Dragon Ball Series


Senior ODI Player
May 21, 2005
Post of the Week
I was sitting today, thinking about my youth (I am getting old you know :p) and one thing I will always remember, was this show! I grew up with this show and loved every moment of it. I use to be crazy about this show and would go online and watcha ll the episodes with English subtitles since here in Canada they were so slow in showing new episodes!

Just wondering, who else remmebrs the Dragon Ball series? It was during my time, but surely some of the Geordie's, Kashifs and Daouds must have caught some of it?!?!? The last episode of the last series was shown in 1997 in Japan and I thnk 2005 in Canada. Maybe even the Oxy's or Saj's caught a bit of this (since it was a long series, so you may have only been interested in the start?).

Over 400 episodes and what a awesome show it was. This was the probaly amongst one of the best animes ever created and nothing can change that. This show began a new revolution like no other show...

So any takers?
Err. Gay show. Got bored of it when I was about 9-10. But for some reason, started watching a bit of it last year.
I'm not talking about Dragon Ball, I'm talking about Dragon Ball Z.
Sean said:
Err. Gay show. Got bored of it when I was about 9-10. But for some reason, started watching a bit of it last year.
I'm not talking about Dragon Ball, I'm talking about Dragon Ball Z.

lol i am kinda shocked by some of the responses here. Surely someone must watch it. Yeah I stopped watching the english version because it kinda sucked huge. I watch the Japanese version with all the swearing and blood.

I think I use to watch this show when I saw your age sean. Plus I dont really think the younger posters will apperciate this show as much with so much new trash on TV. I am hoping some of the older generation will remmeber this show and the memories they haveas a kid.
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Yea, i used to watch it before I started high school. Every morning before i went off to primiary school watched either dragon ball or dragon ball z - it was good quality, but by the time I got to 10-11 years old it wasnt so good any more.
I was really in to dbz back when I started high school, and i yeah the english version sucked balls.
I only watched the English version because I don't understand Japanese.
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Amir said:
I was sitting today, thinking about my youth (I am getting old you know :p) and one thing I will always remember, was this show! I grew up with this show and loved every moment of it. I use to be crazy about this show and would go online and watcha ll the episodes with English subtitles since here in Canada they were so slow in showing new episodes!

Just wondering, who else remmebrs the Dragon Ball series? It was during my time, but surely some of the Geordie's, Kashifs and Daouds must have caught some of it?!?!? The last episode of the last series was shown in 1997 in Japan and I thnk 2005 in Canada. Maybe even the Oxy's or Saj's caught a bit of this (since it was a long series, so you may have only been interested in the start?).

Over 400 episodes and what a awesome show it was. This was the probaly amongst one of the best animes ever created and nothing can change that. This show began a new revolution like no other show...

So any takers?
Sorry, not me - was never really into it, nor was I into Pokemon or stuff similar to it. In fact aside from Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy and Futurama, I havent really watched any cartoons made after the early 90s
I always used to watch it . We used to be in France .

And I watched it every episode of it . Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z both . In French.

I really loved it.
Watched most it including the Movies.

Didnt like the GT series.

Best Anime series ever.
Daoud said:
Sorry, not me - was never really into it, nor was I into Pokemon or stuff similar to it. In fact aside from Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy and Futurama, I havent really watched any cartoons made after the early 90s
Wow. Great that you didn't watch Pokemon. That is for kids. And I mean little kids. :31:
DragonBall Z was ace!! GT was crap though, and didn't bother with the movies but the proper Z series was the best! Couldn't get enough of it.
I remember when I was bored, so I watched the last ever GT episode.
Goku killed the final dragon, and left all of the humans. He left with the dragon and all of the dragon ball were absorbed into his head.
I have seen every episode of the Dragonball Z series twice and got all the movies. Haven't seen Dragonball, but Dragonball GT was a let down.
Pokemon was the best back in the day. Cant even tell you how much i spent on the cards...
Medic said:
Pokemon was the best back in the day. Cant even tell you how much i spent on the cards...
You sad git...

Sadly my cousin who was a year and a half younger than me was also into Pokemon as was my brother. Or at least until some weirdo told him that Pokemon is haram so he soaked the cards, ripped them up and threw them into the toilet. The annoyance I had over him collecting the cards was instantly wiped away when I saw that
Amir, you are not alone.

