India falls below Pakistan and Bangladesh in the Global Hunger Index


Test Debutant
Sep 4, 2016
Post of the Week
Indians here like to tell Pakistanis how great their economy is. Latest research on hunger around the world shows India is sadly starving! Why doesn't India spend money on it's starving people instead of trying to compete with China?I am afraid despite having so many billionaires India is a much bigger beggar then Pak, Bangladesh and Nepal.




The latest Global Hunger Index (GHI) has ranked India a lowly 102 among the 117 countries it has mapped. In 2018, India was pegged at 103 but last year 119 countries were mapped. So while the rank is one better this year, in reality, India is not better off in comparison to the other countries. The GHI slots countries on a scale ranging from “low” hunger to “moderate”, “serious”, “alarming”, and “extremely alarming”. India is one of the 47 countries that have “serious” levels of hunger.

On the whole, the 2019 GHI report has found that the number of hungry people has risen from 785 million in 2015 to 822 million. It further states that “multiple countries have higher hunger levels now than in 2010, and approximately 45 countries are set to fail to achieve ‘low’ levels of hunger by 2030”.

What is the Global Hunger Index?
The GHI has been brought out almost every year by Welthungerhilfe (lately in partnerships with Concern Worldwide) since 2000; this year’s report is the 14th one. A low score gets a country a higher ranking and implies a better performance.

The reason for mapping hunger is to ensure that the world achieves “Zero Hunger by 2030” — one of the Sustainable Development Goals laid out by the United Nations. It is for this reason that GHI scores are not calculated for certain high-income countries.

While in common parlance hunger is understood in terms of food deprivation, in a formal sense it is calculated by mapping the level of calorie intake.

But the GHI does not limit itself to this narrow definition of hunger. Instead, it tracks the performance of different countries on four key parameters because, taken together, these parameters capture multiple dimensions — such a deficiency of micronutrients — of hunger, thus providing a far more comprehensive measure of hunger.

How does GHI measure hunger?

For each country in the list, the GHI looks at four indicators:

* Undernourishment (which reflects inadequate food availability): calculated by the share of the population that is undernourished (that is, whose caloric intake is insufficient);

* Child Wasting (which reflects acute undernutrition): calculated by the share of children under the age of five who are wasted (that is, those who have low weight for their height);

* Child Stunting (which reflects chronic undernutrition): calculated by the share of children under the age of five who are stunted (that is, those who have low height for their age);

* Child Mortality (which reflects both inadequate nutrition and unhealthy environment): calculated by the mortality rate of children under the age of five (in part, a reflection of the fatal mix of inadequate nutrition.

Each country’s data are standardised on a 100-point scale and a final score is calculated after giving 33.33% weight each to components 1 and 4, and giving 16.66% weight each to components 2 and 3.

Countries scoring less than or equal to 9.9 are slotted in the “low” category of hunger, while those scoring between 20 and 34.9 are in the “serious” category and those scoring above 50 are in the “extremely alarming” category.

What is India’s score relative to those of the others?
Among the BRICS grouping, India is ranked the worst, with China at 25 and a score of just 6.5. Within South Asia, too, India is behind every other country. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan (in that order) are all ahead of India.

Some of the other countries ahead of India are Saudi Arabia (rank 34), Venezuela (rank 65, even as its score has doubled from just over 8 to over 16, because of the socio-economic and political crisis), Lesotho (rank 79), Burkina Faso (rank 88), and North Korea (rank 92).

In stark contrast to India, which has the world’s largest democracy and one of the biggest economies, most of the countries below India on the GHI — Afghanistan, Haiti or Yemen etc — are either poorly governed or war-torn or ravaged by natural calamities.

Why is India ranked so low on GHI?
With an overall score of 30.3, India finds itself sandwiched between Niger (score 30.2, rank 101) and Sierra Leone (score 30.4, rank 103). In 2000, India’s score was 38.8 and its hunger level was in the “alarming” category. Since then, India has steadily improved on most counts to reduce its score and is now slotted in th” “serious” category.

