If PP was a school...

Saadibaba the big strong lad who protects skinny indian students from pakistani bullies
96NotOut:My best friend in the class!:)

Dhoni183:1 of the brilliant students in the class treating everyone kindly from the bottom of his heart.:)

Haz TheGreenKnightRises:The student who comes late in the class and replies after teacher inquires him the reason of being late that:
"Iqbal humesa dair say ata hai":))
saadibaba is the history teacher who talks about inappropriate things to his students, like his personal life and how is wife is not as pretty as when he first met her. the kids laugh but some stress because he clearly doesnt care about the syllabus and the kids will pbly fail if they dont do the work themselves.

saqs is clever, he implies rude things in front of the teachers but is cocky enough to assume the teachers are too dumb to understand, his mates snigger and tacitly encourage him to do ever more stupid things. girls find him funny but his pervy humour puts them off, he shrugs it off as their loss.

:)) these are so accurate lol
akher hangs around in a small group of select friends of good genetic stock, has issues with biology teachers who try to quieten his ethno centric views. doesnt care much for most teachers, there facial features indicate poor genetic backgrounds, but is impressed by the maths teachers impressive skull structure. dark skinned kids troll him by saying they are of nordic stock, he shakes his head.... :)

When he becomes a lawyer, he will be like ''Your Honnour, these foot prints do not have the bone features of a south western balochi hence my client is innocent'' .

:)) keep them coming guys. Amazing.
School talent show:

Saqs does a little hip hop number (out of tune but thinks/imagines he's awesome...sorry brah lol)

Cptn Rishwat being the token 'awesome teacher' of the school takes part in the talent show, giving us his rendition of 'livingon a prayer' by Bon Jovi

Saadibaba, Nostalgic and LooneyReturns are the teachers that are p'eed of about having to stay after school and watch the (in their opinion, and one which they make abundantly clear) talentLESS show...when they're not out the back having a ciggerate making fun of the students they teach, they're in the hall perving on the sixth form girls

MalikMohsin uses the talent show/his turn to give a 5 minute lecture about how everyone is heading to hell unless they repent and how most of the entries that involve dancing n singing are Haraam (no offence bro)

Robert and James do the stereotypical magic show (rabbit out of hat etc)

:)) I'll take that. C'mon man I put you in the cricket team. Not because of your skills but your hair and good looks. You'd be the opening batsman. Ie the equivalent of a quarterback.
just a little fun but honestly, thats how i see you lot, lols

Accurate! How do you know how I look like? Are you the guy whom I emailed my picture the last week?

School talent show:

Saqs does a little hip hop number (out of tune but thinks/imagines he's awesome...sorry brah lol)

Cptn Rishwat being the token 'awesome teacher' of the school takes part in the talent show, giving us his rendition of 'livingon a prayer' by Bon Jovi

Saadibaba, Nostalgic and LooneyReturns are the teachers that are p'eed of about having to stay after school and watch the (in their opinion, and one which they make abundantly clear) talentLESS show...when they're not out the back having a ciggerate making fun of the students they teach, they're in the hall perving on the sixth form girls

MalikMohsin uses the talent show/his turn to give a 5 minute lecture about how everyone is heading to hell unless they repent and how most of the entries that involve dancing n singing are Haraam (no offence bro)

Robert and James do the stereotypical magic show (rabbit out of hat etc)

Won´t name anyone, but one description is hilarious:)))!

Dhoni- The Romeo whose biggest problem is that girls think he is one of them and make him their "saheli". He spends all night writing a poem for a girl he is in love with in her class, but cant find the courage to show the poem to her. Ask one of his guy friend to pass the message. Girl thinks the messanger is the guy who wrote it, falls in love with him instead and our Romeo ends up staying single and writing another poem to commemorate this incident. The cycle goes on.

Well done:)))! Accurate. I love the poetry reference. Just made an elderly lady cry yesterday by making her read my first one:). I am like that. There is not a single instance reported where I have initiated things with any girl. My decency makes them hit on me:msd.

