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India to be called ‘Bharat’ soon?

Because the next year elections are coming, so the BJP is doing this type of activities. Otherwise, why BJP didn't change the name before when they are in power for the past 10 years.

I hope they will not do new adventure just before the elections and blame it on Pakistan to gain an advantage in the election, as has been before
Urdu is derived from Persian and anthem is in Persian. Again, what’s your point there?
If you follow the discourse in this thread you will understand what my point is.

Urdu is derived from Persian but Urdu is an independent language now. Ergo, the Pakistan national anthem should have been in Urdu not in the language that it was derived from.

There was no need - and no point - of having the anthem in Persian because it is a language that is not spoken in Pakistan (excluding Afghan refugees who didn’t exist in Pakistan when the anthem was penned)

Pakistan is probably the only country in the world whose anthem is in a foreign country’s language and it is even funnier because Persian is the official language of two countries only - Iran and Afghanistan, and Afghanistan is a country that most Pakistanis hate but will sing the anthem in their language.

However, it is not surprising because Pakistan has always had an identity crisis and always will be. Its entire foundation was built on an identity crisis.
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If you follow the discourse in this thread you will understand what my point is.

Urdu is derived from Persian but Urdu is an independent language now. Ergo, the Pakistan national anthem should have been in Urdu not in the language that it was derived from.

There was no need - and no point - of having the anthem in Persian because it is a language that is not spoken in Pakistan (excluding Afghan refugees who didn’t exist in Pakistan when the anthem was penned)

Pakistan is probably the only country in the world whose anthem is in a foreign country’s language and it is even funnier because Persian is the official language of two countries only - Iran and Afghanistan, and Afghanistan is a country that most Pakistanis hate but will sing the anthem in their language.

However, it is not surprising because Pakistan has always had an identity crisis and always will be. Its entire foundation was built on an identity crisis.
Read the thread and this comment, still trying to find out what’s the point?

Identity crisis? What are you talking about amd what is your point? Pakistan is Pakistan, lol
Bahrat is a Hindu Sanskrit word which date back to early Hindu scripture. At that time India was predominantly, some would estimate to be 99.99%. Hindu.

Changing it from India, a British assigned name to Hindu rashtra. It has everything to do with Hinduism, which shouldn’t be an issue, I don’t understand why Hindus are getting offended? Own it to be Hindu rashtra instead of pretending it be a secular country.
We aren’t offended by Hinduism, why should we be? We aren’t religious fanatics, but we are proud of our roots which predates most religions. I have issues about renaming a country due to practical considerations, but otherwise there is absolutely no shame associated with going back to a name which goes back thousands of years. After all, unlike others our allegiances to our roots has never wavered.
We aren’t offended by Hinduism, why should we be? We aren’t religious fanatics, but we are proud of our roots which predates most religions. I have issues about renaming a country due to practical considerations, but otherwise there is absolutely no shame associated with going back to a name which goes back thousands of years. After all, unlike others our allegiances to our roots has never wavered.
Yes you are.

The fact is, the current Indian government are indeed religious fanatics and as a result day by day Hindus are turning into right-wing religious fanatics. This is further proven by the fact that many Indians do not want - or consider - India to be a secular nation, also proven by the fact that name changes of cities/historical sites and laws are spearheaded by the love of historical Hindu times.

For you to claim Indian Hindus are not religious fanatics is simply not true. Every move by RSS/BJP is influenced by the Hindu religion and supported by Hindus.

This is fanaticism in a nut shell.
We aren’t offended by Hinduism, why should we be? We aren’t religious fanatics, but we are proud of our roots which predates most religions. I have issues about renaming a country due to practical considerations, but otherwise there is absolutely no shame associated with going back to a name which goes back thousands of years. After all, unlike others our allegiances to our roots has never wavered.
That’s my point, Indian should embrace it and stop pretending to be secular.

But also let’s not pretend that current India isn’t a religious fanatics.
Any particular reason you never say India in any of your posts? The name change to Bharat has not happened yet..

I am extremely proud of us reclaiming our heritage and owning it and hence to support it i have happily embraced Bharat as my preferred name for my nation.
That’s my point, Indian should embrace it and stop pretending to be secular.