But the pace of India’s improvement has been relatively slow. Nothing illustrates this better than the trajectory of Niger and Sierra Leone, which in 2000 had scores of 52.1 and 53.6, respectively, and found themselves in the “extremely alarming” category of hunger — and were much worse off than India.

So, even though India has improved its score, many others have done more and that explains why despite achieving relatively fast economic growth since 2000, India has not been able to make commensurate strides in reducing hunger.

What are the reasons for which India’s improvements have been slow?
For one, notwithstanding the broader improvements, there is one category — Child Wasting, that is, children with low weight for their height — where India has worsened. In other words, the percentage of children under the age of 5 years suffering from wasting has gone up from 16.5 in 2010 to 20.8 now. Wasting is indicative of acute undernutrition and India is the worst among all countries on this parameter.

“India’s child wasting rate is extremely high at 20.8 percent — the highest wasting rate of any country in this report for which data or estimates were available. Its child stunting rate, 37.9 percent, is also categorized as very high in terms of its public health significance… In India, just 9.6 percent of all children between 6 and 23 months of age are fed a minimum acceptable diet,” states the report.

“In 2014 the prime minister instituted the ‘Clean India’ campaign to end open defecation and ensure that all households had latrines. Even with new latrine construction, however, population’s health and consequently children’s growth and development as their ability to absorb nutrients is compromised,” it said.
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Indian media is saying western reporting on the matter is incorrect and biased. When the same western media speaks against Pakistan they tell us how impartial hence true the report is.
The Ministry of Women and Child Development said on Friday that the Global Hunger Index (GHI), which dropped India to the 101st position from the 94th in 2020, was “shocking” and “devoid of ground reality”.

In its findings released earlier this week, GHI said India trails behind neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Of the 116 countries ranked this year, eighteen countries, including China, Brazil and Kuwait, share the top rank with a GHI score of less than five. The report, prepared jointly by Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide and German organisation Welt Hunger Hilfe, termed the level of hunger in India “alarming”.

“It is shocking to find that the Global Hunger Report 2021 has lowered the rank of India on the basis of FAO estimate on proportion of undernourished population, which is found to be devoid of ground reality and facts and suffers from serious methodological issues. The publishing agencies…have not done their due diligence before releasing the report,” said the Ministry, calling the methodology used by the agencies unscientific.

“They have based their assessment on the results of a ‘four question’ opinion poll, which was conducted telephonically by Gallup. The scientific measurement of undernourishment would require measurement of weight and height…The report completely disregards Government’s massive effort to ensure food security of the entire population during the Covid period, verifiable data on which are available. The opinion poll does not have a single question on whether the respondent received any food support from the Government or other sources,” it said.

It also raised questions on improved rankings of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, which seem to be unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years.
What we are seeing is the Indian media wants a two front war with China and Pakistan. Are they serious?? This is what Modi has done to India the very illiterate man who was gonna teach Pak a lesson! It seems he is teaching his own people exactly that.

Not for a minute do i feel any happiness seeing such poverty in India. I genuinely feel great sympathy for hundred's of million's of poor people their even if most Indian's will never feel the same for poor Pakistanis. This is the crucial difference between Pakistanis and Indians that on Indian forums they laugh at the poor people of Pakistan.
Indian media is saying western reporting on the matter is incorrect and biased. When the same western media speaks against Pakistan they tell us how impartial hence true the report is.

That is what we call politics :))
The Ministry of Women and Child Development said on Friday that the Global Hunger Index (GHI), which dropped India to the 101st position from the 94th in 2020, was “shocking” and “devoid of ground reality”.

In its findings released earlier this week, GHI said India trails behind neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Of the 116 countries ranked this year, eighteen countries, including China, Brazil and Kuwait, share the top rank with a GHI score of less than five. The report, prepared jointly by Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide and German organisation Welt Hunger Hilfe, termed the level of hunger in India “alarming”.

“It is shocking to find that the Global Hunger Report 2021 has lowered the rank of India on the basis of FAO estimate on proportion of undernourished population, which is found to be devoid of ground reality and facts and suffers from serious methodological issues. The publishing agencies…have not done their due diligence before releasing the report,” said the Ministry, calling the methodology used by the agencies unscientific.