Want to disclose something: I have composed poems for my friends so that they can pass them onto girls to impress. I am too generous! Now, don´t tell me what that job is called in our languages:yk.

Captain Rishwat - Spends all day in the school library going through Indian newspaper websites trying to fing embarrassing stuff so he can nag the Hindu kids in class. He grows up as an expert on India, the country he despises so much, and by some stroke of karma gets to become the Pakistani Ambbassador to India. He ends up quitting the job and instead infiltrates the RSS so he can get the inside scoop of their nefarious plans for Pakistan so he can post it on PP. Eventually, after being entrenched in Indian culture for so long he realizes that Indians are after all good people. He applies for Indian citizenship.


There is one guy about whom all kinds of rumours are running around.

Some say he is Indian and that his father works for RAW, others say that he is the token hermaphrodite in each high school. It is rumoured that he has written a 10 000 verses romantic epic and that he swam across the Bengal Bay. All we know is that he is the Dhoni.
Be careful, son:najam!

saadibaba is the history teacher who talks about inappropriate things to his students, like his personal life and how is wife is not as pretty as when he first met her. the kids laugh but some stress because he clearly doesnt care about the syllabus and the kids will pbly fail if they dont do the work themselves.
The best, this:)))!

Dhoni183:1 of the brilliant students in the class treating everyone kindly from the bottom of his heart.:)
That´s refreshing to read:)!
All the Misbah fans are philosophers ;)

Misbah fans have more chances to be the boy who follow all the rules(doing all his homework,never talk in class,never be late) , want to be teacher pet ,gonna be frustated and angry when he saw other student who have better number or who are more clever than him especially if this 'student' not respect rule like him and not work as hard as him.
Elraja's description about Saadibaba is very accurate.we had a funny forensic medicine professor exactly like him and we all love him a lot.:)
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Indiafan - the professor with glasses who manages to spot discriminatory attitude towards women in every other phrase uttered. So it´s like.....

"Had a fight earlier today with someone" - Saqs.

"Should have punched him in the face, man. DON´T BE A GIRL.... " - DeadlyVenom.

*IndiaFan overhears the conversation!*

"So what makes you assume that girls can´t hit? Hn? A study reveals that women can punch twice as hard as a man but they don´t; they don´t because they are forgiving. Also, what´s brave in hitting someone? Isn´t that supposed to be an act of cowardice? In fact, if the world was full of only women we wouldn´t have wars, murders, violence, assaults that men engage in."

*Everyone has fallen asleep by now.... *

What about Indian posters

Happy now:msd?
All girls listen:

Don't fall for his innocence/trap:kapil
Haz TheGreenKnightRises:The student who comes late in the class and replies after teacher inquires him the reason of being late that:
"Iqbal humesa dair say ata hai":))

I donno how did you even come up with this point from my posts. But that was one hell of a Guess .Brilliant!!

I'am never early to my classes and like you said, when asked I don't have any special reason to answer.

it all started from my grade V, a week after I started to go to school of my own without the help of any School bus or private vans.
Tanzeel is like the intellectual rebel of the school who also somehow has access t alcohol and drugs. He spent some time abroad but loved his homeland too much and returned but was disturbed by the downward trend of intellectualism in the country and decided to rebel against it.

He wears his tie low, Blazer sleeves are rolled up and his hair is always dishevelled.

He is that dude everyone hates on because he somehow gets good marks without seemingly trying hard at all.

In his past life he used to be a regular student in after school madrasas.
Leatherface also owns some exotic pets like tarantulas, lizards and piranhas.
GothamCronie is the dude who corrects everyone in class. Like, literally he is somehow present in every class that is happening and has an error radar that goes off.

Some say he resides in the roof ventilation ducts to extend his coverage across all classrooms.
DV, James, Chaiwala, Elraja and I operate a spreadsheet of girls with their pictures, comments and ratings. This spreadsheet is enhanced on a regular basis by some insider trading knowledge given to us by Rawal.

