India's Secret War


First Class Captain
Jan 12, 2011
This is the War India wants no one to know about

One of the major problems being faced currently by India is the security threat posed by the Maoist freedom fighters. Theseare termed as rebels by the Indian state and are locally known as the Naxalites and are fighting for a free land where they can escape the oppression from the Indian state. The rebels were fighting for land reforms and gained support amongst the impoverished rural populations of states in central and eastern India. There Naxalite presence in one-third of the India,which is 16 of India’s 28 states. Manmohan Singh termed the freedom fighters as ‘the single largest internal security threat’ that the country has ever faced.

In 2009, rebels gained control of Lalgarh district in West Bengal and termed it as India’s first ‘liberated zone.’ . In in April 2010, 76 Indian soldiers were killed in the jungles of Chhattisgarh in the worst ever by th freedom fighters on Indian forces. Over the years the Naxalites have established control over vast forests stretching across the Indian mailand

Came accross this during research on a paper on India. What do you guys think of it?
Predictably theres not much media attention but situation's serious!

Interesting articless:\,9171,1810169,00.html
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No secret really. It has a lot of attention locally in all the local media.

The Maoists have refused to come to the negotiations table for too long and have been targetting civilian trains, the army and police is jointly raising a jungle-warfare specialist group specifically to snuff it out.

They don't stand a chance in an armed conflict really - we've years of experience fighting jungle guerillas in the north east.
I think India will end up smaller than Pakistan in the future.

The Maoist separatist movement stretches down the east side of India. It's a huge piece of land.

No secret really. It has a lot of attention locally in all the local media.

The Maoists have refused to come to the negotiations table for too long and have been targetting civilian trains, the army and police is jointly raising a jungle-warfare specialist group specifically to snuff it out.

They don't stand a chance in an armed conflict really - we've years of experience fighting jungle guerillas in the north east.

Isnt there already an armed conflict going on

In the last four years, the Maoists have killed more than 900 Indian security officers, a figure almost as high as the more than 1,100 members of the coalition forces killed in Afghanistan during the same period.

If the Maoists were once dismissed as a ragtag band of outdated ideologues, Indian leaders are now preparing to deploy nearly 70,000 paramilitary officers for a prolonged counterinsurgency campaign to hunt down the guerrillas in some of the country’s most rugged, isolated terrain.
I think India will end up smaller than Pakistan in the future.

The Maoist separatist movement stretches down the east side of India. It's a huge piece of land.


Where did you got the information on the strength of Maoist movement???

Even though u have marked the states correct, u missed the point that they are not active in full state. Even in the worst hit states of AP, Orissa and CG, they are not active in full state, just the parts. Rayalseema and coastal AP are not impacted by Naxali movement.

So stop living in dreamland, that there would be a seperation of India. It is practically dead in it's home state of WB.
lol .. they can be crushed in no time if GoI sends military ( naxalites usually gorilla war anyway )..
so far central government is hesitant to send military to eradicate naxalites ..
IMO they are terrorists who regularly use to bomb and derail the trains to protest or to get popular.. :(

and now they are getting their business done in Karnataka too :O
Where did you got the information on the strength of Maoist movement???

Even though u have marked the states correct, u missed the point that they are not active in full state. Even in the worst hit states of AP, Orissa and CG, they are not active in full state, just the parts. Rayalseema and coastal AP are not impacted by Naxali movement.

So stop living in dreamland, that there would be a seperation of India. It is practically dead in it's home state of WB.

India has already been separated, remember a nation called Pakistan?

There is no timeline here and obviously it will take a while but their struggle will continue.

I'm not sure what you mean they are not active in full state? If you mean they are not active in the whole area well that would be pretty obvious considering the size. Attacks have taken place on a regular basis in various parts of the red corridor including west bengal and continue to do so.
lol .. they can be crushed in no time if GoI sends military ( naxalites usually gorilla war anyway )..
so far central government is hesitant to send military to eradicate naxalites ..
IMO they are terrorists who regularly use to bomb and derail the trains to protest or to get popular.. :(

and now they are getting their business done in Karnataka too :O

Nopes....sending military to address Naxalite movement is not correct. Remember Veerappan....they know the terrain. Moreover their issues are legitimate, crushing them by force will not resolve it, it will just make their movement more violent with both western and northern neighbours willing to help them.
Naxalites are not freedom fighters , they are hardcore haters of capitalism ( ideology ).

