How to get sponsored?


Mar 24, 2013
I am really in need of a sponsorship right now. I am 13 years old and play a good amount of cricket. I want to be sponsored by a company like SS,SG,etc. What should I do to recieve a sponsorship?
Well i can tell you its not easy. But its always best to go to the manufacture of that particular product and ask them how sponsorship works.

For example i did a social responsibility project at University a while back. So i went to the Supermarkets like Shoprite, Pick 'n Pay, Spar etc and they told me that i should have applied (i.e. wrote a letter) in September of the previous year because they have year projects and they give donations in Jan, Feb, Mar etc for those who applied early.

Of course i did not know i was gonna have a social responsibility project in my 2nd year because that module/subject was irrelevant to what i was studying for. When i went there in March it was too late i had to raise funds myself.

So all depends on what sponsorship you want.
Anyway good luck kido.
Well what company did you get sponsored for?

i did not get sponsored :).
I had to raise funds at the cafeteria by making a clown of myself.
A nice local Doctor gave me 500 bucks which was alot in those days. And my mom is a Nurse so she helped me out by introducing me to her colleagues and they gave donations as well and wallah.
The white corporate sector in South Africa is useless in my culture we believe in "ubuntu".
I am trying to get sponsored to aero cricket and when I filled the application in their website, the letters which you have to enter to proceed at the bottom of the page was a trouble for me. i entered the letters correctly but it was keep refreshing. Can someone check the page out an help me?
I am trying to get sponsored to aero cricket and when I filled the application in their website, the letters which you have to enter to proceed at the bottom of the page was a trouble for me. i entered the letters correctly but it was keep refreshing. Can someone check the page out an help me?

do they have a branch near where you live?
Its always best to go there physicaly even if they ask/tell you to visit their website. Thats the 1st rule of business, physical interaction is more important than applying in a virtual world coz you would just be another applicant.
you might get a small discount, but to get sponsered you need to be playing junior state level cricket if not higher.
I got the 40 percent sponsorship from Mars Cricket and Woodstock cricket. Which one should I go for?