Gray Nicolls Powerbow Players edition Review


Oct 17, 2011
So I decided to get a new bat for next season, and guys let me tell you, its an absolute belter of a bat! For those of you who live in Canada in the GTA area, I got it from Qasra sports.

Paid 280 dollars for it (175 pounds), so a pretty good deal.

So it weighs 2.9, and it feels a little bit lighter, maybe 2.8. Its got an excellent pickup/balance. The profile is very thick for the weight and its got some big edges too. As far as the sweetspot is concerned, it is jut massive! I bounced a ball on it and it pings from all areas of the bat! Im currently knocking it in and its sounding better and better every day. I used it in the nets once, got some throwdowns and it seemes as though I was middling everything. The only thing I dont like about this bat is that the handle is a bit thin for my liking but that can be resolved by double gripping it.

Couple of pics below, let me know if anyone wants any other pictures of the bat, all criticism welcome :)







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Looks lovely! Do you mind telling me the edge size?

Did you have a look at Hagee Sports? He seem to have Gray Nicolls cheaper, I got my Gray Nicolls Legend from him on a very good price!

What other bats have you got if you don't mind me asking?
Looks lovely! Do you mind telling me the edge size?

Did you have a look at Hagee Sports? He seem to have Gray Nicolls cheaper, I got my Gray Nicolls Legend from him on a very good price!

What other bats have you got if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks CD!

The edge size (im guessing but will measure when I have time) is about 37 mm.

Funny story actually, I was going to buy a Gray nicolls quantum LE from hagee, and I was getting a good deal at 350, but I decided to take a trip to qasra before I bought it. I guess I just liked the powerbow better otherwise I would have gotten a bat from hagee.

I am using a MRF genius, a GM Catalyst 909, and a Kookaburra Kahuna 600.
No worries!

Looks quite good for 2.8 bat! Big gun it is!

I have 2009 model Gray Nicolls and it is amazing bat, I wish I can get another one like that :(
haha yea it sure is! yea some of those oldies are real guns mate!!! I sure hope you do get another like that, just gotta search around for those hidden beauties!
haha yea it sure is! yea some of those oldies are real guns mate!!! I sure hope you do get another like that, just gotta search around for those hidden beauties!

I have searched every where and can't find it.

Do you know if AK Pro still exists or not in Oakville?

What softs do you use if you don't mind me asking and which league do you play in?
Nope, Ak pro closed down a while ago.

About a week ago I recieved GM 909 d30 gloves, and slazenger Elite X-lite batting pads, if you want I would be glad to do a review of them too.

I play in the TDCL, for Mississauga ramblers.
So I jut got a chance to measure the edge, and at the widest point they are exactly 38.5 mm

WOW! Quite massive for its weight!

Nope, Ak pro closed down a while ago.

About a week ago I recieved GM 909 d30 gloves, and slazenger Elite X-lite batting pads, if you want I would be glad to do a review of them too.

I play in the TDCL, for Mississauga ramblers.

Ah okay I had bought my Powerbow from Ak Pro its a 3 Star but amazing bat still.

I wouldn't mind actually it would be very kind of you if you can review them too!

Great! I am thinking of joining Ramblers too! :D How is the club etc?
On it, will get the review up hopefully tomorrow :)

Excellent club, got some of the best players from the GTA here. Best thing about Ramblers is that a lot of players from this club make it to the canadian team. If you looking for good coaching and quality practices, this is NOT the club for you. But if your looking to play amongst the top players in the GTA, then by all means this is a great club! hope you join bro.
On it, will get the review up hopefully tomorrow :)

Excellent club, got some of the best players from the GTA here. Best thing about Ramblers is that a lot of players from this club make it to the canadian team. If you looking for good coaching and quality practices, this is NOT the club for you. But if your looking to play amongst the top players in the GTA, then by all means this is a great club! hope you join bro.

No worries take your time no rush!

I am not thinking of making my way to Canadian team nor I wish to.

I spoke with President, Roy as I know him personally and he said Ramblers have coaches [not professional ones but senior players or good players they coach young guys etc so not sure with your statement].

What do you mean that they don't have quality practices?

Is that true when Ramblers have game in Toronto you guys meet up at Iceland Oval grounds and then go to Toronto in fewer cars?