But also let’s not pretend that current India isn’t a religious fanatics.
You know what, my problem is that you call the current regime fanatics, when India was never secular to begin with. The country would have never been partitioned if it was secular to begin with. Also I pointed out earlier, our constitutions founding fathers (Nehru, Ambedkar and their ilk) never intended our country to be secular. The Congress govt who included secularism in the constitution was ironically itself heavily involved in violence against the Sikhs. Babri Masjid riots happened under a Congress Govt in the center who could have stopped it with their full might if they wanted to, but didn’t. The BJP govt is the only one who doesn’t hide their ideology, but other parties aren’t very secular either (they just are interested in minority votebanks).

Hindi-Muslim riots have happened in this country since before the independence. To concentrate on the riots that happened during the total 15 yrs of BJP rule while pretending that everything was hunky dory during the 60 odd years of Congress+ Communist rule is sheer hypocrisy.
India was never secular to begin with but when it comes to appeasing the West it is Indians who site their constitution claiming their nation is secular just to sugar coat the actions of their right wing religious nuts in power. Amazing but true.

As I said, the most confused nation on earth is India/Bharat/Hindustan.
You know what, my problem is that you call the current regime fanatics, when India was never secular to begin with. The country would have never been partitioned if it was secular to begin with. Also I pointed out earlier, our constitutions founding fathers (Nehru, Ambedkar and their ilk) never intended our country to be secular. The Congress govt who included secularism in the constitution was ironically itself heavily involved in violence against the Sikhs. Babri Masjid riots happened under a Congress Govt in the center who could have stopped it with their full might if they wanted to, but didn’t. The BJP govt is the only one who doesn’t hide their ideology, but other parties aren’t very secular either (they just are interested in minority votebanks).

Hindi-Muslim riots have happened in this country since before the independence. To concentrate on the riots that happened during the total 15 yrs of BJP rule while pretending that everything was hunky dory during the 60 odd years of Congress+ Communist rule is sheer hypocrisy.
Also to add, if the founding fathers had intended the country to be truly secular (as in complete separation of religion from state) like the Western countries, they would have had a single civil law for the whole country. When they allowed every community to have their own separate civil laws, it just shows that they allowed religion to take precedence over rule of law. To then argue that the previous govts were secular and the current isn’t is stupidity.
I am extremely proud of us reclaiming our heritage and owning it and hence to support it i have happily embraced Bharat as my preferred name for my nation.

What do you call yourself? Bharati or Bharatman? I genuinely have no clue.

Also if someone calls your and Indian would you now be offended?

Also to add, if the founding fathers had intended the country to be truly secular (as in complete separation of religion from state) like the Western countries, they would have had a single civil law for the whole country. When they allowed every community to have their own separate civil laws, it just shows that they allowed religion to take precedence over rule of law. To then argue that the previous govts were secular and the current isn’t is stupidity.

A country where a cow has more rights than humans can never be secular and was never secular. The secular idea was to show the world all people will be treated fairly, the world never took this seriously.

New name , maybe a new Hindutva republic too?
A country where a cow has more rights than humans can never be secular and was never secular. The secular idea was to show the world all people will be treated fairly, the world never took this seriously.

New name , maybe a new Hindutva republic too?
Secularism deceit, is the least of India/Bharat/Hindustan's problem. The caste system is next gen discrimination.
A country where a cow has more rights than humans can never be secular and was never secular. The secular idea was to show the world all people will be treated fairly, the world never took this seriously.

New name , maybe a new Hindutva republic too?
I agree with you on this. We should just stop pretending. India should be Hindutva Republic just like Pakistan is proudly Islamic Republic. India and Pakistan are two sides of the same coin, just following different religions - so why pretend to be holier than the other?
I agree with you on this. We should just stop pretending. India should be Hindutva Republic just like Pakistan is proudly Islamic Republic. India and Pakistan are two sides of the same coin, just following different religions - so why pretend to be holier than the other?