“They have based their assessment on the results of a ‘four question’ opinion poll, which was conducted telephonically by Gallup. The scientific measurement of undernourishment would require measurement of weight and height…The report completely disregards Government’s massive effort to ensure food security of the entire population during the Covid period, verifiable data on which are available. The opinion poll does not have a single question on whether the respondent received any food support from the Government or other sources,” it said.

It also raised questions on improved rankings of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, which seem to be unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years.

How does someone survey by telephone people who are not getting enough to eat?
Indian people like to count their million and billionaires. What is the point when Ambani and co have no interest in feeding so many poor people?. Almost half of India is starving yet all we get is the Indian media denying it.
Indian people like to count their million and billionaires. What is the point when Ambani and co have no interest in feeding so many poor people?. Almost half of India is starving yet all we get is the Indian media denying it.

That table in OP shows little improvement but very slow. This is not good a positive image for India and definitely lot of work needs to be done on this front
It is pathetic to see people rejoicing over such news. Hunger is a global issue and no laughing matter.
It is pathetic to see people rejoicing over such news. Hunger is a global issue and no laughing matter.

So is poverty yet you were the first to rejoice when Pakistan had a lower GDP/Capita than India and Bangladesh.
So is poverty yet you were the first to rejoice when Pakistan had a lower GDP/Capita than India and Bangladesh.

Discussing and analysing GDPs of different countries is different than taunting other countries for having more hunger.
So.... The poll was, call someone and ask them if they are hungry....

Well, to be honest, I would have said hungry too if I were also called since I am at office now and I AM HUNGRY.
So.... The poll was, call someone and ask them if they are hungry....

Well, to be honest, I would have said hungry too if I were also called since I am at office now and I AM HUNGRY.

Two words..
Shan Paratha
I don't know why Indians get so defensive over news of poverty in their country. It is more embarrassing to be trying to pass yourself off as a superpower when western films about India are called Slumdog Millionaire.
I don't know why Indians get so defensive over news of poverty in their country. It is more embarrassing to be trying to pass yourself off as a superpower when western films about India are called Slumdog Millionaire.

The average Indian doesn't care much about what the West thinks of him, he or she is focussed on his or her own life and family. And he or she doesn't certainly keep going around pretending to be something they are not ~cough cough~ :))
The average Indian doesn't care much about what the West thinks of him, he or she is focussed on his or her own life and family. And he or she doesn't certainly keep going around pretending to be something they are not ~cough cough~ :))

The idea of a brown British person probably seems quaint to an Indian abroad, but there are lots of non-white Brits who are born and raised here. You are probably watching and admiring them in some of the US shows you watch. America too is multicultural and has been for a long time now. You people have some prehistoric ideas.
Not denying that poverty and hunger are. widespread in India. However, measuring hunger needs more effort than “telephone interviews”. Seems like the people producing the GHI report are really lazy.
The average Indian doesn't care much about what the West thinks of him, he or she is focussed on his or her own life and family. And he or she doesn't certainly keep going around pretending to be something they are not ~cough cough~ :))

Avg American/Canadian and British born doesn’t care to think what West think of Indians but Indian migrant and Indian do.

I’ve never met an migrant Indian who aren’t conscious about locals thinking of them.
Pathetic to see some Pakistani bros celebrating hunger competition here, how immature are you people
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I question the methodology of the report as well, but there is absolutely NO doubt that there is vast poverty and hunger in India. It is a fact that no objective person can deny. But for me, the only metric that matters is: rate of decrease in hunger/poverty Y-o-Y.

I understand Indian media gloats whenever Pak is shown in poor light. I hate that. So I get it when Pak media/posters gloat about anything that shows India in poor light.

I don't understand why some posters have trouble accepting that India can have a large population (300M+) that is below poverty line and also thousands of millionaires who live an ultra-luxurious life, along with a vast (600M+) middle class. It can be both a Superpower (in terms of GDP) and a third world country (per capita income).

I also never understood why people (desis, especially) gloat about how rich/great/glorious their country of birth is. What have you done to make your country as rich/great as it is today? It's just a stroke a luck that you were born in a country/religion/skin colour. Do something great yourself, help another man, build something useful, make your country proud of you.
It maybe some difference of numbers but the hunger problem remains on both countries and someone gloating over those poor souls breaks my heart.

