Imran Khan urges all Pakistanis to come out and demand fresh elections


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has regretted that the country’s higher judiciary didn’t take suo motu notice of ‘horse-trading’ but opened doors of courts at midnight to ensure that he was ousted from power earlier this month.

Addressing his party’s grand power show at Karachi’s Bagh-e-Jinnah on Saturday, he lamented that the courts started opening because some people feared that he will abrogate the Constitution.

Imran Khan at the start of his much-anticipated address said that he is not against any country or region but wanted relations on basis of equality. "I want friendship with everyone but slavery of none."

He said that a "big international conspiracy" has been hatched against the country. "I am not anti-Indian, anti-European or anti-American... I believe in humanity," he added.

Imran Khan said that the courts started opening because some people feared that he will abrogate the constitution.

"I ask the judiciary a prime minister of a country has been threatened... shouldn't there be any investigation [before issuing the verdict]," he added.

He said that what crime he had committed that the courts were opened at midnight. "What crime had I committed? The person who had named his party on justice... I was the person who stood for judiciary against Musharraf... I am the only politician in Pakistan who was declared sadiq and ameen by courts," he added.

He asked the country’s judges what the Constitution says about those MNA who were elected on PTI's mandate and later “sold their conscious for Rs200 million”.

"I ask the judges with respect that shouldn't you had taken a suo motu action," he said.

He said that many members of parliament became part of an alleged global conspiracy against Pakistan by selling their conscious and became part of ousting PTI government. "Do not forgive such people," he told the masses.

Imran Khan said that if the conspiracy becomes successful then no Pakistani prime minister will be able to take a stand for the nation.

"They (the conspirators) knew if it (no-confidence motion) becomes a success then who is going to come [into power] ... Mir Jaffar had already stitched his sherwani by then."

He said that as soon as the new government came, new orders came to "do more".

The PTI chief alleged that the Americans have imposed Shehbaz Sharif on us and he will take revenge against those officers who had formed cases against him. "The FIA officer who had investigated [a case], he got him suspended... he will take revenge against other such officers as well," he added.

Imran Khan said that he has been told that his life is in danger but added that Pakistan's independence was more important than his life.

He said that when he went to Russia he asked them to give Pakistan oil and wheat on cheaper rates and both our requests were accepted. "They (Russians) were willing to give use oil at 30% cheaper rates and were also willing to give us wheat at cheap rates too," he added.

'Conspiracy or interference?'

Imran Khan said that the conspiracy was not against PTI but Pakistan. "The conspiracy that was hatched against our country... you tell me was it interference or conspiracy," he asked the crowd.

He said that his life was in danger but his life was not more importance than the independence of Pakistan. "This conspiracy is to make you a slave and impose Mir Jaffars on us."

Imran Khan said the ‘conspiracy’ was hatched months ago. "Donald Lu (US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs) meets our ambassador in Washington that if no-confidence motion against Imran Khan did not succeed then there will be problems for Pakistan but if it succeeds then all will be forgiven," he added.

He said that what bigger shame could be for a nation of 220 million that a threat is being given in such a manner. "I am the prime minister who were they addressing," he questioned.

Imran Khan said that after the threat, over 20 of our MNAs betrayed us as well as the allies also turned against us. "Pakistanis, tell me was this a conspiracy or not? Should a country be given such a threat," he added.

All Pakistanis should demand fresh elections

Imran Khan reiterated his demand to form a judicial commission to probe the ‘threat letter’. "We had asked the members of National Assembly to see it for themselves but they did not come," he added.

He said that all Pakistanis should demand fresh elections. "Pakistan is a ‘democracy-friendly’ country and if people elect Mir Jaffars then it is fine… but they will not go for a new election and first designate people at key positions [so they can do rigging] and also seek revenge,"' he added.

Talking about the foreign funding case against his party, he said that foreign funding cases against PPP, PML-N and PTI should be heard simultaneously.

On recent crackdown on PTI's social media team, Imran warned that if they're pushed against the wall then "you" will pay the price and not the country.

"This is our police, our institutions... our movement is peaceful but I want to warn that don't push us that far that the nature of this movement changes into something else... I do not want to see any damage to this country," he warned.

He said that the PTI will never accept the "imported government", adding that they demand fresh elections. "Entire nation is ready [for fresh elections... you have to teach the ones who sold their conscious a lesson during the elections," he added.

Earlier, Imran Khan waved at his supporters after arriving at the venue.

PTI leaders have claimed that it will be one of the “biggest rally in the history of the subcontinent and not just in the history of Pakistan”.

