Jai Shri Ram: The Hindu chant that became a murder cry


T20I Debutant
Oct 25, 2016
In many parts of India, Hindus often invoke the popular god Ram's name as a greeting. But in recent years, Hindu lynch mobs have turned Ram's name into a murder cry, writes the BBC's Geeta Pandey in Delhi.

Last month, a video that went viral on social media showed a terrified Muslim man tied to a pole being assaulted by a lynch mob made up of Hindu men in the eastern state of Jharkhand.

In the video, 24-year old Tabrez Ansari is seen pleading for his life, blood and tears streaming down his face.

His attackers force him to repeatedly chant "Jai Shri Ram", which translates from Hindi to "hail Lord Ram" or "victory to Lord Ram".

Mr Ansari does as told, and when the mob is finished with him, he is handed over to the police.

The police lock him up and his family is not allowed to see him. He dies four days later from injuries sustained during the attack.

Mr Ansari is not the only one to have been singled out in this manner. June was a particularly bloody month for Indian Muslims, who were targeted in several such attacks.

In Barpeta district in the north-eastern state of Assam, a group of young Muslim men were assaulted and then made to chant slogans like "Jai Shri Ram", "Bharat Mata ki Jai" (long live Mother India) and "Pakistan murdabad" (death to Pakistan).

In the commercial capital Mumbai, a 25-year-old Muslim taxi driver was abused, beaten up and told to chant "Jai Shri Ram" by a group of men. Faizal Usman Khan said he was attacked when his taxi broke down and he was trying to fix it. His attackers fled after a passenger called the police.

And in the eastern city of Kolkata, Hafeez Mohd Sahrukh Haldar, a 26-year-old Muslim teacher at a madrassa (religious seminary), was heckled while travelling on a train by a group of men chanting "Jai Shri Ram".

He told reporters that they made fun of his clothes and beard, and then insisted that he also chant the slogans. When he refused, they pushed him out of the moving train. Mr Haldar was injured, but lived to tell the tale.

The slogan-shouting and heckling is no longer restricted to the mob and the streets. Worryingly, it has also entered parliament.

When the newly-elected lower house convened for the first time on 17 June, Muslim and opposition MPs were heckled by members of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) when they stood up to take the oath.

The attacks on the minorities have been condemned by opposition politicians. Rahul Gandhi, before he resigned as leader of the main opposition Congress party, described the mob lynching of Tabrez Ansari as a "blot on humanity".

Many critics, including cartoonist Satish Acharya, have also expressed alarm over the rising number of such incidents.


In villages across north India, devout Hindus have traditionally used "Ram Ram", "Jai Siya Ram" (goddess Siya or Sita is Ram's consort) or "Jai Ram Ji Ki" as a greeting.

And many feel a sense of unease that these attacks and killings are being carried out in the name of a god revered by millions for his sense of justice and benevolence.

But "Jai Shri Ram" has now been turned into a cry of attack, meant to intimidate and threaten those who worship differently.

The invocation was first used as a political chant in the late 1980s by the BJP to mobilise the Hindu masses during the movement to construct a Ram temple at a disputed siteat Ayodhya.

The party's then president LK Advani launched a march supporting the construction of the temple and in December 1992 mobs chanting "Jai Shri Ram" marched upon the northern town and tore down the 16th Century Babri mosque.

The BJP believes the mosque was built after the destruction of a temple to Ram that once stood there.

The campaign galvanised Hindu voters in favour of the BJP and helped turn Ram from personal to political. Since then, the party has consistently invoked the deity during elections and the 2019 polls were no exception.

Critics say those who heckle minorities, inside parliament and outside it, see the BJP's sweeping victory in the April/May elections as sanctioning their behaviour. The party won more than 300 seats in the 543-member lower house, propelling Mr Modi to a second term.

Mr Modi's first term in power was marked by violence against minorities. There were numerous incidents of Muslims being attacked by so-called "cow vigilantes" over rumours that they had eaten beef, or that they were trying to smuggle cows - an animal many Hindus consider holy - for slaughter.

The prime minister did not condone such attacks, but has been criticised for not condemning them quickly or strongly enough either.

But right after the BJP's stunning victory in May, Mr Modi expanded his earlier slogan of "sabka saath, sabka vikas" (development for all) to include "sabka vishwas" (to win the trust of everyone), giving rise to hopes that this term would be different.

A few days after Tabrez Ansari's death, he told parliament that he was "pained" by the incident and that "the guilty must be severely punished".

But many Indians doubt that any serious action will be taken against those who carry out such attacks.

Several dozen people have been killed and hundreds injured since 2014 in mob attacks, but there have been convictions in only a handful of cases.

In others, the accused remain free, often due to a lack of evidence, and some have been seen being feted by Mr Modi's party's colleagues.

BJP leaders often downplay such incidents, calling them "minor" and accusing the press of "maligning the image of the government".

One BJP MP recently told a news website that the popularity of the slogan "Jai Shri Ram" was a sort of protest by Hindus "against a certain bias and tilt of the polity towards minorities".

"They are also asserting that we are Hindus and we count as Hindus," he said.

But critics say that there are other - better - ways of doing that.

Even babies are not spared as the recent video doing the rounds proves (there was a separate thread about it but assume it's been deleted given the child abuse content).
Sounds a lot like how ‘Allah u Akbar’ has been tarnished over the last few decades.
Hindu's are the only people who force non believers to praise their Gods and Goddesses. Muslim's do not force "Allah u Akbar" on anyone.
Shame on you India now the world will see that you are the real terrorist

Unfortunately world will turn a blind eye to this, and only demonise muslims as the real terrorists due to Islamic terrorism... Sad world we live in, that video of forcing the baby to say jai Shree RAM was filthy. I feel sick..
Wonder what the BJP fans here have to say to the baby video.