There is nothing to be proud of, if an Indian person who is hungry comes to your house, will you refuse food coz it will be decrease the ratio?

Kya baat kar rahe ho tumlog,

What Indian media does let them do, ppl are not stupid to buy what thee say. There is stupid media everywhere
The idea of a brown British person probably seems quaint to an Indian abroad, but there are lots of non-white Brits who are born and raised here. You are probably watching and admiring them in some of the US shows you watch. America too is multicultural and has been for a long time now. You people have some prehistoric ideas.

Oh here we go again with the usual "I'm brown but I'm a true Brit" rant. Kudos to you for winning a genetic lottery and parading your sole achievement.

I have a smattering of brown ethnicities, born in the US, and a proud American.There are many such folks here in this forum - born in first world countries. You don't see us parroting that time and again at every opportunity to lord over others. Why is your ego so fragile that you have to keep doing it in such an uncouth way?
Indians here like to tell Pakistanis how great their economy is. Latest research on hunger around the world shows India is sadly starving! Why doesn't India spend money on it's starving people instead of trying to compete with China?I am afraid despite having so many billionaires India is a much bigger beggar then Pak, Bangladesh and Nepal.




The latest Global Hunger Index (GHI) has ranked India a lowly 102 among the 117 countries it has mapped. In 2018, India was pegged at 103 but last year 119 countries were mapped. So while the rank is one better this year, in reality, India is not better off in comparison to the other countries. The GHI slots countries on a scale ranging from “low” hunger to “moderate”, “serious”, “alarming”, and “extremely alarming”. India is one of the 47 countries that have “serious” levels of hunger.

On the whole, the 2019 GHI report has found that the number of hungry people has risen from 785 million in 2015 to 822 million. It further states that “multiple countries have higher hunger levels now than in 2010, and approximately 45 countries are set to fail to achieve ‘low’ levels of hunger by 2030”.

What is the Global Hunger Index?
The GHI has been brought out almost every year by Welthungerhilfe (lately in partnerships with Concern Worldwide) since 2000; this year’s report is the 14th one. A low score gets a country a higher ranking and implies a better performance.

The reason for mapping hunger is to ensure that the world achieves “Zero Hunger by 2030” — one of the Sustainable Development Goals laid out by the United Nations. It is for this reason that GHI scores are not calculated for certain high-income countries.

While in common parlance hunger is understood in terms of food deprivation, in a formal sense it is calculated by mapping the level of calorie intake.

But the GHI does not limit itself to this narrow definition of hunger. Instead, it tracks the performance of different countries on four key parameters because, taken together, these parameters capture multiple dimensions — such a deficiency of micronutrients — of hunger, thus providing a far more comprehensive measure of hunger.

How does GHI measure hunger?

For each country in the list, the GHI looks at four indicators:

* Undernourishment (which reflects inadequate food availability): calculated by the share of the population that is undernourished (that is, whose caloric intake is insufficient);

* Child Wasting (which reflects acute undernutrition): calculated by the share of children under the age of five who are wasted (that is, those who have low weight for their height);

* Child Stunting (which reflects chronic undernutrition): calculated by the share of children under the age of five who are stunted (that is, those who have low height for their age);

* Child Mortality (which reflects both inadequate nutrition and unhealthy environment): calculated by the mortality rate of children under the age of five (in part, a reflection of the fatal mix of inadequate nutrition.

Each country’s data are standardised on a 100-point scale and a final score is calculated after giving 33.33% weight each to components 1 and 4, and giving 16.66% weight each to components 2 and 3.

Countries scoring less than or equal to 9.9 are slotted in the “low” category of hunger, while those scoring between 20 and 34.9 are in the “serious” category and those scoring above 50 are in the “extremely alarming” category.

What is India’s score relative to those of the others?
Among the BRICS grouping, India is ranked the worst, with China at 25 and a score of just 6.5. Within South Asia, too, India is behind every other country. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan (in that order) are all ahead of India.

