"Indians not as large hearted as us" : Shahid Afridi

Deewana Mastana

Test Star
Jun 8, 2008
Here's Afridi himself stating probably pretty much the obvious!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WmtV2Ow2XRg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
wow very well said afiridi.....didnt expect him to come out saying all this tbh.
shut up afridi..

stop brining religion into everything ...

get over it and stop all this non sense with every tv channel..
It sounds like he said Pakistanis have larger hearts (fair enough, it is his opinion), but then went on to say that "hum (India and Pakistan) aapas main ladna nahi chaahte", and a third country (presumably the US) is interfering. Is my understanding correct?
:afridi going the way of Imran Khan :p

I think the Indian media just really p'd off :afridi
But tbh the comments about them not having a clean heart seemed a bit over the top...but then again...lala says it like he sees it
It sounds like he said Pakistanis have larger hearts (fair enough, it is his opinion), but then went on to say that "hum (India and Pakistan) aapas main ladna nahi chaahte", and a third country (presumably the US) is interfering. Is my understanding correct?

Yup i think thats what he means :afridi
I foresee a career in Politics for our skipper. :afridi
He is right about we are two different people and will never get along.
My laptop audio doesn't work. Care to post the written transcript of Afridi interview? It would also be nice for translating into English as well.
It sounds like he said Pakistanis have larger hearts (fair enough, it is his opinion), but then went on to say that "hum (India and Pakistan) aapas main ladna nahi chaahte", and a third country (presumably the US) is interfering. Is my understanding correct?

he be the politicians from both sides, who do not want both countries together.
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people hate india but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be :facepalm: The comments are a real shame
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Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people in pakistan hate pakistan but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be

Don't act like your system is perfect, it's same **** in India.
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people in pakistan hate pakistan but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be

That is not harm as much as Indian media continue to promote hatred of Pakistan, and instill on young generations to come. Please, try to stop Indian media from promoting Anti Pakistan for the sake of humanity.
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people hate india but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be :facepalm: The comments are a real shame

Why so emotional?

So he isn't allowed to express his true feelings when the nation wants to know how he felt about Indians?
what he said was actually true.

and ive always thought that the indian media was the wort in the world with rlly poor coverage and their tendency to make mountains out of mole hills.

interesting about what he said about the third country though. its probably the U.S but i would like to know why
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people hate india but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be :facepalm: The comments are a real shame

I think his comments were a bit sad, but they were not anti-India per se. He thinks Pakistanis have a bigger heart, and most Pakistanis will feel that way. As most Indians will feel that Indians have a bigger heart.

The main thing is that he doesn't think that Indians desire a fight, as he said "hum aapas main ladna nahi chaahte". We are two different peoples, but if we can stop killing each other, that is a decent start.
How is America responsible for bad relations? Did America send Ajmal Kasab to Mumbai to carry out the attacks? Are the Lashkars, Mujahids Americans in disguise? Of course, many conspiracy couch theorists are going to say that this is exactly the case.

We need to control our Army and especially ISI if the relations are to ever improve! Otherwise, we will be stuck in this rot for another 65 years while Indians continue to drive innovation in technology and win the WCs.

So sickening this blame mentality!
How is America responsible for bad relations? Did America send Ajmal Kasab to Mumbai to carry out the attacks? Are the Lashkars, Mujahids Americans in disguise? Of course, many conspiracy couch theorists are going to say that this is exactly the case.

We need to control our Army and especially ISI if the relations are to ever improve! Otherwise, we will be stuck in this rot for another 65 years while Indians continue to drive innovation in technology and win the WCs.

So sickening this blame mentality!

May be America is to blame for the shot he played against Australia too.
^ You truly are naive. Kaalakawaa (eh?)

The whole world is in bad place because of one nation, one policy, one mission. We now witness it everywhere.
sad to see that when our people go to India they aren't made felt at home. unlike their Cricketers and Journalist, who keep on repeating that the amount of love and respect they got from us is more than they ever had anywhere else in the world.
How is America responsible for bad relations? Did America send Ajmal Kasab to Mumbai to carry out the attacks? Are the Lashkars, Mujahids Americans in disguise? Of course, many conspiracy couch theorists are going to say that this is exactly the case.

We need to control our Army and especially ISI if the relations are to ever improve! Otherwise, we will be stuck in this rot for another 65 years while Indians continue to drive innovation in technology and win the WCs.

So sickening this blame mentality!

Did he use the word America?

How about we stop choosing corrupt politicians over and over again?