People belonging to various walks of life have gathered at the venue.

Qureshi demands judicial inquiry of lettergate scandal

Former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has demanded a judicial commission to probe the issue of ‘threat letter’ “if anyone was in any doubt about its legitimacy”.

"Maryam and Bilawal say the document is fake but the people [coming to the public gathering] have proven that it is not fake and legitimate... if you are in any doubt then you can form a judicial commission and the truth will come out," he added.

Qureshi said that on the same venue not so long ago PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari had taken out a rally against inflation and now he's is part of a government which was raising prices of different commodities.

"Rs10 have been increased on sugar, Rs20 on ghee... they have also raised Rs4.85 on electricity and prices of petrol and diesel will also be increased soon."

Imran Khan has always said yes to Karachi: Umar

Former planning minister Asad Umar said that Imran Khan never said no to any request for development of Karachi. "Whenever I asked for funds for Green Line or K4, he always said yes," he added.

He said that Imran Khan gave the biggest budget worth Rs625 billion for the port city.

"Imran Khan is the only leader of Pakistan who does not represent any ethnicity but he's the leader of the entire country," he added.

He regretted that politicians were bought to change with illegitimate money to form an "imported government".

Asad said that Imran Khan showed that whenever a self-respecting leader takes a stand, the nation backs him. "Imran Khan will make Quaid-e-Azam's dream of Pakistan true... he will make a naya (new) Pakistan."

PTI to form next govt in Sindh: Ali Zaidi

Former federal minister for Ports and Shipping Ali Zaidi said that his party will form government in Sindh after the next election.

He said that Imran Khan will never compromise on the sovereignty of Pakistan and will never let his nation down.

PTI can close down Karachi in 30 minutes: Ismail

Former Sindh Governor Imran Ismail, while addressing the rally, claimed that the PTI can "close down Karachi within 30 minutes". "Imran Khan, just let us know... we can close down Karachi in 30 minutes we have that much power here... we will come out on roads and will let them know," he added.

He said that Sheikh Rashid has given a very long duration [May 31], adding that the "imported government" will be over in a matter of days instead.

Ismail said that Imran Khan did not bow down to earthly gods therefore he was removed from power but he has decided to connect with the masses.

Imran to remove ‘imported govt’ before May 31: Rashid

Former interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, while addressing the participants, said that Imran Khan will remove the current imported government from power before May 31.

Addressing the country’s military, he said that they were with him. "We have to bring Imran Khan back... if that doesn't happen then we will fill all the prisons," he added.

Rashid said that he had advised Imran Khan four months ago to impose emergency, dissolve all the assemblies and impose governor's rule in provinces.

Like other big cities of the country, PTI supporters also gathered at Lahore' Liberty Chowk to listen to their leader on a big screen.

Earlier, PTI Karachi President Bilal Ghaffar, during a press conference, said that even the volunteers of PTI will outnumber the participants seen in the rallies of the 'imported government'.

He said that foolproof security arrangements have been made for the public meeting as per which a separate enclosure has been set up for families.

Vehicles will be parked near the society office after which families may reach the venue through shuttle service.

Read more: Imran to address public gathering on April 16

In addition, parking arrangements have been made at four locations. PTI Karachi chief further said that Imran Khan's security plan has been shared with the institutions.

He said that the former prime minister has instilled awareness among the people.

He also said that DG ISPR has confirmed the presence of the embassy letter and regarded its contents as external interference.

PTI Sindh Information Secretary Arsalan Taj said there has been a lot of excitement among the people since the announcement of the public meeting.

Also read: PTI all set for power show in city

A day earlier, Imran Khan had urged the participants of the public gathering to carry Pakistan's flag as it was now a fight for Pakistan's sovereignty.

Imran Khan is expected to announce the strategy for the party in Karachi under current political scenario.

Former Sindh Governor Imran Ismail claimed that the public gathering would be the biggest in Pakistan's history.

PTI had earlier announced to hold a public meeting in Karachi on Sunday April 17 as part of a countrywide protest campaign against the removal of its government. However, party bosses pulled the date a day back on weekend that is Saturday April 16.

In a Twitter post, PTI leader Asad Umar said, "Pakistan will see how Karachi stands with its leader for a Khuddar Pakistan.”

Meanwhile, Imran Khan, in a Facebook post, said that Pakistanis across the globe have come out to protest peacefully against imported government instigated by "blatant interference".
I hope IK comes back with 2/3rd or more majority, and implements the presidential rule.

And then,

These 5 judges be charged with treason.
And if proven guilty for being traitors towards the sovereignty and freedom of the country, then should be hanged in public.