In a 2004 Indian Home Ministry estimate numbers were placed at that time at "9,300 hardcore underground cadre… [holding] around 6,500 regular weapons beside a large number of unlicensed country-made arms". In 2006, according to Judith Vidal-Hall, "Figures (in that year) put the strength of the movement at 15,000, and claim the guerrillas control an estimated one fifth of India's forests, as well as being active in 160 of the country's 604 administrative districts." India's Research and Analysis Wing, believed in 2006 that 20,000 Naxals were involved in the growing insurgency.

lol .. they can be crushed in no time if GoI sends military ( naxalites usually gorilla war anyway )..
so far central government is hesitant to send military to eradicate naxalites ..
IMO they are terrorists who regularly use to bomb and derail the trains to protest or to get popular.. :(

and now they are getting their business done in Karnataka too :O

Dude, if it was that simple as your making out to be then India would have finished off these separatists. You think Guerilla warfare can be combated by sending in huge military? All this does is increase the deaths of the military.
I think India will end up smaller than Pakistan in the future.

The Maoist separatist movement stretches down the east side of India. It's a huge piece of land.


:O:Some mullahs in my state distributed same kind of maps to my muslim friends
India has already been separated, remember a nation called Pakistan?
and pakistan got seperated further whilst india maintained its integrity. And more surprise, pakistan got smaller by gifting lands to china! It is obvious who is getting smaller.... Losing a big land like bangladesh probably one of the biggest lose carried by a nation considering the strategic importance.
Anyway @ OP

Yes, Naxalites are becoming a problem more recently with them getting more and better arms. On the other hands, govt. is divided against using or not using army. As you know the effect of using army (Pakistan has seen the side effect).

However, most of these rebels are limited to districts that are tribal/internal or jungle areas. They do not have any effect on cities or towns (contrary to our kingkhan's comic map).

Being from Orissa and we have few districts in west orissa and some tribal areas infected too. But like someone else said, they will manage till they do not cross their line.

Till now they have restricted themselves against police and govt. They hardly do any harm to normal people. So they day they go overboard and govt decides to use army, they will be clean.

As an Indian, I wish that day never comes as these are mostly poor people who are troubled by inefficient govt machinery.
Maoist are indians so army won't attack them directly but they are training paramilitary force
:O:Some mullahs in my state distributed same kind of maps to my muslim friends

Indians are in denial about everything apart from Bollywood. :)))

Here you go.

India's 'red corridor' covers a substantial chunk of the country, with more than 200 of its 640 districts
under Maoist control

No decline in violence in Red corridor: Chidambaram


Naxals expanding Red Corridor in South India

Pretty recent news.

India 'Maoist' bomb blast kills 15 police

There are literally hundreds of articles on this subject with nearly weekly reports of attacks up and down the red corridor.
Also they do not want any separate state or country. It's not a separatist movement like Kashmir or like it was during khalistan.
and pakistan got seperated further whilst india maintained its integrity. And more surprise, pakistan got smaller by gifting lands to china! It is obvious who is getting smaller.... Losing a big land like bangladesh probably one of the biggest lose carried by a nation considering the strategic importance.

On the contrary it's better strategically without Bangladesh because in between comes India. It wasn't meant to be part of Pakistan in the first place. Let's be honest Hindu's have hardly been able to control a large area and are still struggling to this day. I can understand why the maoist communists don't want to be ruled by Hindutva.

The map shows which areas they want and where the movements have attacked. It doesn't mean the whole area is controlled by them.
Dude, if it was that simple as your making out to be then India would have finished off these separatists. You think Guerilla warfare can be combated by sending in huge military? All this does is increase the deaths of the military.

kkwc bhai .. what they want is to run some sort of customized communist rule over some areas..
there is no way people will support or vote for them ( maybe barring some frustrated loonies )..

central government is very inefficient and they don't want to bother about naxal movement bcoz they are more of a nuisance than a reality
the fact is they have taken up arms and are commited to their cause for freedom from the Indian state. IMO they are much advanced in their struggle then what the balochis are upto because that is on a much much smaller scale and apart from kidnappings they do not have the capacity to do much

India needs to watch out
Also they do not want any separate state or country. It's not a separatist movement like Kashmir or like it was during khalistan.

