Custom Tactics (Mid-Season 1)


PPCL Hall of Famer
Mar 30, 2012
You are only allowed one final custom formation with player roles and team instructions.

There are no friendlies to test your tactics so be careful when you choose.
Also if you happy with your current custom formation then you don't need to add another one.

Now onto how this is going to work. Basically, I want you to give me a template of what your custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles looks like, kinda map it out for me, either in text form, or a picture of some sort, or if you have the game, make the formation in the game and take a screenshot. Now, just because you've given me a custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles doesn't mean it's confirmed as the one you've given me might not be viable in the game. Every custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles you give me, I will try to make it in the game as close as possible, afterwhich I will take a screenshot and post it for your viewing. Then it's up to you if you're happy with it or not. You are NOT allowed to use a custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles for matches if it's not been confirmed by myself. If you are to use 2 different custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles for the friendlies, you'll need to get both of them confirmed by me also before you submit your teams. Of course, you don't have to use either of the custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles you've tested in your two friendlies, you can use a completely different one as your final custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles if you wish. If you post a screenshot of the custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles from the game itself, then consider the it automatically confirmed as it's obviously viable.

Of course, you don't have to use custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles at all.

If you created a custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles last season and would just like to continue using that one, let me know in this thread also. Also, if you wish, you can add player roles/team roles to the standard formations also, like 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 in this thread, but like everything else, these can't be changed once you've done them.

Also, you are not allowed to change player roles and team roles in every match. The player roles and team roles you assign with your final custom formation are the same roles that will be attached with that same formation every time.

With regards to player roles, you can have one player role for the following positions in your formation:

Goalkeer: Defend (default)
Sweeper: Defend, Support, Attack
Central Defender: Defend, Stopper, Cover
Full Back/Wing Back: Defend, Support, Attack
Central Defensive Midfielder: Defend, Support
Central Midfielder: Defend, Support, Attack
Central Attacking Midfielder: Support, Attack
Winger: Defend, Support, Attack
Striker: Support, Attack

With regards to team roles, here's what you have available to choose from. You're only allowed to choose one option for different team instruction:

Team Mentality: Contain, Defensive, Counter, Standard, Control, Attacking, Overload
Passing Style: Short, Mixed, More Direct
Closing Down: Press More, Mixed, Stand-Off More
Tacking: More Aggressive, Mixed, More Cautious
Marking: Zonal Marking, Mixed, Man Marking
Crossing: Float Crosses, Mixed, Drilled Crosses
Player Roaming: Stick to Position, Mixed, More Roaming
Defensive Line: Deep, Normal, Push Up
Width: Narrow, Normal, Wide
Tempo: Quick, Normal, Slow
Time Wasting: Rarely, Sometimes, Often
Focus Passing: Mixed, Down both flanks, down right flank, down left flank, through the middle
Counter Attack: Yes, No
Play Offside Trap: Yes, No

Primary Playmaker: Select the position of who the primary player maker will be
Primary Target Man: Select the position of who the primary target man will be
Target Man Supply: Mixed, To Feet, To Head, Run On To Ball

The deadline for your ONE FINAL custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles is Sunday 2nd September, 1 pm GMT.
Ibad here is the download link to my final custom tactic (everybody else please refrain from taking it for use in this competiton... by all means use it on your own games on fm at home :yk):

Tell me if it works ect. You simply need to go to documents/sports interactive/football manger/tactics and place the file in there. Then you run fm12 and the tactic should already be there. It should save you a lot of hassle instead placing each thing seperately (players in roles ect) :)
4-2-3-1 CUSTOM.


GK Casillas
RWB Ramos
CB Puyol
CB Marchena
LWB Marcelo
CDM Senna
CM Xavi
RW Iniesta
CAM Fabregas
LAM Silva
ST Torres


Goalkeer: Defend
Sweeper: Support
Central Defender: Defend
Full Back/Wing Back: Support
Central Defensive Midfielder: Defend
Central Midfielder: Support
Central Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Winger: Support
Striker: Attack

Team Mentality:Attacking
Passing Style: More Direct
Closing Down: Press More
Tacking: Mixed
Marking: Zonal Marking
Crossing: Mixed
Player Roaming: Mixed
Defensive Line: Normal
Tempo: Quick
Time Wasting: Sometimes
Focus Passing: Mixed
Counter Attack: Yes
Play Offside Trap: No

Primary Playmaker: CAM/RAM/LAM (the one in bold, if only one, can be chosen)
Primary Target Man: ST
Target Man Supply: Mixed
IBAD, if you're allowed to answer this, can this formation be made in FM?

