India's Secret War

Not really a secret by any standards. It is headline news in most newspapers and news media. For some reason foreign country media do not pay as much attention.

I think the reason maybe because this is something that "they think" will not affect either policies or external relationships or internal stability.

Definitely needs attention of the government and is getting it. But like someone else mentioned,

1) The ordinarily do not target civilians, unless they are rich enough for the ransom factor
2) Mostly target Police and Govt Officials

IMO, they have gone into an unending spiral. Their initial demands were for better facilities and opportunities and they wanted self government to achieve that. But now they are simply fighting. They are opposing all development and job opportunities that they were initially asking for. Looks like their agenda has changed.

In this case, in my opinion the government has behaved relatively rationally. They have not gone overboard in "crushing" the rebellion as such because, take it, these are indian citizens. There is a standing rehabilitation program and many naxalites have already taken advantage of that. Slowly this is resulting in the naxalite movement changing its character from a mass movement to a more limited but hardcore one. Keyword being "Slowly".

The above is my opinion only based on my experience since I am from a naxalite affected state and my home town is on the fringes of the red districts.
I think India will end up smaller than Pakistan in the future.

The Maoist separatist movement stretches down the east side of India. It's a huge piece of land.


Pakistan has to exist first ( in the future ) for it to be larger than India. If you even believe in your dreams that Naxalites pose a significant threat to India than i can safely say that Pakistan wont even exist, given the way things are going on at present.

The way i look at it. Both will stand, especially India. Indian nationalism runs far deeper than The Ummah. Believe the hype :)
Who'd have thought it. A Pakistani schooling Indians on their own country.

KKWC laying the smack-down.
Pakistan has to exist first ( in the future ) for it to be larger than India. If you even believe in your dreams that Naxalites pose a significant threat to India than i can safely say that Pakistan wont even exist, given the way things are going on at present.

The way i look at it. Both will stand, especially India. Indian nationalism runs far deeper than The Ummah. Believe the hype :)

Please, don't even compare the Ummah to nationalism, you're just embarrassing yourself.

The Ummah have (and will) always unite and prevail regardless of nationality, culture, caste or creed.
... only in the minds of the delusional Pakistanis. The Arabs are laughing at you guys and your pipe dreams :)))
... only in the minds of the delusional Pakistanis. The Arabs are laughing at you guys and your pipe dreams :)))

This is the Arab's mentality:

"Since I'm Arab and Salafi and you're not, you're going to hell. Anyone who is Shia, Barelvi, Deboandi etc. is going to hell"

It's quite clear the majority of Arabs don't consider Indians and Pakistanis as a part of the Ummah.

Guess where majority of Barelvi's, Deobandi's etc. live? India and Pakistan..
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This is the Arab's mentality:

"Since I'm Arab and Salafi and you're not, you're going to hell. Anyone who is Shia, Sufi, Barelvi, Deboandi etc. is going to hell"

Guess where majority of Sufis, Barelvi's, Deobandi's etc. live? India and Pakistan..

well that is the reality - nationalism.

So you are insulting nationalism by comparing it with something as abstract as the "Ummah" ...
well that is the reality - nationalism.

So you are insulting nationalism by comparing it with something as abstract as the "Ummah" ...

So who's more insulting? Arabs by sticking to their one "individual identity " and disregarding anyone else as apart of their Ummah or the rest of the Muslim world denoting themselves as a "collective identity" and everyone being apart of the Ummah?

Nationality aside, you seem to be misinterpreting the religious context of what it means to be a part of the Ummah.
So who's more insulting? Arabs by sticking to their one "individual identity " and disregarding anyone else as apart of their Ummah or the rest of the Muslim world denoting themselves as a "collective identity" and everyone being apart of the Ummah?

Nationality aside, you seem to be misinterpreting the religious context of what it means to be a part of the Ummah.

Actually it isn't just the Arabs.

Do the Bangalis want to be with you guys ?

How about the Iranians ?

Sorry, I don't see how the rest of the muslim world are denoting themselves as a collective identity.
Actually it isn't just the Arabs.

Do the Bangalis want to be with you guys ?

How about the Iranians ?

Sorry, I don't see how the rest of the muslim world are denoting themselves as a collective identity.

