Is a PTI-PPP alliance a real possibility for the next elections?


Staff member
Feb 14, 2018
PTI have backed the PPP's statement on the level playing field ahead of the general elections. Will we see any kind of alliance between these two parties?

In a significant and unexpected development that can be seen as an initial truce in Pakistan's often turbulent political landscape, the political subcommittee of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's Core Committee announced its support on Saturday for what it described as the "right thinking" expressed by a "responsible personality" from the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).

This statement pertained to the challenge to the legitimacy of election outcomes in likely absence of PTI's involvement in the process.

This thaw in relations comes on the heels of a similar political breakthrough when a delegation from PTI met with their long-standing political rival, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, this past Thursday in Islamabad.

The objective of that meeting was reportedly to develop a joint strategy to address the key issue of a "lack of level-playing field" ahead of the upcoming elections.

The subcommittee of PTI's Core Committee convened today, delving into various facets of the party's political strategy and the current political climate in the country.

The meeting centered on a review of statements made by leaders of different political parties, with particular attention given to those from the PPP. These statements revolved around the necessity of establishing a level-playing field and ensuring PTI's inclusion in the electoral process.

A statement released by PTI emphasised the positive trend that has emerged, with political parties across Pakistan increasingly stressing the need to provide equal opportunities to all political entities, ultimately ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections.

“PTI, as the largest political party in Pakistan, boasts a substantial and widespread presence throughout the nation. It stands firmly against any attempts to exclude it or any other political party from the electoral process through artificial, unconstitutional, or undemocratic methods, such as the alleged ‘London plan’,” it stressed.

Such actions are perceived as detrimental to the democratic process, it added.

The committee further affirmed PTI's readiness to welcome any constructive efforts aimed at guaranteeing the conduct of free, fair, transparent, and timely elections. This commitment underscores the party's dedication to upholding the democratic principles of the country.

In addition to these developments, the political subcommittee meeting also discussed and finalised a schedule for future engagement with other political parties, set to commence from next week.


PPP hints at forging 'election alliance' with PTI​

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has hinted at forming an electoral alliance with its arch-rival, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), to counter its former PDM ally, the Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).

Addressing a press conference here, Punjab PPP acting president Rana Farooq Saeed announced that the party “may forge an alliance with other parties, including the PTI.”

It may be recalled that a PML-N leader had recently announced that the party intended to contest elections in Sindh by forging alliance with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan and the Grand Democratic Alliance.

Saeed said the PPP was ready to face the challenges posed by political rivals. “Alliances are made and broken. It is a political process,” he added.

He said no-one would accept the election results if any party was kept out of the process.

Regarding the May 9 carnage, the PPP leader said those who were involved in the hooliganism must be punished but those who had been only silent spectators during the incidents should be forgiven and that innocent PTI workers should not be barred from taking part in the elections.

He alleged the PML-N was attempting to keep the PTI out of the electoral race.

Saeed said it seemed that the elections would be held because “some forces” had been active.

He praised the chief election commissioner (CEC) for his statement on “level playing field” and appealed to him to ensure fair and transparent elections, asking him to take notice of the development works being carried out by the Punjab caretakers.

He lamented that the country lacked gas but new gas pipelines were being laid in Toba Tek Singh district.

The PPP leader criticised former finance minister Ishaq Dar for the economic woes and added that the economy could be saved only by getting rid of him.


PPP hints at forging 'election alliance' with PTI​

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has hinted at forming an electoral alliance with its arch-rival, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), to counter its former PDM ally, the Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).

Addressing a press conference here, Punjab PPP acting president Rana Farooq Saeed announced that the party “may forge an alliance with other parties, including the PTI.”

It may be recalled that a PML-N leader had recently announced that the party intended to contest elections in Sindh by forging alliance with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan and the Grand Democratic Alliance.

Saeed said the PPP was ready to face the challenges posed by political rivals. “Alliances are made and broken. It is a political process,” he added.

He said no-one would accept the election results if any party was kept out of the process.

Regarding the May 9 carnage, the PPP leader said those who were involved in the hooliganism must be punished but those who had been only silent spectators during the incidents should be forgiven and that innocent PTI workers should not be barred from taking part in the elections.

He alleged the PML-N was attempting to keep the PTI out of the electoral race.

Saeed said it seemed that the elections would be held because “some forces” had been active.

He praised the chief election commissioner (CEC) for his statement on “level playing field” and appealed to him to ensure fair and transparent elections, asking him to take notice of the development works being carried out by the Punjab caretakers.

He lamented that the country lacked gas but new gas pipelines were being laid in Toba Tek Singh district.

The PPP leader criticised former finance minister Ishaq Dar for the economic woes and added that the economy could be saved only by getting rid of him.

