[VIDEOS] Fact check: Attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh were not religiously driven

Far right in UK sadly fooled and worried Hindus in India .

There are foreign agencies in Bangladesh.

If any major pogrom was taking place, wouldn't they have talked about it?

What really happened was some isolated incidents happened and those incidents were magnified by Indians (and I guess far right too) on social media.

Anyway, things have calmed down a lot in Bangladesh. Alhamdulillah. There is an interim government now. Bangladeshi is slowly returning to normalcy. Job is not done yet. Awami League needs to be brought to justice for crimes against Bangladesh.

Shame on far-right for spreading misinformation.
There are foreign agencies in Bangladesh.

If any major pogrom was taking place, wouldn't they have talked about it?

What really happened was some isolated incidents happened and those incidents were magnified by Indians (and I guess far right too) on social media.

Anyway, things have calmed down a lot in Bangladesh. Alhamdulillah. There is an interim government now. Bangladeshi is slowly returning to normalcy. Job is not done yet. Awami League needs to be brought to justice for crimes against Bangladesh.

Shame on far-right for spreading misinformation.
So now you admit that BD hindus are being attacked, but there is no "major pogrom"?

Wonder why BD hindus are protesting and why interim head is asking for end of violence against minorities.
So now you admit that BD hindus are being attacked, but there is no "major pogrom"?

Wonder why BD hindus are protesting and why interim head is asking for end of violence against minorities.
Lies and conspiracy theories, 2 biggest defence techniques of ..... (you know whom).
So now you admit that BD hindus are being attacked, but there is no "major pogrom"?

Wonder why BD hindus are protesting and why interim head is asking for end of violence against minorities.
I do not know about the above mentioned poster, but Bangladeshis on the internet have never deny that there was no attack on the Hindus after Hasina fled. What we tried to convey to you all is that unlike the misinformation spread by Indian media, these riots were never targeted towards the Hindus only nor they are religious in nature. Instead they are results from the political prejudice.

Till now after Hasina fled, there are reports of at least 1500+ incidents of vandalism throughout the country, of them 200+ cases are about minorities' properties. Almost 200+ people died, but only 2 hindus were harmed in the process. I am sure these are not all, there will be more cases unraveled in the coming days. But regardless than that, one can simply see that the vast number of vandalism and harmed were done on the people of Bangladesh who were from the Awamileague background.

But the Indian media and people from social accounts were spreading misinformation, that the Hindus of Bangladesh are only being targeted, and only their properties are being burnt down, where the real truth is that far more Muslims' properties and life were endangered in this riots.

From the few incidents where minorities were harmed, were either done on those Hindus who were from the Awamileague and have got records of oppressing local people (both Hindus and Muslim), or were done by Awamileague cadres themselves in order to blow out this entire incidents in international media.

When the entire Bangladesh, regardless of Muslims or Hindus were trying to cool down the situation together by imposing laws and orders themselves(especially from students from Universities and Madrasas), Indians and their media were spreading hatefull disinformation to harm their own neighboring country's stability and integration, just to score few dirty political points in their own constituents.
I do not know about the above mentioned poster, but Bangladeshis on the internet have never deny that there was no attack on the Hindus after Hasina fled. What we tried to convey to you all is that unlike the misinformation spread by Indian media, these riots were never targeted towards the Hindus only nor they are religious in nature. Instead they are results from the political prejudice.
I hit reply after reading only the first para and didn't bother reading the rest.

You say the attacks on hindus was not religious in nature, but was secular.

Then why temples were attacked and temples needed protection. Any single instance of a mosque ( non ahmadi) being attacked? if not, then it is clear as daylight that the attack is religion based.
I hit reply after reading only the first para and didn't bother reading the rest.

You say the attacks on hindus was not religious in nature, but was secular.

Then why temples were attacked and temples needed protection. Any single instance of a mosque ( non ahmadi) being attacked? if not, then it is clear as daylight that the attack is religion based.
Should have read further...
From the few incidents where minorities were harmed, were either done on those Hindus who were from the Awamileague and have got records of oppressing local people (both Hindus and Muslim), or were done by Awamileague cadres themselves in order to blow out this entire incidents in international media.
The reason that temples needed protection, were because that there were records of previous incidents where Awamileague cadres have tried to create false flag operations by attacking other minorities' worship site in the past 15 years.

Before that during BNP, JMB used to attack on minorities, but they were totally wiped out and other Islamists groups in the BNP era itself. Rab (which is now sanctioned by US) were created at that time for this purpose only. And as a result, there were no major Islamist militantcy found in the next Awamileague reign.

But Awamileague cadres were attacking minorities worshipping site and grabbing their lands in the name of Islamists in this periods. And this is on records by the local hindu populations' complaints. There had been numerous such cases reported for the past 15 years, but no actions were taken from the Hasina authorities. Indians might not believe but substential Hindu students protested and gave their life in this revolution to ousted Hasina government as well.

When Hasina fell, and a power vaccum were created due to fall of the entire police administration throughtout the country (since they were the primary force and enabler for the Hasina government), the students and other political parties correctly estimated that Awamileague cadres and other miscreants will create chaos in the entire Bangladesh.

Within short time it was decided by everyone that they will try their best to protect the innocent minorities as much as possible since they will be primary target of Awami cadres as per previous experiances. There were other people as well as small number of fundamentalist who were attacking. But vast number of Awamileague cadres were targetting minorities where else other groups of people were targetting properties from people with Awamileague background.
Should have read further...

The reason that temples needed protection, were because that there were records of previous incidents where Awamileague cadres have tried to create false flag operations by attacking other minorities' worship site in the past 15 years.
On your suggestion, I read few more lines of the post.

Doesn't matter who you blame. Jamaat, BNP, or Awami. The point is Hindus are being attacked for their religion. Because there is not a single attack on mosques.

And this has been happening since a long long time. BD hindus, despite having common race, language and ancestors, and despite participating in freedom movement, are punished for their religion. If something happens in India, BD hindus are attacked. Bharot jader mamabari, Bangla charo taratari

BD Hindus should simply convert to Islam, and remove that only difference which is making them targets of either revenge attacks or celebratory fire.
On your suggestion, I read few more lines of the post.

Doesn't matter who you blame. Jamaat, BNP, or Awami. The point is Hindus are being attacked for their religion. Because there is not a single attack on mosques.

And this has been happening since a long long time. BD hindus, despite having common race, language and ancestors, and despite participating in freedom movement, are punished for their religion. If something happens in India, BD hindus are attacked. Bharot jader mamabari, Bangla charo taratari

BD Hindus should simply convert to Islam, and remove that only difference which is making them targets of either revenge attacks or celebratory fire.
If you believe on that assumptions then you are free to do so. Infact riots have occurred in past based on religious attrocities in Bangladesh.

But the point is if the recent riots are based on religious identity, then why vast amount of Muslim's properties and lives were harmed ? Why people from Awamileague background regardless of race were attacked? By your assumptions only Hindu people's properties or Hindu people from Awamileague background should have been razed down. Then why vast majority of people and properties which were destroyed, where from Muslim background? Where ever there were records, where a religious riots have occurred and maximum amounts of vandalized properties and lives lost were from majority community of the population instead of the minority ?

Are you saying that Hindu people came down to attack Muslims and their properties more aggresively when there are records of Bangladeshi Muslims came forward to protect their properties and temples? Please have some common sence.