There is great demand for this spreadsheet not only from students but teachers also. Mr. Saadibaba and Mr. Nostalgic know this thing exists and desperately want in. They will use threats of failing the students behind this just to get someone to snitch and hand it over to them.
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Pakistanigoneaussie is similar to me. Having both spent time down under we have a blend of Punjabi and aussie sense of humour that probably only we find funny.

However he went through a phase in life where he over compensated for being Pakistani and became too Aussie. He got a tattoo of the Aussie flag and had two or three blonde bombshell girlfriends. These years still haunt him though. Especially the day he started a riot in Cronulla which then made international news. But you live and learn, and so he did and now he is back. Almost.
Nostalgic tells students jinn stories on Friday afternoons, or in fact any afternoon or part of the day when he is bored of teaching.

He does this in the hope of one day taking advantage of vulnerable and frightened children. Not in a bad perverted way. But in a financially exploitative blackmailing way a la some pirs and fakeers. ie give me money and I will protect you from these evil things I tell you about.
This is Mr Nostalgic...bitter that he's a teacher, when he had dreams of being a Supreme Court judge but due to circumstances beyond his control when he was younger his career track ended up leading to teaching at a school he hates, to kids he doesnt care about...for him its all about the paycheque at the end of every month...he hates his students but not enough to not do anything in his classes. He still feels the responsibility to stick to the syllabus and try and teach them something at least.
Although he still thinks he's a legal genius and makes it clear to his kids every once in a while that he could have been a SC judge, that he's better than all of them and that he doesnt wanna be here.


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Mr Saadibaba is the kind of teacher who'll happily go out during lunchtime and buy some cans or bottles for DV, ElRaja and Chaiwala and charge them not only the left over change but a little bit more...extra money for someone on a measly teachers salary.

He also tells his students how it how it is...he is of the 'im doing them a favour' though process ala:

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:)) I'll take that. C'mon man I put you in the cricket team. Not because of your skills but your hair and good looks. You'd be the opening batsman. Ie the equivalent of a quarterback.

lol once id get past 10 id think my job is done and slog myself out so i could go back to the pavilion and put my feet up :malik
After a couple of games you, Blazer and co get p'eed of with me and try and get me out of the team but itll be too late by then...id have 'established' my place in the team...i end up being all alone in the practice sessions, ostracized by the group :(
But then in an important do or die Cup game i fluke a direct hit run out...turns out to be the 'pass' to re-enter the group lol
Love this thread :91:

Let's see:

saadibaba would be the history teacher whose curriculum would include yoga to help relax and focus on the day's topic India the Cradle of Civilisation while Ravi Shankar's sitar music played in the background.

Nostalgic would wake up late still stoned from a late night session, miss the school bus. Luckily Religious Ed. teacher Maulvi Laal Daari would be passing on his cycle and offer a lift. So Nostalgic would have an awkward ride to school sitting in front of Maulvi sahib who carries a 6 inch ruler in his pocket which keeps poking poor Nostalgic in the rear every time they go over a bump.
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lol once id get past 10 id think my job is done and slog myself out so i could go back to the pavilion and put my feet up :malik
After a couple of games you, Blazer and co get p'eed of with me and try and get me out of the team but itll be too late by then...id have 'established' my place in the team...i end up being all alone in the practice sessions, ostracized by the group :(
But then in an important do or die Cup game i fluke a direct hit run out...turns out to be the 'pass' to re-enter the group lol

This sounds too detailed to be made up lol. I like how this thread allows people to mask their life stories as hypotheticals
I donno how did you even come up with this point from my posts. But that was one hell of a Guess .Brilliant!!

I'am never early to my classes and like you said, when asked I don't have any special reason to answer.

it all started from my grade V, a week after I started to go to school of my own without the help of any School bus or private vans.

Hahaha...I can red people,lol,just kidding..You should admire my abilities of seeing beneath the surface..:))
Read Saqs post no:108
you will get it.:asadrauf

(am j/k.Plz don't take anything seriously)
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Absolutely love this thread - it is definitely one of the most interesting I've read through in a lengthy amount of time.

If PP was a school...Saqs would be the one kid who would never care about his studies - just about pulling girls and smoking weed and shisha. I'd just imagine him turning up to school stoned every day.