I hope its not true and I would be very disappointed to the point of not supporting the PTI, if it were true. If the alliance was on a free and fair elections then I could live with that but nothing else. The PPP are nothing but criminals, a party with no ideology, out loot a poor country. Billo visited every country at a poor countries expense and they enjoyed the trappings of unconstitutional power and have now realised that Munir has NSs back and will make him PM, come high or hell water and the PPP are now desperate for some bargaining chip to get some positions.
I hope its not true and I would be very disappointed to the point of not supporting the PTI, if it were true. If the alliance was on a free and fair elections then I could live with that but nothing else. The PPP are nothing but criminals, a party with no ideology, out loot a poor country. Billo visited every country at a poor countries expense and they enjoyed the trappings of unconstitutional power and have now realised that Munir has NSs back and will make him PM, come high or hell water and the PPP are now desperate for some bargaining chip to get some positions.
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Not really. Establishment will not hold a free and fair elections because if they do, most of the elite including them is heading for the noose, for torture, kidnappings, murders, rapes and smashing the constitution. So the PTI and IK need to hold their nerve, stay low and let these crooks dig their graves. NS will be PM because the powers( local and Foreign) want a complete Duffer to do their bidding. So the PTI should not compromise on anything. Both the political and Army mafia are begging for an NRO even though they have the weapons
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Not really. Establishment will not hold a free and fair elections because if they do, most of the elite including them is heading for the noose, for torture, kidnappings, murders, rapes and smashing the constitution. So the PTI and IK need to hold their nerve, stay low and let these crooks dig their graves. NS will be PM because the powers( local and Foreign) want a complete Duffer to do their bidding. So the PTI should not compromise on anything. Both the political and Army mafia are begging for an NRO even though they have the weapons
If correct then where does that leave PTI up creek without a paddle
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Yes in the short term. The youth bulge means that they have no support and rely totally on oppression and suppression to stay in power.
If there is going to be revival of the PTIs fortunes? Only if the current establishment hierarchy go or complete revolution in Pakistan.
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that will be the fina nail in the PTi coffin. I certainly hope this does not happen
well its either that or accept nawaz as pm.

Atleast with PTI and PPP alliance, they can fight for a free and fair election.
If there is going to be revival of the PTIs fortunes? Only if the current establishment hierarchy go or complete revolution in Pakistan.
Let's see. Pk needs a revolution and IA it will come. I want to see the likes of NS, Munir, Bajwa, Isa, Bandial, Farooq etc hanging from lamp posts.
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Let's see. Pk needs a revolution and IA it will come. I want to see the likes of NS, Munir, Bajwa, Isa, Bandial, Farooq etc hanging from lamp posts.

Imran Khan had 4 years to hang even one of them and he did nothing. If anything, Nawaz was jetted out during his tenure.
Bilawal extends olive branch to PTI

KARACHI: In a conciliatory tone, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Friday invited the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) to join the Charter of Democracy (CoD) signed by two major parties in order to ensure that none of them solicit military support to come to power or to dislodge a democratic government.

While talking to reporters after inaugurating a free diagnostic lab facility under the JDC Foundation, the PPP leader maintained a soft approach for the rival PTI amid election date announcement. He didn’t rule out an electoral alliance with the party, though he didn’t sound very supportive of PTI’s recent attempts to malign state institutions ahead of the upcoming elections.

In response to a question about the possibility of PPP’s electoral alliance with the PTI in Punjab, Mr Bhutto-Zardari said: “We have not yet made any decision in this regard.”

“As far as the Charter of Democracy is concerned, I think all the political parties of the country should come to the CoD, and it will be very good if the PTI also recognises and joins the charter.”

Under the dictatorship of Pervez Musharraf, the then exiled leadership of PPP and PML-N came closer for the first time in their political history and joined hands to sign the CoD in London in May 2006, envisioning the establishment of a new political system of harmony and reconciliation in Pakistan to ensure continuity of oft-derailed democratic system.

Signed by two former premiers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, the document became a source of their joint campaign against the military rule in the country.

‘Welcome to the club’

On the occasion, the PPP chairman welcomed the announcement of election date by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), but reiterated the complaint that level playing field was not available to all the parties contesting elections. Yet he sounded confident that PPP would form the next government.

“All political parties should get a level playing field in the general elections,” he said.

“PPP was never given a level playing field in any of the past elections. Even in 1988 and 2008 [elections], we didn’t have a level playing field, but despite that we secured our mandate and formed the governments. The problem with the PTI is that it demands a level playing field just for itself but no other party. If they [PTI] are facing some difficulties in an election for the first time ever, I would only say welcome to the club.”

On the other hand, Mr Bhutto-Zardari called it a “great achievement” of all political parties that at last the ECP officially announced the date of general elections. But he said it would have been better if the ECP itself had given an election date, and the Supreme Court would not have had to intervene. “Well, whatever happened, it’s done now, the elections should be held on February 8,” he said.

