Depraved brothers led Telford paedophile ring that groomed and prostituted young girls

If you are asking for solution here, you are barking up the wrong tree. You cannot expect forum members who dont even live in the UK to give you any valuable and practical insight into what you should do to fix the problem. Acknowledging you have a problem is half the battle. But it seems some people here dont even want to do that.

Regardless, the universal solution or catch it all for social problems is :it all begins at home.

You may say that is a given and not particularly insightful but you would be surprised how we some times tend to ignore whats right under our nose.

But it's not under my nose. You are right, it all begins at home, but I don't have any contact with these type of people, neither do I know anybody who does. Perhaps there are some members who do, let's hear from them.

My recourse is always hit them with the sledgehammer of the law, and that is what it is there for. It works if it is applied and not ducked by playing the race card. Tut-tutting over ladoo like some biddie aunties on a forum isn't a solution.
If you read the next post from the one you've quoted me on, you've been told to stop being defensive by another poster.

Actually it's you who avoiding this debate with this response of yours. Bringing out desperate diversion tactics like "you're using buzzwords" as opposed to addressing my post. But this is expected by certain British Pakistanis who're always living in denial.

Bro you're far too obsessed with personal issues of Brit Paks or related to your personal life.

Play the ball man, you can make the discussion better if you do this.

Predator behaviour abusing kids is EVIL.

If by logic Brit Paks have an issue, it means ...

BLACKS are MORE LIKELY to be criminals.

WHITE Men are more likely to abuse kids from South Asia, because they are WHITE MEN.

INDIANS because of their ethnicity and race are likely to rape women.

This type of mentality is for the pind ,backward, uneducated morons tbh.
Bro you're far too obsessed with personal issues of Brit Paks or related to your personal life.

Play the ball man, you can make the discussion better if you do this.

Predator behaviour abusing kids is EVIL.

If by logic Brit Paks have an issue, it means ...

BLACKS are MORE LIKELY to be criminals.

WHITE Men are more likely to abuse kids from South Asia, because they are WHITE MEN.

INDIANS because of their ethnicity and race are likely to rape women.

This type of mentality is for the pind ,backward, uneducated morons tbh.

It's quite clear that some posters just have an agenda to bad mouth Pakistanis, they have no ideas other than to run the script that Pakistanis in general are awful. This is not unusual, that is where you get the term trolls, it's not exclusive to these boards.
It's quite clear that some posters just have an agenda to bad mouth Pakistanis, they have no ideas other than to run the script that Pakistanis in general are awful. This is not unusual, that is where you get the term trolls, it's not exclusive to these boards.

Some might as well just copy the Daily Mail articles instead of wearing off they keyboards.

Same logic would also mean Jews are oppressors by nature because of their ethnicity, they are also racists because majority of Jews support Israeli polices but they wont go there.
But it's not under my nose. You are right, it all begins at home, but I don't have any contact with these type of people, neither do I know anybody who does. Perhaps there are some members who do, let's hear from them.

My recourse is always hit them with the sledgehammer of the law, and that is what it is there for. It works if it is applied and not ducked by playing the race card. Tut-tutting over ladoo like some biddie aunties on a forum isn't a solution.

Reading this, its kind of clear you have already made up your mind and any other suggestions/observations are simply dismissed as auntie gossip. It does not seem to me you really want a constructive debate out of proposing this because anything that does not seem to conform to your beliefs/ideas is outright wrong.

How about we just say "yes there is a problem, and we should not worry about a solution except the law doing its job and the bad elements being jailed"

I think that will quite simply put this thread to an end, based on your views.

I said I didn't want to do this, but the only way to emphasise where I am coming from is to show this and ask if it's a Pakistani thing, how is it happening in India?
Reading this, its kind of clear you have already made up your mind and any other suggestions/observations are simply dismissed as auntie gossip. It does not seem to me you really want a constructive debate out of proposing this because anything that does not seem to conform to your beliefs/ideas is outright wrong.

How about we just say "yes there is a problem, and we should not worry about a solution except the law doing its job and the bad elements being jailed"

I think that will quite simply put this thread to an end, based on your views.

Well yes exactly. There is a solution and it was me that presented it, everything else was auntie gossip. I'm sorry but that's just it.
What would be your solution for it?

Along with proper prosecution of these deviants -

1. Stop family immigration - let immigration only be on the basis of employment/education.
2. Stop automatic social security benefits for immigrant families. Let them earn their livelihood.
3. Come down hard on deviants - immediate deportation of them & their enablers including family members who dont report tell-tale signs.
4. Disband the ghettos- spread out people from the troublesome areas.
5. Regular checking on these taxi companies. Make sure people only vetted, registered drivers are driving the taxis.
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Well yes exactly. There is a solution and it was me that presented it, everything else was auntie gossip. I'm sorry but that's just it.