They want communist rule and greater rights which won't come about until they have their own state. It's probably just a better tactic to fight for this first to gain some sympahty and then after some success look for total independence.

You're PM Mr Singh called it the "greatest internal security challenge".

I can't see how India can defeat them especially when some Indians believe China is supporting the communist movement.
Congress and BJP are more dangerous to India than Naxals.
And probably there will be more ISI agents in india than naxalites. :D

And i was googling baout Veerapan and i found an article that Naxals are studying about Veerpan and his Robinhood claims :)))

They want communist rule and greater rights which won't come about until they have their own state. It's probably just a better tactic to fight for this first to gain some sympahty and then after some success look for total independence.

You're PM Mr Singh called it the "greatest internal security challenge".

I can't see how India can defeat them especially when some Indians believe China is supporting the communist movement.

When you last did ?? :))

Anyway carry on. I will respond when they have anything close to a separate state . Till then its even not worth joking.
the fact is they have taken up arms and are commited to their cause for freedom from the Indian state. IMO they are much advanced in their struggle then what the balochis are upto because that is on a much much smaller scale and apart from kidnappings they do not have the capacity to do much

India needs to watch out

The fact they have arms itself should say who is controlling this.'

But agreed with India needed to watch it out. Since Baluchistan movement is in smaller scale Pakistan can relax and don't have to worry about it.
why spoiling the fun ?
Well , there are some posters who are genuine and would be benefited from real knowledge of the situation instead of looking at a funny map posted by India lovers. :p
Congress and BJP are more dangerous to India than Naxals.
And probably there will be more ISI agents in india than naxalites. :D

And i was googling baout Veerapan and i found an article that Naxals are studying about Veerpan and his Robinhood claims :)))


really folk hero for naxals ? :))
the fact is they have taken up arms and are commited to their cause for freedom from the Indian state. IMO they are much advanced in their struggle then what the balochis are upto because that is on a much much smaller scale and apart from kidnappings they do not have the capacity to do much

India needs to watch out

Naxalites and the struggle continues from 1960s till date.
And what they will do if they get a country ?? :)))
kkwc bhai .. what they want is to run some sort of customized communist rule over some areas..
there is no way people will support or vote for them ( maybe barring some frustrated loonies )..

central government is very inefficient and they don't want to bother about naxal movement bcoz they are more of a nuisance than a reality

Velu bhai there is no point in passing them off as inefficient or not a threat. As I just posted these are the words of your PM "greatest internal security challenge". You cannot defeat guerilla warfare esp if China is supporting it. India should give them some rights even if it's communism as long as they stay loyal to the state otherwise there will be no end until one day they break up India.
Indians are in denial about everything apart from Bollywood. :)))

Here you go.


Pretty recent news.

There are literally hundreds of articles on this subject with nearly weekly reports of attacks up and down the red corridor.
check the population of affected states and compare it with the size of maoists:))

AND please provide the source of that map:)
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Who's their leader ?
Guess he can't be compared to Indian Punjab's greatest son

the fact is they have taken up arms and are commited to their cause for freedom from the Indian state. IMO they are much advanced in their struggle then what the balochis are upto because that is on a much much smaller scale and apart from kidnappings they do not have the capacity to do much

India needs to watch out
Think this way.

These are poor tribals and villagers who are protesting against govt for ignoring them. They do not have land/food or any kind of employment. They are so poor that they are ready to take arms.

If villagers who are lacking basic food and shelter, are affording AK 47 and mines ?? So its little more than that.
the fact is they have taken up arms and are commited to their cause for freedom from the Indian state. IMO they are much advanced in their struggle then what the balochis are upto because that is on a much much smaller scale and apart from kidnappings they do not have the capacity to do much

India needs to watch out

Dude, there is more chance of aliens landing than Indians on here accepting any negative realities of their country. :afridi
Lol @ people who think that maoists are trying to seperate from India :)))

KKWC...friendly advice...stick to america and related conapiracies :)))

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Who's their leader ?
Guess he can't be compared to Indian Punjab's greatest son

Last I have heard it was some Krishan ji who got killed in March this year (can someone confirm) . I am not sure though if he is the main leader or one of their leader.

