If PP was a school...


Senior T20I Player
Jan 12, 2006
Post of the Week
This is pretty sad to be honest but I've got a crazy fever and am crazy bored.

If PP was a school, Who'd be the emos? The jocks? The class clowns? The mean girls (Dhoni183?)? The stoners? The nerds?

Nostalgic and Saadibaba would be the teachers that always hit on unsuspecting girls and other female teachers.

Rawal would be like the school poet. The tragic Romeo. Always lucks out with girls but is their best friend still.

DV, Elraja would be the politically charged gangster rap music listening dudes.

Poison, Mak, Easa and myself probably would fall into some sort of abyss between the DV/Elraja group and the stoner/insane group.

Leatherface would be the dude pulling crazy horror pranks on other students.

James, RA, Ozgod, convict and Gilly would probably stick together as a minority group.

W65 and Webguru would be like the mathematical geniuses.
:)) nice.

Akher would resemble Lord Voldemort in flash back scenes in the Potter movies. Searching for bloodlines and master race. You know the kid who is nerdy as hell but everyone is sh!t scared of . Thats Akher.

Markhor is the kid who is head and shoulders above everyone else and so Parents remove him from school into a private one.
Dhoni183 would be a kid that is everyone's friend and keeps everyone happy.He is also good at poetry.
The greatest thread in the history of mankind, already! No idea how to reward brother Saqs for creating this one. As nice as I may sound on the Internet, I have just secretly prayed that brother Saqs has fever each day - so that he can come up with something like this on daily basis.

I love PP!
You guys won't believe how hard I am laughing right now:))).
Captain Rishwat - Buddhha khoosat Hindi teacher loathed by everyone:afridi
TM Riddle - the guy everyone knows takes drugs but all keep quite fearing his gang. Also the guy who thinks that DHONI183 of all the people in the world understands him, but yet never offers drugs to the latter knowing that he is a decent guy who can't be misled into it.
lol at 'minority group'

Cpt Rishwat - the teacher that everyone likes, the one who is just like the kids so can give back as much as he takes from the kids. The only teacher who happily tell his students to f off knowing he'll never be reported
Saqs - the guy whose pranks mostly revolve around the toilet: something like filling the lota with hot, boiling water for the next person in the queue once he is done.
I will be the bad girl of the school.will get into fights and flirt with all boys and young male teachers.;-)

If anybody tries to mess up with me or my friends,i will kick his ass.:viv
Space Cat - who brings naughty pics in his bag to show to all others. :moyo

Freelance_cricketer : Dude who runs for elections and nobody knows whether he is good or not.

Bullet Drive : dude whose locker has a shrine for Umar Akmal
This thread has in fact made me imagine scenarios and scenes in my mind:

I can imagine the parents of other guys taunting them to be like me, with DeadlyVenom and the rest reacting like, "How does that nerd manage to impress our parents?!"

Planning to hurt me by playing different tricks: placing a banana peel in my way, yet I would escape by being forewarned by some of the girls in the villain group who deep down in their hearts admire my decency.
The greatest thread in the history of mankind, already! No idea how to reward brother Saqs for creating this one. As nice as I may sound on the Internet, I have just secretly prayed that brother Saqs has fever each day - so that he can come up with something like this on daily basis.

I love PP!

Lol I didn't think it would be such a popular thread.
Saqs - the guy whose pranks mostly revolve around the toilet: something like filling the lota with hot, boiling water for the next person in the queue once he is done.

Pranks are cool. But toilet pranks are too far. Gentleman's code yo.
Poison, the Blazer and myself would be part of the school cricket team and accordingly would be somewhat delusional and would want special treatment but would get none.
What about Indian posters

There'd be two groups.

One that just sticks to themselves and all hate Monsee.

The others that are a bit more chillaxed such as Chaiwala who somehow get along with everyone but at the same time he creeps everyone out because he is somewhat insane. Chaiwala also stalks people and collects photos of people. Not for personal use but just to freak others out.
MalikMohsin - part of the brotherhood that preaches in the canteens. Well intentioned but at times start to annoy others.
Poison, Mak, Easa and myself probably would fall into some sort of abyss

Poison, the Blazer and myself would be part of the school cricket team and accordingly would be somewhat delusional and would want special treatment but would get none.