Wanna see these lowlifes try this in the South...
I have never hoped more for news to be fake than that child video. What worries me is what have they done to the child's parents :(

What the hell is happening thing are out of hand. Googled for video above and on top of this child's two more incidents in Assam and marhashtra popped up ...is this planned by ruling govt?? Shameful. But the perpetrators are on the wrong side of history.
Anymore details available about that child video? I just can't understand how someone can do it to a child?

It's showing up on my Twitter timeline again and again and i am trying my best not to watch it again :(
Indian Muslims only have themselves to blame. 200 million yet feel like a few thousand. They will wake up, they will have no choice.

These extremists are abusing their own God by using his name in such a fashion.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="hi" dir="ltr">भारत एक मात्र देश है जहां आतंकवादी अपना म्यूजिक वीडियो बनाते हैं और यूट्यूब पर चलाता हैं। इस मामले में तालिबान और ISIS इस तकनीक तक नहीं पहुंच पाया है। डिजिटल इंडिया के साथ डिजिटल आतंकवाद...<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DigitalTerrorist?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DigitalTerrorist</a> <a href="https://t.co/5uHDCnKR5M">pic.twitter.com/5uHDCnKR5M</a></p>— Prashant Kanojia (PK) (@PJkanojia) <a href="https://twitter.com/PJkanojia/status/1153686486463549440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

An Indian song by a Sanghi with lyrics stating that those who refuse to praise the Hindu Lord Ram should be sent to the cemetery.
An Indian song by a Sanghi with lyrics stating that those who refuse to praise the Hindu Lord Ram should be sent to the cemetery.

No 1 in the Bombay charts yet?

What is wrong with these people? [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION] surely you condemn this?
They’ve had to wait over 500 years to rule so you can see the insecurities manifested in some of their ridiculous policies and vigilante action
Not met anyone who says Hindus were persecuted in Muslim India as much as Jews were in Europe if anyone wants to argue they are reversing Injust policies from intolerant eras
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Class XI Muslim student in hospital after scuffle over being ordered to say Jai Shri Ram. Tension flare. Rapid action force deployed. Warrants no more than a brief in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NewIndia?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NewIndia</a> <a href="https://t.co/cMl4N9Gzd6">pic.twitter.com/cMl4N9Gzd6</a></p>— Samar Halarnkar (@samar11) <a href="https://twitter.com/samar11/status/1153524785340485638?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
This will not end well for these extremist bjp RSS goons...judging by the music video posted above of those dancing scrawny guys..if that's the best they've got they're doomed. Their insecurities of watching on social media how much better the world is than them and their growing unemployment and lack of education has no doubt frustrated them.

all they can get away with is picking on children and elderly. Eventually when the fight back comes these will be the first to run in the most cowardly fashion.

Here's hoping sanity prevails so that these guys don't end up conquered yet AGAIN.
So this is the true face of so-called democracy in India? I have family members that left India for Pakistan during partition and they are ever so grateful that they did! And the main reason they are so relieved that they’re no longer living in an extremist and horrifically radicalized anti-Muslim India. Their ancestral home in India was in a rabidly Hindu extremist city, Nagpur which has been taken over by terrorist group under Modi’s BJP umbrella.

What’s even more shocking and disappointing is that the world turns a blind eye to all the atrocities being committed under Modi’s bloodthirsty regime which is being run by extremely uneducated and backward thinking terrorists.
My post may not be popular but I feel like this is India's problem, not Pakistan's.

Yes as humans we should feel sad about human rights abuses, but pakistanis should take care of our own first.

Kashmir is a different issue, because it is a disputed territory so Pakistan should bring that up as often as we can.

However indian muslims are loyal to India, let them sort this stuff out. If anything Pakistan's support will work against them, as Hindus will more likely call them pakistani agents.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="hi" dir="ltr">भारत एक मात्र देश है जहां आतंकवादी अपना म्यूजिक वीडियो बनाते हैं और यूट्यूब पर चलाता हैं। इस मामले में तालिबान और ISIS इस तकनीक तक नहीं पहुंच पाया है। डिजिटल इंडिया के साथ डिजिटल आतंकवाद...<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DigitalTerrorist?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DigitalTerrorist</a> <a href="https://t.co/5uHDCnKR5M">pic.twitter.com/5uHDCnKR5M</a></p>— Prashant Kanojia (PK) (@PJkanojia) <a href="https://twitter.com/PJkanojia/status/1153686486463549440?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

An Indian song by a Sanghi with lyrics stating that those who refuse to praise the Hindu Lord Ram should be sent to the cemetery.

Is it any different from protesters who call for punishment if their religion or prophet is insulted?

Is this any worse than actual blashphemy laws that punish people with death?
How have RSS BJP devolved to this. This is democratically elected extremism...other cases in the world this level of savagery is usually just a powerful violent coup. How is this happening to indians And that too after years of economic boom and relative stability compared to the region.

other Countries that are exhibiting this level of savagery and religious extremism. many of them muslim and african have had foreign colonial domination, interference, instability, violence for decades , corruption to get to this savagery. They have had power stolen from the people and democratically . So much trauma is the result of their condition...

but what trauma has India faced to that level to get to their level of savagery???

yet we see these goons have managed to democratically reach power without any of that. Insecurity and performed self weakness by the people is astonishing
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Is it any different from protesters who call for punishment if their religion or prophet is insulted?

Is this any worse than actual blashphemy laws that punish people with death?

