Extreme fear of house lizards!


Sep 3, 2012
Post of the Week
Who else dreads these terrible creatures? :(

I hate summers for this sole reason; I my door with a cloth every night so that it doesn't sneak into my room underneath the door and I have taped every single crack I can find but yet somehow these ninjas manage to get into rooms :(

Tried everything, egg shells, peacock feathers, life boy soap even (yes you read it right) :afridi. Nothing works.

Worst part is I cant even kill them. I'd rather get stabbed to death then confront a lizard.

In summers I walk at a speed of 1 cm an hour in my house. I'm that cautious and when I see one, my heartbeat races and run away as if I'm being chased by a dog.

I've also screamed at times :wahab
Aren't Lizards actually good in the house? We used to have two or three Lizards in our house in India. They mind their own business sitting quietly closer to tubelight and then "BOOM" out of no where that moth that came close to tubelight was engulfed.

If you are talking about BIG Lizards then ok, they might scare you a little, but domestic ones are human friendly, like a cat, who keeps rat away from your house.
Aren't Lizards actually good in the house? We used to have two or three Lizards in our house in India. They mind their own business sitting quietly closer to tubelight and then "BOOM" out of no where that moth that came close to tubelight was engulfed.

If you are talking about BIG Lizards then ok, they might scare you a little, but domestic ones are human friendly, like a cat, who keeps rat away from your house.

Domestic lizards, those disgusting yellowish creatures. EEWWW.
I'd rather have a swamp of moths in my house rather than a solitary lizard.
Ufff I encountered one of those and I nearly ran a mile.

Over here, the worst it gets is the moths in the summer, especially the larger ones. Bloody awful, think I'm gonna get a big swatter and then once it comes in, BANG and I'll get the bugger. Hate 'em, cannot stand them in the house.

Broom doesn't always work, worst thing is when they fly away after trying to strike it with a broom and they become more frantic. Might need some moth balls.
off topic - you guys have life boy soaps in Pakistan?? life boy hai jaha tanduroosti hai wahan:yk
Ufff I encountered one of those and I nearly ran a mile.

Over here, the worst it gets is the moths in the summer, especially the larger ones. Bloody awful, think I'm gonna get a big swatter and then once it comes in, BANG and I'll get the bugger. Hate 'em, cannot stand them in the house.

Broom doesn't always work, worst thing is when they fly away after trying to strike it with a broom and they become more frantic. Might need some moth balls.

Haha, good luck with that !
just use a pellet gun and shoot them, try not too miss or u will end up with dents in the wall.
I used to catch them alive, pack in the plastic bag and throw it in kachra kundi so they don't dare coming back. It worked.
Chipakli. They're so famous in Pakistan. Once I took my cousin's purse, and I threw it at the lizard on the ceiling. I hit it at the target, and the lizard fell down on the floor in a flash. :afridi

And then I ran away screaming. :yk
Why would anyone hate lizards ? They're simple lovable creatures who just mind their own business , don't go through your food , don't jump onto your face and no antennas that try to feel you up.

Roaches on the other hand...*shivers*....
Why would anyone hate lizards ? They're simple lovable creatures who just mind their own business , don't go through your food , don't jump onto your face and no antennas that try to feel you up.

Roaches on the other hand...*shivers*....

This..hate cockroaches
Lizards eat cockroaches too, seen the live action.

man! I have seen lots of stunts done by lizards, I am so great full. I have seen big fat grasshopper being eaten by tiny mouth lizard. AMAZING!

Cockroaches are among the best decomposer, I have seen white (depigmented) blind cockroaches!

Mosquitoes are the one that I dislike. If there is a mosquito in the room, it will say hi to me for sure! My scent/body heat is way too much attractive!
Lizards dont bother anyone anyway, at least the one we used to get in our home back in Pakistan.
My ex gf feared lizard and used to hug me when ever she sees one.So i used to like both of them:asadrauf
I had one crawled into my shalwar once. When I felt something around my calves area I bent down and grabbed it. It felt mushy, soft and pulpy but I was too busy surfing the net so I didn't pay much attention and pressed it with the edge of my thumb nail, and boom !! I had my hand felt soaked. I looked down and it was all blood. I had it slice into two pieces with my thumb nail.

I later thought if I knew it was a lizard crawled up my shalwar, I would have jumped up and down in panic but thanks Internet for not letting me realize it before I killed it. :)
Lizards eat cockroaches too, seen the live action.

man! I have seen lots of stunts done by lizards, I am so great full. I have seen big fat grasshopper being eaten by tiny mouth lizard. AMAZING!