Donno who overtook him.
On the contrary it's better strategically without Bangladesh because in between comes India. It wasn't meant to be part of Pakistan in the first place.

how losing bangladesh became strategically advantage for pakistan? Had it been the case, pakistan wouldn't have attacked india and tried to bargain for redrawl of indian support from bangladesh. History, action plan of pak authority goes against your claim. It exactly shows opposite as how important bangladesh was for pakistans attack and defence.
maoists are also Indians mostly tribals who are brainwashed by ideologies. radical Ideologies- same path of violence and distorted propagandas.

Poverty and Medieval culture breeds these kind of radical ideologies. that won't last long.

while, maoists cannot cause disintegration of India because, what they are trying to achieve is to rule India(which cannot happen). India is not involving army because these brainwashed maoists are also Indians.

other countries will push army and these maoist movements would've crushed long back. but it will incur loss of lives of millions.

imho, this movement will die out soon.
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Well , there are some posters who are genuine and would be benefited from real knowledge of the situation instead of looking at a funny map posted by India lovers. :p

oh ok. India's biggest threat at the moment is the politicians(ruling and opposition) are not keen enough to implement economic reforms fearing votes. Now if the OP opened a thread about our politicos I will be well and truly terrified.
Velu bhai there is no point in passing them off as inefficient or not a threat. As I just posted these are the words of your PM "greatest internal security challenge". You cannot defeat guerilla warfare esp if China is supporting it. India should give them some rights even if it's communism as long as they stay loyal to the state otherwise there will be no end until one day they break up India.

no no .. i meant indian government is inefficient in tackling the issues like this.. :(
IMO naxalism is some sort of ideology which will take our country back to zamindar kind of society..

naxalism can become a robinhood kind of movement but they cant fomr a government to rule the land..
IMO its very difficult to get peoples support

even recently they kidnapped some foreigners and an IAS officer
Isnt there already an armed conflict going on

Nope..the bad boyz Army aren't there yet. Mostly the police with WW2 era bolt action usual.

We wouldn't want to exterminate them as they are mostly poor tribals who are rebelling against lack of govt support and efforts have been ongoing to bring them to talks. But if all else fails, expect a Khalistan/Kashmir type stomping.

:afridi at the wicked map by the conspiracy legend.
The problem is some people inspire these poor farmers to join them and become rebels. But most of the times these farmers end up getting killed like dogs shot by police.

Couple of encounters, I went with the press (benefit of family in journalism) for their coverage and it was gross. Even if the guys were rebels but you feel sorry when you see their dead bodies.

Only thing I expect is govt instead of army or police, just spend more money in these areas and give these farmers good living and income. They will not join any rebel groups for money in that case.
Last I have heard it was some Krishan ji who got killed in March this year (can someone confirm) . I am not sure though if he is the main leader or one of their leader.

Donno who overtook him.

he was captured and then killed.. ( but reported as killed while fighting ) .. google
Last I have heard it was some Krishan ji who got killed in March this year (can someone confirm) . I am not sure though if he is the main leader or one of their leader.

Donno who overtook him.

i don't know where people got the idea of seperatist movement. trying to bring drastic change to the system(by violence or non violence) and coming out of the system how can be same?
Nope..the bad boyz Army aren't there yet. Mostly the police with WW2 era bolt action usual.

We wouldn't want to exterminate them as they are mostly poor tribals who are rebelling against lack of govt support and efforts have been ongoing to bring them to talks. But if all else fails, expect a Khalistan/Kashmir type stomping.

:afridi at the wicked map by the conspiracy legend.

900 hundred cops in four years. Time for new guns maybe.
how losing bangladesh became strategically advantage for pakistan? Had it been the case, pakistan wouldn't have attacked india and tried to bargain for redrawl of indian support from bangladesh. History, action plan of pak authority goes against your claim. It exactly shows opposite as how important bangladesh was for pakistans attack and defence.

Stick to the topic. This is not about Bangladesh. But it's pretty obvious it's tougher in strategic terms to protect a piece of land which is separated by miles of land, land of the enemy.

Listen to your PM he's not burying his head in the sand unlike you.
he was captured and then killed.. ( but reported as killed while fighting ) .. google
Yah, thats what I had heard that they did fake encounter for him as the police feared that he may get freed in some kidnap drama.

If you think now, how true police were. These guys have been kidnapping govt higher officers from tribal areas and in exchange asking to free their leaders.

It's inhuman but I don't have any issue in fake encounter for these kind of guys. They need that.
900 hundred cops in four years. Time for new guns maybe.

