Feedback on Pakistani brands


Tape Ball Regular
May 31, 2010
This topic leads on from a discussion I had with Asad bhai recently. Most of us on the forum have used cricket equipment from Pakistani brands at one point in our cricketing lives. How do you feel Pakistani brands compete on the world stage and what suggestions would you offer them. We do have a few retailers on the forum who deal with these brands and such is the breadth of the forum you never know who might read it!

On a recent trip to Pakistan I was able to source a beautiful CA 20-20 bat for Rs. 3500/ $40 which was an absolute steal. The quality of the bats generally was impressive and if one was willing to look beyond the branding the prices were probably the lowest you would find anywhere in the world for quality cricketing gear.
I did not look much into the softs but my previous experience has been a little disappointing.

So from my limited experience over the years I will start and list a few suggestions I have for Pakistani brands if they want to compete on the world stage.

1. They need to radically improve their general branding specially the quality of their stickers. Also I have found that with branding less is more though this may be a personal preference.

2. Brands such as CA need to reduce the number of ranges and vastly improve and simplify their ranging schemes. The numbering scheme made some sense when it corresponded to the number of runs Inzamam made but is now simply ludicrous.

3. There generally is not a discernible difference between profiles from one range to another. Sometimes bats in one range do not have a consistent (I don’t mean CNC consistent) profile.

4. Have different players endorse different ranges which one range being the flagship. At one point last year half the Pakistani team seemed to be using CA 12000 range. Malik are the same with most of the sponsored players using MB Bubber Sher. It looks a lot like Pakistani political parties having scores of Senior Vice Presidents.

5. They should invest some money into trying to improve equipment other then bats and try to differentiate them self through this. What confidence would a discerning cricketer have in buying Pakistani softs when most of the sponsored players simply rebrand GMs and Pumas.

These are just a few points and I would like PPers to follow suit. I would stake that Pakistani bats are among the best in the world and there is no reason why they can’t improve branding. I do recognize that even without changing anything on their branding they have enough domestic demand to sustain them but I believe they should think bigger.
I am meeting CA owner on his visit to UK next month and will be happy to ask any questions forum members have
Great thread Opener Bhai :14:.

1. Stickers quality is fine I'd say but branding is must.

The onus is really on Pakistani brands to change the branding. I mean your bats are in international market and they are begin used in each and every corner of the world so having names like 'Sher Amin' 'Bubber Sher' etc is idiotic. To be honest, those names sound as it is Lion King's family.

2 & 3. Absolutely! The number of ranges should decrease. The example I would give is of Newbery and Salix, they have 3-5 ranges and in each range they have 2-3 grade bats. Simple, concise and effective.

4. Exactly! There were times when CA Gold was flag ship then came Inzi 329 then came CA 10000 Plus then came CA 12000 Plus and list is endless. See GM there flagship range is Icon and they have it for years and years.

5. Thats true, however, I'd say the quality lately has been quite impressive. When I started playing cricket in 2009 I had used/seen CA, MB Malik and AM ranges and if I pick up todays top of the line range from CA, MB Malik and AM I would say they have significantly improved. Comfort level has indeed gotten quite better. However, CA gloves even today have crap velcro strap. After some time they just wear out.

Many people complain about the finish and handles. In a thread earlier Tom mentioned that the reason why foreigner and his ex company didn't get bats made from a Pakistani brand was because in there opinion the handles were of poor quality and finishing was not good. So I would say CA should use rubber strips instead of cork/rubber mixed and have thicker handles.
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I am meeting CA owner on his visit to UK next month and will be happy to ask any questions forum members have

I would be quite grateful to you if you can pass on the feedbacks and suggestion listed in this thread to CA owner, Javed.

In summary please suggest;

1. Use better handles (rubber strips instead of cork/rubber mixed) and have thicker handles. Also make oval handles standard, I know MB Malik has oval handles not too sure about CA. Lastly make the handles thicker, I know in Pakistan people have small hands, hence, they prefer thin handles BUT I feel that ALL export bats should have thicker handles.

2. Have concise stickers. To be honest, I see no need for BIG 'C' and 'A' sticker on the back. Also make front one concise too!

3. As Opener Bhai said have fewer ranges and they should have different colour scheme for them.

4. Have different profiles, CA TRD/Y-King/CA 15000 Plus all three have more or less same profiles. Change them and have different profiles.

5. Use better velcro straps on gloves.

6. For export market have Genuine English Pittards on one range. I know there won't be any buyers in Pakistan who would spend Rs. 6000 on a pair of gloves!

7. As Opener Bhai said have one flagship range.

8. As Opener Bhai said invest in softs.

If you can pass this message onto CA owner, I would be extremely grateful to you!
Uzair u have saved me writing questions as I wanted to discuss almost all the points you and Opener bhai has raised.
Good stuff
we should give our feedback to help our Pakistan Sports Industry


Uzair u have saved me writing questions as I wanted to discuss almost all the points you and Opener bhai has raised.
Good stuff
we should give our feedback to help our Pakistan Sports Industry



Exactly, top post.

If he takes them on board and implements them then hopefully CA will make its name!

Do keep us updated how meeting goes, he is coming to select the willows from JS?
Exactly, top post.

If he takes them on board and implements them then hopefully CA will make its name!

Do keep us updated how meeting goes, he is coming to select the willows from JS?
Yes he is coming to see the JS guys plus few other meetings
I'll update u after the meeting
Yes he is coming to see the JS guys plus few other meetings
I'll update u after the meeting

Brilliant, JazaakAllah Khair!

Yaar they pick and hand select each clefts themselves? That would take years as CA make loads of bats.
An excellent thread, and very good summary of where improvements can be made.
Thanks Guy!

Would request the feedback of non- Pakistani members specially those who have experience in the industry such as Tom and Jason.
Well I'm very happy with the way they are now, I dont want many changes. I would like MB Malik to make same quality bats they use to 6/7 year ago. Bats like MB Sarfi, gold, Zulfi performance of these bats was better then English and Indian bats combined but they didnt maintain this quality for long... now they just have over hyped bats like sher amins and bubber shers, these are no where near as same quality and they dont press these bats like they use to...
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hello everyone

The question i would ask the owners of CA is is that because of prices increasing of PAKISTANI BATS IN PARTICULAR CA.

You seem to find an increase in FAKE Bats offered online to the pblic.

These are usually the top Models ie CA12000 TRD.

I see on the forum we have had questions about these bats.

I think the manufactuers need to do something about this.

If i am going to pay £200 for a bat i expect to get a top quality bat that is geniue.
Lets have asian bats with thicker oval shaped handles. the handles are a let down. i think all of the bats i had either went in the handle or the toe.

CA has too many models in its range.

At the very least lets get the Pakistani bats on par with the Indian bats, in terms of consistent quality, finishing and performance.
Lets have asian bats with thicker oval shaped handles. the handles are a let down. i think all of the bats i had either went in the handle or the toe.

CA has too many models in its range.

At the very least lets get the Pakistani bats on par with the Indian bats, in terms of consistent quality, finishing and performance.
I agree with you on handle but any bat will go from Toe and none of the manufacturer cover breakage from Toe as it is not regarded as manufacturing fault.
The feedback has been good, i will certainly mention to him regarding the points which have been raised here.
I think CA is the only brand from Pakistan whose quality is comparable to any Indian bats.


Not enough animals on their stickers. Besides MB.