Cockroaches are among the best decomposer, I have seen white (depigmented) blind cockroaches!

Mosquitoes are the one that I dislike. If there is a mosquito in the room, it will say hi to me for sure! My scent/body heat is way too much attractive!
Now a days lizards are very lazy.They don't feed on insects and their favorite food is white rice and other less spicy food remains
God...didnt need that reminder..I feel so soo relieved that im not going to spend my summers in Pk this year.

I fear lizards so much,its pathological..runs in the family as my dad is the same way..Pretty ironic considering im the biggest animal lover you'll ever come across but these things..oh dear god.

Ive had one or two little ones fall on my head in the past and those are the most terrifying experiences ive had...Im soo lucky i havent had to deal with a patient with this phobia,cuz there is no way im doing psychotherapy to desensitize him when i fear them to death myself.i hope i never ever come across one.A colleague once cajoled me into getting such a session myself..it was horrible..just horrible..i quit 10 minutes into it.

They are yellow,wrinkled,ugly and then these background weird noises they make..like the clock ticking sound...The biggest nightmares ive had involve me trapped in a room filled with lizards or a lizard involved in some other way.

and their favourite hangouts are bathrooms..behind the glass mirror or along the tube light.
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Lizards are definitely pesky. Used to have quite a few of them. Then we had a house fire. Cleared them right out. -.-

Haven't had a lizard problem for a while now. I've seen my two dogs killing many a lizard though. They don't let them get past the garden really. :p

I really hate mosquitos, cockroaches and rats though. Especially the roaches. Friggin things reproduce like crazy.
Lizards are definitely pesky. Used to have quite a few of them. Then we had a house fire. Cleared them right out. -.-

Haven't had a lizard problem for a while now. I've seen my two dogs killing many a lizard though. They don't let them get past the garden really. :p

I really hate mosquitos, cockroaches and rats though. Especially the roaches. Friggin things reproduce like crazy.

My cats do the same..I dont like any animal killed like that but im okay with it in this one instance.
How can someone dislike a creature that challenges gravity like it's a piece of cake? :(

Domestic lizard almost never ... never attacks a human. They are always scared of us! And spend so much energy to hide from us or play dead all day long! I think it's quickness and ability to stick on the wall scare us more than anything.

They teach concentration and patience 24/7.
Their tail grow back right?

Many but not all can do that...Older lizards/Bigger ones eg Komodo species generally cant

Its called ''Autotomy''...the new tail isnt the same,has cartilage instead of bone...They cant lose it a second time.
How can someone dislike a creature that challenges gravity like it's a piece of cake? :(

Domestic lizard almost never ... never attacks a human. They are always scared of us! And spend so much energy to hide from us or play dead all day long! I think it's quickness and ability to stick on the wall scare us more than anything.

They teach concentration and patience 24/7.

I dont ''dislike'' the poor creature...its a marvelous squamate reptile in so many ways..A living memory of the mammoth dinosaurs that roamed the earth more than 200 million years ago.

But i fear it to death...the fear itself is Unreasonable considering the tiny harmless creature but thats how phobias are..they are illogical and a pathology
so its not only me

i used to be fine with dogs, snakes, lion cubs and whatnot but domestic lizards used to scare the crap out of me.
spent many sleepless nights out of the fear that there is a lizard in my room
I dont ''dislike'' the poor creature...its a marvelous squamate reptile in so many ways..A living memory of the mammoth dinosaurs that roamed the earth more than 200 million years ago.

But i fear it to death...the fear itself is Unreasonable considering the tiny harmless creature but thats how phobias are..they are illogical and a pathology

I don't think you have that extreme phobia or a pathology otherwise you probably wouldn't have even posted a picture of it. :23:

Creature phobias are very interesting. Esp. for those who have never encountered them ever in their life, but they just have it by just looking at it from the distance.

I guess, if Lizards hadn't fallen on to you, you might have been in better place. I guess method of 'flooding' should be tried on you. :yk A room full of lizards and you. BOOM. You are cured in few hours or a day or two.
Lizards are good for hugs.
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I became super man once having red towel wrapped around my neck and was running. Dog chased like crazy for like few seconds. My heart pumped like crazy for few minutes. I went inside the house and then after few minute, came out like a boss without the towel obviously, ran after Dog and yelled 'tera problem kya hai be, chal nikal' ... lol I had a stone in my hand though. :))

I have picture of me crying (I was like 2 or something) and python is wrapped around my neck at Zoo. I don't remember that obviously.

