Indian state criminalises religious conversions by marriage


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
India’s governing Hindu nationalist party has approved legislation in the country’s most populous state that lays out a prison term of up to 10 years for anyone found guilty of using marriage to force someone to change religion.

The decree for the state of Uttar Pradesh was passed on Tuesday and follows a campaign by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) against interfaith marriages.

The party describes such marriages as “love jihad”, an unproven conspiracy theory used by its leaders and Hindu far-right groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage.

Under the decree – which will become a law after its approval by the state’s governor, a formality – a couple belonging to two different religions will have to give two months’ notice to a district magistrate before getting married.

The couple will be allowed to marry only if the official finds no objections.

Uttar Pradesh government minister Siddharth Nath Singh said prison terms of up to 10 years would stop unlawful conversions and provide justice to women.

‘Encroachment into the right to freedom of choice’

The ordinance came on a day a court in Uttar Pradesh, hearing a case of interfaith marriage, said: “Interference in a personal relationship would constitute a serious encroachment into the right to freedom of choice of the two individuals.”

The court verdict came after a Muslim man was accused of forcibly converting his Hindu partner.

“We do not see Priyanka Kharwar and Salamat Ansari as Hindu and Muslim, rather as two grown-up individuals who – out of their own free will and choice – are living together peacefully and happily over a year. The Courts and the Constitutional Courts, in particular, are enjoined to uphold the life and liberty of an individual guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India,” said a two-judge bench on Tuesday.

Uttar Pradesh is the third Indian state governed by Modi’s party after Haryana and Madhya Pradesh to approve such legislation to check what Hindu nationalist leaders call forced and unlawful religious conversions.

Earlier, the state’s top elected leader, Yogi Aditynatah, a Hindu monk known for his anti-Muslim hate speech, said at a public meeting that those waging “love jihad” should either refrain from it or be prepared to die.

Amid a rising tide of Hindu nationalism in India under Modi, Hindu hardline groups have long accused minority Muslims of taking over the country by persuading Hindu women to marry them and convert to Islam.

Although India’s constitution is secular and provides protection to all faiths, the issue of “love jihad” has gripped headlines and pitted Modi’s party leaders against secular activists.

‘Love jihad’ theory disproved

India’s investigating agencies and courts have, however, rejected the “love jihad” theory, which many see as part of an anti-Muslim agenda by Modi’s party.

India is a predominantly Hindu country, with Muslims making up about 14 percent of its more than 1.3 billion people.

Hindu hardline groups also oppose conversions to Christianity and have promised to continue trying to prevent interfaith relationships.

Critics of Modi – an avowed Hindu nationalist – say India’s tradition of diversity and secularism has come under attack since his party won power in 2014 and returned for a second term in 2019.

They accuse the party of fanning religious passions and presiding over religious intolerance and sometimes even violence. The party denies the accusation.

But an apparent mood of fear, anger and disenchantment is growing among Indian Muslims.

They say Modi and his party are slowly disenfranchising them, leaving the community reckoning with a future as second-class citizens.

Normalising anti-Muslim sentiment
The new decree comes at a time when Indian politics are increasingly becoming religiously charged.

On Monday, police registered a case against two executives of online streaming service Netflix, after a leader of Modi’s party objected to scenes in the series, A Suitable Boy, in which a Hindu girl and a Muslim boy kiss against the backdrop of what appears to be a Hindu temple.

The police complaint was registered in Madhya Pradesh state for allegedly offending the religious sentiments of Hindus.

A Netflix India spokesperson declined to comment.

Many Indians on Twitter demanded a boycott of Netflix and called for the series to be taken off the platform.

Last month, jewellery brand Tanishq withdrew an advertisement featuring a Hindu-Muslim family celebrating a baby shower from TV channels and its social media platforms, following a backlash from Hindu nationalists and Modi’s party leaders.

They said the advertisement promoted “love jihad”.

The withdrawal of the advertisement drew sharp criticism from many in India and shed light on the country’s growing religious polarisation under Modi, whose party and supporters envision the country as a Hindu nation and are accused by critics of normalising anti-Muslim sentiment

Source Al Jazeera
This will separate the Love Jihadis from the actual Lovers. No one should convert for the sake of marriage or love. If the people are sincere enough, they will give up their religion for love.

Love > Religion
Under the decree – which will become a law after its approval by the state’s governor, a formality – a couple belonging to two different religions will have to give two months’ notice to a district magistrate before getting married.