I used to be a huge DBZ fanatic. I have all the episodes, movies, soundtracks, manga, games, you name it. In fact i was watching the Frieza saga just yesterday just to see if it stood the test of time and how it compares to other anime like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and etc.

Most people will call it gay, kiddy or whatever but DBZ is what got me into anime in the first place and inspired other anime's you see today. I think if people had actually watched the Japanese version with all the blood, swearing and uncut scenes they would probably appreciate it more but regardless its still one of the most successful anime's worldwide.

I agree with other people though. DBGT was tosh, DB and DBZ was where it was at.

BTW Amir, Funimation are re-releasing the entire series again in High Definition, 5.1 surround, and both English and Japanese audio uncut. I might consider it as a collectors piece.
Daoud said:
You sad git...

Sadly my cousin who was a year and a half younger than me was also into Pokemon as was my brother. Or at least until some weirdo told him that Pokemon is haram so he soaked the cards, ripped them up and threw them into the toilet. The annoyance I had over him collecting the cards was instantly wiped away when I saw that

Firsty it was many years ago, I cannot be held acountable for that :p (I was like 10)

Secondly.. :))) :))) soaking & ripping them up you know...
Straight Bat said:
DragonBall Z was ace!! GT was crap though, and didn't bother with the movies but the proper Z series was the best! Couldn't get enough of it.

yeah same ere i used to watch dragon ball z
The Blazer said:
That is the craziest piece of cow dung I have ever seen. :)))

:))) :))) :))) I know, but just for that its so funny. The amount of random ******** on that show is unbelievable
Uzzy said:
Amir, you are not alone.

I used to be a huge DBZ fanatic. I have all the episodes, movies, soundtracks, manga, games, you name it. In fact i was watching the Frieza saga just yesterday just to see if it stood the test of time and how it compares to other anime like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and etc.

Most people will call it gay, kiddy or whatever but DBZ is what got me into anime in the first place and inspired other anime's you see today. I think if people had actually watched the Japanese version with all the blood, swearing and uncut scenes they would probably appreciate it more but regardless its still one of the most successful anime's worldwide.

I agree with other people though. DBGT was tosh, DB and DBZ was where it was at.

BTW Amir, Funimation are re-releasing the entire series again in High Definition, 5.1 surround, and both English and Japanese audio uncut. I might consider it as a collectors piece.

i second all of that :19:
I went through my DBZ phase. Thankfully it didn't last as long as some of my friends.
Dragon ball Z was the best show in its time, and would still be today if it were showing. I was so into to it, i watched all the episodes. Watched dragon ball as well, liked it too. But they just ruined it with GT. There would have been AF as well, after GT if the creator was still alive. I think he didn't even complete GT when he died. Maybe thats why it was bad.
but over all, enjoyed watching it...
Plasma said:
Dragon ball Z was the best show in its time, and would still be today if it were showing. I was so into to it, i watched all the episodes. Watched dragon ball as well, liked it too. But they just ruined it with GT. There would have been AF as well, after GT if the creator was still alive. I think he didn't even complete GT when he died. Maybe thats why it was bad.
but over all, enjoyed watching it...

First of all there was no such thing as Dragonball AF. It was a fan made thing and secondly the GT creator didn't die. The way it ended was how it was intended.
Dbz was classssss still remember it, are they not going to make anymore new series?
Uzzy said:
Amir, you are not alone.

I used to be a huge DBZ fanatic. I have all the episodes, movies, soundtracks, manga, games, you name it. In fact i was watching the Frieza saga just yesterday just to see if it stood the test of time and how it compares to other anime like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and etc.

Most people will call it gay, kiddy or whatever but DBZ is what got me into anime in the first place and inspired other anime's you see today. I think if people had actually watched the Japanese version with all the blood, swearing and uncut scenes they would probably appreciate it more but regardless its still one of the most successful anime's worldwide.

I agree with other people though. DBGT was tosh, DB and DBZ was where it was at.

BTW Amir, Funimation are re-releasing the entire series again in High Definition, 5.1 surround, and both English and Japanese audio uncut. I might consider it as a collectors piece.

I am glad to see I am not the only one!!! Some of the younger posters won't understand this. This is the show we grew up with and was the first of its kind which made it all that more special. I don't watch anime today, but this is one show I will pop in the odd time an djust love watching because of how awesome it was.