Thanks a lot Dad! Real mature!
Extreme fear of lizards! hate summers :(

i beg you to delete the lizard pics from this thread and never post again. Please. I won't be able to visit it otherwise. I have placed my hand on the screen while posting this
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Another childhood incidence:

I tried taking out "fleas" from the street dog with wearing gloves obviously. Poor Dog was getting sucked and was scratching like every other minute. I didn't have internet or knowledge how to take them off. So How naive I was to even attempt that? :facepalm: They were so fast, and that idiot Dog wasn't standing still! I saw one being out Dog skin and fell like few feet away. It climbed back on to Dog instantly, I was like 'ugh!!!'
In the childhood days we also used to chopped a piece off its tail that keeps on dancing for a few minutes before it dies off.
I remember them very well, but was not scared of them, never paid much attention.

But why are people so much afraid of them? Are they poisonous or is it the terrible feeling of finding them stuck to your clothes?
The OP probably missed the capital "a" after "n" in his username...

He can enjoy watching the "Harry Potter" but can not tolerate the picture of a lizard hugging a cat...:p
I don't think you have that extreme phobia or a pathology otherwise you probably wouldn't have even posted a picture of it. :23:

Creature phobias are very interesting. Esp. for those who have never encountered them ever in their life, but they just have it by just looking at it from the distance.

I guess, if Lizards hadn't fallen on to you, you might have been in better place. I guess method of 'flooding' should be tried on you. :yk A room full of lizards and you. BOOM. You are cured in few hours or a day or two.

The posting picture is my way of trying to accept/rationalize the fear..it doesnt work crap though..

Nooooooooo...No flooding ....No ...though It wud be 'decisive' and much quicker than SD..i would either die of a heart attack or i wont be scared of them anymore....the prior seems likelier though..

Flooding isnt practiced that much in the modern era..We reserve it for unique cases...Systematic desensitization is more common...it is less traumatic and the success rate is much better than Flooding..
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i beg you to delete the lizard pics from this thread and never post again. Please. I won't be able to visit it otherwise. I have placed my hand on the screen while posting this

My apologies....Im as scared of them as you are..the picture was my way of handling the fear...Will take it off Immediately.

EDIT:looks like i cant edit the post anymore..sorry..a mod will have to do it i guess
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I hate most creepy crawlies but these lizards never have bothered me at all, just recently been on a 3 week holiday to Pakistan and there were a few on the walls on ceilings.

One particular incident I recall is where I bought a spray that supposedly kills mosquitos etc so I used the spray in the toilet and don't know if the darn spray killed any mosquitos but it seemed to have an affect on the cockroaches as before I knew it loads of them start to pop out of pipes and from behind the sink and the problem was the spray wasn't killing them but was just making them go crazy and they were running around like mental so I had to stomp the darn things all in all killed around a dozen of them. Must have taken out the whole crew as never saw any again whilst I was there LOL.
The posting picture is my way of trying to accept/rationalize the fear..it doesnt work crap though..

Nooooooooo...No flooding ....No ...though It wud be 'decisive' and much quicker than SD..i would either die of a heart attack or i wont be scared of them anymore....the prior seems likelier though..

Flooding isnt practiced that much in the modern era..We reserve it for unique cases...Systematic desensitization is more common...it is less traumatic and the success rate is much better than Flooding..

As the saying goes Doctors are the among the toughest patient to treat. Because they already know what's happening to them so has managed to build tough barrier to comply with undesirable treatment. :D

I am sure if you really be faithful with SD, you can remove this phobia gradually. But I understand how tough is that, as tough as convincing someone to quite smoking.

Here is my suggestion (lol I am giving you a suggestion)

1) Photo of a lizard a day for two months. Just view them for a minute or a second. That's it. Different pic next day.

2) A video of lizard for 6 months.

3) Watch them from some distance once a week.

4) Then 3 days a week.

5) Then 4 days a week.

6) then 7 days a week.

7) Move closer .. closer ... closer .. you know the drill.

8) Final Destination: Go to Zoo and ask zookeeper to hold it while you watch. Then eventually, you manage to touch it. Boom. You are cured.

:)) Easier said then done, but not impossible and you know it!
Lizards scare the crap out of me but cockroaches, I can't find a stronger enough word to describe my disgust, extreme fear and hatred for this creature.
Lizards scare the crap out of me but cockroaches, I can't find a stronger enough word to describe my disgust, extreme fear and hatred for this creature.

in my pharmacology practical, we had to test the efficiency of an insecticide on cockroaches

you grab the cockroach and place a drop on its abdomen
the demonstrators brought two massive as hell beakers all filled half way with cockroaches.

i was surprised at how calm people were just grabbing the cockroach
even this one girl was doing it!
but then again this is australia
Lizard is Snake's sister, those who are chugal-khor in this life will become Lizard in next.