Yes it is worse because Lord Ram hasn't been insulted here. But these types are forcing those who don't care about him (including many Hindus in the South, Bengal and North East) to praise him.
Is it any different from protesters who call for punishment if their religion or prophet is insulted?

Is this any worse than actual blashphemy laws that punish people with death?

You don’t see the difference between people reacting when their religion is insulted and forcing people to praise your religious figures?

I mean there is a clear difference, most religious people would react or get offended if their religion is insulted but it’s way worse to go around forcing people to praise your religion even if they don’t believe in it. I am not sure how someone can’t see the difference between the two. Not praising does not equal to insulting.
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Yes it is worse because Lord Ram hasn't been insulted here. But these types are forcing those who don't care about him (including many Hindus in the South, Bengal and North East) to praise him.

Bengal? What do you know about bengal? Ram navami is a big celebration here. Vaishnavism and Shaktism are the two branches of hinduism thats big in Bengal.
You don’t see the difference between people reacting when their religion is insulted and forcing people to praise your religious figures?

I mean there is a clear difference, most religious people would react or get offended if their religion is insulted but it’s way worse to go around forcing people to praise your religion even if they don’t believe in it. I am not sure how someone can’t see the difference between the two. Not praising does not equal to insulting.

All i see is people forcing their religious beliefs on others who dont believe it.
What are blashphemy laws and apopstate laws all about?

You can disagree with those laws but none of the laws say that anyone has to praise Muslim religious figures. Those laws are against people who insult or try to spread religious hatred. The laws are often misused but none of those laws state that a person will be punished if they don’t chant Muslim slogans or praise religious figures. You don’t see the difference between insulting and not praising?
My post may not be popular but I feel like this is India's problem, not Pakistan's.

However indian muslims are loyal to India, let them sort this stuff out. If anything Pakistan's support will work against them, as Hindus will more likely call them pakistani agents.

Most Pakistanis will disagree with your POV, even those in the Pakistani DIaspora and especially those who still have relatives in India who are being besieged by barbaric anti-Muslim violence. Today more than ever hundreds of thousands of Indian Muslims are seeking refuge in Pakistan and will never return to India. This is precisely why this diabolical anti-Muslim peccancy under Modi has a direct link with Pakistanis and Pakistan. FYI, even our brilliant Pakistani actors (and PK sports men and women) who are pursued by Bollywood are fearful to step foot in India due to this Hindu extremist anti-Muslim and inhumane mindset.
Most Pakistanis will disagree with your POV, even those in the Pakistani DIaspora and especially those who still have relatives in India who are being besieged by barbaric anti-Muslim violence. Today more than ever hundreds of thousands of Indian Muslims are seeking refuge in Pakistan and will never return to India. This is precisely why this diabolical anti-Muslim peccancy under Modi has a direct link with Pakistanis and Pakistan. FYI, even our brilliant Pakistani actors (and PK sports men and women) who are pursued by Bollywood are fearful to step foot in India due to this Hindu extremist anti-Muslim and inhumane mindset.

Can you provide a valid reference to your claim that 100s of 1000s of Indian muslims are seeking refuge in Pakistan?

Because i can provide reference how 1000s of muslims from neighbouring countries are illegally entering India and are being deported.

Your "brilliant" actors and sportsmen are no longer being given visas to pursue work in India. Its not that they are fearful, they are simply not welcome any more.
To your first point, from a Yale University study about Indian Muslims leaving India for Pakistan: “ Between 1980 and 2015, Pakistan absorbed a diverse set of communities from Hindu-majority provinces in India which numbered at around 1.2 million, 1.1 million being from Uttar Pradesh, South India, Indian occupied Kashmir, Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujarat who immigrated to Pakistan.

Re your second point: Perhaps you’re referring to the Rohingyas who are being persecuted by the Indian military and is a shameful dark cloud on Modi’s government - https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/india-rohingya-shame-190125104433377.html.

Re your third point: which is far from reality regarding Bollywood’s pursuit of our yes very brilliant Pakistani artists which after getting numerous death threats, none of our artists or sports figures want to step foot in India. India took the visas away because Modi’s insecure and ignorant extremist government can’t accept the fact that Bollywood desperately needs outstanding Pakistani talent which is flourishing in Pakistan (and in Hollywood is well ) while also winning the hearts and minds of Indians through Pakistani dramas and movies which are watched all over world not only by Indians - also by billions of South Asians .
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Is it any different from protesters who call for punishment if their religion or prophet is insulted?

Is this any worse than actual blashphemy laws that punish people with death?

Do you condemn this music video or is it on full volume in your living room?
Is it any different from protesters who call for punishment if their religion or prophet is insulted?

Is this any worse than actual blashphemy laws that punish people with death?

The poster that you are replying to probably has other motives and is the biggest hypocrite ever but India is a country ,religion shouldn’t be an issue and anyone should be allowed to live freely with their religious views.
To your first point, from a Yale University study about Indian Muslims leaving India for Pakistan: “ Between 1980 and 2015, Pakistan absorbed a diverse set of communities from Hindu-majority provinces in India which numbered at around 1.2 million, 1.1 million being from Uttar Pradesh, South India, Indian occupied Kashmir, Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujarat who immigrated to Pakistan.

Re your second point: Perhaps you’re referring to the Rohingyas who are being persecuted by the Indian military and is a shameful dark cloud on Modi’s government - https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/india-rohingya-shame-190125104433377.html.

Re your third point: which is far from reality regarding Bollywood’s pursuit of our yes very brilliant Pakistani artists which after getting numerous death threats, none of our artists or sports figures want to step foot in India. India took the visas away because Modi’s insecure and ignorant extremist government can’t accept the fact that Bollywood desperately needs outstanding Pakistani talent which is flourishing in Pakistan (and in Hollywood is well ) while also winning the hearts and minds of Indians through Pakistani dramas and movies which are watched all over world not only by Indians - also by billions of South Asians .