Families will get enough time to harass/blackmail the couple, couple should be allowed to marry using special marriage act
Always educational to see how many of the liberal and secular Indians on PP often agree with the most bizarre BJP religion obsessed proposals.
Always educational to see how many of the liberal and secular Indians on PP often agree with the most bizarre BJP religion obsessed proposals.

Hindustan Zindabad. BJP paindabad.

I, for one, have no objection to them neighbors having any kind of rules within their own boundaries.

The liberals and seculars would find it easier too if they stop the mental gymnastics and come out in the open with their true intentions. Playing both sides of the wicket must be mentally very draining. Full speed ahead with the mission of a Hindu Rashtriya Modi Ji.
The law would make sense if it was designed to protect minorities from abuse and being forced to marry someone from a religious majority.....however for a majority to enact a law like this shows some real insecurity!
In other words they’ve criminalised freedom of thought, belief and religion even though the Indian constitution guarantees this - what a sick joke.
Pathetic. They should learn from Great Pakistan where thousands of Muslim women marry Hindu Men every year and convert to Hinduism.
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Hindu khatre mai hain. Majority is in danger from the minority :))
instead of publishing name of couple before one month of marriage government should conduct proper background checks

It isn't feasible in real world. One month time is given in order to put any objection if the family has before going ahead (by giving the family a notice). If the family objects, the legal system will come in to play and take it's course according to established rules. If no objection, the couple can register the marriage.
It isn't feasible in real world. One month time is given in order to put any objection if the family has before going ahead (by giving the family a notice). If the family objects, the legal system will come in to play and take it's course according to established rules. If no objection, the couple can register the marriage.
There is no need to get families involved as the couple are grown up individuals, few things should be enquired to check fraudulent activities
The law would make sense if it was designed to protect minorities from abuse and being forced to marry someone from a religious majority.....however for a majority to enact a law like this shows some real insecurity!

The law is for everyone. Not a specific religion.
There is no need to get families involved as the couple are grown up individuals, few things should be enquired to check fraudulent activities

Abduction plays it's part in many cases. There are also times where underage girls run away from home. The law allows objection only when the basis falls in certain subjects (not because simply the families don't want them together). This is most often a formality and the families objections rarely comes in to play as it has to fulfill many criterion.
The law would make sense if it was designed to protect minorities from abuse and being forced to marry someone from a religious majority.....however for a majority to enact a law like this shows some real insecurity!

The law is regardless of any religion and applies the same for the people coming from any religion.
Hindustan Zindabad. BJP paindabad.

I, for one, have no objection to them neighbors having any kind of rules within their own boundaries.

The liberals and seculars would find it easier too if they stop the mental gymnastics and come out in the open with their true intentions. Playing both sides of the wicket must be mentally very draining. Full speed ahead with the mission of a Hindu Rashtriya Modi Ji.

In my opinion, the hidden problem they are trying to cover up is the shortage of Hindu girls as they turn a blind eye to resolving the root cause of the problem.

In India, there are at an average of 50,000 girls (mostly Hindus) that are killed EVERY MONTH just because their gender is not male.
One of the Indian ministers is on the record stating the numbers are as high as 2 million girls being killed every year just because their gender is female.
These females are usually killed either during pregnancy or just after their birth when the gender is revealed.

Here is a non-bias third party report by Elizabeth Vargas of ABC News.

(Imagine the irony when some elements in the Indian society tag Pakistan as "terrorist".
I mean how big of a terrorist a country and it's some of it's people can get when they kill 50,000 girls EVERY MONTH?)

Anyway, this brutal gentricide in turn has disbalanced the natural male/female gender ratio, that puts India as one of the very, very few countries in the world where males massively out number the females.
(This could be probably be one of the many reasons behind very high number of rapes that occur in India).

So, these laws are introduced based on two reasons that are blended into one.
The ingrained hate against Muslims. And preserving the shortage of Hindu females.

Hindu khatre mai hain. Majority is in danger from the minority :))
Haan Hindu khatrey mein hai, lekin fellow Hindus ki wajeh sey he hai.
How is this different from forced conversion law? @BJP supporters?
How is this different from forced conversion law? @BJP supporters?

It'll prevent groups from using the inter faith marriage as an agenda and manipulate the people. It's worse in many parts and by bringing judicial system in to it, it may prevent that chaos.
It'll prevent groups from using the inter faith marriage as an agenda and manipulate the people. It's worse in many parts and by bringing judicial system in to it, it may prevent that chaos.