Clean your room properly, wet wipe the locations like top of Almirah etc, then Lizards will vanish from your room.
I suggest OP to meditate on God's name, I also used to have this phobia. With rise in spiritual level, all phobias, fears, anxiety, depression will say Goodbye and you will start to see God in every creature.
As the saying goes Doctors are the among the toughest patient to treat. Because they already know what's happening to them so has managed to build tough barrier to comply with undesirable treatment. :D

I am sure if you really be faithful with SD, you can remove this phobia gradually. But I understand how tough is that, as tough as convincing someone to quite smoking.

Here is my suggestion (lol I am giving you a suggestion)

1) Photo of a lizard a day for two months. Just view them for a minute or a second. That's it. Different pic next day.

2) A video of lizard for 6 months.

3) Watch them from some distance once a week.

4) Then 3 days a week.

5) Then 4 days a week.

6) then 7 days a week.

7) Move closer .. closer ... closer .. you know the drill.

8) Final Destination: Go to Zoo and ask zookeeper to hold it while you watch. Then eventually, you manage to touch it. Boom. You are cured.

:)) Easier said then done, but not impossible and you know it!

LOL, I'm a phobia. :)))
in our village they say if a lizard falls on someone,he/she should immediately take bath otherwise he/she will become a untouchable in next birth:yk
Who else dreads these terrible creatures? :(

I hate summers for this sole reason; I my door with a cloth every night so that it doesn't sneak into my room underneath the door and I have taped every single crack I can find but yet somehow these ninjas manage to get into rooms :(

Tried everything, egg shells, peacock feathers, life boy soap even (yes you read it right) :afridi. Nothing works.

Worst part is I cant even kill them. I'd rather get stabbed to death then confront a lizard.

In summers I walk at a speed of 1 cm an hour in my house. I'm that cautious and when I see one, my heartbeat races and run away as if I'm being chased by a dog.

I've also screamed at times :wahab

Now that's what I am talking about

What the heck?

I'm not gonna click on that video ever haha :asif
Looks like a lot of people have issues with these pathetic low lives :hammad
Extreme fear of lizards! hate summers :(

Lol I remember the first time I went to Pakistan I nearly squashed one and ended up hitting it with a shoe .It fell of the wall and went out but after a while you get used to them they don't do anything .
I have a similar fear of wasps, bees and hornets(more than the other two and they're a dime a dozen around these parts). On top of that, I despise bright sunlight(and sunny days in general) and hot weather so I spend pretty much the entire non-summer part of the year(all 2 months of it) praying that through some freak act of nature, Pakistan's weather gets more .. Sweden-ey.
For those that have arachnophobia, you eat on average 3 spiders a year during sleep.
<Who needs a source on the internet?>
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use the infamous tinkay wali jharoo to pierce through and kill them on the spot, and then straight into dustbin :asif
Never seen a lizard in my life except on t.V. .. The summer is not so hot here so i guess thats why there are no lizards here.
I did not care about lizards.

Then one day many years ago, my old blind dog swallowed a lizard accidently and died.

I still don't care about lizards chilling on my walls. I never liked the dog anyway. It barked a lot.
Re: Extreme fear of lizards! hate summers :(

One got into my shalwar once... That's probably the worst moment of my life so far.....
@Mamoon - I am 31 years old and I am still so afraid of Geckos and all kinds of reptiles (worst has been House Lizards). I nearly get an epilepsy(not joking) every time when I had to encounter a House Lizard suddenly (even if it is not at the touching distance). In my home I have got more than 50 house lizards of various sizes and ages. I dread the thought of opening doors (grill gates as well as wooden door/bath room door) at night time due to fear of one of these lizards falling on to my head.

What's worse is in my part of the world having house lizards is considered to be auspicious (some say it is the form of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu) and I am not the one who wants to hurt any living thing (not for the religious reasons) even a lizard which i am so afraid of.
Had my first encounter of the summer today. Yikes. :sohail
Man, you are a wimp.

I once tried to kill a baby lizard with my kola-puri chappal. Missed. Severed its hand, and the little rascal just hid somewhere before I could finish it off.

Then I took pictures of it and tagged all my phobic friends in it :))

But generally, I hate lizards too..