How will the political landscape change in Pakistan in 2024?


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Aug 29, 2023
General elections are scheduled to be held in Pakistan on 8 February 2024 to elect the members of the 16th National Assembly.

The three major parties are Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), led by Gohar Ali Khan, Pakistan Muslim League (N) (PML (N)), led by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), led by former Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.

Following the removal of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in a no-confidence vote, experts say the political reset could usher in short-term stability, but the new leadership will soon face challenges inherited from the former government.

According to Quantumrun Foresight, a trend intelligence consulting firm, Pakistan is expected to experience significant change in its politics, economics, technology, culture, and environment in 2024.

Who are the key political figures in Pakistan who could influence the 2024 elections according to you and how will it change the landscape of Pakistan?

Please share your thoughts about it.​
It has already changed a lot in the last couple of years. We may see Nawaz Sharif gets another terms as the prime minister of Pakistan that for me would be a step backwards for us as a nation.
It has already changed a lot in the last couple of years. We may see Nawaz Sharif gets another terms as the prime minister of Pakistan that for me would be a step backwards for us as a nation.
I think if establishment allows PTI to take part in election freely then certainly we can come out of this backwardness.
Just imagine for a moment if PTI still manages to get the maximum seats even after that much pressure. Would the arrogant establishment accept him?
I am expecting a bit of stability in terms of economic growth. This nation has already faced very tough times.
Economic growth was well on track before the PDM came over in the name of the "mehengai mukao march" and all they did was to make it worse for the citizens of Pakistan. Inflation is record high now and I am not sure there will be anything different if a biased and corrupt government is made again due to the influence of some powerfuls.
I thought after these elections things would start getting better for Pakistan but it's sinking further into turmoil.

Contenders for the next finance minister​

DEMOCRACY in Pakistan has yet to yield significant improvements in living standards and provide a stable environment for businesses to thrive. Despite this, the recent elections saw 60.5 million Pakistanis using ballots, more than ever before in the nation’s history.

It indicates people’s profound trust in democracy and a belief, perhaps perceived irrational by many observers, that an elected government has the potential to serve the public better and advance the nation’s long-term interests. The crucial question looms: Will the new government live up to this trust and deliver on its promises?

Unfortunately, the situation is incredibly intricate, and the success hinges greatly on the competence of the new economic team in navigating these challenges. Pakistan confronts daunting economic hurdles: inflation has soared to an unprecedented rate of over 30 per cent, while economic growth remains almost stagnant if one considers the population growth rate.

All discussants on the topic unanimously agreed on the high stakes involved, recognising that the next finance minister faces the formidable task of meeting the expectations of both the public and the business community while simultaneously adhering to stringent stability targets.

Source : Dawn News
Who would love to sit in this dummy parliament?
PML-N’s Saad Rafique calls for NA session ‘as soon as possible’

PML-N leader Khawaja Saad Rafique has said that a session of the National Assembly, which would be the first of the upcoming government, should be convened “as soon as possible”.

In a post on X, he said, “Conducting the grand national dialogue is the prime responsibility of this assembly.”

Rafique further said that state institutions should also be involved in the dialogue to “give way to each other so that Pakistan gets way”.

Source : Dawn News
PPP set to form govt in Balochistan, says Sarfaraz Bugti

PPP has firmly claimed that it was in a position to form its government in Balochistan as PML-N has assured its full support to the party in the province.

“Some nationalist parties were raising hue and cry over their defeat in the polls, but despite all odds, the PPP will form government in Balochistan,” PPP leader Sarfaraz Bugti said in a press conference.

“Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has given us a clear message that it will be our ally in Balochistan,” he added.

Bugti said the PPP would soon finalise the process of government formation in Balochistan. He, however, said the PPP had yet to decide a candidate for the chief minister’s slot.

Source: Dawn News
PPP set to form govt in Balochistan, says Sarfaraz Bugti

PPP has firmly claimed that it was in a position to form its government in Balochistan as PML-N has assured its full support to the party in the province.

“Some nationalist parties were raising hue and cry over their defeat in the polls, but despite all odds, the PPP will form government in Balochistan,” PPP leader Sarfaraz Bugti said in a press conference.

“Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has given us a clear message that it will be our ally in Balochistan,” he added.

Bugti said the PPP would soon finalise the process of government formation in Balochistan. He, however, said the PPP had yet to decide a candidate for the chief minister’s slot.

Source: Dawn News
Hahaha why dont they forming government in center? all they need major positions in govt but still denying that they wont be a part of it which means they know this bhanmati ka kumba wont even last for more than 6 months for sure!
Expecting nothing from the state in this regard
Jamaat-i-Islami Senator Mushtaq Ahmad on Tuesday demanded that Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja resign from his post and proceedings under Article 6 (high treason) of the Constitution be initiated against him.

He passed these remarks as the upper house of Parliament convened for the second day. During the session, a number of senators raised concerns regarding allegations of poll rigging and last week’s press conference by former Rawalpindi commissioner Liaqat Ali Chattha wherein he had accused the Election Commission of Pakistan and Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa of involvement in the “rigging” — a claim denied by the electoral watchdog and the top judge.

Chattha claimed the candidates who were “losing” the elections “were made to win” and that the process to justify the manipulated results was still going in “an organised manner at some offices”.

Apart from the ex-commissioner, several political parties including the PTI, JI, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazal and Awami National Party claimed that they were deprived of their mandate through “massive rigging”.

Speaking during today’s Senate session, Senator Mushtaq said: “Chairman sahib, the country witnessed the worst-ever rigging on Feb 8. These were fake elections and whatever government is formed on the basis of these polls would be fake.”

He demanded that the ECP should apologise for failing to fulfil its constitutional responsibility and the CEC should resign.

“Proceedings should be initiated against him under Article 6 of the Constitution and the Rs5 billion that was spent on the elections should be recovered those responsible for rigging,” the JI senator said.