An example needs to set, once n for all.
"This is our police, our institutions... our movement is peaceful but I want to warn that don't push us that far that the nature of this movement changes into something else... I do not want to see any damage to this country," he warned.

Not good statements .
I hope IK comes back with 2/3rd or more majority, and implements the presidential rule.

And then,

These 5 judges be charged with treason.
And if proven guilty for being traitors towards the sovereignty and freedom of the country, then should be hanged in public.

An example needs to set, once n for all.

So basically you want a fascist government?
"This is our police, our institutions... our movement is peaceful but I want to warn that don't push us that far that the nature of this movement changes into something else... I do not want to see any damage to this country," he warned.

Not good statements .

He's trying to incite violence. He's trying to get his supporters to riot.

What happened in the Punjab assembly was just the start.
So basically you want a fascist government?

No, I want you to update your basic reading comprehension skills.

I clearly stated “IF proven guilty”.
And death penalty is one of the punishments for traitors.

It has nothing to do with fascism. (BTW, look it up in the dictionary, I think you don’t know the meaning of it, and just using it as a buzz word)
My only question to this "fresh elections" cry is why? No one seems to have an answer to this question.

Why should government money and tax payers money be spend to have elections a year earlier than mandated? What is the reason behind this demand?
He's trying to incite violence. He's trying to get his supporters to riot.

What happened in the Punjab assembly was just the start.

If this is what’s required to get rid of these beighairut, nalaiq and nikammay crooks and looters - and if this is what the majority wants - then so be it. What’s the problem in it?

Welcome to democracy!
No, I want you to update your basic reading comprehension skills.

I clearly stated “IF proven guilty”.
And death penalty is one of the punishments for traitors.

It has nothing to do with fascism. (BTW, look it up in the dictionary, I think you don’t know the meaning of it, and just using it as a buzz word)

I know exactly what it means. You're basically saying anyone who went against Imran should be hanged. Found guilty by whom? You said the 5 Supreme Court judges should be charged with treason. Once you charge the judges will treason, who will run the courts and hang the other people you claim are traitors? It will be Imran Khan puppets obviously.

You want anyone that goes against or went against Imran Khan to be jailed or hanged. That is how fascist governments are run. You can do a quick google search if you don't believe me.

There are no traitors. There is no treason. The letter of the law was followed. You, my friend, are just to blind to see it.
If this is what’s required to get rid of these beighairut, nalaiq and nikammay crooks and looters - and if this is what the majority wants - then so be it. What’s the problem in it?

Welcome to democracy!

The majority already voted in the general elections and their representatives have kicked Imran Khan out. This is what the majority wants. The next general elections are due next year and the people can voice their opinion once again when the time comes.

Also, first you called for a fascist government and now you're calling for violence and riots to have things done your way.
My only question to this "fresh elections" cry is why? No one seems to have an answer to this question.

Why should government money and tax payers money be spend to have elections a year earlier than mandated? What is the reason behind this demand?

Watch the PDM leaders, especially SS, who was demanding an election ASAP!! only a couple of weeks ago.

Why not now? He has the chance to do it.
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Watch the PDM leaders, especially SS, who was demanding an election ASAP!! only a couple of weeks ago.

Why not now? He has the chance to do it.

No, he wasn't. Please don't spread lies.

Answer the question instead of trying to change the topic and brining up false narratives. You're doing what every PTI supporter has done when asked questions that reveal their hypocrisy.
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The majority already voted in the general elections and their representatives have kicked Imran Khan out. This is what the majority wants. The next general elections are due next year and the people can voice their opinion once again when the time comes.

Also, first you called for a fascist government and now you're calling for violence and riots to have things done your way.

People also have the right to come out in the streets and raise their voice for justice - and it looks like those 10’s of millions do not agree with your definition of what “majority wants”

You and few others vs millions in the street?
Sorry, majority will have their way.
People also have the right to come out in the streets and raise their voice for justice - and it looks like those 10’s of millions do not agree with your definition of what “majority wants”

You and few others vs millions in the street?
Sorry, majority will have their way.

No one is stopping anyone from coming out on the street.

Even if your 10 million number is correct, which it obviously isn't, that's 4.5% of Pakistan's population. How is that majority lol?
No one is stopping anyone from coming out on the street.

Even if your 10 million number is correct, which it obviously isn't, that's 4.5% of Pakistan's population. How is that majority lol?

It’s a representation of the people. 210 million didn’t come to the streets are you suggesting 210 million will vote for SS or the other parties?