Whereas Nostalgic would be the perverted and eccentric English teacher. Having a grey, medium-sized beard and always looking tired because of his troubled 30-year marriage with his life Linda after moving over to Bradford from Pakistan (after running away from his first-cousin teenage marriage), he would deceive everybody into thinking he was a harmless and huggable teddy bear in desperate need of some love and sympathy. Little does everybody know however that his unsettled marriage is simply a fabrication and that when some naive blonde/brunettes cuddle him as a way of feeling sorry for him, all he is doing is being a perv and looking down their chests. In addition, under the guise of accidentally dropping the English books he is carrying to mark in the staff office, he looks under the skirts of the young girls. He also reads Fifty Shades Of Grey on the least productive days in terms of perverseness.

This is Nostalgic the teacher:


*Extreme apologies for causing any offence, Nostalgic.*
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this thread is so epic lol

there is a feud between lalalanders and tukmanistanis, most take it as a fun distraction for when there is no cricket on but some get serious and make the mood awkward for everyone, esp after a pak win. but nothing quite unites these two groups as taking the mic out of the indian kids.

most of the indian kids have been put into PakPassion high because there parents are distraught with the environment of the indian equivalent high school, which specialises in troll studies. despite not admitting it, the indian kids quite like PP high.

most of the indian kids get along with everyone at PP high until someone mentions Kashmir, at which point they form a compact schiltron deflecting away all comments, logical or not until the Kashmir talk quietens down, they then break formation and start milling around like all the other PP high kids.

the indian kids take special interest in geography, they must all possess some knowledge, no matter how anecdotal about balochistan, they all love balochistan. :)
this thread is so epic lol

there is a feud between lalalanders and tukmanistanis, most take it as a fun distraction for when there is no cricket on but some get serious and make the mood awkward for everyone, esp after a pak win. but nothing quite unites these two groups as taking the mic out of the indian kids.

most of the indian kids have been put into PakPassion high because there parents are distraught with the environment of the indian equivalent high school, which specialises in troll studies. despite not admitting it, the indian kids quite like PP high.

most of the indian kids get along with everyone at PP high until someone mentions Kashmir, at which point they form a compact schiltron deflecting away all comments, logical or not until the Kashmir talk quietens down, they then break formation and start milling around like all the other PP high kids.

the indian kids take special interest in geography, they must all possess some knowledge, no matter how anecdotal about balochistan, they all love balochistan. :)

If it's anything like the schools in the UK the classes would be filled by mostly Indian PP'ers studying hard whith kayaal being the only girl. The rest of the Indian girls would be playing truant hooking up with the Pakistani PP lads which would result in angry newspaper comments of Love jihads :125::heart:
Great posts from ELRaja, Saqs etc. :ajmal

this thread is so epic lol

there is a feud between lalalanders and tukmanistanis, most take it as a fun distraction for when there is no cricket on but some get serious and make the mood awkward for everyone, esp after a pak win. but nothing quite unites these two groups as taking the mic out of the indian kids.

most of the indian kids have been put into PakPassion high because there parents are distraught with the environment of the indian equivalent high school, which specialises in troll studies. despite not admitting it, the indian kids quite like PP high.

most of the indian kids get along with everyone at PP high until someone mentions Kashmir, at which point they form a compact schiltron deflecting away all comments, logical or not until the Kashmir talk quietens down, they then break formation and start milling around like all the other PP high kids.

the indian kids take special interest in geography, they must all possess some knowledge, no matter how anecdotal about balochistan, they all love balochistan. :)


I was going to add something about fire alarm going off or set off, but then my descriptions are no where near yours or others, so I will leave that to you :yk :moyo
Read Saqs post no:108
you will get it.:asadrauf

(am j/k.Plz don't take anything seriously)

Yeah, don't take anything seriously. Kaayal baji knows how nice and decent I am; to the extent that she has promised me to find my rishta herself:msd.
Indiafan - the professor with glasses who manages to spot discriminatory attitude towards women in every other phrase uttered. So it´s like.....