Also I went to Iceland on Friday just to check out the place is it the one in front of Hershey Centre?
No worries take your time no rush!

I am not thinking of making my way to Canadian team nor I wish to.

I spoke with President, Roy as I know him personally and he said Ramblers have coaches [not professional ones but senior players or good players they coach young guys etc so not sure with your statement].

What do you mean that they don't have quality practices?

Is that true when Ramblers have game in Toronto you guys meet up at Iceland Oval grounds and then go to Toronto in fewer cars?

Also I went to Iceland on Friday just to check out the place is it the one in front of Hershey Centre?

Yes, you are correct, I forgot to add that this is only the case with juniors (u13, u15, u17). The club does not focus on juniors, thats why there is a lack of coaching and developement when it comes to juniors. But, you are correct, this is not the case with the seniors (u19, 3rd 2nd and 1st div, premier, elite), thats when you get good coaches and good practices. and yes it is true, we do meet up at iceland and take 2 or 3 cars to our matches.
Sounds impressive, I'm extremely keen in joining Ramblers, soon will join it!

I am not in junior team I am 21! :))
Excellent looking stick!

Anyone else noticed that the Powerbow looks a lot like the new GM Epic?
^^^ Thanks bro, and yes I agree now that I look at it, except for some slight profile differences they are both very much alike!
So far almost 2 hours on the edges and toe, and a couple of taps on the sweetspot, i think im almost done knocking, im going to let some light net sessions tighten the bolts now. Pickup is very nice, but having said that it doesnt feel lighter than its actual weight, it just feels good in the hands tbh
So far almost 2 hours on the edges and toe, and a couple of taps on the sweetspot, i think im almost done knocking, im going to let some light net sessions tighten the bolts now. Pickup is very nice, but having said that it doesnt feel lighter than its actual weight, it just feels good in the hands tbh

Gray Nicolls are known for taking time in opening up but once they open! Wow! They go like gun blazing lol
Very nice bat littlemaster, have you used it yet? Can you update us how it is going etc?
Very nice bat littlemaster, have you used it yet? Can you update us how it is going etc?

Ive used it for about 5-6 net sessions now....

In my opinion this bat will take ages to really open up (6 grains)

The ping is good, but I believe it still is not performing to the best of its ability.

I would give it another 10 or so net sessions/match uses before it really starts going like a gun, but having stated that, even now it is starting to ping better and better everyday.
I meant further knock it and it will open up.

PS: Were you at Ramblers practice yesterday?
True but doesn't the spine on Epic start all the way from top [from splice]?

Yep..I dont think the Epic and Powerbow are similar at all...very different profile. The powerbow has massive edges...Epic, not so much.
Yep..I dont think the Epic and Powerbow are similar at all...very different profile. The powerbow has massive edges...Epic, not so much.

Exactly, I agree after seeing Epic in flesh I'd say Epic and Powerbow are quite different.
Exactly, I agree after seeing Epic in flesh I'd say Epic and Powerbow are quite different.

Actually these are two bats which I am considering among others (its a long long so confused!!!!)...

The list includes:

1. SS Ranger.
2. Newbury B52.
3. CA 12000 TRD.
4. Adidas Incurza.
5. GM Epic.
6. Grey-Nicolls PowerBow.
7. Adidas Pellara.
8. SS Matrix.
9. Custom made bat.

Maybe I shud start another thread for this...:20::20::20:
love the profile, very SS Jumbo for those of you old enough to remember. Of course, the toe up view is very different to the Jumbo of the 80's
how would this compare to the GM Icon bats? I have an icon, and pickup is very light, but perhaps not the best bat for hitting/slogging.. this powerbow looks like a good hitter's bat becuase the bat is so thin up at the top, with more meat in the middle.. am i right?
Bump ..Nice bat hope you have scored lots of runs.

I recently purchased a similar bat only its the older GN Powerbow Pro performance anyone know of this model and is it any good ?

It looks very similar to the one posted above has 7-8 grains on it .

The sticker says Pre prepared although not sure whether I should knock it in or not.

It had a yellow grip however I have put an extra grip and the pick up seems good also comes with toe guard and scuff sheet. Anyone here have this bat would appreciate their comments .
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