Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan

Bottom line is that Muslims all over the world are being targeted and killed.
1. Genocide in Myanmar
2. Iraq and Afghan war
3. Palastine and Kashmir
4. Syria, Libya & Yemen
5. RSS killing Muslims for practising their religion in India

The above are just to name a few. The following are the common factors:

1. They majority of the victims identify themselves as Muslims.
2. The aggressors are always in a position of strength (military might) and justify the use of force even if a gust of wind from the opposing side hits them in the face.

3. The Aggressors are also the self-proclaimed champions of democracy but are happy to jump in bed with Muslim Rulers of countries who are willing to toe the line. i.e. Saudia Arabia, UAE etc.

4. Those Muslim countries which are able to resist them have to face pressure through UN sanctions to force them to toe the line - be it Iran or Pakistan.

Bottom line is - there is a nexus of evil, it is not a conspiracy theory, it is a fact. The crusades never ended, they just evolved. Anyone who thinks or says otherwise is living with their head in the sand.

Love how one sided your posts are, didn't you say how Hindu women were bed warmer for Muslim rulers?
Love how one sided your posts are, didn't you say how Hindu women were bed warmer for Muslim rulers?

I did say that only to get under the skin of the person I was responding to :)

The unfortunate reality is that when the powerful take a liking to something or someone, they do not really care who it belongs to or what religion they follow, they just take it as and when they please.
Yes but so has the way protests have gone since 2010..the stone pelting etc, change is on both sides we both can argue which change happened first.

Stone pelting was going on since 1948 in Kashmir. Or perhaps even during Maharaja' time when dogras were persecuting the majority.

Crucial is to check the tactics after modi went to Israel and Netanyahu went to India. Post Netanyahu's visit to India, i saw JK police entering the stone pelting mobs undercover as stone pelters and then catching them. This is a tactic Israel has employed in Palestine and was unheard of previously in Kashmir.
According to Hamid Mir and Shah Mehmood qureshi in this clip, Israel tried to attack Pakistan alongside India today

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">India planned to attack Pakistan from an air base of Rajasthan with the help of Israel but Pakistan came to know about this plan and it was averted- Foreign Minister <a href="">@SMQureshiPTI</a> says “those who patronise Israel are aware of anti-Pakistan activities of Israel” <a href=""></a></p>— Hamid Mir (@HamidMirPAK) <a href="">March 4, 2019</a></blockquote>
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One of the goals of Isreal government is to de-nuclearize Pakistan.

THAAD has been deployed in Israel today. You think the paranoid state is doing it because of Pakistan's nuclear capabilities after this misadventure got exposed?
THAAD has been deployed in Israel today. You think the paranoid state is doing it because of Pakistan's nuclear capabilities after this misadventure got exposed?

Yes, the ISI exactly knows which country three countries are involved in planning the attacks on Pakistan.

Their massive attack Plan of 27th February was defused thanks to pro-active efforts of Pakistan military and ISI.
Yes, the ISI exactly knows which country three countries are involved in planning the attacks on Pakistan.

Their massive attack Plan of 27th February was defused thanks to pro-active efforts of Pakistan military and ISI.

Do you know those three countries?
Pakistan has tried in the past but the fact is Israel doesn’t want relations with an extremist Muslim country. Specially one like Pakistan. The time was ripe post 9/11 but a lot has changed. The Arabs have agreed to recognize Israel and Israel doesn’t want any of it. They’re at a position of strength and building relations with Muslims will only soften their position.

what does israel achive with its relations with india, nothing but weapon sales - they have much more to gain by amending there relations with the arabs and pakistan who wiould be much bigger buyers. This is what i belive will happen in the future and dont be suprised if during the next pak-indo war israel decides to jump ship and join the pakistan corner.
what does israel achive with its relations with india, nothing but weapon sales - they have much more to gain by amending there relations with the arabs and pakistan who wiould be much bigger buyers. This is what i belive will happen in the future and dont be suprised if during the next pak-indo war israel decides to jump ship and join the pakistan corner.