Who are these posters? not heard much of them of them before :hafeez

PS: Good thread :ajmal
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Part of the old crew from 2007-2010 although Poison is still around.
I will sit in the back bench and will throw paper balls and rockets to the nerdy guys on the first row(markhor,indiafan,akher,endymion etc).:asif
IndiaFan- Albus Dumbledore

What, a strapping young guy like me, Dumbledore?

There'd be two groups.

One that just sticks to themselves and all hate Monsee.

The others that are a bit more chillaxed such as Chaiwala who somehow get along with everyone but at the same time he creeps everyone out because he is somewhat insane. Chaiwala also stalks people and collects photos of people. Not for personal use but just to freak others out.

But the second group will hate Monsee too
I will sit in the back bench and will throw paper balls and rockets to the nerdy guys on the first row(markhor,indiafan,akher,endymion etc).:asif

why does everyone think I am nerdy :umarakmal
just a little fun :) but honestly, thats how i see you lot, lols :))


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James would be the older student who has failed last year several times. He is smart enough but he just can't seem to be bothered by leaving school.

I will sit in the back bench and will throw paper balls and rockets to the nerdy guys on the first row(markhor,indiafan,akher,endymion etc).:asif

I am ashamed to say that this something I did to a poor exchange student from the US.
Made Zaid Hamid proud that day.
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captain rishwat would be that kid who kind of minds his own business and everyone wonders what hes up to because hes got money, hes polite enough in conversation but keeps his school and non school friends seperate, pbly does rich kid stuff with his cousins in free time.
In this thread you can. BTW, what can you say about school kids which can get you banned?

Nothing really but I might have typed a few expletives.

Indian posters basically shouldn't be at this school.

Its outside their catchment area.

In keeping with ELRajas cartman label, they should really be at a school or camp where focus or concentration is taught. You know something like a focus camp or concentration school. I forget the word.
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Nothing really but I might have typed a few expletives.

Indian posters basically shouldn't be at this school.

Its outside their catchment area.

In keeping with ELRajas cartman label, they should really be at a school or camp where focus or concentration is taught. You know something like a focus camp or concentration school. I forget the word.

are you saying they rack a disaprin?
Now i will not leave this school even if they throw me out..:asif
just a little fun :) but honestly, thats how i see you lot, lols


Want to be removed and be alone and not along some bullies :afridi

You need to add some more characters to make it more competitive :p :yk
I'm the kid who everyone trusts and feels is innocent. Helps that I'm skinny and hence people tend to think of me as harmless. :D
captain rishwat would be that kid who kind of minds his own business and everyone wonders what hes up to because hes got money, hes polite enough in conversation but keeps his school and non school friends seperate, pbly does rich kid stuff with his cousins in free time.


I love how detailed this is.
I'm the kid who everyone trusts and feels is innocent. Helps that I'm skinny and hence people tend to think of me as harmless. :D

I've marked you as a potential Columbine shooter type so I'll go out of my way never to p!ss you off.

Because when it is happening and you have that chainsaw and mask on and we make eye contact, I want you to think '... Yeah Saqs was cool' and let me go with a nod of your head
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I've marked down leatherface as the skinny kid who loves to talk about gore and trash, making jokes about his psychopathic tendencies but, as soon as he sees a dead fly, his legs start shaking.

Want to be removed and be alone and not along some bullies :afridi

You need to add some more characters to make it more competitive :p :yk

Hz and SOPL are both freshmen eager to make their mark.

Mamoon is the sophomore who has made his mark by doing crazy Sh!t like the new guy in prison. Always hating and debating for the sake of it. But now has mellowed down.

Also I think Mohsin would also make the cricket team. Even if his cricketing prowess isn't that great he makes the team based on his looks and luscious hair.
Zaid65 is the janitor (or principal) at the school that is bitter about everything that is happening.
I've marked you as a potential Columbine shooter type so I'll go out of my way never to p!ss you off.

