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Hindu nationalist-led state changes Muslim name of Indian city

Yes he wrote this in 1930s when Muslims of british India has started asking for a separate nation. So while muslim league was looking after Muslim interests and Congress was into secularism, another organisation was trying to look after hindu interests.

What's wrong with a different nation if Hindu nationalists themselves think so ? As Ambedkar cleverly noted, Jinnah and Savarkar only differed in one single point : the idea of dividing the lands, otherwise Savarkar (and Golwalkar, etc) said the exact same, that is Hindus and Muslims constitute two different nations (some of them used to say "races"), with not only different but opposed spiritual systems, different literatures, the heroes of the ones being the Ravana's of the latter (Aurangzeb is a good case), etc. It's fine to look after "Hindu interests" (those of the Brahmins, Shudras, Dalits, ... ? Considering these "interests" are divergent ?) but then you can at least UNDERSTAND that Jinnah did the same ?
just go by "bharat" officially. Iran used to be called persia officially in English until the Shah of Iran demanded every country in the world to officially address his country as Iran and not Persia, it was a matter of pride for them and they succeeded. India should do the same, require global govts and the media to address them as Bharat.

India is a very old name. Used since the time the greeks came here.
Still dont understand what problem pakistanis have if another country chooses to restore the name of one of its cities? What has this got to do with Pakistan?
So Pakistanis who cannot crictise their own religion, country will obviously only talk about India....

They dont know history well and will refuse any uncomfortable facts. This renaming is a no-nosense step and it should be welcomed...
This sound so dump and full of **. Who he was giving offering to?? - Now I don't get the concept of Sacrifice when it come to Hindu culture, what is the purpose of these offering?? - BTW: What exactly was offered? - We don't know why he is offering, to whom and what...How can you give this kind of non-sense national coverage...Extreme right is getting stronger every election cycle in India, so much for the secular democracy :facepalm:

How will you feel if someone talks about your religion using the same language?
So, according to you all the peace loving Muslims who claim ISIS and Taliban aren't following the right Islam and Islam is a religion of peace are weak in their faith and don't represent true Muslims?

Peace loving Muslims?

Let us change it to peace loving Humans, while peace loving Muslim thing is difficult to find.

Modern Jews and Christians became peaceful, when once they denied the religious laws and adopted the non religious Secular system, which has been based upon the Human Intellect and experience of the last thousands of years of history.

But for Muslims, problem is this that the thousands of years old Islamic laws could not be changed till the Judgement day.

Humanity within me always guided me that it is against justice that Muslims are allowed to preach and let make the people convert into Islam. But when others try to preach, or to criticize Islam, or to convert the Muslims, then they should be banned and killed.

But due to the religion I still had to believe in this injustice.

Was I a still a peaceful Human with this mentality? I don't think so. I got the prejudice against the others.

To be honest, it is a fact that ISIS and Taliban loves the religion of Islam many times more than the so called peace loving Muslims.

And to be honest, ISIS and Taliban are practising the real Islam as compared to the so called peace loving Muslims.

For example the present peace loving Muslims say that slavery is forbidden.

But the official grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia made is very clear that no human is allowed to change the Halal of Allah into haram at his own. And slavery is the Halal of Allah.
He further said that slavery is not allowed only till the time Muslim states are weaker. But as soon as Muslim states become stronger, then it is obligatory upon them to start the JIHAD and afterwards automatically the institution of slavery will be established automatically again and all the Kafir women who become prisoners in the war, they will became the slaves of the Mujahids.
He further said, who ever says that slavery has been banned till the judgement day, he has become a Kafir while no human has any power to make Halal of Allah haram at his own.

Let me give you one more example. Are you really a peace loving Muslims? Then do you believe in this order of the sharia:

Sahih Muslim Book 26, Hadith 5389


“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger as saying: عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ لاَ تَبْدَءُوا الْيَهُودَ وَلاَ النَّصَارَى بِالسَّلاَمِ فَإِذَا لَقِيتُمْ أَحَدَهُمْ فِي طَرِيقٍ فَاضْطَرُّوهُ إِلَى أَضْيَقِهِ ‏"‏
Allah's Messenger said: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it (in order to humiliate them).”

Let us see this same tradition from Sunnan al-Tirmidhi where order are of making non Muslims ZALEEL:

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏"‏ لاَ تَبْدَءُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى بِالسَّلاَمِ وَإِذَا لَقِيتُمْ أَحَدَهُمْ فِي الطَّرِيقِ فَاضْطَرُّوهُمْ إِلَى أَضْيَقِهِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ وَفِي الْبَابِ عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ وَأَنَسٍ وَأَبِي بَصْرَةَ الْغِفَارِيِّ صَاحِبِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏.‏ قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ ‏.‏ وَمَعْنَى هَذَا الْحَدِيثِ ‏"‏ لاَ تَبْدَءُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ بَعْضُ أَهْلِ الْعِلْمِ إِنَّمَا مَعْنَى الْكَرَاهِيَةِ لأَنَّهُ يَكُونُ تَعْظِيمًا لَهُ وَإِنَّمَا أُمِرَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ بِتَذْلِيلِهِمْ وَكَذَلِكَ إِذَا لَقِيَ أَحَدَهُمْ فِي الطَّرِيقِ فَلاَ يَتْرُكُ الطَّرِيقَ عَلَيْهِ لأَنَّ فِيهِ تَعْظِيمًا لَهُمْ ‏.

That the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not precede the Jews and the Christians with the Salam. And if one you meets one of them in the path, then force him to its narrow portion." ... [Abu 'Eisa (i.e. Imam Tirmidhi) said:] This Hadith is Hasan Sahih. And regarding the meaning of this Hadith: "Do not precede the Jews and the Christians": Some of the people of knowledge said that it only means that it is disliked because it would be honoring them, while the Muslims were ordered to humiliate them (in Quran Verse 9:29). For this reason, when one of them is met on the path, then the path is not yielded for him, because doing so would amount to honoring them (which is forbidden for the Muslims).

Off course the 99% of so called peace loving Muslims have little knowledge of Sharia laws as compared to Taliban and ISIS and they don't know the exact orders.

Off course the so called 99% peace loving Muslims also didn't know that Islam allows to take the prisoner women in Jihad as slaves and to have sex with them even against their consent. It was ISIS who first acted upon this Sharia rule in the modern times.
just go by "bharat" officially. Iran used to be called persia officially in English until the Shah of Iran demanded every country in the world to officially address his country as Iran and not Persia, it was a matter of pride for them and they succeeded. India should do the same, require global govts and the media to address them as Bharat.

You will soon see 'Bharat'. Salman and other actors have wrapped up the shooting for this movie. :inti
What's wrong with a different nation if Hindu nationalists themselves think so ? As Ambedkar cleverly noted, Jinnah and Savarkar only differed in one single point : the idea of dividing the lands, otherwise Savarkar (and Golwalkar, etc) said the exact same, that is Hindus and Muslims constitute two different nations (some of them used to say "races"), with not only different but opposed spiritual systems, different literatures, the heroes of the ones being the Ravana's of the latter (Aurangzeb is a good case), etc. It's fine to look after "Hindu interests" (those of the Brahmins, Shudras, Dalits, ... ? Considering these "interests" are divergent ?) but then you can at least UNDERSTAND that Jinnah did the same ?

Ambedkar said a lot against Islam btw ,do you want to print that as well.
Great. Now waiting for Ahmedabad to be renamed as Dhoklabad or Dandiabaad. :inti

You do understand the name is restored to its orginal name. Its not a new name.

Its absolutely common thing in all parts of world, people change cities names to their original...
So, according to you all the peace loving Muslims who claim ISIS and Taliban aren't following the right Islam and Islam is a religion of peace are weak in their faith and don't represent true Muslims?

No that is not according to me, that is according to hardline Muslims. I posted that in response to the Indian poster crowing his pride in unapologetic Hindu fundamentalists as a comparison - the context of course which you conveniently left out.
You do understand the name is restored to its orginal name. Its not a new name.

Its absolutely common thing in all parts of world, people change cities names to their original...
Read the thread title again. Doesn't look common to me.
I am amazed at the response this thread got. Topics like "Children going to school" barely get any attention from posters, while an Indian city's ancient Hindu name being restored is somehow a matter of concern for Pakistanis. These misplaced priorities are the reason why every regional country is leapfrogging Pakistan both economically and in human development.

Those topics should really be moved to the separate Pakistan forum in my view where they can be discussed by Pakistani citizens in detail, otherwise I have no idea why that forum was created. But as Time Pass is a forum for citizens of every nation to peacefully discuss each other's business, then I see little point in complaining about it. Would you prefer if all were banned from discussions which didn't involve their own geographical home countries?
Peace loving Muslims?

Knew you were a covert Hindu the day you began to hate on Imran Khan, but yes jihad/humiliation of disbelievers are Islamic obligations.

When you talk of "secularization" of Jews/Muslims you're just telling us that they themselves don't respect their scriptures, otherwise Jews have their own notions of "eternal/offensive jihad" (see Rabbi Firestone on "Amalek"), while Christians let's not even go to the Apocalypse of John.

