Dassault delivers first Rafale to India


Hall of Famer
Jan 10, 2011
Post of the Week
Beating Eurofighter Typhoon in the bid.

Dassault Rafale wins MMRCA deal beating Eurofighter Typhoon

NEW DELHI: French company Dassault Rafale today bagged India's biggest-ever contract for supplying 126 combat aircraft for the air force, edging out European competitor EADS in the multi-billion dollar deal.

The French firm was declared as the lowest bidder, according to which it will get the contract under India's defence procurement procedure, sources said.


"The French firm Dassault Rafale has emerged as the L-1 (lowest bidder) and cheaper than its european rival EADS (maker of Eurofighter) in the tender and will be offered to supply the aircraft to the IAF," the source said.

They said the representatives of Dassault here were informed about the development in the morning and further negotiations on price will be held with them in the next 10-15 days.

The contract will be signed only in the next fiscal. According to the Request for Proposal (RFP), the winner of the contract will have to supply 18 of the 126 aircraft to the IAF in 36 months from its facilities and the remaining would be produced at HAL facilities in Bangalore.

Six companies including American F-16 and F-18, Russian MiG 35, Swedish Saab Gripen alongwith Eurofighter and Dassault Rafale were in the race in the beginning.

But in April last year, the defence ministry shortlisted Dassault and EADS, evicting the American, Russian and Swedish bids.

The process was started with the issuing of a global tender in 2007 after which all the six contenders were subjected to extensive field evaluation trails by the Indian Air Force at several locations across the globe.
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yeah...saw it in the news. 11 billion dollar deal I think...

I may be naive but a 11 billion dollars for combat aircrafts....so many better things can be done with that money. I know its a necessity now, but I hope the necessity to spend so much money on military decreases...and spend on actually things that matter like health care, poverty etc...
Not sure whether they ll transfer the technology or not.
If its russia, they would be happy to transfer the technology. :)
yeah...saw it in the news. 11 billion dollar deal I think...

I may be naive but a 11 billion dollars for combat aircrafts....so many better things can be done with that money. I know its a necessity now, but I hope the necessity to spend so much money on military decreases...and spend on actually things that matter like health care, poverty etc...

55,000 Crore :O

550,000,000,000 rupees.
That's a lot :facepalm:
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How good is this fighter actually?

I've heard a lot about Typhoon. How does The Rafa compare to The Typhoon?
Not sure whether they ll transfer the technology or not.
If its russia, they would be happy to transfer the technology. :)

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday said that he welcomed a decision by India's government to enter into "exclusive negotiations" with France's Dassault for the purchase of 126 Rafale jet fighter planes.

In a statement, Sarkozy said talks over the contract would begin shortly, adding that the deal would include significant transfers of technology guaranteed by the French state.

Dassault Aviation confirmed earlier that its fighter plane had been selected by the Indian air force.

Eurofighter Typhoon v Dassault Rafale

Eurofighter Typhoon is one of the worlds most advanced new generation multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market. With 707 aircraft ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), and in service with all nations, the aircraft is Europe’s largest military collaborative program. Eurofighter Typhoon is the only fighter to offer wide-ranging operational capabilities whilst at the same time delivering unparalleled fleet effectiveness.

When the RAFALE program was launched, the Armée de l’Air and the Marine Nationale (the French Air Force and the French Navy) published a joint requirement for a balanced multirole aircraft that would be able to replace seven types of combat aircraft then in use. Versatile and best in all categories of missions, the RAFALE is a true “force multiplier” This is what Dassault Aviation says about their pride and joy and it’s really interesting since they put too much emphasis on words like “omni role” & “multi role”.

The reason for comparing the capabilities of these aircraft’s is because they have both been shortlisted by the Indian Air Force for the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) deal which is a tender for 126 (could go upto 200) multi role fighters to replenish and replace the IAF’s dwindling squadrons.

The Typhoon and the Rafale were the ones the IAF shortlisted because they offer more in long term commitment in the form of technology and service this decision supersedes more over than petty technical details although IAF is looking for a platform which has true Multi-Role capabilities which include air to air missions, air to ground and air to sea as well. So the platform must be able to perform in the most adverse of conditions which includes searing heat and humidity to the frost bitten cold of the Ladakh.