Some of the other countries ahead of India are Saudi Arabia (rank 34), Venezuela (rank 65, even as its score has doubled from just over 8 to over 16, because of the socio-economic and political crisis), Lesotho (rank 79), Burkina Faso (rank 88), and North Korea (rank 92).

In stark contrast to India, which has the world’s largest democracy and one of the biggest economies, most of the countries below India on the GHI — Afghanistan, Haiti or Yemen etc — are either poorly governed or war-torn or ravaged by natural calamities.

Why is India ranked so low on GHI?
With an overall score of 30.3, India finds itself sandwiched between Niger (score 30.2, rank 101) and Sierra Leone (score 30.4, rank 103). In 2000, India’s score was 38.8 and its hunger level was in the “alarming” category. Since then, India has steadily improved on most counts to reduce its score and is now slotted in th” “serious” category.

But the pace of India’s improvement has been relatively slow. Nothing illustrates this better than the trajectory of Niger and Sierra Leone, which in 2000 had scores of 52.1 and 53.6, respectively, and found themselves in the “extremely alarming” category of hunger — and were much worse off than India.

So, even though India has improved its score, many others have done more and that explains why despite achieving relatively fast economic growth since 2000, India has not been able to make commensurate strides in reducing hunger.

What are the reasons for which India’s improvements have been slow?
For one, notwithstanding the broader improvements, there is one category — Child Wasting, that is, children with low weight for their height — where India has worsened. In other words, the percentage of children under the age of 5 years suffering from wasting has gone up from 16.5 in 2010 to 20.8 now. Wasting is indicative of acute undernutrition and India is the worst among all countries on this parameter.

“India’s child wasting rate is extremely high at 20.8 percent — the highest wasting rate of any country in this report for which data or estimates were available. Its child stunting rate, 37.9 percent, is also categorized as very high in terms of its public health significance… In India, just 9.6 percent of all children between 6 and 23 months of age are fed a minimum acceptable diet,” states the report.

“In 2014 the prime minister instituted the ‘Clean India’ campaign to end open defecation and ensure that all households had latrines. Even with new latrine construction, however, population’s health and consequently children’s growth and development as their ability to absorb nutrients is compromised,” it said.

The first step towards solving a problem is acknowledging that there is a problem. In that sense, it is good that India's own news outlet has published this. I hope they take some action (as opposed to the usual South Asian bureaucratic ineptitude).

Surprising to see Brazil so high up in the list in spite of all those favelas. Clearly they are doing some things right.
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That table in OP shows little improvement but very slow. This is not good a positive image for India and definitely lot of work needs to be done on this front

All the more reason why India should stop picking fights with every neighbour. Instead they should feed the millions of downtrodden people they have. They can't compete with China for goodness sake.
All the more reason why India should stop picking fights with every neighbour. Instead they should feed the millions of downtrodden people they have. They can't compete with China for goodness sake.

Shouldn't Pakistan also stop picking fights with their neighbors and start focusing on providing primary education to their children? Statistics show that half of Pakistan's children do not even receive primary education (even after assuming madrassa education qualifies as primary education). So you are having an entire generation where 50% will not have received even primary education.

Shouldn't Pakistan focus on that first before picking fights with their neighbors?
Shouldn't Pakistan also stop picking fights with their neighbors and start focusing on providing primary education to their children? Statistics show that half of Pakistan's children do not even receive primary education (even after assuming madrassa education qualifies as primary education). So you are having an entire generation where 50% will not have received even primary education.

Shouldn't Pakistan focus on that first before picking fights with their neighbors?

Pak not doing that at all but only supporting the oppressed Kashmiris. We are not killing anyone at all in India or Afghanistan. As India being our much larger enemy we need to be well prepared. Also remember that it was India who started the nuke fight in the subcontinent all those years back not Pak.

There are more baggers on the streets of India then the entire population of Pak. In addition to your natural poverty look at how much you are wasting in the occupied valley.
Pak not doing that at all but only supporting the oppressed Kashmiris. We are not killing anyone at all in India or Afghanistan. As India being our much larger enemy we need to be well prepared. Also remember that it was India who started the nuke fight in the subcontinent all those years back not Pak.

There are more baggers on the streets of India then the entire population of Pak. In addition to your natural poverty look at how much you are wasting in the occupied valley.

