Losing interest in everything


First Class Star
Feb 17, 2008
Post of the Week
Well folks , as the title says ... I have noticed that during last 1-1.5 years i have lost interest in certain things in life that i once used to be passionate abt ... whether its sports , music , socializing with friends etc ... I just don't like anything anymore ... and if i stress myself to take part in anything for fun then it becomes an effort or a burden to bear , obviously it frustrates me even more . I very easily get bored with people talking to me , an unconcerned look somehow shows up on my face and next person feels insulted . As a result of this , alot of friends and colleagues are talking weird thing behind my back at work .... ranging form drugs :akhtar to problems with wife :asif to criminal past :amir ...

I dont see any specific problem or reason behind this ... Its just happening ...

Since the topic is not just abt me .... i would like to know if any of u have faced similar situation in life ? and if yes then how did u deal with it ?
I go through the same thing buddy. Am labelled as anti-social and even at work, am usually the one left out of conversations. The thing is, I was not like this 1 year ago. I've become like this. I can attribute these changes to certain things namely: being more self-sufficient, and happy while being it, I do not need people around me, I have mellowed down, and do not need people around me to tell me stuff.
I go through the same thing buddy. Am labelled as anti-social and even at work, am usually the one left out of conversations. The thing is, I was not like this 1 year ago. I've become like this. I can attribute these changes to certain things namely: being more self-sufficient, and happy while being it, I do not need people around me, I have mellowed down, and do not need people around me to tell me stuff.

Do you recognize yourself in this definition (about Qelic, I think that's some classical case of depression):

lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, and sometimes (sexual) apathy, with a simultaneous rich, elaborate, and exclusively internal fantasy world.
Do you recognize yourself in this definition (about Qelic, I think that's some classical case of depression):

lack of interest in social relationships,- yes
a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle,- yes
secretiveness,- yes
emotional coldness,- yes
and sometimes (sexual) apathy,- yes
with a simultaneous rich, elaborate, and exclusively internal fantasy world.- no
I go through the same thing buddy. Am labelled as anti-social and even at work, am usually the one left out of conversations. The thing is, I was not like this 1 year ago. I've become like this. I can attribute these changes to certain things namely: being more self-sufficient, and happy while being it, I do not need people around me, I have mellowed down, and do not need people around me to tell me stuff.

lol man ...

r u happy with ur current situation ?

Do you recognize yourself in this definition (about Qelic, I think that's some classical case of depression):

none of ur written conditions fits me ....

probably its due to my limited English skills that i failed to express what i meant .
I have never gone through all this.But, I guess,you need to take a break & go for vacation.:)
I have never gone through all this.But, I guess,you need to take a break & go for vacation.:)

I cant ... fact is i see more work load coming my way in days ahead .
lol man ...

r u happy with ur current situation ?

There are good days and bad days. Who doesn't have that? I would say I am happy around 70% of the time, which I would say is a good number compared to many. The main thing I realize is that you have to be happy innately (from inside) rather than having thousands of friends, or social networking like facebook. Guess it happens with age. The older PPers can tell if I am right or am I completely wrong.
^^^ Qelic,I think that's the reason.Well,why don't you play in game threads here?
They're fun & relaxing.:)
There are good days and bad days. Who doesn't have that? I would say I am happy around 70% of the time, which I would say is a good number compared to many. The main thing I realize is that you have to be happy innately (from inside) rather than having thousands of friends, or social networking like facebook. Guess it happens with age. The older PPers can tell if I am right or am I completely wrong.

u got some experience in this regard ....

However my problem is little different .... interests that suits ppl of my age seem like child stuff to me and when this gets expressed by me around friends , they think that i am being arrogant .

I agree with u ... self satisfaction beats all
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I wouldn't worry too much about it PJ. We all grow through phases were interests change are lessened. Most likely you are bored of the usual day to day stuff. My advice is take a little holiday and if you're still the same go and join the resistance in Afghanistan. :19:
Dont worry this is one of those phases in ur life. I am sure you will get out of it soon.
u got some experience in this regard ....

However my problem is little different .... interests that suits ppl of my age seem like child stuff to me and when this gets expressed by me around friends , they think that i am being arrogant .

I agree with u ... self satisfaction beats all

Then get friends that are of the more-mature thinking and age.
Depression/negative thoughts may be a reason. A certain incident(s) may have happened in your life that's affected you or are playing on your mind. Often with time your mindset changes, maturity kicks in and you lose interest in your yesteryear activities. Think positive, don't get too stressed with work, book a holiday to unwind and reconcile your thoughts.
I wouldn't worry too much about it PJ. We all grow through phases were interests change are lessened. Most likely you are bored of the usual day to day stuff. My advice is take a little holiday and if you're still the same go and join the resistance in Afghanistan. :19:

I m planning on taking a year long leave but that wont be granted before feb next year ... even then , it would be hard to leave things here , since this job is not the only reason i live here .

as for joining the resistance ... i wonder how much to charge for my mercenary services and exclusive field expertise ... :malik
Qelic, if you're so :D married,then why're you so upset?

Ask your wife to talk to you more & keep on calling you hourly at work :D
try out the new halal whisky, it might just be the tonic your heart desires
Depression/negative thoughts may be a reason. A certain incident(s) may have happened in your life that's affected you or are playing on your mind. Often with time your mindset changes, maturity kicks in and you lose interest in your yesteryear activities. Think positive, don't get too stressed with work, book a holiday to unwind and reconcile your thoughts.

depression is not the reason ... I dont get any depressing thoughts ... lol thats not me ...

incident ... probably yes ... my fellow country men of my generation were born during very violence filled times ... and we witnessed that all even before we learned to walk or talk , I know for sure that has left a great impression on our personalities today ... but thats a generalization

holiday suggestion sounds cool .
Sorry if that was vague. It sounds to me like you have exhausted your previous interests. Find something new that is challenging for you, and you will develop a passion for it.

good suggestion but right now i can hardly think of something that can interest me ...
Sounds like you are going through a phase. There must be some reason for it. You need to think hard about what is making you feel so uninterested. Is it your job, family life, something ion the past, etc. I feel that a lot of times, people with great energy and determination, constantly want to achieve something. Once they get that thing, there interest in it fades away and they need another goal. We all need to at times sit back and evaluate our lives. What we were before, what we are now, what we would like to be in the future. We need to set short and long term goals for ourselves and learn to live in the moment. Life moves on very quickly, before we know it, we will be old grandpa's. We need to learn to cherish every moment of our life. Small things like the feel of the warm sun on your skin, the sounds of bird chirping, a good night sleep, etc. There is a philosopher called Eckhart Tolle. His prescription of happiness is to live in the moment. Also, it doesn't hurt to take some time for yourself. I like to take long walks. Clears up my mind and makes me feel relaxed. In the end, this is just a phase you are going through, we all go through them from time to time. Things will be fine, just cherish and be grateful for all the blessings in your life.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
thats what happens when you become too much educated.
Do something for charity, you will feel good about yourself. Maybe a charity event, marathon, something? When you do good to others, you feel good yourself :asadrauf
thats what happens when you become too much educated.

i guess some social arrogance do shows up ... I notice that in ppl around me ...

i dont think that is an issue with me ... I am a very simple and humble person
Do something for charity, you will feel good about yourself. Maybe a charity event, marathon, something? When you do good to others, you feel good yourself :asadrauf

already engaged in something like that ... not charity but something related ... related to agriculture
already engaged in something like that ... not charity but something related ... related to agriculture

Try doing something for charity it will lighten you up. A movie that really inspired me is that new movie out in cinema, Machine gun preacher. Its inspired me to do something for charity, and taught me to be happy with what I got since there are lots of people who are less fortunate than me out there who barely get food or dont have a bed to sleep in. I suggest you give it a watch if you have not already seen it :hafeez
oh My God Op Remind me of some Spam email i used to received i have lost interest and want to give away my property,bank balance etc........

then they ask for your Bank Account number to send their money hahahahahaahhahahhaahahhahah
Sounds like you are going through a phase. There must be some reason for it. You need to think hard about what is making you feel so uninterested. Is it your job, family life, something ion the past, etc. I feel that a lot of times, people with great energy and determination, constantly want to achieve something. Once they get that thing, there interest in it fades away and they need another goal. We all need to at times sit back and evaluate our lives. What we were before, what we are now, what we would like to be in the future. We need to set short and long term goals for ourselves and learn to live in the moment. Life moves on very quickly, before we know it, we will be old grandpa's. We need to learn to cherish every moment of our life. Small things like the feel of the warm sun on your skin, the sounds of bird chirping, a good night sleep, etc. There is a philosopher called Eckhart Tolle. His prescription of happiness is to live in the moment. Also, it doesn't hurt to take some time for yourself. I like to take long walks. Clears up my mind and makes me feel relaxed. In the end, this is just a phase you are going through, we all go through them from time to time. Things will be fine, just cherish and be grateful for all the blessings in your life.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

quite a lecture , good words ....

off the thread , i always feel that in this todays world of materialism time goes very fast and when that happens , u start to pass little happy events in life like some routine instead of enjoying or cherishing them ... offcourse ppl regret that in later life ...
Qelic,you didn't like my idea. :(

... and what was ur idea bro ?

Try doing something for charity it will lighten you up. A movie that really inspired me is that new movie out in cinema, Machine gun preacher. Its inspired me to do something for charity, and taught me to be happy with what I got since there are lots of people who are less fortunate than me out there who barely get food or dont have a bed to sleep in. I suggest you give it a watch if you have not already seen it :hafeez

thanks man ....

i guess most of the ppl have said same thing ... i actually am exhausted from work and in need of a break ... wish i could actually get one ..
Interest is haram. :yk

Qelic, I think you have it sorted out. The full year leave will do you wonders and should help you recuperate from whatever that is stressing your mind.

Try to join in activities with your age group. It seems your biggest issue as pointed our by yourself is that people you work with are a smidgen old. :ibutt

Join a local cricket club or something in which you have an interest.
Well folks , as the title says ... I have noticed that during last 1-1.5 years i have lost interest in certain things in life that i once used to be passionate abt ... whether its sports , music , socializing with friends etc ... I just don't like anything anymore ... and if i stress myself to take part in anything for fun then it becomes an effort or a burden to bear , obviously it frustrates me even more . I very easily get bored with people talking to me , an unconcerned look somehow shows up on my face and next person feels insulted . As a result of this , alot of friends and colleagues are talking weird thing behind my back at work .... ranging form drugs :akhtar to problems with wife :asif to criminal past :amir ...

I dont see any specific problem or reason behind this ... Its just happening ...

Since the topic is not just abt me .... i would like to know if any of u have faced similar situation in life ? and if yes then how did u deal with it ?

Sounds like depression...see your doc, they will assess your depression level.
... and what was ur idea bro ?

thanks man ....

i guess most of the ppl have said same thing ... i actually am exhausted from work and in need of a break ... wish i could actually get one ..

I know exactly what you mean, I am going through something similar so I clicked on this thread. Life is boring right now, I want to do something, I have been home for 2 years since I left my uni course early in 09. Since then I've just been at home, my head has been going insane to some extent, after being in for too long you kind of go crazy lol. You eat, sleep, and kind of do the same thing day in day out. Now I sign on, I am looking for a job and applied to do an open university course in may.

Im a positive person. And no matter how bad times are, I know they will get better. And I want you to know that to.
Interest is haram. :yk

Qelic, I think you have it sorted out. The full year leave will do you wonders and should help you recuperate from whatever that is stressing your mind.

Try to join in activities with your age group. It seems your biggest issue as pointed our by yourself is that people you work with are a smidgen old. :ibutt

Join a local cricket club or something in which you have an interest.

my age group is interested in .... cars , motorbikes , girls , money , hair styles , sports , clothes , gatherings ... i hope some miracle happens and these things win my interest ..

cricket club sounds cool , esp if they r in need of a fast bowler ( :akhtar ) and middle order batsman ( :yk ) ...

u correctly stated the :ibutt environment problem ...

You again forgot.:facepalm: I'm a girl.