But now let's see if you Hindus accept your own scriptures ?

This is the text (c.1st c. CE?) that Dr. Ambedkar loved to hate; he and other Dalit protesters were later to burn it. The Laws of Manu explains that in the beginning of the universe the great abstract principle of Brahman created all things, including the four Varnas or ranked caste-groups: 'for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds, he caused the Brahmin, the Kshatriya, the Vaishya, and the Shudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs, and his feet' (I,31).... 'But in order to protect this universe He, the most resplendent one, assigned separate (duties and) occupations to those who sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet' (I,87). At the top of this fourfold system is the Brahmin: 'As the Brahmin sprang from (Brahman's) mouth, as he was the first-born, and as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation' (I,93). At the bottom is the Shudra: 'One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Shudra: to serve meekly even these (other) three castes [varnas]' (I,91). Above all, the contrast between the two extremes of the hierarchy is made clear: 'But a Shudra, whether bought or unbought, he [=a Brahmin] may compel to do servile work; for he was created by the Self-existent (Svayambhu) to be the slave of a Brahmin' (VIII,413).

Outside the system entirely were the 'slaves' [dasyus]: 'All those tribes in this world, which are excluded from (the community of) those born from the mouth, the arms, the thighs, and the feet (of Brahman), are called Dasyus, whether they speak the language of the Mlechchhas (barbarians) or that of the Aryans' (X,45). Among those outside the system are groups produced by illicit unions among the different varnas, who 'shall subsist by occupations reprehended by the twice-born [=the three upper varnas]' (X,46). Among these occupations are 'catching and killing (animals) living in holes', 'working in leather' (X,49), 'carry[ing] out the corpses (of persons) who have no relatives' (X,55), and 'execut[ing] criminals' (X,56). These impure groups are to live in remote, wild areas or 'near well-known trees and burial grounds' (X,50). 'Their dress (shall be) the garments of the dead, (they shall eat) their food from broken dishes, black iron (shall be) their ornaments, and they must always wander from place to place' (X,52). 'A man who fulfils a religious duty, shall not seek intercourse with them; their transactions (shall be) among themselves, and their marriages with their equals' (X,53). 'Their food shall be given to them by others (than an Aryan giver) in a broken dish; at night they shall not walk about in villages and in towns' (X,54). The translation here is Buehler's (1886), the one that Dr. Ambedkar himself used


'The wise have directed that when an accomplished person has been invited, a maiden may be bestowed on him, decked with ornaments and along with many valuable presents. Others again may bestow their daughters by accepting a couple of kine. Some again bestow their daughters by taking a fixed sum, and some take away maidens by force. Some wed with the consent of the maidens, some by drugging them into consent, and some by going unto the maidens' parents and obtaining their sanction. Some again obtain wives as presents for assisting at sacrifices. Of these, the learned always applaud the eighth form of marriage. Kings, however, speak highly of the Swyamvara (the fifth form as above) and themselves wed according to it. But the sages have said that, that wife is dearly to be prized who is taken away by force, after the slaughter of opponents, from amidst the concourse of princes and kings invited to a self-choice ceremony. Therefore, ye monarchs, I bear away these maidens hence by force. Strive ye, to the best of your might, to vanquish me or to be vanquished. Ye monarchs, I stand here resolved to fight!' Kuru prince, endued with great energy, thus addressing the assembled monarchs and the king of Kasi, took upon his car those maidens. And having taken them up, he sped his chariot away, challenging the invited kings to a fight.


he is an atheist..all atheists are on my ignore list.

67. Stealing grain, base metals, or cattle, intercourse with women who drink spirituous liquor, slaying women, Sudras, Vaisyas, or Kshatriyas, and atheism, (are all) minor offences, causing loss of caste (Upapataka).

[MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION]

Ambedkar said a lot against Islam btw ,do you want to print that as well.

I never called Ambdekar an Imam or something, I said on this particular point he was right : Hindu nationalists cry about Muslim separatism while they themselve espouse the very same argumentation, namely that Muslims are a separate nation. The only difference is that they don't want to see "Akhand Bharat" being cut into pieces.
Knew you were a covert Hindu the day you began to hate on Imran Khan, but yes jihad/humiliation of disbelievers are Islamic obligations.

Totally wrong. I have nothing to do with Hinduism, but I am as critical against the Hindu religion as I am against the religion of Islam when they collide against the humanity.

Now returning to the topic, first thing first I want to show you your behaviour.
You blamed me for whataboutism, but you made it Halal for yourself and neglected all my criticism against the Muslims and Pakistan, and instead of answering them you came yourself with 100% whataboutism and you started attacks upon the Hindu religion while you considered me a Hindu.

You must understand the difference between the Reaction and the Whataboutism. You failed to answer the criticism upon you, and you tried to change the topic by bringing the whataboutism. You should reconsider your behaviour and perhaps try to address the criticism upon you directly.
Totally wrong. I have nothing to do with Hinduism, but I am as critical against the Hindu religion as I am against the religion of Islam when they collide against the humanity.

Now returning to the topic, first thing first I want to show you your behaviour.
You blamed me for whataboutism, but you made it Halal for yourself and neglected all my criticism against the Muslims and Pakistan, and instead of answering them you came yourself with 100% whataboutism and you started attacks upon the Hindu religion while you considered me a Hindu.

You must understand the difference between the Reaction and the Whataboutism. You failed to answer the criticism upon you, and you tried to change the topic by bringing the whataboutism. You should reconsider your behaviour and perhaps try to address the criticism upon you directly.

Your whaboutisme was to bring Pakistan when Yogi Adityanath decides to change an Islamic sounding name of a city to a Hindu one, the same Yogi who's ideology is well known and who's past antics include changing the Islamic names of railway stations, the same ideology which was aiming at this years before the formation of Pak.

You're pedestrian attempt to show Hindu nationalism as some innocent and passivist reaction to what happens in Pak was the whataboutism, and you keep seeing it as reactionary, which is in a way also an intellectual infantilization of the Hindus, which apparently can't ideologically gear up towards a cohesive and self sufficient seat of ideas - if/when you read Sarvakar, Golwalkar & all, they find the sources of their ideology in the Hindu texts/history, it's just that the longest conquerors of Hindus have been Muslims, so there are more Islamic names in monuments, roads, etc but they're also against Christian symbolic as well, but I guess them standing against Christians is a "reaction" to the British who left decades ago ?
No that is not according to me, that is according to hardline Muslims. I posted that in response to the Indian poster crowing his pride in unapologetic Hindu fundamentalists as a comparison - the context of course which you conveniently left out.

I didn't know being unapologetic and fundamentalist is mutually inclusive.

So going by your logic, the Muslims who were demanding extra lunch time for jumma prayers in test match are fundamentalists and comparable to Taliban?
This is exactly the point that I am making.

These are the Double Standards of the Muslims, where they want to suppress the minorities in their lands by imposing the religious laws upon them, which discriminate them and make Muslims superiors, while making the minorities the 2nd class citizens.

Not a single person on this forum want suppression of minority, there is a minority who want suppression of minority, which was unable to win in election, in India, a majority that want suppression of minority have won.

You have to understand that you could not play this one sided game without having the reaction and the consequences, where you claim full rights to practice Tableegh and conversion to Islam and equal rights in non-Muslim countries, but you deny others the same right in your Muslim countries.

Almost everyone acknowledge that, hence, Pakistan isn't a secular country, India claim to be, anyone with a tiny brain would knwo, India isn't

Biggest hatred comes when every Pakistani Muslim is crying for death to Secularism and imposition of Sharia laws in Pakistan, but then we see that every Indian Muslim crying for Secularism in India. Even the religious Deoband and Barailvies and Ahlehadith in India are crying for Secularism and equal rights for Muslims.

Crying? just calling out on India's hypocrisy and lies, which is India isn't a secular country. one have to when the current radicalized religious extremists government have used Pakistan to win election and trying their best to isolate Pakistan. Pakistan do not have Sharia law, No country in the world follow Sharia laws to the fullest. But I see why you used those words :)

Off course it has to do with the Muslims ruling Hindus in the Past, and the Indian Muslims still considering Ghaznavi as Hero and celebrating his crimes against the humanity and looting of Hindus, making their women slaves and destroying their gods and mandirs.

Exactly my point, it has everything to do with self esteem, now the little Indian boy is a rich so he believe he can get back the respect by making muslim minority subservient, but this is 2018. Thank You Jinnah

But still you are unable to see the full picture, which also included the recent wave of Islamization in Pakistan, or even in whole world.

If this was true then Pakistan would have elected radicalized religious extremists politician supported by known group whose mission is to bring about, similar to Hindutva

Had Pakistan practised Secularism too and gave equal rights to the minorities, then it would have become extremely difficult for BJP to rise to the power.

So the rise of BJP and RSS has to do what Pakistan did in Pakistan?this is the first, lol

It was the Indian Secularism which kept the Hindu extremists aside for a long period of time to come to the power and become popular.