I didn't mind GT so much. I liked it and I liked how they ended it. My favourite part of that show is all the SSJ4 transformation and fight which makes it all that more awesome. Do you know hwere I could possibly download all the Japanese episodes (with english subtitles)? I really never got around to watching that series because I eventually grew out of my DBZ phase, and I just saw bits and pieces of it.

Uzzy I got two questions for you (and other respective fans):
1. What is your favourite DB moment from any of the three? I think nothing tops Gohan transformation into SSJ2 against Cell for the first time. You gotta watch it in Japanese because the music adds to the feel.

2. How the hell did Goku managed to stay married all those years? Like he dies, leaves Chi Chi, comes back fights, dies again (cell this time), and then comes back for a day....which he spends fighting. Then at the end of the dragon ball z series, he leaves for couple years to train Eub forgetting about his family lol. Then he comes back, goes into outer space and finally comes back only to fight 7 evil dragons, absorbs the dragon balls and is to be seen 100 years later. You think in this time Chi Chi would leave him? :))
adi 101 said:
Dbz was classssss still remember it, are they not going to make anymore new series?

No no, it ended way back in 1997. And probaly best it did, because if they made another it would just be dragging it out since than they have to start from all over (since GT ends 60+ years in the future). And people do not want to see them work there way through each transformation again and again seeing as pepole already saw them. And they ended on the perfect note in my opinion.

FOX was to make a real life version of DBZ like 5-6 years ago (a movie that is). They even had polls on the official site asking who should play Goku (Jackie Chan and JEt Li were amongst the choices). Unfortunately, I think they scrapped the plans and they are currently in the trunk. Though they could come back anytime. I hope they do, because I would pay to see that movie!
Used to love that show, was a great one.

I could have sworn I heard talks about a movie, and now I know that it wasn't just my imagination.

My favourite moment has got to be (like Amir's) Gohan's transformation into SSJ2.

My least favourite had to be when Goku transformed to SSJ1. Don't get me wrong, it was great to see him transform but damn it he just kept talking... and talking... and talking.

Amir, go to dailymotion.com, I think they have the Japanese versions on there. I'm not quite sure if you can download them, but you can definitely watch them.
Amir said:
I didn't mind GT so much. I liked it and I liked how they ended it. My favourite part of that show is all the SSJ4 transformation and fight which makes it all that more awesome. Do you know hwere I could possibly download all the Japanese episodes (with english subtitles)? I really never got around to watching that series because I eventually grew out of my DBZ phase, and I just saw bits and pieces of it.

I guess the ending of GT was pretty good when they fuse to make Gogeta but tbh i didn't really like the SSJ4 character designs. The previous transformations looked so much better. This one just looked like a humanoid monkey and another thing. He didn't seem that powerful.

Heres a site with every DB, DBZ, DBGT episodes.


You can watch it all online but they're the English dub not Japanese. Though they are uncut so i guess that makes up for it and tbh the dub ain't that bad. I thought Funi did a pretty good job. But if you're still looking for the Jap version I'm sure you could download it from the usual torrent sites.

Amir said:
Uzzy I got two questions for you (and other respective fans):
1. What is your favourite DB moment from any of the three? I think nothing tops Gohan transformation into SSJ2 against Cell for the first time. You gotta watch it in Japanese because the music adds to the feel.

Oh thats a tough one. There were so many great moments from the show but i would say Goku going SSJ for the first time. Seeing the look of pure horror on Freeza's face from up on that cliff was priceless and Gohan going SSJ2. That was pretty epic. And the Goku v Frieza fight.

Amir said:
2. How the hell did Goku managed to stay married all those years? Like he dies, leaves Chi Chi, comes back fights, dies again (cell this time), and then comes back for a day....which he spends fighting. Then at the end of the dragon ball z series, he leaves for couple years to train Eub forgetting about his family lol. Then he comes back, goes into outer space and finally comes back only to fight 7 evil dragons, absorbs the dragon balls and is to be seen 100 years later. You think in this time Chi Chi would leave him? :))

I'm surprised myself how Chi-Chi managed to put up with him all this time. He seems like a terrible family-man lol. But then again I'm sure shes grateful for being alive.
Amir said:
No no, it ended way back in 1997. And probaly best it did, because if they made another it would just be dragging it out since than they have to start from all over (since GT ends 60+ years in the future). And people do not want to see them work there way through each transformation again and again seeing as pepole already saw them. And they ended on the perfect note in my opinion.

