Is it acceptable for girls under 14 to get married off?


First Class Star
Jun 4, 2017
Men Who Marry Girls Below 14 To Face Child Sex Abuse Case In Assam

Men who marry girls below 14 years will face cases against the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in Assam, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said. The decision was taken during a state cabinet meeting on Monday.

"A massive crackdown against child marriage will soon start across the state. We have decided to appoint a child marriage prohibition officer to look into the cases. There are one lakh child marriage cases in Assam," said Mr Sarma in Guwahati.

"Instruction has already been given to the Assam police to book the guilty under POCSO Act. Child marriage cases are higher in the ten districts of Assam," he added.

The legal age for marriage is 18 years for women and 21 years for men. Marriage below this age is considered to be child marriage, an offence.

"Men marrying girls in the age group of 14-18, will be tried under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 and necessary steps will be taken against them under this law," the Chief Minister said.

He further said, "We got a report that a nine-year-old girl become a mother. Those who support child marriage will also be booked under the law".

"As per a survey, 16 cases of child marriage have been reported from Dima Hasao district. 23 per cent of cases are from Dibrugarh. Action will be taken across Assam," The Chief Minister asserted.

Assam has a high rate of maternal and infant mortality and the primary cause is child marriage.

The state has an average of 31 per cent marriages in the "prohibited age", Mr Sarma said.

Himanta Biswa Sarma said that the state was inspired by Karnataka's crackdown against child marriage.

"Karnataka was the first state to appoint a child marriage prohibition officer. The state has booked 10,000 couples and prevented 11,000 child marriage cases. We have been inspired by Karnataka and decided to appoint a child marriage prohibition officer to prevent such cases," said Mr Sarma.


Do you agree with this or can a girl be married off at any age?
No its unacceptable according to the cultural norms of the modern age.
Totally unacceptable. In Pakistan and to an extent in India, the minimum marriage age should be raised to 22 or 23 so girls can get more education instead of being pushed into marriage as soon as they turn 16.
Definitely not by any measures of decency and standards.
Totally unacceptable. In Pakistan and to an extent in India, the minimum marriage age should be raised to 22 or 23 so girls can get more education instead of being pushed into marriage as soon as they turn 16.

22 or 23 is too much. Many of them may end up committing zina if it is raised that much.

I think 16-18 seems reasonable (most countries in the world follow that range).
In the modern age:; definitely no!

But it’s idiotic to use modern day standards to judge what happened in past
But it’s idiotic to use modern day standards to judge what happened in past

Very good point.

Modern day kids are quite pampered (and even spoiled). So, a kid from many centuries ago was much more mature and capable than a similar kid from today's time.
My first response to the article in the OP is - Should a boy be married off at any age?

Side point, the minimum age of sexual consent (legally) in France is 15, but legal age of marriage is 18.

Point being, maturity is a metric to marriage, but not sexual relationships.

Very odd indeed!
Very good point.

Modern day kids are quite pampered (and even spoiled). So, a kid from many centuries ago was much more mature and capable than a similar kid from today's time.

Sorry you are making excuses to justify the past. Were kids biologically acting faster before also?
Cultrual and religious rules will not be in agreement with criminalizing the underage marriages.

Ideally, the girl should not marry until she is economically independent. If her survival is dependent on the man's income, then she is toast. Her life will be absolutely miserable.
I don't think anywhere in the modern world it's acceptable for girls (or boys) to be married off under 14. Does it actually happen anywhere these days?
First and foremost, the girl should have A FULL CONSENT and willingness without any pressure from ANYONE to get married to a certain guy.

We must fight against this shameful practice of treating girls as cattle.

Then, it’s the age factor.

If we are leaning towards 18 or something then there MUST be another stipulation that the boy must not be five to 7 years older than the girl.

Otherwise these laanti and full of lust a holes who are in their 50’s and 60’s go after 16 and 18 year old girls.

Such Laanti guys should also be castrated if found guilty.
First and foremost, the girl should have A FULL CONSENT and willingness without any pressure from ANYONE to get married to a certain guy.

We must fight against this shameful practice of treating girls as cattle.

Then, it’s the age factor.

If we are leaning towards 18 or something then there MUST be another stipulation that the boy must not be five to 7 years older than the girl.

Otherwise these laanti and full of lust a holes who are in their 50’s and 60’s go after 16 and 18 year old girls.

Such Laanti guys should also be castrated if found guilty.
I agree totally unacceptable to marry off 16 year to 50-60 year old men. It was unacceptable in the past and it is unacceptable now
Personally i think it should be atleast 21. Even better if its further raised couple of more years.
"Zero Tolerance": Over 1,800 Arrested Across Assam Over Child Marriages

More than 1,800 people have been arrested in a massive crackdown on child marriage in Assam so far, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said today.