India was never a secular country, stop trying to fool people outside of India

It is not only the history, but also the present situation which all is adding up the fuel and causing the hatred and giving rise to the extremism.

If you don't show the double behaviour, then it is very easy to understand when 90% Muslims in Pakistan demand Religious State, then you should not have a problem if 90% Hindus also start demanding the Hindu State and kicking out of Secularism which only had been abused and misused by the Muslims.

When did I say I have a problem? Problem with those who come here and try to portray India as a secular nation, it isn't, I failed to understand why these hindutva and RSS supporters are afraid to claim openly what they have trying to achieve all their living live. Again, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Actually not. This new wave of Hinduism also trying to prevent the western influence too, but they don't have enough success against the Western influence.

Reason is very simple.

It is your blunder when you compare the Secular West with the Islamic Sharia governing Pakistan. There is nothing common in them.

Secular West gives equal rights to the Hindus and equal love and respect to preach and practice their religion. There is no hatred in the West against the Hinduism. And there is no FEAR of dominance with use of power or sword.

Obviously, Indian hindus aren't made to dominate

But Religious Muslims are all opposite of the Western values. It starts with the hatred, and it ends in the fears.

what are western values that you believe Muslims are opposite? elaborate

Why then you wonder if similar strong reaction has been showed against the Islam, and not against the Secular Western values?

Because it sells in India, Muslims took away huge chunk of their land

All you have done is, justify the rise of radicalized extremists hinduism in Politics in India.
Your whaboutisme was to bring Pakistan when Yogi Adityanath decides to change an Islamic sounding name of a city to a Hindu one, the same Yogi who's ideology is well known and who's past antics include changing the Islamic names of railway stations, the same ideology which was aiming at this years before the formation of Pak.

You're pedestrian attempt to show Hindu nationalism as some innocent and passivist reaction to what happens in Pak was the whataboutism, and you keep seeing it as reactionary, which is in a way also an intellectual infantilization of the Hindus, which apparently can't ideologically gear up towards a cohesive and self sufficient seat of ideas - if/when you read Sarvakar, Golwalkar & all, they find the sources of their ideology in the Hindu texts/history, it's just that the longest conquerors of Hindus have been Muslims, so there are more Islamic names in monuments, roads, etc but they're also against Christian symbolic as well, but I guess them standing against Christians is a "reaction" to the British who left decades ago ?

Where have I praised Aditiya Yoginath or the Hindu Extremisms?
I absolutely hate Aditya and all the extremism, either it is from the Muslims or the Hindus.
I am a Secular.

I only showed you the full picture, where the Evil Action FIRST came from the Muslim when they invaded Hindus, looted them, raped their women, changed the name of places and cities, and still today Muslims praise those looters as their Heros.

One could ask the other to forget the past. But unfortunately there is Zero percent change in the Muslim Evil Action. Still today they repeat the same evil things in Pakistan. It is thus natural, that in reaction Hindu extremists are able to deceive the Indian population too.

I only showed you your double standards where you were only blaming the Hindus for extremism for changing the name of the cities, but you keep all the Evils Halal for yourself.

And in your imagination you only have good Muslims vs evil Hindus.

But contrary to your imagination, there also exist the Secularists both in India and Pakistan and the whole world, who believe in the Human rights and the human values, and they do question and challenge all the evils of all the religions.

Therefore, you have to answer the criticism of the Secularists directly, and please don't try to hide behind the Hindus in name of whataboutism.
This is exactly the point that I am making.

These are the Double Standards of the Muslims, where they want to suppress the minorities in their lands by imposing the religious laws upon them, which discriminate them and make Muslims superiors, while making the minorities the 2nd class citizens.

Not a single person on this forum want suppression of minority, there is a minority who want suppression of minority, which was unable to win in election, in India, a majority that want suppression of minority have won.

It is not about the political parties, but it is directly about the Religion itself.

In case of Pakistan, it is the religion itself which is suppressing the minorities.

All laws are based upon the religion, which itself causing the hatred against the minorities, making them 2nd class citizens, playing one sided game where Muslims have the full right to preach and convert the people into Islam, but not allowing others the same right. And if someone dares to criticize Islam, then they are being killed in name of blasphemy.

If you believe in Islam, and these teachings, then every one of you are automatically suppressing the rights of the minorities.

Pakistan changed the Hindu names of the cities and areas much much before India. What have you done against it? How then you claim to be innocent?

You have to understand that you could not play this one sided game without having the reaction and the consequences, where you claim full rights to practice Tableegh and conversion to Islam and equal rights in non-Muslim countries, but you deny others the same right in your Muslim countries.

Almost everyone acknowledge that, hence, Pakistan isn't a secular country, India claim to be, anyone with a tiny brain would knwo, India isn't.

Please also acknowledge that India is bad when it comes to the Secularism, but Pakistan is the worse.

In India, there are still a lot more people who stand for the Secularism and fight against the Hindu extremism. In India, still Muslims are allowed to preach and convert the people into Islam.

Please also acknowledge that it is also the Reaction of the the open evil extremism of the Muslims of Pakistan, which has been misused by the Hindu extremists in India and to drive the Indian population towards extremism.

Not only India, but the evils actions and double standards of the Muslims are driving the whole world towards the extremism in reaction, and they are kicking out the Secular values and they want to teach the Muslims a lesson for their double standards.

Biggest hatred comes when every Pakistani Muslim is crying for death to Secularism and imposition of Sharia laws in Pakistan, but then we see that every Indian Muslim crying for Secularism in India. Even the religious Deoband and Barailvies and Ahlehadith in India are crying for Secularism and equal rights for Muslims.

Crying? just calling out on India's hypocrisy and lies, which is India isn't a secular country. one have to when the current radicalized religious extremists government have used Pakistan to win election and trying their best to isolate Pakistan. Pakistan do not have Sharia law, No country in the world follow Sharia laws to the fullest. But I see why you used those words

Yes off course it is crying and complete double standards when Muslims in Pakistan cry for Sharia laws and banning non Muslims to preach, but these same Muslims cry for Secularism and full rights for Muslims to preach in non Muslim countries.

Call BJP and RSS for being anti Secularism, but Indian law is still very much driven by the Secularism.
It is we, the Secularists, who are suffering at the hands of both the extremist Muslims and the extremist Hindus.

And off course in the present century no Muslim country could practice the Sharia fully, while it will then automatically turn into ISIS or Taliban or Boko Haram.
Therefore, the credit for not practising Sharia does not go to the Muslim countries, but the credit goes to Sharia itself where it is so much out dated that sanity does not allow it's full imposition in the today's world.

Off course it has to do with the Muslims ruling Hindus in the Past, and the Indian Muslims still considering Ghaznavi as Hero and celebrating his crimes against the humanity and looting of Hindus, making their women slaves and destroying their gods and mandirs.

Exactly my point, it has everything to do with self esteem, now the little Indian boy is a rich so he believe he can get back the respect by making muslim minority subservient, but this is 2018. Thank You Jinnah

I wished Jinnah would have brought some sanity among the Muslims and would have taught them the Secular values, and taught them how to live together in peace and love, and how to stop praising the crimes of the Muslim kings instead of making them the Hero.

While Secular values lacked in the Muslims of Pakistan, therefore we see only the rise of the Sapah Sahaba, and then Taliban, and then Brailvies, Shias, Deobandis, Ahlehadith all issuing fatwas of Takfeer against each other and finally bombing each other and killing each other.

For Taliban and Sufi Muhammad still the constitution of Pakistan is a Kafir constitution.

But still you are unable to see the full picture, which also included the recent wave of Islamization in Pakistan, or even in whole world.

If this was true then Pakistan would have elected radicalized religious extremists politician supported by known group whose mission is to bring about, similar to Hindutva

It is a grave misunderstanding. There is no one left in Pakistan who is Secular, as they have already unanimously declared Pakistan an Islamic State and imposed the Sharia laws upon the minorities.

While BJP and RSS are only the half way towards that what Pakistanis have already achieved.

Please show me which of the Pakistani Politicians have said there should be no discriminatory Sharia laws against the minorities, no blasphemy laws, no prohibition of preaching?

Had Pakistan practised Secularism too and gave equal rights to the minorities, then it would have become extremely difficult for BJP to rise to the power.

So the rise of BJP and RSS has to do what Pakistan did in Pakistan?this is the first, lol

Off course Muslim Pakistani extremism is one of the biggest reason for the rise of the BJP. It is providing the fresh blood to the BJP.

All the Muslim and the Hindu extremists are the 2 sides of the same coin.

It was the Indian Secularism which kept the Hindu extremists aside for a long period of time to come to the power and become popular.

India was never a secular country, stop trying to fool people outside of India

Nothing is ever Perfect, but the dominant side has to be taken.
But you are behaving opposite and taking the non-dominant side of India.
Indeed the Indian Constitution is still Secular and thus much better than Pakistan and Muslims still allowed to preach and convert.