Some bad men with some mean weapons will be there soon with heli-support also being recommended to bring it to a swift end.

Thats when the likes of Arundhati Roy would start wailing for human rights, Its a fun country really :yk
I find anything related to naxalaism is quite funny bcoz of the way they are portrayed in some of the telugu movies i watched ( ironically andhra might have more naxalites than any other staes ).. :D :kami

The armed people are controlling the poor people in tribal areas, it is not like everyone is fighting but the naxals use the tribal people to hide and attack hence increasingly difficult for police to track or arrest Naxals. The day army enters it will be a different scenario and the naxals hope that they can get some leverage by playing victim card. Even now they are blocking any sort of development in those areas like electricity , roads so it is clear that they are not interested in getting their people out of poverty. The only thing they allow is Ration rice though I don't know who controls the distribution.

The armed people are controlling the poor people in tribal areas, it is not like everyone is fighting but the naxals use the tribal people to hide and attack hence increasingly difficult for police to track or arrest Naxals. The day army enters it will be a different scenario and the naxals hope that they can get some leverage by playing victim card. Even now they are blocking any sort of development in those areas like electricity , roads so it is clear that they are not interested in getting their people out of poverty. The only thing they allow is Ration rice though I don't know who controls the distribution.
Absolutely right. Not all people or villagers are fighting. But these groups sometimes pay them or force them to help or join them.

Yes, you are also right that they day army is deployed, the biggest loss with be these villagers. Army doesn't work like police works now. They will just comb from one side and clean whoever they think is creating trouble. Some innocent will also get affected.

So its better if this is handled politically as their progress is very very slow if you look at the past years till now. So govt can take time and solve it instead of crushing.
He doesn't give the "swag" vibes as Bhindrawale TBH.

Yups, true he doesn't gives the "swag" vibes as Bhindrawale, but what he gives out and when he gives out becomes intolerable for some people....if u don't trust me, ask 51st Infantry Brigade and 22nd Armored Regiment of Pakistan Army.
I must confess my ignorance on this issue. Never have I heard/read any news concerning the Indian maoist threat in the Pakistani media. And probably the intl media doesn't give it much coverage as well.

Anyway its obvious that the Indian govt isnt taking this threat lightly.

Major rebel attacks
Over the years the Maoists have managed to launch a series of damaging attacks on Indian security forces.

The government has launched several major offensives against the rebels
In 2009, rebels gained virtual control of Lalgarh district in West Bengal barely 250km (155 miles) from the state capital, Calcutta.

For many months, rebels, supported by local villagers, held hundreds of paramilitary forces at bay. The Maoists declared it to be India's first "liberated zone" but Indian security forces finally overwhelmed the rebels.

April 2010 saw rebels ambush paramilitary troops in the dense jungles of central Chhattisgarh state, killing at least 76 soldiers. Correspondents say it was the worst-ever Maoist attack on Indian security forces.

In 2007, also in Chhattisgarh, Maoist rebels killed 55 policemen in an attack on a remote police outpost.

Almost every week, Maoist rebels are blamed for minor skirmishes and incidents across India's north-east - common tactics include blowing up railway tracks and attacking police stations.

In 2010, the Maoists faced India's biggest ever anti-Maoist offensive.

Nearly 50,000 federal paramilitary troops and tens of thousands of policemen took part in the operation across several states.

While the rebels were pushed back deep into their jungle strongholds, they have continued to carry out hit-and-run attacks and numerous high-profile kidnappings.

India's government in turn has pledged to crack down even harder unless rebels renounce violence and enter peace talks.

That like good three divisions.

Some bad men with some mean weapons will be there soon with heli-support also being recommended to bring it to a swift end.

Thats when the likes of Arundhati Roy would start wailing for human rights, Its a fun country really :yk

About time I would say. These guys are proving to be handful for the paramilitary and police.
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Some posters seem to be enjoying that there is an internal threat in India. Good going fellas! Perhaps I can give you figures of how many policemen they have killed so that you can be giddy with joy. :)

First. Naxals are not separatists. They are against state oppression. They even hoisted the Indian flag during Independence Day.

Second. They are not against civilians. I have travelled extensively in the red corridor, and have talked to local people. They do not target civilians. Last year, a rebel nxalite group caused a train derailment, and civilians died. The naxalites apologized for that and said it was a group that had left their organization which was responsible.

Third. All they want is land reforms and the oppression of state and corporates in their land. The red corridor is rich in minerals, and that brings the corporates like Mittals and Tatas there. That has displaced the natives from their own land.

Of course, with the leadership being killed in encounters, recently the naxalites are becoming more dangerous with no central leadership to provide direction.
Yups, true he doesn't gives the "swag" vibes as Bhindrawale, but what he gives out and when he gives out becomes intolerable for some people....if u don't trust me, ask 51st Infantry Brigade and 22nd Armored Regiment of Pakistan Army.
:)) you are devil.
Stick to the topic. This is not about Bangladesh. But it's pretty obvious it's tougher in strategic terms to protect a piece of land which is separated by miles of land, land of the enemy.
who brought pakistan in this thread? Me or you? Now holier than thou eh?

Listen to your PM he's not burying his head in the sand unlike you.

politicians makes different statements which fits the agenda at that moment. If you are too naive to see through it, its not my fault.

Narasimha rao, vajpayee made similiar statements in 90s against NE seperatist movement but reality was far from it.

Most indians don't look too much into it. Why? See above.
It is a shame that poor is killing poor (Naxals and the para military forces), all for the greed of the govt and the corporates.
I would like to know where they get the map from, if any of you follow the posts from Op to down, you can find a pattern of twisting this in to a bigger scenario than what it truly is even Khalistan movement is getting in. I well and truly want to know how they are constructing such a tight conspiracy theory, is it taught at school? or a facebook movement? or whatever but from the photo-shopped map to the picture of Bhindrawale , they nail it and make us (Indians) reply.

It is an art actually, I find it fascinating. My claps for you :14:
It is a shame that poor is killing poor (Naxals and the para military forces), all for the greed of the govt and the corporates.

Rightly said mate.....been used by Govt after ignoring real issues of people for too long.
@insaan and Smiling Creed

Politicians are the real villains but also they are our salvation, we who vote for politician based on which party or religion or caste he belongs need to share the blame. The day we vote unbiased and the day we have someone with vision and guts at the top we will well and truly able to pull out the masses out of their despair.
I would like to know where they get the map from, if any of you follow the posts from Op to down, you can find a pattern of twisting this in to a bigger scenario than what it truly is even Khalistan movement is getting in. I well and truly want to know how they are constructing such a tight conspiracy theory, is it taught at school? or a facebook movement? or whatever but from the photo-shopped map to the picture of Bhindrawale , they nail it and make us (Indians) reply.

It is an art actually, I find it fascinating. My claps for you :14:

Meh, I was honestly trying to know about their leader, and as someone talked about Khalistan I posted a picture of its leader, you're reading into it a bit too much, Senman...

...and Khalistan is alive and kicking amongst the teenage Sikhs of Canada, beware. :iqasim
Meh, I was honestly trying to know about their leader, and as someone talked about Khalistan I posted a picture of its leader, you're reading into it a bit too much, Senman...

...and Khalistan is alive and kicking amongst the teenage Sikhs of Canada, beware. :iqasim

I am least bothered about Canadians. I know the movement is dead in India if the plans are going on in Canada its their problem. We can't control whats happening in other country but Pakistan needs to be careful too last time I heard Lahore was to be the capital of Khalistan.
I am least bothered about Canadians. I know the movement is dead in India if the plans are going on in Canada its their problem. We can't control whats happening in other country but Pakistan needs to be careful too last time I heard Lahore was to be the capital of Khalistan.

Oh yeah.....the gang had plans to re-establish Rajit Singh's empire, with it's capital at "city of gardens".
I am least bothered about Canadians. I know the movement is dead in India if the plans are going on in Canada its their problem. We can't control whats happening in other country but Pakistan needs to be careful too last time I heard Lahore was to be the capital of Khalistan.

Yes, it's dead, and only in the diaspora you have kids who think about that.
Heard that there are attempts at reviving the Khalistan movement, esp. since the Balwant Singh Rajaona case, as you probably know.
Proponents of the Khalistan movement seem to go quite far... can they say that without being punished ? That's not even mere provocation but utter-treason.
Yes, it's dead, and only in the diaspora you have kids who think about that.
Heard that there are attempts at reviving the Khalistan movement, esp. since the Balwant Singh Rajaona case, as you probably know.
Proponents of the Khalistan movement seem to go quite far... can they say that without being punished ? That's not even mere provocation but utter-treason.

Don't you feel its off topic? this is exactly the reason I want to know how you learned this art of twisting the OP in to something more? is this thread about khalistan Movement?
I can give reply in 1000 possible ways to counter your post but its useless as I will be serving your purpose.

We are not bothered because we are pretty sure where our Sikh brothers stand, we are also sure the money spend in reviving the movement in Canada is the money lost for enemy. We don't have dictatorship and if the Punjab has any issues they will raise it in parliament. So don't get your hopes high.
No secret really. It has a lot of attention locally in all the local media.

The Maoists have refused to come to the negotiations table for too long and have been targetting civilian trains, the army and police is jointly raising a jungle-warfare specialist group specifically to snuff it out.

They don't stand a chance in an armed conflict really - we've years of experience fighting jungle guerillas in the north east.
In other words same as the Baloch rebels in Pakistan, which are made up of 2 out of the 107 tribes in Balochistan.
In other words same as the Baloch rebels in Pakistan, which are made up of 2 out of the 107 tribes in Balochistan.

You live in the Pakistan I think? then definitely you will know more about Baloch situation than any of us who in India, we can only comment on what we know or have experienced in. If you think Balochistan is a non-issue then that is the way it is. I don't see a need for comparison of both.
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In other words same as the Baloch rebels in Pakistan, which are made up of 2 out of the 107 tribes in Balochistan.

Except that the Maoists are not fighting to secede.. but rather carve a new state which can better utilize the resources to provided to it by the union government.
Lol @ the Map. The Map has Andhra Pradesh in it, Naxalites were there in AP in a few areas in the early and mid 2000's...and then after YSR took power in 2004..they are almost next to nothing and not even talked about. And who said that India is hiding it, it is not a war but a protest..they are not seperatist..not are common people getting hugely affected. Its a internal issue at best.,hence no international media. It is the national news often..but more talked about in the local news of that particular region...!!! Its an internal issue at best and has already diminished in a few states..and is quite strong in a few. Even there they do even control a village..and seperating from state is out of question, let alone country. lol @ people having wet dreams about india breaking into pieces...we had far serious issues before, we are far more diverse and still living should take something major major major to break india...and i do not see anything of that sort that will happen anymore in india the way things are going. Hopefully this issue is sorted out too
Except that the Maoists are not fighting to secede.. but rather carve a new state which can better utilize the resources to provided to it by the union government.
Same with the baloch rebels. They never wanted to secede until just the last 4-5 years.
India shouldn't have any issue with this until they go against what the US tells them to do. Quite similar to Pakistan. When Pakistan was US ally, issues like Balochistan & war crimes in East Pakistan were brused aside & kept quiet by the US. The moment Pakistan went against US, the US media started covering the Balochistan issue.
India shouldn't have any issue with this until they go against what the US tells them to do. Quite similar to Pakistan. When Pakistan was US ally, issues like Balochistan & war crimes in East Pakistan were brused aside & kept quiet by the US. The moment Pakistan went against US, the US media started covering the Balochistan issue.
The relationship between india and us improved recently.India had been tackling these kind of issues since independence
To be honest, these guys are fighting against what they perceive as oppression by local wealthy men. They fight for local roti, kapda, makan type issues. Exploitation of farmers, tribals etc. are prevalent in these regions and at least initially, this was a poor man's movement inspired by communist ideologies. Now it has gone off in a tangent - Can't justify the violence though ..... And I had read about them in a leading eng magazine as early as 1985 ... Not a new issue.

We, as a state, have the maturity to accept it and go about our lives.

But I believe the farmers and labourers in your Punjab and sindh province fare much much worse. We at least have human rights activists who are not scared of voicing the Maoist point of view ... They will most probably get killed in Pakistan for this by the local rich goons!!

If you are looking for a south Asian problem to fix, look towards Sri Lanka, where Muslims are being persecuted now.....
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Meh, I was honestly trying to know about their leader, and as someone talked about Khalistan I posted a picture of its leader, you're reading into it a bit too much, Senman...

...and Khalistan is alive and kicking amongst the teenage Sikhs of Canada, beware. :iqasim

Ever saw teenage kids in North America talk of living the thug life and being all gangsta, acting like they came from a ghetto (while they come from good neighborhoods)? I wouldn't take much more from this than that.

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