Ummah doesn't mean you have to live with one another or join nationalities.

Ummah just refers to the entire Muslim nations as one. In Islam, we're all brothers/sisters. Regardless of nationality, a true Muslim will identify another Muslim as their brother/sister and that is what the Ummah entails - one collective identity.

And if you don't see the Muslim world denoting themselves as a collective identity, then you must be mistaken, as there are thousands of Umrah and Hajj Pilgrims from all walks of life and nationalities coming under one roof each year.

You must also be blind to the fact that in (UK and North America atleast) there are Mosques everywhere and there are not only Pakistanis attending these Mosques, but as well as Indians, Bangladeshis, Afghans etc. This is what the collective identity entails, in Islam we don't discriminate.
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For example you'd see manchester united fans of every nationality sit together and watch a match at OT cheering on the same XI players.

There is no deeper practical meaning to it. Muslim countries have the same set of rules when it comes to bilateral ties with one another.. the economies are not unified.. the people identify by their country first..

The meaning is confined to books..and the only people I've heard seriously talk about it are Pakistanis. The Turks,Bengalis and Iranians/Iraqis I know/met are feircely proud of their countries and don't really go on and on about an all ecnompassing muslim identity.
I think it's safe to surmise India's biggest worry after Pakistan is further partitions of their country.

Keeping that secular dream alive!
Pakistan has to exist first ( in the future ) for it to be larger than India. If you even believe in your dreams that Naxalites pose a significant threat to India than i can safely say that Pakistan wont even exist, given the way things are going on at present.

Pakistan historically doesn't have a separatist movement. The recent issues in Baluchistan or elsewhere are nowhere near any type of separatist movement with any backing but small groups who have been financed by various parties to cause trouble, Hindustan being one of them. India's on the other hand is historic ever since the day Pakistan was created others have yearned to get away from mother India. If you look back even further and deeper into history you will see India has only ever existed in territorial states, no one power ruled over India as a whole. The Mughals and British after them had to make deals with local rulers to keep central command over the areas. Religion also plays a part even though India considers itself secular the reality is a party like the BJP comes to power the people will see it has Hindu or to be more accurate Hindutva rule. Historically there hasn't really been a Hindu empire, well not one we have detailed knowledge, it's more like legends and myths. On the other hand Muslims or the Islamic empire has seen all kinds of people living under it's reign.

The way i look at it. Both will stand, especially India. Indian nationalism runs far deeper than The Ummah. Believe the hype :)

I disagree. It has taken the worlds biggest empires to this modern day to break up the Ummah. The Ummah or Islamic Empire has ruled the world for over 1000 years. Indian nationalism is on the decline and has yet to prove itself. In my honest view I don't think it ever will prove to stay over a lengthy period of time. Bollywood will keep some parts together for a while but it can stop the leaks. :)
We've had these movements for 65 years and we are still the same country with no split-ups despite severe terrorism in Kashmir,Punjab,North East we stomped em out.
No worries there :)

Pakistan on the other hand has been sliced into 2 before..and is now heading towards another slicing up with Balochistan set to be independent. So reserve your sympathies for'll need it shortly. :)
We've had these movements for 65 years and we are still the same country with no split-ups despite severe terrorism in Kashmir,Punjab,North East we stomped em out.
No worries there :)

Pakistan on the other hand has been sliced into 2 before..and is now heading towards another slicing up with Balochistan set to be independent. So reserve your sympathies for'll need it shortly. :)

1. Bangladesh wasn't ever meant to be part of Pakistan. It no longer being part of Pakistan was brilliant for strategic purposes. Most people really don't see this as a split.

2. Once again ,Balochistan is not a historic issue. It's a recent issue but is nothing on the scale of Kashmir. It's pretty daft to compare the two.
We've had these movements for 65 years and we are still the same country with no split-ups despite severe terrorism in Kashmir,Punjab,North East we stomped em out.
No worries there :)

Ahh yes, Indian government murdering and maiming Sikhs in 1984.

Stomped’em out ey?

Remind us how much of the Kashmir border India surrendered to Pakistan in 1948?

Stomping out?

Pakistan on the other hand has been sliced into 2 before..
Not as bad as India carved into 3.

