Did i choose the right bat?


Apr 9, 2011
Hey guys, a while ago i made a post showing you my new GM APEX bat: http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?t=130164

Now i got this bat because here in Canada we play on matting pitches where the bounce is pretty low and I used to bat somewhere around # 6-7 and from what i've learned from guys like Cover Drive is that for low bounce pitches we need a bat that has a low sweet spot i.e the GM APEX.

Now this season my captain promoted me to the #1 position (big promotion) and since i face the new ball the bounce during that period is obviously high and I've having difficulties hitting the ball with my GM APEX.

Now I am suddenly thinking whether i have the right bat? What do you guys think? and if i do have the wrong bat, I would appreciate it if you guys recommend me other bats that will suit me as an opener.

I would say if you have the right technique and you're a good enough player it shouldn't matter what type of bat you use.

Also since the bat is pretty light, it will help playing against the new ball.
^agree with above comment, and bat 1 metre outside the crease unless keeper is standing up to stumps, this should let you play on the front foot a little easier.