Where is the link to your first paragraph. Also which Pakistani talent is flourishing in hollywood, please tel us , that grew up and learnt acting or art in Pakistan?

There are no billions in South Asia Pakistani dramas became popular for a brief period similar to how Indian dramas had a brief following in Pakistan, with internet India has its own dramas again, please provide facts to your number that you seem to be talking about.
The poster that you are replying to probably has other motives and is the biggest hypocrite ever but India is a country ,religion shouldn’t be an issue and anyone should be allowed to live freely with their religious views.

Don't know where people get this idea that india should be this and that. it has always been a tinder box. at best there is uncomfortable peace between religions, and the conflicts were localized but now they get more coverage. so those living in cities inside gated communities think india is suddenly becoming intolerant. but it has always been intolerant and a hell hole.
To your first point, from a Yale University study about Indian Muslims leaving India for Pakistan: “ Between 1980 and 2015, Pakistan absorbed a diverse set of communities from Hindu-majority provinces in India which numbered at around 1.2 million, 1.1 million being from Uttar Pradesh, South India, Indian occupied Kashmir, Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujarat who immigrated to Pakistan.

Re your second point: Perhaps you’re referring to the Rohingyas who are being persecuted by the Indian military and is a shameful dark cloud on Modi’s government - https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/india-rohingya-shame-190125104433377.html.

Re your third point: which is far from reality regarding Bollywood’s pursuit of our yes very brilliant Pakistani artists which after getting numerous death threats, none of our artists or sports figures want to step foot in India. India took the visas away because Modi’s insecure and ignorant extremist government can’t accept the fact that Bollywood desperately needs outstanding Pakistani talent which is flourishing in Pakistan (and in Hollywood is well ) while also winning the hearts and minds of Indians through Pakistani dramas and movies which are watched all over world not only by Indians - also by billions of South Asians .

Regarding your first point,

It seems verbatim copied from Chris Jafferlots book Pakistan paradox and it talks about the entire Muhajir Urdu speaking population that migrated to Pakistan..

Because a book published by Islamabad university in 1998 says this

"Indian Muslim migration to Pakistan had declined drastically by the 1970s, a trend noticed by the Pakistani authorities. On June 1995, Pakistan's interior minister, Naseerullah Babar, informed the National Assembly that between the period of 1973-1994, as many as 800,000 visitors came from India on valid travel documents. Of these only 3,393 stayed back. In a related trend, intermarriages between Indian and Pakistani Muslims have declined sharply. According to a November 1995 statement of Riaz Khokhar, the Pakistani High Commissioner in New Delhi, the number of cross-border marriages has declined from 40,000 a year in the 1950s and 1960s to barely 300 annually"


So unless you can provide a reference that "Today, more than ever muslims are migrating from India to Pakistan" you point is false.

2.Secondly Rohingyas are not Indians and they have no right to be in India. They are being deported and more will be deported. They started their ARSA in Myanmar and had their issues in Myanmar. They have no place in India. Modi's govt did nothing wrong, they are following the law, deporting illegal foreigners out of India.

3. Indian govt withdrew the visa because Pakistani artists are not welcome here. India doesnot need Pakistani artists to flourish, neither does bollywood. Any country is within its rights to deny work visas to any foreigner. Why should Indian money be allowed to go to people who at the end of the day will be againist India. Pakistani dramas are not shown in India. It was only shown in India for a very short time. Oh btw pakistani film industry is miniscule in comparision to Bollywood. Next time look up the highest grossing bollywood films and tell me which of them has a pakistani in a leading role.
The poster that you are replying to probably has other motives and is the biggest hypocrite ever but India is a country ,religion shouldn’t be an issue and anyone should be allowed to live freely with their religious views.

Religion shouldnot be a issue yes. But that should be uniformly applied.
Asks the man who calls terrorists resistance and freedom fighters.

Kashmirs are. Nice divert tactics as usual.

As a supporter of the RSS and BJP extermsts, enjoy the song but take it easy on the dance moves, you might tear a muscle. :sachin
Bengal? What do you know about bengal? Ram navami is a big celebration here. Vaishnavism and Shaktism are the two branches of hinduism thats big in Bengal.

Oh I know a lot about Bengal from the grand sample size of 3 Bengalis I've known fairly well :)

Yeah Ram Navami. There are some impressionable :shezzy2 here too who have started celebrating it. Just the other day was laughing about this with my Bengali neighbor. Incidentally, she almost got took down by some rabid South Indian ladies at her yoga class when she asked them why they were into Rama all of a sudden.
To your first point, from a Yale University study about Indian Muslims leaving India for Pakistan: “ Between 1980 and 2015, Pakistan absorbed a diverse set of communities from Hindu-majority provinces in India which numbered at around 1.2 million, 1.1 million being from Uttar Pradesh, South India, Indian occupied Kashmir, Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan and Gujarat who immigrated to Pakistan.

Re your second point: Perhaps you’re referring to the Rohingyas who are being persecuted by the Indian military and is a shameful dark cloud on Modi’s government - https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/india-rohingya-shame-190125104433377.html.

Re your third point: which is far from reality regarding Bollywood’s pursuit of our yes very brilliant Pakistani artists which after getting numerous death threats, none of our artists or sports figures want to step foot in India. India took the visas away because Modi’s insecure and ignorant extremist government can’t accept the fact that Bollywood desperately needs outstanding Pakistani talent which is flourishing in Pakistan (and in Hollywood is well ) while also winning the hearts and minds of Indians through Pakistani dramas and movies which are watched all over world not only by Indians - also by billions of South Asians .