The power show is very clear to everyone even non Pakistanis are commenting on just how overwhelmingly popular IK is. The only people who cannot acknowledge his pull are hardcore PDM fans.
It’s a representation of the people. 210 million didn’t come to the streets are you suggesting 210 million will vote for SS or the other parties?

The power show is very clear to everyone even non Pakistanis are commenting on just how overwhelmingly popular IK is. The only people who cannot acknowledge his pull are hardcore PDM fans.

Right. Let's wait for next year's general elections and then we can see how this translates to votes.
Right. Let's wait for next year's general elections and then we can see how this translates to votes.

Yes let's wait until next year because we know damn well if they were hosted now it would be a landslide win. By next year we'll be able to put everything in place for a rigged election or perhaps better still remove him from the picture with a bombardment of fake corruption cases.
Yes let's wait until next year because we know damn well if they were hosted now it would be a landslide win. By next year we'll be able to put everything in place for a rigged election or perhaps better still remove him from the picture with a bombardment of fake corruption cases.

That's conjecture. Legally and constitutionally, elections should be held once every 5 years. There is no need to hold elections anytime before that.

As far as fake corruption cases and rigged elections go, PTI would know all about that. I shall not engage in conjecture.
Of course there should be elections. It is the logical step.
Those that are hiding behind the constitution are also burying their heads in the sand probably due to fear of losing.

All these excuses. Firs it was elections are not necessary as it's the constitution and this democratic, now it's expensive to have elections...
That's conjecture. Legally and constitutionally, elections should be held once every 5 years. There is no need to hold elections anytime before that.

As far as fake corruption cases and rigged elections go, PTI would know all about that. I shall not engage in conjecture.

Oh dear...
See this is like a broken record.

You understand why elections are absolutely necessary yet you chose to hide away from them.
Oh dear...
See this is like a broken record.

You understand why elections are absolutely necessary yet you chose to hide away from them.

No one is hiding away from the elections. They will happen when they are due.

Why are they an absolute necessity right now? That was my exact question that none of you have been able to answer.
‘PPP may not accept ministries in new cabinet’
Asif Ali Zardari says he wishes to give a chance to government’s new coalition partners.

Shahbaz left pregnant with unwanted baby (current government) which will be aborted.

Elections imminent and Pak general public galvanised behind PTI. Army very mindful of public opinion. Media will be shifting their sails to capture prevailing political winds.

God, Pakistani politics like its cricket, is unpredictable and exciting.
No one is hiding away from the elections. They will happen when they are due.

Why are they an absolute necessity right now? That was my exact question that none of you have been able to answer.

Because the current minority government is made up of looters and criminals and some with big cases hanging over them. That is reason enough, without even going into the imported, foreign involvement stuff.
Well for Imran it makes sense. The victim and conspiracy theory card have highest buyers at this point. He wants to leverage it. But elections won't happen for next two years. 1) Constitutionally it's not mandated. 2) Powers to be have no interest in disruption at this point.
Immy69 - this government is a Frankenstein’s monster of misfits and only a fool would except it to last. But the unintended consequence of the engineered no confidence movement was that it has made IK a national hero with mass public support.

The change of PM has been an unmitigated disaster for the PDM parties.

General election is imminent.
Well for Imran it makes sense. The victim and conspiracy theory card have highest buyers at this point. He wants to leverage it. But elections won't happen for next two years. 1) Constitutionally it's not mandated. 2) Powers to be have no interest in disruption at this point.

There is a huge risk that the longer the elections are left the situation in the ountry will get worse in terms of inflation and economic stability. If that happens people are probably going to go even more in favour of PTI.

People won't forget this regime change and PTI won't let them. So unless SS has some miracles up his sleeves more and more votes will move away from PDM and towards PTI. They risk it being a 2/3 majority, in which case you're looking at a completely different Pakistan because IK will try to root out these corrupt families once and for all.

I think even the Army realises where the public sentiment lies so they have to tread super carefully.
Well for Imran it makes sense. The victim and conspiracy theory card have highest buyers at this point. He wants to leverage it. But elections won't happen for next two years. 1) Constitutionally it's not mandated. 2) Powers to be have no interest in disruption at this point.

The difference between good and evil is that the large masses always get behind the good.
So when PPP/PMLN used the "selected PM" card they could hardly get any support for their narrative.
Whereas now the masses are turning out in support of IK.

Whichever side you're on you can't deny that the masses support IK and true democracy is when the government is elected by the people...
Immy69 - this government is a Frankenstein’s monster of misfits and only a fool would except it to last. But the unintended consequence of the engineered no confidence movement was that it has made IK a national hero with mass public support.