I'm not an Indian so I ain't wasting nothing in no darn valley.

"There are more baggers on the streets of India then the entire population of Pak" - This is a pretty bold claim. population of Pakistan is more than 200 Million. Can you please cite sources that show there are more than 200 Million beggars in the streets of India?

"Pak not doing that at all but only supporting the oppressed Kashmiris. We are not killing anyone at all in India or Afghanistan." - The shooters in Mumbai terror attacks, gunmen in India's parliament attacks are all saying hello to you right now.

What are your thoughts on Pakistan spending so much on arms and ammunition when they are having such abysmal rates of primary education for their Children? Details in this thread --

Pakistan's defense budget is more than 6% of GDP which is very high when compared with other countries. Yet Pakistan cannot even provide primary education for its children. Please share your thoughts about this before pulling out random articles about other countries and making bombastic comments about others.
Pathetic to see some Pakistani bros celebrating hunger competition here, how immature are you people

Honestly, Indians should be the last one to pretend to have moral high ground on this stuff. Indians celebrate far more and far worse. Few examples include terrorist attacks, Pakistanis getting discriminated abroad, inflation.
I'm not an Indian so I ain't wasting nothing in no darn valley.

"There are more baggers on the streets of India then the entire population of Pak" - This is a pretty bold claim. population of Pakistan is more than 200 Million. Can you please cite sources that show there are more than 200 Million beggars in the streets of India?

"Pak not doing that at all but only supporting the oppressed Kashmiris. We are not killing anyone at all in India or Afghanistan." - The shooters in Mumbai terror attacks, gunmen in India's parliament attacks are all saying hello to you right now.

What are your thoughts on Pakistan spending so much on arms and ammunition when they are having such abysmal rates of primary education for their Children? Details in this thread --

Pakistan's defense budget is more than 6% of GDP which is very high when compared with other countries. Yet Pakistan cannot even provide primary education for its children. Please share your thoughts about this before pulling out random articles about other countries and making bombastic comments about others.

You can google "how many beggars in India" for an answer but figures vary according to every report and with time.

I am Pakistani but not Kashmiri hence telling you what India is doing in the valley is why their soldiers are being murdered. The shooters you are talking about were not Pakistani, you do realise that India is the champion of fake news. Just over the past few weeks their repeated lies has been exposed many times by the international media.

My thoughts on Pak spending so much is because the enemy is much bigger in size so we need to do it. Are you suggesting that we concentrate on poverty and illiteracy whilst India keeps killing our people? Whatever the price may be it is to be remembered that there is no other country that has an enemy nine times beggar in size whose military budget is much bigger then ours.

My comments on India I standby them. India is a dirt poor country picking fights with China and Pak, it also has issue with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal too. Have you any idea how many kid's are out of school in India? Stop pretending you are not Indian. You are asking for evidence yet say don't provide any reports!
Oh here we go again with the usual "I'm brown but I'm a true Brit" rant. Kudos to you for winning a genetic lottery and parading your sole achievement.

I have a smattering of brown ethnicities, born in the US, and a proud American.There are many such folks here in this forum - born in first world countries. You don't see us parroting that time and again at every opportunity to lord over others. Why is your ego so fragile that you have to keep doing it in such an uncouth way?

I'm not the one who keeps bringing up this negative obsession with British Pakistanis, I didn't in this thread either, I merely responded to an unprovoked barb from a Modi supporting Indian poster. Why do you object to me providing some clarity on it once it's been brought up?
I'm not the one who keeps bringing up this negative obsession with British Pakistanis, I didn't in this thread either, I merely responded to an unprovoked barb from a Modi supporting Indian poster. Why do you object to me providing some clarity on it once it's been brought up?

Because you just keep bringing up this tired old narrative of you being some true Brit time and again even when it is not even actually relevant. This fake lording over just because you won a genetic lottery and were born in a certain part of the world combined with your persistent anti-India rant make your posts seem pretty bad.

also fyi - the idea of a brown British person is never alien to overseas Indians (or "Indian abroad" as you call them). I have run into quite a few Indian immigrants here and an Indian American is never a new concept for them.
I'm not an Indian so I ain't wasting nothing in no darn valley.