I know a lot of people chose PPP because it's the family tradition or their elders liked bhutto. Same with voter of other parties.
How is America responsible for bad relations? Did America send Ajmal Kasab to Mumbai to carry out the attacks? Are the Lashkars, Mujahids Americans in disguise? Of course, many conspiracy couch theorists are going to say that this is exactly the case.

We need to control our Army and especially ISI if the relations are to ever improve! Otherwise, we will be stuck in this rot for another 65 years while Indians continue to drive innovation in technology and win the WCs.

So sickening this blame mentality!

its a long story,

had America not started the war in Afghanistan would be never had seen the Iraq war but this is the way America works. They only think about themselves.
he's probably talking about RAW and the ISI :afridi

but i agree with him, we have bigger hearts :wasim
Did he use the word America?

How about we stop choosing corrupt politicians over and over again?

I know a lot of people chose PPP because it's the family tradition or their elders liked bhutto. Same with voter of other parties.

why are they blind can't they see PPP has changed??

Bewfkoofi at its best that is.
he is undoing all that hard work he did by being unable to shut his mouth now
he is undoing all that hard work he did by being unable to shut his mouth now

As the saying goes, "He is like that only". He will never stop trying to hit chakkas, whether with his bat or with his mouth. Some will go for six, others will get him out.

Such is the nature of the beast :afridi
why are they blind can't they see PPP has changed??

Bewfkoofi at its best that is.

Bhutto might have been a great man I don't know and don't care I wasn't born yet to judge him. He did lose East Pakistan so he might not be that great.

However his name is being misused fresh e.g Bilawal Zardari Bhutto traditionally the son carries only the name of his father and not his mothers. All just to fool the naive nation.
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people hate india but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be :facepalm: The comments are a real shame

lol. Afridi back in the bad books of Indian fans again.

I agree with his statement today. :)
Seems to me like he is doing damage control after giving an overly "india friendly" interview earlier.
why do u wanna go on Live TV with comments such as ''we as Muslims have bigger hearts''?

i think he should take a vacation and disappear for atleast a month..nows thats 4 or 5 idiotic statements coming from him in less than a couple of days
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How is America responsible for bad relations? Did America send Ajmal Kasab to Mumbai to carry out the attacks? Are the Lashkars, Mujahids Americans in disguise? Of course, many conspiracy couch theorists are going to say that this is exactly the case.

We need to control our Army and especially ISI if the relations are to ever improve! Otherwise, we will be stuck in this rot for another 65 years while Indians continue to drive innovation in technology and win the WCs.

So sickening this blame mentality!

huh r u a pakistani or an indian, stop your bs right there, india attacked pakistan in 1971, india is also sending its terrorist through afghanistan in balochistan???

u r a sick head if u r a pakistani and think like that

ajmal kasab is also a controversial matter, there whole story is controversial, their navy is not weak that ajmal escaped through mumbai port through a fishing boat and indians didnt notice...

indians are very less hospitable and selfish people, pakistanis are very open hearted and generous, this i learned living in foreign..., some nations are indeed hospitable then others and i feel arabs to be most hospitable nation
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Its Not America
its Israhell he is refering too.. and everyone knows that they are using Indians to promote as much hatred as they can.
why do u wanna go on Live TV with comments such as ''we as Muslims have bigger hearts''?

i think he should take a vacation and disappear for atleast a month..nows thats 4 or 5 idiotic statements coming from him in less than a couple of days

Is it a crime to say such?

I agree with him.
why do u wanna go on Live TV with comments such as ''we as Muslims have bigger hearts''?

i think he should take a vacation and disappear for atleast a month..nows thats 4 or 5 idiotic statements coming from him in less than a couple of days

Seconded. The hyperbolic sections of the Indian media (i.e, 80% of it), or Gambhir can spout all the nationalistic trash they want, that doesn't mean Afridi should fall to that level. We're all humans, Indians and Pakistanis. Can't say we have bigger hearts than anyone else.

Mind, I can understand if he meant that he was disappointed in the hospitality and reception the Pakistani team received in India , and that he felt Indians would be far better received in Pakistan. (I agree on that actually). But he could have put it much less clumsily, if that's what he intended.
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What afridi meant about the 3rd country was true, anyone who thinks outside the box and really knows what goes on in this world will realise what he was on about.

Id advise you who are not sure what hes on about to watch the video of the semi final when Manmohan Singh and Gilani came to shake player and offcials hands. Pay great attention to the indian PM when he sakes the hands of the offcials!

Anyway enough of that.

This is a cricket forum right? so can we all just stick to cricket talk and stop this because it will get no-where.....maybe move this to time pass section.
That was a 180 degree turn by Afrid within a day. What happen? I think he just have found out there will never ever be any IPL contract or future commentary deals.......
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people hate india but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be :facepalm: The comments are a real shame

oh please, I got really sick of how EVERY freaking Indian cricketer was saying "we won this cup for Sachin"...Like Sachin is their freakin god to pay some homage to.