He further claimed that four departments — the ECP, caretaker government, judiciary and establishment — had “stolen the mandate of the public”.

Mushtaq also read out loud Article 6, adding that the ECP was bound to ensure that the elections were free, fair, transparent and lawful. “But none of this was ensured in the Feb 8 elections and, therefore, the election commission should be tried under high treason,” he asserted.

The senator lamented that the nation was bearing an increase in the costs of electricity, gas and other essentials, claiming that all this money was being given to the ECP.

“This will be a strange government where the prime minister was selected first and then elections were held. I believe this is not just rigging but this is the rape [sic] of the ballot paper, ballot box and the nation’s fundamental right,” he said.

Mushtaq went on to say that the Feb 8 polls lost their credibility the moment mobile and internet services were suspended on election day.

“For the past three days, there has been a clamp down on social media platform Twitter [now X]. Why? Because rigging has taken place and you are not facing it because you are scared,” he alleged.

This, the senator continued, was a theft of the people’s digital rights which would not be accepted.

Referring to Chattha’s press conference, he said the ex-commissioner had “exposed” the Feb 8 elections. “You can see that the situation was something else on Feb 8 and it completely changed on Feb 9,” he said.

Mushtaq also lauded JI’s Karachi Emir Naeemur Rehman for forfeiting his Sindh Assembly seat. “Deals were made beforehand, and results were announced according to that. This is a big question which should be investigated,” he claimed.

The senator added that those involved in alleged poll rigging were playing with Pakistan’s future. “Elections are supposed to pull the country out of the crisis, but these polls just increased all our economic and political challenges,” he said.

“I want to ask, what message are you giving to the public by this? That some civil servants will decide for the nation behind closed doors?” Mushtaq asked in the fiery speech.

‘People’s decision loud and clear’​

PTI Senator Barrister Ali Zafar stated that the people of Pakistan, particularly the youth, had announced their decision in favour of incarcerated party chief Imran Khan on Feb 8.

“It is a revolution of the vote and in favour of democracy,” he said. “Despite the incidents of pre- and post-poll rigging, they have given a decision loud and clear.

“Whether someone accepts this or not, this decision is in favour of hope and democracy. This decision is in favour of the PTI and Imran Khan,” Zafar added, lauding the nation.

He said that the PTI was harassed in the hope that “supporters won’t come out to vote” on Feb 8. The senator recalled that the homes of PTI candidates were raided, they were stopped from filing nomination papers and the party was not allowed to hold a single gathering in the run-up to the polls.

Source: Dawn News

Bad old days coming again for Pakistan😉


Bilawal says Zardari to shortlist governors once elected president​

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said Asif Ali Zardari would select provincial governors once he becomes president. Zardari has been nominated by the PPP for the president’s slot.

“The PPP’s stance is that […] after completing all the elections, and after Zardari is elected and has taken oath, then he himself will shortlist the governors. Right now the process has not even begun,” he said.

Source : Dawn News
PDM 2.0 in full force in Balochistan
PML-N’s Abdul Khaliq Achakzai elected Balochistan speaker, PPP’s Ghazala Gola elected deputy
PML-N leader Abdul Khaliq Achakzai was elected speaker of the Balochistan Assembly, while PPP’s Ghazala Gola was elected deputy speaker.

Both won their respective positions unopposed as no other candidates submitted nomination papers. The two will be sworn in later today.

Source : Dawn News

PDM is a multi party alliance so if they fail again then who in his opinion will sort these issues.​


No one leader or party can solve Pakistan’s challenges, says Ahsan Iqbal​

PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal has said that no one party, leader, or institution can solve Pakistan’s current challenges.

“The way forward for the country is in the strengthening of the Parliament and the upholding of the Constitution […] and this depends on the working relationship of the people in this house,” he said.
“But if we do politics of polarisation, then we won’t be able to fulfill the expectations the nation has from us,” Iqbal said, adding that Pakistan’s problems could not be solved any other way.

“I want to invite the members of the opposition to join us and sit together to solve the problems in the country,” the PML-N leader said.

Source: Dawn News

Good idea for local empowerment​


Farooq Sattar calls for ‘empowered’ districts​

MQM-P leader Farooq Sattar has called for empowered districts and cities, saying that they will be the reason for a safer Pakistan.

“Why does a prime minister have to declare that the government and establishment are on the same page?” he asked during a National Assembly session today. “We want answers to this. The condition of Pakistan has not changed for 15 years.”

Sattar congratulated all the politicians for being elected to the House and stressed that political stability was imperative for economic stability.

Source: Dawn News
Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) leader Sarfraz Bugti was elected unopposed as the chief minister of Punjab on Friday.

Bugti was the sole candidate for the coveted slot as no other member of the provincial assembly submitted nomination papers.

The voting process for his election will be conducted tomorrow (Saturday) where Bugti will have to secure 33 votes in the House of 65 members.

It is pertinent to mention that the newly-elected chief minister of Balochistan served as the caretaker interior minister.

He later resigned from the post ahead of the general elections that were held on February 8.

AAJ News
PML-N’s Ayaz Sadiq was elected as the speaker of the National Assembly for the third time while PPP’s Ghulam Mustafa Shah was elected as his deputy amid a noisy session on Friday.

In his speech, Shah thanked his party leadership and coalition partners for putting trust in him.

Shah was elected as the deputy speaker of the National Assembly with 197 votes while his opponent Junaid Akbar, from the SIC, secured 92 votes.

After the election, Speaker Ayaz Sadiq administered the oath to Shah.

AAJ News
Lots of reports about the establishment and the PDM imposing Governors rule in KPK. Is this possible? They now have their men in all the important slots i.e. COAS, CJP, President, Prime Minister. Imposition of Governors rule in KPK will result in Civil unrest and Civil War.