"Had a fight earlier today with someone" - Saqs.

"Should have punched him in the face, man. DON´T BE A GIRL.... " - DeadlyVenom.

*IndiaFan overhears the conversation!*

"So what makes you assume that girls can´t hit? Hn? A study reveals that women can punch twice as hard as a man but they don´t; they don´t because they are forgiving. Also, what´s brave in hitting someone? Isn´t that supposed to be an act of cowardice? In fact, if the world was full of only women we wouldn´t have wars, murders, violence, assaults that men engage in."

*Everyone has fallen asleep by now.... *

Happy now:msd?
:)) That sounds like such an India fan post. Throw in a bit about how the increase in Muslim population is because of apostacy laws in Muslim countries and lack of these laws in western countries(93% of his posts contain this statement) and you have nailed it.
Supporter of Pak legends - the student that everyone wants to avoid asking anything, for it would be a well established fact that asking him a question consisting of only a few words will get an answer consisting of hundreds of words.
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As I mentioned earlier SOPL is a student who skipped a few classes and is put up with older kids along with HZ.

Both find comfort in each other, being outsiders in a world they don't quite understand but are made to belong to. Both excel for a period but then gradually become more withdrawn.

5 years later - HZ is working in Mcdonalds where his questioning skills are put to great use ' do you want fries with that'

SOPL is a fat alcoholic who screams answers at TV quiz shows.
As I mentioned earlier SOPL is a student who skipped a few classes and is put up with older kids along with HZ.

Both find comfort in each other, being outsiders in a world they don't quite understand but are made to belong to. Both excel for a period but then gradually become more withdrawn.

5 years later - HZ is working in Mcdonalds where his questioning skills are put to great use ' do you want fries with that'

SOPL is a fat alcoholic who screams answers at TV quiz shows.

:))) That's not nice and disagree :46:

Skipped a few classes? The bold bit? What's that about. :nasser
Supporter of Pak legends - the student that everyone wants to avoid asking anything, for it would be a well established fact that asking him a question consisting of only a few words will get an answer consisting of hundreds of words.

goes without saying, even the teachers pretend they havent seen him raise his hand when the students are asked a question. this has inhibited him and slowed his development and he is heard from less and less each day.
Supporter of Pak legends - the student that everyone wants to avoid asking anything, for it would be a well established fact that asking him a question consisting of only a few words will get an answer consisting of hundreds of words.

Yaar, they would do well to value my inspirational speeches rather than your repetitive love stories.

It's actually quite amusing that everybody upon this forum seems to think I talk with as much detail (perhaps bordering on monotony) in real life as I do upon PakPassion. That is not actually the case - I'm actually quite friendly/care-free in real life and am almost never serious. :)

As I mentioned earlier SOPL is a student who skipped a few classes and is put up with older kids along with HZ.

Thanks; I always knew I was ahead of you mere mortals. :kohli

Both find comfort in each other, being outsiders in a world they don't quite understand but are made to belong to. Both excel for a period but then gradually become more withdrawn.

It probably has no relevance to the above statement but it actually has semblances of my existence upon PakPassion - I've actually become extremely inactive upon this site and don't appear to be regaining my interest either.

5 years later - HZ is working in Mcdonalds where his questioning skills are put to great use ' do you want fries with that'

A blunt lol. Just lol.

SOPL is a fat alcoholic who screams answers at TV quiz shows.


I could actually picture that happening too - this is what I look like now:


Conveniently, I also used to take part in karate...
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5 years later - HZ is working in Mcdonalds where his questioning skills are put to great use ' do you want fries with that'

If this becomes true, then this post will be remembered for the bad reasons :( :p

Absolutely love this thread - it is definitely one of the most interesting I've read through in a lengthy amount of time.

If PP was a school...Saqs would be the one kid who would never care about his studies - just about pulling girls and smoking weed and shisha. I'd just imagine him turning up to school stoned every day.