The crackdown began early in the morning and it will continue over the next few days.

The Chief Minister said he has asked the Assam police to act against the menace with a "spirit of zero tolerance".

"State wide arrests are presently underway against those violating provisions of Prohibhiton of Child Marriage Act . 1800 + have been arrested so far. I have asked @assampolice to act with a spirit of zero tolerance against the unpardonable and heinous crime on women," tweeted Mr Sarma.

Police are investigating more than 4,000 cases of child marriage registered across Assam in less than a fortnight, the Chief Minister had said yesterday, declaring the crackdown will start from Friday.

"Assam Govt is firm in its resolve to end the menace of child marriage in the state. So far @assampolice has registered 4,004 cases across the state and more police action is likely in days ahead. Action on the cases will begin starting February 3. I request all to cooperate," he tweeted.

The Assam cabinet has decided to charge men who marry girls below 14 years of age under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences or POCSO Act, while the men who have married teen girls in the 14-18 years age group will be charged under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.

The Chief Minister also said that the "war" against child marriage will be "secular" and no single community will be targeted. "Those who facilitate such marriages, like clerics and priests, will also face action," he said.

Assam has a high rate of maternal and infant mortality with child marriage being the primary cause.

"The main reason for the high infant mortality rate and Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is child marriage. The state has an average of 31 per cent of marriages in the prohibited age," said Mr Sarma.

Police in India's northeastern state of Assam launched a massive crackdown on Friday on the orders of chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.

More than 2,500 people were arrested and 4,074 cases were filed in less than a week against those either suspected of marrying or arranging marriages to underage girls.

The legal age for marriage for women in India is 18, but the rule is routinely flouted due to patriarchal customs and economic necessities.

The crackdown, according to Mr Biswa Sarma, is also aimed at religious figureheads who have aided in the registration of such marriages in mosques and temples.

But the massive drive has been severely criticised by non-profits as they accused the state government of an “emotional response” instead of highlighting substantive rehabilitation options for the affected girls.

In the aftermath of the crackdown, wailing women with small children have been seen outside police stations in several of Assam’s districts, begging for the release of their husbands.

Dhubri district authorities reportedly used batons and teargas to disperse women protesters over the weekend.

“I am worried about how I’m going to look after my child... I ran away from home to get married so I don’t have any other support. As of now, I don’t have a single rupee with me,” a woman who claimed to be 18 years old, told The Indian Express.
Standing outside the local police station in her village in northeast India, 19-year-old Nureja Khatun is anxious. Cradling her 6-month-old baby in her arms, she has been waiting to catch a glimpse of her husband before the police take him away to court.

Nearly an hour later, she sees her husband, Akbar Ali, for just a few seconds when he is shuffled into a police van. An officer slams the door in her face before she is able to get any answers.

“Please release my husband. Otherwise take me into custody as well,” she pleaded.

Khatun’s husband is one of more than 3,000 men, including Hindu and Muslim priests, who were arrested nearly two weeks ago in the northeastern state of Assam under a wide crackdown on illegal child marriages involving girls under the age of 18.

The action has left her — and hundreds of other women like her who got married under 18 — in anguish. Many of the women, who are now adults, say their families have been torn apart, leaving them angry and helpless.

Khatun relied on Ali, with whom she eloped in 2021 when she was 17, to take care of her. Earning 400 rupees ($5) a day as a laborer, Ali was the sole breadwinner in their family, and the couple had a baby girl six months ago.

“Now there is no one to feed us. I don’t know if my family can survive,” Khatun said.

The stringent measures are being carried out in a state, home to 35 million people, where many cases of child marriage go unreported. Only 155 cases of child marriages in Assam were registered in 2021, and 138 in 2020, according to the National Crime Records Bureau.

In India, the legal marriageable age is 21 for men and 18 for women. Poverty, lack of education, and social norms and practices, particularly in rural areas, are considered reasons for child marriages across the country.

UNICEF estimates that at least 1.5 million girls under 18 get married in India every year, making it home to the largest number of child brides in the world — accounting for a third of the global total. India’s National Health Family Survey data shows that more than 31% of marriages registered in Assam involve the prohibited age group.

The state government passed a resolution last month to completely eradicate the practice of child marriage by 2026.

In some districts, teenage pregnancies are as high as 26%, said Assam’s additional director general of police AVY Krishna. “These child marriages have become a social evil and as a result the mortality rates have been quite high,” he said.

i think it must be 20 atleast.

Average age difference must not be more than 5 years in bride and groom.
Until the girl finishes minimum of high school and has an income of her own, marriage should not be performed. Women should not be dependent on men for financial stability. In case the marriage does not workout, a woman should not be at the mercy of the man.