I wish you were right but what is Israels end game? They want to build their temple and sadly for the world the location is currently the 3rd most holiest site. To achieve this Muslim nations must either be their clients, destroyed(iraq,syria,libya) or have no real military esp nukes.
what does israel achive with its relations with india, nothing but weapon sales - they have much more to gain by amending there relations with the arabs and pakistan who wiould be much bigger buyers. This is what i belive will happen in the future and dont be suprised if during the next pak-indo war israel decides to jump ship and join the pakistan corner.

Joint attack is much bigger thing than the weapons sale. Just for selling the weapons no country will attack on a non enemy country.
what does israel achive with its relations with india, nothing but weapon sales - they have much more to gain by amending there relations with the arabs and pakistan who wiould be much bigger buyers. This is what i belive will happen in the future and dont be suprised if during the next pak-indo war israel decides to jump ship and join the pakistan corner.

Not arm sales. The Jewish Hindu nexus goes back to world war 2. Which is why you have Israeli Jews living in India and doing business for decades.

The Israelis will not easily tie themselves up with any Muslim country. There will be a huge backlash by their citizens who’ve been taught from day 1 that Muslims are out to kill them.
The mainstream news have mentioned India and Isreal, but no one is telling about the third one, probably USA I guess.
Pakistani analysts are saying its Iran. Which is hard to believe given Israel's involvement.
More reason for Pakistan to have developed relations with Israel to counter this India Israel nexus.
My guess is Afghanistan.

It's either US or Iran.

US for obvious reasons. Pakistan's been on the unofficial target list of neocons/Israel-firsters for a long time.

Iran's anti-Pakistani track record is perennial and long. It has always supported India's stance on Kashmir, went along with India's co-opting of Gawader with Chabahar and also provided their Sistan/Baluchistan province as a launching pad for terrorist activities inside of Pakistan. Iran now believes Pakistan to be firmly in the Saudi/GCC camp, especially since Imran's recent diplomatic headway with the Arabs.
India plotted dangerous attack with Israeli help

ISLAMABAD: India with the backing of Israel and at the peak of its standoff with Pakistan had last week planned a “dangerous attack” to be executed from its Rajasthan airbase, a highly placed government source revealed on Monday.

Timely intelligence and backdoor messaging made it clear to India that a befitting response would be given if it were to go ahead with the planned attack, one which would possibly take the countries to a “point of no return”.

And as the nuclear armed neighbours wound up a tough week in what was possibly the most near-war situation the two have been in since decades, no one is quite sure of what to expect next.

In fact, what India termed, and thus legitimised as “pre-emptive non-military strike” last Tuesday, was a first of its kind violation of international border and Pakistan’s airspace since 1971.

It was followed by Pakistan taking down two Indian aircraft in a dogfight, leaving one Indian pilot dead and another captured — who was later released as a unilateral gesture of peace.

Since then, Pakistan and India have continued to exchange gunfire across the Line of Control (LoC), only having eased in the last 24 hours.

When inquired by this correspondent if this can be seen as a sign of de-escalation, the chief military spokesman said, “There is a relative reduction in CFVs as compared to heavy exchange of fire during the week”.

“However, based on this apparent ‘strategic restraint’ during the last 24 hours, we cannot lower our state of vigilance and readiness. We have to stay prepared against any misadventure,” explained Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, director general of Inter-Services Public Relations.

In the other sitting with the top government source, there was considerable pride in Pakistan having thus far shown inordinate maturity and a genuine desire for peace and having dominated all spheres of the standoff in this precarious situation initiated by India in what the source saw as [Narendra] Modi’s war politics.

This highly placed government source recognised the “Modi dilemma” as one where the Indian prime minister continues to beat war drums leading up to elections this May, thus the Catch-22 situation the Indian PM has put himself in means “we are not out of the woods just yet”.