Bad old days coming again for Pakistan😉


Bilawal says Zardari to shortlist governors once elected president​

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said Asif Ali Zardari would select provincial governors once he becomes president. Zardari has been nominated by the PPP for the president’s slot.

“The PPP’s stance is that […] after completing all the elections, and after Zardari is elected and has taken oath, then he himself will shortlist the governors. Right now the process has not even begun,” he said.

Source : Dawn News
how is is bad?
He as the president got us a parliamentary govt in which he gave away his own powers
Lots of reports about the establishment and the PDM imposing Governors rule in KPK. Is this possible? They now have their men in all the important slots i.e. COAS, CJP, President, Prime Minister. Imposition of Governors rule in KPK will result in Civil unrest and Civil War.
it will depend on how stupid PTI is this time around.

Its not very easy to impose. The president does a proclamation for it first which takes about a month. After which a joint session is held where the approval of the two houses is needed. Now this is where PTI needs to be careful and not end up resigning there seats in NA like they did in the past.

For Governor Rule to be imposed, you need a situation where the province cannot be governed by the provincial parliament. Once that can be attributed only than can Governor Rule be imposed. Because even if they impose it, the court has the power to reverse such a decision if they believe things are not as bad.

Something similar happened with the Sharifs in 2010 or 2009
It really doesn't matter what type of political climate is in Pakistan, all of it has been and will be disasterous...

As long as the military is in control Pakistan will go the way it is till end of time..

Pakistan cannot be saved, its a lost cause.
The political landscape is not going to change in Pakistan, may it be in the year 2070 or centuries later. Pakistan has become a hub of nepotistic politics and will stay the same for the years to come.

Achakzai paying the price for his anti establishment speech​


PkMAP slams raid in Quetta targeting Mahmood Khan Achakzai​

The Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) strongly condemned a raid conducted on Sunday by the Quetta administration, which claimed to have recovered a piece of government-owned land “illegally occupied” by the party’s chairman, Mahmood Khan Achakzai, the presidential candidate contesting against PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari.

The party alleged that the raid was conducted at Achakzai’s residence and was a reaction of “state institutions” after a speech Achakzai recently delivered in the National Assembly.

However, Quetta Deputy Commissioner Saad Asad said earlier on Sunday that the raid was conducted to reclaim a piece of land located near Achakzai’s residence. Asad alleged that the reclaimed land, having an area of 2.5 kanals and encircled with a boundary wall, was illegally occupied by the PkMAP chief.

Source: Dawn News

Achakzai paying the price for his anti establishment speech​


PkMAP slams raid in Quetta targeting Mahmood Khan Achakzai​

The Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) strongly condemned a raid conducted on Sunday by the Quetta administration, which claimed to have recovered a piece of government-owned land “illegally occupied” by the party’s chairman, Mahmood Khan Achakzai, the presidential candidate contesting against PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari.

The party alleged that the raid was conducted at Achakzai’s residence and was a reaction of “state institutions” after a speech Achakzai recently delivered in the National Assembly.

However, Quetta Deputy Commissioner Saad Asad said earlier on Sunday that the raid was conducted to reclaim a piece of land located near Achakzai’s residence. Asad alleged that the reclaimed land, having an area of 2.5 kanals and encircled with a boundary wall, was illegally occupied by the PkMAP chief.

Source: Dawn News

Akhtar Mengal ‘outraged’ by alleged raid on Mahmood Achakzai’s house​

Balochistan National Party-Mengal chief Sarfar Akhtar Mengal has said he is “outraged by the raid” on the residence of Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) chief Mahmood Khan Achakzai.

“Zero tolerance for truth is loud and clear. Strongly condemn,” Mengal said in a post on X, which was reshared by Achakzai.

Source : Dawn News
political landscape may not change but the level of corruption will surely increase with such looters coming into power.

No reserved seats for PTI too. Topi drama to be continued​


ECP publishes names of candidates for reserved seats in KP Assembly​

The Election Commission of Pakistan has published the names of candidates for reserved seats in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly.

In a notification, a copy of which is available with, the electoral watchdog said one reserved seat was each allocated to Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam Pakistan, PML-N and PPP.

Source : Dawn News
What a shame,ECP allocating PTI backed reserved seats to PDM. Egg on ECP's face
ECP releases list of additional NA reserved seats

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has released the lists of candidates elected to represent women from Punjab and non-Muslims in the National Assembly, Associated Press of Pakistan reports.

The notified candidates from Punjab include PPP’s Samina Khalid Ghurki and Natasha Daultana, along with PML-N’s Tamkeen Akhtar Niazi.

Non-Muslim seats allocated in the National Assembly include Neelum for PML-N, James Iqbal for Jamiat Ulema e Islam Pakistan, (JUI-P) and Ramesh Kumar Vankwani for PPP.

Source: Dawn News

Not sure whether its a wise or unwise move​


Marwat claims to have been named PTI’s nominee for Public Accounts Committee chairmanship​

PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwat has claimed to have been nominated by PTI founder Imran Khan as the party’s candidate for the Public Accounts Committee chairman’s role.

“I am honestly at a loss for words and extremely humbled for the unflinching trust imposed in my person by the founding chairman of PTI Mr Imran Khan Niazi,” he said in a post on X.

He said he would ensure that every penny of public exchequer spent by the treasury benches is accounted for in the “true sense”, adding that it will be ensured that the real benefits of the entire federal public spending reach their “actual and just recipients”.

“I assure everyone who stood behind me to keep faith that I will never disappoint them,” Marwat said.

Source: Dawn News

Expect no relief from LHC​


SIC petitions LHC over ECP decision to reject reserved seats allocation​

Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) Chairman Sahibzada Hamid Raza has challenged the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) decision to reject the party’s plea seeking allotment of reserved seats in the Lahore High Court.

On behalf of Raza, Advocate Ishtiaq A Khan filed the plea, which listed the electoral watchdog as the main respondent.