Would love a copy of that Yale study. I can't seem to find it online.

Rohingyas persecuted in India - how exactly? Illegal immigrants who want to be in India for economic reasons were not welcomed in India - that's persecution? Did anyone hold the entire middle-east/OIC accountable for the state of the Palestinians refugees/Syrians who fled recently? How many refugees did the Saudis, Oman, Kuwait, Iran etc. take?

Brilliant artists? Apart from Atif Aslam and Rahet Ali Khan I can't recall anyone else pursued actively by any movie industry.
Don't know where people get this idea that india should be this and that. it has always been a tinder box. at best there is uncomfortable peace between religions, and the conflicts were localized but now they get more coverage. so those living in cities inside gated communities think india is suddenly becoming intolerant. but it has always been intolerant and a hell hole.

Not saying they are getting intolerant but they are getting away with it thats the issue.
Irrespective I do believe he is free to say whatever trash he wants in his songs, the question is when he takes an action on it then he has to be behind bars.
Where is the link to your first paragraph. Also which Pakistani talent is flourishing in hollywood, please tel us , that grew up and learnt acting or art in Pakistan?

There are no billions in South Asia Pakistani dramas became popular for a brief period similar to how Indian dramas had a brief following in Pakistan, with internet India has its own dramas again, please provide facts to your number that you seem to be talking about.

I am very interested in those links too.
I have no issues with uniform law, take of separate laws for religions and make beef available , right now gov is pleasing everyone.

Country was more or less neutral till Indira Gandhi. Since then it went into appeasement mode which peaked under MMS..

Thing is politicians will support cow slaughter and on the other hand oppose banning of triple talaq. They will oppose Pragya but support Owaisi. They will support Owaisi's or other muslim politicians providing legal aid to terror accused but will be up in arms if Jayant Sinha does the same with a cow lynching accused.

They will highlight cases where muslims are victims, but will not open their mouths if perpetrators are muslims.

This is the root of all evil. The appeasement policy that was started by Rajiv Gandhi.

f you follow indian media you will also see that a number of cases are false.
Not saying they are getting intolerant but they are getting away with it thats the issue.
Irrespective I do believe he is free to say whatever trash he wants in his songs, the question is when he takes an action on it then he has to be behind bars.

Do you think they were not getting away with it earlier? Where did you get this idea of a tolerant india in the past, from those chennai schools? the state has always bowed down before those who are violent and have numbers. the inventor of internet, shaheed rajiv gandhi, bowed down before fundamentalists and killed secularism (shah bano), and then further killed whatever secularism remained by unlocking the gates of ram lala/babri masjid. They failed to bring to justice the killers of 1984, 1989(bhagalpur), 1990(hyderabad), 1992(mumbai), 2002(gujrat) among the major ones. So which india were you living in where the intolerant were not able to get away in the past? that india which existed in your mungerilal ke haseen sapnay?
Do you think they were not getting away with it earlier? Where did you get this idea of a tolerant india in the past, from those chennai schools? the state has always bowed down before those who are violent and have numbers. the inventor of internet, shaheed rajiv gandhi, bowed down before fundamentalists and killed secularism (shah bano), and then further killed whatever secularism remained by unlocking the gates of ram lala/babri masjid. They failed to bring to justice the killers of 1984, 1989(bhagalpur), 1990(hyderabad), 1992(mumbai), 2002(gujrat) among the major ones. So which india were you living in where the intolerant were not able to get away in the past? that india which existed in your mungerilal ke haseen sapnay?

Not denying any of that.. but in this day and age there is obviously more proof for everything so every new govn would be put under much more pressure to enforce the law.
Some tragic apologist arguments here and great evading by some Indian posters.

Article and comments at first were discussing the interesting descent of these people who we've been advertised as vanguard of new economic giants.

Yet as we see the party they voted into majority power supports and does nothing against acts which fit early 90s Balkans

Instead you guys sidetrack to discuss about appeasement. And try to bring vague hints that this is a reaction...reaction to what?! Growing economy? The fact that Muslims in India are falling far behind in education and in the economy?

Yet they pick on marginalized people.
Jai Shri Ram now war cry: 49 celebs write to PM Modi on lynching, religious hate crime

Eminent film directors and actors such as Adoor Gopalkrishnan, Mani Ratnam, Anurag Kashyap and Aparna Sen, Konkona Sen Sharma, Soumita Chatterjee have written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing concerns over the growing the cases of lynching.

A total of 49 celebrities have signed the letter expressing regret that 'Jai Shree Ram' has become a war cry today.

The letter also states, "Ram is sacred for the majority community, stop defiling the name of Ram."

Talking about the number of lynching cases witnessed in the country, the celebrities have said, "The lynching of Muslims, Dalits and other minorities must be stopped immediately. We were shocked to learn from the NCRB that there have been no less than 840 instances of atrocities against Dalits in the year 2016, and a definite decline in the percentage of convictions."


The letter also includes Binayak Sen, Soumitro Chatterjee, Revathy, Shyam Benegal, Shubha Mudgal, Rupam Islam, Anupam Roy, Parambrata, Riddhi Sen to name a few.

The letter dated July 23, writes, "You have criticised such lynchings in Parliament Mr. Prime Minister, but that is not enough! What action has actually been taken against the perpetrators?"

"Regrettably "Jai Shri Ram" has become a provocative "war cry" today that leads to law and order problems, and many lynchings take place in its name," it added.

Historian Ramchandra Guha, doctor and social activist Binayak Sen, scholar and sociologist Ashis Nandy are among those who have signed the letter.