My point stands how is this different from forced conversion law?

Who decides if it was forced conversion? VHP?
How can the state police what someone believes in? If tomorrow someone gets married and ends up believing that “ there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger” how can the authorities force you to do a U-turn on that?

It’s like policing what football team you want to follow or what your favourite colour is.

These kind of laws are just as bad as the twisted and stupid apostasy laws that some people believe in.
Hindu khatre mai hain. Majority is in danger from the minority :))

Why, the law will also protect the poor Kashmiri muslim women who may be forced to marry the maraudering hindu mobs from UP and Bihar and convert to hinduism.
Why would anyone have any objection to the law? Only the ones who motive is to convert unsuspecting Man or Woman on the pretext of marriage and love will have a problem with this.

Anyone should be able to love or marry anyone. Religion should never come in the picture. If it comes, then their love was never sincere to begin with and they have ulterior motives behind all the love and marriage drama.
My point stands how is this different from forced conversion law?

Who decides if it was forced conversion? VHP?

Courts decide.

Are you unaware of the cases where hindu girls have been cheated by muslim guys by hiding their identity and later forced to convert?

Is the kerala christian church supporting vhp when they talk about love jihad?
How can the state police what someone believes in? If tomorrow someone gets married and ends up believing that “ there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger” how can the authorities force you to do a U-turn on that?

It’s like policing what football team you want to follow or what your favourite colour is.

These kind of laws are just as bad as the twisted and stupid apostasy laws that some people believe in.

If anyone wants to convert to marry or marry and convert they have to inform the authorities. Thats all.
In my opinion, the hidden problem they are trying to cover up is the shortage of Hindu girls as they turn a blind eye to resolving the root cause of the problem.

In India, there are at an average of 50,000 girls (mostly Hindus) that are killed EVERY MONTH just because their gender is not male.
One of the Indian ministers is on the record stating the numbers are as high as 2 million girls being killed every year just because their gender is female.
These females are usually killed either during pregnancy or just after their birth when the gender is revealed.

Here is a non-bias third party report by Elizabeth Vargas of ABC News.

(Imagine the irony when some elements in the Indian society tag Pakistan as "terrorist".
I mean how big of a terrorist a country and it's some of it's people can get when they kill 50,000 girls EVERY MONTH?)

Anyway, this brutal gentricide in turn has disbalanced the natural male/female gender ratio, that puts India as one of the very, very few countries in the world where males massively out number the females.
(This could be probably be one of the many reasons behind very high number of rapes that occur in India).

So, these laws are introduced based on two reasons that are blended into one.
The ingrained hate against Muslims. And preserving the shortage of Hindu females.

Haan Hindu khatrey mein hai, lekin fellow Hindus ki wajeh sey he hai.

Rather its the problem among muslims. Being a conservative society there is far lesser gender intermixing in muslims. Hence muslim guys establish relationship with non muslim girls, many a time hiding their actual identity and once the relationship turns serious they try to convert the girl.

Not only hindus, christians too have complained of muslims hiding their identity to establish relationship with christian girls.
If anyone wants to convert to marry or marry and convert they have to inform the authorities. Thats all.

Why should they? Shouldnt they be allowed in a so called democracy to make their own mind on who they want to marry or which religion to follow?

I thought the indian state constitutuon states it shouldnt be involved in these aspects of a individuals life
Why should they? Shouldnt they be allowed in a so called democracy to make their own mind on who they want to marry or which religion to follow?

I thought the indian state constitutuon states it shouldnt be involved in these aspects of a individuals life

Where it says they can't?

People have lost Comprehension. There's a difference between informing someone and getting forbidden.
Because a person should convert because he or she believes in the ideology rather than just to get married.

"People should convert"? only when,,,,,,,,, and you or the state will will decide the "reason"? lol
Why should they? Shouldnt they be allowed in a so called democracy to make their own mind on who they want to marry or which religion to follow?

I thought the indian state constitutuon states it shouldnt be involved in these aspects of a individuals life

No one is stopping them. All they have to do is inform.
Rather its the problem among muslims. Being a conservative society there is far lesser gender intermixing in muslims. Hence muslim guys establish relationship with non muslim girls, many a time hiding their actual identity and once the relationship turns serious they try to convert the girl.

Not only hindus, christians too have complained of muslims hiding their identity to establish relationship with christian girls.