Whereas Nostalgic would be the perverted and eccentric English teacher. Having a grey, medium-sized beard and always looking tired because of his troubled 30-year marriage with his life Linda after moving over to Bradford from Pakistan (after running away from his first-cousin teenage marriage), he would deceive everybody into thinking he was a harmless and huggable teddy bear in desperate need of some love and sympathy. Little does everybody know however that his unsettled marriage is simply a fabrication and that when some naive blonde/brunettes cuddle him as a way of feeling sorry for him, all he is doing is being a perv and looking down their chests. In addition, under the guise of accidentally dropping the English books he is carrying to mark in the staff office, he looks under the skirts of the young girls. He also reads Fifty Shades Of Grey on the least productive days in terms of perverseness.

This is Nostalgic the teacher:


*Extreme apologies for causing any offence, Nostalgic.*

Lol I will have you know I ranked in the top 2 percentile of the the state in high school and have got a bachelor and masters with honours. The other part of your description is not far off though.
this thread is so epic lol

there is a feud between lalalanders and tukmanistanis, most take it as a fun distraction for when there is no cricket on but some get serious and make the mood awkward for everyone, esp after a pak win. but nothing quite unites these two groups as taking the mic out of the indian kids.

most of the indian kids have been put into PakPassion high because there parents are distraught with the environment of the indian equivalent high school, which specialises in troll studies. despite not admitting it, the indian kids quite like PP high.

most of the indian kids get along with everyone at PP high until someone mentions Kashmir, at which point they form a compact schiltron deflecting away all comments, logical or not until the Kashmir talk quietens down, they then break formation and start milling around like all the other PP high kids.

the indian kids take special interest in geography, they must all possess some knowledge, no matter how anecdotal about balochistan, they all love balochistan. :)

Hahah a lot of thought went into this one. Safe.
Supporter of Pak legends - the student that everyone wants to avoid asking anything, for it would be a well established fact that asking him a question consisting of only a few words will get an answer consisting of hundreds of words.

Lol this. I have it on good word that even teachers avoid allowing him to answer questions in class.
As I mentioned earlier SOPL is a student who skipped a few classes and is put up with older kids along with HZ.

Both find comfort in each other, being outsiders in a world they don't quite understand but are made to belong to. Both excel for a period but then gradually become more withdrawn.

5 years later - HZ is working in Mcdonalds where his questioning skills are put to great use ' do you want fries with that'

SOPL is a fat alcoholic who screams answers at TV quiz shows.

:)) do you want fries with that? Do you always have fries with burgers? Why do you think that is? Is it because you have been conditioned? What is your favourite food?

I mentioned a similar thing earlier but hz wanted to distance himself from is long lost cousin for some reason

SOPL reminds me of the guy in Magnolia.
SOPL is the diligent kid who used to get good grades in science and maths but who has realized that he didn't like those subjects as much as he was pushed to study so he snaps as soon as he gets 18, realizing his life-long passion of traveling the world listening to spiritual music, learning History and, most of all, eating every dish on the face of the planet. He will be found ten years later, on the feet of the Himalaya, with a mighty beard and hear falling to his thorax, wearing a Chullo from the Andes matched with worn out converses, a kashmiri chadar, multiple bracelets, a rasta tee clearly too small for his 100 kg, gulping down Sha Paley while thanking the monk who made it in the tentative mandarin that he picked up along the way. He says no more than "Thank you" and, after sucking on his fingers, he starts meditating about the virtues of the brevity vow that he has taken five years ago in Angkor. So he roams the world, not using sentences of more than 3 words and not eating meals of less than 3 courses.
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Lol I will have you know I ranked in the top 2 percentile of the the state in high school and have got a bachelor and masters with honours. The other part of your description is not far off though.

Chill out bro, it is only a joke.

But, you don't strike me as the particularly hard-working type. Clever I agree but more care-free in your attitude to be honest.
:)) do you want fries with that? Do you always have fries with burgers? Why do you think that is? Is it because you have been conditioned? What is your favourite food?

I mentioned a similar thing earlier but hz wanted to distance himself from is long lost cousin for some reason

SOPL reminds me of the guy in Magnolia.