"There are more baggers on the streets of India then the entire population of Pak" - This is a pretty bold claim. population of Pakistan is more than 200 Million. Can you please cite sources that show there are more than 200 Million beggars in the streets of India?

You can google "how many beggars in India" for an answer but figures vary according to every report and with time.

The article you cite says "Over 4 lakh beggars in India, WB tops chart". That is 0.4 million. You are off by a factor of 500 from 200 million. That's how ridiculous your claims are!
No one should go hungry in the world. Collectively we produce enough food in the world.

I always feel sad when I hear news of farmers dumping produce to keep prices low or simply due to not having a way to move it to other parts of the world. Even in the US, many kids go hungry. It was great to see school systems providing free meals to anyone during pandemics. Normally, it was limited to FRAMS kids and many don't sign up for that due to various reasons.
I'm not the one who keeps bringing up this negative obsession with British Pakistanis, I didn't in this thread either, I merely responded to an unprovoked barb from a Modi supporting Indian poster. Why do you object to me providing some clarity on it once it's been brought up?

As an Indian, I agree there is poverty in india & we are not a superpower.

As a british pakistani, whats your view , pertaining to the below sources, that Indian brits are twice as successful as Pakistani brits ?

You seem like a balanced , objective, well read person, would you please do everyone a favour and share your sincere & specific insight about this page from the gov. Uk 2020 statistics

Some excerpts -

Percentage of people living in the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods, by ethnicity

Indian 7%, pakistani 31%

Most income-deprived by ethnicity

Indian 9% pakistani 30%

Most employment-deprived by ethnicity

Indian 5% pakistani 21 %

by type of deprivation and ethnicity
Education, training and skills
Indian 7 % pakistani 21 %

Indian 9 pakistani 21 %


Employees of Indian, Chinese and mixed or multiple ethnicity had higher median hourly pay than white British employees in 2018, while employees of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin had the lowest pay, figures

Indian households (46%) were most likely to have a weekly income of £1,000 or more, which is more than twice the percentage of Pakistani (22%), Bangladeshi (23%) and Black (22%) households

As an Indian, I agree there is poverty in india & we are not a superpower.

As a british pakistani, whats your view , pertaining to the below sources, that Indian brits are twice as successful as Pakistani brits ?

You seem like a balanced , objective, well read person, would you please do everyone a favour and share your sincere & specific insight about this page from the gov. Uk 2020 statistics

Some excerpts -

Percentage of people living in the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods, by ethnicity

Indian 7%, pakistani 31%

Most income-deprived by ethnicity

Indian 9% pakistani 30%

Most employment-deprived by ethnicity

Indian 5% pakistani 21 %

by type of deprivation and ethnicity
Education, training and skills
Indian 7 % pakistani 21 %

Indian 9 pakistani 21 %


Employees of Indian, Chinese and mixed or multiple ethnicity had higher median hourly pay than white British employees in 2018, while employees of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin had the lowest pay, figures

Indian households (46%) were most likely to have a weekly income of £1,000 or more, which is more than twice the percentage of Pakistani (22%), Bangladeshi (23%) and Black (22%) households


Genuinely curious, not sarcastic, also - im not an expert on this subject, as i live in india, and i go to uk very rarely, to see my sister whos studying in cambridge university
The article you cite says "Over 4 lakh beggars in India, WB tops chart". That is 0.4 million. You are off by a factor of 500 from 200 million. That's how ridiculous your claims are!

Has it not occurred to you that I read the article before posting it? I did not say my numbers were dependent on the article rather it was just a guide. I have read many articles on there being up to 400 million beggars in India. I always stand by what I say.
Has it not occurred to you that I read the article before posting it? I did not say my numbers were dependent on the article rather it was just a guide. I have read many articles on there being up to 400 million beggars in India. I always stand by what I say.

You were challenged to provide a cite for your claim that there are more than 200 million beggars in India. You respond by posting an article that says the number is 0.4 million, while continuing to maintain that there are many articles that you have read which says the number if 400 million. Nice going!