Dassault Aviation is under pressure since they haven’t been able to make a single sale of their aircraft outside their own country so this deal is a game changer to them and we shouldn’t be surprised if we see them tossing everything from full Transfer of Technology (ToT) for everything including their RBE-2AA AESA radars to promising the fitment of the indigenous Kaveri-GTX 35VS into the aircraft as well into the batter and denying the opportunity to block future sales of the same platform to the PAF (Pakistani Air Force) only further sweetens things up.

Eurofighter on the other hand has had a lot of sales with over 707 aircraft ordered by six countries. But this doesn’t mean that they have no interest in India especially since the amount of money involved is no laughing matter US$ 12 billion is hard to come by every day. The Eurofighter Typhoon variant on offer is the Tranche-3.It’s equipped with the latest avionics and ECM’s (Electronic Counter Measures) and also the CAESAR AESA radar.

EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) has agreed to make India partner of the Eurofighter program allowing India to take part in design and development of the future tranches of the Typhoon.

IAF already operates the Mirage-2000 and Rafale is operationally and logistically very similar to their previous cousin. The IAF pilots also love the Mirage’s .They have seen action during the Kargil war (Operation Safed Sagar) and the Rafale has had a share of its own action over the skies in Afghanistan and Libya.

The Euro Fighter Typhoon too has been in action over Libya and was cleared for deployment in Afghanistan. Both the aircraft boasts about sensor fusion technologies however they excel in capabilities in some aspects over the other. Typhoon holds significantly more air to air capabilities than the Rafale since it currently has a higher performance engine with the future development and integration of the TVC (Thrust Vector Control) nozzles this is only going to get better. The Typhoon also is more maneuverable than the Rafale thanks to its aerodynamically unstable design and delta-canards.

Rafale on the other hand is like they say a true “omni-role” fighter it has better air to ground attack capabilities than the Typhoon and is capable of holding on its own against an other fighter. Both these fighters are equipped with AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar’s. The Rafale is already in active duty with the French Navy while the Typhoon on the other hand is yet to do so although a plan for the development of a naval Typhoon is underway.

Both these fighter are state of the art and are more than capable of dealing with what the adversaries might throw against the Indian Air Force in the future although it’s pretty difficult to say even now which air craft the IAF might go for and comparatively both these aircraft are so alike in operational aspects so the selling point might come in the form of additional package on offer with these fighters.

What would You do with so many fighter jets? India already is the 3rd largest airforce without these jets.
this is so wrong.... 11 billion...????

indians have so many poor people... they have enough to defend them selves no need for these jets..... do something for the poor people....

disgrace in mind opinion....

these will not be even used....in a war.... because if there is a war its going to be a nuclear one sooo jets don't get used
Rafa in action.

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WQBUDhNFxrQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
does not make sense to spend that much money when India has a huge poverty problem. Same with Pakistan.
does not make sense to spend that much money when India has a huge poverty problem. Same with Pakistan.

Need to give the politicos an official channel to receive the kickbacks...

All these arms deals are just a legal conduit for the Indian bureaucrats and politicos to siphon off the funds.
Need to give the politicos an official channel to receive the kickbacks...

All these arms deals are just a legal conduit for the Indian bureaucrats and politicos to siphon off the funds.
military personnel must be also involved in kickbacks for this to work.
military personnel must be also involved in kickbacks for this to work.

Surely would be...the whole military procurement chain would be....

Look dont get me wrong, it might be the best solution and it might not be- but one thing is for sure the French would have offered the best kickbacks.
Surely would be...the whole military procurement chain would be....

Look dont get me wrong, it might be the best solution and it might not be- but one thing is for sure the French would have offered the best kickbacks.

Yes the French are notorious for offering the best kick backs.
Meant that a lot of money will be scammed and that expect only a 50% benefit.

Paisa khaalenge sab chor log

A lot of money will be scammed and then how will you get fighter jets, also who will be the one bagging the money?
A lot of money will be scammed and then how will you get fighter jets, also who will be the one bagging the money?