The letter further adds, "There is no democracy without dissent. People should not be branded anti-national or urban Naxal and incarcerated because of dissent against the government."

Jai Shri Ram now war cry: 49 celebs write to PM Modi on lynching, religious hate crime

Eminent film directors and actors such as Adoor Gopalkrishnan, Mani Ratnam, Anurag Kashyap and Aparna Sen, Konkona Sen Sharma, Soumita Chatterjee have written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing concerns over the growing the cases of lynching.

A total of 49 celebrities have signed the letter expressing regret that 'Jai Shree Ram' has become a war cry today.

The letter also states, "Ram is sacred for the majority community, stop defiling the name of Ram."

Talking about the number of lynching cases witnessed in the country, the celebrities have said, "The lynching of Muslims, Dalits and other minorities must be stopped immediately. We were shocked to learn from the NCRB that there have been no less than 840 instances of atrocities against Dalits in the year 2016, and a definite decline in the percentage of convictions."


The letter also includes Binayak Sen, Soumitro Chatterjee, Revathy, Shyam Benegal, Shubha Mudgal, Rupam Islam, Anupam Roy, Parambrata, Riddhi Sen to name a few.

The letter dated July 23, writes, "You have criticised such lynchings in Parliament Mr. Prime Minister, but that is not enough! What action has actually been taken against the perpetrators?"

"Regrettably "Jai Shri Ram" has become a provocative "war cry" today that leads to law and order problems, and many lynchings take place in its name," it added.

Historian Ramchandra Guha, doctor and social activist Binayak Sen, scholar and sociologist Ashis Nandy are among those who have signed the letter.

The letter further adds, "There is no democracy without dissent. People should not be branded anti-national or urban Naxal and incarcerated because of dissent against the government."


Arnab did a program against these celebrities yesterday
Arnab did a program against these celebrities yesterday

Yes saw Aparna Sen trending alongside Imran Khan and wondered what the connection was. Of course it was dog breath Arnab barking as usual
Arnab did a program against these celebrities yesterday

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ArnabExposesLobby?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ArnabExposesLobby</a> | Lobby refuses to answer on LIVE TV as Arnab Goswami confronts them with over 10 questions<br><br>Watch LIVE here - <a href="https://t.co/LGCyJUEBn5">https://t.co/LGCyJUEBn5</a> <a href="https://t.co/KFSUDgmpCg">pic.twitter.com/KFSUDgmpCg</a></p>— Republic (@republic) <a href="https://twitter.com/republic/status/1153981966930153472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This? :))
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ArnabExposesLobby?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ArnabExposesLobby</a> | Lobby refuses to answer on LIVE TV as Arnab Goswami confronts them with over 10 questions<br><br>Watch LIVE here - <a href="https://t.co/LGCyJUEBn5">https://t.co/LGCyJUEBn5</a> <a href="https://t.co/KFSUDgmpCg">pic.twitter.com/KFSUDgmpCg</a></p>— Republic (@republic) <a href="https://twitter.com/republic/status/1153981966930153472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This? :))

Haha yea looks like apne aap per cheekh raha he yeh pagal banda
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ArnabExposesLobby?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ArnabExposesLobby</a> | Lobby refuses to answer on LIVE TV as Arnab Goswami confronts them with over 10 questions<br><br>Watch LIVE here - <a href="https://t.co/LGCyJUEBn5">https://t.co/LGCyJUEBn5</a> <a href="https://t.co/KFSUDgmpCg">pic.twitter.com/KFSUDgmpCg</a></p>— Republic (@republic) <a href="https://twitter.com/republic/status/1153981966930153472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This? :))

Is he okay? how much was he paid to make him look like he was dropped on his head before given the phone to scream?
But but only Indians are obessed with Pakistanis

Every Pakistani should be concern when you elect a radicalized extremists nationalist Hindu PM who would risk Indian soldiers lives, ordinary Indian citizens lives and Pakistani lives to win an election by trying to kill trees in Pakistan.

That guy is a lunatic.
Every Pakistani should be concern when you elect a radicalized extremists nationalist Hindu PM who would risk Indian soldiers lives, ordinary Indian citizens lives and Pakistani lives to win an election by trying to kill trees in Pakistan.

That guy is a lunatic.

Similarly every indian is concerned about Pakistan sponsored terrorist groups, you have no idea how many Pakistani terrorists were killed in Kashmir lol your so called unbiased media have not guts to report these news
Similarly every indian is concerned about Pakistan sponsored terrorist groups, you have no idea how many Pakistani terrorists were killed in Kashmir lol your so called unbiased media have not guts to report these news

I have many Indian friends and family who don’t have this view.
Only the extremist Indians who have this view
I have many Indian friends and family who don’t have this view.
Only the extremist Indians who have this view
I know them they will even say those UN banned Pakistani terrorist groups and Terrorists are fake indian media propoganda
Similarly every indian is concerned about Pakistan sponsored terrorist groups, you have no idea how many Pakistani terrorists were killed in Kashmir lol your so called unbiased media have not guts to report these news

Provide an evidence.

Kashmir is a disputed territory.

People of Kashmir raise Pakistani flags during Pak vs India matches and any time India get defeated.

So, unless you are from Indian occupied Kashmir, live in Indian occupied Kashmir, or in Indian army who work as an occupying army member in Kashmir, you have no say in Kashmir.

As the PM of Pakistan has said, only Kashmiri gets to decide their future, no Hindutva nor Pakistani.
Lol. Every Indian will have a say in J and K. And they will have that till the Indian tricolor flies in Srinagar.