As I said this recent riots are more political natures rather than religious. And this is why no Mosques were attacked, because there are hardly any political gains from attacking a Mosque, but huge gains can be earned by attacking a temples in Muslim majority nation.

Because then you can portriat in the entire world, that Sheikh Hasina is so much needed to be in power of Bangladesh, else there will be many riots against Hindus as well as there will be rise of Islamists. Which your countries media is trying to portray in India successfully but unsuccessfully in the world as per the above BBC report.
If you believe on that assumptions then you are free to do so. Infact riots have occurred in past based on religious attrocities in Bangladesh.

But the point is if the recent riots are based on religious identity, then why vast amount of Muslim's properties and lives were harmed ? Why people from Awamileague background regardless of race were attacked? By your assumptions only Hindu people's properties or Hindu people from Awamileague background should have been razed down. Then why vast majority of people and properties which were destroyed, where from Muslim background? Where ever there were records, where a religious riots have occurred and maximum amounts of vandalized properties and lives lost were from majority community of the population instead of the minority ?

Are you saying that Hindu people came down to attack Muslims and their properties more aggresively when there are records of Bangladeshi Muslims came forward to protect their properties and temples? Please have some common sence.

As I said this recent riots are more political natures rather than religious. And this is why no Mosques were attacked, because there are hardly any political gains from attacking a Mosque, but huge gains can be earned by attacking a temples in Muslim majority nation.

Because then you can portriat in the entire world, that Sheikh Hasina is so much needed to be in power of Bangladesh, else there will be many riots against Hindus as well as there will be rise of Islamists. Which your countries media is trying to portray in India successfully but unsuccessfully in the world as per the above BBC report.

Great posts.

Whatever happened in BD wasn't about "Muslim vs Hindu". It was Awami League vs people of Bangladesh.

Awami League has both Muslim and Hindu leaders. Many of them are likely to be prosecuted soon for their crimes against Bangladesh and Bangladeshi people. Religion is not a factor here.

Hasina's Awami League has looted wealth from Bangladesh, murdered many innocent people/oppositions, behaved like a puppet of India etc. They must be brought to justice.

I want to thank Almighty God for saving Bangladesh from the Awami League hyenas. Alhamdulillah.
Great posts.

Whatever happened in BD wasn't about "Muslim vs Hindu". It was Awami League vs people of Bangladesh.

Awami League has both Muslim and Hindu leaders. Many of them are likely to be prosecuted soon for their crimes against Bangladesh and Bangladeshi people. Religion is not a factor here.

Hasina's Awami League has looted wealth from Bangladesh, murdered many innocent people/oppositions, behaved like a puppet of India etc. They must be brought to justice.

I want to thank Almighty God for saving Bangladesh from the Awami League hyenas. Alhamdulillah.

Pretty much sums up the mentality of a majority of Muslims in general.

Rather than introspecting and accepting the wrong doings, they will go to any lengths to justify/dismiss the atrocities.

The fact are simple:

1. People protested against Sheikh Hasina and her government and threw her out.
2. Riots started afterwards.
3. Most rioters were targeting based on political affiliations.
4. Some rioters rioted against minorities.

Now, a simple political movement had religious riots afterwards shows a much deeper issue, where a section of Muslims (minority) believe non Muslims to be below them. This wouldn’t be so alarming on its own but what makes it disgusting is that muslims like you and others are denying/justifying/dismissing the core issue of violence against Hindus.

Condemning the violence and dismissing it as one off instead of trying to understand the root cause and work on eradicating it, shows that Muslims in general do not care about any other religion.

I hope people like you are actually in the minority amongst Muslims and majority of Muslims actually care about human lives, but is one was to go with PP posts, things look grim for minorities in BD/Pakistan.
Pretty much sums up the mentality of a majority of Muslims in general.

Rather than introspecting and accepting the wrong doings, they will go to any lengths to justify/dismiss the atrocities.

The fact are simple:

1. People protested against Sheikh Hasina and her government and threw her out.
2. Riots started afterwards.
3. Most rioters were targeting based on political affiliations.
4. Some rioters rioted against minorities.

Now, a simple political movement had religious riots afterwards shows a much deeper issue, where a section of Muslims (minority) believe non Muslims to be below them. This wouldn’t be so alarming on its own but what makes it disgusting is that muslims like you and others are denying/justifying/dismissing the core issue of violence against Hindus.

Condemning the violence and dismissing it as one off instead of trying to understand the root cause and work on eradicating it, shows that Muslims in general do not care about any other religion.

I hope people like you are actually in the minority amongst Muslims and majority of Muslims actually care about human lives, but is one was to go with PP posts, things look grim for minorities in BD/Pakistan.
For the first time I regret my army fighting the 1971 war.
Pretty much sums up the mentality of a majority of Muslims in general.

Rather than introspecting and accepting the wrong doings, they will go to any lengths to justify/dismiss the atrocities.

The fact are simple:

1. People protested against Sheikh Hasina and her government and threw her out.
2. Riots started afterwards.
3. Most rioters were targeting based on political affiliations.
4. Some rioters rioted against minorities.

Now, a simple political movement had religious riots afterwards shows a much deeper issue, where a section of Muslims (minority) believe non Muslims to be below them. This wouldn’t be so alarming on its own but what makes it disgusting is that muslims like you and others are denying/justifying/dismissing the core issue of violence against Hindus.

Condemning the violence and dismissing it as one off instead of trying to understand the root cause and work on eradicating it, shows that Muslims in general do not care about any other religion.

I hope people like you are actually in the minority amongst Muslims and majority of Muslims actually care about human lives, but is one was to go with PP posts, things look grim for minorities in BD/Pakistan.

Ah, how delightful. Let's all take note of this, similar riots have occurred in England, India, and countless other countries, yet somehow, Muslims only point fingers at the bigots of a specific religion. Meanwhile, Indian Hindus, in their infinite wisdom, prefer to blame Muslims.

And, of course, it must be that nearly a billion people in just one corner of South Asia are all criminally inclined and violent, since they keep electing Modi and his merry band of miscreants. Truly, what a profound revelation.
Ah, how delightful. Let's all take note of this, similar riots have occurred in England, India, and countless other countries, yet somehow, Muslims only point fingers at the bigots of a specific religion. Meanwhile, Indian Hindus, in their infinite wisdom, prefer to blame Muslims.

And, of course, it must be that nearly a billion people in just one corner of South Asia are all criminally inclined and violent, since they keep electing Modi and his merry band of miscreants. Truly, what a profound revelation.

1. Your post just proves my point!
The last thing in the mind of a Muslim is introspection, they will go to any lengths, bring up irrelevant/unrelated issues from other countries/religions to divert the topic instead of introspecting and accepting the problem.

2. Of course there will be exceptions and a lot of Muslims will be self aware and actually have realisation of the problems.

But the general trend amongst Muslims is point 1.

On PP I haven’t yet seen a single poster even willing to delve deep into the root cause and acknowledge the problem. Even the most sensible and unbiased poster, @DeadlyVenom might not be willing to go deep into the problems.
1. Your post just proves my point!
The last thing in the mind of a Muslim is introspection, they will go to any lengths, bring up irrelevant/unrelated issues from other countries/religions to divert the topic instead of introspecting and accepting the problem.

2. Of course there will be exceptions and a lot of Muslims will be self aware and actually have realisation of the problems.

But the general trend amongst Muslims is point 1.