So 50,000 girls being killed every month in India is not the actual problem that has caused the gender disproportion, and thus shortage of Hindu girls?
Why bother with education when you can just make up discriminatory laws, cut civil liberties and be done with it...

Burning India
What is the discrimination in this law?

"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, or disability.
"victims of racial discrimination"

From the article:-
"The party describes such marriages as “love jihad”, an unproven conspiracy theory used by its leaders and Hindu far-right groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage."

The article has hit the nail on the head.
This is proven merely your very presence on this thread.
Waiting for the Indians who all day lecture Muslims and Pakistanis here on freedom, liberty et all....I'll probably be waiting all night.
"the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, or disability.
"victims of racial discrimination"

From the article:-
"The party describes such marriages as “love jihad”, an unproven conspiracy theory used by its leaders and Hindu far-right groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage."

The article has hit the nail on the head.
This is proven merely your very presence on this thread.

Where in the law are muslims mentioned?

It mentions all religions.
Where in the law are muslims mentioned?

It mentions all religions.

Is this the best your line manager could come up with?

Well go back to him and tell him that the guy didn't say Muslim specifically, especially not in his original post.
Is this the best your line manager could come up with?

Well go back to him and tell him that the guy didn't say Muslim specifically, especially not in his original post.

Which guy?

Look at the draft of the law passed and not random comments.

This applies to all inter religious marriages.
Just a quick question, if a hindu male married a muslim female and he converted the female to a hindu, wouldnt this be against what is says in Islam that they are forbidden to convert out of islam ?
As per Islam, muslims cannot marry hindus as hindus are idol worshippers. So if a muslim is marrying a hindu then it is big sin as per my knowledge (correct me if I am wrong).
Looks like the blue print is set and only a matter of time before this type of law is introduced all over India. This so be a huge Blow for a place like Kerala... I hope the Muslims in Kerala try and convert as many Hindu females as possible before this law sneaks it's way into the state.
Looks like the blue print is set and only a matter of time before this type of law is introduced all over India. This so be a huge Blow for a place like Kerala... I hope the Muslims in Kerala try and convert as many Hindu females as possible before this law sneaks it's way into the state.

Why are hindu females not adherent and proud of their religion that they are always looking to convert as per you?
Because forced conversions happen. People have been married by hiding identities and then forced to convert.

Why do they convert? Why not just divorce if they were so stupid enough to figure out the truth and marry a random person in the first place?
Why do they convert? Why not just divorce if they were so stupid enough to figure out the truth and marry a random person in the first place?
Divorce is a very long and costly procedure which most of the people won't able to afford.
Why are hindu females not adherent and proud of their religion that they are always looking to convert as per you?

Quite similar to how Usman Khawaja converted his catholic wife to Islam.. However, I fear in the future with the way things are going in India, it will be the muslim women converting to hinduism, troubled times ahead indeed if you are a muslim who is against converting to another religion..
Why are hindu females not adherent and proud of their religion that they are always looking to convert as per you?

I said hindu women are always looking to convert ? Can you show me, I am sure I never said that..
Why do they convert? Why not just divorce if they were so stupid enough to figure out the truth and marry a random person in the first place?

you are right, and the answer is in your question itself. Most victims get cheated, defrauded, robbed because of their own stupidity. That is why laws are needed to prevent others from taking advantage of their stupidity.
In other words they’ve criminalised freedom of thought, belief and religion even though the Indian constitution guarantees this - what a sick joke.

I know you will not respond because you don't have an answer, but it doesn;t stop you from spreading lies.

Show me how does constitution guarantees freedom of thought and belief (if you have the courage to stand by what you say).
I said hindu women are always looking to convert ? Can you show me, I am sure I never said that..

If it is almost always hindu girls converting then a large section of them either very stupid or they are looking to convert.
This country is going down the drain under BJP. Biggest democracy/freedom ever they love chest beating on lol
If it is almost always hindu girls converting then a large section of them either very stupid or they are looking to convert.

Actually most of them are stupid. That is why a law is needed to prevent others from taking the advantage of their stupidity. This law must be hailed for protecting the most vulnerable citizens. Don't know what is the issue with those blaming the law.

This is what Nazi Germany must have been like.

Is there anything the pro RSS BJP Proud Boys won't defend?
Why, the law will also protect the poor Kashmiri muslim women who may be forced to marry the maraudering hindu mobs from UP and Bihar and convert to hinduism.