No Pakistani PM saying anything will change that.
Yes saw Aparna Sen trending alongside Imran Khan and wondered what the connection was. Of course it was dog breath Arnab barking as usual

I wonder if he is paid to shout and to make sure guests can't talk?
Lol. Every Indian will have a say in J and K. And they will have that till the Indian tricolor flies in Srinagar.

No Pakistani PM saying anything will change that.

What will change first?
The tricolour in Kashmir or the Tricolour of India?
What will change first?
The tricolour in Kashmir or the Tricolour of India?

Pakistani flag has flown many times in Indian occupied Kashmir by the people of Kashmir.

Indian flag is flown in Indian occupying kashmir forcefully by an occupying Indian Army.
Jai Shri Ram now war cry: 49 celebs write to PM Modi on lynching, religious hate crime

Eminent film directors and actors such as Adoor Gopalkrishnan, Mani Ratnam, Anurag Kashyap and Aparna Sen, Konkona Sen Sharma, Soumita Chatterjee have written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing concerns over the growing the cases of lynching.

A total of 49 celebrities have signed the letter expressing regret that 'Jai Shree Ram' has become a war cry today.

The letter also states, "Ram is sacred for the majority community, stop defiling the name of Ram."

Talking about the number of lynching cases witnessed in the country, the celebrities have said, "The lynching of Muslims, Dalits and other minorities must be stopped immediately. We were shocked to learn from the NCRB that there have been no less than 840 instances of atrocities against Dalits in the year 2016, and a definite decline in the percentage of convictions."


The letter also includes Binayak Sen, Soumitro Chatterjee, Revathy, Shyam Benegal, Shubha Mudgal, Rupam Islam, Anupam Roy, Parambrata, Riddhi Sen to name a few.

The letter dated July 23, writes, "You have criticised such lynchings in Parliament Mr. Prime Minister, but that is not enough! What action has actually been taken against the perpetrators?"

"Regrettably "Jai Shri Ram" has become a provocative "war cry" today that leads to law and order problems, and many lynchings take place in its name," it added.

Historian Ramchandra Guha, doctor and social activist Binayak Sen, scholar and sociologist Ashis Nandy are among those who have signed the letter.

The letter further adds, "There is no democracy without dissent. People should not be branded anti-national or urban Naxal and incarcerated because of dissent against the government."


India is known all over the world as best country for all religion people, where anyone can practice any religion peacefully.
91 killed people, out of 125 crore populated country ,in last 10 years is way too much for an ideal country like india.
India is known all over the world as best country for all religion people, where anyone can practice any religion peacefully.

India is known all over the world as best country for all religion people, where anyone can practice any religion peacefully.

That's not true, most people have no idea that Indian Muslim population is comparable to Pakistan and Indonesia, making it one of the highest in the world. Indians have to scream it on top of their voice. Same for 2.5% Sikh's and Christians each.

India is seen as Hindu country with Naga Sadhu's, Yogis, cows coming to mind.

Few countries where Sikhs have immigrated to have left a better impression.

India is known for 1984 Genocide of Sikhs and Godhra Riots.
Lol. Every Indian will have a say in J and K. And they will have that till the Indian tricolor flies in Srinagar.

No Pakistani PM saying anything will change that.
Where have u seen tri color flying in srinagar. If you are talking about flying a tricolour inside army camps or at places where army have to place curfews then that is another thing. Stop telling lies no one here gives a **** about your tricolour and you can only unfurl it where you have army protection not at public places lol
Where have u seen tri color flying in srinagar. If you are talking about flying a tricolour inside army camps or at places where army have to place curfews then that is another thing. Stop telling lies no one here gives a **** about your tricolour and you can only unfurl it where you have army protection not at public places lol

No one gives a **** about what you think. J and K is Indian territory and so is Srinagar. There isnt a thing you or the terrorists or the country that supports it can do about it.

All govt buildings of importance fly the tricolor.
No one gives a **** about what you think. J and K is Indian territory and so is Srinagar. There isnt a thing you or the terrorists or the country that supports it can do about it.

All govt buildings of importance fly the tricolor.
Have some shame you need 12 lakh army to do that.

"Say Jai Shri Ram": Jharkhand Minister Heckles Muslim Legislator On Video

RANCHI: A minister in Jharkhand was seen on Thursday heckling a Muslim lawmaker from the Congress, asking him to shout "Jai Shri Ram" just outside the state assembly, in an incident that was caught on video, provoking condemnation.
"Irfan bhai, I urge you to say 'Jai Shri Ram' loudly," CP Singh is seen saying in the video, physically holding Irfan Ansari, a Congress legislator. He then goes on to tell him that "his ancestors were Ram-wale and not Babur-wale."

"You are using Ram's name to intimidate... you people are denigrating Ram's name. The need of the hour is jobs, electricity, water, drainage," Mr Ansari says.

"I am not saying it to scare you. Don't forget that your ancestors chanted 'Jai Shri Ram'... Taimur, Babur, Ghazni were not your ancestors. Your ancestors were Shri Ram followers," Mr Singh says.

CP Singh is the minister for Urban Development, Housing and Transport in the Jharkhand's BJP government. Irfan Ansari is the legislator from Jamtara. State BJP leaders have said the incident was being misinterpreted and was in jest.

The incident is the latest in a series where Muslims have been seen being bullied with the "Jai Shri Ram" slogan.

Last month, a Muslim man died in Jharkhand after being beaten for hours by a mob that was filmed forcing him to chant the religious slogan. The 24-year-old had been accused of trying to steal a motorcycle.

On Tuesday, 49 prominent public figures wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, drawing attention to "a number of tragic events" including mob killings and the alleged weaponisation of the slogan "Jai Shri Ram" into a "war cry".