It is not only the history, but also the present situation which all is adding up the fuel and causing the hatred and giving rise to the extremism.
If you don't show the double behaviour, then it is very easy to understand when 90% Muslims in Pakistan demand Religious State, then you should not have a problem if 90% Hindus also start demanding the Hindu State and kicking out of Secularism which only had been abused and misused by the Muslims.

When did I say I have a problem? Problem with those who come here and try to portray India as a secular nation, it isn't, I failed to understand why these hindutva and RSS supporters are afraid to claim openly what they have trying to achieve all their living live. Again, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

While problem lies with you when you see every Indian as the supporter of the RSS or BJP.
There are indeed the Secularists in India who don't support RSS, but who support the true Secular Values.

And here in the forum, there are indeed many Pakistani Muslims who are showing problem when BJP is changing the Muslim names of the areas. Therefore, this thread is not only for you, but for the other Pakistanis too.

Actually not. This new wave of Hinduism also trying to prevent the western influence too, but they don't have enough success against the Western influence.

Reason is very simple.

It is your blunder when you compare the Secular West with the Islamic Sharia governing Pakistan. There is nothing common in them.

Secular West gives equal rights to the Hindus and equal love and respect to preach and practice their religion. There is no hatred in the West against the Hinduism. And there is no FEAR of dominance with use of power or sword.

Obviously, Indian hindus aren't made to dominate

But Religious Muslims are all opposite of the Western values. It starts with the hatred, and it ends in the fears.

what are western values that you believe Muslims are opposite? elaborate

Really I have to elaborate? Don't you see the difference in the Islamic Pakistan and the Western Secularism?

Why then you wonder if similar strong reaction has been showed against the Islam, and not against the Secular Western values?

Because it sells in India, Muslims took away huge chunk of their land

It sells while the evils of the Muslim behaviour is a reality as compared to the West.

All you have done is, justify the rise of radicalized extremists hinduism in Politics in India.

All that I have done is to show the complete picture, which includes the mirror for the Muslims to see faults in themselves first before making complains against the others.
If the Muslims of Pakistan even don't know their faults, how they are then going to reform themselves?
It is not about the political parties, but it is directly about the Religion itself.

In case of Pakistan, it is the religion itself which is suppressing the minorities.
It is the people who suppressing minorities not religion.

All laws are based upon the religion, which itself causing the hatred against the minorities, making them 2nd class citizens, playing one sided game where Muslims have the full right to preach and convert the people into Islam, but not allowing others the same right. And if someone dares to criticize Islam, then they are being killed in name of blasphemy.

Many have preached and many are preaching openly. Many openly practice hinduism.

It is also true that many have been killed for blasphemy, and many have condemned, so your attempt to portray as if Pakistani on this forum some how support is a failed attempt.

If you believe in Islam, and these teachings, then every one of you are automatically suppressing the rights of the minorities.

Bigoted statement, and simple answer is NO

Pakistan changed the Hindu names of the cities and areas much much before India. What have you done against it? How then you claim to be innocent?

Nothing and will do nothing but there are many towns which name hasn't changed. Again, Pakistan is not a secular nation.

Please also acknowledge that India is bad when it comes to the Secularism, but Pakistan is the worse.

Again, Pakistan isn't a secular nation, which is a given statement and self explanatory.

In India, there are still a lot more people who stand for the Secularism and fight against the Hindu extremism. In India, still Muslims are allowed to preach and convert the people into Islam.

When did I say there aren't people who do not stand up against radicalized extremists hindu government? there are many people on this forum who openly speak against rise in radicalized and extremism in Indian government but why are you defending those who are radicalized extremists nuts by comparing to Pakistan?

Again, many in Pakistan do too. below is one example, now presenting this example does not mean that minority in Pakistan aren't subjected to discrimination.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/T6l-kxwf6_Y" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>.

Please also acknowledge that it is also the Reaction of the the open evil extremism of the Muslims of Pakistan, which has been misused by the Hindu extremists in India and to drive the Indian population towards extremism.

NO! stop trying to justify inherited hate by extremist hindus who run India by blaming Pakistan and Muslims of India. despicable and cowardly excuse.

Not only India, but the evils actions and double standards of the Muslims are driving the whole world towards the extremism in reaction, and they are kicking out the Secular values and they want to teach the Muslims a lesson for their double standards.

Double standards? explain, justifying extremism again?, Just come out in open and admit it, ain't no one is going to hurt you with words on a forum

Yes off course it is crying and complete double standards when Muslims in Pakistan cry for Sharia laws and banning non Muslims to preach, but these same Muslims cry for Secularism and full rights for Muslims to preach in non Muslim countries.

Again, Pakistan is not a secular country as you and many Indian falsely claim India to be.

Call BJP and RSS for being anti Secularism, but Indian law is still very much driven by the Secularism.
It is we, the Secularists, who are suffering at the hands of both the extremist Muslims and the extremist Hindus.

So you blame the current government for not being secular but saying that Indian laws are still driven by the secularism. Driven and having laws that driven by Hinduism isn't as same as secular laws. simple comprehension

And off course in the present century no Muslim country could practice the Sharia fully, while it will then automatically turn into ISIS or Taliban or Boko Haram.

NO! another talking point usually spoken by ignorant who wants to spread hate.

Therefore, the credit for not practising Sharia does not go to the Muslim countries, but the credit goes to Sharia itself where it is so much out dated that sanity does not allow it's full imposition in the today's world.


I wished Jinnah would have brought some sanity among the Muslims and would have taught them the Secular values, and taught them how to live together in peace and love, and how to stop praising the crimes of the Muslim kings instead of making them the Hero.

Jinnah wasn't delusional, he understood inherited hate towards Muslims from far right radicalized extremist Hindu

While Secular values lacked in the Muslims of Pakistan, therefore we see only the rise of the Sapah Sahaba, and then Taliban, and then Brailvies, Shias, Deobandis, Ahlehadith all issuing fatwas of Takfeer against each other and finally bombing each other and killing each other.

Again, Pakistan is not a secular country and every Pakistani acknowledge whatever you have stated, but why do you get butt hurt when someone show Indian a mirror? and you see what you want to see, that is "Hate"

For Taliban and Sufi Muhammad still the constitution of Pakistan is a Kafir constitution.

It is a grave misunderstanding. There is no one left in Pakistan who is Secular, as they have already unanimously declared Pakistan an Islamic State and imposed the Sharia laws upon the minorities.

You said earlier there is no country that has Sharia Law, now you are telling me Pakistan has imposed Sharia law? And stop lying about there aren't any secular left in Pakistan, you will find plenty on this Forum. Yes! I called you a liar

While BJP and RSS are only the half way towards that what Pakistanis have already achieved.

Obsession with Pakistan is rather disturbing. Again, Pakistan and no Pakistani claim to be a secular country, find one person on this forum or anywhere in the world that claim Pakistan as a secular country? go ahead, lol, but I see why you had to compare with Pakistan to justify electing far right radicalized extremist hindu nationalist.

Please show me which of the Pakistani Politicians have said there should be no discriminatory Sharia laws against the minorities, no blasphemy laws, no prohibition of preaching?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YdJ_D2s-x4c" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Off course Muslim Pakistani extremism is one of the biggest reason for the rise of the BJP. It is providing the fresh blood to the BJP.


All the Muslim and the Hindu extremists are the 2 sides of the same coin.


Nothing is ever Perfect, but the dominant side has to be taken.
But you are behaving opposite and taking the non-dominant side of India.
Indeed the Indian Constitution is still Secular and thus much better than Pakistan and Muslims still allowed to preach and convert.

Again, Pakistan isn't a secular country, lol. Why are Indian so obsessed with Pakistan?

While problem lies with you when you see every Indian as the supporter of the RSS or BJP.

Tell me when and where I said that? stop lying.

I said radicalized extremist hindu nationalists. it was written in elementary English

There are indeed the Secularists in India who don't support RSS, but who support the true Secular Values.

again, acknowledged that fact multiple times but they do not come out defending what they do not like.

And here in the forum, there are indeed many Pakistani Muslims who are showing problem when BJP is changing the Muslim names of the areas. Therefore, this thread is not only for you, but for the other Pakistanis too.

NO! they aren't, just exposing usual right wing radicalized extremist hindu nationalists. Do not confuse.

Really I have to elaborate? Don't you see the difference in the Islamic Pakistan and the Western Secularism?

It sells while the evils of the Muslim behaviour is a reality as compared to the West.

Evil Muslim behavior, so every Muslim in India is evil according to that statement, interesting. come out of closet, it is just a forum :)

All that I have done is to show the complete picture, which includes the mirror for the Muslims to see faults in themselves first before making complains against the others.
If the Muslims of Pakistan even don't know their faults, how they are then going to reform themselves?

Justifying radicalized extremist hindu just because Muslims rightly asked not to be subservient to right wing radicalized extremists nationalist hindu and are still p i ss ed off about it, that is all you have shown

India isn't a secular country, stop trying to fool people.
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It would have been a valid post had you put forwarded an argument.