On PP I haven’t yet seen a single poster even willing to delve deep into the root cause and acknowledge the problem. Even the most sensible and unbiased poster, @DeadlyVenom might not be willing to go deep into the problems.
Muslims are doing what is right. As a community, they are working to further their civilisation and way of life. Hindus instead of learning from them, are wasting time blaming muslims.

Ask questions to those hindus who have a strange fascination for approval from others, and to look neutral, that they go to any lengths to monkey balance and become useful idiots for others.

Bangladesh is a muslim country, with Islam as the state religion. So when constitutionally hindu religion is second class, why shouldn't hindus be second class as well?
1. Your post just proves my point!
The last thing in the mind of a Muslim is introspection, they will go to any lengths, bring up irrelevant/unrelated issues from other countries/religions to divert the topic instead of introspecting and accepting the problem.

2. Of course there will be exceptions and a lot of Muslims will be self aware and actually have realisation of the problems.

But the general trend amongst Muslims is point 1.

On PP I haven’t yet seen a single poster even willing to delve deep into the root cause and acknowledge the problem. Even the most sensible and unbiased poster, @DeadlyVenom might not be willing to go deep into the problems.
Actually people see what they want to see or what is shown to them.

For example two common things that people say about Muslims being inflexible is lack of condemnation of terrorism and lack of tolerance of debate.

However within the Muslim community these ideas are quite vocal and common. As an example while some non Muslims claim that Islam does not tolerate any criticism the printing presses of the world have been printing books at a rapid rate across centuries that criticise Islam without issue.

When it comes to introspection Muslim society is the same as any others. There are constant debates between liberals and conservatives, progressives and less progressives, old ideas and new ideas, modernists and traditionalists. Problems are analysed and dissected and debated.

On PP here for example I have said many times that Indian Muslims cannot have their cake and eat it too, they must fully embrace secularism or let Hindus have their own laws. These types of debates and introspection is common among all social spheres.

I think deep down when you say introspection you want self condemnation and for people to accept your version of reality and apologies for their behaviour if it doesn't meet your definition of reality and expectations.

That's not introspection that's capitulation. We can't commit this kind of suicide to make others happy.

As another example in your country for example the PM openly uses Muslims as a punching bag to win votes. This is undeniable. In this scenario do you want "introspection" when people are being punched in the face? It's impossible. Instead they will regroup and try to defend from attack.

But overall the debates within the communities exist.
Btw in the context of this thread if you mean only introspection of attack on Hindus only and not wider problems then you are right.

Even one minority member being targeted for their religion is a stain on the Muslims of that land. Or one temple being destroyed.
Actually people see what they want to see or what is shown to them.

For example two common things that people say about Muslims being inflexible is lack of condemnation of terrorism and lack of tolerance of debate.

However within the Muslim community these ideas are quite vocal and common. As an example while some non Muslims claim that Islam does not tolerate any criticism the printing presses of the world have been printing books at a rapid rate across centuries that criticise Islam without issue.

When it comes to introspection Muslim society is the same as any others. There are constant debates between liberals and conservatives, progressives and less progressives, old ideas and new ideas, modernists and traditionalists. Problems are analysed and dissected and debated.

On PP here for example I have said many times that Indian Muslims cannot have their cake and eat it too, they must fully embrace secularism or let Hindus have their own laws. These types of debates and introspection is common among all social spheres.

I think deep down when you say introspection you want self condemnation and for people to accept your version of reality and apologies for their behaviour if it doesn't meet your definition of reality and expectations.

That's not introspection that's capitulation. We can't commit this kind of suicide to make others happy.

As another example in your country for example the PM openly uses Muslims as a punching bag to win votes. This is undeniable. In this scenario do you want "introspection" when people are being punched in the face? It's impossible. Instead they will regroup and try to defend from attack.

But overall the debates within the communities exist.

A humans view is based on their own personal experiences. Experienced are made mostly from life incidents, knowledge via reading, interaction with other people etc.

Whatever any poster rights on these forums is due to their own views. In most cases, you as a Muslim will have much more interaction with Muslims compared to a non Muslim. Hence, you will see all sides of it.

My views will be based on my interaction/experience with Muslims, there are 2 bl Muslims so obviously there will be lot of variations. Most of my day to day interaction was while growing up in India or on PP and in both cases they led me to believe Muslims are not self conscious, lack empathy towards other religions and are quite rigid in their beliefs and actually seem narrow minded and their minds are held in religious shackles not letting them think objectively about a lot of things.

In Melbourne there are a lot of Iranian Muslims, granted I haven’t had that much interaction with them like I have had with Indian/PP Muslims, however, from the face of it they look much more flexible and non judgemental/liberal compared to the ones from India/PP.

In a similar way, you and other Muslims will have somewhat same views about RSS/Hindutva etc because your views are based on the limited stories you read about crimes/statements against Muslims by politicians/goons in news articles.

There is nothing wrong in having such views, both of us are product of our own experiences in life.

If you notice there have been 4 or 5 Indian posters who were quite liberal and open, however, in recent times they have shifted towards right wing, spending time on PP, interacting with right wingers from PP would have played a part in them shifting their ideologies more towards right wing over the years. @JaDed @Devadwal @Bhaijaan etc are to name a few, might be others as well.

That’s what people don’t realise when they troll, their posts can change someone and move them closer to the other side which indirectly hampers you in real life. Everything in life is somewhat related.

Example: British Pakistani trolls here might have played a little part in changing the views of some posters and turned them towards voting for BJP, BJP supports Israel government, Israel government is killing innocent civilians in Gaza, same British Pakistani trolls are quite vocal about that.t

Now coming back to topic, my posts about BD Hindus is based entirely from 1000+ replies by various posters. I haven’t discussed or talked about this particular issue with any Muslim IRL (I don’t know any enough to discuss such topics), so from PP seeing all the posts it led me to believe what I already felt from other past experiences that Muslims do not want to accept the wrong doings of certain section of their community which paints the religion in bad light.
If a Hindu commit such atrocities against a minority we should condemn them and not link them with religion, however, it feels because for Muslims religion is the most important thing in life it’s difficult for them to accept that other Muslims can commit heinous acts in name of religion. It feels they think this tarnishes the religion, which is not the case. Any Muslim committing a crime should not be linked with religion even if they were religiously brainwashed, and other Muslims should not have inherent instinct to defend/deflect it and should be open to accept/talk about it openly.

In this very thread the first posts of the few BD posters here was to outrightedly deny the attacks/blame the Indian PP “trolls” for trolling as usual etc
Muslims are doing what is right. As a community, they are working to further their civilisation and way of life. Hindus instead of learning from them, are wasting time blaming muslims.

Ask questions to those hindus who have a strange fascination for approval from others, and to look neutral, that they go to any lengths to monkey balance and become useful idiots for others.

Bangladesh is a muslim country, with Islam as the state religion. So when constitutionally hindu religion is second class, why shouldn't hindus be second class as well?

If all posters on PP accept what you wrote then we wouldn’t be having any discussions would we?
A humans view is based on their own personal experiences. Experienced are made mostly from life incidents, knowledge via reading, interaction with other people etc.

Whatever any poster rights on these forums is due to their own views. In most cases, you as a Muslim will have much more interaction with Muslims compared to a non Muslim. Hence, you will see all sides of it.

My views will be based on my interaction/experience with Muslims, there are 2 bl Muslims so obviously there will be lot of variations. Most of my day to day interaction was while growing up in India or on PP and in both cases they led me to believe Muslims are not self conscious, lack empathy towards other religions and are quite rigid in their beliefs and actually seem narrow minded and their minds are held in religious shackles not letting them think objectively about a lot of things.