Because when it is happening and you have that chainsaw and mask on and we make eye contact, I want you to think '... Yeah Saqs was cool' and let me go with a nod of your head

Hmm. I will tell you a day before so you can take a sick day and be heralded as a lucky guy.

I've marked down leatherface as the skinny kid who loves to talk about gore and trash, making jokes about his psychopathic tendencies but, as soon as he sees a dead fly, his legs start shaking.

That's not very inaccurate lol. But my legs were shaking when they put me into rugby and I was treated like roadkill by those psycho jocks.
Saqs, ElRaja and DV all cover the corridors, walking sluggishly and have high grades and intellect to add to the brotherhood.

Except one goes missing, amidst the anger and displeasure, is found hiding in the corner eating daal sandwich :afridi
saadibaba is the history teacher who talks about inappropriate things to his students, like his personal life and how is wife is not as pretty as when he first met her. the kids laugh but some stress because he clearly doesnt care about the syllabus and the kids will pbly fail if they dont do the work themselves.

saqs is clever, he implies rude things in front of the teachers but is cocky enough to assume the teachers are too dumb to understand, his mates snigger and tacitly encourage him to do ever more stupid things. girls find him funny but his pervy humour puts them off, he shrugs it off as their loss.
Saqs, ElRaja and DV all cover the corridors, walking sluggishly and have high grades and intellect to add to the brotherhood.

Except one goes missing, amidst the anger and displeasure, is found hiding in the corner eating daal sandwich :afridi

Are we talking about Daaly Venom?
Nope. El daalja

Hide, Al Daaljal is coming.


And this is me when I read DV's sick burns:

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akher hangs around in a small group of select friends of good genetic stock, has issues with biology teachers who try to quieten his ethno centric views. doesnt care much for most teachers, there facial features indicate poor genetic backgrounds, but is impressed by the maths teachers impressive skull structure. dark skinned kids troll him by saying they are of nordic stock, he shakes his head.... :)
akher hangs around in a small group of select friends of good genetic stock, has issues with biology teachers who try to quieten his ethno centric views. doesnt care much for most teachers, there facial features indicate poor genetic backgrounds, but is impressed by the maths teachers impressive skull structure. dark skinned kids troll him by saying they are of nordic stock, he shakes his head.... :)

When he becomes a lawyer, he will be like ''Your Honnour, these foot prints do not have the bone features of a south western balochi hence my client is innocent'' .

Great thread! Every once in a while a thread like this comes along (last time it was "How you imagine a poster looks like") that can have one in splits.

When I was in school, we had teachers like the one Ive been described as. They were usually the Urdu on Sindi language teachers. Most of them were bald with their remaining hair dyed with henna and pasted back with cocunut oil. Their lips and teeth maroon tinged with constant pan and tobbaco cheweing. Rotund and pot bellied with a slow lazy walk. Taking sadistic pleasure in inflicting pain on kids by making them kneel in the corner with their heads turned towards the wall or caning the hell out of their young bottoms. Such great paragons of knowledge and wisdom, glad to know my fellow PPers imagine me with such reverenece. :>
School talent show:

Saqs does a little hip hop number (out of tune but thinks/imagines he's awesome...sorry brah lol)

Cptn Rishwat being the token 'awesome teacher' of the school takes part in the talent show, giving us his rendition of 'livingon a prayer' by Bon Jovi

Saadibaba, Nostalgic and LooneyReturns are the teachers that are p'eed of about having to stay after school and watch the (in their opinion, and one which they make abundantly clear) talentLESS show...when they're not out the back having a ciggerate making fun of the students they teach, they're in the hall perving on the sixth form girls

MalikMohsin uses the talent show/his turn to give a 5 minute lecture about how everyone is heading to hell unless they repent and how most of the entries that involve dancing n singing are Haraam (no offence bro)