Or if the excuse that Pakistan can do whatever as its not secular but Pakistanis can question secular credentials of India was not oft repeated. Its laughable how people who want a conservayive religious republic for themselves try to talk about secularism in other countries.
Or if the excuse that Pakistan can do whatever as its not secular but Pakistanis can question secular credentials of India was not oft repeated. Its laughable how people who want a conservayive religious republic for themselves try to talk about secularism in other countries.

Tell me one person here who have called you out on your hypocrisy and trying to spin anything that India has done wrong support discrimination against minority in Pakistan ?

Call them out by their name if you’re that courages, I highly doubt that you will.

Most, including me acknowledge Pakistan has long way to go but at the same time we do not go parade around claiming we are a secular country and try to defend anything and every wrong by Pakistan.

You and your like minded have no limit to defend the wrong of right wing radicalized extremists Hindu nationalists and their party.

And, yeah, it is forum where we can talk about anything without fearing of being told to go back to Pakistan.
Its disappointed to see a Muslim degrading the belief of a different religion. This is one aspect where I always find hard to grasp. If you state you will respect the kafirs but will use the terns above for their belief, this just shows two face.

Coming to the thread, I studied two years of Sanskrit in class IX and X. in sloks, we were taught prayag as a meeting place(varified with a professor yesterday). Its the first time I heard a different meaning. I guess it has multiple meanings depending upon the context.

How will you feel if someone talks about your religion using the same language?

First of all I have no religion and I don't respect any religion. Be my guest and say whatever you feel like saying about Muslims/Hindus/Christianity beliefs, culture and history. I am probably one of the most vocal critic of all things Muslim on this forum(the religion I was burn in)...If you think Science and Free thinking is a religion, feel free to abuse it, which ever way it pleases you...Bad is bad, it does not matter, if it's part of my heritage or history, we cannot be living in denial :facepalm:

No inherant respect should be given to any ideology, it has to win the argument on rationality and evidence, this thing is comical of epic proportion. God should be your personal business, don't bring it to politics and policy. If you bring it to public debate, question will be asked, then you should not be afraid, don't hide behind ignorant non-sense...Holly, Sacred, these words are used to manipulate people, shift the debate from logic to emotion, this is how business of politics is run...This is nothing more than cheap patriotism/Religiosity, that no society should invest in :sanga
Or if the excuse that Pakistan can do whatever as its not secular but Pakistanis can question secular credentials of India was not oft repeated. Its laughable how people who want a conservayive religious republic for themselves try to talk about secularism in other countries.

Most of the people who question India's secular credentials aren't actually Pakistan based, they are living in the western world which has a far different understanding of what constitutes secular rule.

In any case, I don't know what is the problem with even Pakistan based posters questioning India's secular credentials, they are only trying to clarify India's own position on religious matters. It is similar to saying this is our position, can you tell us yours?
India isn't a secular country, stop trying to fool people.

You have repeated the same lame excuses again and again, according to which all Evils are Halal for Pakistan as it is not a Secular country but haram for all non Muslim countries while they are Secularists.

Another falsehood is this I am defending the Hindu extremism, which I never did, but only told the truth why the Indian population, actually the whole world is hating the Muslim Double Standards which they play in name of Secularism where they want right to preach and criticize in Non Muslim Countries, but deny others this same right in the Muslim countries.

If you still don't want to recognise your double standards, and still want to stick to your evils by brining the same lame excuses, then off course BJP will rise in India, and other extremist forces also rise in whole world and the Secularists will also turn into extremists in order to punish the Muslims for their evil double standards.

You think that remaining world is stupid, which it is not.

I gave you the lesson so that you may reform yourself and save yourself and Muslims in India from suicide. But laatooN kay bhoot batoon say nahi mantay.

You may stick to your lame excuses, but this is not going to save you from horrible fate in the near future.
Most of the people who question India's secular credentials aren't actually Pakistan based, they are living in the western world which has a far different understanding of what constitutes secular rule.

In any case, I don't know what is the problem with even Pakistan based posters questioning India's secular credentials, they are only trying to clarify India's own position on religious matters. It is similar to saying this is our position, can you tell us yours?

Unfortunately, in any thread exposing problems with India, Pakistan is brought in the conversation - conveniently.

Usual trick and should be ignored.
Most of the people who question India's secular credentials aren't actually Pakistan based, they are living in the western world which has a far different understanding of what constitutes secular rule.

In any case, I don't know what is the problem with even Pakistan based posters questioning India's secular credentials, they are only trying to clarify India's own position on religious matters. It is similar to saying this is our position, can you tell us yours?

What is India's position is for Indians to decide and implement. Its not for non indians to decide what will constitute secularism in India.

What one country follows us not a template for us to follow.

One is well within his rights to clarify his own position but he has no right to demand that someone else does the same.
If someone questions the credibility of someone else, he must ensure he himself has the credentials.Else he will be shown the mirror.

This is one of the reasons why Pakistani narrative on India doesnot wash with most of the world.
If someone questions the credibility of someone else, he must ensure he himself has the credentials.Else he will be shown the mirror.

This is one of the reasons why Pakistani narrative on India doesnot wash with most of the world.

You are talking politics here, I am talking about as a person if someone tells you your house is on fire, you dont go running to the internet and check if the other person's house on fire first! There is a problem in India which this article is highlighting. Answer that by saying YES, there is a problem - NO its not a problem because of whatever reason etc.

Which is why opinions such as 'look at yourself' are simplistic and disingenuous.

We on this forum are not spokespeople for any government. PP is not the arm of the Indian or Pakistan government. So lets stick to opinions and not worry about what the other person on the side of an internet connection is wearing/doing etc
What is India's position is for Indians to decide and implement. Its not for non indians to decide what will constitute secularism in India.

What one country follows us not a template for us to follow.

One is well within his rights to clarify his own position but he has no right to demand that someone else does the same.

If someone questions the credibility of someone else, he must ensure he himself has the credentials.Else he will be shown the mirror.

This is one of the reasons why Pakistani narrative on India doesnot wash with most of the world.

The rest of the world is bothered with their own business, Pakistan's narrative of India is seen in the context of each country's own perspective, not all of them are the same. You don't need to talk on their behalf as some sort of authority, this is merely your opinion.

No one is saying non-Indians should decide what is secular for India, this is a discussion board and we are discussing it. I hope you can finally understand this, otherwise perhaps nobody should discuss anybody else's business and you should request the admin to close the board down.
The rest of the world is bothered with their own business, Pakistan's narrative of India is seen in the context of each country's own perspective, not all of them are the same. You don't need to talk on their behalf as some sort of authority, this is merely your opinion.

No one is saying non-Indians should decide what is secular for India, this is a discussion board and we are discussing it. I hope you can finally understand this, otherwise perhaps nobody should discuss anybody else's business and you should request the admin to close the board down.

The world opinion seems pretty clear in respect to the Pakistani narrative on India. Most of them do not support it.

Questioning and discussion are two different things.
The world opinion seems pretty clear in respect to the Pakistani narrative on India. Most of them do not support it.

Questioning and discussion are two different things.

Neither of those statements really mean anything. Is there some hidden point behind them which you wish us to take note of?
You have repeated the same lame excuses again and again, according to which all Evils are Halal for Pakistan as it is not a Secular country but haram for all non Muslim countries while they are Secularists.
Again, Where and when did I say that? let me put in simple English, Pakistan is not a secular country, and this is the key, "Pakistan isn't parading around on Indian forum claiming to be a secular country, like Indian are, falsely.
And stop trying to speak for me, never said all Evil become halal just because a Pakistani does it. I must have really p is ssed you off, where you are resorting to make up things out of thin air?

Another falsehood is this I am defending the Hindu extremism, which I never did, but only told the truth why the Indian population, actually the whole world is hating the Muslim Double Standards which they play in name of Secularism where they want right to preach and criticize in Non Muslim Countries, but deny others this same right in the Muslim countries.
Another lie, the whole world would mean everyone in the world, and that include 1.6 billion musliims. I just gave you evidence in a form of video where Muslims and Hindu co-exist peacefully, now, did I ever say it is true in every Part of Pakistan, NO! but again, the discussion is about that India is not a secular country, it is a democratic country, which has chosen to elect right wing radicalized extremists hindu nationalists to lead them, those are facts, but i guess you get upset when radicalized extremists nationalists hindus are called out for what they are, sorry, can't deny fact.

If you still don't want to recognise your double standards, and still want to stick to your evils by brining the same lame excuses, then off course BJP will rise in India, and other extremist forces also rise in whole world and the Secularists will also turn into extremists in order to punish the Muslims for their evil double standards.

So it is Pakistan's fault that right wing radicalized extremists nationalist hindu control Indian government, NO Sir, it is the fault of Indian people who have elected them, stop blaming people outside of India for your countries rise in extremism. You aren't fooling anyone. come up with a better excuse to feel better about it.

You think that remaining world is stupid, which it is not.
No! it isn't, that is why I called you out on your stupidity to blame Pakistan but the Indian people for extremists view, lol

I gave you the lesson so that you may reform yourself and save yourself and Muslims in India from suicide. But laatooN kay bhoot batoon say nahi mantay.

