'Fight Club' producer: Secretly helped Israel develop its nuclear weapons program


Local Club Captain
Sep 4, 2010
Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan confirmed what has been rumored for decades -- that he secretly helped Israel develop its nuclear weapons program.
Milchan, who has produced dozens of major movies and worked with the biggest stars, worked for Israel's now-defunct spy unit Bureau of Scientific Relations, he told Israeli television's Uvda "Fact 14" show.
A 2011 book detailed Milchan's secret work, but until now he has not talked openly about his life of espionage. Milchan, whose films include "Fight Club," "Pretty Woman," and "L.A. Confidential," set up and operated dozens of companies that helped Israel obtain parts and plans for its nuclear project in the 1980s, he said.
"I did it for my country and I'm proud of it," Milchan told interviewer Ilana Dayan in a report aired this week.
His spy work was a rumor in the 1980s when Milchan was producing movies, including "The King of Comedy" and "Once Upon a Time in America" with actor Robert De Niro.
De Niro sat with Milchan for an interview with Dayan for the show. He said he suspected something about the producer's "ventures" decades ago, but "I wasn't sure."
He didn't question his producer about the rumors because "it wasn't my business," he said. "He didn't ask me certain things and I don't ask him. "
"Do you know what it was like to be a 20-something guy whose country decided to let him be James Bond? Wow! The action! That was exciting," Milchan told Dayan.
Milchan: 'Wow! The action! That was exciting'

Milchan -- born in 1944 in what was then Palestine -- was a successful young businessman in the United States when his friend Shimon Peres -- who later became Israel's prime minister -- recruited him to help after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Uvda report said.
Israeli spy officials used bank accounts set up by Milchan to make weapons-related purchases around the world, including helicopters and missiles, the report said.
"Do you know what it was like to be a 20-something guy whose country decided to let him be James Bond? Wow! The action! That was exciting," Milchan told Dayan.
Milchan told how he convinced a German engineer to let him photograph plans for a nuclear facility.
When the FBI discovered one of his companies was used to ship nuclear triggers to Israel without proper licenses, it resulted in the 1985 indictment of an executive who was involved. Charges against Milchan were dropped by the Reagan administration.
"I didn't know Israel ordered the triggers," Milchan told Dayan. "I didn't even know what triggers were."
He also acknowledged helping the government of South Africa with public relations when it was under intense international criticism and sanctions because of its apartheid system. His help was in exchange for uranium supplied to Israel from South Africa, he said.
Director Sidney Pollack, whose films included "Tootsie" and "Out of Africa," was "my partner in export in aerospace, planes, all kinds of things, with license," Milchan said. "He had to decide what he was willing and what he was not. On many things he said 'No.' Many things he said 'Yes.' "
Milchan is a multi-billionaire, but he insisted that he never profited from his spy work.

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Well Israel is a responsible state and it's nuclear WEAPONS are for peaceful purposes only so Milchan should get noble peace prize just like Obama for his peace enhancing activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why don't the US arrest nuclear proliferators like this who spied in their Country for a foreign power?
I still love the movie though and will watch his future releases @s28
[MENTION=107620]s28[/MENTION] me while I watch Fight Club:

Why don't the US arrest nuclear proliferators like this who spied in their Country for a foreign power?

Read up on Jonathan Pollard and Lawrence Franklin. Not specifically related to proliferation but the principal is the same.
Israel are ahead of everyone else especially when it comes to innovation with regards to aerial autonomy, given the resources they have expended on 'defence' it's not out of this world to suggest they have nukes, they are ruthless when it comes to ensuring their military supremacy in every facet and dare I say even up there with the RAF !
You've avoided answering the question.

I thought the answer was well known.

Their own nuclear technician John Crossman blew the whistle to the UK press in 1986. Im surprised you cant remember it was big news at the time apparently. He as then abducted by Mossad and spent around 20 years in jail.
I thought the answer was well known.

Their own nuclear technician John Crossman blew the whistle to the UK press in 1986. Im surprised you cant remember it was big news at the time apparently. He as then abducted by Mossad and spent around 20 years in jail.
[MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] is quite an expert on military and political matters. However he does occasionally feign ignorance as a form of tactic to deflect attention away from certain matters. This is one of those occasions.
[MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] is quite an expert on military and political matters. However he does occasionally feign ignorance as a form of tactic to deflect attention away from certain matters. This is one of those occasions.

I was very surprised Robert being as knowledgeable as he is, thought Israel has no nukes. :)

Saddam was thought to be developing WMDs, Iraq was bombed heavily, invaded and occupied even after UN inspectors found nothing.