Essentially, that's a 3-1-4-2 or a 3-4-3 (broken down with a DM and an AM) it's a good formation but it might leave you exposed in defense, especially against teams who play with width, if you have no fullbacks, you'll be vulnerable on the counter.
Also, zeeshan can you tell me how you post a picture of the formation from to here?
Essentially, that's a 3-1-4-2 or a 3-4-3 (broken down with a DM and an AM) it's a good formation but it might leave you exposed in defense, especially against teams who play with width, if you have no fullbacks, you'll be vulnerable on the counter.

Yeee, Cani bro I know. I've decided I just need to go all out attack to have a shot at the Batigol Clasico this time around, and CDF looks weak as well. And I gave away both my LBs, sooo....just gonna run with this, and fix myself up next transfer window cuz I'm out of moves.

Plus I feel bad leaving BOTH Robinho & Lavezzi on the bench :))

@Canistani, after you make a formation on, click on draw formation, and then post the link from "Link from Forums" and you'll get it:)
Ibad, what do you mean we can add player/team roles to the regular formations as well?

We're allowed to have one complete custom, and then assign player positions to other formations?

For ex: In a 4-4-2, just making the MRs into AMRs?
@Zeeshan: Yes you can make the above formation in FM.

And you can only make one custom formation.
If you created a custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles last season and would just like to continue using that one, let me know in this thread also. Also, if you wish, you can add player roles/team roles to the standard formations also, like 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 in this thread, but like everything else, these can't be changed once you've done them.

I meant what does this mean?

If we use a formation other than our custom formation, can we at least just change a MC or AMC, etc?

For example, if I want to use the default 4-4-2 and the two midfielders are ML and MR, can I at least have them changed to AML and AMR if that's NOT the custom formation I'm using and just want to try the default?
iZeeshan, what it means by that is that you can take a normal 4-4-2 or any other standard formation and use it as your custom formation by adding roles to the player or teams. That will then be your custom formation.
iZeeshan, what it means by that is that you can take a normal 4-4-2 or any other standard formation and use it as your custom formation by adding roles to the player or teams. That will then be your custom formation.

Ah damn, okay. So if I used any other formation, literally everything else would have to stay the same.
@Afrid1: The tactics you provided is not acceptable. It is a classic tactic and cannot be implemented. You need to make a new one yourself.
The tactic you gave me is not allowed as it is a classic tactic.
Make a tactic using the options above in first post.
You have to convert the entire thing into classic formations for everyone.

Who said they work better than normal ones? Maybe for you. Not for me.

I did say they work better for me :yk... oh right fair enough then. It was just that i had a classic formation i was going to use and i bought players to fit that formation and then found out i can't use it. Now i have to make a last ditch attempt to get some different players in
@freelance: you need to give full details on what you want to be created.
@freelance: you need to give full details on what you want to be created.

This isn't my final tactic,, i will you the details once i sort out various things in my team.

Rizzy, thanks that's all i wanted to know.
Can you post a screenshot of it please ibad the same as Pakistaniboy has done. (My fm is no longer working i am afraid :( )
i will check all of the tactics after the end of the transfer window.

Ibad, I'm hoping this will give you a better idea of the kind of formation I want.


Just a couple of things, both full-backs are wingbacks (hence RWB, LWB and not RB, LB)

There's one DM, and the other is a CM, not two DM's.

and lastly, the 'Totti' role is CAM, just behind ST (Lopez) and there's a right winger role - Navas (RW) but no left winger role, instead Modric is an a LAM role - let me know if this is possible.

Goalkeer: Defend (default)
Sweeper: Defend
Central Defender: Defend
Full Back/Wing Back: Support
Central Defensive Midfielder: Support
Central Midfielder: Support
Central Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Winger: Support
Striker: Attack


Team Mentality: Control
Passing Style: Mixed
Closing Down: Mixed
Tacking: Mixed
Marking: Man Marking
Crossing: Mixed
Player Roaming: Mixed
Defensive Line: Normal
Width: Normal
Tempo: Quick
Time Wasting: Sometimes
Focus Passing: Mixed
Counter Attack: Yes
Play Offside Trap: Yes


Primary Playmaker: CAM
Primary Target Man: ST
Target Man Supply: Mixed


I will post the new custom formation later.

Use for drawing your football tactics

Formation 4-4-2 custom

Target Man

Goalkeer: Defend (default)
Sweeper: Defend
Central Defender: Defend,
Full Back/Wing Back:Support
Central Defensive Midfielder:Defend
Central Midfielder: Support
Central Attacking Midfielder: Support,
Winger: Attack
Striker: Attack

With regards to team roles, here's what you have available to choose from. You're only allowed to choose one option for different team instruction:

Team Mentality: Control
Passing Style:Mixed
Closing Down: Mixed
Tacking: Mixed,
Marking: Mixed,
Crossing: Mixed,
Player Roaming: Mixed
Defensive Line: Normal
Width: Normal
Time Wasting: Sometimes
Focus Passing: Mixed
Counter Attack: Yes
Play Offside Trap: Yes