Robert and James do the stereotypical magic show (rabbit out of hat etc)
Dhoni- The Romeo whose biggest problem is that girls think he is one of them and make him their "saheli". He spends all night writing a poem for a girl he is in love with in her class, but cant find the courage to show the poem to her. Ask one of his guy friend to pass the message. Girl thinks the messanger is the guy who wrote it, falls in love with him instead and our Romeo ends up staying single and writing another poem to commemorate this incident. The cycle goes on.
Captain Rishwat - Spends all day in the school library going through Indian newspaper websites trying to fing embarrassing stuff so he can nag the Hindu kids in class. He grows up as an expert on India, the country he despises so much, and by some stroke of karma gets to become the Pakistani Ambbassador to India. He ends up quitting the job and instead infiltrates the RSS so he can get the inside scoop of their nefarious plans for Pakistan so he can post it on PP. Eventually, after being entrenched in Indian culture for so long he realizes that Indians are after all good people. He applies for Indian citizenship.
Nostalgic is the guy running for class representative by running slogans such as ' free bus passes ' for everyone

Zaid65 is the kid who comes to school in a limo and has every friday afternoon off for being jewish
School talent show:

Saqs does a little hip hop number (out of tune but thinks/imagines he's awesome...sorry brah lol)

Cptn Rishwat being the token 'awesome teacher' of the school takes part in the talent show, giving us his rendition of 'livingon a prayer' by Bon Jovi

Saadibaba, Nostalgic and LooneyReturns are the teachers that are p'eed of about having to stay after school and watch the (in their opinion, and one which they make abundantly clear) talentLESS show...when they're not out the back having a ciggerate making fun of the students they teach, they're in the hall perving on the sixth form girls

MalikMohsin uses the talent show/his turn to give a 5 minute lecture about how everyone is heading to hell unless they repent and how most of the entries that involve dancing n singing are Haraam (no offence bro)

Robert and James do the stereotypical magic show (rabbit out of hat etc)

lol, dhoni sings a punjabi love song, everybody is kinda taken aback when the soft music stops and some dubstep comes on and he starts to buss out the dance moves


saadibaba controls the music lying on a charpaiee ofc :))
There is one guy about whom all kinds of rumours are running around.

Some say he is Indian and that his father works for RAW, others say that he is the token hermaphrodite in each high school. It is rumoured that he has written a 10 000 verses romantic epic and that he swam across the Bengal Bay. All we know is that he is the Dhoni.
ElRaja - Kid who is a tranfer from another country. He challenges the odd beliefs and stereotypical mindset of his fellow students. They fight back. He wants to be like them but he knows he can never be. He is just too smart for them. He decides to delve into the culture of his home country and goes back home. But struggles to find acceptance back home as they take him as a foreigner. He becomes a ship without an anchor finally deciding to become like David Carradine in KungFu.
ElRaja - Kid who is a tranfer from another country. He challenges the odd beliefs and stereotypical mindset of his fellow students. They fight back. He wants to be like them but he knows he can never be. He is just too smart for them. He decides to delve into the culture of his home country and goes back home. But struggles to find acceptance back home as they take him as a foreigner. He becomes a ship without an anchor finally deciding to become like David Carradine in KungFu.

lol.... nice.... lone soldier :)

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lol, dhoni sings a punjabi love song, everybody is kinda taken aback when the soft music stops and some dubstep comes on and he starts to buss out the dance moves


saadibaba controls the music lying on a charpaiee ofc :))


The four kids sitting on the charpaiee with me are: Saqs, Endy, TM Riddle and Kaayal.
Every South African poster is Lindsay Lohan from Mean Girls.

Endymion- Whiz kid, has been promoted to the high school from the 4rd grade, future Dogie Howser. Knows everything in theory but yet to learn from life experiences. Makes up for it by watching old Pak dramas like Khuda ki Basti. He stuns the teachers by indluging into debates about the socioeconomic impact of water treaties and the meaning of life through greek mytholgies. Also keeps the older kids interested by discussing music and films with them, laughing all along at their low IQ. Jocks carry him around on dates so he can carry the conversation with their gf's and they can pretend to be smart to have a whiz kid as their friend. He knows he is being used but let that slide. He knows not to challenge the rules of the game.
Akher: Bioinformatics and Genetics teacher

The Jumiat crew that force their ideology on everybody else: too many to name lol
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