The source briefed a handful of journalists on the “dangerous attack” India had planned with the backing of Israel from its airbase in Rajasthan, located about a 100km from the international border with Pakistan. Timely intelligence and backdoor messaging made it clear to India that a befitting response would be given if it were to go ahead with this plan, one which would possibly take the two states to a “point of no return”.

The source credited Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency, ISI, as “one of the best in the world” and feared the next possible escalation by India would not be in terms of ground, air or missiles, but more likely in the form of a hybrid conflict in the nature of militant attacks, economic measures, etc, against Pakistan.

The same was reiterated a day earlier by military sources this correspondent spoke to.

The Pulwama trigger coupled with diplomatic plus political coercion had India embark on what is now being referred to in military quarters as the “New Normal”. India by this new approach assumed punitive deterrence would be accepted by Pakistan.

In what is largely seen as a dangerous precedent set by India — with far-reaching and worrisome consequences — New Delhi also ironically is not in a position to take one more blow, with both elections overhead and Pakistan continuously preaching and exhibiting the first two stages of the three dimensions of war, deterrence and avoidance.

This double-edged sword dangles overhead, as the ball remains in India’s court, and the world’s eyes upon it. Civilian and military leadership of Pakistan regret what they see as India having taken the course to a broad spectrum dominance of Pakistan with acquiescence of international allies.

Standing at a critical juncture in our history and making significant economic headway, the topmost government source recognised that proscribed organisations were only adding to Pakistan’s problems. Statements in the past against such outfits were made under pressure and lacked political will.

Also present on the occasion, Finance Minister Asad Umar revealed that on ground work against proscribed organisations had started before the Feb 14 Pulwama attack in India-held Kashmir. In the second last meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC) the decision to speed up the progress against these organisations had already been taken and his ministry had decided to set finances aside for these elements to be successfully rehabilitated post deweaponisation.

A day earlier, the ISPR director general told this scribe, Pakistan had decided as far back as 2014 to put an end to such organisations as they “don’t have currency today and are transforming a just Kashmir cause into terrorism”.

At the NSC meeting it was unanimously decided between the civilian and military leadership that not responding was out of the question. An unemotional, rational decision albeit in the domain of irrational (read nukes) had to be taken, and the country’s leadership was on the same page.

Pakistan had already offered “investigation sans any qualifier” with regards to the Pulwama attack and shown willingness to discuss terrorism; signs of unprecedented maturity and willingness for conflict resolution on behalf of Pakistan. The government source on Monday felt that India’s intention lay exposed in its handing over of the Pulwama dossier two days after having attacked Pakistan. The dossier apparently “lacks actionable evidence” but is under review by both the Foreign Office and ISI.

Stone cold warnings

In the midst of serious diplomatic manoeuvrings under way, the spokesperson for the military was very clear about two things. Firstly, if India chooses to escalate from here, it will not be about India Pakistan anymore, it will be about the region. Secondly, India shall not be afforded any face saving at the cost of Pakistan’s integrity and sovereignty.

The lowest of the escalation ladder being no war and the ultimate, nuclear; India has right now, what every country enjoys at each step of the escalation ladder, an exit, if it so chooses (wisely at that) to let things be from here on. Unfortunately, that might not be the case as felt by the ISPR director general, “India emotionally is not prepared to take this exit point”. All weekend, India has been in pursuit of “pumping, luring, provoking” Pakistan out of the “performance, capacity and moral ascendancy” it continues to display. India seemingly has returned “back to the drawing board” to ascertain what kind of response to save face with. However, what remains critical are exit points, knowing when to back off, as any further adventurism by India shall be “too dangerous and critical”.

With regards to his question “you know what National Command Authority means” last Wednesday, the ISPR director general was unambiguous in clarifying “whereby Pakistan will always choose peace over war, dialogue over hostility, be very clear, we shall never compromise on defence of our beloved motherland” so for the time being Pakistan’s “alertness is on high”.
I think its USA. One news channel reported it by saying 'aalmi taqat'.