Primary Playmaker: CAM
Primary Target Man: Will be chosen whem actual line up will be announced.
Target Man Supply: Mixed
My new custom formation(Which is the same but with a few new tweaks):

Last edited:
Stunners FC :
Formation : 4-2-3-1Custom

Goalkeeper: Defend (default)
Sweeper: Defend
Central Defender: Defend
Full Back/Wing Back: Support
Central Defensive Midfielder: Support
Central Midfielder: Support
Central Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Winger: Support
Striker: Attack


Team Mentality: Control
Passing Style: Mixed
Closing Down: Mixed
Tacking: Mixed
Marking: Man Marking
Crossing: Mixed
Player Roaming: Mixed
Defensive Line: Normal
Width: Normal
Tempo: Quick
Time Wasting: Sometimes
Focus Passing: Mixed
Counter Attack: Yes
Play Offside Trap: Yes


Primary Playmaker: CAM
Primary Target Man: ST
Target Man Supply: Mixed

@Ibad - is formation this possible? I call it the 'S' formation or 4-1-1-2-2 formation.

The Entertainers :
Formation : 4-2-3-1 Custom

Goalkeeper: Defend
LB: Support
Central Defender: Defend
Central Defender: Defend
RB: Support
Central Midfielder: Support
Central Midfielder: Support
Left Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Central Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Right Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Striker: Attack


Team Mentality: Attacking
Passing Style: Mixed
Closing Down: Mixed
Tackling: Mixed
Marking: Mixed
Crossing: Mixed
Player Roaming: Mixed
Defensive Line: Normal
Width: Normal
Tempo: Quick
Time Wasting: Rarely
Focus Passing: Mixed
Counter Attack: Yes
Play Offside Trap: Yes


Primary Playmaker: Central Attacking Midfielder
Primary Target Man: ST
Target Man Supply: Run on to ball
On my phone so can't create an image to go with the above so going to borrow this from Sidcricfan (hope you find mind)

The difference would be I have left back and right back not wing backs

Biryani Royales :
Formation : 4-4-2 Diamond Custom

Goalkeeper: Defend
LWB: Support
Central Defender: Defend
Central Defender: Defend
RWB: Support
Defensive Midfielder: Support
Left Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Central Attacking Midfielder: Attack (primary playmaker)
Right Attacking Midfielder: Attack
Striker (left): Attack - Poacher
Striker (right) Attack - Targetman


Team Mentality: Control
Passing Style: Mixed
Closing Down: Mixed
Tacking: Mixed
Marking: Zonal Marking
Crossing: Drilled Crosses
Player Roaming: Mixed
Defensive Line: Deep
Width: Wide
Tempo: Quick
Time Wasting: Often
Focus Passing: Mixed
Counter Attack: Yes
Play Offside Trap: Yes


Primary Playmaker: Central Attacking Midfielder
Primary Target Man: ST (right, the poacher)
Target Man Supply: Run on to ball
The deadline has already passed, iZeeshan - btw. You were trying to use my tactics (100% same as mine) :D
The deadline was at 14:00 BST - and you posted at 22:00 BST.
:)) oops

oh well, if it can be accepted that'd be great, if not, whatever

it's not like anything else has gone my way anyway
On second thought, I'm not sure if the deadline for transfers is directly connected to custom tactics as well, will leave it for Ibad to decide.
On second thought, I'm not sure if the deadline for transfers is directly connected to custom tactics as well, will leave it for Ibad to decide.

The OP does state

The deadline for your ONE FINAL custom formation/tactics/player roles/team roles is Sunday 2nd September, 1 pm GMT.
Honestly, the tactics deadline shouldn't even be before managers have their final squads decided.

There are still pending transfers and that may change some members' strategies.
Well, I'm gonna say Zeeshan's makes total sense to me, this time.

There are still pending transfers and that may change some members' strategies.
Honestly, the tactics deadline shouldn't even be before managers have their final squads decided.

There are still pending transfers and that may change some members' strategies.

Very good point, can't argue with that
All Tactics are fine.
I will put them in FM tomorrow and then you can confirm.

The guys who posted FM screenshots already are confirmed and i don't need to post a screenshot for them.

I am making the match thread for next round and you can use the custom tactic in that match too.
Ibad mine is all fine right... i will just say in the match formation:custom and that will be ok right?
All Tactics are fine.
I will put them in FM tomorrow and then you can confirm.

The guys who posted FM screenshots already are confirmed and i don't need to post a screenshot for them.

I am making the match thread for next round and you can use the custom tactic in that match too.

Don't put mine in - I didn't confirm it (I decided to keep my old one)
Ibad, I have used this custom formation for next match, will it be in the sim before the next game?
Perfect Ibad, thanks! Are we getting the games soon as well?