Did you know Akira Toriyama (creator of DB) originally intended to end the series after the Frieza saga but fans of the show wouldn't accept that so it went on. Then he intended to end it after the Cell saga which IMO would have been the best time to end it. Goku died and passed the mantle of saving the planet over to Gohan. Cell was the culmination of all the bad guys they had fought previously in one being, so if you think about it it kinda made sense to end it there. But again the fans wouldn't accept it and he continued and made the Buu saga. The ending to the Buu saga would have Gohan defeating Buu but turned out to be Goku to please the fans. GT on the other hand was made by a different creator altogether.

Amir said:
FOX was to make a real life version of DBZ like 5-6 years ago (a movie that is). They even had polls on the official site asking who should play Goku (Jackie Chan and JEt Li were amongst the choices). Unfortunately, I think they scrapped the plans and they are currently in the trunk. Though they could come back anytime. I hope they do, because I would pay to see that movie!

Maybe it was for the best eh? Theres a chance they could have butchered the name.
Question for DragonBall heads: Does one have to watch DB? Can one not jump straight to DBZ? :D
Medic said:
Question for DragonBall heads: Does one have to watch DB? Can one not jump straight to DBZ? :D

You can watch DBZ without having watched DB. Although it would be ideal to watch DB first to see how Goku learnt the Kamehameha and other things you may be wondering about and its also funny aswell.
Thing is though, I don't fancy going through 80 odd episodes of DB just to get to DBZ!

DBZ is the series I remember seeing years ago in Pakistan- Guess I have some catching up to do as well; I can't even remember the names of the main characters!
The Blazer said:
Thing is though, I don't fancy going through 80 odd episodes of DB just to get to DBZ!

Same here. Bun DB, I decided to go straight to DBZ..
Medic said:
Same here. Bun DB, I decided to go straight to DBZ..
Shouldn't you be asleep now so that you can spend all of Sunday revising for the exams? :p
The Blazer said:
Meh, we got a whole week off. I'm gonna take it easy for the weekend before diving in.

Me too. Whens your next exam?
Medic said:
Me too. Whens your next exam?
On the Monday a week from now- Got Maths.

Well, I just saw episode one. Looks like I'll be addicted to this in the summer holidays.
The Blazer said:
On the Monday a week from now- Got Maths.

Well, I just saw episode one. Looks like I'll be addicted to this in the summer holidays.

Again the same lol. I'd be watching too, but the playoffs are more appealing...
Uzzy said:
Did you know Akira Toriyama (creator of DB) originally intended to end the series after the Frieza saga but fans of the show wouldn't accept that so it went on. Then he intended to end it after the Cell saga which IMO would have been the best time to end it. Goku died and passed the mantle of saving the planet over to Gohan. Cell was the culmination of all the bad guys they had fought previously in one being, so if you think about it it kinda made sense to end it there. But again the fans wouldn't accept it and he continued and made the Buu saga. The ending to the Buu saga would have Gohan defeating Buu but turned out to be Goku to please the fans. GT on the other hand was made by a different creator altogether.

Maybe it was for the best eh? Theres a chance they could have butchered the name.

Uhhh...we are gonna disagree alot here on DBZ!!! (All starting wtihy ou not liking GT and me liking it :p).

They couldn't have ended it after Freiza, it would be too quick. It was right to continue. The Cell fight was awesome with Gohan winning but it is most approiate that they leave with one character being the hero. Remember at that time, this was a new concept so the whole one hero thing was beginning. Plus you couldn't leave it at Cell Saga and think Gohan was going to look after the planet:
1) He was eleven year odl
2) He did not have that fighting mentality like Goku and Vegeta
3) He was only a half breed.

Its only most approaite that a full breed Saiyan take over the mantle and there are only two left in the show. Gohan was always a wiener who was more concerned about feelings. Goku was soft too but atleast he fought when needed.

The Buu saga was even better because we got see new transformations, fusions and for villians a new way to fight when they know they are done. The Buu saga was great. Though I am not sure if it was the right move to make GT, I absolutely loved the SSJ4. He looked so badarse with teh red eyes. It was awesome to see them go to their old hair colour and not some stupid even longer than SSJ3 golden hair! No offence but SSJ3 looks kinda queer! I think the final saga in GT was the perfect ending. Against 7 evil dragons. He battled everything else but dragons. It was most perfect for him to end the DB career against the very thing they always look for help (Though they did not fight the original shen long).
Amir said:
Uhhh...we are gonna disagree alot here on DBZ!!! (All starting wtihy ou not liking GT and me liking it :p).

