The summary of this post is basically that ... all other religions claiming to be religions are devils handiwork except ofcourse your religion ? Did I get that right ?
As I said, other faiths outside of what we know as Islam today can also be sent by God too originally. If I was alive during Moses’s (Prophet Musa) period I would follow him. If I was alive during Jesus (Prophet Isa’s) period I would follow him. If I was alive during Noah’s (Prophet Nuh) period, I would follow him.
Why? Because Islam is what all these prophets and countless others were preaching. Because at its core the literal definition of Islam means to submit to God, and God alone.
Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Noah, Adam etc were all Muslims because they submitted their will to God.
Their unfiltered and unedited texts and rules and laws sent by God was Islam of that period.
But once governments, kings, priests with ill intentions edited the texts and laws to benefit themselves, then those religions were corrupted. They still had the elements of what God revealed, but it was mixed with a lot of man made falsehood.
This is why a Muslim cannot burn or trash a Bible, a Torah and other religious books because there may be parts of the texts that are still unedited. And so doing anything like that will be disrespectful to God.
For eg, the prophecy of the arrival of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is mentioned in ancient Hindu texts:
There are theories that Buddha may have been a prophet too, we don’t know. God knows best.
But the point is all prophets pointed toward the oneness of God, but over time, the devil tempted their people out of this overarching concept by either worshipping the prophet themselves, or worshipping / associating partners to God, at times His own creation. Eg the sun, the moon, stars, animals, etc
This has always been and always will be the devil’s goal till the Day of Judgement. The biggest sin. Atheists aren’t safe from this either. Because he has them worshipping their desires, be it wealth, lust, or whatever else of this world as their idol.
So in summary: other religions can have elements of truth but at this point have been corrupted by man, and yes, Islam is the only true faith.