Yaar the final bill for 126 will be more like 15-18billion with 2-3 billion scammed to politicos, bureaucrats, senior military folks, some money to French politicos etc

Also no1 will do an audit on the purchase to see how much we spend at end....
AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. Always wanted the rafaleeee, had we gone for Eurofighter so many restrictions wouldve been placed on ittttt but French will just flat out give every thing from the radar codes to all other tech transfer ... Finally!!!!!!!
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AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. Always wanted the rafaleeee, had we gone for Eurofighter so many restrictions wouldve been placed on ittttt but French will just flat out give every thing from the radar codes to all other tech transfer ... Finally!!!!!!!

I quite appreciate the French connection. Indie-Frenchie bhai-bhai :kapil :19:
Nice.. A shame Indians are rubbish pilots. :p

Did India buy any F-35's?

Dont think we ever gonna buy planes from Yanks- they never gonna do a TOT

plus if we ever need to buy American metal, we better off doing it through the Israelis, better terms and software :D
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RkCK4Jtg_eA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/u9U53S6TfDw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. Always wanted the rafaleeee, had we gone for Eurofighter so many restrictions wouldve been placed on ittttt but French will just flat out give every thing from the radar codes to all other tech transfer ... Finally!!!!!!!
Rafale is more of a multi role fighter that India was looking for, to begin with. Lower bid helped its cause. Happy result i guess.
Excellent deal.rafale was the best plane.lol at americams for trying to sell the f 16 and f 18.outdated stuff plus the threat of sanctions.
Then they tried to dangle the f35 carrot.
Whe we are developing the PAK FA whys hould we buy the f35.french are prwtty sanction proof.
AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. Always wanted the rafaleeee, had we gone for Eurofighter so many restrictions wouldve been placed on ittttt but French will just flat out give every thing from the radar codes to all other tech transfer ... Finally!!!!!!!

over excitement, as if they will let you fly these jets. Never be really used in war, but yea they still need them.
India is an emerging global power and it needs a military which is capable of carrying out mission both at home and overseas. It seems like India is learning from US and China, the later two have invested alot in their military budgets and infrastructure. Overall a good move by India.
55,000 Crore :O

550,000,000,000 rupees.
That's a lot :facepalm:
But that's only around 500 rupees for every Indian man, woman and child.

It's not much to keep every Indian safe from those marauding Pakistani's - don't forget what their Muslim cousin ancestors did the last time they invaded the sub-continent some hundreds of years ago. The Indian's have to stay vigilant in case these Pakistani's try to repeat what those earlier Muslim invaders did and take over more of Hindustan !

Beside, imagine the joy on every Indian's face, especially those at the bottom of the poverty ladder, as they see one of these fighters hurtling through the skies above - much more joy than say a few decent meals for their empty bellies, or even a few vaccines to avoid getting sick.
India is an emerging global power and it needs a military which is capable of carrying out mission both at home and overseas. It seems like India is learning from US and China, the later two have invested alot in their military budgets and infrastructure. Overall a good move by India.

really? am i being naive here? Where overseas would india realistically be looking to carry out missions?
India needs this to counter China primarily. Just more sabre rattling. At the end of the day US China India will not be fighting each other with figher jets but rather cyberwars.
Its not a 11 Billion dollar deal, there is a further clause to add another set of Rafalles for a further 11 Bill.. Taking the total number of jets to 220... Coud be false but take it for what it is worth, just a rumour I heard...
I quite appreciate the French connection. Indie-Frenchie bhai-bhai :kapil :19:

Buying something from someone doesn't make you his brother :p else every grocery owner would have been your brother, I mean things do change with the passage of time, Pakistan has been buying military stuff, letting americans into Afghanistan via Pakistan, still they are anywhere near brothers :)
Rafale is more of a multi role fighter that India was looking for, to begin with. Lower bid helped its cause. Happy result i guess.

eurofighter is not sanction proof, I know India US relationship is currently very MUSHY MUSHY but no guarantees it will stay that way... In a situation were the Ind/US relation sour, US has the capability to influence the Eurofighter nations to halt tech transfer etc they would do something funny which they wont be able to do with the FRENCH....
Well that's gratitude! We give India £1bn in aid, THEY snub us and give France a £13bn jet contract

India has snubbed British industry and awarded a £13billion deal to supply fighter jets to France.