"Regrettably 'Jai Shri Ram' has become a provocative 'war-cry' today that leads to law and order problems, and many lynchings take place in its name. It is shocking that so much violence should be perpetrated in the name of religion! These are not the Middle Ages! The name of Ram is sacred to many in the majority community of India. As the highest Executive of this country, you must put a stop to the name of Ram being defiled in this manner," the letter said.

PM Modi had condemned in parliament mob attack Jharkhand last month, and said incidents of violence should be treated in the same manner and perpetrators of violence get a lesson that the entire country is one on this issue.
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Such shameless creatures these sanghis are. So he is heckling a muslim legislator, no less....See his shamelessness here,

"I am not saying it to scare you. Don't forget that your ancestors chanted 'Jai Shri Ram'... Taimur, Babur, Ghazni were not your ancestors. Your ancestors were Shri Ram followers," Mr Singh says.

How does chanting Jai Sri Ram solve India's problems which are plenty? Also, what does our ancestors have anything to do with chanting someone Jai Sri Ram? How could people (40%+ of Indians) be fans of such nutcases is beyond me!
Such shameless creatures these sanghis are. So he is heckling a muslim legislator, no less....See his shamelessness here,

"I am not saying it to scare you. Don't forget that your ancestors chanted 'Jai Shri Ram'... Taimur, Babur, Ghazni were not your ancestors. Your ancestors were Shri Ram followers," Mr Singh says.

How does chanting Jai Sri Ram solve India's problems which are plenty? Also, what does our ancestors have anything to do with chanting someone Jai Sri Ram? How could people (40%+ of Indians) be fans of such nutcases is beyond me!

Would love to see an India proud enough of it's traditions to advertise Jai Shri Ram worldwide instead of hectoring minorities at home about their ancestors. None of my Indian friends who grew up in England spoke too well of their home customs, most of them looked to discard their parents old ways faster than a pair of dirty socks.
15-year-old Muslim boy allegedly set on fire in Uttar Pradesh for not chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’

Unidentified individuals allegedly set a 15-year-old Muslim boy on fire in Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh on Friday for refusing to chant Jai Shri Ram, IANS reported. The boy is undergoing treatment at the Kabir Chaura hospital in Varanasi.

“I was walking on Dudhari bridge when four men kidnapped me,” the boy said initially. “Two of them tied my hand and third one started pouring kerosene. After which they set me on fire and ran away.” He later said that he was being forced to chant Jai Shri Ram.

However, the police denied that the boy was forced to chant the religious slogan. Chandauli Superintendent of Police Santosh Kumar Singh said the boy gave different statements to different people.

“He’s admitted in a hospital with 45 per cent burns,” Singh told ANI. “He had given different statements to different people, so it seemed suspicious. It seemed he had been tutored. Police monitored CCTV footage of places he had mentioned and found that he had not been at any of those places."

The police officer also claimed that witnesses saw the boy set himself on fire.

There have been a series of lynching incidents across the country, where victims were attacked for allegedly not chanting Jai Shri Ram. In the most recent incident, two Muslim men in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad city were allegedly threatened and forced to chant Jai Shri Ram by unidentified people on July 21.

On June 18, a Muslim man identified as Tabrez Ansari was beaten up in Jharkhand’s Seraikela Kharsawan district for allegedly attempting to steal a motorcycle. The FIR (First Information Report) said that the mob had also forced Ansari to chant Jai Shri Ram and Jai Hanuman. He died four days later.

Last week, a group of 49 intellectuals wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to intervene to stop mob lynchings. The letter said that the slogan Jai Shri Ram had become a “provocative war cry” and the reason behind many lynchings in the country.

Atleast BJP is progressive.

A few people suffering shouldn't deter us from supporting them.

Muslims should support BJP.

Congress has done nothing for them but BJP will give them the gift of life.

And there's no greater gift than that.
15-year-old Muslim boy allegedly set on fire in Uttar Pradesh for not chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’

Unidentified individuals allegedly set a 15-year-old Muslim boy on fire in Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh on Friday for refusing to chant Jai Shri Ram, IANS reported. The boy is undergoing treatment at the Kabir Chaura hospital in Varanasi.

“I was walking on Dudhari bridge when four men kidnapped me,” the boy said initially. “Two of them tied my hand and third one started pouring kerosene. After which they set me on fire and ran away.” He later said that he was being forced to chant Jai Shri Ram.

However, the police denied that the boy was forced to chant the religious slogan. Chandauli Superintendent of Police Santosh Kumar Singh said the boy gave different statements to different people.

“He’s admitted in a hospital with 45 per cent burns,” Singh told ANI. “He had given different statements to different people, so it seemed suspicious. It seemed he had been tutored. Police monitored CCTV footage of places he had mentioned and found that he had not been at any of those places."

The police officer also claimed that witnesses saw the boy set himself on fire.

There have been a series of lynching incidents across the country, where victims were attacked for allegedly not chanting Jai Shri Ram. In the most recent incident, two Muslim men in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad city were allegedly threatened and forced to chant Jai Shri Ram by unidentified people on July 21.

On June 18, a Muslim man identified as Tabrez Ansari was beaten up in Jharkhand’s Seraikela Kharsawan district for allegedly attempting to steal a motorcycle. The FIR (First Information Report) said that the mob had also forced Ansari to chant Jai Shri Ram and Jai Hanuman. He died four days later.

Last week, a group of 49 intellectuals wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to intervene to stop mob lynchings. The letter said that the slogan Jai Shri Ram had become a “provocative war cry” and the reason behind many lynchings in the country.


Couple of days old news. Already the police have taken statement of the boy and eye witnesses who denied he was set on fire.