They couldn't have ended it after Freiza, it would be too quick. It was right to continue. The Cell fight was awesome with Gohan winning but it is most approiate that they leave with one character being the hero. Remember at that time, this was a new concept so the whole one hero thing was beginning. Plus you couldn't leave it at Cell Saga and think Gohan was going to look after the planet:
1) He was eleven year odl
2) He did not have that fighting mentality like Goku and Vegeta
3) He was only a half breed.

Its only most approaite that a full breed Saiyan take over the mantle and there are only two left in the show. Gohan was always a wiener who was more concerned about feelings. Goku was soft too but atleast he fought when needed.

The Buu saga was even better because we got see new transformations, fusions and for villians a new way to fight when they know they are done. The Buu saga was great. Though I am not sure if it was the right move to make GT, I absolutely loved the SSJ4. He looked so badarse with teh red eyes. It was awesome to see them go to their old hair colour and not some stupid even longer than SSJ3 golden hair! No offence but SSJ3 looks kinda queer! I think the final saga in GT was the perfect ending. Against 7 evil dragons. He battled everything else but dragons. It was most perfect for him to end the DB career against the very thing they always look for help (Though they did not fight the original shen long).

I got bored of it when the Buu saga started. I was getting older, and I found better things, like Simpsons and Family Guy.
Medic said:
Wow Amir, I didnt know you were this keen :))

MAn I use to love this, I told you I grew up with this! Uzzy's post only re-ignited my enthusiam and I started to watch some GT now. :p

Yeah Famiyl guy is good but I find Family Guy and Simpsons are starting to get a bit repetitive with the same jokes over and over. I tend to like TV Dramas or sitcoms now more like Heroes, my wife and kids and etc.
Nauman said:
I personally find all sorts of Japanese anime shows gay.

I've never been into any of these shows either, but there was a huge craze back in the day.
Amir said:
They couldn't have ended it after Freiza, it would be too quick. It was right to continue.

Well if you include Dragonball, the series was 7 years old when the Frieza saga was aired in Japan. Of course from a fans perspective it was right to continue it, (what would we do without it :p ). This is taken from Wiki:

"The original Dragon Ball creator, Akira Toriyama, originally intended to end the series with the Frieza saga, with a major symbolic event which would provide closure to the series. However, despite some fan response that the series was losing momentum, the popularity of the series was high enough that the series continued."

Amir said:
The Cell fight was awesome with Gohan winning but it is most approiate that they leave with one character being the hero. Remember at that time, this was a new concept so the whole one hero thing was beginning. Plus you couldn't leave it at Cell Saga and think Gohan was going to look after the planet:
1) He was eleven year odl
2) He did not have that fighting mentality like Goku and Vegeta
3) He was only a half breed

Although we would have liked it to continue and it did. The end of the Cell saga from the creators perspective was the best time to bring closure to the series. Like i mentioned in my previous post, Goku sacrificed himself in order to kill Cell (which didn't work) and then passing on the mantle over to Gohan of protecting the planet. Yes he was eleven years old but that didn't stop him from being the strongest and IIRC he had more potential than Goku or Vegeta, as we see during the Buu saga when Mystic Gohan was the strongest non-fused character. Half breed or full breed, he was still a Saiyan.

Also after becoming stronger, Trunks went back to him time and destroyed the Androids and Cell. Piccolo became the new Kami or guardian of the Earth. The Androids in the current timeline became good guys. So if you think about it, it was the perfect closure to the series from a creators perspective.

Amir said:
Its only most approaite that a full breed Saiyan take over the mantle and there are only two left in the show. Gohan was always a wiener who was more concerned about feelings. Goku was soft too but atleast he fought when needed.

Usually the mantle would pass from Father to Son or Senior to Junior. Who would Goku pass the mantle over to if not Gohan. Vegeta? That wouldn't make sense. Gohan wasn't really a weiner he just didn't want anyone to get hurt but when he did get ****** off clearly no one was stronger.

Amir said:
The Buu saga was even better because we got see new transformations, fusions and for villians a new way to fight when they know they are done. The Buu saga was great.