In Melbourne there are a lot of Iranian Muslims, granted I haven’t had that much interaction with them like I have had with Indian/PP Muslims, however, from the face of it they look much more flexible and non judgemental/liberal compared to the ones from India/PP.

In a similar way, you and other Muslims will have somewhat same views about RSS/Hindutva etc because your views are based on the limited stories you read about crimes/statements against Muslims by politicians/goons in news articles.

There is nothing wrong in having such views, both of us are product of our own experiences in life.

If you notice there have been 4 or 5 Indian posters who were quite liberal and open, however, in recent times they have shifted towards right wing, spending time on PP, interacting with right wingers from PP would have played a part in them shifting their ideologies more towards right wing over the years. @JaDed @Devadwal @Bhaijaan etc are to name a few, might be others as well.

That’s what people don’t realise when they troll, their posts can change someone and move them closer to the other side which indirectly hampers you in real life. Everything in life is somewhat related.

Example: British Pakistani trolls here might have played a little part in changing the views of some posters and turned them towards voting for BJP, BJP supports Israel government, Israel government is killing innocent civilians in Gaza, same British Pakistani trolls are quite vocal about that.t

Now coming back to topic, my posts about BD Hindus is based entirely from 1000+ replies by various posters. I haven’t discussed or talked about this particular issue with any Muslim IRL (I don’t know any enough to discuss such topics), so from PP seeing all the posts it led me to believe what I already felt from other past experiences that Muslims do not want to accept the wrong doings of certain section of their community which paints the religion in bad light.
If a Hindu commit such atrocities against a minority we should condemn them and not link them with religion, however, it feels because for Muslims religion is the most important thing in life it’s difficult for them to accept that other Muslims can commit heinous acts in name of religion. It feels they think this tarnishes the religion, which is not the case. Any Muslim committing a crime should not be linked with religion even if they were religiously brainwashed, and other Muslims should not have inherent instinct to defend/deflect it and should be open to accept/talk about it openly.

In this very thread the first posts of the few BD posters here was to outrightedly deny the attacks/blame the Indian PP “trolls” for trolling as usual etc

I was a secular liberal but thanks to the consistent and honest work done by PM Modi ji and unfortunately thanks to the extremely anti national activities of certain sections of the minority during my years of attaining wisdom and maturity, i could finally see that that Modi ji was standing firmly on the path of the righteousness protecting this nation and this culture and protecting its future from anti national and anti Hindu elements.

Hence i quit my secular liberal views and became a hard core nationalist and a friend of the fundamentalist Hindu right wing.
I was a secular liberal but thanks to the consistent and honest work done by PM Modi ji and unfortunately thanks to the extremely anti national activities of certain sections of the minority during my years of attaining wisdom and maturity, i could finally see that that Modi ji was standing firmly on the path of the righteousness protecting this nation and this culture and protecting its future from anti national and anti Hindu elements.

Hence i quit my secular liberal views and became a hard core nationalist and a friend of the fundamentalist Hindu right wing.

No politician is the answer, they all are selfish and lack any vision or will to protect the nation.
They all are greedy/power hungry.
A humans view is based on their own personal experiences. Experienced are made mostly from life incidents, knowledge via reading, interaction with other people etc.

Whatever any poster rights on these forums is due to their own views. In most cases, you as a Muslim will have much more interaction with Muslims compared to a non Muslim. Hence, you will see all sides of it.

My views will be based on my interaction/experience with Muslims, there are 2 bl Muslims so obviously there will be lot of variations. Most of my day to day interaction was while growing up in India or on PP and in both cases they led me to believe Muslims are not self conscious, lack empathy towards other religions and are quite rigid in their beliefs and actually seem narrow minded and their minds are held in religious shackles not letting them think objectively about a lot of things.

In Melbourne there are a lot of Iranian Muslims, granted I haven’t had that much interaction with them like I have had with Indian/PP Muslims, however, from the face of it they look much more flexible and non judgemental/liberal compared to the ones from India/PP.

In a similar way, you and other Muslims will have somewhat same views about RSS/Hindutva etc because your views are based on the limited stories you read about crimes/statements against Muslims by politicians/goons in news articles.

There is nothing wrong in having such views, both of us are product of our own experiences in life.

If you notice there have been 4 or 5 Indian posters who were quite liberal and open, however, in recent times they have shifted towards right wing, spending time on PP, interacting with right wingers from PP would have played a part in them shifting their ideologies more towards right wing over the years. @JaDed @Devadwal @Bhaijaan etc are to name a few, might be others as well.

That’s what people don’t realise when they troll, their posts can change someone and move them closer to the other side which indirectly hampers you in real life. Everything in life is somewhat related.

Example: British Pakistani trolls here might have played a little part in changing the views of some posters and turned them towards voting for BJP, BJP supports Israel government, Israel government is killing innocent civilians in Gaza, same British Pakistani trolls are quite vocal about that.t

Now coming back to topic, my posts about BD Hindus is based entirely from 1000+ replies by various posters. I haven’t discussed or talked about this particular issue with any Muslim IRL (I don’t know any enough to discuss such topics), so from PP seeing all the posts it led me to believe what I already felt from other past experiences that Muslims do not want to accept the wrong doings of certain section of their community which paints the religion in bad light.
If a Hindu commit such atrocities against a minority we should condemn them and not link them with religion, however, it feels because for Muslims religion is the most important thing in life it’s difficult for them to accept that other Muslims can commit heinous acts in name of religion. It feels they think this tarnishes the religion, which is not the case. Any Muslim committing a crime should not be linked with religion even if they were religiously brainwashed, and other Muslims should not have inherent instinct to defend/deflect it and should be open to accept/talk about it openly.

In this very thread the first posts of the few BD posters here was to outrightedly deny the attacks/blame the Indian PP “trolls” for trolling as usual etc
It's an interesting post mostly I agree with you but I disagree around the point that for some posters interactions with people here would have made them rightwing.

India as a whole has drifted towards the right. It has developed a bold identity, one keen to rewrite the past, and it is not down to interactions on forums, it's down to one man only who has created a sense of national identity. Also generally as people grow more wealthy they become more right wing.
It's an interesting post mostly I agree with you but I disagree around the point that for some posters interactions with people here would have made them rightwing.

India as a whole has drifted towards the right. It has developed a bold identity, one keen to rewrite the past, and it is not down to interactions on forums, it's down to one man only who has created a sense of national identity. Also generally as people grow more wealthy they become more right wing.

You misunderstood that part, I meant it is one of the many small reasons.
When you are going through changing identity every small thing which justifies your change in core values you grasp onto.

Posters here trolling/being hateful wasn’t the main reason but it was one of the many small small reasons which made the change.

Had the interactions here been pleasant and friendly, the posters would have a dilemma in mind that Muslims are such nice people maybe right wing analogy isn’t right. They might still have leaned towards the right wing but would have had some sort of a moral confusion.
1. Your post just proves my point!
The last thing in the mind of a Muslim is introspection, they will go to any lengths, bring up irrelevant/unrelated issues from other countries/religions to divert the topic instead of introspecting and accepting the problem.

2. Of course there will be exceptions and a lot of Muslims will be self aware and actually have realisation of the problems.

But the general trend amongst Muslims is point 1.