Soon India will lose Kashmir too. That’ll make it 4 or still 3?
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Ahh yes, Indian government murdering and maiming Sikhs in 1984.

Stomped’em out ey?

Remind us how much of the Kashmir border India surrendered to Pakistan in 1948?

Stomping out?

Not as bad as India carved into 3.

Soon India will lose Kashmir too. That’ll make it 4 or still 3?

Boohooo cry me a river mate !.. we will maim as many terrorists as we should. Be it in Punjab or Kashmir..

So now "India" existed before 1947 ? :))) keep shifting goal posts. you are desperate.
Not as bad as India carved into 3.

India was never carved into three nations, because India itself as a nation didn't exist before 1946, getting its independence one day after Pakistan AFAIK.
:) East Pakistan was never meant to be part of Pakistan.. I get it now .

I would be worried if Pak was my country. The scale is pretty drastic.

I'm not sure why you and Indians always get excited when Americans want to break our nation. I know India and America have become allies in supporting the terrorists in Balochistan. But this is not something to be proud of. What it shows is Pakistan cannot be defeated by conventional military power. We have THE BOMB so all India can do is with the help of Zionists try to demonise and use proxy terrorist warfare to destabilise. It hasn't worked and it never will in Balochistan.

I'm glad you have finally accepted Kashmir is a historic issue since the days of Indian independence while Balochistan is recent. The majority of Kashmiri's don't want to live in Indian rule, never have and never will. On the other hand only a minority of Balochi's don't want to be with Pakistan.

Anyway the point being we've a perfect track record of keeping our territories intact despite the disturbances. Pak on the other hand... have a nice day :)

There is a big green land known as Pakistan which puts to bed this perfect track record. :))
India was never carved into three nations, because India itself as a nation didn't exist before 1946, getting its independence one day after Pakistan AFAIK.

Semantics. The historic land of India after British control near it's end was split like never before in history. Pakistan Zindabad. :afridi
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India was never carved into three nations, because India itself as a nation didn't exist before 1946, getting its independence one day after Pakistan AFAIK.

Bro I understand, my post was a trap for Indians who claim India existed long before Pakistan when clearly it didn't.
Boohooo cry me a river mate !.. we will maim as many terrorists as we should. Be it in Punjab or Kashmir..

How about something a little closer to home (you lost half of Kashmir anyway) - Hindutvavadas? Why not maim them?

India fosters the largest terrorist and extremist party in the world. Didn’t you get the memo?
Boohooo cry me a river mate !.. we will maim as many terrorists as we should. Be it in Punjab or Kashmir..

So now "India" existed before 1947 ? :))) keep shifting goal posts. you are desperate.

On the contrary one of the biggest terrorists in India, Mr Modi is on course to become your next PM. Maim him in parliament with tomatos.
On the contrary one of the biggest terrorists in India, Mr Modi is on course to become your next PM. Maim him in parliament with tomatos.

His political ambitions will certainly be maimed in the next elections for sure :D
Ha ha. I could not stop laughing at some posters who desperately wants India to be break into pieces. Sorry folks its not happening. The naxalites or the maoists are jokers who are very very small in numbers and the anger against them is only growing. They have very less chances of surviving here. They will be cleaned up pretty soon.
Ha ha. I could not stop laughing at some posters who desperately wants India to be break into pieces. Sorry folks its not happening. The naxalites or the maoists are jokers who are very very small in numbers and the anger against them is only growing. They have very less chances of surviving here. They will be cleaned up pretty soon.

Why should we ? A destabilized India is not in the interests of the wider region.
That's all I wanted to hear.

Proving Pakistan was created first before India.


Good night!


I never claimed it wasn't, maybe was the other Indian posters..

Pak was created first..and the concept failed after less than 25 years of existence with a proud Bangladesh formed.

Now poised for further splitting.
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I never claimed it wasn't, maybe was the other Indian posters..

Pak was created first..and the concept failed after less than 25 years of existence with a proud Bangladesh formed.

Bangladesh was never said to be part of Pakistan, Iqbal never talked about that.

It was an heretic wedding which ended in a hectic divorce, the two just weren't made for each other, like Pakistan and India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, India and Sri Lanka, etc
kay, but look at few posts here. As if India is in some kinda civil war. lol.