I cant remember any UN inspectors taking a trip to the apartheid , occupying state of Israel?
I thought the answer was well known.

Their own nuclear technician John Crossman blew the whistle to the UK press in 1986. Im surprised you cant remember it was big news at the time apparently. He as then abducted by Mossad and spent around 20 years in jail.

I don't recall, I was busy with my B.Sc. finals.

General Colin Powell thinks the IDF has 200 nuclear warheads, but the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists think he is exaggerating by about 100 warheads.
I was very surprised Robert being as knowledgeable as he is, thought Israel has no nukes. :)

Saddam was thought to be developing WMDs, Iraq was bombed heavily, invaded and occupied even after UN inspectors found nothing.

I cant remember any UN inspectors taking a trip to the apartheid , occupying state of Israel?

He wasn't "thought to", he had them and used them to gas the Kurds. Israel never used WMDs.

Then Hans Blix found that Saddam had more, and saw these decommissioned as per UN Resolution 1441. I remain convinced that not all were decommissioned, hence the invasion of 2003. If so, where did they go? I think Saddam gave them to the Syrians, as he did many if his MiG-29s.
I don't recall, I was busy with my B.Sc. finals.

General Colin Powell thinks the IDF has 200 nuclear warheads, but the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists think he is exaggerating by about 100 warheads.

Israel does not even deny that it is nuclear-armed, it just refuses to confirm it. This is the Israeli government's official policy on the issue, believe it or not. Because there is no legitimate way for Israel to be sanctioned by the UN as a nuclear-armed state, it just relies on good old Uncle Sam for care and secrecy instead.
Israel does not even deny that it is nuclear-armed, it just refuses to confirm it. This is the Israeli government's official policy on the issue, believe it or not. Because there is no legitimate way for Israel to be sanctioned by the UN as a nuclear-armed state, it just relies on good old Uncle Sam for care and secrecy instead.

In fact in Cold war when US was doing those nuclear tests left and right , I am sure couple of those devices would have been Israeli ones. Indirectly they would have helped Israel test their nuke warhead
He wasn't "thought to", he had them and used them to gas the Kurds. Israel never used WMDs.

Then Hans Blix found that Saddam had more, and saw these decommissioned as per UN Resolution 1441. I remain convinced that not all were decommissioned, hence the invasion of 2003. If so, where did they go? I think Saddam gave them to the Syrians, as he did many if his MiG-29s.

CIA helped Saddam gas the Kurds. No WMD's were found before the invasion but do you also believe Saddam could hit the UK in 45 mins?

As for what Israel has done, sorry to say Robert but you no knowledge of this terrorist state at all.

I suggest some bed time reading before you defend such a inhumane entity

CIA helped Saddam gas the Kurds. No WMD's were found before the invasion but do you also believe Saddam could hit the UK in 45 mins?

As for what Israel has done, sorry to say Robert but you no knowledge of this terrorist state at all.

I suggest some bed time reading before you defend such a inhumane entity


I never believed the 45 minute thing. Obviously Saddam had no MRBMs capable of reaching London. He could barely hit Tel Aviv in 1991.

That link is interesting, thanks. I'm not sure that the low-level chemical and biological releases described count as WMD, as Britain and Germany used on each other in WW1 and Saddam also deployed against the Iranian army. Nevertheless it would appear that Israel is in breach if the Chemical Weapons Convention 1997.
I never believed the 45 minute thing. Obviously Saddam had no MRBMs capable of reaching London. He could barely hit Tel Aviv in 1991.

That link is interesting, thanks. I'm not sure that the low-level chemical and biological releases described count as WMD, as Britain and Germany used on each other in WW1 and Saddam also deployed against the Iranian army. Nevertheless it would appear that Israel is in breach if the Chemical Weapons Convention 1997.

North Korea hasn't really attacked any other state and although I have no love for such a nation, I think it's important to see Israel as dangerous as anyone out there. If there was to be another war between Israel and the Arab nations, I dont think it would hesitate to use anything in its arsenal including nukes.
North Korea hasn't really attacked any other state and although I have no love for such a nation, I think it's important to see Israel as dangerous as anyone out there. If there was to be another war between Israel and the Arab nations, I dont think it would hesitate to use anything in its arsenal including nukes.

I can't think Egypt and Syria would start another conflict with Israel as they have been soundly beaten three times, and Israel commands the Golan Heights.

Israel has been quite quiet since they invaded Lebanon in 1982, I think.

NK is alarming because of the closeness of two nuclear armed states in China and Russia, plus ROK and Japan who are US Allies. I think the only way to fix this is for China to threaten to annex NK unless they stop the provocations of firing missiles over other countries.