On PP I haven’t yet seen a single poster even willing to delve deep into the root cause and acknowledge the problem. Even the most sensible and unbiased poster, @DeadlyVenom might not be willing to go deep into the problems.
Is it one of those posts asking, 'When will Muslims condemn ISIS and Al-Qaeda?
1. Your post just proves my point!
The last thing in the mind of a Muslim is introspection, they will go to any lengths, bring up irrelevant/unrelated issues from other countries/religions to divert the topic instead of introspecting and accepting the problem.

2. Of course there will be exceptions and a lot of Muslims will be self aware and actually have realisation of the problems.

But the general trend amongst Muslims is point 1.

On PP I haven’t yet seen a single poster even willing to delve deep into the root cause and acknowledge the problem. Even the most sensible and unbiased poster, @DeadlyVenom might not be willing to go deep into the problems.
The main point I want to highlight is that, as a non-Muslim, you're generalizing about Muslims based on your personal perspective. Meanwhile, Muslims here are primarily focusing on condemning Hindutva bigotry, the English Defense League, and other supremacist ideologies, while also denouncing ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
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Thread says attacks on hindus were not religiously driven.

Then can anyone, ANYONE, explain why temples were attacked and needed protection and not mosques?
The main point I want to highlight is that, as a non-Muslim, you're generalizing about Muslims based on your personal perspective. Meanwhile, Muslims here are primarily focusing on condemning Hindutva bigotry, the English Defense League, and other supremacist ideologies, while also denouncing ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Ironically, you're doing exactly what you're accusing Muslims here of doing.

Again the point totally went above your head.

I have 0 interest or knowledge about EDL or other supremacist ideologies so that I don’t post on those threads. I don’t stay in UK hence I didn’t comment nor cared about the thread going on about UK riots.

For Hindutva it’s a political term and I have always blamed politicians for everything that’s wrong with the world irrespective of the religion, nationality of the politician. There are very few politicians throughout history who were actually good.
I have asked this question many times what is the meaning of “Hindu Rashtra” which the ideology is based on, in practical sense what will it mean?
No one even the most hardcore RSSites were able to answer that simple question.

So it’s a tool which is used to get votes. Anyone with above average IQ, no bias and ability to think logically and critically would be able to understand that.

'Shouldn't Have Happened': Bangladesh Students Say Attacks On Hindus Not Organised, Some Took Advantage of Protests​

Three Hindu students in Bangladesh, who spoke to News18, said that they wanted to concentrate on their studies as the mission had been accomplished with the end of the ‘corrupt’ Hasina regime.​

There seems to be an unsettling calm on the streets of Bangladesh. In Dhaka, young students could be seen painting the walls white outside college, to rub off the slogans of the ‘revolution’ and write new slogans of victory.

But inside the premises, what cannot be wiped off is the grimness and the disheveled hostel rooms. The hostel which housed Hindu students are empty and the manner in which belongings and clothes are thrown on the floor, shows that the students left in a hurry and panic.

A broken Ma Saraswati statue, the goddess of learning, lay on the floor, as News18 visited the college premises. A dirty white cloth was hurriedly wrapped on it so that there is no proof of what the small college temple went through.

News18 spotted a small, dimly lit room, with three young students. They said, “We are Muslims and we never looked upon ourselves as one. Our Hindu friends ran away in panic. We could not stop them."

Not too far away from this college is the Jagannath Hall, a hostel of Dhaka University which houses students from the minority communities. Nestling between the hostel buildings is a small temple and Vivekananda statue. Students sat eating in the small canteen. Not many wanted to speak as they felt it’s time to move on or go underground.

But three students who spoke to News18 said that they wanted to concentrate on their studies as the mission had been accomplished with the end of the ‘corrupt’ Hasina regime.

One of the students, Swagatan Bhowmick, told News18, “We are students, we are meant to study. It’s time we realise that our work is over. We need to move on. Yes, there have been attacks on Hindus and temples, which, I agree, should not have happened."

“But when such a magnitude of protest takes place, there is bound to be spilling of anger. And this is what we saw. It was not against Hindus as such, it was more against those who were perceived to be close to the Sheikh Hasina government," said another student Deepak Chandrabarun.

Suman Kumar Mahato, another student, agreed to this, saying, “It was not an organised attack on Hindus. Some took advantage of the situation and this was not correct."

This is where the challenge lies. The big questions are – how to convince those who watched the horrific scenes of vandalism that this was not what the protesters wanted? How to ensure that the cause is not compromised with rabid and conservative elements taking charge?

The students said their fight was apolitical and they didn’t do it for power. They said they only wanted to take the message to the politicians that people power is supreme. The question then is – Will the new netas of Bangladesh understand this and when will the hostels see light again?


'Shouldn't Have Happened': Bangladesh Students Say Attacks On Hindus Not Organised, Some Took Advantage of Protests​

So the fake fact check says, that attacks on hindus were "fake" news, and BD students are saying that those attacks shouldn't have happened.

Some saying attacks were fake.
Some say attacks were secular.
Some say attacks not organized.

So it was just spontaneous, secular and fake attacks. Evil dindoos making a mountain of a molehill again.
Thread says attacks on hindus were not religiously driven.

Then can anyone, ANYONE, explain why temples were attacked and needed protection and not mosques?

Probably because evil Hindus offered refuge to the enemies of Bangladesh in temples. At this point, fact-checking and the script can take as many twists and turns as needed.

Bangladesh targets Indian plate and palette, bans Padma hilsa for Durga Puja​

As drummers herald the beginning of Durga Puja season, kitchens in Bengali households send out the aroma of steamed hilsa in mustard. That aroma could now burn a bigger hole in the Bengali bhadralok's pocket. After the fall of Bangladesh's former PM Sheikh Hasina, the caretaker government has now banned the export of hilsa. This has created a shortage of Bangladeshi ilish (as the fish is known in Bengali) ahead of Durga Puja, and sent prices soaring. The hilsa, though, has found a way of reaching India by skirting the ban, and the Bangladeshi Padma ilish will most likely be available during Durga Puja, though at a higher price.

Right before the Durga Puja in October, when Bengalis love to feast on ilish paired with khichuri (khichdi), the military-backed interim government of Bangladesh banned the export of the prized fish to India.

The ban marks a departure from the long-standing practice of Bangladesh sending large consignments of Padma ilish to India, particularly West Bengal, during the festive season. It was a goodwill practice facilitated by Awami League leader Sheikh Hasina.

Though Bangladesh, which has seen hilsa price skyrocket, had a general ban on ilish exports from 2012 to 2020, it made exceptions for India.


Regarding the export of ilish to India, the advisor to the Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Farida Akhter, confirmed that the government has imposed a ban to ensure sufficient supply for local consumers, reported the Bangladeshi daily, Dhaka Tribune.

"We cannot allow ilish to be exported while our own people cannot buy them. This year, I have instructed the Ministry of Commerce to prevent any ilish exports to India during Durga Puja," adviser to the Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Farida Akhter said last week.

Bangladesh produces around 70% of the world's ilish, making it a matter of national pride. Ilish is also the national fish of Bangladesh.

Since 2012, Bangladesh had imposed a ban on ilish exports due to disputes over the Teesta River water-sharing agreement, but Sheikh Hasina facilitated the export, as the ban led to a significant rise in prices in Indian markets and a surge in smuggling across the porous India-Bangladesh border.

The ban was lifted in 2022, according to The Telegraph.