I believe its iran cause they too are the puppets of israel.Israel has a strong lobby in israel and 70,000 jews are living in a city called ifshan where they believe their messiah(dajjal) will arrive and they will then go on to rule the world.
I believe its iran cause they too are the puppets of israel.Israel has a strong lobby in israel and 70,000 jews are living in a city called ifshan where they believe their messiah(dajjal) will arrive and they will then go on to rule the world.

I know Shahid Masood said that in his show but calling Iran the puppets of Israel is stretching it.
I wish you were right but what is Israels end game? They want to build their temple and sadly for the world the location is currently the 3rd most holiest site. To achieve this Muslim nations must either be their clients, destroyed(iraq,syria,libya) or have no real military esp nukes.

rubbish, pakistans only enemies are the ignorant liers among ourselves.
I know Shahid Masood said that in his show but calling Iran the puppets of Israel is stretching it.

Enemy of my enemy at play here between Israel and Iran and let's not forget they have track record of cooperation and arms sales behind the scenes.
Enemy of my enemy at play here between Israel and Iran and let's not forget they have track record of cooperation and arms sales behind the scenes.

Israel would sell Iran

This is ridiculous level of discourse. :))
the level of stupidity among Muslims is beyond belief :facepalm:

Let's get real here, Israel has sold India a defense rader system that was installed in Rajasthan, they send engineers due to the contract that they have, theres nothing more to it, stop bringing conspiracy theories about jews into everything,

whats funny is how Palestine being a pro india state and supporting indians right to kashmir somehow escapes pakistanis but nothing that israel does.
Israel would sell Iran

This is ridiculous level of discourse. :))

They did in the late 80's at the height of their supposed conflict.

Now would be a bit difficult but they do have some common goals in the region. Israelis are the smartest operators going around, you can't expect them to resolve the shia/sunni conflict by undermining the only large dominant Shia state Iran. It is in Israel's interest Iran survives and remains a thorn in the sides of Arab/Sunni states.
They did in the late 80's at the height of their supposed conflict.

Now would be a bit difficult but they do have some common goals in the region. Israelis are the smartest operators going around, you can't expect them to resolve the shia/sunni conflict by undermining the only large dominant Shia state Iran. It is in Israel's interest Iran survives and remains a thorn in the sides of Arab/Sunni states.

So according to people:

-Israel is with Saudis and US to destroy Iran, Hezbollah and Syria
-Israel is also with Iran so it can be a thorn to other states
-Iran is in turn willing to face crippling and catastrophic sanctions to keep up the false image it hates Israel(???)
-While every country involved from the Arabs to us are completely ignorant of it except you
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the level of stupidity among Muslims is beyond belief :facepalm:

Let's get real here, Israel has sold India a defense rader system that was installed in Rajasthan, they send engineers due to the contract that they have, theres nothing more to it, stop bringing conspiracy theories about jews into everything,

whats funny is how Palestine being a pro india state and supporting indians right to kashmir somehow escapes pakistanis but nothing that israel does.

I agree with this. We laughed at the Indian media with their half baked nonsense but we are stooping to their level. Thrashing India was a great feat but our media couldn't resist but add the 'Jews' to the mix to make everything glorious afterall beating not only the Indians but the 'Yahudis and their sazishs' what could be better.
So according to people:

-Israel is with Saudis and US to destroy Iran, Hezbollah and Syria
-Israel is also with Iran so it can be a thorn to other states
-Iran is in turn willing to face crippling and catastrophic sanctions to keep up the false image it hates Israel(???)
-While every country involved from the Arabs to us are completely ignorant of it except you

No state "hates" or loves another, it's only permanent interests that drives the relationship. If that means engaging with your putative enemies that so be it.

Israel is not an unconditional ally of or as you put it "with" another country. As with any pragmatic nation state, it has a set of immediate and wider regional agendas and to further that, it can engage with nations/bloc that are in the opposite camps. To believe that nations operate only in binary when it comes relations with other entities, rather than a complex set of paradoxical engagements, only betrays an infantile understanding of Geo-politics.