The contract was lost despite Government claims that the UK’s £1billion aid package to India would help secure the order.

Yesterday’s decision also handed a propaganda coup to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who sneeringly claimed on Monday that Britain ‘has no industry’.

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said in December that Britain’s controversial foreign aid programme was partly designed to win the bid.

Britain is sending £280million to India for each of the next four years, even though the country has more billionaires than Britain and has its own space programme.

The aid package is 15 times larger than the £18million France sent to India in 2009.
Vive la France: The decision is a propaganda coup for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who sneeringly claimed on Monday that Britain 'has no industry'

Vive la France: The decision is a propaganda coup for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who sneeringly claimed on Monday that Britain 'has no industry'

Asked to justify Indian aid last year, Mr Mitchell said: ‘It’s a very important relationship. The focus is also about seeking to sell Typhoon.’

The decision is also a setback for David Cameron, who visited India in 2010 with six Cabinet ministers and around 60 businessmen to try to establish Britain as the ‘partner of choice’ for India.

Yesterday, Indian officials said Dassault emerged in front because the Rafale jet was ‘much cheaper unit-wise’ than the Eurofighter.

It was reported today that Dassault slashed its price demands to ensure the deal was done.

One Indian defence ministry source said: ‘The Indian air force, which is well-equipped with French fighters, is favouring the French.’ The Rafale jets will replace India’s ageing fleet of Russian MiGs.

The French company will now enter exclusive talks with the Indians to finalise the deal, which is expected to be signed in March. The Typhoon is built by BAE Systems and a consortium of German and Spanish branches of European aerospace giant EADS and Italy’s Finmeccanica.

Last night Tory MP Peter Bone questioned the purpose of sending British aid to India at a time when cuts are being made at home. ‘It just goes to show that it’s a myth that by Britain becoming an aid superpower and doling billions of pounds out to countries like this exerts any influence whatsoever on the decisions made by those governments when purchasing equipment.

‘We need to slash the international development money and invest the billions saved to help hard-pressed British families.’

The Unite union last night expressed fears that the loss of the deal could threaten 4,500 jobs at BAE Systems’ Samlesbury base in Lancashire, where key components of the Typhoon are made, and Warton Aerodrome near Preston, where the aircraft is assembled.

Government officials and BAE Systems insisted that they were not completely eliminated from the process and could still land the deal if India’s talks with Dassault collapse.

A spokesman for UK Trade and Investments, the branch of the Government that promotes trade deals overseas, said: ‘This does not rule out Typhoon for India.
Today’s decision is about who the Indians have assessed as making the lowest bid and therefore asked to enter into further negotiations.

‘But the Indians have not yet awarded the contract. We continue to believe Eurofighter Typhoon provides the best capability today and into the future.’

A spokesman for BAE Systems added: ‘We believe Eurofighter Typhoon offers the best military, industrial and economic solution for India.’

Unite warned that the selection of a French fighter aircraft for the multibillion-pound contract could have serious implications for BAE Systems and the UK aerospace industry.

National officer Ian Waddell said: 'We are seeking confirmation from BAE Systems that Rafale has been selected as their preferred fighter by India.

'The Typhoon is a superb aircraft which supports thousands of highly skilled jobs in the UK, both at BAE Systems and in the supply chain.

'We are concerned about the serious implications this decision may have and want urgent talks with the company about future plans for the workforce.

'There are other export orders to be won and it is critical that the company maintains its commitment to Typhoon despite this setback.'

The CSEU, an umbrella body for manufacturing unions, is meeting the MoD's Procurement Minister, Peter Luff, next week and the unions will raise this issue as a priority.

Unite said it will continue to concentrate its efforts to deal with the 3,000 potential redundancies at BAE Systems at Brough, Samlesbury and Warton which were announced late last year.
But that's only around 500 rupees for every Indian man, woman and child.