Makes me sick,
oh please, I got really sick of how EVERY freaking Indian cricketer was saying "we won this cup for Sachin"...Like Sachin is their freakin god to pay some homage to.

Makes me sick,

I think there are many Indians who really do consider Sachin to be a God. If that is the case, you probably shouldn't mock their religion.
Can somebody sum up everything he said, because I don't know much Urdu.
Whats up these Pakistani players always brining Hindu Musalaman comments all the time.. Thats why I will never respect most of the Pakistani players..For them, they represent all the muslims and Hindus n Christians are playing some holy Cricket against them... They really need to come out of their relgious shell
Whats up these Pakistani players always brining Hindu Musalaman comments all the time.. Thats why I will never respect most of the Pakistani players..For them, they represent all the muslims and Hindus n Christians are playing some holy Cricket against them... They really need to come out of their relgious shell

This is why we love Afridi.... he riles up every Indian fan....BTW, whats up with Indian players playing the 26/11 victim card all the time....This is why I dont respect most Indian players as well....dont you guys feel guilty for Samjotha Express ??
This is why we love Afridi.... he riles up every Indian fan....BTW, whats up with Indian players playing the 26/11 victim card all the time....This is why I dont respect most Indian players as well....dont you guys feel guilty for Samjotha Express ??

dude thats the difference.. ask Afridi to say ***** about India.. I will take it.. Thats called Nationalism.. International Sports bring nationalism..but I hate it when your players bring religion in sports... Afridi:Musalmans have good heart not them, S.Malik-Sorry to all the musalmaans and Tanveer- Hinduaon ki jehniyat hi aise hoti hai..

These players sound so uneducated ..but u know what, I shudnt be talking to u.. Knowing ur history, ur views and know a bitabout u, I dont respect u..
Yaar, I don't see anything wrong in what Afridi said. I am an Indian and I would believe we have a clean heart...he is a Pakistani and of course he would believe that Pakistanis have a bigger heart.

This is also true that external forces will not allow our two nations to come together.

I wish and hope that in my lifetime I will be able to see permanent peace between our two countries.
If we have such big hearts than why didnt we beat india, I mean big heart should mean more strength and passion. I am not surprised by what Afridi has said. I do not expect different by a person who is uneducated and narrow minded. It just saddens me because I thought he looked more mature in this world cup but it seems some things dont change. He looks better when his mouth is shut
I don't mind his statements so much. It so generalized and opinion based which he is entitled to. I t is like saying my wife is best in the world. How can anyone argue ? But people have to rememmber when they talk about India, it is billion people with absolutely the most diverse culture, language, backgrounds that one can hope to have. And I am never sure people who have not been in India understand this fact.
What did Indian media do that was so bad? I mean I know they tend to sensationalize things.. but really.. can someone show me any instance where the Indian media was outright rude and hostile toward Pakistani Players?

I am not questioning the veracity.. since I live in the US.. I didn't come across any.. so I am asking one of you guys to show me some links if you can.
dude thats the difference.. ask Afridi to say ***** about India.. I will take it.. Thats called Nationalism.. International Sports bring nationalism..but I hate it when your players bring religion in sports... Afridi:Musalmans have good heart not them, S.Malik-Sorry to all the musalmaans and Tanveer- Hinduaon ki jehniyat hi aise hoti hai..

These players sound so uneducated ..but u know what, I shudnt be talking to u.. Knowing ur history, ur views and know a bitabout u, I dont respect u..

Oh plzz. Are you trying to say its good to bring things like 26/11 into cricket and not religion?
I dont see how both are relevant to cricket. Nationalism is fine, but talking about 26/11 when you are playing against a Cricket team is one thing, and talking about it on a debate show against a Pakistani is another.
Admit it, your players are equally at fault.
Afridi should focus on Cricket alone and not engage in larger discussion about other matters.

Even if cricketers , media from the other side are indulging in such activities , and are Provoking him.
Afridi is not Imran and for the time being he should focus on cricket.
Born In Kohat, calls himself Pathan, refers to senior player (aamir sohail) as "gatya" plays tricks with people minds by bringing the point why we hate india so much? we don't hate india, we hate the way you and your team performed in semi finals. Iska jawab do, baath ko gumao nahi, indian nahi agar sri lanka ya new zealand ke khilaf bhi team aisa perform karthi to sare Pakistan ka yahi response hotha. Bottom line is, he has lost all my respect. Plus hum Pakistani apne baron ko gali nahi dethe.
I think it is not correct to equate Indian Media with the People.