The petition pointed out that the ECP was neither a tribunal nor a court, adding that the SIC should be allotted the reserved seats based on their representation in the National Assembly.

The plea stated that it did not matter if the SIC contested the elections or not, adding that the ECP’s decision was equivalent to amending the Constitution and beyond the institutions’ authority.

It concluded that the court had already declared Section 104 of the Election Act, Rule 94 as unconstitutional.

Source: Dawn News

They will never make one​


Achakzai calls for formation of parliamentary party to solve PTI’s ‘grievances’​

Mahmood Khan Achakzai, the PTI’s nominee for president, has called for the formation of a parliamentary committee to solve the party’s grievances pertaining to the elections and seats.

He said the committee should be headed by senior MNAs such as JUI-F’s Fazlur Rehman, PPP’s Raza Rabbani and PML-N’s Mushahid Hussain. Achakzai also suggested that the committee discuss the imprisonment and release of PTI founder Imran Khan, who he said was an “elected member of the house”.
“I request everybody, those who are concerned, please have mercy on the country,” he said.

“We are the people who must govern this country; I sent a letter to Ayaz Sadiq […] you still have time, this assembly cannot work forward,” Achakzai said, adding that the committee can find a way through the Constitution.

Source: Dawn News
So there will be no more caretakes coming in after 5 years of elected government? Who else then? What type of setup will be used?

PML-N, PPP to scrap caretaker system

The ruling PML-N and its coalition partner PPP have reached a consensus to abolish the caretaker setup system and reform the electoral process.

Both parties have agreed that the head of the outgoing government will remain in office until the new general elections, eliminating the need for a caretaker government.

Additionally, after completing its term, the prime minister's cabinet will be dissolved, while the premier will continue to serve. Furthermore, the two parties have endorsed the drafting of legislation for electoral reforms.

Recommendations will be made to make the electoral process simple and easy. Both the PML-N and PPP will take other parties into confidence on the proposed reforms.

Besides, the PML-N-led alliance is also aiming to go for at least three major constitutional amendments, including abolishing the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), restoring Articles 62 and 63 to their original position, and empowering local governments.

A PML-N leader said initially the party was eying only two amendments: abolishing NAB and changing the wording of Articles 62 and 63 back to the original.

He added that both of them were also included in the party’s manifesto as well. He maintained that the third one had recently been included after the PML-N and MQM-P inked a formal agreement to empower local governments.
The PML-N leader continued that this was the reason the MQM-P had decided to sit on treasury benches.

The MQM-P-proposed amendment wants the federation to establish local governments under Article 140-A.

In addition, it wants to introduce Articles 140-B (which deals with the powers and functions of the local governments) and Article 140-C (which relates to the finances of the local governments). Background discussion with PML-N leaders revealed that the addition of reserved seats had emboldened the ruling alliance to take practical steps as a two-thirds majority was required for the constitutional amendments.

They said currently 225 (67%) out of the 336-member National Assembly was needed for making a constitutional amendment, saying PM Shehbaz Sharif’s election had already ensured that the coalition was supported by 201 MNAs.

They added that addition of the reserved seats would fill the required gap.

In January, three-time former premier Nawaz Sharif while launching the PML-N’s manifesto had declared in unequivocal terms that if his party secured victory in the February 8 general elections, NAB would be abolished.

Back in 2018, while grappling with three corruption references, Nawaz had expressed regret that he could not eliminate what he termed “draconian NAB laws” during his tenure.

“Abolish NAB,” the PML-N’s 51-page manifesto stated. “[It will] strengthen existing anti-corruption institutions and agencies.”

In addition to the NAB abolition pledge, Nawaz, who faced disqualification under Articles 62 and 63 and rallied behind the slogan of 'Vote Ko Izzat Do' (Respect the Vote), vowed in the manifesto to establish the unequivocal supremacy of parliament.

To do that, the party leader said, Articles 62 and 63 would be amended or restored to their original position of 1973, while Article 63-A would also be clarified.

Under Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution of Pakistan, a person cannot be qualified as a member of the national or provincial legislatures if he is not ‘Sadiq and Ameen’ – truthful and trustworthy.
On March 2, 1985, General Ziaul Haq had issued the Revival of Constitution of 1973 Order (RCO), changing 67 clauses and sections of 280 articles of the Constitution.

Some of the reworked language was clauses in Article 62, which now required members of parliament to meet the conditions of being Sadiq and Ameen – two Arabic terms which were never clearly defined in English, the language of the Constitution.


A fair ask and demand​


PTI’s Taimur Malik calls for bar on ‘political appointments of members of caretaker govts’​

Following the swearing-in of PM Shehbaz’s cabinet a day ago, PTI’s Taimur Malik has called for a bar on “political appointments of members of caretaker governments”.

In a post on X, he said, “Legal reforms — especially on issues of common interest for all and public good — must be done by the parliament.

“Let’s start with prohibition on political appointments of members of caretaker governments, reform of FIR registration process, prohibition on ban on social media platforms and strict time limits for deciding election appeals etc,” Malik added.


Source; Dawn News

All eyes on race for Punjab, K-P governor slots​

As the PPP leadership continues to hold its card over the candidates for Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa governors, it has largely become a one-horse race in the former though a senior party leader indicated that a surprise nominee should not be ruled out in both the provinces.

With presidential elections sorted out, something that the PPP wanted to deal with prior to finalising their picks for the Punjab and K-P governors -- the two positions offered to the party as part of the power-sharing formula with the PML-N -- the announcement of the names for the slots is now expected in another two days or so.

Punjab, which remains a more politically advantageous appointment for the party than K-P, initially had four candidates in the run, namely Makhdum Syed Ahmed Mahmud, Qamar Zaman Kaira, Nadeem Afzal Chan, and Chaudary Riaz.

However, Mahmud, who has already served as a governor once, is not interested in the post and pulled himself out the race, according to well-placed sources.