No more replies to absurd posts!
You were challenged to provide a cite for your claim that there are more than 200 million beggars in India. You respond by posting an article that says the number is 0.4 million, while continuing to maintain that there are many articles that you have read which says the number if 400 million. Nice going!

No more replies to absurd posts!

I see you always run away when the debate heats up. I stand by what I said that India has some 400 million people on the streets.
I see you always run away when the debate heats up. I stand by what I said that India has some 400 million people on the streets.

Like he asked you before ... where is the source for your 400 Million number? I can just say "everyone in Pakistan is a terrorist" without any genuine source and claim that to be true but we all know that it is stupid to say so. What you are claiming seems similar.
Like he asked you before ... where is the source for your 400 Million number? I can just say "everyone in Pakistan is a terrorist" without any genuine source and claim that to be true but we all know that it is stupid to say so. What you are claiming seems similar.

I do say that the Indian military are terrorists! Let me tell you that many internet reports are regularly removed. You people don't even accept your military killing Kashmiris even when you are shown video's. It is weird that champs of fake news ask for genuine evidence!
I do say that the Indian military are terrorists! Let me tell you that many internet reports are regularly removed. You people don't even accept your military killing Kashmiris even when you are shown video's. It is weird that champs of fake news ask for genuine evidence!

Great so you have no proof for your ridiculous statements of 200 Million beggars in India and are trying to digress onto other things.
I don't understand why anyone should argue with indians living outside of india who fled 'incredible' India.

Don't waste your time.
Great so you have no proof for your ridiculous statements of 200 Million beggars in India and are trying to digress onto other things.

I've searched many articles on number of beggars in India. The max I could find is only 8 lakhs(even wiki states there are only 4 lakhs in India). Jumping from 200 mil to 400 mil shows how much hate there is for their neighbor. No where I could find a number over 100 mil. Interestingly west Bengal tops the list as many are refugees over there.
I don't understand why anyone should argue with indians living outside of india who fled 'incredible' India.

Don't waste your time.

I don't wanna speak for Indians here but not everyone is making boombastic claims about "Incredible India" On the contrary, it is your fellow Pakistani making a boombastic claim about 200 Million Indians living in the street as beggars and is sidestepping the question when asked to back his claim up with legitimate sources.

I guess you are choosing not to comment about his ridiculous claim but just making yet another generic "Indians talking up India blah blah" as some sort of weak come back.
As an Indian, I agree there is poverty in india & we are not a superpower.

As a british pakistani, whats your view , pertaining to the below sources, that Indian brits are twice as successful as Pakistani brits ?

You seem like a balanced , objective, well read person, would you please do everyone a favour and share your sincere & specific insight about this page from the gov. Uk 2020 statistics

Some excerpts -

Percentage of people living in the most deprived 10% of neighbourhoods, by ethnicity

Indian 7%, pakistani 31%

Most income-deprived by ethnicity

Indian 9% pakistani 30%

Most employment-deprived by ethnicity

Indian 5% pakistani 21 %

by type of deprivation and ethnicity
Education, training and skills
Indian 7 % pakistani 21 %

Indian 9 pakistani 21 %


Employees of Indian, Chinese and mixed or multiple ethnicity had higher median hourly pay than white British employees in 2018, while employees of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin had the lowest pay, figures

Indian households (46%) were most likely to have a weekly income of £1,000 or more, which is more than twice the percentage of Pakistani (22%), Bangladeshi (23%) and Black (22%) households


I don't really have a view on the 2020 stats you posted as I only read these type of things here. I am sure British Indians might do well in academic spheres and in business, but they are mostly invisible in British life, we rarely see them on screen in prominent roles.

Perhaps that will change with Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel becoming more prominent, although no surprise that she is the aggressive one, and Rishi is seen more of a follower type.
I don't really have a view on the 2020 stats you posted as I only read these type of things here. I am sure British Indians might do well in academic spheres and in business, but they are mostly invisible in British life, we rarely see them on screen in prominent roles.

Perhaps that will change with Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel becoming more prominent, although no surprise that she is the aggressive one, and Rishi is seen more of a follower type.

Interesting i just thought of a win win. Cast priti patel in one of them shows.
Remember, u read it here first.