

Tape Ball Star
Jul 7, 2012
Post of the Week
Hey Pak Passion guys i need your help please my friend is in Pakistan in Islamabad and i have asked him to bring me back a bat could anyone please give me the names of some good shops based in Islamabad where i can get the following genuine bats

1. Ca Plus 15000
2. MB Malik Limited Edition Buber Sher
3. Mids X Power
4. Boom Boom Blaze/ Boom Boom Arrogance

Thanks guys if you can think of any other good bats my only requirement is that it has a good pick up with straight grainsi dont care for edges only that the bat picks up well and has preferable a mid or mid to low sweet spot

All help is welcome :)
I would recommend you CA Plus 15000 or Boom Boom 5 Star .. Both bats have exceptional pick up and sweet spot. Good luck!
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As for the bats MB LE is probably the best one there for its price I have a bubber sher and it still in good shape after 2yrs and has a beautiful sweet spot
Thanks guys appreciate that anyone had experience with MIDS i heard they really good value for money too ?
Haven't seen the x power but the zh power was pretty good but the middle is little higher than the test of the bats mentioned
Momin high middle ah man thanks alot for telling me that its gota be a no then, i have a bad habit of hanging on the back foot im hoping a lower middle might help my game get on the front foot ! Thanks Bhai