Indian Media is a business just like media in the west . They are in the business of selling and marketing a product . The Only things that matter to them are Ratings and Money.
From my experience Indians especially the Hindus are brought up to hate Pakistan!

My friend once went to a small Indian citya(dont remember name) and he showed me a picture of a board outside a eating place/restaurant which is the most insulting things towards Pakistanis ive ever seen...

basically it called us dogs and said Pakistanis are not allowed... But we all know it is uneducated indians who are kuttas
I think it is not correct to equate Indian Media with the People.

Indian Media is a business just like media in the west . They are in the business of selling and marketing a product . The Only things that matter to them are Ratings and Money.

I don't judge people or categorize them based on their race, religion or ethnicity, but this one you should find out for yourself. Make some indian friends.
From my experience Indians especially the Hindus are brought up to hate Pakistan!

My friend once went to a small Indian citya(dont remember name) and he showed me a picture of a board outside a eating place/restaurant which is the most insulting things towards Pakistanis ive ever seen...

I would be very surprised if such a restaurant existed. There are idiots everywhere. And am even willing to accept your premise that there are more Idiots in India.

Not sure if it matters , But hatred for pakistan is not uniform in India. It is a diverse country in terms of language and culture .People in one region have completely different attitudes towards other religions/pakistan compared to other regions.

I would posit that The regions which are geographically and linguistically closest to Pakistan have the most amount of visceral hatred for Pakistan.
Wazzup with all these big mouth cricketers in pakistan these days? Everyone has somethign to say, they perform less which is their only duty, and talk more and that too nonsense stuff on issues they shouldn't be bothered about.

This is the biggest virus i see in your system today. I really liked his comment a day ago that why people hate india but now i am disappointed.

This guy is a thick head, always will be :facepalm: The comments are a real shame

I agree :(
Who told Afridi he's qualified to comment on politics and all?

Cant stand these stupid channels increasing their ratings by asking controversial questions.
How is America responsible for bad relations? Did America send Ajmal Kasab to Mumbai to carry out the attacks? Are the Lashkars, Mujahids Americans in disguise? Of course, many conspiracy couch theorists are going to say that this is exactly the case.

We need to control our Army and especially ISI if the relations are to ever improve! Otherwise, we will be stuck in this rot for another 65 years while Indians continue to drive innovation in technology and win the WCs.

So sickening this blame mentality!

David Headley one of the main perpetuator in this attack, was a double FBI agent,he worked for both FBI/CIA and LET.
that is definitely a link to think about.
Also there are so many news on international media, americans knew about mombay attacks for atleast 01 year before.
I don't mind his statements so much. It so generalized and opinion based which he is entitled to. I t is like saying my wife is best in the world. How can anyone argue ? But people have to rememmber when they talk about India, it is billion people with absolutely the most diverse culture, language, backgrounds that one can hope to have. And I am never sure people who have not been in India understand this fact.

agreed, south of india is 180 degree different to north india.
Afridi needs to chill and get some sleep.

Keep his phone away from him. Aqsa can answer it, if need be.
Britstani;3680736[B said:
]What afridi meant about the 3rd country was true, anyone who thinks outside the box and really knows what goes on in this world will realise what he was on about.

Id advise you who are not sure what hes on about to watch the video of the semi final when Manmohan Singh and Gilani came to shake player and offcials hands. Pay great attention to the indian PM when he sakes the hands of the offcials![/B]

Anyway enough of that.

This is a cricket forum right? so can we all just stick to cricket talk and stop this because it will get no-where.....maybe move this to time pass section.

Must be the Illuminati eh?
What Afridi said was wrong. Next time he should stay quiet.
Indians not as large hearted as us: Afridi
Press Trust Of India
Posted on Apr 04, 2011 at 12:22am IST

Islamabad: Days after winning the hearts of numerous Indian fans with his remarks after his team's loss in the World Cup semi-final, Pakistan cricket captain Shahid Afridi has said Indians are not as large-hearted as Pakistanis.

Afridi also slammed the Indian media for its "very negative approach" and said the Pakistani media was a "hundred times better" than its Indian counterpart.

"In my opinion, if I have to tell the truth, they (Indians) will never have hearts like Muslims and Pakistanis.

I don't think they have the large and clean hearts that Allah has given us," Afridi said during a talk show on Samaa news channel when he was asked about relations between the two countries.

"It is a very difficult thing for us to live with them (Indians) or to have long-term relationship with them. Nothing will come out of talks. See how many times in the past 60 years we have had friendship and then how many times things have gone bad," he said as the audience in the TV channel's studio applauded him repeatedly.

