

ODI Debutant
Feb 19, 2005
1. Please tell us a bit about yourself, it could be anything that you want
to share with us

My first meeting with cricket was about a decade ago. I was in my Nana’s
house in Pakistan and he was watching a test between England and Pakistan.The Farid Interview

1. Please tell us a bit about yourself, it could be anything that you want
to share with us

My first meeting with cricket was about a decade ago. I was in my Nana’s
house in Pakistan and he was watching a test between England and Pakistan.
I didn’t have any idea what was happening but straight away I started to
support England. I didn’t watch the match, as I realised it had been on for
about 3 days but every time Dominic Cork got the ball I made sure I was
watching. His sun cream and charisma made him my first ever favorite

2. I understand you play/have affiliation with Surrey U15s

I played for Surrey u12 and u13 but a poor second year meant I didn’t get
trials for u14. At the end of last year however I got given trials for this
year’s u15 team. InshAllah I will get in. I have represented my division
however for the past three years. (North East and Central League)

I started off as a wicket keeper, but at the age of 9, my coach told me
to field for one match. I came on to bowl and took it a wicket first ball.
I never kept again. I broke the record for most wickets in a season (21)
(which was held by current Surrey player Tim Murtagh) bowling huge in
dippers. Then suddenly one summer i put on lots of pace, and lost the
ability to swing the ball. I opened the bolwing at a terrifying pace for my
age but very harmless to the wickets. Just last season i refound my swing
and managed to add an outswinger to my pace. So i hope this year is

When i was breaking bowling records, i could only play one shot. The sweep
to fast bowlers! But whilst my bowling deteriated my batting improved and
once whilst captain of my school, batting at 3, i scored 61* of 20 overs out
of a score of 85-9! Amazingly we won! Last year i hit 4 sixes in one over
against anohter Pakistani which made me think that i could be a hard htting
opener. So once again, i hope this year is the beginning of Farid the

Q. Depending on what you are, what is your criteria for a good player of
your type?

A. All-rounders my age have bits and pieces moments. One match they could
hit 50* and get slaughtered with the ball and the next the complete
opposite. I believe a player must keep his two games completley seperated.
When bowling believe bowling is his job for the match and try and take
wickets. And whilst batting think as yourslef as Inzi batting for Pakistan
as a number 4. Not as an Abdur Razzaq, so if you get a 20 odd with the bat
you have done your job and are just a 5th seamer.

3. your favourite Pak player and non Pak player and why they are your
favourites ?

Even though his moments of madness sometimes leads to Pakistan’s downfall,
Shahid Afridi is the man for me. Every time he gets a quick 40 odd we are
all guilty of saying “Afridi is a new player” and draft him in to our World
Elevens! No one in World Cricket can excite you so much.

Non-Pakistani would have to be Brian Lara. His wand of a bat and his
amazing back lift makes him a joy to watch. When he was on about 140 odd
against England this year, you could tell that he wouldn’t let it go and
ended up reaching 400. He is also a good captain.

4. favourite cricketing moment?

I can’t think of one clear favourite moment but I remember being very happy
when (in no particular order):

1) Pakistan beat NZ in 99 World Cup semi final.
2) Saqlain getting hat-trick against Zimbabwe in 99.
3) Shoaib hitting 100mph against England.
4) Every time we beat India (although it is starting to get tiresome)

5. Who has the best county youngsters at present, and which players at
your age group should we look out for?

I’m not sure who has the best county youngsters. But I am fairly sure Surrey
is up there. The only time I remember losing cleary was against a
Representative Eleven in Guildford. In Surrey, at my age group there are
loads of talented players. Watch out for Symes, Burns,
Lancefield and Windslade.

As a youngster how do you perceive cricketers - idols, role models, or
just sportsmen?

I think it depends on who the cricketer is. I remember when all the
Pakistanis my age saw Shoaib bowl he would have his chain coming out of
shirt, flapping about. Straight away we all went out and bought chains and
wore them when bowling. Also the Imran Farhat bandana whilst batting, or
the Afridi cap under helmet caught on. If a player has something unique
about them, he suddenly becomes more than just a sportsmen.

6.Your favourite PPers and why?