Chan, given his recent re-entry into the PPP from the PTI has inherent disadvantages despite being in good books of the party leadership.

Similarly, a PPP leader said Riaz, a relatively less known political figure in this race, was unlikely to be considered for this position. This leaves Kaira as the candidate with the bright chances of making it to the office.

Another plus for Kaira that puts him ahead of everyone else is that he is in good books of not only his party chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari but also the ‘powerful circles’ as well as the PML-N, according to the sources.

Source: The Express Tribune
Unfortunately, it's there to continue
Pakistan cannot ‘afford’ dynasty politics anymore: MWM chief Nasir
Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen (MWM) leader Allama Raja Nasir has said that Pakistan cannot “afford” such politics where “power is transferred among generations”.

In a post on X, Nasir said that a “horde of losers from Britain is taking Pakistan towards destruction” — an apparent reference to the PML-N.

“The same people are responsible for this destruction who have occupied power for the past 40 years,” the MWM chief added.

Source: Dawn News
Unfortunately, it's there to continue
Pakistan cannot ‘afford’ dynasty politics anymore: MWM chief Nasir
Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen (MWM) leader Allama Raja Nasir has said that Pakistan cannot “afford” such politics where “power is transferred among generations”.

In a post on X, Nasir said that a “horde of losers from Britain is taking Pakistan towards destruction” — an apparent reference to the PML-N.

“The same people are responsible for this destruction who have occupied power for the past 40 years,” the MWM chief added.

Source: Dawn News
I'm actually guessing he's referring to all 3 parties. It's weird how much connection Pakistan still has to that cold, rainy, island in the Atlantic.

Sharif clan seems to spend a huge amount of time there.
Zardari & Family maintain a second home there. Bilawal still seems to speak with a British accent.
Imran did his education there, lived a good chunk of his life and married a couple of British women.

Good point by this guy (I don't know about him honestly) about how all these losers from Britain are ruining Pakistan.
Former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Tuesday hoped that the new political party would emerge soon.

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, Abbasi said; "The country needs new leadership. The country where the government cannot take decisions cannot run."

The responsibility lies with the government to bring back its laws. Both the president and prime minister had faced the detention of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB)."

"No officer is ready to work due to the fear of the NAB," he added.

"It is up to the president and the premier to free the country from the NAB," Abbasi said.

Samaa TV
PPP Central Information Secretary Faisal Karim Kundi on Tuesday asserted that opposition parties in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa would spring a “surprise” in the upcoming Senate elections.

He made the remarks while addressing a press conference in Islamabad with PPP General Secretary Nayyer Bukhari and former Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) senator Talha Mahmood — who announced that he would be joining the party.

“As soon as the oath (on reserved seats) is taken, opposition parties in KP will give a surprise in the Senate elections,” Kundi said.

The PPP leader also criticised the KP government for employing “delaying tactics” in the oath-taking of MPAs on reserved seats. Noting that the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) had been denied reserved seats by the Peshawar High Court, he said the PPP wanted the oath-taking to take place as soon as possible.

He said the PTI-SIC was afraid that “they would lose many Senate seats” if oaths were administered to women and minorities on reserved seats.

The PPP leader stated that the PTI-SIC was violating the Constitution and law, urging KP Assembly Speaker Babar Saleem Swati to fulfil his constitutional role.

Kundi further said there were reports of a “forward bloc” within the PTI-SIC in Punjab and that there were also rumours of the same happening in KP.

“I am also hearing such voices in KP that there there may soon be a press conference, and a forward bloc may be announced,” he said. Kundi further said that “more friends from KP” were in contact with the party and would join it.

JUI-F’s Talha Mahmood joins PPP
Meanwhile, former JUI-F senator Mahmood announced in the same press conference that he was joining the PPP.

“In my opinion, Pakistan right now immensely needs […] that I do some work on the national level. And on the national level, I think there is no other party other than the PPP in the current circumstances.

“Therefore, I have decided […] I have joined the PPP and they have shown me respect. The PPP’s history is that they have stood by in difficult times and tried to play their role in improving Pakistan’s situation,” he added.

Source: Dawn News
Govt appoints Barrister Aqeel Malik as spokesperson on legal affairs

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) member National Assembly Barrister Aqeel Malik has been appointed as the federal government’s spokesperson on legal affairs, ARY News reported.

A notification issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting read that the government has appointed Barrister Aqeel Malik as a spokesperson on legal affairs.

As per the notification, the appointment will solely be on an ‘honorary basis’ and Barrister Aqeel Malik will not be drawing any perks and privileges.

Source: Ary News
We need trading with India, but due to civil dictatorship in India, it doesn't seem possible at the moment.

Parliament to have say in ministerial appointments​

According to a report submitted to the IPU, the upper house of the parliament has underscored its commitment to bolstering the Senate's role in matters concerning the Money Bill (budget).

Furthermore, it has assured the IPU of efforts to align Pakistan's domestic legal framework with international human rights standards.

In addition, the Senate has apprised the global forum that it will introduce a constitutional or legal provision related to conflicts of interest, which would require lawmakers to declare sponsored travel and accommodation.

Moreover, it vowed to regulate the practice of lobbying by individuals or groups, each with varying and specific interests, which attempt to influence decisions taken at the legislative level. The details emerged after the Senate identified at least 14 opportunities to strengthen parliament and submitted the report to the IPU.

Currently, the National Assembly’s website states that members of the cabinet are appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister, saying in the formation of the cabinet the major portion (75%), goes to the National Assembly while the rest (25%) are taken from the Senate.

It further added that the National Assembly has an edge over the Senate by legislating exclusively on money matters. With exception to money bills, however, both houses work together to carry out the basic work of the Parliament, i.e. law-making.