The change of PM has been an unmitigated disaster for the PDM parties.

General election is imminent.

I absolutely agree with you.
The sooner the elections take place the better... If only for the poor people of Pakistan
Because the current minority government is made up of looters and criminals and some with big cases hanging over them. That is reason enough, without even going into the imported, foreign involvement stuff.

It's not a minority government. There is no such thing as a minority government.

Also, how is it any different to when Imran Khan formed his government?
Oh dear...
See this is like a broken record.

You understand why elections are absolutely necessary yet you chose to hide away from them.

I do not understand why they are absolutely necessary. A coalition government was formed in 2018. In 2022, the coalition partners deemed the elected Prime Minister and his team as incompetent and decided to break the coalition. This resulted in a new coalition government forming.

If there was no need for re-elections in 2018 when the same coalition partners elected Imran Khan as prime minister why is there an urgency for re-elections right now?
To quote V for Vendetta - People shouldn't be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of the people.

It's time for a revolution in Pakistan!
I do not understand why they are absolutely necessary. A coalition government was formed in 2018. In 2022, the coalition partners deemed the elected Prime Minister and his team as incompetent and decided to break the coalition. This resulted in a new coalition government forming.

If there was no need for re-elections in 2018 when the same coalition partners elected Imran Khan as prime minister why is there an urgency for re-elections right now?

Because this current government is made up of crooks.
People that stole billions from the poor.
Surely that should be reason enough?
To quote V for Vendetta - People shouldn't be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of the people.

It's time for a revolution in Pakistan!

You need to be in Pakistan to also bare the brunt of the army once they come tumbling down on you to restore order

Not here in the UK
No one is hiding away from the elections. They will happen when they are due.

Why are they an absolute necessity right now? That was my exact question that none of you have been able to answer.

Why was it absolutt necessary to buy MNA’s, gather all parties against IK and so on when you know elections are due next year? They could have waited, let him complete the tenure and defeat him in the elections?

But no, they got foreign help and got rid of him, they don’t want the new voting machines and they don’t want overseas Pakistanis to vote, they were just too scared as they could not rig the elections. Many factors here.

And now IK is just using his democratic rights, if anyone has problem with that, well just stop him and put him in jail.
It's not a minority government. There is no such thing as a minority government.

Also, how is it any different to when Imran Khan formed his government?

By definition it is not a minority government.
However it will be a minority cabinet if it only has ministers from PMLN in it. Time will tell.
However, it's a collection of crooks made up from different parties so one could argue that it's only a matter of time before it becomes a minority government.

The country doesn't need crooks st the helm let alone a weak coalition of crooks.
IK's own government was weak for this very reason and this, along with other reasons, is why elections are necessary.

If only for the sake of the country
I would like to see overseas Pakistanis who support Ik to demonstrate their protest in a way that should create a revolution as @technics_1210 has suggested, and see how they react when the batons of British police officers knock the roo’afza right out of them
I would like to see overseas Pakistanis who support Ik to demonstrate their protest in a way that should create a revolution as @technics_1210 has suggested, and see how they react when the batons of British police officers knock the roo’afza right out of them

Come to Hyde park today then.
You'll see what democracy snd protests are about and how fortunate we are to be living in this countru
I would like to see overseas Pakistanis who support Ik to demonstrate their protest in a way that should create a revolution as @technics_1210 has suggested, and see how they react when the batons of British police officers knock the roo’afza right out of them

What kind of revolution? There was a massive demonstration here in Oslo last week, a peaceful one. That is what overseas Pakistanis can do and they are doing it.
What kind of revolution? There was a massive demonstration here in Oslo last week, a peaceful one. That is what overseas Pakistanis can do and they are doing it.

Good. Keep it peaceful

Don’t try anything silly if democratically it’s not resulting in what you want in order to create a ‘v for vendetta’ revolution
Seems to me history is bunk.

If people of India hadn't revolted against the mighty British Army, there'd be no Pakistan or modern day India. If the Amreekans had not revolted against King George and his men, there'd be no USA. If the people of China had not revolted against the Qing Dynasty, there'd be no modern day China. If people of France had not revolted against the French Monarchy, there'd be no democracy or freedom in Europe as we know it.

The list goes on and on.

Time to strike while the iron is hot for Naya Pakistan!
Imran Khan knows that he has maybe a 2-week to a 3-month window to harness the outrage/power of the people to win an election.

That said, elections aren't held in such an impromptu manner just because one guy wants it - he should make sure he plays his cards to be at the right place at the right time come the next scheduled general election.
Imran Khan knows that he has maybe a 2-week to a 3-month window to harness the outrage/power of the people to win an election.