Thats your view, though, and you just proved my point. You ask for other peoples opinions or suggestions but you pooh pooh them and you proclaim yours is only feasible solution.. then whats the point of even asking?
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Thats your view, though, and you just proved my point. You ask for other peoples opinions or suggestions but you pooh pooh them and you proclaim yours is only feasible solution.. then whats the point of even asking?

I was genuinely interested to see what solutions others would present. As a Brit I have an aversion to lamenting and self flagellation, I always look for a solution first and last.
Along with proper prosecution of these deviants -

1. Stop family immigration - let immigration only be on the basis of employment/education.
2. Stop automatic social security benefits for immigrant families. Let them earn their livelihood.
3. Come down hard on deviants - immediate deportation of them & their enablers including family members who dont report tell-tale signs.
4. Disband the ghettos- spread out people from the troublesome areas.
5. Regular checking on these taxi companies. Make sure people only vetted, registered drivers are driving the taxis.

These are mostly totally impractical. Deportation of family members? I mean come on Winston, maybe you should start by deporting all your New York gangsters back to Africa.
I was genuinely interested to see what solutions others would present. As a Brit I have an aversion to lamenting and self flagellation, I always look for a solution first and last.

You are probably better placed than I am to identify/solve problems in your community because I dont live there and you do. But some of whats said here is not lamenting or self flagellation, they were based on genuine observations, you certainly seemed to agree with most of what I had shared.

So on one hand you are agreeing but then you turn around and say "this is self flagellation"
I think you need to make up your mind where you stand.
These are mostly totally impractical. Deportation of family members? I mean come on Winston, maybe you should start by deporting all your New York gangsters back to Africa.

You need radical solutions to control vermins. And i would suggest the same for the MS 13 scums here in NYC.
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You are probably better placed than I am to identify/solve problems in your community because I dont live there and you do. But some of whats said here is not lamenting or self flagellation, they were based on genuine observations, you certainly seemed to agree with most of what I had shared.

So on one hand you are agreeing but then you turn around and say "this is self flagellation"
I think you need to make up your mind where you stand.

I think it's quite clear where I stand, no mercy for the abusers, prosecute them with full measures. Don't assume these people represent an entire community unless you have good reason. You must also then be prepared to label all communities by their worst types. I don't agree with this, my principles are deal with criminals rather than worrying about how unrelated people do their parenting.
So you are attacking me as a poster, and that is your idea of a debate on this topic. This tends to be the go to tactic for those who can't actually contribute to the topic itself.

Bro you're far too obsessed with personal issues of Brit Paks or related to your personal life.

Play the ball man, you can make the discussion better if you do this.

Predator behaviour abusing kids is EVIL.

If by logic Brit Paks have an issue, it means ...

BLACKS are MORE LIKELY to be criminals.

WHITE Men are more likely to abuse kids from South Asia, because they are WHITE MEN.

INDIANS because of their ethnicity and race are likely to rape women.

This type of mentality is for the pind ,backward, uneducated morons tbh.

Guys, I may come across as being passionate and yes I do take this seriously because I genuinely want to see our fellow British Pakistanis thrive. Living in denial and trivialising this matter does more damage over the long-term.

When it comes to grooming, it's certainly not a Pakistani problem, it's a British Pakistani problem. Ask yourselves why are our American counterparts not doing it? Why are they doing better than us? - they're more educated and earn more than the average American.

In contrast, British Pakistanis are poorly educated and are overrepresented when it comes to crime and prison numbers.

The very first step is to fully acknowledge and comes to terms with the issues found in British Pakistani areas otherwise there's no pathway to progression. The reason why I emphasise this is because our community leaders and Imams are doing poor job to raise awareness on a number of issues, not just to do with crime, I'll give you another example - they refuse to accept the risks involved for children born to parents who are first cousins. As a result they are unwilling to denounce this practice of first cousin marriages. It's about time we have leaders/Imams who "say it as it is" without fearing about upsetting anyone. That is where we need to start.

We need to take collective responsibility to raise awareness and ensure the youth of today become a shining example of our community.
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I think it's quite clear where I stand, no mercy for the abusers, prosecute them with full measures. Don't assume these people represent an entire community unless you have good reason. You must also then be prepared to label all communities by their worst types. I don't agree with this, my principles are deal with criminals rather than worrying about how unrelated people do their parenting.