Big consignments of Padma hilsa used to land in India from Bangladesh before Durga Puja, Poila Boisakh (Bengali New Year) and Jamai Soshti (a ritual in the honour son-in-laws, followed by family get-together and grand feast).

The new military-backed government in Bangladesh has chosen not to continue the goodwill gesture. The ban is expected to shoot up the price of ilish in the Indian markets, which would have to rely on alternative supplies from Odisha, Myanmar and Gujarat.

Supplies of hilsa from Bangladesh have been disrupted since anti-Hasina protests broke out in Bangladesh in July.

Despite the ban, hilsa from Bangladesh can be found in the fish markets of Delhi. How so?

"Traders at Gazipur wholesale market have told us that hilsa from Bangladesh is now being routed via Myanmar," a fish seller at CR Park's Market 1 tells India Today Digital.

This has pushed up prices of hilsa, he says.

"We are selling a 1-1.3-kg-size hilsa from Bangladesh for Rs 2,200 to Rs 2,400 a kilo now. The price was between Rs 1,800 and Rs 2,000 a kilo a few months ago," says the fish retailer, requesting anonymity.

He said that Bangladeshi hilsa would be available during Durga Puja, but prices might go up due to supply issues.

Another fish retailer in Delhi's CR Park Market 2 said that both Indian and Bangladeshi hilsa were available.

"Both are now selling for Rs 2,200 a kg for hilsa weighing 1-1.3 kg a piece," he says. The retailer says that he was getting his supply of Padma ilish from his regular supplier in Bangladesh.



Regarding the export of ilish to India, the advisor to the Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Farida Akhter, confirmed that the government has imposed a ban to ensure sufficient supply for local consumers, reported the Bangladeshi daily, Dhaka Tribune.

"We cannot allow ilish to be exported while our own people cannot buy them. This year, I have instructed the Ministry of Commerce to prevent any ilish exports to India during Durga Puja," adviser to the Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Farida Akhter said last week.

Bangladesh produces around 70% of the world's ilish, making it a matter of national pride. Ilish is also the national fish of Bangladesh.

Since 2012, Bangladesh had imposed a ban on ilish exports due to disputes over the Teesta River water-sharing agreement, but Sheikh Hasina facilitated the export, as the ban led to a significant rise in prices in Indian markets and a surge in smuggling across the porous India-Bangladesh border.

The ban was lifted in 2022, according to The Telegraph.

Big consignments of Padma hilsa used to land in India from Bangladesh before Durga Puja, Poila Boisakh (Bengali New Year) and Jamai Soshti (a ritual in the honour son-in-laws, followed by family get-together and grand feast).

The new military-backed government in Bangladesh has chosen not to continue the goodwill gesture. The ban is expected to shoot up the price of ilish in the Indian markets, which would have to rely on alternative supplies from Odisha, Myanmar and Gujarat.

Supplies of hilsa from Bangladesh have been disrupted since anti-Hasina protests broke out in Bangladesh in July.

Despite the ban, hilsa from Bangladesh can be found in the fish markets of Delhi. How so?

"Traders at Gazipur wholesale market have told us that hilsa from Bangladesh is now being routed via Myanmar," a fish seller at CR Park's Market 1 tells India Today Digital.

This has pushed up prices of hilsa, he says.

"We are selling a 1-1.3-kg-size hilsa from Bangladesh for Rs 2,200 to Rs 2,400 a kilo now. The price was between Rs 1,800 and Rs 2,000 a kilo a few months ago," says the fish retailer, requesting anonymity.

He said that Bangladeshi hilsa would be available during Durga Puja, but prices might go up due to supply issues.

Another fish retailer in Delhi's CR Park Market 2 said that both Indian and Bangladeshi hilsa were available.

"Both are now selling for Rs 2,200 a kg for hilsa weighing 1-1.3 kg a piece," he says. The retailer says that he was getting his supply of Padma ilish from his regular supplier in Bangladesh.

Good move.

Indian agent Sheikh Hasina was causing price of Hilsa fish to skyrocket domestically. Time to correct that.
Why in the hell are Indians allowing a team from this muslim fundamentalist country to play cricket in India.

More pertinent, why is India still supplying electricity to Bangladesh, despite the non payment of bills worth USD 1 billion?
Why in the hell are Indians allowing a team from this muslim fundamentalist country to play cricket in India.

I am sure India is waiting to see how this make shift BD government led by a 90 year old Yunus is going to go. If this continues for more than a year, BD cricket will be treated the same way as PCT.
Adani Group warns Bangladesh’s $500 million debt from Godda power plant ‘unsustainable’: FT report

The Adani Group has warned Bangladesh’s new interim government that its $500 million-worth backlog in dues from the contentious Godda power project has become “unsustainable”, UK-based daily Financial Times reported.

“We are in constant dialogue with the Bangladesh government and have appraised them of this unsustainable situation where we are meeting not just our supply commitment but also [commitments] to our lenders and suppliers in spite of rising receivables,” Adani Power told the Financial Times.

Despite the mounting dues, Adani Power said it would “continue to supply reliable and competitively priced power from our Godda facility to Bangladesh.”

The new interim government, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, is facing an immense challenge of reviving the economy of the country after former prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s ouster.

In July last year, industrialist Gautam Adani called on Hasina following the full load commencement of power supply to Bangladesh from the 1600 MW Ultra Super-Critical Thermal Power Plant (USCTPP) at Godda in Jharkhand. USCTPP had begun supplying power to Bangladesh in April 2023, becoming the only power plant in India to export its entire output to the neighbouring country.

The deal was agreed upon during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Dhaka in 2015. Activists have repeatedly criticised the project, arguing that the high cost of importing power from Godda is not economically viable for Bangladesh.

As The Indian Express reported earlier, the APJL’s Godda plant exported at least 7,508 million units (MU) of power — or 63 per cent of the total exports 11,933.83 million units— to Bangladesh in April-March of 2023-24.

On August 12, just a week after Hasina fled Bangladesh, the Ministry of Power amended its rules to allow plants exporting exclusively to neighbouring countries to sell within India.

According to a report in the Financial Times, Bangladesh faced total power liabilities of $3.7 billion as of the middle of last week. In the same report, Yunus’s top energy adviser, Muhammad Fouzul Kabir Khan, stated that the country owes as much as $800 million to Adani.

He said that the interim government has approached lenders, including the World Bank, for billions of dollars in loans to stabilise the country’s finances. “Since joining [the government], we’ve been firefighting,” Khan said.

Yunus took charge of Bangladesh as Chief Adviser of the interim government in August, following weeks of student-led protests that started over reservations in government jobs and forced Hasina to resign and flee the country.

Khan stated that Yunus’s administration plans to reintroduce competitive bidding, empower regulators, and establish an expert committee to re-examine energy deals negotiated under the previous government.
Link: https://indianexpress.com/article/b...esh-debt-godda-power-plant-ft-report-9557973/
More pertinent, why is India still supplying electricity to Bangladesh, despite the non payment of bills worth USD 1 billion?
India will wait and see who the next Government will be in BD before pulling the plug. BD is reliant on India for so many things.
We all saw Maldives acting the same way a few months ago. Then reality set in for them and now they are back on India's side.
Next Bangladeshi government should ensure these:

1) Cut down dependence on India to 0%.

2) Strengthen ties with China.

3) Crack down on corruption and make economy better.
Next Bangladeshi government should ensure these:

1) Cut down dependence on India to 0%.

2) Strengthen ties with China.