That said, elections aren't held in such an impromptu manner just because one guy wants it - he should make sure he plays his cards to be at the right place at the right time come the next scheduled general election.

I think you're right in that IK has a limited window.. but not because of the support slipping away but because what the current government might do in terms of electoral reforms and removing electronic voting machines.

But even if this window closes I think Pakistan as a country has changed. The people have finally woken up and will not accept crooks using the country for their own interests.

I have to agree with some of the other posters that Pakistan could see a revolution if elections are not held soon.
On another note, parliamentary democracy is proven to be a flawed and dangerous system; FPTP is far more suitable. I don't have to look to Pakistan, UK is proof of this. When the people of UK voted for Brexit, some MPs, representatives of their constituents, had different ideas. Said MPs did not represent the will of their constituents, this resulted in turmoil, multiple GEs within 5 years, only to end up with a land slide majority for a government that promised to impliment the will of the nation.

A fixed term Parliment doesn't mean elections cannot be held within term, it means that elections must be held no later than the term and if a majority is not formed (hung parliament) then either a minority/coalition must be formed, if not then elections must be rerun until a government is formed. This is why a coalition was formed in 2018.

In current case, the people of Pakistan didn't vote for IK to be ousted mid-term, meaning the representative do not represent the will of the people, they represent their own political ambitions.

MPs or MNAs by definition represent their constituents, but are NEVER instructed by law to carry out direct orders from consituents but instead are trusted to represent and do what they think is right for their consituents - but this is precisely why Parliamentary democracy is flawed because the trust can be broken as witnessed with Brexit, and now with IK ousting.

GE in the UK prevented civil unrest in the UK after Brexit, and a GE will prevent a revolution in Pakistan. No GE now then it is time for the people of Pakistan to revolt against the corrupt and crooked government of Pakistan! The army can deal with 100s on border skirmishes, or a small crowd, or a group of people, but it's no match for 10s of MILLIONS on the street!

The time is now.
I think you're right in that IK has a limited window.. but not because of the support slipping away but because what the current government might do in terms of electoral reforms and removing electronic voting machines.

But even if this window closes I think Pakistan as a country has changed. The people have finally woken up and will not accept crooks using the country for their own interests.

I have to agree with some of the other posters that Pakistan could see a revolution if elections are not held soon.

The situation has changed significantly and unless there is rigging on an unprecedented scale PTI would win even without the reforms given the public support for PTI.

Current government is between a rock and hard place they do not want the burden of running the country in a global economic crisis but they do not the public to vote in a GL as well.

Interestingly Zardari is preparing for a GL very soon.
All the ingredients for a revolution are in place:


Above all, the one fundamental requirement - economic hardship. Austerity always has, and always will, preceed a revolution.

See you at Hyde Park!

Going back to the people with a General Election to decide the next steps would seem like a measured and a sensible move to me.
No thank you.

We have a constitution that says election after 5 years. Just because imran wants something, we are not going to change the system for him, he needs to learn to live with it

If you didnt want to get removed maybe you should had learned how to work in parliamentry politics.

If he wins somehow again ans is removed again by zardari, would he be calling for early elections? This is not some tamasha
No thank you.

We have a constitution that says election after 5 years. Just because imran wants something, we are not going to change the system for him, he needs to learn to live with it

If you didnt want to get removed maybe you should had learned how to work in parliamentry politics.

If he wins somehow again ans is removed again by zardari, would he be calling for early elections? This is not some tamasha

Which part of you doesn't understand/or ignore that the constitution you keep on bragging about was corruptly abused. The evidence is damming. Because of this, it's only right to go back to the people. And if it comes to the Awaam electing for PDM then so be it.
Which part of you doesn't understand/or ignore that the constitution you keep on bragging about was corruptly abused. The evidence is damming. Because of this, it's only right to go back to the people. And if it comes to the Awaam electing for PDM then so be it.
If the constitution was abused, than the sane thing is to sit in opposition benches and discuss ways to bring reforms in constitution after whoch you do elections.

If you have issues with the constitution, how does voting solve everything? The so called problems that you have still stay.

Or maybe is it that if pti is in power than constitution is very good, but when they are removed than its very bad.

The system stays the same if elections happen, so why not change the constitution and than go for elections.

Anyways like I said, just to accomodate one person, elections are not gonna be held early
If the constitution was abused, than the sane thing is to sit in opposition benches and discuss ways to bring reforms in constitution after whoch you do elections.

If you have issues with the constitution, how does voting solve everything? The so called problems that you have still stay.