The PPP chairman, however, avoided commenting over the recent statements of his past ally and chief of his own faction of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Maulana Fazlur Rehman who still cast doubts over the possibility of general elections.

Rights violation

Meanwhile, the former foreign minister also questioned the way the Afghan nationals who have been illegally staying in Pakistan were being repatriated.

He objected to the process of repatriation, calling it a violation of human rights. The right job, he said, couldn’t be executed the wrong way.

“We are very clear about this and we have a very strict line when it comes to issues related to human rights,” said Mr Bhutto-Zardari.

“There is a proper mechanism to address any illegal activity. But whatever is happening right now we believe that it raises several questions over the process. The law must be followed but in the process, the set rules of human rights shouldn’t be violated.”
Let's see. Pk needs a revolution and IA it will come. I want to see the likes of NS, Munir, Bajwa, Isa, Bandial, Farooq etc hanging from lamp posts.
This is what baffles me abou Pakistani population the revolution should have happened when he was jailed. No mass demonstrations passive resistance. People were to scared of short term repurussions.

Pakistanis chose not to make a sacrifice and change the country for long term benefit.
This will be suicidal atleast in Karachi. No one in Karachi unless you are Sindhi and enjoying quota and language benefits wants to vote or see PPP incompetent waderas ruling this city. PPP is backed by the establishment in Sindh and we hate them because of this.

shaking hands with zardari will hurt the PTI narrative and karachiites wont vote for PTI because of this.
This is what baffles me abou Pakistani population the revolution should have happened when he was jailed. No mass demonstrations passive resistance. People were to scared of short term repurussions.

Pakistanis chose not to make a sacrifice and change the country for long term benefit.
We are the position that we are in because our population wants others to make sacrifices. Not everyone is IK, Tayabah Raja, Dr Yasmeen, Arshad Sharif, IRK etc
‘Mehngai League’ to face defeat in election: Bilawal

MITHI: In a renewed attack on political rivals PTI and PML-N, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Monday said the people disappointed by the policies of Mehngai League and Tehreek-i-Inteshar, which caused a sharp rise in inflation and unrest in the country, would surprise these parties in Feb 8 elections.

Addressing a jalsa in Mithi, the headquarters of Tharparkar district, the PPP chairman said when voted to power, the PPP would introduce Mazdoor Card to help mitigate the sufferings of citizens.

He said that the PPP couldn’t start the election campaign, as the Election Commission of Pakistan has not released poll’s schedule, but looking at the passion of the people, he could foresee that on February 8, his party will win.

He added if Asif Ali Zardari could get a prime minister of the opposition party elected within weeks of hard work, his indefatigable efforts could ensure that the next chief ministers and a prime minister were jiyalas.

He said his manifesto was the same as that of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto and the slogan of ‘Roti, Kapra aur Makaan’ is much more relevant and needed this day than in the 1970s and 80s.

Mr Bhutto-Zardari added Tharparkar was part of PPP’s manifesto along with other key points for the 2024 elections. “Tharparkar is the manifesto of PPP, Tharparkar is the narrative of PPP, Tharparkar is the performance of PPP,” he said, in reference to the development work carried out by the Sindh government at the grassroots level.

The initiatives of PPP’s provincial government changed the infrastructure of the district from a barren and inaccessible desert region to a model of best road network in Pakistan, he said, adding that the Thar Coal project was a dream of his mother which was turned into a reality by ex-president Zardari during his term.

He said 20,000 locals got employment with the activation of just one block of Thar Coal, adding that as the project progresses, local people would get more employment opportunities.

About the economic challenges faced by Pakistan, the PPP chairman said the solution lies only with the PPP.

“We will double salaries in five years. We will fight against the inflation,” the PPP chairman said.

Just like Benazir Income Support Programme, the next PPP government would issue Hari Card and Mazdoor

Card for the welfare and uplift of labourers and peasants across Pakistan, Mr Bhutto-Zardari pledged.

PTI should not align itself with PPP for upcoming elections. There is no chance in hell that this is going to be a free and fair election. The writing is on the wall that come what PMLN will win elections, whether Nawaz becomes PM or they stick with Shahbaz is another matter altogether.

I would still be surprised if an election does indeed happen in the country. The establishment would be kicking itself now in hindsight for not holding elections on time i.e in Oct / Nov as all the world headlines were captured by Israel / Palestine conflict the establishment had perfect opportunity to have done a totally biased elections under the radar of world news.
I do not think that PTI is gonna contest this election along with PPP. They might join JI but not PPP.
Bilawal advises PTI workers to support PPP

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has asked PTI workers to support his party in the February 8 general election, as Imran Khan’s party seems battered after the apex court stripped it of its electoral symbol bat.