I laughed so much that I sort of wished it was my last moments on earth so I could go out on a high :))
Chill out bro, it is only a joke.

But, you don't strike me as the particularly hard-working type. Clever but more care-free in your attitude to be honest.

Only messing with you dude. You're right though. More focused on sports than studies throughout high school.
Chill out bro, it is only a joke.

But, you don't strike me as the particularly hard-working type. Clever I agree but more care-free in your attitude to be honest.

:)) Saqs seemed like he was ready to send scans of his degree certificates.

Remember Dr Amir Liaqat also has a masters and PHD.
My goodness, this thread will turn out to be the best one ever created upon PakPassion.

Some legendary comments in this thread, such as the nickname 'El Daalja'.
Youboy - the philosophical dude who goes around quoting Ashfaq Ahmed and other great pearls of wisdom. But with no pretence. All practical advice.

Girls love him for this but he is in another realm of thought. Always thinking about the spiritual realm. Always lost in his own world.
Only messing with you dude. You're right though. More focused on sports than studies throughout high school.

I know you are - but the way you wrote it made DV's analysis realistic.

Remember Dr Amir Liaqat also has a masters and PHD.

That guy is totally crazy though.

On another scale I mean.
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Deadly Venom is that student who gets away with everything like pulling chairs away, chucking pencils, paper planes, pushing through a squashed corridor etc and blame it on someone innocent or on the IPL. Yet got the persona to stay away from exclusion. They hate him, yet can't get ride of him.

I laughed so much that I sort of wished it was my last moments on earth so I could go out on a high :))

Same here - this is the funniest thread I've ever seen created upon PP.

It could only have been one poster though who would have had the imagination to make such a thread though.
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SOPL is the diligent kid who used to get good grades in science and maths but who has realized that he didn't like those subjects as much as he was pushed to study so he snaps as soon as he gets 18, realizing his life-long passion of traveling the world listening to spiritual music, learning History and, most of all, eating every dish on the face of the planet. He will be found ten years later, on the feet of the Himalaya, with a mighty beard and hear falling to his thorax, wearing a Chullo from the Andes matched with worn out converses, a kashmiri chadar, multiple bracelets, a rasta tee clearly too small for his 100 kg, gulping down Sha Paley while thanking the monk who made it in the tentative mandarin that he picked up along the way. He says no more than "Thank you" and, after sucking on his fingers, he starts meditating about the virtues of the brevity vow that he has taken five years ago in Angkor. So he roams the world, not using sentences of more than 3 words and not eating meals of less than 3 courses.

I wish.

If only my life turned out to be as exotic and philosophical as you described - I'd be ever so lucky.

Unfortunately though, I'm born into a Pakistani household. Only aloo palak, rotis and an arranged marriage are the only guaranteed features of my future.
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This sounds too detailed to be made up lol. I like how this thread allows people to mask their life stories as hypotheticals

LOL I'll have you k ow I represented the high school 'A' team from year 8 all the way through till the end (year 13)...

...but yeah couldnt field for sh....not even fluke a run out :moyo
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:)) do you want fries with that? Do you always have fries with burgers? Why do you think that is? Is it because you have been conditioned? What is your favourite food?

I mentioned a similar thing earlier but hz wanted to distance himself from is long lost cousin for some reason

I laughed so much that I sort of wished it was my last moments on earth so I could go out on a high :))

I will have to put up with this :haha

No long lost cousins, just some trying to reach my level of posting :misbah_old

Back to the thread :57:
Apart from Cheshire Gold Extra Mature Cheddar, this thread is probably the best thing in the world.
Indiafan - the professor with glasses who manages to spot discriminatory attitude towards women in every other phrase uttered. So it´s like.....

"Had a fight earlier today with someone" - Saqs.

"Should have punched him in the face, man. DON´T BE A GIRL.... " - DeadlyVenom.

*IndiaFan overhears the conversation!*

"So what makes you assume that girls can´t hit? Hn? A study reveals that women can punch twice as hard as a man but they don´t; they don´t because they are forgiving. Also, what´s brave in hitting someone? Isn´t that supposed to be an act of cowardice? In fact, if the world was full of only women we wouldn´t have wars, murders, violence, assaults that men engage in."