It's not much to keep every Indian safe from those marauding Pakistani's - don't forget what their Muslim cousin ancestors did the last time they invaded the sub-continent some hundreds of years ago. The Indian's have to stay vigilant in case these Pakistani's try to repeat what those earlier Muslim invaders did and take over more of Hindustan !

Beside, imagine the joy on every Indian's face, especially those at the bottom of the poverty ladder, as they see one of these fighters hurtling through the skies above - much more joy than say a few decent meals for their empty bellies, or even a few vaccines to avoid getting sick.

Hey they keep the drones away from India at least ;-)
Well France didnot sanction Indian after 1998.UK did.So yes France all the way.
Anyone understands French? What are they talking about man :facepalm:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yumFCNqFpRo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

From Google Translate :23:

Title - UMP Deflesselles Fillon - Sale of aircraft burst to India

Deflesselles Bernard, Member of the Bouches-du-Rhone, is to the government on the sale of Rafale aircraft to India. (Questions to the government January 31, 2012)

François Fillon, Prime Minister replied.
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Anyone understands French? What are they talking about man :facepalm:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yumFCNqFpRo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Plane beech diye,Paise mil gaaye,chalo loan chuka de.

Saare paise commision mein chale gaaye,loan kya kaahk chukayenge
Hey they keep the drones away from India at least ;-)
You sure ?
I would have thought that the Russian's, Chinese, American's and even the British, as well as the Pakistani's or whoever else in the region can muster a drone, would be eager to see how the Indians were going about the job of sticking Indian made parts to French designed jet-fighters in the HAL factories.
You sure ?
I would have thought that the Russian's, Chinese, American's and even the British, as well as the Pakistani's or whoever else in the region can muster a drone, would be eager to see how the Indians were going about the job of sticking Indian made parts to French designed jet-fighters in the HAL factories.

Ahh well they all got drones sure, but none have bombed India AFAIK..

Secondly whilst we Indians absoultely suck a producing something innovative, we are quite good at copying, especially when the blue prints are handed over...

So wouldnt worry at all about those planes, would just be a kit assembling done in India like any other car manufacturer in the world....

Your concern is deeply touching :D
Care to explain please.
The intial contract is for 120 aircraft, possible rising to 200.

Except for the first batch of 18 aircraft, which will be built in France, the remainder (100 to 180 aircraft) will be built in HAL factories, in India.

The contract also stipulates that at least 30% of the parts will be sourced in India.

Thus, at least 100+ of the French designed aircraft will be :

* Made in India
* With, minimum, 30% parts made in India

Hence my comment about sticking Indian made parts into the latest hi-tech, French designed, jet-fighter !
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Hence my comment about sticking Indian made parts into the latest hi-tech, French designed, jet-fighter !

That's a very broad brush.Not everything that is made in India is trash lol.
This ain't over yet.

Edged-out Eurofighter Typhoon still hopes to bag IAF fighter deal

NEW DELHI: Eurofighter, the European fighter that lost out to French Rafale on Tuesday in the over $10-billion MMRCA contract, isn't quitting India anytime soon, even as it expressed disappointment in the government's decision.

Eurofighter plans to closely watch the negotiations between Rafale- maker Dassault and the Ministry of Defence (MoD), and is hoping that the lowest bidder would not be able to cope up with the demands of negotiations.

According to an official familiar with Eurofighter, if the L1, Rafale, is not able to fulfill the negotiation demands, then L2, Eurofighter, would be given the chance. "That is what is laid down in the procedure," he said.

Eurofighter has emerged successful in past contracts even when it was not the L1. For instance, Eurofighter was L2 in the contract for design consultancy for Light Combat Aircraft, but ultimately won the contract because L1 couldn't fulfill the Indian demands. "So we have precedence, and are hopeful," he said.

"This is an interesting turn of events, but not the end of the process," he argued.

Cassidian, the defence & security division of EADS that led the Eurofighter's bid in India, said in an official statement, "India took the decision to select our competitor as the preferred bidder in the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) tender. Although this is not yet a contract signature and contract negotiations are still ahead, we are disappointed. However, we respect the decision of the Indian MoD."

With the Eurofighter Typhoon, "We offered the Indian Air Force the most modern combat aircraft available," the company said. "Based on the Indian Government feedback, we will now carefully analyze and evaluate this situation together with our European Partner Companies and their respective Governments," it added.