LOL, thanks but no thanks, my views aren't radicalized and extremists, I have dislike for any extremists view and stupidity who blame Pakistan for the rise of extremism in India ( this is the funniest excuse I have ever heard, lol)

You may stick to your lame excuses, but this is not going to save you from horrible fate in the near future.

wow, you are a fortune teller, too. lol


From ex-pat Pakistani ;)

From ex-pat Pakistani ;)

It is a stupid argument from you that India's biggest fault is that India calls it a Secular state.

So, India should stop calling itself a Secular State, but a Hindu State, then it also becomes Halal for India to change the Muslim names of the cities and areas just like it became Halal earlier for the Islamic Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular State, but calls itself a Hindu State, then it again becomes Halal for Hindus to kill Muslims in name of blasphemy when they try to kill any animal and eat meat, just like it became Halal for Pakistani Muslims to kill the minorities in name of ridiculous blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular state, then it also becomes Halal for India to kill each and every Muslim who tries to preach Islam, and all the converts have also to be killed in name of Irtadad, just like you made is Halal for you, Pakistan and Islam.

You made the Secularism the biggest sin of India, while on the other side you are defending the evils of Muslims and religion of Islam against the minorities.

While I condemned all the extremist acts of Hindus and the Hindu religion, but you on the other hand defending wrong doings of the Muslims and the religion of Islam which is basically main culprit when it comes to Irtadad and blasphemy laws and humiliation of the minorities like not greeting them and to push them to the corner of the road.

And yes it is Pakistan's and the Muslim's fault that BJP is getting popularity among the Hindu masses in India.

And yes, it is the fault of the Muslim's and Islam that whole world is leaving the path of Secularism, and they want to wage a war against the double standards of the Muslims and Islam.

Just look at Burma and the Buddhists. They fear Islam and the result is clearly in front of us.

Europe was progressing beautifully towards the Secularism. But then again the double standards of the Muslims caused so much hatred among the Western people that now right wing parties are getting a lot of popularity in all these countries and all of them want to kick out the Muslims for their dangerous double standards.

It is a chance for the Muslims to understand their wrong double standards based behaviour, and adopt the Secular values and give non Muslims the equal human rights. But if they don't understand it, and keep on doing all the wrong doings in name of Sharia, while blaming others for that same things by misusing the name of Secularism, then they will heavily pay for it soon.

I wish you and Muslims have some wisdom to understand these simple things. Unfortunately, the religion makes people deaf and stupid to that level where they become unable to understand even the simplest facts.
It is a stupid argument from you that India's biggest fault is that India calls it a Secular state.

So, India should stop calling itself a Secular State, but a Hindu State, then it also becomes Halal for India to change the Muslim names of the cities and areas just like it became Halal earlier for the Islamic Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular State, but calls itself a Hindu State, then it again becomes Halal for Hindus to kill Muslims in name of blasphemy when they try to kill any animal and eat meat, just like it became Halal for Pakistani Muslims to kill the minorities in name of ridiculous blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular state, then it also becomes Halal for India to kill each and every Muslim who tries to preach Islam, and all the converts have also to be killed in name of Irtadad, just like you made is Halal for you, Pakistan and Islam.

You made the Secularism the biggest sin of India, while on the other side you are defending the evils of Muslims and religion of Islam against the minorities.

While I condemned all the extremist acts of Hindus and the Hindu religion, but you on the other hand defending wrong doings of the Muslims and the religion of Islam which is basically main culprit when it comes to Irtadad and blasphemy laws and humiliation of the minorities like not greeting them and to push them to the corner of the road.

And yes it is Pakistan's and the Muslim's fault that BJP is getting popularity among the Hindu masses in India.

And yes, it is the fault of the Muslim's and Islam that whole world is leaving the path of Secularism, and they want to wage a war against the double standards of the Muslims and Islam.

Just look at Burma and the Buddhists. They fear Islam and the result is clearly in front of us.

Europe was progressing beautifully towards the Secularism. But then again the double standards of the Muslims caused so much hatred among the Western people that now right wing parties are getting a lot of popularity in all these countries and all of them want to kick out the Muslims for their dangerous double standards.

It is a chance for the Muslims to understand their wrong double standards based behaviour, and adopt the Secular values and give non Muslims the equal human rights. But if they don't understand it, and keep on doing all the wrong doings in name of Sharia, while blaming others for that same things by misusing the name of Secularism, then they will heavily pay for it soon.

I wish you and Muslims have some wisdom to understand these simple things. Unfortunately, the religion makes people deaf and stupid to that level where they become unable to understand even the simplest facts.

lol. Sounds like a rant from the likes of Tommy Robinson and off topic too.

Let me help you as you probably joined this forum to attack Muslims and Islam like a few others have before and recently.

India is run by a Hindu extremist party who is supported by millions of Hindu extremists. They are changing names for one reason only, to turn India into a Hindu power. Chances are this wont happen but there is nothing secular about India.
It is a stupid argument from you that India's biggest fault is that India calls it a Secular state.

So, India should stop calling itself a Secular State, but a Hindu State, then it also becomes Halal for India to change the Muslim names of the cities and areas just like it became Halal earlier for the Islamic Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular State, but calls itself a Hindu State, then it again becomes Halal for Hindus to kill Muslims in name of blasphemy when they try to kill any animal and eat meat, just like it became Halal for Pakistani Muslims to kill the minorities in name of ridiculous blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular state, then it also becomes Halal for India to kill each and every Muslim who tries to preach Islam, and all the converts have also to be killed in name of Irtadad, just like you made is Halal for you, Pakistan and Islam.

You made the Secularism the biggest sin of India, while on the other side you are defending the evils of Muslims and religion of Islam against the minorities.

While I condemned all the extremist acts of Hindus and the Hindu religion, but you on the other hand defending wrong doings of the Muslims and the religion of Islam which is basically main culprit when it comes to Irtadad and blasphemy laws and humiliation of the minorities like not greeting them and to push them to the corner of the road.

And yes it is Pakistan's and the Muslim's fault that BJP is getting popularity among the Hindu masses in India.

And yes, it is the fault of the Muslim's and Islam that whole world is leaving the path of Secularism, and they want to wage a war against the double standards of the Muslims and Islam.

Just look at Burma and the Buddhists. They fear Islam and the result is clearly in front of us.

Europe was progressing beautifully towards the Secularism. But then again the double standards of the Muslims caused so much hatred among the Western people that now right wing parties are getting a lot of popularity in all these countries and all of them want to kick out the Muslims for their dangerous double standards.

It is a chance for the Muslims to understand their wrong double standards based behaviour, and adopt the Secular values and give non Muslims the equal human rights. But if they don't understand it, and keep on doing all the wrong doings in name of Sharia, while blaming others for that same things by misusing the name of Secularism, then they will heavily pay for it soon.

I wish you and Muslims have some wisdom to understand these simple things. Unfortunately, the religion makes people deaf and stupid to that level where they become unable to understand even the simplest facts.

The so called Islamic political parties in Pakistan which are made in the name of religion hardly win seats in the elections. And do you know why? Because there is nothing Islamic about them.
We muslims are our own best critic and nobody is to be blamed for our downfall but us. Yes you can criticise muslims but Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world and comes from Almighty!
It is a stupid argument from you that India's biggest fault is that India calls it a Secular state.

So, India should stop calling itself a Secular State, but a Hindu State, then it also becomes Halal for India to change the Muslim names of the cities and areas just like it became Halal earlier for the Islamic Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular State, but calls itself a Hindu State, then it again becomes Halal for Hindus to kill Muslims in name of blasphemy when they try to kill any animal and eat meat, just like it became Halal for Pakistani Muslims to kill the minorities in name of ridiculous blasphemy laws in Pakistan.

And, if India stops calling itself a Secular state, then it also becomes Halal for India to kill each and every Muslim who tries to preach Islam, and all the converts have also to be killed in name of Irtadad, just like you made is Halal for you, Pakistan and Islam.

You made the Secularism the biggest sin of India, while on the other side you are defending the evils of Muslims and religion of Islam against the minorities.

While I condemned all the extremist acts of Hindus and the Hindu religion, but you on the other hand defending wrong doings of the Muslims and the religion of Islam which is basically main culprit when it comes to Irtadad and blasphemy laws and humiliation of the minorities like not greeting them and to push them to the corner of the road.

And yes it is Pakistan's and the Muslim's fault that BJP is getting popularity among the Hindu masses in India.

And yes, it is the fault of the Muslim's and Islam that whole world is leaving the path of Secularism, and they want to wage a war against the double standards of the Muslims and Islam.

Just look at Burma and the Buddhists. They fear Islam and the result is clearly in front of us.

Europe was progressing beautifully towards the Secularism. But then again the double standards of the Muslims caused so much hatred among the Western people that now right wing parties are getting a lot of popularity in all these countries and all of them want to kick out the Muslims for their dangerous double standards.

It is a chance for the Muslims to understand their wrong double standards based behaviour, and adopt the Secular values and give non Muslims the equal human rights. But if they don't understand it, and keep on doing all the wrong doings in name of Sharia, while blaming others for that same things by misusing the name of Secularism, then they will heavily pay for it soon.