*Everyone has fallen asleep by now.... *

Happy now:msd?

:)) That sounds like such an India fan post. Throw in a bit about how the increase in Muslim population is because of apostacy laws in Muslim countries and lack of these laws in western countries(93% of his posts contain this statement) and you have nailed it.

Damnit, you guys have good memories :iqasim
I will try to befriend with Jadz,the best girl in the school.she is very sweet and nice.will direct everyone in the path of Allah and will take all girls to the mosque for prayer.she will be our Imaam and will make sure that we are reading Quraan daily by asking questions about it.She will give me tips to control my temper(esp with boys).In return i will do all her classwork and project work.;-)

All boys are her big fans.but she doesn't give a damn about what they say:asif
So, cricket083 will be my best friend in class too, Supporter of Pak Legends seems to be a smart guy going by his Intro Thread, so he'll be the brainiac who aces all exams without even studying. The intelligent Supporter is another good friend of mine who helps me with homework and makes sure I get by my exams (no matter what methods we have to resort to in the exam hall for that!).

DHONI183 can be the love guru, and he's an innocent guy who's friends with everyone but not really close to anyone. He speaks in limericks and is the butt of all the jokes because of his nature. This guy also likes to believe that he's no different from the rest of us kids and can be just as mean and cruel, but is mistaken.
So, cricket083 will be my best friend in class too, Supporter of Pak Legends seems to be a smart guy going by his Intro Thread, so he'll be the brainiac who aces all exams without even studying. The intelligent Supporter is another good friend of mine who helps me with homework and makes sure I get by my exams (no matter what methods we have to resort to in the exam hall for that!).

DHONI183 can be the love guru, and he's an innocent guy who's friends with everyone but not really close to anyone. He speaks in limericks and is the butt of all the jokes because of his nature. This guy also likes to believe that he's no different from the rest of us kids and can be just as mean and cruel, but is mistaken.

And "Certain":msd people in class willl be suspicious when we talk alone...even if it is all about studies....:najam

Moreover...96 Not Out...will keep me updated abt football..even though I would not be Interested:rehman
Leatherface = Creepy quiet kid who has a pet ferrit
TM Riddle = Annoying kid who tries too hard to be cool
Dhoni183 = Drama class try hard
Saqs = Loveable smart ass
Mamoon = Hipster kid
Robert = Senile groundskeeper
Square Drive = teachers pet/school snitch
Freelance = Popular rebel/bully
Kiwi = Gossip queen
Shaz619 = The kid with ADHD
I Believe in the Teesra = The kid who looks like Ray Romano
Last edited:
Leatherface = Creepy quiet kid who has a pet ferrit
TM Riddle = Annoying kid who tries too hard to be cool
Dhoni183 = Drama class try hard
Saqs = Loveable smart ass
Mamoon = Hipster kid
Robert = Senile groundskeeper
Square Drive = teachers pet/school snitch
Freelance = Popular rebel/bully
Kiwi = Gossip queen
Shaz619 = The kid with ADHD
I Believe in the Teesra = The kid who looks like Ray Romano

Aur main??
Freelance is the student who is also a tutor in his spare time. He hangs around teachers with whom he makes fun of students but he also has a lot of friends with whom he bad mouths students. When in class, he makes fun of the teacher by using inside jokes like "Your rainbow tie is looking so good today!" (Students snigger) (Teacher smiles).
Leatherface = Creepy quiet kid who has a pet ferrit
TM Riddle = Annoying kid who tries too hard to be cool
Dhoni183 = Drama class try hard
Saqs = Loveable smart ass
Mamoon = Hipster kid
Robert = Senile groundskeeper
Square Drive = teachers pet/school snitch
Freelance = Popular rebel/bully
Kiwi = Gossip queen
Shaz619 = The kid with ADHD
I Believe in the Teesra = The kid who looks like Ray Romano

Lol cheers dude I got off easy there