"We don't want to fight with each other but a third country everyone knows which one it is trying to spoil our relations. (This country) is taking advantage of Pakistan and wants to take advantage of India. I don't want to go into details but these people will not let us come together," he added.

Asked about the Indian media's coverage of the Pakistani team during the semi-final with India at Mohali on March 30, Afridi replied: "The Indian media has a very negative approach and very negative thoughts. The people may not be like that but I think the media had a very dirty role in spoiling relations between us and India.

"Our media, which is criticised by people, is hundred times better than theirs," he said.

India beat Pakistan in the semi-final, which was watched by the Prime Ministers of the two countries, who used cricket diplomacy to boost the peace process between the two sides.

Afridi also criticised Interior Minister Rehman Malik for warning the Pakistani team not to get involved in match-fixing and Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir, who vowed to dedicate victory in the World Cup final to victims of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

"I think they were both very stupid comments by Rehman Malik and Gautam Gambhir...I wasn't expecting this from Gautam...This is all politics, what do you know about who carried out the Bombay attacks?" he said.

The Mumbai attacks, which left 166 people dead, were carried out by Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Link: http://cricketnext.in.com/news/indians-not-as-large-hearted-as-us-afridi/56218-13.html
Sorry I must be in the wrong place.

I thought this was a cricketing section.
I think there are many Indians who really do consider Sachin to be a God. If that is the case, you probably shouldn't mock their religion.

Yeah many do but thats our internal matter unlike Afridi who is saying something negative about a different country.

You would never see cricketers like Sachin or Dravid making such comments about Pakistan or any other country , thats class and Afridi has lack of it.
Proud of what Gambhir said though , each member of the team should dedicate the team's win to victims of 26/11 considering the fact that Mumbai was the city where 26/11 happened and India won the Finals as well.
Yeah many do but thats our internal matter unlike Afridi who is saying something negative about a different country.

You would never see cricketers like Sachin or Dravid making such comments about Pakistan or any other country , thats class and Afridi has lack of it.

Think he was put off by the Gambhir comment.

Also, seems like he meant to say "Pakistanis" and ended up saying "Muslims" first and correcting himself to say "Pakistanis".

Shouldn't have said it irrespective.
Proud of what Gambhir said though , each member of the team should dedicate the team's win to victims of 26/11 considering the fact that Mumbai was the city where 26/11 happened and India won the Finals as well.

Indians die every week because of one thing or another. Why give a date to one event in Bombay and why are those lives more precious than say the Christians butchered in Orissa?

Bombay attacks have been turned into propaganda by India and Ghambir is feeding of this.
Proud of what Gambhir said though , each member of the team should dedicate the team's win to victims of 26/11 considering the fact that Mumbai was the city where 26/11 happened and India won the Finals as well.


Gambhir said the win over Pakistan was dedicated to the 26/11 victims.

Insane comments given how sensitive that issue is and given the fact that this Pakistani team had nothing to do with that unfortunate event.

Gambhir said the win over Pakistan was dedicated to the 26/11 victims.

Insane comments given how sensitive that issue is and given the fact that this Pakistani team had nothing to do with that unfortunate event.

Thats wrong then , I support his vow to dedicate the victory in the finals agains SL to victims of 26/11 not the Pakistan's win .
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Provide a link as far as I know this is what Gambhir said


That too before the finals .

Quote from the link you've provided:

Gambhir said he was "sure" the win against Pakistan would have helped those affected by the attacks and that victory should be dedicated to the victims.

Why would a win in a semi-final against Pakistan "sure" help those affected by the attacks?

Why should only a win in the semi-final against Pakistan and not any other opposition in the tournament be dedicated to those affected by the attacks?
what a wierd comment, makes me feel unconfortable as a pakistani. i would have been okay to say, pakistanion ka dil barra hai, but the comparision with india was strange.

on a side note what the point of bringing america into it, if thats who he is implying, all major countries and empires in history have exploited smaller countries for personal gains, it hasn't stopped squabbling neighbours from tolerating if not reconciling differences altogether in the past.

this is just my opinion but i think he was going to say that we (muslims, freudian slip and all) dont mind reconciliation, because we have large hearts, but hindus dont want it because they are bitter and petty.

then he bought america into it because he realised that would be a very offensive thing to say, and played off the earlier comment as a general observation.

i dont like the indian government, media or raw for trying to marginalise pakistan, but a comment like that about indian people in general (which includes more muslims than pakistan) is just epicly silly. guess we put it down as another one of his brain farts.

this one is for you lala, :facepalm: