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'Koi nahin janta tha Mahatma Gandhi ko…': PM Modi's big claim amid Lok Sabha election

Do you agree with Narendra Modi claim on Mohan Das Gandhi?

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Just like we see you justifying many acts that are against Muslims on a daily basis.

You are entitled to hold whatever opinion you like on why Muslims may get radicalised, they are all valid and worthy of debate.

My main point of contention was that nobody has DNA of violence but we are in agreement on this.

1. Which acts?
Armed rebellion would had thrown Brits off quicker, numerous Indians died for a war they had nothing to gain.

Gandhi supporting British in world wars is unforgivable, his entire history is of mistakes of how not to get independence.
West would keep propagating peace to third world countries so to dominate them.
Bro i think you forgot that it was actually Savarkar in WW2.
Armed rebellion would had thrown Brits off quicker, numerous Indians died for a war they had nothing to gain.

Gandhi supporting British in world wars is unforgivable, his entire history is of mistakes of how not to get independence.
West would keep propagating peace to third world countries so to dominate them.

Gandhi thought it was prudent to support British in the second WW and sacrifice Netaji and his supporters. He didn't change his views even after millions died in Bengal.
Gandhi thought it was prudent to support British in the second WW and sacrifice Netaji and his supporters. He didn't change his views even after millions died in Bengal.

Gandhi thought the Nazis were far more dangerous to world peace than Britain.
Ofcourse the newspapers reported what they were told to report.

The President acts on the advise of the cabinet. He cannot act suo moto except in exceptional circumstances like returning or witholding a bill.

Suo moto. Lol.

Rajenda Prasad did it in secret and without Nehru's knowledge .. in recognition of Nehru's role in independence struggle.
Gandhi thought the Nazis were far more dangerous to world peace than Britain.

LoL. Gandhi did the same during ww1.

British colonial rulers had devastated India for nearly 190 years. Millions had died. How many Indians died due to Nazis?
Dont know whats so Mahatma about him. The biggest pervert And he is glorified. He deserves to be in the dustbins of history.
Dont know whats so Mahatma about him. The biggest pervert And he is glorified. He deserves to be in the dustbins of history.
Yeah am surprised people dont know the real facts of the so called mahatma. He was a disgusting vile person who took advantage of his position and used others for his crimes and benefit. And these were his so called " experiments with truth" garbage lol !
Amongst Hinduvta partisans, I have often sensed some ambivalence when it comes to Gandhi. On one hand, Gandhi is ‘useful’. As a global icon he is a symbol for particular ideals and therefore contributes to India’s soft power.

On the other hand, his ideas are problematic for many supporters of Hinduvta. Savarkar and Gandhi were antagonists. Both wanted to ‘wake up’ Indians, to transform the subjective consciousness of Indians, to enable Indians to feel their ‘true’ culture in their bones. For both, sacrifice rather than self-interest, was the central precept. But whereas Gandhi emphasised non-violence and inverted masculine norms, Savarkar believed firmly in violence and the ‘spilling of blood’ and believed in a muscular form of nationalism. He also of course had a visceral dislike of Muslims and felt that Gandhi was too soft on Muslims. In his typically pithy and biting tone, he ridiculed Gandhi.

Modi offers the standard banal pieties on Gandhi. But the reverence reduces Gandhi to a harmless symbol, which preserves Gandhi’s ‘usefulness’ globally as a reflection of Indian soft power, without needing to confront how his ideas brushed, often inharmoniously, with Hinduvta ones.
Yeah am surprised people dont know the real facts of the so called mahatma. He was a disgusting vile person who took advantage of his position and used others for his crimes and benefit. And these were his so called " experiments with truth" garbage lol !

It's interesting that almost all those who hate Gandhi also happen to be massive Modi supporters.
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World peace? His response to Hitler was non violence, imagine how stupid that was.
Gandhi saw his methods of protest and his ideas of non-violence as something that could be universally applied. The example of Nazism showed the naivety of that thinking.

The effectiveness of Gandhi’s methods depended in large degree, as the historian D.A Low reminded us, on the character of British rule. Britain was determined to hold on to India and prepared to resort to force and to imprison nationalists. As Low states, this was unlike the Americans in the Philippines. Yet, they never went as far as the Dutch and the French in Indonesia and Vietnam respectively - unlike the Dutch they did not banish nationalist leaders for life and unlike the French they did not murder hundreds of them. In the striking comment of Ho Chi-minh in 1925, “The Gandhis and the De Valera would have long since entered heaven had they been born in one of the French colonies.” Britain adopted a far more ambiguous and ambidextrous approach and in Low’s words “found it exceedingly difficult to reconcile their intense imperial instincts with the liberal political values they held so dear.” It is within this context that we need to remember that non-violent satyagraha was a particularly inspired and effective technique. Mere petitioning and pleading was going to be limited in unsettling the foundations of British rule. But nor was Britain likely to be yield to violence either. Non-violent protest was therefore an ingenious strategy, effective precisely because of the nature and double-think of British rule.

But as @JaDed says, it would have been a completely ineffective and naive strategy against Hitler.
It's interesting that almost all those who hate Gandhi also happen to be massive Modi supporters.
Why can't they be mutually exclusive? Truth is Gandhi was a disgusting guy and if tge truth hurts then so be it
It's interesting that almost all those who hate Gandhi also happen to be massive Modi supporters.
There is a poem from Savarkar that Janaki Bakhle has translated in her recent book. I think it provides a partial insight as to how - many, though not all - Hinduvta supporters see Gandhi and so by extension why many of Modi’s supporters are at best ambivalent about Gandhi, while many indeed probably have an intense dislike of him.

Bakhle writes that the poem, “features two Hindus, one who makes up a pusillanimous chorus which stands in for Hindu cowardice on all matters related to their cultural and political self-preservation, and the other a real Hindu who sees his duty to the community.”

The poem is as follows:

FIRST HINDU: Agree to unity—I beg of you
This India is of Hindus and Muslims
MUSLIM: You call the country Hindustan
And still beg us for unity?!
FIRST HINDU: Yes, my mistake, to call the country Hindustan
We’ll call it Islam-vatan if you like, truly!
MUSLIM: Let’s kill Hindi
FIRST HINDU: Respectfully agreed
MUSLIM: But we must speak Urdu
FIRST HINDU: Respectfully agreed
MUSLIM: Abandon the Nagari script
FIRST HINDU: Respectfully agreed
FIRST HINDU: Whatever you ask we shall do; you are our loving brothers
Just please agree to unity—we plead of you
MUSLIM: First, get rid of this rebellious “Shuddhi”
SECOND HINDU: But you need to also get rid of your forceful conversions
MUSLIM: What are these pari/jari/tari [but/if/then] conditions?
Is this how you engage us?
FIRST HINDU: Yes, Khan. Brother, yes, forgive us
This troublesome, Hindu-unity trap
MUSLIM: We will turn all Hindus into Muslims
FIRST HINDU: Respectfully agreed
MUSLIM: But you cannot turn Muslims into Hindus
And you cannot repurify those who have been defiled
SECOND HINDU: But what about evil abductions of Hindu girls?
MUSLIM: Our accord will be in trouble if you bring up that subject
FIRST HINDU: Don’t get angry, Miyaji, these are stupid people
Steal away if you like, my own daughter
MUSLIM: In Malabar Hindus converted by choice
FIRST HINDU: Yes, the occasional one … perhaps was tortured!
SECOND HINDU: In Kohat a lot of Hindus were killed
FIRST HINDU: Why are Hindus such cowards that allow others to beat them up!
MUSLIM: And in Calcutta lots of Muslims died
FIRST HINDU: Such an oppressive Hindu who kills others
MUSLIM: That Muslim rule which considers the Kẖalīfā its guru
FIRST HINDU: Is more dear to us than our own father!
MUSLIM: Our religion tells us to spread Muslim rule
FIRST HINDU: Do that to be sure, [we] Hindus just don’t understand that core concept
MUSLIM: Destroy your musical instruments.
FIRST HINDU: Respectfully agreed
MUSLIM: Stop opposing cow slaughter
Break all your idols
SECOND HINDU (to First Hindu):
Agreed. Agreed. What kind of idiotic unity is this!!
Stop this disgusting exhibition of your impotence

Pushes the first Hindu away and says

Listen all of you my Muslim brothers
If you want to show your brotherly affection
Let our unity be mutually beneficial
If you resist us, then let the present situation carry on
If you join us, fine! If not, then we will
fight alone, and still, in the end, win the war
Those who defeated the Sakas and Huns
Pulled apart Aurang and Afzul with their nails
Do you think those Hindus were meek?
As when without seeing a trace of cloud
lightning accompanies a storm, so too
will come many storms of Hindu bravery
They will get rid of this Kaliyug and install an era of truth

Bakhle writes, in case you haven't guessed, “The first Hindu who pleads with Muslims for unity in this poem is Gandhi, the second is an RSS member who sees the need for action and makes Savarkar proud.”
It has been not quite a century since Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was assassinated in January 1948 at the age of 78 in New Delhi, India. The bevy of hagiographies written about him is now being replaced with truth-telling biographies about the Gandhi nobody knew.

The most recent one is titled Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India by Joseph Lelyveld.

While one would think, at first glance, reading Lelyveld's shocking revelations about Gandhi, it's all tabloid fodder for a rapacious audience that diets on sordid tales, Lelyveld, former editor of the New York Times, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author, pays meticulous attention to details.

Between 1908 and 1910, Gandhi left his wife to be with wealthy German-Jewish bodybuilder and architect Hermann Kallenbach. But the only evidence Lelyveld gives the reader, suggesting the bonding of the two men was at least homoerotic if not homosexual, is a salacious one-liner where Gandhi allegedly told Kallenback, "How completely you have taken possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance." According to Gandhi's own wife, Gandhi engaged in heterosexual intercourse, but it repulsed him so much it actually made him physically ill, and he vowed never to attempt it again.

While Gandhi may have been repulsed by heterosexuality he seems to be repulsed, at least publicly, by homosexuality, too. For example, in the 1930s, both Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru attempted to erase all traces of the Indian homoerotic tradition from Indian temples as a result of their systematic campaigns of "sexual cleansing."

The revelation of Gandhi's alleged bisexuality in Lelyveld's book is the only positive news in a long laundry list of sexual peccadilloes, bizarre personal habits -- like his love for enemas, done twice a day -- mind-bending cult practices like "spiritual marriages" with women where sex is purportedly absent, and his unbelievable blatant racist attitudes towards black South Africans.

How did the public get so hoodwinked by the divinity of Gandhi?

The deification of Gandhi intentionally eclipsed Gandhi the real man. Elevated to a 20th century messiah by both European and American Christian clerics and missionaries, who wanted to covert Hindus to Christianity, and elevated to a 20th century Hindu god by Indians, Gandhi's real life was overlooked and supplanted with a series religious myth. For example, John H. Holmes, a Unitarian pastor from New York, praised Gandhi in his writings and sermons with titles like "Gandhi: The Modern Christ" and "Mahatma Gandhi: The Greatest Man since Jesus Christ." Krishnalal Shridharni announced that Gandhi was "The seventh reincarnation of Vishnu, Lord Rama."

Known the world over as Mahatma Gandhi, Sanskrit for "Great Soul," and as Bapu, Gujarati for "Father," Gandhi comes to my consciousness from the father of this country's Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, who was also assassinated: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And I loved Gandhi because King did.

Gandhi's pacifist philosophy of "satyagraha," a Sanskrit term he coined to mean the resistance to oppression through mass civil disobedience firmly rooted in "ahimsa" or absolute non-violence that transforms foes into friends, won India its independence from British colonialism in 1947. Gandhi's liberation paradigm profoundly informed the socio-political theology of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, giving rise to a black non-violent movement consisting of sit-ins, freedom rides, and marches that shamefully exposed and evidently toppled the South's Jim Crow ordinances.

As with King, Gandhi, too, became an iconic image in The Movement. However, if King and others knew of Gandhi's racist views of black South Africans, and knew why Gandhi never met with African American civil rights leaders, who were hungry to not only meet the man but to know more about his philosophy of "satyagraha," Gandhi wouldn't have been so highly profiled in his public sermons.

But Gandhi was an unabashedly diehard supporter of India's Hindu caste system, and would never mix with a lowly group or caste, and Lelyveld in Great Soul lays out Gandhi's unedited views:

"We were then marched off to a prison intended for Kaffirs [offensive term equivalent to the n-word]," Gandhi complained during one of his campaigns for the rights of Indians settled there. "We could understand not being classed with whites, but to be placed on the same level as the Natives seemed too much to put up with. Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized -- the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live like animals."

In an open letter to the legislature of South Africa's Natal province, Gandhi wrote of how "the Indian is being dragged down to the position of the raw Kaffir" -- someone, he later stated, "whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a number of cattle to buy a wife, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness."

On white Afrikaners and Indians, he wrote: "We believe as much in the purity of races as we think they do."

In a recent speech at a Virginia high school, President Obama stated that Gandhi was a "real hero of mine," describing Gandhi as someone with whom he would like to dine. "He is somebody whom I find a lot of inspiration in. He inspired Dr. King."

I'm sorry Mr. President, that wouldn't happen, because Lelyveld's Gandhi reveals a great soul the public didn't know.

Some info for you guys from a non Indian outlet. Hope this helps
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Yeah am surprised people dont know the real facts of the so called mahatma. He was a disgusting vile person who took advantage of his position and used others for his crimes and benefit. And these were his so called " experiments with truth" garbage lol !
When discussing individuals like Feroze Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi, it's essential to substantiate your claims with credible sources and references. Now please list Mahatma Gandhi's crimes here. :inti
When discussing individuals like Feroze Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi, it's essential to substantiate your claims with credible sources and references. Now please list Mahatma Gandhi's crimes here. :inti
Crimes lol! An entire book on this😂
He was a racist against blacks, and his ashram and niece experiments are all well known. His own autobiograph- -he mentions it himself. And the moderators deleted a couple of legit links because it was too graphic the stuff the gandhi did. Go learn some history before just mumbo jumboing- provide credible sources drama. Gandhi was a disgusting person and his crimes were just swept under the carpet. Even nehru his close friend castigated him for his perverted acts.
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Gandhi appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine a total of 3 times before being shot by a sanghi in 1948. Yet again, feku caught with his pants down.
Gandhi's pacifist philosophy of "satyagraha," a Sanskrit term he coined to mean the resistance to oppression through mass civil disobedience firmly rooted in "ahimsa" or absolute non-violence that transforms foes into friends, won India its independence from British colonialism in 1947. Gandhi's liberation paradigm profoundly informed the socio-political theology of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, giving rise to a black non-violent movement consisting of sit-ins, freedom rides, and marches that shamefully exposed and evidently toppled the South's Jim Crow ordinances.
There is a perception of Gandhi as a pacifist or Quakerish figure, as implied above. Yet, as Faisal Devji in particular has shown, Gandhi’s objection to violence was not in fact derived from a pacifist or humanitarianist vision. For Gandhi, preservation of life was not a special end in itself. Life was to be subordinate to truth. Suffering and death were in fact human duties and not something to be avoided.

He was not really interested in what he perceived as suffering of ‘victims’. Rather he wanted individuals that had been wronged to be active agents whose suffering could potentially transform their tormentors.

If this seems all a bit abstract, some quotations from Gandhi which bring some of these themes ‘to life’:

In October 1920 he said: “The men and women who died in Jallianwala Bagh were not martyrs or heroes. Had they been heroes, when General Dyer came on the scene in all his pride, they would have fought with swords or sticks or would have stood up before him and faced death.”

In 1924, he wrote: “Between violence and cowardly flight, I can only prefer violence to cowardice. I can no more preach non-violence to a coward than I can tempt a blind man to enjoy healthy scenes.”

In 1937 he wrote to the Nazi journalist and SS officer, Roland von Strunk:

“But the West attaches an exaggerated importance to prolonging man’s earthly existence. Until the man’s last moment on earth you go on drugging him even by injecting. That, I think, is inconsistent with the recklessness with which they will shed their lives in war. Though I am opposed to war, there is no doubt that war induces reckless courage. Well, without ever having to engage in a war I want to learn from you the art of throwing away my life for a noble cause. But I do not want that excessive desire of living that Western medicine seems to encourage in man even at the cost of tenderness for subhuman life.”

And in November 1947, he wrote:

“Man does not live but to escape death. If he does so, he is advised not to do so. He is advised to learn to love death as well as life, if not more so. A hard saying, harder to act up to, one may say. Every worthy act is difficult. Ascent is always difficult. Descent is easy and often slippery. Life becomes liveable only to the extent that death is treated as a friend, never as an enemy. To conquer life’s temptations, summon death to your aid. In order to postpone death a coward surrenders honour, wife, daughter and all. A courageous man prefers death to the surrender of self-respect.”
Rajenda Prasad did it in secret and without Nehru's knowledge .. in recognition of Nehru's role in independence struggle.

He cannot do it. Awards committee recommendation is necessary.

President cannot call meeting like this.
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It's interesting that almost all those who hate Gandhi also happen to be massive Modi supporters.

Go tell this to Punjabis and Bengalis, esp Bengalis who died because of Gandhiji and what did Gandhiji do? NOTHING.

Fazlul Haq chased Gandhiji out of Noakhali.

Read Ambedkar's opinion on Gandhiji.

Read how Netaji left Congress due to Gandhiji.

The likes of Azad or Bhagat Singh didn't agree with Gandhiji too.

All of them must be Modi fans.
@cricketjoshila have a read
Was Mahatma Gandhi unknown before the 'Gandhi' film? A look at his famous statues worldwide

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in an interview that nobody knew Mahatma Gandhi earlier, and it was only after the release of the movie 'Gandhi' that the world became curious about him.

In an interview with ABP News on May 29, PM Modi said, "In the last 75 years, wasn't it our responsibility to make Mahatma Gandhi known across the world? Forgive me, but nobody knew Mahatma Gandhi. The curiosity about him grew in the world after 'Gandhi' film was first made."

'Modi is a good friend of mine, couldn't he....' Odisha CM Patnaik slams PM

"The role of this nation was – if the world knows Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, Gandhiji was no less than them. Gandhi and India should have been given importance through Gandhi," the Prime Minister said.

'Gandhi' film released in 1982
Gandhi, the biographical movie based on the journey of the Father of the nation, the was released in 1982. The film spans 56 out of Gandhi's 79 years. The movie captures the "life of the lawyer [Gandhi] who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of non-violent protest".

'Gandhi' won eight Oscars at the 55th Academy Awards in 1983. Film director Richard Attenborough also won BAFTA Awards for Best Film and Best Direction. The historical epic remains BAFTA's most nominated film with 16 nominations, of which it won five. He received a BAFTA Fellowship in 1983.

Was Gandhi not known before 1982?
In 1953, Gandhi was the subject of the American feature documentary 'Mahatma Gandhi: 20th Century Prophet'. In 1937, A. K. Chettiar started work on the documentary, IMDB said.

In 1963, British-American thriller-drama film 'Nine Hours to Rama' was released. It was directed by Mark Robson. The story follows a "fictional narrative" of Nathuram Godse's plan to kill Mahatma Gandhi.

In 1968, a documentary titled 'Mahatma: Life of Gandhi, 1869–1948' was made on the life of Gandhi was directed by Vithalbhai Jhaveri.

Some famous and old statues of Gandhi across world
1. A Gandhi World Peace Memorial was built in 1950 inside Lake Shrine, California, USA, by the spiritual retreat's founder Paramahansa Yogananda. It was reportedly the "first monument in the world to be erected in honour of Mahatma Gandhi". It comprised a thousand-year-old Chinese sarcophagus, in which, a portion of Gandhi's ashes are kept in a brass-silver coffer.

2. One of the oldest statues of Mahatma Gandhi in Europe is located in Park Marie Josee in the Commune of Molenbeek in Brussels houses. The statue, sculpted by the renowned Belgian artist Rene Cliquet, was installed in 1969 to mark the 100th Birth Anniversary of Gandhiji, as per the information on the website of Indian Embassy in Belgium.

3. A statue of "UCL alumnus" Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in Tavistock Square in London on May 17, 1968, by then Prime Minister Harold Wilson. According to the UCLA website, the statue, by British sculptor Fredda Brilliant, was gifted to London by the Indian High Commissioner in Britain in 1967 and unveiled by Wilson.

4. A statue of Gandhi was constructed close to the source of the Nile, in Jinga, Uganda in Africa, to mark his death and legacy. According to reports, in 1948, part of Mahatma Gandhi's ashes were divided up to be scatter in several of the world's great rivers, including the Nile in Uganda. The memorial stands near that place. The bust was installed in 1997.

5. A Mahatma Gandhi statue was unveiled at the Voice of Vedas grounds by David Peterson, Premier of Ontario in Canada, on May 15, 1988. The project was sponsored by the Toronto Organization for the Promotion of the Indian Culture Inc., (TOPIC), a group formed in 1982. This information was shared by the Vishnu Mandir, "the first architecturally structured Hindu temple in Canada in Richmond Hill established in 1982".

Source: Live Mint News
You may not agree with Gandhi's philosophy but he remains one off the world's most popular men. The film "Gandhi" is considered the UK's best film off all time. Modi is simply jealous of Gandhi making such stupid comments. No one will remember who Modi is after he's gone. The likes of Einstein, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther were all greatly inspired by Mohandas Gandhi.
Something a bit ‘left field’: I think if you want to understand why Gandhi appeals to many people, don’t listen to the bland platitudes of politicians, but watch the Japanese Indie film, Perfect Days. In the film, nothing much actually happens and that is the point: to elevate the ordinariness of life and to leave viewers with the question, how to live? The film will never have mass appeal but many who have watched it are deeply moved, because it connects to a yearning for a simpler and more spiritual existence.

Most people are happy to accumulate material possessions or play the latest video game or watch the latest Netflix series, or follow their sporting team or look forward to their next holiday etc. But for some people, this leaves them all a bit empty as it offers no meaningful nourishment for the soul. There are people for whom the idea of a simpler, more spiritual and less material life has an allure.

In his own idiosyncratic manner, Gandhi advocated for such an existence and that I think explains some of the appeal.
Crimes lol! An entire book on this😂
He was a racist against blacks, and his ashram and niece experiments are all well known. His own autobiograph- -he mentions it himself. And the moderators deleted a couple of legit links because it was too graphic the stuff the gandhi did. Go learn some history before just mumbo jumboing- provide credible sources drama. Gandhi was a disgusting person and his crimes were just swept under the carpet. Even nehru his close friend castigated him for his perverted acts.
What crimes did Mahatma Gandhi commit? Are there any cases against him? You didn't list any crimes. You're the one spouting nonsense again. Save your "read a book" drama for someone else. Either back your claims with sources or run away like you did when I asked about Feroze Khan. :inti
What crimes did Mahatma Gandhi commit? Are there any cases against him? You didn't list any crimes. You're the one spouting nonsense again. Save your "read a book" drama for someone else. Either back your claims with sources or run away like you did when I asked about Feroze Khan. :inti
feku and his andhbhakts are most abominable creatures in this world.
What crimes did Mahatma Gandhi commit? Are there any cases against him? You didn't list any crimes. You're the one spouting nonsense again. Save your "read a book" drama for someone else. Either back your claims with sources or run away like you did when I asked about Feroze Khan. :inti
If you do not know history you should go learn it. Tik tok videos or 3 minute YouTube videos doesn't give you info on history. Quite a bit of it is his own autobiography " my experiences with truth". Dont think you must have read it or you would not have this question. And its a 5 minute read by the way like your YouTube videos. It takes a few days to read the whole book.

As i said above the links and info i posted was deleted by the moderators. It is You who spouts nonsense all the time - give me sources, you run away, when you have nothing to add and and then 😂😂 etc etc your standard operating procedure- everybodyknows that . And when provided- dont want to acknowledge it by feigning ignorance. Just do a Google search - Gandhi (and not Ghandy lol!) And ashram, gandhi neice , gandhi sushila nair, gandhi abha, gandhi boys girls ashram, Gandhi celibacy- - and you will find dozens and hundreds of info.. you can even search the same on YouTube- your fave source for news and history- and you will find it. If the links I post are deleted- i cant help it. Truth ie bitter i guess
feku and his andhbhakts are most abominable creatures in this world.
Again useless silly statements with no substance or matter of discussion. No info on why you dispute Gandhi criimes. Same mundane feku andhbhakts nonsense every single post - nothing useful. Your standard operating procedure. A healthy debate on policies, acts , merits and demerits etc is as Ramiz raja says not in your dna i guess.

BJP’s glorification of Godse and dismissal of Gandhi’s legacy spark concerns​

India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), driven by RSS ideology, has increasingly shown disregard for Gandhi’s principles of peace, harmony and secularism, as evidenced by recent actions and statements by its leaders.

According to Kashmir Media Service, BJP figures, including Pragya Thakur, who referred to Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse as a “patriot,” and Cabinet Minister Giriraj Singh, who called him a “worthy son” of India, have sparked widespread controversy and criticism. These controversial remarks reflect a broader pattern within the party, where figures who opposed Gandhi’s ideals are being glorified, while his legacy is increasingly undermined.

This push to honor Gandhi’s assassin and downplay the values of non-violence and inclusivity represents a deliberate effort to promote a divisive, majoritarian ideology. Beyond rhetoric, BJP leaders have proposed replacing Gandhi’s image on Indian currency notes with figures like Subhas Chandra Bose, further attempting to rewrite India’s history to suit their ideological agenda.

Gandhi, in his lifetime, cautioned against the rise of communal forces with a totalitarian outlook—forces that could tear apart India’s unity. Sadly, under BJP rule, these very forces seem to have gained political ground. The party’s narrative increasingly paints Muslims and Christians as “internal threats,” a stark contradiction to Gandhi’s vision of a united, inclusive India. This shift towards communalism and exclusion directly challenges Gandhi’s ideals of harmony and pluralism.

The BJP’s actions have led to a noticeable shift towards majoritarianism, undermining India’s pluralistic fabric and further distancing India from Gandhi’s ideals of unity and non-violence.

As India grapples with these growing ideological shifts, citizens and international observers alike are calling for a return to Gandhi’s principles of non-violence, inclusivity, and harmony. The BJP’s continued attempts to demonize Gandhi, erase his legacy, and promote polarizing narratives raise serious concerns about the future of India’s democracy and the survival of its pluralistic traditions.

Source: Kashmir Media Service News

BJP’s glorification of Godse and dismissal of Gandhi’s legacy spark concerns​

India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), driven by RSS ideology, has increasingly shown disregard for Gandhi’s principles of peace, harmony and secularism, as evidenced by recent actions and statements by its leaders.

According to Kashmir Media Service, BJP figures, including Pragya Thakur, who referred to Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse as a “patriot,” and Cabinet Minister Giriraj Singh, who called him a “worthy son” of India, have sparked widespread controversy and criticism. These controversial remarks reflect a broader pattern within the party, where figures who opposed Gandhi’s ideals are being glorified, while his legacy is increasingly undermined.

This push to honor Gandhi’s assassin and downplay the values of non-violence and inclusivity represents a deliberate effort to promote a divisive, majoritarian ideology. Beyond rhetoric, BJP leaders have proposed replacing Gandhi’s image on Indian currency notes with figures like Subhas Chandra Bose, further attempting to rewrite India’s history to suit their ideological agenda.