Well, India being further divided in new States will bring its share of administrative, humanitarian and ideological blunders affecting the whole South Asia.
Countries are not puzzle, esp. our countries where there are hundreds of millions of souls (the Balkans, not really.)
Why should we ? A destabilized India is not in the interests of the wider region.

Clearly , not many are that smart to grasp that .

lo @ that map though . Why do indians try reasoning with these 2 or 3 proven dumbos ?
Bangladesh was never said to be part of Pakistan, Iqbal never talked about that.

It was an heretic wedding which ended in a hectic divorce, the two just weren't made for each other, like Pakistan and India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, India and Sri Lanka, etc

Then why were the two countries united for 24 years ?

Why was Pakistan so desperate to remain intact that the state committed Mass Murder and Rape of civilians ? Should have just gifted Bangladesh independence when they demanded instead of killing everyone that protested ?

Pakistanis only try to hide their embarrassment like how one partner would do after getting dumped by another " oh we werent meant to be together "

Pakistan did everything that a country would do to fight an insurgency and retain its land but the Bengalis rejected you .

So much for the Islamic brotherhood Joke .
^^because peoples don't see their countries being torn apart and loosing its territorial integrity, that's psychological and common to all.
The relationship between india and us improved recently.India had been tackling these kind of issues since independence
Than India was in the Soviet Union camp. Plus India's relation with US has never really "soured". The moment when it "sours" that is when trouble begins.
Not really a secret by any standards. It is headline news in most newspapers and news media. For some reason foreign country media do not pay as much attention.
Same with Pakistan's issue with Baloch rebels. Its on TV & newspapers all the time but never gained international coverage until Pakistan started to **** of America.
Why should we ? A destabilized India is not in the interests of the wider region.
This statement reminds of Indians sitting on TV & saying an unstable Pakistan is not in India's interest (ala Baloch rebels). Then an American writer, Anatol Lieven, in his book mentions that even American intellegence have admitted that it is in fact India that is aids the Baloch rebels! #Politics
This is the Arab's mentality:

"Since I'm Arab and Salafi and you're not, you're going to hell. Anyone who is Shia, Barelvi, Deboandi etc. is going to hell"

It's quite clear the majority of Arabs don't consider Indians and Pakistanis as a part of the Ummah.

Guess where majority of Barelvi's, Deobandi's etc. live? India and Pakistan..
Arabs have done more for Pakistan than a lot of other countries. Please research on topics before giving such extreme views.
We've had these movements for 65 years and we are still the same country with no split-ups despite severe terrorism in Kashmir,Punjab,North East we stomped em out.
No worries there :)

Pakistan on the other hand has been sliced into 2 before..and is now heading towards another slicing up with Balochistan set to be independent. So reserve your sympathies for'll need it shortly. :)
Instead of looking like a fool in front of all the people, why dont you just pick a book up & research on the Balochistan issue in Pakistan?
The hatred Indians have for Islam is shocking. What will you guys do when Islam rises again (which it will, just a matter of time).

????? Islam? I am pretty sure majority of people who are not muslim in not know anything about Islam..

Infact to be frank...I actually see the reverse... not exactly hate ..but I see a lot of "aversion" against other religions by muslims..(again not all..)
The hatred Indians have for Islam is shocking. What will you guys do when Islam rises again (which it will, just a matter of time).

More Pakistan than Islam TBH.
And it's generally not "hate" for Islam, but more likely contempt ; they surely believe, from the heights of their highly humanist Hindu dogms, that Islam don't deserve their hate.
More Pakistan than Islam TBH.
And it's generally not "hate" for Islam, but more likely contempt ; they surely believe, from the heights of their highly humanist Hindu dogms, that Islam don't deserve their hate.

Or may be they do not like highly liberal modern non sexist views in islam....!!!! It is just highly forward compared to the "highly humanist hindu dogms" !!!!
Or may be they do not like highly liberal modern non sexist views in islam....!!!! It is just highly forward compared to the "highly humanist hindu dogms" !!!!

You just admitted your bias and how you think about Islam.
You just admitted your bias and how you think about Islam.

