India 'seriously' considering bid for 2036 Olympic Games: India Sports Minister


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
The world's second-most populous nation has previously hosted the Asian Games and the Commonwealth Games, and Thakur told the Times of India newspaper it was the "right time" to host the Olympics.

"If India is making news in every sector, from manufacturing to services, then why not in the field of sports?

"India is looking very seriously at bidding for the 2036 Olympics," Thakur added.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has said it was in preliminary discussions with 10 cities but has not revealed a timeframe for when it plans to award the 2036 edition.

Among potential rivals for the Games are Indonesia and South Korea, as well as Qatar, which hosted this year's FIFA World Cup. Germany is considering whether to launch another Olympic bid despite strong domestic opposition.

Thakur said his government would consult the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and prepare a roadmap ahead of the IOC session in Mumbai next year.

"The IOC session is a prestigious event for India and whatever steps have to be taken to bid along with the IOA, the government will support them. It has to be a joint preparation."

New Delhi hosted the Asian Games in 1951 and 1982 and the Commonwealth Games in 2010. Thakur suggested Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat would be presented as a potential Olympic venue.

"Gujarat has several times expressed interest in hosting the Olympics," he said. "They have the infrastructure ... It's also part of the state government's manifesto to host the Olympics in Gujarat."
No, thank you. We are in no position to win 5-10 gold medals. Let’s work on ourselves as we have been doing for another 10 years, and we should become a mid table team with 3-4 gold by 2032. Then let’s bid for 2044 or 48.
Imagine cricket being in the Olympics in India.

Every stadium would be a sell out witb thunderous crowds.
The way India is progressing , its not an unrealistic goal.

It’s a silly goal to have, Olympics can destroy economies, unless India expects to progress accordingly till 2036.
It’s a silly goal to have, Olympics can destroy economies, unless India expects to progress accordingly till 2036.

I think it’s a fine goal. But only once you have established yourself as a bottom midfield player.

With the growth coming in the sports sector, Olympics would provide another boost in creating more sports professionals and growing the sports economy.

However, as I said earlier, we need to achieve a certain level so that we can sustain over a long term. If we remain at our current level, the economic growth will be a blip and then we will see a decline. In 8 years time, our fitness and sports sector would have grown and become professional enough. We already see that in the areas such as weightlifting, wresting (to an extent). When this catches up with other sports and areas the industry will be ripe for a big boost with the Olympics.
Was hoping they would try for the FIFA World Cup
Was hoping they would try for the FIFA World Cup

Another one for the 40s. For that india needs to be good enough to make it to the finals on merit. The increase in teams has helped, so India just needs to be too 8. IIRC, they are ranked in mid teens in Asia. So improvement over the next ten years is needed. I think it’s coming.
China hasn't hosted yet and India will ? No, Indian turn will come 20-24 years after China whenever that is.

China is not on the Xmas card list

If Qatar can be castigated for workers etc then China shouldnt stand a chance for treatment of Muslims.
A lot of work is being done in developing sports infrastructure in Bharat. It’s still not enough however. We need to spend a lot more money on this and even more importantly we need to inspire our kids to take up sports and strive for excellence instead of acting like weirdos making reels and stupid stuff.

I hope Ind withdraws the bid. The infrastructure is just not there for hosting the Olympics. They should focus first on hosting cricket ICC events with amenities to the spectators. TV rights are all good but the general spectator experience has loads of improvements needed. Ind should not even think of hosting the Olympics until atleast 2050 . Plus the financial drain the Olympics have is insane. Also Ind doesnt have a sporting culture other than cricket.
Completely avoid it for next 30 years, get the organisation in line first.
I hope Ind withdraws the bid. The infrastructure is just not there for hosting the Olympics. They should focus first on hosting cricket ICC events with amenities to the spectators. TV rights are all good but the general spectator experience has loads of improvements needed. Ind should not even think of hosting the Olympics until atleast 2050 . Plus the financial drain the Olympics have is insane. Also Ind doesnt have a sporting culture other than cricket.

We are a growing economy backed by cash rich sponsors.

Besides as a country. We are in the process of building new infra at record speed anyway.

Thing is people have memories of 2010 CWG scams and are afraid this will go the same way.
We are a growing economy backed by cash rich sponsors.

Besides as a country. We are in the process of building new infra at record speed anyway.

Thing is people have memories of 2010 CWG scams and are afraid this will go the same way.
We are a growing economy backed by cash rich sponsors.
- exactly the reason why Ind should not host . Ind is still a "growing" economy. A few cash rich sponsors cant cure the infrastructure and organizing inadequacies.

Besides as a country. We are in the process of building new infra at record speed anyway.
- Again why. Ind is still in the process. Nowhere near close to whats needed. A lot of it is basic infra which is already existent in other countries and Ind is catching up. The current infra is way inadequate.

Thing is people have memories of 2010 CWG scams and are afraid this will go the same way.
- and yes, this should be a learning experience, nothing that doesnt need to be dissed at. Did Ind learn from it ? I am not sure totally. The 2023 WC was a great option to showcase but the organization was a shamble. And this a few thousands of foreign spectators. the olympics will have hundreds of thousands of foreign spectators and contestants. Totally totally different ball game . Again , not being negative - just stating that Ind has to be fully prepared before going to bid on something like this
We are a growing economy backed by cash rich sponsors.
- exactly the reason why Ind should not host . Ind is still a "growing" economy. A few cash rich sponsors cant cure the infrastructure and organizing inadequacies.

Besides as a country. We are in the process of building new infra at record speed anyway.
- Again why. Ind is still in the process. Nowhere near close to whats needed. A lot of it is basic infra which is already existent in other countries and Ind is catching up. The current infra is way inadequate.

Thing is people have memories of 2010 CWG scams and are afraid this will go the same way.
- and yes, this should be a learning experience, nothing that doesnt need to be dissed at. Did Ind learn from it ? I am not sure totally. The 2023 WC was a great option to showcase but the organization was a shamble. And this a few thousands of foreign spectators. the olympics will have hundreds of thousands of foreign spectators and contestants. Totally totally different ball game . Again , not being negative - just stating that Ind has to be fully prepared before going to bid on something like this

You are literally saying there should be no Olympics.

Few failing economies not being able to manage the Olympics doesn’t mean a country like Bharat which is a future Omega Power should feel discouraged to host it.

We will not only be able to host a very successful Olympics but we might as well prove we can make it work and even make profits and long term gains from it. Hell we might end up saving the Olympics.

Remember m, this is the same what cynics said about rockets program but we delivered at a fraction of price compared to NASA.
You are literally saying there should be no Olympics.

Few failing economies not being able to manage the Olympics doesn’t mean a country like Bharat which is a future Omega Power should feel discouraged to host it.

We will not only be able to host a very successful Olympics but we might as well prove we can make it work and even make profits and long term gains from it. Hell we might end up saving the Olympics.

Remember m, this is the same what cynics said about rockets program but we delivered at a fraction of price compared to NASA.
No- I'm not saying there shouldn't be. What I'm saying is that Ind should be totally prepared for it and not go in half baked jugaad approach. Olympics are a showcase of your country to teh world- so wanna put the best foot forward.

And I'll be honest- Ind has a long way to be an omega power. Just use China as an example. China is so so far ahead of ind- it's actually unfair to china to compare Ind economy to it. Again nothing wrong- but acknowledging the teality is a first honest step towards achieving it.

And rockets are different than hosting real ground events. Again Ind should host Olympics in the future - just not now. Get infra going, plan a few trial events before - may asian soccer world cup, asian or commonwealth games, a eurasian tournament maybe etc etc..