I don’t post nearly as often on PP as I do on other sites, so I don’t know
much about anyone. Although the guys who I play and lose to in the Pool
Tournaments are nice guys, and I know Amjid Javed has legendary status
spending all day on PP ;)

7. Which player do you look up to and why?

This may seem harsh, but I do not look up to any of the Pakistani players as
people. As individuals I think at times they can start to think to much of
themselves. I have met Saqlain on a few occasions and he is friendly. At
Surrey I have been taught by Gary Buthcer (Mark’s brother) and he is quite
cool. In terms of playing style I like Ponting and Waqar.

How big a part does spin play in cricket?

In the sub-continent spin wins matches. To have a Murali, Qadir, Saqi
instead of a Giles, Croft or Tufnell is a huge advantage. If you look at
Kumble’s record the amount of wickets he has taken in Asia is phenomenal.

Any young spinners comin up in your age group?

Tom Windslade is the one to watch. He is one of the best finger spinners in
the south of England. Also, once when I was playing in the Isle of Wight in
a tour match, they had a young Asian spinner. He was turning the ball miles
and skittled us out with his of spinners. What struck me was the amount of
variation he had. All I remember about him was that everyone was calling
him Saqi.

8. It was a long time ago that I was 15 and as you grow old you tend to
forget how it was back then, so tell me what is it like to be a 15 yr old
boy? What kind of pressures do you face, what kind of hopes do you have
from people or friends?

I’m 14 at the moment. Asian’s im my opinion face the most pressure. 10
minutes ago, my friend knocked on my door to ask for a tape ball and if I
wanted to play cricket. I know that if I am out there now practicing
cricket with them I can make it to the top. However, I am at home because
my Dad and Mum want me at home studying. Friends want to do the best stuff,
whereas parents seem to want to do the sensible stuff.

9. What are your areas of interest and would you like to tell us about
some of them?

I love football. I support Chelsea but because they are so expensive I go
and watch Palace up the road. I think that what Chelsea are building at the
moment may result in taking football to a whole new level. I hate swimming
lessons, but enjoy swimming. And if you gave me the option to be on the
Bahamas, London or in Gulberg playing cricket with my cousin and his friends
in a gully I would take that option. It is there were I learnt my tricks.

10. What are the causes for Pakistan's poor performance in Australia? Do
you think Inzi is a good captain and why?

No team goes to Aus expecting to win, but for some reason we are all
shell-shocked we lost. Australia are simply too good. 5 years ago, if some
commentator mentioned Pakistani cricket, a non-Pakistani would think of
swing, pace, passion etc. Now they see that we can’t even fill a stadium
for a test against India. I believe Pakistan need a one superstar to
re-sparkle everyone’s love. Salman butt could be that man, but I would love
for it too be a bowler to carry on our tradition. I think that Inzi is an
ok captain. The only good thing about him is that he may play the odd
heroic captains knock here and there. We all know he lacks charisma. I
also believe we don’t have a ready made captain in the wings. The captain
doesn’t have to be the best player…

11. Your thoughts on PP
Like I said before, I don’t post much on PP but I know that is the home of
some of the kindest people on the net and most passionate (at times crazy)
Pakistani fans. Some stay up all night watching Cricket and adding updates
to Amjid’s thread. It is the home of Pakistani cricket on the net!

Jive Jive Pakistans question:

who will the future stars for pak for u?

You all know alot more about Pakistani domestic cricket than me so i dont
really know. Names who i think will be big are Salman Butt, Abdur Rauf,
Danish, Hasan Raza, Irshard.

Farhads question-

How does it feel being a Pakistani in the Surrey cricket set-up? Ever
noticed any discrimination from high up?

How are they rating Chucky's chances ... as much as they rated Saqlain?

No discrimination at all at Surrey. Infact in my age group, year above and
year below there are atleast 5 Pakistanis alone in each squad. I think the
reputation of Waqar and Saqlain playing fro Surrey has definetly helped. At
my school however, 3 years above me there was 2 Pakistanis, and one Sri
Lankan in the team. Come the tour of Australia for them, all 3 were chosen
and instead a scorer was taken. If that isn't racism i donno what is!

I can't say much abvout "Chucky", excpet he will have to do alot at Surrey
to be mentioned in ht same breath as Saqi. Im just a youth player, so i
can't say what they expect. Although there was a sense of excitment when he
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