I wish you and Muslims have some wisdom to understand these simple things. Unfortunately, the religion makes people deaf and stupid to that level where they become unable to understand even the simplest facts.

You sound like someone who would support right wing radicalized extremists religious Hindu nationalists and any bigoted racist party.

I would go further but you have exposed yourself as who you are and what do you support, which is bigoted, extremist and radicalized views and hatred collectively to one particular group of people.

Congrats :)
You sound like someone who would support right wing radicalized extremists religious Hindu nationalists and any bigoted racist party.

I would go further but you have exposed yourself as who you are and what do you support, which is bigoted, extremist and radicalized views and hatred collectively to one particular group of people.

Congrats :)

I am sorry if I sounded as Hindu Extremist apologetic to you, while for sure I am not and I am as critical against extremist Hinduism as I am against any religion including Islam.

For sure it only Hindu extremism and hatred against the Muslims behind changing the names of Indian cities and areas. It is the same hatred which Pakistani Muslims showed earlier when they changed the Hindu names of cities and areas.

While a BJP Hindu extremist apologetic never accept this hatred, but he comes up with lame excuses like this that BJP only changed the names to their originals etc.

You see, every one has unlimited numbers of lame excuses. Pakistani Muslims come up with lame excuse that Pakistan is not a Secular country thus in name of Sharia it is Halal upon them to impose the non Human laws of Irtadad and blasphemy. And your counter parts, the extremist Hindus thus came up with lame excuses like this that only original names have been introduced.

Indian Secularists also have to take the burden of the wrong doings of the Indian Muslims and Pakistani Muslims. Hindu extremists have been constantly blaming them for being traitor to India and agents of Pakistan while they still try to defend the Muslims and talk against beef ban.

Same is true for Pakistan too where Pakistani Secularists and human right activists are blamed for being traitors to Pakistan, Agents of West or Indian RAW or Mossad etc.
The so called Islamic political parties in Pakistan which are made in the name of religion hardly win seats in the elections. And do you know why? Because there is nothing Islamic about them.

Please sir, try to understand this that there is NOT a single Secular Party in Pakistan.

Yes, all the Parties are already unanimous that Secularism has no place in Islamic Pakistan, and Pakistan should be ruled only and only through the Islamic Laws including Irtadad and Blasphemy.

While India is still at totally different level. There do exist Secular Parties which are totally oppose the imposition of any outdated religious laws, but they struggle to make all the laws on the bases of Humanity and Justice and Equality for all.

Pakistan only has "internal competition" of who is more religious and who is less religious. And for sure people do fear the extremism. Imran Khan supported the Shariate Muhammadi movement of Sufi Muhammad in Swat. But for sure Imran Khan himself never want his sisters or daughters to live under such Shariate Muhammadi System where they had to take Hijab and to undergo a lot of hardships as women. These are the double standards.

Actually, Muslims of Karachi and Lahore may support Islamic System, but still they would never like to live under the FATA like religious society.

In India it is same. People don't vote for RSS, but they happily vote for BJP, although both of them Hindu religious parties. Difference is simple that one is extreme Hindu while other is milder Hindu. This is the situation of "Inter-Hindu" competition.

But in India these Hindu Parties also have to compete against the a huge population of Muslims, and even more bigger issue for them is the presence of Indian Secularists, who oppose their religious agenda.

We muslims are our own best critic and nobody is to be blamed for our downfall but us. Yes you can criticise muslims but Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world and comes from Almighty!

Do you preach Muslim, or do you preach Islam?

If you preach Islam, then you should also give the right to the others to criticize Islam too. Both these two things i.e. Preaching and Criticism go hands in hands and could not be separated. You should get the full right to preach, while the other side should get the full right to differ and criticize.
BJP Hindu aur unki choti-choti khushiyan.

Anyway this was the "development" that Bjp was elected for and this is the development it is delivering.
BJP Hindu aur unki choti-choti khushiyan.

Anyway this was the "development" that Bjp was elected for and this is the development it is delivering.

I am afraid that changing name of cities is a small thing, while BJP/RSS will go to the extremes against the Muslims like we see in Burma.

Might is right.
What a waste of everyone’s time.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Agra to Agarwal": BJP leaders want to rename more Uttar Pradesh cities <a href="https://t.co/WOcOFE3OHA">https://t.co/WOcOFE3OHA</a> <a href="https://t.co/7IbqmQ2mHB">pic.twitter.com/7IbqmQ2mHB</a></p>— NDTV (@ndtv) <a href="https://twitter.com/ndtv/status/1060913695553769472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 9, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
What a waste of everyone’s time.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Agra to Agarwal": BJP leaders want to rename more Uttar Pradesh cities <a href="https://t.co/WOcOFE3OHA">https://t.co/WOcOFE3OHA</a> <a href="https://t.co/7IbqmQ2mHB">pic.twitter.com/7IbqmQ2mHB</a></p>— NDTV (@ndtv) <a href="https://twitter.com/ndtv/status/1060913695553769472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 9, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Let's rename Uttar Pradesh to Puttar Pradesh. :inti
Make India “Hindu”, again.

How are some of the well educated people in the world allowing this backwardness?

It seem Hindustan is Hindu first than India.
Make India “Hindu”, again.

How are some of the well educated people in the world allowing this backwardness?

It seem Hindustan is Hindu first than India.

You may think hinduism is backward for obvious reasons, but having a country based on divine laws instead of man made constitution is progression.
Beautiful posts by [MENTION=147293]Azmi[/MENTION], completely dominated the debate. A shame I missed this thread earlier.
Make India “Hindu”, again.

How are some of the well educated people in the world allowing this backwardness?

It seem Hindustan is Hindu first than India.

Didn't know you consider Pakistan bsckward as it's Islamic republic.
BJP has played this amazingly well ,cunning politicians made sure next years political election would be about most useless stuff,Congress as usual would be found wanting.
BJP has played this amazingly well ,cunning politicians made sure next years political election would be about most useless stuff,Congress as usual would be found wanting.

Its sad that opposition has found not a single leader worth taking on bjp. All they are talking about is making another rag tag coalition like 1996.
Good to see Original Indo-Aryan names are becoming official again over *******ized Perso-Arabic names of Invaders.

We are witnessing reemergence of Great Indian Civilization again for the third time India will witness Golden Age after Charkravartin(King of the Kings, World rulers) Mauryans and Guptas.

What an amazing time to live !
What a waste of everyone’s time.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Agra to Agarwal": BJP leaders want to rename more Uttar Pradesh cities <a href="https://t.co/WOcOFE3OHA">https://t.co/WOcOFE3OHA</a> <a href="https://t.co/7IbqmQ2mHB">pic.twitter.com/7IbqmQ2mHB</a></p>— NDTV (@ndtv) <a href="https://twitter.com/ndtv/status/1060913695553769472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 9, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

There was an early reference to an “Agravana” in the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, and Ptolemy is said to have called the site “Agra.” and yet nevertheless Sultan Sikandar Lodī, the Muslim ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, founded Agra in the year 1504. After the Sultan's death, the city passed on to his son, Sultan Ibrāhīm Lodī. He ruled his Sultanate from Agra until he fell fighting to Mughal Badshah Bābar in the First battle of Panipat fought in 1526.

Agravana sounds better. 10/10
Good to see Original Indo-Aryan names are becoming official again over *******ized Perso-Arabic names of Invaders.

We are witnessing reemergence of Great Indian Civilization again for the third time India will witness Golden Age after Charkravartin(King of the Kings, World rulers) Mauryans and Guptas.

What an amazing time to live !

Take your great Indian Dhoti clad thread lovers in saffron clothes and remain in your backward political mindset.

We want scientific improvement, not saying Congress but lol India is a country Mughals Rajputs ,Cholas, Daccan all rulers are part of this country ,just stop your nonsense and accept India the country and it's Constitution and move on
Real change and batterment of Indian lives require proper policies and a control on corruption.

Instead, the name changing and this continuous modification of India's heritage is easier and requires nothing.

Ghunda raj: like one of those late 90s movies, in real life.

Its sad that opposition has found not a single leader worth taking on bjp. All they are talking about is making another rag tag coalition like 1996.

I agree , even though I dislike BJP what Naidu is doing is a joke and these Dalaas area annoying as hell.

Can't believe even decent leaders like Pilot and Scindhia are being kept in check by Gandhis.
Take your great Indian Dhoti clad thread lovers in saffron clothes and remain in your backward political mindset.

We want scientific improvement, not saying Congress but lol India is a country Mughals Rajputs ,Cholas, Daccan all rulers are part of this country ,just stop your nonsense and accept India the country and it's Constitution and move on

let the dance of democracy decide whether the dhoti dharis or the convent cultured get their say. will you be voting in 2019?
Real change and batterment of Indian lives require proper policies and a control on corruption.

Instead, the name changing and this continuous modification of India's heritage is easier and requires nothing.

Ghunda raj: like one of those late 90s movies, in real life.