I enjoyed the Buu saga too and though it was great but it became stupid when everyone and their dog could turn into SSJ's at that time. Trunks and Goten becoming SSJ's ruined what was originally meant to be a legendary transformation that happens every 1000 years. During the Frieza saga to Cell, SSJ's were meant to be serious transformations that only happened through anger but it lost its seriousness when everyone could turn into it.

Other than that the saga was awesome. The Fusions was a nice new addition, Vegito was so cool and the different forms of Buu were good aswell.

Amir said:
Though I am not sure if it was the right move to make GT, I absolutely loved the SSJ4. He looked so badarse with teh red eyes. It was awesome to see them go to their old hair colour and not some stupid even longer than SSJ3 golden hair! No offence but SSJ3 looks kinda queer! I think the final saga in GT was the perfect ending. Against 7 evil dragons. He battled everything else but dragons. It was most perfect for him to end the DB career against the very thing they always look for help (Though they did not fight the original shen long).

I agree, it was a bad move to make GT. It was a joke really. Then again it wasn't made by AT so it was to be expected. GT had too many plot holes and inconsistencies like, how was Gohan able to turn into a SSJ when the Mystic form was meant to be his true potential thus not needing a SSJ transformation as this was stronger. Also at times it seemed Kid Goku was more powerful than a SSJ4, like how did Kid Goku defeat Li Shenron when Goku and Vegeta being SSJ4 couldn't do it? And i disagree about SSJ4 looking good. He looked like a humanoid monkey. That cool golden hair along with the aura was gone which was the trademark looks of a SSJ. Having said all that i agree about the last saga of GT being good. I thought it was a good idea to have the dragons as the enemies after misusing the Dragonballs so much. If only it was made by AT it would have been even better.
Dragon Ball and Z were the greatest anime series ever.
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Uzzy said:
Well if you include Dragonball, the series was 7 years old when the Frieza saga was aired in Japan. Of course from a fans perspective it was right to continue it, (what would we do without it :p ). This is taken from Wiki:

"The original Dragon Ball creator, Akira Toriyama, originally intended to end the series with the Frieza saga, with a major symbolic event which would provide closure to the series. However, despite some fan response that the series was losing momentum, the popularity of the series was high enough that the series continued."

Although we would have liked it to continue and it did. The end of the Cell saga from the creators perspective was the best time to bring closure to the series. Like i mentioned in my previous post, Goku sacrificed himself in order to kill Cell (which didn't work) and then passing on the mantle over to Gohan of protecting the planet. Yes he was eleven years old but that didn't stop him from being the strongest and IIRC he had more potential than Goku or Vegeta, as we see during the Buu saga when Mystic Gohan was the strongest non-fused character. Half breed or full breed, he was still a Saiyan.

Also after becoming stronger, Trunks went back to him time and destroyed the Androids and Cell. Piccolo became the new Kami or guardian of the Earth. The Androids in the current timeline became good guys. So if you think about it, it was the perfect closure to the series from a creators perspective.

Usually the mantle would pass from Father to Son or Senior to Junior. Who would Goku pass the mantle over to if not Gohan. Vegeta? That wouldn't make sense. Gohan wasn't really a weiner he just didn't want anyone to get hurt but when he did get ****** off clearly no one was stronger.

I enjoyed the Buu saga too and though it was great but it became stupid when everyone and their dog could turn into SSJ's at that time. Trunks and Goten becoming SSJ's ruined what was originally meant to be a legendary transformation that happens every 1000 years. During the Frieza saga to Cell, SSJ's were meant to be serious transformations that only happened through anger but it lost its seriousness when everyone could turn into it.

Other than that the saga was awesome. The Fusions was a nice new addition, Vegito was so cool and the different forms of Buu were good aswell.

I agree, it was a bad move to make GT. It was a joke really. Then again it wasn't made by AT so it was to be expected. GT had too many plot holes and inconsistencies like, how was Gohan able to turn into a SSJ when the Mystic form was meant to be his true potential thus not needing a SSJ transformation as this was stronger. Also at times it seemed Kid Goku was more powerful than a SSJ4, like how did Kid Goku defeat Li Shenron when Goku and Vegeta being SSJ4 couldn't do it? And i disagree about SSJ4 looking good. He looked like a humanoid monkey. That cool golden hair along with the aura was gone which was the trademark looks of a SSJ. Having said all that i agree about the last saga of GT being good. I thought it was a good idea to have the dragons as the enemies after misusing the Dragonballs so much. If only it was made by AT it would have been even better.