And your "highly humanist" was used in the pureset sense of the word.I am sure...

and About me thinking about islam, well..I have my the end of the day it is a belief system and I am allowed to have my views on it. Does not mean I hate islam, It is just that I do not agree with the some beliefs. I do not respect belief systems highly enough to not question them , I question them... just because its islamic/hindu or any religion based views..I wont agree with it or respect it. I respect people..and I respect and like a lot of muslims....
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What will you guys do when Islam rises again (which it will, just a matter of time).

As a non-muslim I wonder what Islam will do when it rises again ? How will Islam rise ? Who has taught you these things ? What is the warning all about ? What is your ultimate goal ? What is going to happen after a matter of time ? What is my crime ? What will be my punishment ?
^^^^ Good Question.

Akher, please enlighten What will happen to Indians after islam rises...and why did you say "what will you do when islam rises?" ...Will I be punished for being a non muslim? why do u think I(Indians) should do something?
And your "highly humanist" was used in the pureset sense of the word.I am sure...

and About me thinking about islam, well..I have my the end of the day it is a belief system and I am allowed to have my views on it. Does not mean I hate islam, It is just that I do not agree with the some beliefs. I do not respect belief systems highly enough to not question them , I question them... just because its islamic/hindu or any religion based views..I wont agree with it or respect it. I respect people..and I respect and like a lot of muslims....

The problem is that when you "just" don't agree with a religion or, like in the case of many Indians, have contempt for Islam, communal riots, 2002 Gujurats, ... are made possible.
Of course you have to respect any faith.
^^^^ Good Question.

Akher, please enlighten What will happen to Indians after islam rises...and why did you say "what will you do when islam rises?" ...Will I be punished for being a non muslim? why do u think I should do something?

There's a whole Islamic jurisprudence which shapes the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims, if India ever becomes a part of the Islamic caliphate you'll just ave to pay a per capita tax called jizya and you'll be able to practice your faith freely and the maintenance of your religious sites will be the State's priority.
The problem is that when you "just" don't agree with a religion or, like in the case of many Indians, have contempt for Islam, communal riots, 2002 Gujurats, ... are made possible.
Of course you have to respect any faith.

Seriously...Do you know the population of India and compare that Gujrath..and then compare Gujrath's population to the place where riots happened...Many Indians do not think about islam to have an opinion...they think about their lives..and their religion at max..and then there are lunatics who do communal riots and make more noise..

No, I respect people of all faiths..but I wont respect faiths..especially the ones I find annoying , irritating, stone aged , and more hell bent on pleasing unknown guy called god...and getting rewards
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There's a whole Islamic jurisprudence which shapes the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims, if India ever becomes a part of the Islamic caliphate you'll just ave to pay a per capita tax called jizya and you'll be able to practice your faith freely and the maintenance of your religious sites will be the State's priority.

Will Muslims pay the tax I pay??? or am I supposed to extra tax from my hard earned money because I have different beliefs?
There's a whole Islamic jurisprudence which shapes the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims, if India ever becomes a part of the Islamic caliphate you'll just ave to pay a per capita tax called jizya and you'll be able to practice your faith freely and the maintenance of your religious sites will be the State's priority.

and how will India become a part of Islamic caliphate ? How do Muslims aspire to convert a Non Muslim land into a caliphate ? You have gotta be outta of your mind to expect Non-Muslims to join a Muslim controlled state on their wish . So how are Muslims going to convince the non-muslims to join the caliphate ?
muslims have to pay zakat

I do not know what they mean, in simple lay man terms...will I be paying as much money as any other citizen under the caliphate or will I be paying more? If its the same, good...if it is not...I do not see the rule being peaceful unless ofcourse everybody becomes muslim...
Any chance we join Pakistan before the Maoist takes over ???????????????? :25:
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No, I respect people of all faiths..but I wont respect faiths..especially the ones I find annoying , irritating, stone aged , and more hell bent on pleasing unknown guy called god...and getting rewards

You claim to not respect people of certain faiths based on YOUR OWN opinion and interpretation of the faith. Please, if you're not a scholar in Islam don't try to interpret and label Islam as something as it's not (I know you're targeting Islam in your post) Faith isn't imposed or forced upon anyone and a religion like Islam certainly advocates to not oppress the non-believers.

Remember it is Allah from which we came and to him we will return. We will be responsible for our actions/deeds and everything we say.

