example of lack of law and order.

Issue isnt that xyz happens in USA,Canada or UK. They have law and order which gets implemented, we dont.
No it's completely inaccurate.

It's the same country that made the Global sales record for Tim Horton branch and malls are packed out day and night by paying patrons. Do you think these malls never have sales? How many of them have resulted in riots like this?

People are drawing some very heavy conclusions from a random incident that I described earlier as being similar to black Friday sales in the US.

Scroll through this recent video as an example of how nice and lively the malls are.

come on, to be fair, that video is from Karachi, and centaurus is in Islamabad

Big difference amongst the people :p
You’re going to defend that?
Which mall in USA got looted like this
It’s mostly 711’s and gas stations.

They also target Gucci, Apple and high end accessories stores. It’s usually a crowd of about 15-20 or less people most of the time. Never in thousands.
come on, to be fair, that video is from Karachi, and centaurus is in Islamabad

Big difference amongst the people :p
People are people everywhere.

There are of course goons in Pakistan in every city including Karachi. But to paint it as an indicator of economic collapse and due to poverty is too far.

They are criminals and opportunists.
a businessman loses out on alot of money due to theft, and you are claiming this is not an issue?

This is an example of lack of law and order.

Issue isnt that xyz happens in USA,Canada or UK. They have law and order which gets implemented, we dont.
Obviously it’s an issue, and the owners has insurance.

But just highlighting how Indians are trying portray that as if it is only Pakistani thing.
You’re going to defend that?
Which mall in USA got looted like this
LOL, I am not defending anything.

I am just highlighting Indians being Indians when it comes to Pakistan.

There are so many to list.