I started towatch GT for the first time (like all the episodes) and so far the first 20 episodes have been a real big let down. I am just looking forward to the dragon battle. But yes I agree, GT was horribly done. They attempted to fuse the comic relief of the original dragon ball with the seriousness of Z. Liek this general ridolo guy, apperantly he is stronger than majin buu. That just makes the whole Buu saga look like it was nothing. They built Buu up so much and then this loser with a 2 hit episode is stronger? Way to destroy a plot.

I guess the best thing they could have doen was have one more saga after the Buu series and that should have been the seven dragons and than just end Dragon Ball Z and the rest of the series (with no need of the GT).

Why didn't AT continue on with GT? Seeing as it was only 64 episodes.
DBZ is one of the most intellengent cartoons i have ever watched!

the Cell Saga was just awsome! Dragonball GT kinda sucked!
One thing I love is when some really really dramatic is about to happen (Like a death), and they have that music. Like when Cell is just about to die from Gohan's kamehameha.
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One thing that I found, is that Goku used the spirit bomb too much. He'd be dead so much mor e if it wasn't for the spirit bomb. Against Frieza, Cell?, Buu, and in the dragon series. I would think that in the dragon series, he would kill the final dragon dude with his trademark kamehamehameha wave.
What do Z and GT mean? Why do they have them at the end of Dragon Ball. Something I didn't understand.
GT stands for Grand Tour, you know when Goku and Pan and that robot thing went around the universe to search for the Black Star Dragonballs - i think they were called 'The Lost Episodes'

Apparantely the Z in Dragonball Z stands for Zero, i have no idea why....
Amir said:
I started towatch GT for the first time (like all the episodes) and so far the first 20 episodes have been a real big let down. I am just looking forward to the dragon battle. But yes I agree, GT was horribly done. They attempted to fuse the comic relief of the original dragon ball with the seriousness of Z. Liek this general ridolo guy, apperantly he is stronger than majin buu. That just makes the whole Buu saga look like it was nothing. They built Buu up so much and then this loser with a 2 hit episode is stronger? Way to destroy a plot.

I guess the best thing they could have doen was have one more saga after the Buu series and that should have been the seven dragons and than just end Dragon Ball Z and the rest of the series (with no need of the GT).

Why didn't AT continue on with GT? Seeing as it was only 64 episodes.

I agree with everything you said including having the seven dragons as the last saga.

Well like i said AT wanted to bring closure to the series at the end of the Frieza saga and then the Cell saga and finally the Buu saga. I think he was probably tired of DBZ :p and decided to pass it onto someone else if there were to be another series.

GT only ended up 64 episodes because it wasn't doing too well in the ratings. Its pretty evident with some of the rushed plots and fights.
Sean said:
Watch every single episode of Dragon Ball, Z, and GT here!
They work. ;-)
Well atleast the one I'm watching now (When frieza dies).


One thing I love is when some really really dramatic is about to happen (Like a death), and they have that music. Like when Cell is just about to die from Gohan's kamehameha.

I wonder where i have seen that site before?
Oh crap. Sorry, didn't notice that. I'll just edit my post.....
But I guess you'll still have it in your quote. lol
Sean said:
Oh crap. Sorry, didn't notice that. I'll just edit my post.....
But I guess you'll still have it in your quote. lol

Its no worries, you didn't have to edit your post :))
Uzzy, I just finished watching the baby saga and it was good. So seems like GT was not complete tosh....just the black star saga was. I think one reason why GT failed was the producers got too excited and that is why ratings were bad.

they could have made GT alot longer and much better but because they rushed the start....it affected the show. Apperantly GT started one week after DBZ ended and I think alot of peopl emust have felt the overkill. Had they waited a year and than release it...then it would have been alot longer. You dont want to give people too much of a good thing or they get tired of it and I think that is the case here.
I think the bad ratings was due to the fact that GT started off slow. There was lack of action and they tried to imitate the original Dragonball which clearly didn't work out well for them. I don't think it had anything to do with GT starting a week after DBZ tbh.
Which saga should I watch? I don't know which one is the best. And I havn't seen the Buu saga. Should I watch the buu saga? I'm doing this because I'm bored.

How'd Krillin and Picollo become stone?
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Love DB. DBZ and DB GT...

No other show can compare to the DB series. Plus how many of you jacked off over bulma?
Sean said:
Which saga should I watch? I don't know which one is the best. And I havn't seen the Buu saga. Should I watch the buu saga? I'm doing this because I'm bored.