An example that can help you, Pakistan engaged and cooperated with US in the War of Terror, knowing full well that US was no friend and was actively undermining it's interest by propping up a rabidly anti-Pakistan gov't in Kabul.
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No state "hates" or loves another, it's only permanent interests that drives the relationship. If that means engaging with your putative enemies that so be it.

Israel is not an unconditional ally of or as you put it "with" another country. As with any pragmatic nation state, it has a set of immediate and wider regional agendas and to further that, it can engage with nations/bloc that are in the opposite camps. To believe that nations operate only in binary when it comes relations with other entities, rather than a complex set of paradoxical engagements, only betrays an infantile understanding of Geo-politics.

An example that can help you, Pakistan engaged and cooperated with US in the War of Terror, knowing full well that US was no friend and was actively undermining it's interest by propping up a rabidly anti-Pakistan gov't in Kabul.

You're too delving into the conspiracies I am afraid.

We will simply have to agree to disagree.
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the level of stupidity among Muslims is beyond belief :facepalm:

Let's get real here, Israel has sold India a defense rader system that was installed in Rajasthan, they send engineers due to the contract that they have, theres nothing more to it, stop bringing conspiracy theories about jews into everything,

whats funny is how Palestine being a pro india state and supporting indians right to kashmir somehow escapes pakistanis but nothing that israel does.

The Pakistani government has said Israel was working with India in planning an attack.

But you know more than the Pakistani army, government and it's intelligence services. Please send them your c.v.
I am sorry. Throw stones at me or have me arrested and executed for Blasphamy but Pakistan should have built relationships with Israel a long time ago. If the likes of Egypt, Jordan, Turkey can do it then why can't Pakistan too do what is in their best interests?
Obviously the Indians have access to Israeli tech. Maybe the Pakistanis have put this statement out to put them on notice so that their weapons don’t get used against us.
I agree with this. We laughed at the Indian media with their half baked nonsense but we are stooping to their level. Thrashing India was a great feat but our media couldn't resist but add the 'Jews' to the mix to make everything glorious afterall beating not only the Indians but the 'Yahudis and their sazishs' what could be better.

You are needlessly turning this into anti jew thing. Imran Khan met anchorpersons of different TV channels on 4th march and briefed them about the situation. As soon as the meeting ended, every news channel started reporting it so it is clear that IK told them. Sami Ibrahim, who was present at the meeting said that IK has mentioned Israel. SMQ also agreed with Hamid Mir when he was asked about this.

I am sorry. Throw stones at me or have me arrested and executed for Blasphamy but Pakistan should have built relationships with Israel a long time ago. If the likes of Egypt, Jordan, Turkey can do it then why can't Pakistan too do what is in their best interests?

Cause pakistan is the only threat to their zionist agendas.They are the only nuclear islamic country in the world ,the strongest muslim army among the world and an intelligence agency on par with the likes of CIA and MOSSAD.
According to Hamid Mir and Shah Mehmood qureshi in this clip, Israel tried to attack Pakistan alongside India today

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">India planned to attack Pakistan from an air base of Rajasthan with the help of Israel but Pakistan came to know about this plan and it was averted- Foreign Minister <a href="">@SMQureshiPTI</a> says “those who patronise Israel are aware of anti-Pakistan activities of Israel” <a href=""></a></p>— Hamid Mir (@HamidMirPAK) <a href="">March 4, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Lol and I mean a BIG LOL at the above... Indians already know Pakistan would retaliate if India attacked the second time.. Indians were getting ready for a major retaliation, only thing that prevented a second Indian response was the release of Abhinandan. Imran's whole statement echoed the release of the Indian pilot as a gesture of peace and wanting to end the escalation. So had India attacked after the release of Abhnandan it would have made them look bad in front of the world... I cannot believe ppl believe things like this and Pakistanis claiming Indians are bad Liars :))... Lord..... Israel may have been involved, I do not know...