On Tuesday, the MoD had selected Rafale as L1 in the biggest-ever defence deal signed by India, the contract for 126 fighters for the IAF. Though it was initially pegged to cost above $10 billion, the final tag would likely to be much more. The MoD and the French military firm would enter into elaborate negotiations, and the contract is likely to be signed in the next financial year.


Typhoon or Rafa ?
^^^^ We should just stay with the Rafallee, that should be the end of it....When the PAKFA and the LCA-2 are ready for combat, IAF would be one heck of a force to be reckoned with,,, would easily be the best in the sub continent/ASIA............
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this is so wrong.... 11 billion...????

indians have so many poor people... they have enough to defend them selves no need for these jets..... do something for the poor people....

disgrace in mind opinion....

these will not be even used....in a war.... because if there is a war its going to be a nuclear one sooo jets don't get used

Thisis all for self defence.... What should the Indian government do to the poors? give them money for no reason? :facepalm:
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Pakistan's the craziest when it comes to defense spendings actually. They manage to be in top 10 or 20 of most lists while being the weakest of economies in comparison.

May be not :13:

Military expenditure stat for 2010-


Look at Saudis, 11 % of GDP :O
Surprised to see Aussies featuring so high, i thought we could one day possibly just go over there ( if we managed to build a few good ships lol ) and colonize them :asif

I am disappoint, it seems ''One does not simply walk into Australia'' :facepalm:
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Pakistan's the craziest when it comes to defense spendings actually. They manage to be in top 10 or 20 of most lists while being the weakest of economies in comparison.

Well it's agood thing.......... and nothing in India buying plane aswell. India has got tax payers, so they could afford it.
Well it's agood thing.......... and nothing in India buying plane aswell. India has got tax payers, so they could afford it.

Yea and the figures are misleading as well. It's not that one is paying the whole amount at once. BCCI is yet to hand out a few crores of money to the IPL stars, so you know how these things work in real:ajmal It's not all that what people think of.
Pakistan's the craziest when it comes to defense spendings actually. They manage to be in top 10 or 20 of most lists while being the weakest of economies in comparison.

we are spending 34 billion $ per year , 12+ billion $s over years is nothing significant ..

and dont know why saudis and UAE spending in military :)))
The intial contract is for 120 aircraft, possible rising to 200.

Except for the first batch of 18 aircraft, which will be built in France, the remainder (100 to 180 aircraft) will be built in HAL factories, in India.

The contract also stipulates that at least 30% of the parts will be sourced in India.

Thus, at least 100+ of the French designed aircraft will be :

* Made in India
* With, minimum, 30% parts made in India

Hence my comment about sticking Indian made parts into the latest hi-tech, French designed, jet-fighter !

Sourced from India means a no. of things.You see Thales etc have JVs with Indian companies who manufacture their components in India only.This is why a no. of defence companies have made JVs with India companies as any Indian defence contract more than $50mn has an offset clause,which means 30% of the total amount has to be re invested in India,whether by acquiring parts,setting up assembly lines etc etc etc.
and dont know why saudis and UAE spending in military :)))
Toys to play with ? Toys for the sons of the prince's and sheikh's ?

And, oh yes, to persuade the Western powers to keep under tight lock and key, all the video's and photo's in their possession of the debauchery that the ruling clans get up to, not just in Western clubs, but even in their own palaces, which, if the average citizens knew about will make their stomach's turn !
I guess its a good move, that's what the media and government is telling us and apparently even the public seems to buy into the hype.
Well with LCA MK1 and probably MK2( guess estimates of 200 in total).Rafale(126 and most probably upto 220),SU 30 MKI(total nos may near 350) PAK FA(250+)and upgarded Mig 29(69) and Mirage 2000(50)India is trying to have an airfoce of about 50 dquadrons all made of 4.5 or 5 gen fighters.This will make any country think twice before attacking India as air superiority againist such an air force will be difficult.It is known that no country except USA has the diplomatic clout and ability to pull off a nuclear attack and most nuclear weapons are essentially a deterrent.