Yes you are right. This is what Hindus mobs are like and you have very aptly described them. Hindu mobs can prey on the weaker groups when in large numbers and stoop as low as forcing women to marry them and forcing them to convert to Hinduism.
Yes you are right. This is what Hindus mobs are like and you have very aptly described them. Hindu mobs can prey on the weaker groups when in large numbers and stoop as low as forcing women to marry them and forcing them to convert to Hinduism.

Yes, indeed. And the new law allows muslim women to seek justice if they are harmed. They have it better than the 300,000 hindu kashmiris who were raped, brutalised and kicked out of their ancestral homeland by muslim mobs.
Yes, indeed. And the new law allows muslim women to seek justice if they are harmed. They have it better than the 300,000 hindu kashmiris who were raped, brutalised and kicked out of their ancestral homeland by muslim mobs.

Oh yes. There was no law to protect those 3 lakh Kashmiris each one of whom was raped as you mentioned and the entire Indian police and military establishment was impotent at that time because this particular law didnt exist back then. Now this new law will ensure that Indian police and enforcement agencies grow some cojones to protect the people. A win win for all
Yes you are right. This is what Hindus mobs are like and you have very aptly described them. Hindu mobs can prey on the weaker groups when in large numbers and stoop as low as forcing women to marry them and forcing them to convert to Hinduism.

Mob mentality isn't limited to one religion. As a Kashmiri Muslim you should have known how jihadi mobs in the valley preyed on the weaker Kashmir pandits when in larger numbers and raped them and drove them out of their homeland. Get off the high horse.
Oh yes. There was no law to protect those 3 lakh Kashmiris each one of whom was raped as you mentioned and the entire Indian police and military establishment was impotent at that time because this particular law didnt exist back then. Now this new law will ensure that Indian police and enforcement agencies grow some cojones to protect the people. A win win for all

This only applies to the state of UP. Indian police comes under the states, so varies from state to state.

I worked with UP police for three years, before it was under Yogi. Police deal with the lowest of the lowest, so you can imagine what kind of people must be there in UP, which is already bad.
Mob mentality isn't limited to one religion. Get off the high horse.

Sure. But i was responding to a particular post and its not me who talked about hindu mob mentality first. I just responded to a claim made by another poster who said hindu mobs can force women to marry them and convert. I wonder why you didnt quote that poster who said it first and instead chose to quote me. If you have a problem with it, my humble advice will be to quote the person who made such a claim in the first place, not me who just responded to the claim. Dhannvaad.
This only applies to the state of UP. Indian police comes under the states, so varies from state to state.

I worked with UP police for three years, before it was under Yogi. Police deal with the lowest of the lowest, so you can imagine what kind of people must be there in UP, which is already bad.

Looks like you are sure this law will not be extended to the rest of India.
Looks like you are sure this law will not be extended to the rest of India.

Just making an important distinction that this law applies to UP police and not indian police, as police is state subject. Maybe a similar law can be brought for the entire country by the central govt, but it is not in the pipeline now. There are other important things to legislate.

This is what Nazi Germany must have been like.

Is there anything the pro RSS BJP Proud Boys won't defend?

Can you explain what is wrong in this law? It does not prevent inter faith marriage or stops anyone from changing their religion, but adds a step to prevent anyone exploiting someone's stupidity.

If someone wants to purchase land from a scheduled caste/tribe, one has to do a similar process of both buyer and seller going to the govt official, so that it is made sure that the poor person is not being forced to sell the land. This new law is similar, as it aims to prevent any misuse. Also the law applies to all religions, so it is secular. Care to explain what is Nazi like in this law?
Can you explain what is wrong in this law? It does not prevent inter faith marriage or stops anyone from changing their religion, but adds a step to prevent anyone exploiting someone's stupidity.

If someone wants to purchase land from a scheduled caste/tribe, one has to do a similar process of both buyer and seller going to the govt official, so that it is made sure that the poor person is not being forced to sell the land. This new law is similar, as it aims to prevent any misuse. Also the law applies to all religions, so it is secular. Care to explain what is Nazi like in this law?

The fact that you even ask this question is baffling.

The correlation with extreme right wing nationalism is pretty obvious.
Only the ones that follow RSS Ideology are blinded from he truth.
The fact that you even ask this question is baffling.

The correlation with extreme right wing nationalism is pretty obvious.
Only the ones that follow RSS Ideology are blinded from he truth.

I may be ignorant and blinded, but you are not, so why don't you spare a few minutes to explain how it is nazi like.