3) Crack down on corruption and make economy better.
BD does not produce anything that China needs. The only thing BD can offer China is their sea ports. China will gleefully take over the ports to pester India.
Don't forget, China will not give you anything for free or at discounted prices. They will take back everything with interest.
Next Bangladeshi government should ensure these:

1) Cut down dependence on India to 0%.

2) Strengthen ties with China.

3) Crack down on corruption and make economy better.
And take back all Bangladeshis from India and hopefully repay energy bills. Need a more official border as well.
BD does not produce anything that China needs. The only thing BD can offer China is their sea ports. China will gleefully take over the ports to pester India.
Don't forget, China will not give you anything for free or at discounted prices. They will take back everything with interest.
China is doing India a favor bankrupting all these nations around us, they are less of a threat then.
Except Nepal and Bhutan all others will always have a superiority complex against India inspite of being bankrupt.

Completely support China in giving them super interest loans.
BD does not produce anything that China needs. The only thing BD can offer China is their sea ports. China will gleefully take over the ports to pester India.
Don't forget, China will not give you anything for free or at discounted prices. They will take back everything with interest.

Matters between BD and China are between these two countries.

Indians don't have to butt in.
And take back all Bangladeshis from India and hopefully repay energy bills. Need a more official border as well.

Bangladeshis who went there can stay there if they wish to. They can contribute to future balkanizations/partitions of India. LOL.
China is doing India a favor bankrupting all these nations around us, they are less of a threat then.
Except Nepal and Bhutan all others will always have a superiority complex against India inspite of being bankrupt.

Completely support China in giving them super interest loans.

Bangladesh's economy tanked because Sheikh Hasina and her party looted from Bangladesh. Also, they sold out Bangladesh to India.

Now that snake Hasina is gone, efforts can be made to fix the economy.

BD is on the right track after Hasina's ousting. That snake was only beneficial for India.
Bangladesh's economy tanked because Sheikh Hasina and her party looted from Bangladesh. Also, they sold out Bangladesh to India.

Now that snake Hasina is gone, efforts can be made to fix the economy.

BD is on the right track after Hasina's ousting. That snake was only beneficial for India.
Awesome , I’m all for Chinese loans to BD and a tough border and taking back all Bangladeshis.

As I said before China is doing India a favor, I remember when Lankans were all smug towards us before Chinese bankrupted them and suddenly they started calling us brothers.

Hopefully you guys can put a super border on Indian side that way you don’t have to deal with India at all and “fix” your economy.
LOL. Accept what?

I wrote that as a joke. But, if it is happens, it happens.
Sure reality came out as a joke, please take them back you be happy and we will be happy, out of each others business forever.
From Hindutva pov taking of HASINA is the best thing, that woman has been sending Bangladeshis un interrupted for more than 10 years now, we need to send her back along with all her stooges and ppl and close the damn border on all sides.
'Fish diplomacy' setback for India and Bangladesh

Indians in West Bengal may face a shortage of hilsa, their favourite fish, as millions gear up to celebrate the state's biggest festival, Durga Puja, in October.

That is because Bangladesh, the world’s largest producer of the fish, has intensified its crackdown on the transportation of hilsa to neighbouring India, reinforcing a long-standing ban on exports.

The renewed effort, which came a month after a new government took office in Dhaka, is to ensure that the prized fish remains more accessible to consumers in Bangladesh, according to Farida Akhter, adviser to the Bangladesh ministry of fisheries and livestock.

“A lot of fish is [still] going from Bangladesh to India [despite the ban]. This time we will not allow the hilsa to cross the border,” she told the BBC.

Hilsa is Bangladesh's national fish but it is a luxury, affordable only for the rich and middle class; the poor can't buy it.

“The previous government would lift the ban during the Durga Puja festival. They used to call it a gift. This time I don’t think we need to give a gift because [if we do it] our people will not be able to eat the fish while it is allowed to be exported to India in large numbers,” Ms Akhter said.

This stand marks a clear departure from deposed former prime minister Sheikh Hasina's renowned "hilsa diplomacy" with India, where she often allowed consignments of the fish to be transported to India during the festival season.

Hasina has sent hilsa to West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on a number of occasions. Hoping to resolve a long-standing water dispute, she also gifted 30kg of hilsa to the then Indian president Pranab Mukherjee in 2017.

Hasina was removed dramatically on 5 August after weeks of student-led protests that escalated into deadly nationwide unrest. Initially expected to stay in India briefly, her attempts to secure asylum in the UK, US and UAE have so far failed.

India’s Bangladesh dilemma: What to do about Sheikh Hasina?

Her continued presence in India has also complicated Delhi's efforts to build a strong relationship with the new interim government in Dhaka. For India, Bangladesh is a key strategic partner and ally, vital for border security, especially in its north-eastern states.

Asked whether the new interim government could have made a goodwill gesture to India by allowing supply of hilsa, Ms Akhter said: “We will have goodwill gestures in all other ways. They are our friends. But we should not do anything by depriving our people.

“The question of goodwill is separate from this.”

Bangladesh is the leading producer of hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha), a kind of species of fish related to the herring, abundant in the Bay of Bengal and also thriving in rivers.

The fish accounts for about 12% of the country’s total fish production and contributes around 1% to its GDP. Fishermen catch up to 600,000 tonnes of the fish annually, the majority of the haul coming from the sea. In 2017, hilsa was recognised as a geographical Indicator for the country.

In past years, the government permitted the export of 3,000-5,000 tonnes of hilsa annually during Durga Puja, senior fisheries official Nripendra Nath Biswas told The Daily Star newspaper.

"But considering the scarcity of fish in the country, the government has decided to impose a ban on hilsa exports this year," he said.

But Bangladeshi media reports indicate that hilsa prices have surged in the local market despite the export ban.

A 1.5kg hilsa was selling for around 1,800 taka ($15; £11.50), 1.2kg for 1,600 taka, and one kg for 1,500 taka. These prices are 150-200 taka higher than last year, say traders.

Fishermen attribute the price increase to poor catches. "In the past three months, we tried to go to sea five times but had to turn back due to rough weather," said Hossain Miah, a fisherman.

Hilsa holds an almost sacred status among Bengalis on both sides of the border, and its scarcity will frustrate many.

The fish is celebrated for its versatility, often cooked in a variety of ways such as steamed with mustard paste, which enhances its delicate flavour, or fried with a light coating of spices for a crispy texture.

Bengali-American food historian and author Chitrita Banerji is among the many writers who have raved about the fish.

“I think its enduring role as an icon of Bengali food is a combination of many elements, not the least being its physical beauty, which has led Bengali writers to describe it as the darling of the waters or a prince among fish,” she told an interviewer.

"And its tender flesh (bony though it may be), combined with an emollient texture and exquisite flavour, lends itself to an infinite variety of culinary preparations."

Why in the hell are Indians allowing a team from this muslim fundamentalist country to play cricket in India.


A good old on-field spanking to the rejuvenated nation before shutting the door for good sounds like an ideal scenario.

This series phainta should then be dedicated to the Hindu brothers suffering in Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina cheering Bhartiya boys from the balcony will be a cherry on top. 👯‍♂️
@Hitman @Bhaijaan

Shed some light on this

Sooner or later the Bangladeshiz will regret their actions against Hindu community. Either by will or by punishment. Thu have antagonised their mighty neighbour and have insulted our courtesy. Now we WILL make them submit. We will bring them down to their knees for it is dharma. Ahankaar even brought the Mighty Lankan King Raavana down then who are the Bangladeshiz whom even the Pakistanis rejected.