I think the difference is there is a large minority living in India who want to be like westerners. Its no mystery why 40,000 UK troops were enough to secure a large nation, as many saw the westerner as a superiour advanced civilisation. This also includes certain morals/values. One eg, you will not see a mass protest to legalise homosexuality in Pakistan as witnessed in India.
I think the difference is there is a large minority living in India who want to be like westerners. Its no mystery why 40,000 UK troops were enough to secure a large nation, as many saw the westerner as a superiour advanced civilisation. This also includes certain morals/values. One eg, you will not see a mass protest to legalise homosexuality in Pakistan as witnessed in India.
Exactly. India in a state of flux. On one hand they seek an independent identity based on heritage yet on the other hand are desperate to appease and cling on to foreign values.
Exactly. India in a state of flux. On one hand they seek an independent identity based on heritage yet on the other hand are desperate to appease and cling on to foreign values.

Identity crisis, as they are claiming the new name is decolonization. Changing the name wont achieve this when you see you former rulers are Superior.
I think the difference is there is a large minority living in India who want to be like westerners. Its no mystery why 40,000 UK troops were enough to secure a large nation, as many saw the westerner as a superiour advanced civilisation. This also includes certain morals/values. One eg, you will not see a mass protest to legalise homosexuality in Pakistan as witnessed in India.
I beg to differ on homosexuality- Homosexuality and Trans was always accepted in ancient India (the carvings in Khajuraho temple had depictions of homosexuals and obviously, the famous Ardhanarinareshwar - a form of Shiva fused with the goddess Parvati was worshipped in ancient India). It was the Mughals and Brits whose culture fusing with the Indians brought about those puranitical values to India. Our religion and culture is just not as rigid about certain things, just like Ancient Rome and Greece.
You know what, my problem is that you call the current regime fanatics, when India was never secular to begin with. The country would have never been partitioned if it was secular to begin with. Also I pointed out earlier, our constitutions founding fathers (Nehru, Ambedkar and their ilk) never intended our country to be secular. The Congress govt who included secularism in the constitution was ironically itself heavily involved in violence against the Sikhs. Babri Masjid riots happened under a Congress Govt in the center who could have stopped it with their full might if they wanted to, but didn’t. The BJP govt is the only one who doesn’t hide their ideology, but other parties aren’t very secular either (they just are interested in minority votebanks).

Hindi-Muslim riots have happened in this country since before the independence. To concentrate on the riots that happened during the total 15 yrs of BJP rule while pretending that everything was hunky dory during the 60 odd years of Congress+ Communist rule is sheer hypocrisy.
Never claimed that the past ruling political parties were secular or India ever was secular. Sub-continent countries can’t ever be secular. It’s just Indians who lectured everyone about secularism which we all find it laughable.
Never claimed that the past ruling political parties were secular or India ever was secular. Sub-continent countries can’t ever be secular. It’s just Indians who lectured everyone about secularism which we all find it laughable.
Blame the so called Lutyen Delhi seculars or ‘sickulars’ as they are popularly known who ignore the chequered history of the parties they support. I would argue that not just the sub-continent, no country in the world is totally secular or untouched by some sort of xenophobia. One of the most meaningless concepts thrown around the globe.
What do you call yourself? Bharati or Bharatman? I genuinely have no clue.

Also if someone calls your and Indian would you now be offended?

I think it would be Bharatiya for me and Bharati for you.

The other name stills works for us like Bharat has worked for so many years.

The three names in fact, India, Bharat and Hindustan would continue to be used like they always were.

Just that Bharat will now be our primary name.
I think it would be Bharatiya for me and Bharati for you.

The other name stills works for us like Bharat has worked for so many years.

The three names in fact, India, Bharat and Hindustan would continue to be used like they always were.

Just that Bharat will now be our primary name.
Its not official yet

We will do that when its done at the UN level.

Until then you can call India what you like bro, we won't.
Its not official yet

We will do that when its done at the UN level.

Until then you can call India what you like bro, we won't.

Bro, have I requested you to do that. You are unnecessarily getting annoyed at me for feeling proud. Some of you guys are making my love for my country sound criminal. I don’t know why it is like that.
Bro, have I requested you to do that. You are unnecessarily getting annoyed at me for feeling proud. Some of you guys are making my love for my country sound criminal. I don’t know why it is like that.

You are free to express love for your country.

Apologies if you feel I am pushing you to not do that.
You are free to express love for your country.

Apologies if you feel I am pushing you to not do that.

Thanks for your understanding.
I have full faith in your wisdom.

Due to the circumstances, it’s easy to misinterpret someone’s intentions.