It is clear that your reason to reject certain faiths (whether they are Islam or not) is due to your internal hatred and animosity towards the faith. If you don't agree with a faith, I suggest the best thing you do, is keep your mouth shut. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it.
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You claim to not respect people of certain faiths based on YOUR OWN opinion and interpretation of the faith. Please, if you're not a scholar in Islam don't try to interpret and label Islam as something as it's not (I know you're targeting Islam in your post) Faith isn't imposed or forced upon anyone and a religion like Islam certainly advocates to not oppress the non-believers.

Remember it is Allah from which we came and to him we will return. We will be responsible for our actions/deeds and everything we say.

It is clear that your reason to reject certain faiths (whether they are Islam or not) is due to your internal hatred and animosity towards the faith. If you don't agree with a faith, I suggest the best thing you do, is keep your mouth shut. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it.

Do not Misquote me, I have never said I do not respect people of certian faith. I said I respect people of all faiths...but I do not respect belief systems enough to not question them...I do not like many religious views which includes islamic views too...I have right to have opinion it...and I have right to say things about it in a civic way if I do not like it. Things good to say does not mean nodding in your heads in appreciation of pre historic rules with out using your grey cells ....I will say good or bad about anything I want in a decent way if I have anything to say about it all. that way I am atleast thinking about stuff using my brain...

and coming from Allah... Well...with most respectfull way that can be said..I do not believe it...and even if it is true..if Allah is a really god..he will judge me on my actions and intentions than me agreeing/disagreeing with a faith..if he is hell bent on faith and set of rules..he is no god(holds true for all gods..not just allah)
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Do not Misquote me, I have never said I do not respect people of certian faith. I said I respect people of all faiths...but I do not respect belief systems enough to not question them...I do not like many religious views which includes islamic views too...I have right to have opinion it...and I have right to say things about it in a civic way if I do not like it. Things good to say does not mean nodding in your heads in appreciation of pre historic rules with out using your grey cells ....I will say good or bad about anything I want in a decent way if I have anything to say about it all. that way I am atleast thinking about stuff using my brain...

and coming from Allah... Well...with most respectfull way that can be said..I do not believe it...and even if it is true..if Allah is a really god..he will judge me on my actions and intentions than me agreeing/disagreeing with a faith..if he is hell bent on faith and set of rules..he is no god(holds true for all gods..not just allah)
If they're something in Islam or any other faith you don't agree with, then go and advocate or go discuss with a scholar of that faith and explain to them what you don't agree with and hopefully they will give you a better understanding (because clearly they will have more knowledge than you on the particular subject of faith) but what you mentioned in your quote was pure slandering again whatever faith you targeted which isn't acceptable at all. There is a fine line between having opinions on certain faiths and outright degrading them.

The Quran has clarified everything and God has mentioned that he will indeed judge you based on your intentions and actions. Your intentions and actions are what will differentiate your good deeds from your bad deeds. However, without correct faith, your intentions and action will serve no meaning.
I think India will end up smaller than Pakistan in the future.

The Maoist separatist movement stretches down the east side of India. It's a huge piece of land.


How ironic,

IPL 5 is being currently played in some of these red colored states and not a single foreign player has pulled out ............

Pawned ............................ by BCCI I guess ............... or BCCI has bought out these "Maoists" for not disturbing the IPL games.

IPL 5 is being played at Cuttak, Kolkatta, Vizag, Bangalore .......

How come Maoist missed those ...........

The hatred Indians have for Islam is shocking. What will you guys do when Islam rises again (which it will, just a matter of time).

no hatred for Islam.. just hatred for tools like your esteemed self who threaten the world with the "rise of Islam".

The hatred mongering version of Islam will die out when the Saudi oil runs out in less than half a century. And the terrorists will learn to coexist peacefully with other religeons. Till then the drones will keep doing their job..
Go gattuso go.....

I think people who keep going 10 years back to Gujarat or 2O years back to Babri masjid are like a south Asian mother in law. There will not be any pleasing them.

They cannot accept the fact a large number of religions co-exist in India, and plenty of non-Hindu successful people in business, politics., sports etc. India is everything that Pak is not, and thus the attitude is colored. I have tried to reason with these small extreme set of pak supporters, but realised that it is not their fault - they have been bred under Zia-ul-haq's system.... so completely completely brain washed.
Why are Pakistanis so interested in Whats happening in India?The Maoists or Naxalite bafoonery or whether Modi or a Monkey is our next PM.As an Indian i dont care what happens in Pakistan as long as they keep nut jobs like Kasab and company inside Pakistan and keep the likes of JeM etc out of India.Rest i dont care.

Regarding Gujurat or anything else,well most Indians will codemn it in the hardest manner possible.But again its none of Pakistan's businees just as Balochistan or Tehreek E Taliban is not ours.

Regarding Islam conquering India etc etc etc,we will see when it happens.People listening to too much of Red topi i thinking.
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There is definitely an inherent hatred for Islam within India. There is absolutely no point in denying it or pretending it is not the case. The animosity is inherent because it stems from nearly 1000 years of Islamic rule in the SC not forgetting the reason why Pakistan was created.

Islam has left some deep scars on what is India today so it’s unsurprising why the majority of Indians, who are Hindus, hold reservations about Islam.
It is rather saddening that the good muslims around the world suffer because of the actions of a few who distort the religeon and turn it into a monster which is picked up by the press. Plenty of examples in this forum itself.
Now there is rising inherent hate in India,China,Russia,Europe and the US. That is a majority of the world really - so is the majority wrong..or is it just the minority Caliphate mongers who deserve everything coming at them.
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I do not know what they mean, in simple lay man terms...will I be paying as much money as any other citizen under the caliphate or will I be paying more? If its the same, good...if it is not...I do not see the rule being peaceful unless ofcourse everybody becomes muslim...

depends on income I think so a rich non muslim would pay more than a poor non muslim.

same as zakat a rich muslim pays more zakat than a poor muslim.
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It is rather saddening that the good muslims around the world suffer because of the actions of a few who distort the religeon and turn it into a monster which is picked up by the press. Plenty of examples in this forum itself.
Now there is rising inherent hate in India,China,Russia,Europe and the US. That is a majority of the world really - so is the majority wrong..or is it just the minority Caliphate mongers who deserve everything coming at them.

Agreed, Islam or any other religion do not promote hatred, violence etc. What would be the purpose of religion than? The correct purpose of religion is to live a good and prosperous life that will not only please God but in order to attain a good afterlife.

It is sickening to see how people portray religion in a negative manner. Just because there are certain terrorists who have a weird and incorrect understanding of the religion doesn't mean they represent the entire religion or their actions are correctly justified. Islam and any other religion does not promote terrorism. Last time I checked the majority of the world's religions want peace, and nothing but peace.

Just remember, People who distort certain religions and especially a religion like Islam will be questioned for it and God is all-seeing and all-knowing. Anyone trying to degrade certain religions without the correct fundamental understanding and a non-judgemental view, will have to speak upon their actions.

If one is going to be judgemental and degrading towards another person's religion, don't be surprised if that person retaliates against your judgmental view.
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no hatred for Islam.. just hatred for tools like your esteemed self who threaten the world with the "rise of Islam".

The hatred mongering version of Islam will die out when the Saudi oil runs out in less than half a century. And the terrorists will learn to coexist peacefully with other religeons. Till then the drones will keep doing their job..

When did Indian drones start to attack terrorists? Last time I recall India made strong threats of surgical strikes on Pakistan but bottled it.

It must be embarrassing for Indians to get joy over what the US is doing when they couldn't. India's biggest terrorism problem is with Hindutva terrorism btw.
When did Indian drones start to attack terrorists? Last time I recall India made strong threats of surgical strikes on Pakistan but bottled it.

It must be embarrassing for Indians to get joy over what the US is doing when they couldn't. India's biggest terrorism problem is with Hindutva terrorism btw.

It's embarrassing that India is so concerned with its neighbors by funding millions of dollars to support Terrorism in neighboring countries; while completely ignoring all internal problems such as poverty, no effective methods instilled to control population growth, separatist movements etc.
It's embarrassing that India is so concerned with its neighbors by funding millions of dollars to support Terrorism in neighboring countries; while completely ignoring all internal problems such as poverty, no effective methods instilled to control population growth, separatist movements etc.

:))) are we still talking about India ;)