History has been witness. Whoever has tried to disrespect the peaceful and loving Sanatanis were all brought down to their knees and destroyed to an extent they could never recover.

Bangladesh, you will regret this.

Bangladesh asks Hindus to pause Durga Puja music during namaz, azan​

The new interim government of Bangladesh under Muhammad Yunus has asked the Hindu community to avoid playing musical instruments as part of Durga Puja celebrations during namaz and azan, local media reports said.

Bangladesh's Home Affairs Adviser Lieutenant General (retired) Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury on Tuesday said that puja committees have been asked to turn off sound systems and avoid playing musical instruments during azan and namaz, adding that the organisers had agreed to the request.

Chowdhury was speaking to the media after reviewing law and order readiness ahead of Durga Puja at the Dhaka Secretariat.

Speaking to the media, Chowdhury said that a total of 32,666 puja pandals will be set up across Bangladesh this year, surpassing last year's number, which stood at 33,431.

The government's directive came weeks after attacks on the minority Hindu community in the country following student protests against quotas in education and jobs for the descendants of Bangladesh's freedom fighters, and the subsequent ouster of former Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina.

Since then, questions have been raised about the safety and security of the religious minorities in Bangladesh, particularly Hindus.

When asked about attacks on religious places, including a recent incident at Shah Poran’s shrine, Lt. General Chowdhury said "I don't know anything about the attack on the Shah Poran shrine. However, it is my responsibility to ensure security so that no attack is launched. Law enforcers have been given directives in this regard".

Chowdhury further assured that security will be provided to Puja organisers from the time of the making of idols. "We have discussed how to ensure round-the-clock security at the puja mandaps. Measures will be taken to facilitate celebration of puja without any hindrance and prevent the evil activities of miscreants", he told the media.

Meanwhile, some steps taken by the Muhammad Yunus regime have raised eyebrows in India.

Days ago, Yunus's caretaker government banned the export of hilsa to India, which has created a shortage of Bangladeshi ilish (as the fish is known in Bengali) ahead of Durga Puja, and sent prices soaring.

The ban marked a departure from the long-standing practice of Bangladesh sending large consignments of Padma ilish to India, particularly West Bengal, during the festive season. It was a goodwill practice followed by Awami League leader and former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.


Bangladesh asks Hindus to pause Durga Puja music during namaz, azan​

The new interim government of Bangladesh under Muhammad Yunus has asked the Hindu community to avoid playing musical instruments as part of Durga Puja celebrations during namaz and azan, local media reports said.

Bangladesh's Home Affairs Adviser Lieutenant General (retired) Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury on Tuesday said that puja committees have been asked to turn off sound systems and avoid playing musical instruments during azan and namaz, adding that the organisers had agreed to the request.

Chowdhury was speaking to the media after reviewing law and order readiness ahead of Durga Puja at the Dhaka Secretariat.

Speaking to the media, Chowdhury said that a total of 32,666 puja pandals will be set up across Bangladesh this year, surpassing last year's number, which stood at 33,431.

The government's directive came weeks after attacks on the minority Hindu community in the country following student protests against quotas in education and jobs for the descendants of Bangladesh's freedom fighters, and the subsequent ouster of former Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina.

Since then, questions have been raised about the safety and security of the religious minorities in Bangladesh, particularly Hindus.

When asked about attacks on religious places, including a recent incident at Shah Poran’s shrine, Lt. General Chowdhury said "I don't know anything about the attack on the Shah Poran shrine. However, it is my responsibility to ensure security so that no attack is launched. Law enforcers have been given directives in this regard".

Chowdhury further assured that security will be provided to Puja organisers from the time of the making of idols. "We have discussed how to ensure round-the-clock security at the puja mandaps. Measures will be taken to facilitate celebration of puja without any hindrance and prevent the evil activities of miscreants", he told the media.

Meanwhile, some steps taken by the Muhammad Yunus regime have raised eyebrows in India.

Days ago, Yunus's caretaker government banned the export of hilsa to India, which has created a shortage of Bangladeshi ilish (as the fish is known in Bengali) ahead of Durga Puja, and sent prices soaring.

The ban marked a departure from the long-standing practice of Bangladesh sending large consignments of Padma ilish to India, particularly West Bengal, during the festive season. It was a goodwill practice followed by Awami League leader and former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Most tolerant!!!

Bangladesh asks Hindus to pause Durga Puja music during namaz, azan​

The new interim government of Bangladesh under Muhammad Yunus has asked the Hindu community to avoid playing musical instruments as part of Durga Puja celebrations during namaz and azan, local media reports said.

Bangladesh's Home Affairs Adviser Lieutenant General (retired) Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury on Tuesday said that puja committees have been asked to turn off sound systems and avoid playing musical instruments during azan and namaz, adding that the organisers had agreed to the request.

Chowdhury was speaking to the media after reviewing law and order readiness ahead of Durga Puja at the Dhaka Secretariat.

Speaking to the media, Chowdhury said that a total of 32,666 puja pandals will be set up across Bangladesh this year, surpassing last year's number, which stood at 33,431.

The government's directive came weeks after attacks on the minority Hindu community in the country following student protests against quotas in education and jobs for the descendants of Bangladesh's freedom fighters, and the subsequent ouster of former Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina.

Since then, questions have been raised about the safety and security of the religious minorities in Bangladesh, particularly Hindus.

When asked about attacks on religious places, including a recent incident at Shah Poran’s shrine, Lt. General Chowdhury said "I don't know anything about the attack on the Shah Poran shrine. However, it is my responsibility to ensure security so that no attack is launched. Law enforcers have been given directives in this regard".

Chowdhury further assured that security will be provided to Puja organisers from the time of the making of idols. "We have discussed how to ensure round-the-clock security at the puja mandaps. Measures will be taken to facilitate celebration of puja without any hindrance and prevent the evil activities of miscreants", he told the media.

Meanwhile, some steps taken by the Muhammad Yunus regime have raised eyebrows in India.

Days ago, Yunus's caretaker government banned the export of hilsa to India, which has created a shortage of Bangladeshi ilish (as the fish is known in Bengali) ahead of Durga Puja, and sent prices soaring.

The ban marked a departure from the long-standing practice of Bangladesh sending large consignments of Padma ilish to India, particularly West Bengal, during the festive season. It was a goodwill practice followed by Awami League leader and former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Both are wrong.

Religious bodies must not be allowed to use loudspeakers to create noise pollution.
Sooner or later the Bangladeshiz will regret their actions against Hindu community. Either by will or by punishment. Thu have antagonised their mighty neighbour and have insulted our courtesy. Now we WILL make them submit. We will bring them down to their knees for it is dharma. Ahankaar even brought the Mighty Lankan King Raavana down then who are the Bangladeshiz whom even the Pakistanis rejected.

History has been witness. Whoever has tried to disrespect the peaceful and loving Sanatanis were all brought down to their knees and destroyed to an extent they could never recover.

Bangladesh, you will regret this.
You and your ilk have never said a single thing regarding the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh for the last 15 years. No matter how much normal people - hindu and muslim alike suffered during the last fascists regime, you did not bother to make a single sound.

It shows how big of a setback did this entire ordeal caused for your country and your government. No matter how much you and your country cry, this will not going to bring back India to its former position in Bangladesh's political scene. They have been force out from here, and it will remain so for the next couple of decades.
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