Our country is growing through an awakening. It took me a few years to understand it as I stood at the opposite end. Under the Congress rule, nationalism had died in Bharat and people were conditioned in a way that they felt guilty of celebrating Hinduism. We were all conditioned to just accept what we had become under 300 years of Mughal era and later 200 years of British era but never celebrate what we used to be for 5000 years and beyond.

What Modi has done, is that he has awakened our long lost bond with this soil. He did it at the expense of becoming a villain in many peoples eyes which will always be his ultimate sacrifice. An act of pure selflessness.

There are posts of me being extremely critical of Modi ji on this very forum of people bother to dig up. I called them all the things Imran used to call him. I am frankly ashamed of those days of mine. My mind was locked up. I saw everything with a woke mentality that Congress had instilled in us. I was celebrating my friends adhering to Islam and Christianity in its truest form but I was myself never celebrating my Hinduism. From childhood,
I was conditioned to feel guilty in front of woke people for showing any sort of pride in my religion while living in the country which is the motherland of Hinduism itself and the only genuine home for us.
I don’t think anyone who isn’t Indian have issue with change of name nor discouraging it. It’s just find it odd when Indians say India is a secular country. But as you’ve mentioned in this thread Indians never wanted to be secular but a Hindu rashtra. Finally Indians are owning to it be a true Hindu nation.

If that was true then Indians wouldn't have any problem accepting their true cultural name of Bharat rather than referring to the name India which was bestowed by invaders. But even as you can see in this thread, the vast majority of Indians just can't let go of the Anglicised version. The roots of Empire sit too deep.
If that was true then Indians wouldn't have any problem accepting their true cultural name of Bharat rather than referring to the name India which was bestowed by invaders. But even as you can see in this thread, the vast majority of Indians just can't let go of the Anglicised version. The roots of Empire sit too deep.
Another observation is that Indians are relentless in their views towards Non Indians, but between themselves, even in this thread, they are silent towards other Indians who hold a different view to theirs, and in most cases the same as non-Indian views.

It's like they are programmed just to respond to Non-Indians.
Ofcourse. No place of pride should be given to foreign invaders.

It’s about time Taj Mahal, Humayun Tomp, Safdurjung tomb etc are converted to museums to showcase the cruelity of the Mughals to the rest of the world. Let it be known as Taj Mahal is no symbol of love but symbol of hawas and cruelity of a man who converted his wife into a baby making machine and chopped off the hands of all the labourers who helped build it.
It’s about time Taj Mahal, Humayun Tomp, Safdurjung tomb etc are converted to museums to showcase the cruelity of the Mughals to the rest of the world. Let it be known as Taj Mahal is no symbol of love but symbol of hawas and cruelity of a man who converted his wife into a baby making machine and chopped off the hands of all the labourers who helped build it.

Perhaps this was the kind of treatment non muslims had under these invaders.

These invaders should be treated the way Hitler is treated.
Hope they do. They try to claim a lot of history not theirs at all. Biggest fraud is the Indus civilsiation, with almost all the key sites in Pakistan, the river in Pakistan. Imagine if Albania or Britain tried to claim Roman history, everyone would rightfully consider it a fraud.

And I am baffled that they do this. As their own country has a lot of amazing historical sites itself.

Its our fault too where all our history starts from Bin Qasim.
I am just exposing your sexiest ideology buddy, nothing else. Every 2nd politican in the country be it man or woman is abusive to their politcal oppononent. Aap hi jyaada fudak rahe ho yahaan :ROFLMAO:
Calm down. You are rushing your replies and making errors. I get it, you are in pain. That fake sanatani posted something about Rekha Gupta, and as a Delhite, I responded. But you, dragged the woman card into this, even though a female CM in Delhi is nothing new. Sheila Dikshit, Sushma Swaraj, and Atishi have all held the position before. So play this woman card with someone else. :sree

And if I am responding to a post about Rekha Gupta, I will call her out. If you want to defend her, go ahead, just don't cry like a kid. Now keep your woman card aside and tell me do women in your house talk like this? Would love to see how you defend this. :inti

This is what she wrote in one of her tweet:

'Delhi tere baap ki nahi hai jo tu yahan Chief Minister ban kar bakwaas kar raha hai. Delhi janta ki hai aur janta hi tujhe teri maa ki kokh mein wapas bhijwayegi. Kameena kahin ka'
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