Sounds like a plan!

Good luck..
Worldwide problem? Can you show me any other immigrant community involved in such deviant acts anywhere in the Western world? And mind too its not an one-off incident, this has become a pattern in Britain. Easy to cry the R word but if you refuse to see a problem what is right under your nose, you will never find a solution for it.

I am not here to feed you with links etc, just google White "Chamry" involve in this worldwide problem,start with Asia and what they do there Astaghfirullah but you are targeting Pakistani community muslim community lol, Heyyyy few taxi drivers spolied british brats gangsters are not whole Pakistani community, media will not highlight 90% Pakistanis community working in white collar jobs Doctors IT sectors other department etc but media will highlight 10 % and spread their agenda Racism immigrants Hatered etc You are also part of the problem who share forward such news and sides with them blaming Pakistani community or Muslim community !!!
These are the points Right wing extremists demanding, Goodluck, your brain is full of garbage feeded by Right wing extremists. Thats not the solution "Sherlock"

As if you guys have any solution to any problem (you arent even capable to recognize a problem in the first place). Take in more criminal elements, enable them & if they get caught - cry racism. No wonder Britain is a dump these days - both economic & otherwise!
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Guys, I may come across as being passionate and yes I do take this seriously because I genuinely want to see our fellow British Pakistanis thrive. Living in denial and trivialising this matter does more damage over the long-term.

When it comes to grooming, it's certainly not a Pakistani problem, it's a British Pakistani problem. Ask yourselves why are our American counterparts not doing it? Why are they doing better than us? - they're more educated and earn more than the average American.

In contrast, British Pakistanis are poorly educated and are overrepresented when it comes to crime and prison numbers.

The very first step is to fully acknowledge and comes to terms with the issues found in British Pakistani areas otherwise there's no pathway to progression. The reason why I emphasise this is because our community leaders and Imams are doing poor job to raise awareness on a number of issues, not just to do with crime, I'll give you another example - they refuse to accept the risks involved for children born to parents who are first cousins. As a result they are unwilling to denounce this practice of first cousin marriages. It's about time we have leaders/Imams who "say it as it is" without fearing about upsetting anyone. That is where we need to start.

We need to take collective responsibility to raise awareness and ensure the youth of today become a shining example of our community.

Do you seriously think these pervs aren't aware what they are doing is wrong?

"Beg your pardon Imam sahib, you mean to tell me that plying young girls with vodka is HARAM??" :virat

What next? Maybe you'll tell us that the Imams are all in on it and they jump into the taxis themselves round the back door of the masjid.
As if you guys have any solution to any problem (you arent even capable to recognize a problem in the first place). Take in more criminal elements, enable them & if they get caught - cry racism. No wonder Britain is a dump these days - both economic & otherwise!

No one has cried racism over the grooming scandals, other than the police who used that as a get out clause to explain why they did nothing for years. This is just more confusion thrown into the mix. As for solutions, yours were so ridiculous they were barely worth addressing.

Deport them - regardless of whether there was even a country you could deport them to.

Deport their families ( they MUST have been aiding and abetting them!!!).

Bulldoze their houses, etc.
No one has cried racism over the grooming scandals, other than the police who used that as a get out clause to explain why they did nothing for years. This is just more confusion thrown into the mix. As for solutions, yours were so ridiculous they were barely worth addressing.

Deport them - regardless of whether there was even a country you could deport them to.

Deport their families ( they MUST have been aiding and abetting them!!!).

Bulldoze their houses, etc.

I was responding to the other guy (ryw) who claimed it is racist that such cases are highlighted by the media while others are ignored. There is the R card for you - right there!

Most of these perv guys are middle-aged & i can bet mostly first gen migrants which means their Brit citizenship (if they are one) can be cancelled & deported. Well, if Shamima begum can be denied citizenship, why not these guys?
Public profile is a fairly ambiguous term and I’d argue hardly a barometer of success or achievement. However from a literacy/education attainment perspective - UK Indians are leagues ahead of their UK Pakistani counterparts who are more in the lower end of the scale.

In the corporate world, senior management plus, it’s my experience that their are far more Indians (UK born and/or from abroad) compared to their Muslim counterparts.

It is interesting in that in other countries outside the SC, there is less of a gulf between such folk but in the UK it’s quite extreme.