There is no instead. economic prosperity is happening along side cleansing our nation by removing the vestiges of oppressors and bringing back the glorious heritage and culture of the mother civilization of this holy land.
Good to see Original Indo-Aryan names are becoming official again over *******ized Perso-Arabic names of Invaders.

We are witnessing reemergence of Great Indian Civilization again for the third time India will witness Golden Age after Charkravartin(King of the Kings, World rulers) Mauryans and Guptas.

What an amazing time to live !

I read somewhere that India originally was a Buddhist country.. is that Right?
Didn't know you consider Pakistan bsckward as it's Islamic republic.

As an Indian, I am sure you do not care much about my opinion.

But I know some of the right winged hard line hindu extremists just like the person who wants to make hindustan Hindu again consider Pakistan backward.

Pakistan has a long way to go but compare to recent events in India, Pakistan is doing okay.
I am sorry if I sounded as Hindu Extremist apologetic to you, while for sure I am not and I am as critical against extremist Hinduism as I am against any religion including Islam.

For sure it only Hindu extremism and hatred against the Muslims behind changing the names of Indian cities and areas. It is the same hatred which Pakistani Muslims showed earlier when they changed the Hindu names of cities and areas.

While a BJP Hindu extremist apologetic never accept this hatred, but he comes up with lame excuses like this that BJP only changed the names to their originals etc.

You see, every one has unlimited numbers of lame excuses. Pakistani Muslims come up with lame excuse that Pakistan is not a Secular country thus in name of Sharia it is Halal upon them to impose the non Human laws of Irtadad and blasphemy. And your counter parts, the extremist Hindus thus came up with lame excuses like this that only original names have been introduced.

Indian Secularists also have to take the burden of the wrong doings of the Indian Muslims and Pakistani Muslims. Hindu extremists have been constantly blaming them for being traitor to India and agents of Pakistan while they still try to defend the Muslims and talk against beef ban.

Same is true for Pakistan too where Pakistani Secularists and human right activists are blamed for being traitors to Pakistan, Agents of West or Indian RAW or Mossad etc.

No! Pakistan isn't a secular country nor it claim to be a secular country, and just because it isn't a secular country it does not Okay for Pakistan to pass laws that put minority in danger.

India claim to be a secular country when it is not.

It is as simple.
As an Indian, I am sure you do not care much about my opinion.

But I know some of the right winged hard line hindu extremists just like the person who wants to make hindustan Hindu again consider Pakistan backward.

Pakistan has a long way to go but compare to recent events in India, Pakistan is doing okay.

Congratulations then ,I have no idea about Pakistan but if news is what is to be considered and seeing TLP then I would still choose India because it's still state dependen there.
There was an early reference to an “Agravana” in the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, and Ptolemy is said to have called the site “Agra.” and yet nevertheless Sultan Sikandar Lodī, the Muslim ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, founded Agra in the year 1504. After the Sultan's death, the city passed on to his son, Sultan Ibrāhīm Lodī. He ruled his Sultanate from Agra until he fell fighting to Mughal Badshah Bābar in the First battle of Panipat fought in 1526.

Agravana sounds better. 10/10

Agrawal always reminds me of 'Aggarwal Sweets Corner'. :inti
Congratulations then ,I have no idea about Pakistan but if news is what is to be considered and seeing TLP then I would still choose India because it's still state dependen there.

Funny, you claim that you do not know much about Pakistan and yet pass a judgement and claim to chose a country, which obviously you would have because it has nothing to do with what you have written due to your inherited indoctrination.

What you have failed to understand as to how government of Pakistan has stopped the protest without any life lost and at the same time had infamous minority freed from jail, which was appreciated by huge majority of Pakistani.

Like I have said, Pakistan has long way to go, and you do not see sensible Pakistani going around with a banner of being secular country like many Indian do when India is far from a secular country, and this thread is just another perfect example, which is many elected politicians who has majority of support wants to make Hindustan Hindu, again.

Try to think about it.
Funny, you claim that you do not know much about Pakistan and yet pass a judgement and claim to chose a country, which obviously you would have because it has nothing to do with what you have written due to your inherited indoctrination.

What you have failed to understand as to how government of Pakistan has stopped the protest without any life lost and at the same time had infamous minority freed from jail, which was appreciated by huge majority of Pakistani.

Like I have said, Pakistan has long way to go, and you do not see sensible Pakistani going around with a banner of being secular country like many Indian do when India is far from a secular country, and this thread is just another perfect example, which is many elected politicians who has majority of support wants to make Hindustan Hindu, again.

Try to think about it.

They actually don't have the support to make India Hindu again, check the voting percentage BJP received, the only reason they are doing well is because opposition is not letting go of it's nepotistic dynasties.

On Pakistan as I mentioned before ,since you are considering only bad news to rate a country I did the same, In terms of news there are lot of chest thumping Indians who could give you great news about India, I only care about social changes so will post that if any not GDP crap, my point is only how you see India and Pakistan with bias probably similar to biased Indians, I'm only commenting here coz you made a remarkable against India going backward.
Funny, you claim that you do not know much about Pakistan and yet pass a judgement and claim to chose a country, which obviously you would have because it has nothing to do with what you have written due to your inherited indoctrination.

What you have failed to understand as to how government of Pakistan has stopped the protest without any life lost and at the same time had infamous minority freed from jail, which was appreciated by huge majority of Pakistani.

Like I have said, Pakistan has long way to go, and you do not see sensible Pakistani going around with a banner of being secular country like many Indian do when India is far from a secular country, and this thread is just another perfect example, which is many elected politicians who has majority of support wants to make Hindustan Hindu, again.

Try to think about it.

I am with you here. hate the secularist indians myself who i consider traitors to this holyland. Wait till the Hindu Resistance comes to power and then you won't have anything to complain about. just imagine that when islam gets in danger in pakistan by a woman who has to be jailed for 8 years despite it being an islamic nation and not ruled by secularists, imagine the plight of hinduism here in india and the grave danger and existential thread it is facing when its courts, police, politicians can't get a damn temple which is our right. hopefully the Hindu Resistance will overpower the secularists and take over the country and establish the rule of Bhagwan Shri Ram in this once glorious and great country.
They actually don't have the support to make India Hindu again, check the voting percentage BJP received, the only reason they are doing well is because opposition is not letting go of it's nepotistic dynasties.

On Pakistan as I mentioned before ,since you are considering only bad news to rate a country I did the same, In terms of news there are lot of chest thumping Indians who could give you great news about India, I only care about social changes so will post that if any not GDP crap, my point is only how you see India and Pakistan with bias probably similar to biased Indians, I'm only commenting here coz you made a remarkable against India going backward.

India is a democracy, a free and fair democracy, where election are clean, so if these radicalized right wing religious extremists are keep getting elected than it says otherwise.

Obviously India has lots of good news coming out of India, particularly economy etc. but all of that is overshadowed when bigotry and ignorance is on the rise.
India is a democracy, a free and fair democracy, where election are clean, so if these radicalized right wing religious extremists are keep getting elected than it says otherwise.

Obviously India has lots of good news coming out of India, particularly economy etc. but all of that is overshadowed when bigotry and ignorance is on the rise.

LOL. If we elect Hindu leaders, we get labelled as radicalized right wing religious extremists? Don't we deserve to have a Hindu Republic? You can live under the divine laws of Islam, but we don't deserve the same?
LOL. If we elect Hindu leaders, we get labelled as radicalized right wing religious extremists? Don't we deserve to have a Hindu Republic? You can live under the divine laws of Islam, but we don't deserve the same?

Obviously not, hence after 30 years the long heralded Hindu temple has still to be rebuilt in Ayodhya.
India is a democracy, a free and fair democracy, where election are clean, so if these radicalized right wing religious extremists are keep getting elected than it says otherwise.

Obviously India has lots of good news coming out of India, particularly economy etc. but all of that is overshadowed when bigotry and ignorance is on the rise.

It's a right wing party, will get voted out if not coming then next election.
Right Left and center are part of politics ,they will keep swinging people need to keep faith in the system..
India is a democracy, a free and fair democracy, where election are clean, so if these radicalized right wing religious extremists are keep getting elected than it says otherwise.

Obviously India has lots of good news coming out of India, particularly economy etc. but all of that is overshadowed when bigotry and ignorance is on the rise.

India is not a democracy but a Brahmanic-upper caste cabal.

Look at the works/life of Periyar if you want to have an authentic image of India.

Hindu nationalists will not only antagonize Muslims but also the Dalits in the longer run, such is their ideology.
India is not a democracy but a Brahmanic-upper caste cabal.

Look at the works/life of Periyar if you want to have an authentic image of India.

Hindu nationalists will not only antagonize Muslims but also the Dalits in the longer run, such is their ideology.

Democracy in terms of people having a choice to elect Hindu nationalists, which does not make it a secular Democracy.
I don't give a damm about names. Allahabad or Prayaganj or any other name.
But the rate at which this present govt. is changing names shows its priority. There are hundreds of areas on which this govt has failed miserably, they need to work on those areas. But, what are they doing ? Changing names of cities, building tallest statues, paying anchors to run propoganda videos day and night on tv.