Or maybe is it that if pti is in power than constitution is very good, but when they are removed than its very bad.

The system stays the same if elections happen, so why not change the constitution and than go for elections.

Anyways like I said, just to accomodate one person, elections are not gonna be held early

Sit in opposition to crooks?
A line has to be drawn and thankfully it has.
If the constitution was abused, than the sane thing is to sit in opposition benches and discuss ways to bring reforms in constitution after whoch you do elections.

If you have issues with the constitution, how does voting solve everything? The so called problems that you have still stay.

Or maybe is it that if pti is in power than constitution is very good, but when they are removed than its very bad.

The system stays the same if elections happen, so why not change the constitution and than go for elections.

Anyways like I said, just to accomodate one person, elections are not gonna be held early

Let me try again. The constitution was abused, and in no way does it represent the Awaam who DECIDE who is in power. Not foreign intervention, let the Awaam decide who runs the country. The jalsas so far are comprehensive, people are not happy with this puppet regime.
Sit in opposition to crooks?
A line has to be drawn and thankfully it has.

Good, that means the govt can do anything, pass any bill they want.

The govt can pass a bill against pti if they dont sit in opposition.

This is how parliamentry govt works, you have a majority ttake the govt and the rest sit in opposition benches.

Imran's issue isnt opposition bench, its the fact that he has to accept shebaz shareef as pm which he cant do due to his ego.

He literally got played in zardaris hands. Zardari only made shebaz just to play with imran who he knew would never shake his hand and would resign.
Let me try again. The constitution was abused, and in no way does it represent the Awaam who DECIDE who is in power. Not foreign intervention, let the Awaam decide who runs the country. The jalsas so far are comprehensive, people are not happy with this puppet regime.

Jalsas dont fix constitution.

If pti has issues with the constitution than they should had at in opposition benches and presented reforms.

Reforms happen in parliament not on streets.

Awam decides who comes into power, but if your issue is constitution, than when imran dies come again, the constitution stays the same, it doesn't chnage right?
Jalsas dont fix constitution.

If pti has issues with the constitution than they should had at in opposition benches and presented reforms.

Reforms happen in parliament not on streets.

Awam decides who comes into power, but if your issue is constitution, than when imran dies come again, the constitution stays the same, it doesn't chnage right?

My issue is the constitution was ABUSED! the crooks and foreign intervention are sole responsible to oust a sitting democratically elected government through dark arts.

You've admitted Awaam decides. So let the Awaam decide, not dark arts, and foreign interventions. CONCLUSION. GENERAL ELECTIONS.
I meant FPTP should be replaced with Proportional Representation system.

Proportional representation works better in mature democracies where parties can work together in coalition. A lot of more extreme parties get representation under PR. Look at Israel where there is no clear winner even after multiple elections. Winning coalitions have diametrically opposed partners which dooms the government from the start

In the subcontinent, FPTP is better because it gives more seats to the bigger players and that makes the government stable. There are governments falling even under FPTP here
My issue is the constitution was ABUSED! the crooks and foreign intervention are sole responsible to oust a sitting democratically elected government through dark arts.

You've admitted Awaam decides. So let the Awaam decide, not dark arts, and foreign interventions. CONCLUSION. GENERAL ELECTIONS.

Tou bhaijaan, if you think it was abused than it would be abused again in future asqell.

We can keep playing election election just because of pti.

If you want it not ve abused bring reforms frim opposition benches

You want to complain about the constitution and srill wanna have election on same constitution
Proportional representation works better in mature democracies where parties can work together in coalition. A lot of more extreme parties get representation under PR. Look at Israel where there is no clear winner even after multiple elections. Winning coalitions have diametrically opposed partners which dooms the government from the start

In the subcontinent, FPTP is better because it gives more seats to the bigger players and that makes the government stable. There are governments falling even under FPTP here

I agree with this and hopefully PTI will sweep the next election and come into power with a massive majority. That then will be the death nail for the crooks
Tou bhaijaan, if you think it was abused than it would be abused again in future asqell.

We can keep playing election election just because of pti.

If you want it not ve abused bring reforms frim opposition benches

You want to complain about the constitution and srill wanna have election on same constitution

Bring reforms in as oppossition knowing that the sitting government is responsible for the abuse. They have the Mafia, Establishment, courts, on their side who are part of this.

The best way to reform is have General elections, PTI will sweep in to power through The Awaam, then let a honest democratically elected party reform the constitution so in the future no croocks can any way abuse it!
Bring reforms in as oppossition knowing that the sitting government is responsible for the abuse. They have the Mafia, Establishment, courts, on their side who are part of this.