The other goals include: establishing a parliamentary budget office; establishing a bureau as the collective governing body of parliament, with representation from both houses; establishing legal provisions relating to equal physical and online access to the parliamentary building, its processes and proceedings, for all citizens, regardless of disability or other special needs.

Furthermore, the Senate aims at developing an impact assessment manual, guide or similar document that establishes procedures and criteria for assessing the impacts that a proposal for a law, a programme or a policy might have on different groups, and potentially entrusting such assessments to a dedicated body.

It also eyes on devising policies and/or plans on gender mainstreaming and considering the gender lens when formulating parliamentary policies; holding workshops or dialogue sessions for senators and secretariat staff on bringing gender-responsive budgeting into the mainstream; and periodically assessing gender balance in the secretariat to ensure the effectiveness of related policies, particularly at senior levels

Moreover, the targets included amending the Senate’s rules of procedure to enable senators and secretariat staff to care for young children during the conduct of legislative business and introducing online voting and video-conferencing facilities to help senators and staff with caring responsibilities to exercise their duties. Lastly, it wishes to introduce childcare facilities for Senators and Secretariat staff.

In response, the IPU has acknowledged that Pakistan’s Senate self-tested the democratic credentials of the upper house of the parliament, saying it generated 14 recommendations for itself to become more effective.

Source: The Express Tribune
Achakzai demands quashing cases against PTI founder

PTI’s founder has been the leader of the strongest party in the parliament, PkMAP leader Achakzai said.

“All big families sitting around the government were accompanied with the English colonial power,” he said. “Same families were also associated with Bhutto and Ziaul Haq,” he said. “These birds when flock to sit over a building, turn that structure into rubble,” veteran politician said.

He said these everlasting trees should be removed from the politics forever. “Such people had forced Benazir Bhutto to get the NRO”.

“When 9000 cases can be quashed, they have to close the May 09 cases too,” he added.

The six opposition parties on Friday named Mahmood Khan Achakzai as president of their newly formed political alliance “Tehreek Tahafuz-e-Aaeen” (Constitution Protection Movement) against the government.

As per the details, Balochistan National Party (BNP) chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal hosted a meeting of the alliance that was also attended by Omar Ayub of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Sunni Ittehad Council’s (SIC) Sahibzada Hamid Raza, Mahmood Khan Achakzai of Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP), Majlis-e-Wadhat-e-Muslimeen’s (MWM) Allama Nasir Abbas and Liaquat Baloch of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).

Governance & competent states

THE global debate over governance continues — what constitutes good governance and how it helps to determine the fate and fortunes of nations.

It is axiomatic that effective governance and competent leadership are what make the difference between successful and unsuccessful states. Economic development, in fact, depends on good governance. And this, in turn, has much to do with the quality of governance institutions, their responsiveness to public needs and people’s faith in them.

In an increasingly complex world, governance challenges have become more daunting. New technologies have created unprecedented flows of instant information to heighten the challenge. Technology has empowered citizens and increased their expectations of what governments should deliver. But governments are seen to lack agility in a fast-moving world.

The international debate on governance in the 21st century has produced a rich body of literature. During the Covid-19 pandemic, this conversation intensified as assessments were made of which countries managed the health crisis better and whether democracies did a more efficient job than authoritarian systems. Fareed Zakaria, in his book Ten Lessons for the Post-Pandemic World, argued that while democracies had a better record, it was a “competent, well-functioning, trusted state” and quality of governance that were instrumental in tackling the pandemic effectively.

Similarly, the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama asserted it was not the type of political system that determined capable management but an effective state. In a 2020 essay, he argued the crucial determinant in efficient crisis response is state capacity and trust in government. “What matters in the end is not regime type but whether citizens trust their leaders, and whether those leaders preside over a competent and effective state.”

Source: Dawn News
“He brought the text of the agreement after talks with the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) leaders,” than interior minister Ahsan Iqbal said.

The inquiry commission, constituted to investigate the TLP sit-in staged at Faizabad Interchange in Islamabad in 2017.

Ahsan Iqbal testified that in the text of the agreement, it was agreed over resignation of the minister of law. Maj. Gen. Faiz Hameed’s name was also written in text.

Iqbal said that he shared the text with the prime minister. The PM opposed resignation of the minister and the name of the military officer in the text.

“I was informed that the agreement has been finalized and could not be pulled out,” Ahsan Iqbal said.

The federal government established an inquiry commission, headed by retired Inspector General Akhtar Ali Shah, in response to the Supreme Court’s rejection of the Fact-Finding Committee’s report.

The inquiry commission – in its 149-page report gave clean chit to Faiz Hameed.

The commission maintained that the then DG ISI and Army Chief had given permission to Faiz Hameed for the agreement. The report added that then Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal were also taken on board for the agreement.

The Faizabad sit-in inquiry commission was established in the light of Supreme Court directives. The commission reviewed the reasons related to the Faizabad sit-in and also made recommendations.

Faizabad sit-in

On November 08, 2017, TLP held a sit-in at Faizabad interchange against the amendments in the Election Act 2017, changing the word ‘oath’ to ‘declaration’.

As a result of the protest, the then PML-N government had to sack its law minister Zahid Hamid. The Supreme Court had taken suo motu notice of the sit-in on November 21, 2017.

Later, a division bench led by Justice Qazi Faez Isa on February 6, 2019, unveiled its verdict in the sit-in case, criticizing the role of intelligence agencies in the saga.

Soon after assuming office of the chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) in September this year, Justice Isa listed for hearing the petitions that had been filed against the SC’s February 2019 verdict.

A great loss of Pakistan, RIP great man
ROEDAD Khan, a veteran bureaucrat who witnessed history from multiple perches and served several rulers — from General Ayub Khan to Nawaz Sharif — passed away on Sunday at the age of 101.

Born in Mardan in pre-partition India, Mr Khan had celebrated his 100th birthday on September 23, last year. His passing was announced by prominent politician and relative, Mushahid Hussain Sayed.