How'd Krillin and Picollo become stone?

The Android and Cell Saga! thats when DBZ really kicked into full gear!
Uzzy said:
Well if you include Dragonball, the series was 7 years old when the Frieza saga was aired in Japan. Of course from a fans perspective it was right to continue it, (what would we do without it :p ). This is taken from Wiki:

"The original Dragon Ball creator, Akira Toriyama, originally intended to end the series with the Frieza saga, with a major symbolic event which would provide closure to the series. However, despite some fan response that the series was losing momentum, the popularity of the series was high enough that the series continued."

Although we would have liked it to continue and it did. The end of the Cell saga from the creators perspective was the best time to bring closure to the series. Like i mentioned in my previous post, Goku sacrificed himself in order to kill Cell (which didn't work) and then passing on the mantle over to Gohan of protecting the planet. Yes he was eleven years old but that didn't stop him from being the strongest and IIRC he had more potential than Goku or Vegeta, as we see during the Buu saga when Mystic Gohan was the strongest non-fused character. Half breed or full breed, he was still a Saiyan.

Also after becoming stronger, Trunks went back to him time and destroyed the Androids and Cell. Piccolo became the new Kami or guardian of the Earth. The Androids in the current timeline became good guys. So if you think about it, it was the perfect closure to the series from a creators perspective.

Usually the mantle would pass from Father to Son or Senior to Junior. Who would Goku pass the mantle over to if not Gohan. Vegeta? That wouldn't make sense. Gohan wasn't really a weiner he just didn't want anyone to get hurt but when he did get ****** off clearly no one was stronger.

I enjoyed the Buu saga too and though it was great but it became stupid when everyone and their dog could turn into SSJ's at that time. Trunks and Goten becoming SSJ's ruined what was originally meant to be a legendary transformation that happens every 1000 years. During the Frieza saga to Cell, SSJ's were meant to be serious transformations that only happened through anger but it lost its seriousness when everyone could turn into it.

Other than that the saga was awesome. The Fusions was a nice new addition, Vegito was so cool and the different forms of Buu were good aswell.

I agree, it was a bad move to make GT. It was a joke really. Then again it wasn't made by AT so it was to be expected. GT had too many plot holes and inconsistencies like, how was Gohan able to turn into a SSJ when the Mystic form was meant to be his true potential thus not needing a SSJ transformation as this was stronger. Also at times it seemed Kid Goku was more powerful than a SSJ4, like how did Kid Goku defeat Li Shenron when Goku and Vegeta being SSJ4 couldn't do it? And i disagree about SSJ4 looking good. He looked like a humanoid monkey. That cool golden hair along with the aura was gone which was the trademark looks of a SSJ. Having said all that i agree about the last saga of GT being good. I thought it was a good idea to have the dragons as the enemies after misusing the Dragonballs so much. If only it was made by AT it would have been even better.

thank you..and its Vegitto not Vegito
Sean watch DragonBall..coz it will make you understand Goku and then u will love the rest of the DBZ
Rana said:
The Android and Cell Saga! thats when DBZ really kicked into full gear!
I'll watch Buu saga first. Then if I'm still bored, I might watch that.
Vegitto1 said:
Sean watch DragonBall..coz it will make you understand Goku and then u will love the rest of the DBZ
That's really long isn't it? If I get bored in the next couple of months, I'll watch that. :p
even if ur not bored u will watch it..trust me
I just finished watching DBGT, and I think Dragon Ball GT"s fault is Goku being a kid. He seems to take everything so easy. For example he is too relaxed facing the shadow dragons until he gets to the last 3 and it just ruins the seriousness of the issue. Omega Shenron was a excellent last enemy.

About Goku beating Omega Shenron and not SSJ4, I think that was a mistake. Gogeta should have finished him off and finally Vegeta and Goku acknowledge one another strength or something. However I guess the thing they wanted to show was not power but that light always trumps the dark (hence why he used the Spirit Bomb, which was not Goku's energy but all the energy from the universe). Though I think they overplay the spirit bomb all the time.

The ending was kinda dumb, like goku just leaves all foa sudden. God dang it, he has a family....he can't just leave!

Z had to be the best series of the three but it was good to finally give some closure ot the series :D I hope someone one day makes another Dragon Ball Series. More like the adventures of Vegeta after Goku disappeared.