The best way to reform is have General elections, PTI will sweep in to power through The Awaam, then let a honest democratically elected party reform the constitution so in the future no croocks can any way abuse it!

Again you keep on missing the point.

You say the constitution is used against you, even if you win the election, the same constitution would be used and it would be used against pti again inshallah

Now if the issue that pti has is the abuse of constitution than the smart thing to do is bring reforms in the constitution than do elections or whatever.

What if imran wins and gets removed again? (Would be hilarious)

If you reply is gonna be, no elections first that solves abuse, than this argument goes no where as you are missing the point
By definition it is not a minority government.
However it will be a minority cabinet if it only has ministers from PMLN in it. Time will tell.
However, it's a collection of crooks made up from different parties so one could argue that it's only a matter of time before it becomes a minority government.

The country doesn't need crooks st the helm let alone a weak coalition of crooks.
IK's own government was weak for this very reason and this, along with other reasons, is why elections are necessary.

If only for the sake of the country

I disagree. Your belief is that they are all crooks but none of the courts have thus far have given a guilty verdict. I believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty and you can go around branding people and accusing them as you deem fit but I won't do that.
Why was it absolutt necessary to buy MNA’s, gather all parties against IK and so on when you know elections are due next year? They could have waited, let him complete the tenure and defeat him in the elections?

But no, they got foreign help and got rid of him, they don’t want the new voting machines and they don’t want overseas Pakistanis to vote, they were just too scared as they could not rig the elections. Many factors here.

And now IK is just using his democratic rights, if anyone has problem with that, well just stop him and put him in jail.

Which MNA's were bought? In the Punjab Assembly, there were N-League MPA's that voted in favour of PTI. How come you don't address the issue in the same way when PTI is horse-trading? There was not a single PTI MNA that voted against the party. So who was bought? What is the proof of someone being bought? Also, don't forget Imran can also be accused of buying MNA's when Tehreen was flying these people in on his private jet. Don't be a hypocrite buddy.

There is no evidence of foreign involvement. Even the army had said so. The lettergate has been exposed as a lie. The new voting machines weren't possible either way even if the elections had happened under Imran Khan. ECP had already stated as such before the VONC. For Overseas Pakistani vote as well, NADRA had already stated that they would not be able to accommodate them in the upcoming election.

I suggest you read the news instead of relaying on propaganda and WhatsApp messages.
Because this current government is made up of crooks.
People that stole billions from the poor.
Surely that should be reason enough?

It is the same people that made up the previous government. If you think these people stole millions or billions how come no one was found guilty in the three years where Imran Khan had NAB open cases against everyone?

It's not enough reason because all you have is accusations and not an iota of proof. The same people when allied with PTI are not choors or crooks but then they decide to break the alliance suddenly become choors again.
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Once again, elections will happen when they are supposed to happen.

PTI supporters can cry as much as they want but they will have to wait.

This is a democratically elected government voted by the representatives of the public. They will complete their term until the elections.
It is the same people that made up the previous government LOL. If you think these people stole millions or billions how come no one was found guilty in the three years where Imran Khan had NAB open cases against everyone?

It's not enough reason because all you have is accusations and not an iota of proof. The same people when allied with PTI are not choors or crooks but then they decide to break the alliance suddenly become choors again.

Precisely why elections now are essential so PTI can win overwhelmingly and not have to rely on electable crooks.

Corruption charges are not accusations.
NS is have been proven guilty and is currently absconding.
SS has not once been able to prove his income / wealth
MS is the calligraphy queen

Let's not even start with the PPP and why Diesel is called Diesel.

Where have the billions of dollars disappeared to?
It's not on infrastructure, or schools, roads or hospitals or welfare. So where did the money go?
I thought the PTI was supposed to be the inept party? Wasn't that the narrative?
It is the same people that made up the previous government LOL. If you think these people stole millions or billions how come no one was found guilty in the three years where Imran Khan had NAB open cases against everyone?

It's not enough reason because all you have is accusations and not an iota of proof. The same people when allied with PTI are not choors or crooks but then they decide to break the alliance suddenly become choors again.
[MENTION=491]IMMY69[/MENTION] says this govt is made up of crooks. This coailition has the same members like tareen and mqm. Hence, that would mean even the last govt was made up of crooks.

Plus alot of them are allegation and not proven.

Imran, qasim suri, and asad qaiser are also alleged crookes for violating the constitution and accepting that.

Foreign funding and the watch scam are also there aswell.

So basically, one crook leaves and another crook comes :)