“I have experienced the oppression of the PML-N and I would never wish for any political party worker to endure such hardship,” he told supporters of his party in Lahore’s NA-127 on Sunday. His younger sister Aseefa was also in attendance. “I do not believe in politics of oppression,” he added.

Bilawal is contesting the election from the constituency and will be going up against Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader Attaullah Tarar.

The PPP chairman has been enthusiastically campaigning across the country and has addressed rallies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well.

He has been calling on voters not to waste their vote and has repeatedly said that his party will deliver a ‘surprise’ to the PML-N, which considers Punjab a stronghold.

In the lead-up to the elections, Bilawal also called for a new brand of politics in the country and has called for the old guard to make way for the new.

In his speech, the PPP chairman reiterated that polls were a contest between the PML-N and the PPP, and urged PTI workers to extend their support to the latter.

While taking a dig at the former ruling party, he stated that imprisoning women belonging to rival parties was not called politics.

“Those who profess to uphold the sanctity of the vote are currently engaging in political manoeuvres that betray their original ideology,” he said.

Later in his tweet, he thanked Lahore and called for putting an end to the politics of “revenge, division, and hate.”

Lol at Bilawal... he knows his Jiyalas are not going to give them vote so why not give a try to PTI supporters
Imran in no mood to help Bilawal form govt

PTI founder Imran Khan categorically rejected on Thursday helping PPP scion Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari form a government in the Centre post-February 8 elections, Express News reported.

The former premier’s remarks come a day after Bilawal, vying for the post of prime minister, in an interview with Reuters, said he “preferred forming a government with independent candidates”.

Bilawal’s strategy is informed by the PTI’s current circumstances that have rendered its candidates incapable of contesting elections under the party’s name or using its electoral symbol.

The apex court, on January 13, set aside the Peshawar High Court’s (PHC) January 10 order, effectively depriving the PTI of its iconic election symbol of a cricket bat in a major blow to the former ruling party ahead of the February 8 general elections. This leaves the party with the option of having its candidates contest upcoming elections as independents.

Informally addressing the media following the cypher case hearing at Adiala jail, where the ex-PM is currently incarcerated, Imran asked Bilawal to “ask those for help with whom you remained in government for 16 months”.

Referring to the PPP and PML-N who along with 13 other parties formed the last PDM coalition government, the former premier said these parties are against each other today, “but they are all on the same page from the inside”.

He said that “the establishment has all the control”. “Talks should be held with those who have the power,” Imran said, saying that he has been stressing for a long time now that elections should be held fairly and transparently.

"People should be able to bring in whoever they want. Political engineering has caused the country a lot of damage,” the ex-premier said as he complained about his party’s supporters and candidates being arrested. “How are surveys being conducted when the PTI is not present in the field?” Imran questioned.

The premier boasted of his party’s support among the masses, stating that it had become difficult for “them” “to control the PTI”. “The establishment and Election Commission helped them in winning by-elections too,” he said, adding that all the parties have united, and are yet unable to defeat the PTI.

Lamenting the ‘treatment’ being meted out to the party, Imran said “our corner meetings are raided by police”. He urged all party members “in hiding” to step out and support the party’s electoral campaign, kickstarting this Sunday.

Commenting on the May 9 riot cases registered against him and party supporters, the PTI founding chairman said that “we did not break any law”. “There were no protests even when I got shot,” Imran said, referring to the November 2022 assassination attempt on him during the Wazirabad jalsa.

Cypher trial

Referring to the cypher trial, the former premier said it was not an open trial as the media and his well-wishers were not allowed to participate.

During the hearing, the prosecutor informed the judge that their witnesses have yet to appear and be cross-examined in the case.

Earlier, speaking to the presiding judge during the hearing of the £190 million case, Imran said the 'drama' was being staged for February 8, and maintained that if this was how things will be done, then they should be done after the poll date.

Imran further said that all cases should be kept up to date, adding that the Toshakhana case involving former president Zardari and three-time premier Nawaz was fixed for February 13, while hearings of his Toshakhana case were being conducted ‘daily’. "An eight-year-old case was fixed for Feb 13 while a four-year-old case is heard every day," he said.

Source: Express Tribune

Will want to see Asif Ali Zardari as president: Bilawal

PPP’s Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has said he would like to see his father Asif Ali Zardari become the president.

“And I am not saying this because he is my father. I am saying this because the country is in a huge crisis at the moment and if anyone has the capacity to douse this fire, it is Asif Ali Zardari,” he asserted.

In response to a question, Bilawal said all political forces needed to think about the country and end the politics of division. “They must not just think about themselves […] this way the enemies of the country would want to benefit from this crisis.”

“It takes two to tango.”

Source: Dawn News