“He lived a full life of service to Pakistan during our most tumultuous period plus post retirement: pioneered Environmental Protection for Islamabad, authored books and became bold activist for democracy and human rights! Truly a unique, multifaceted personality of our times! He will be missed by his countless admirers!” he posted on X.

Mr Khan is survived by five sons and a daughter. He was laid to rest at the H-11 graveyard, and his funeral was attended by a number of prominent individuals, including Afrasiab Khattak, Wasim Sajjad, Raja Zafarul Haq, Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, Riaz Muhammad Khan, Faisal Javed and others.

A storied career

An alumnus of Lahore’s Forman Christian (FC) College and the Aligarh Muslim University, Mr Khan joined the Pakistan Administrative Service in 1949.

In the Ayub Khan-era, he served as deputy commissioner in Peshawar and was later the commissioner of Karachi from 1963 to 1965, around the time the capital was being shifted to Islamabad.

Mr Khan served as the head of Pakistan Television during the historic 1970 election under Yahya Khan. Then, under Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, he served as the federal secretary of tourism department. Under General Ziaul Haq, he became the federal interior secretary between 1978 and 1988.

When that tenure came to an end, Mr Khan was appointed secretary general of the interior ministry by his friend and long-time colleague, Ghulam Ishaq Khan. When he finally quit the civil service, Roedad Khan was immediately appointed the minister of accountability during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s first tenure in power, in 1990.

But Mr Khan did not dwell much on the controversial subjects of civil-military relations, the abuse of power by bureaucracy and corruption within its ranks. His book, A Dream Gone Sour, as the title suggests, was about wasted opportunities that Pakistan could have availed to prosper as a peaceful country.

He blamed “adventurous military rulers and insecure politicians such as Zulfikar Ali Bhutto” but was quick to defend any real or imagined role he had. “I was in civil service. I had to serve. I didn’t do anything wrong,” he insisted in an interview with the Herald in 2014.

It was also claimed that he was the man who signed Z.A. Bhutto’s execution order — in his capacity as interior secretary — but he disputed the claim. “I never signed the execution order. The Central Jail Rawalpindi comes under the home secretary of Punjab, not the federal interior secretary… The black warrant came from Lahore,” he told the Herald in 2014.

Life after retirement

But even after his retirement, the storied bureaucrat continued to be an active member of civil society.

According to Mushahid Hussain, Mr Khan joined the ANP for some time after his retirement. At the time, his brother Abdul Khaliq Khan was the number two man in the party.

Mr Hussain recalled how, in 1988, both he (in his capacity as journalist) and Roedad Khan (as a member of ANP) attended the funeral of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan — popularly known as Bacha Khan — in Jalalabad.

Roedad Khan had joined the PTI around five years ago.

“He was the founding president of Margalla Hills Society and filed a case in the Supreme Court against the proposed tunnel in Margalla Hills, which he won. He also played an active role in the movement for the restoration of the judiciary in 2007,” Mushahid Hussain told Dawn.

Mr Hussain also recalled the ‘Saturday Club’, which saw retired generals, judges, bureaucrats, diplomats and other prominent personalities congregating at Mr Khan’s residence to talk about all things under the sun.

Writing for the Herald in 2015, Aurangzaib Khan described one such meeting thus: “The sunlight winks through the soaring pine-heads in a street off Islamabad’s Margalla Road. Inside, a select group of mandarins, former bureaucrats, retired diplomats, ex-judges is engaged in a heated discussion on current affairs.”

“All eyes are set on Roedad Khan, who seems like a ghost from the past — gaunt, frail and yet imposing in his warm tweed jacket… He raises and moves his thin index finger to moderate the discussion. There is no agenda, he says of the gathering that takes place with clockwork regularity at his home, ‘just people with enormous experience and background letting their hair down.’

Source: Dawn News
Court cancels Mahmood Khan Achakzai’s arrest warrants

The court suspended his arrest warrant and barred the police from arresting him until the next hearing of the case.

The judicial magistrate on Friday had issued arrest warrants for Mahmood Khan Achakzai.

While issuing the arrest warrant for Achakzai, the judicial magistrate directed the police to produce him before the court on April 27 (today).

The warrant was issued after the PkMAP chief failed to appear in his court on April 22 in connection with the FIR registered by the Gawalmandi police under Sections 447 (criminal trespass), 448 (house-trespass) and 34 (with common intention) of Pakistan Penal Code.

In a significant development, President Asif Ali Zardari accorded his approval to the appointment of governors for Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan provinces, ARY News reported on Saturday.

Following the approval, Sardar Slaeem Haider Khan has been appointed as Governor Punjab, Faisal Karim Kundi as Governor KP and Jaffar Khan Mandokhail as Governor Balochistan.

The president approved the appointments based on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s advice in accordance with Article 101 (1) of the Constitution, said a statement issued by President Secretariat.

The development came a day after PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari named two senior party leaders — Sardar Saleem Haider Khan and Faisal Karim Kundi — for the posts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Punjab governors as part of the deal reached with PML-N before joining the coalition government.

Haider had served as a special assistant to the prime minister on overseas Pakistanis and minister of state for defence production. Kundi, a former deputy speaker of the National Assembly, is currently the information secretary of the PPP.

Meanwhile, PM Shehbaz Sharif sent the summary of Jaffar Khan Mandokhail’s appointment to President Zardari after the approval of PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif.

He will replace Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar, the BNP-M leader who was appointed to the post in 2022.

After the Feb 8 general elections, the PPP and PML-N agreed on a mechanism to form a government in the Centre. As part of the deal, the PPP, for its support, would get some key constitutional positions.

As per the deal, the posts of president, Senate chairman and National Assembly deputy speaker have already gone to the PPP. The PML-N has also agreed to appoint PPP leaders as governors of two out of four provinces.