Thank you.
That should be our fair comparison.
However, I notice that whenever one tries to highlight a sick and evil issue with a certain group of British Pakistani men (while the same problem is not reported and/or associated as much with Britons of Indian origin), there are justifications like, "ohhh blacks do it to, whites in North are even worse". Seriously?
This living in denial is a classical example of "Kunvayn ka maindaik" who is can't see what's outside the well and thinks this is all of the world.
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I was responding to the other guy (ryw) who claimed it is racist that such cases are highlighted by the media while others are ignored. There is the R card for you - right there!

Most of these perv guys are middle-aged & i can bet mostly first gen migrants which means their Brit citizenship (if they are one) can be cancelled & deported. Well, if Shamima begum can be denied citizenship, why not these guys?

Hey, if they are first gen migrants, then by all means deport them. But first you would have to establish that, and also that their families were in on it so you could deport them also - which was your suggestion if I recall. If you want to be taken seriously then think about actual legal processes, which here in the UK we have to take seriously. It's what makes it the country it is.
Hey, if they are first gen migrants, then by all means deport them. But first you would have to establish that, and also that their families were in on it so you could deport them also - which was your suggestion if I recall. If you want to be taken seriously then think about actual legal processes, which here in the UK we have to take seriously. It's what makes it the country it is.

If the UK had taken their processes seriously, they would have never given these guys a visa in the first place. You guys are bringing in the wrong sort.
If the UK had taken their processes seriously, they would have never given these guys a visa in the first place. You guys are bringing in the wrong sort.

Perhaps we are bringing in the wrong sort, but you can't really base that conclusion on a proportionately tiny number of reprobates. Certainly not at a legal level. You could use it as a tabloid headline though.
No one has cried racism over the grooming scandals, other than the police who used that as a get out clause to explain why they did nothing for years. This is just more confusion thrown into the mix. As for solutions, yours were so ridiculous they were barely worth addressing.

Deport them - regardless of whether there was even a country you could deport them to.

Deport their families ( they MUST have been aiding and abetting them!!!).

Bulldoze their houses, etc.

Not as I noticed. That was more of a narrative in the papers. The police didn't investigated because they felt that the witnesses had poor communications skills and would not be credible in court under cross-examination.
Not as I noticed. That was more of a narrative in the papers. The police didn't investigated because they felt that the witnesses had poor communications skills and would not be credible in court under cross-examination.

I am reading that in the papers even today, so I suppose as long that narrative is being pushed, then it will become established at some level. I was under the impression that the police themselves had pushed this angle, would maybe need to revisit the events.
Maybe I am wrong and my views are in the minority but if you raise your children correctly, give them a proper balance of education (religious and otherwise, so they know the standing of women in Islam and the respect they deserve) and watch over in particular, the boys as much as girls, I really do not see why we will see the rise of the criminal element amongst them.

Like so many people have stated here, the criminal element within the black community exists because of the non traditional family structure exists for some of their community, where there is usually no dad around and it has generally become the norm for men to be in prison or to be involved in a life of crime. I am speaking about the black community here in the US.

But such a problem should not exist for Pakistanis, because of our strong conservative family's structures. I am not putting the blame squarely on poor upbringing, but it has to have played some sort of a role here.

In some cases the family structure is strong on paper only

If parents cant speak english, dont socially spend quality time with kids, if thry work nights in taleaways and taxis and dont take an interest in their childs education or who they hang out with then they might as well be absent
Do you seriously think these pervs aren't aware what they are doing is wrong?

"Beg your pardon Imam sahib, you mean to tell me that plying young girls with vodka is HARAM??" :virat

What next? Maybe you'll tell us that the Imams are all in on it and they jump into the taxis themselves round the back door of the masjid.

See you're doing it again. Getting overly defensive and coming up with this hyperbole. I didn't imply Imams were involved in the act itself, I'm saying their lack of leadership and silence on the issue doesn't help matters. This kind of discussion isn't constructive so lets just leave it as that.
See you're doing it again. Getting overly defensive and coming up with this hyperbole. I didn't imply Imams were involved in the act itself, I'm saying their lack of leadership and silence on the issue doesn't help matters. This kind of discussion isn't constructive so lets just leave it as that.

Sorry bro, I do get it that my humour can come across as a bit caustic, but sometimes it's the best way to make a point. The idea that these depraved losers would have thought twice about what they were doing if only the Imam had told them it was wrong is kind of funny you have to admit.
Sorry bro, I do get it that my humour can come across as a bit caustic, but sometimes it's the best way to make a point. The idea that these depraved losers would have thought twice about what they were doing if only the Imam had told them it was wrong is kind of funny you have to admit.

It was funny I'll give you that.

I just thought you were going overboard to defend the Imams around here.