Gandhi, in his lifetime, cautioned against the rise of communal forces with a totalitarian outlook—forces that could tear apart India’s unity. Sadly, under BJP rule, these very forces seem to have gained political ground. The party’s narrative increasingly paints Muslims and Christians as “internal threats,” a stark contradiction to Gandhi’s vision of a united, inclusive India. This shift towards communalism and exclusion directly challenges Gandhi’s ideals of harmony and pluralism.

The BJP’s actions have led to a noticeable shift towards majoritarianism, undermining India’s pluralistic fabric and further distancing India from Gandhi’s ideals of unity and non-violence.

As India grapples with these growing ideological shifts, citizens and international observers alike are calling for a return to Gandhi’s principles of non-violence, inclusivity, and harmony. The BJP’s continued attempts to demonize Gandhi, erase his legacy, and promote polarizing narratives raise serious concerns about the future of India’s democracy and the survival of its pluralistic traditions.

Source: Kashmir Media Service News

Illiterate chaiwala wants to rewrite history.

History is history. History cannot be rewritten. Past cannot be changed.

BJP’s glorification of Godse and dismissal of Gandhi’s legacy spark concerns​

India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), driven by RSS ideology, has increasingly shown disregard for Gandhi’s principles of peace, harmony and secularism, as evidenced by recent actions and statements by its leaders.

According to Kashmir Media Service, BJP figures, including Pragya Thakur, who referred to Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse as a “patriot,” and Cabinet Minister Giriraj Singh, who called him a “worthy son” of India, have sparked widespread controversy and criticism. These controversial remarks reflect a broader pattern within the party, where figures who opposed Gandhi’s ideals are being glorified, while his legacy is increasingly undermined.

This push to honor Gandhi’s assassin and downplay the values of non-violence and inclusivity represents a deliberate effort to promote a divisive, majoritarian ideology. Beyond rhetoric, BJP leaders have proposed replacing Gandhi’s image on Indian currency notes with figures like Subhas Chandra Bose, further attempting to rewrite India’s history to suit their ideological agenda.

Gandhi, in his lifetime, cautioned against the rise of communal forces with a totalitarian outlook—forces that could tear apart India’s unity. Sadly, under BJP rule, these very forces seem to have gained political ground. The party’s narrative increasingly paints Muslims and Christians as “internal threats,” a stark contradiction to Gandhi’s vision of a united, inclusive India. This shift towards communalism and exclusion directly challenges Gandhi’s ideals of harmony and pluralism.

The BJP’s actions have led to a noticeable shift towards majoritarianism, undermining India’s pluralistic fabric and further distancing India from Gandhi’s ideals of unity and non-violence.

As India grapples with these growing ideological shifts, citizens and international observers alike are calling for a return to Gandhi’s principles of non-violence, inclusivity, and harmony. The BJP’s continued attempts to demonize Gandhi, erase his legacy, and promote polarizing narratives raise serious concerns about the future of India’s democracy and the survival of its pluralistic traditions.

Source: Kashmir Media Service News
Source: Kashmir Media Service News :vk2

"Gandhi, in his lifetime, cautioned against the rise of communal forces with a totalitarian outlook—forces that could tear apart India’s unity."
We all know who tore apart India citing that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together. Perhaps this no name news outlet can do a better research before publishing nonsense. :cobra

The one who wants one people and one nation with Nation first as priority is the dangerous one. The ones who want their own laws, puts their religion first over India are patriots (y);)
Modi looked down on India's founder GANDHI and people are celebrating Modi's words... any particular reasons???
Dont know whats so Mahatma about him. The biggest pervert And he is glorified. He deserves to be in the dustbins of history.
Can you put these in the dustbin? :inti

Can you put these in the dustbin? :inti

Am Ok , I dont care..Put someone else's face and put these in the dustbin , go ahead ..Again , nothing Mahatma about him. He is glorified p*. He and his experiments with truth - if you dont know about it , you should go read up and not watch a 30 sec youtube clip. The so called deserves to be in the dustbins of history.