Source: Ary News
PPP's Ali Kasim Gilani wins NA-148 by-election

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) candidate Syed Ali Kasim Gilani emerged victorious in the NA-148 by-election.

The by-election for the National Assembly seat in Multan was held on Sunday, featuring a fierce contest between PPP's Ali Kasim Gilani and Barrister Taimur Altaf Malik, the candidate backed by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Sunni Ittehad Council.

According to unofficial and unofficial results from 275 polling stations, Ali Kasim Gilani secured 83,250 votes, while his opponent, Barrister Taimur Altaf Malik, garnered 51,572 votes.

In his conversation with the media following his win, an elated Geelani expressed his gratitude to the voters. "I am very happy with the victory. I am grateful to the people of the constituency who supported me. I will fight for the people of my constituency," he said.

Ali Kasim Geelani highlighted his commitment to following in the footsteps of his father, who has served the constituency for over four decades. "Yousaf Raza Gilani served this constituency for 40 years. I will serve the people of the constituency in the footsteps of my father for the next five years," he pledged.

It is noteworthy that Ali Kasim Geelani is the son of Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, who previously held the NA-148 seat after winning in the general elections. However, he later resigned from the National Assembly, paving the way for this by-election.

Samaa TV

PML-N, PPP invite PTI to ‘meaningful’ talks​

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), two major components of the ruling coalition, have invited the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to abandon street protests and engage in political dialogue with the government.

Acting President Yousuf Raza Gilani and Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal both emphasized the government's openness to talks, but stressed that the PTI must decide with whom it wants to negotiate.

Speaking separately to the media, Gilani, in Lahore, reiterated the government's willingness to negotiate. However, he noted that the PTI seems intent on negotiating with someone else. “The PTI wants to carve its path by confronting the establishment and the government in court,” he remarked.

“[Our] doors are open for meaningful talks but the PTI will have to decide with whom they wanted to negotiate,” said Gilani. He emphasised that the country currently suffered instability, therefore, all political leaders must come on the same page.

The acting president recalled that during their time in opposition under the PTI-led government, they were willing to engage in political talks, despite the PTI's reluctance to do the same even while in power.

In response to a question, Gilani emphasized that the PPP remains committed to supporting the current government, noting that internal consultations are ongoing regarding their potential involvement in the cabinet. “The PPP has never indicated that it is not part of the government; we are aligned with the government in all matters,” he told reporters.

He further explained, “Consultations within the party are underway regarding joining the ministries. Following these discussions, a decision will be made about participating in the cabinet at both the Centre and in Punjab.” Gilani reiterated, “The Pakistan Peoples Party is part of the government and supports it in all endeavors.”

In response to another question regarding the defamation bill, Gilani said that there had been a detailed discussion with Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in this regard. Bilawal, he added, had gone to meet President Asif Zardari, and when he returned, he would give his action plan.

Source: The Express Tribune
After months of hectic campaigning, Pakistan on Thursday was elected with a massive majority as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC), the world body’s power centre, pledging to make its contribution to meeting the grave challenges facing the world

Pakistan, which was unopposed, garnered 182 votes in the 193-member General Assembly — far more than the required 124 votes representing a two-thirds majority.

Loud applause rang out in the iconic hall of the General Assembly when its president, Dennis Francis, announced the winners of the five non-permanent seats — Pakistan, Denmark, Greece, Panama and Somalia — to replace Japan, Ecuador, Malta, Mozambique and Switzerland whose terms end on December 31. He congratulated them on their victory.

Pakistan will replace Japan, which currently occupies the Asian seat, on January 1, 2025, to begin a two-year term, its eighth.

As Munir Akram, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN, emerged from the hall, an APP correspondent asked him about Pakistan’s priorities and goals as a member of the 15-member council.

He said Pakistan’s election “represents the confidence of the international community in Pakistan’s ability to promote the purposes and principles of the UN Charter”.

Pakistan, Ambassador Akram, said would actively work with other member countries of the council to advance the shared objectives.

In this regard, he especially highlighted Pakistan’s ambition to contribute meaningfully to the prevention of conflicts and their peaceful settlement in line with the UN Charter.

Pakistans earlier terms on the council were in 2012-13, 2003-04, 1993-94, 1983-84, 1976-77, 1968-69 and 1952-53.

Pakistan joins the UNSC at a time of great international upheaval and challenges and plans to pay special attention to the promotion of peace and security in South Asia; upholding the principle of self-determination for the people of Palestine and Kashmir; promotion of normalisation in Afghanistan; promotion of equitable solutions to the security challenges in Africa and enhancement of the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping operations.

As a non-permanent member of the UNSC in the past, Pakistan had made significant contributions to its work aimed at strengthening international peace and security Over the last 50 years, Pakistan has been a leading contributor to United Nations peacekeeping missions.

Currently, it has over 4,000 troops and other personnel deployed in UN peacekeeping missions around the world.

Source: Dawn News
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday reiterated his invitation to the opposition, including the PTI, for open dialogue for the “betterment of the country

He rued the “bitterness in national politics” and wondered who was responsible for it.

“In 76 years, we’ve reached a point where we’re even hesitating to shake hands with one another,” the prime minister said, emphasising past camaraderie and the ability to debate freely.

Addressing NA Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Shehbaz said: “If there are any problems [PTI’s] founder is facing in jail, then [let’s] talk about them.

“Once again I say today, come, let’s sit and talk, and we can sort out the problems.”

Alluding to the “hardships” imposed on his family and the party leaders in the past, the premier said he does not want the same to happen to the opposition.

He said that despite being a cancer survivor, he went to jail without creating a fuss.

The prime minister also highlighted that justice must always be delivered, whether to a political leader or an individual from any walk of life.

In response to the Shehbaz’s call for dialogue, PTI leader Omar Ayub said conversation would take place once Imran Khan and party workers are released from jail.

Source : Dawn News