Post # 6,10,21

.... my apologies , lady

u see , i just dont feel comfortable in talking " marriage or wife " issues online :malik ... but thanks anyway ...
I know exactly what you mean, I am going through something similar so I clicked on this thread. Life is boring right now, I want to do something, I have been home for 2 years since I left my uni course early in 09. Since then I've just been at home, my head has been going insane to some extent, after being in for too long you kind of go crazy lol. You eat, sleep, and kind of do the same thing day in day out. Now I sign on, I am looking for a job and applied to do an open university course in may.

Im a positive person. And no matter how bad times are, I know they will get better. And I want you to know that to.

friend , that is something to be concerned for in ur case ... 2 years in home is a long period , IMO u need to get out of ur house ASAP ... learn something and start earning ur life ... once u r out , u will get back on track soon ...

on a funny side , can u exchange ur life with mine for 1 year ?
lets see - married, working, young and yet 'loosing' interest...

yo, you doing drugs or have some disease?
friend , that is something to be concerned for in ur case ... 2 years in home is a long period , IMO u need to get out of ur house ASAP ... learn something and start earning ur life ... once u r out , u will get back on track soon ...

on a funny side , can u exchange ur life with mine for 1 year ?

I agree, thats why more recently I have been making a more of an effort to find a job, and getting my course sorted for may.

Lol, funnily enough that sounds like a good idea,since I really need a job, I need to get out my house and there is so many things I need to buy!! lol
socialise with friends and do what you want to do. everyone needs to find ways of unwinding and in my opinion the best way to do that.

try making every opportunity enjoyable
Go back to Iran for a while, that might be the kick that you need, just ignore those creatures with big sunglasses, highlighted hair and what not ( your words not mine). You must be feeling homesick, a visit to your watan will get you back on track.
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yo, you doing drugs or have some disease?

u just sounded like a colleague i mentioned in OP

I agree, thats why more recently I have been making a more of an effort to find a job, and getting my course sorted for may.

Lol, funnily enough that sounds like a good idea,since I really need a job, I need to get out my house and there is so many things I need to buy!! lol

hopefully u would .... its not that hard , world is quite big and accommodates everyone evenly .

yeah please do ... u will like mine and i need urs .. for at-least an year ...
Well folks , as the title says ... I have noticed that during last 1-1.5 years i have lost interest in certain things in life that i once used to be passionate abt ... whether its sports , music , socializing with friends etc ... I just don't like anything anymore ... and if i stress myself to take part in anything for fun then it becomes an effort or a burden to bear , obviously it frustrates me even more . I very easily get bored with people talking to me , an unconcerned look somehow shows up on my face and next person feels insulted . As a result of this , alot of friends and colleagues are talking weird thing behind my back at work .... ranging form drugs :akhtar to problems with wife :asif to criminal past :amir ...

I dont see any specific problem or reason behind this ... Its just happening ...

Since the topic is not just abt me .... i would like to know if any of u have faced similar situation in life ? and if yes then how did u deal with it ?

you are depressed and you dont even know it. I went through a similar phase. Try going out more.socialize more. force yourself to have conversations and force yourself to have fun .
Go back to Iran for a while, that might be the kick that you need, just ignore those creatures with big sunglasses, highlighted hair and what not ( your words not mine). You must be feeling homesick, a visit to your watan will get you back on track.

what a suggestion khan ... meaningful ...
I wish i could do that today , this hour , this second ... but cant ...

lol at those creatures u mentioned ...
you are depressed and you dont even know it. I went through a similar phase. Try going out more.socialize more. force yourself to have conversations and force yourself to have fun .

2-3 ppl have said same above ... where i cant set up the logic , is that how can one be depressed when there exists no reason for that or the person himself doesn't feel a thing that defines this condition ? ... i feel that every person esp in this part of world has minor mental issues ... for me it has always been ego and reason for that i have mildly tried to explain in post #25 ... in short , back at my place , we were born with this violence resultant psychopathy in our minds and i know cases who went the " wrong way " , yet i have lived or atleast tried to live a very normal life so far ... its just nowadays that i m feeling like i dont want to be a part of anything other than work .

u stated that u went through same phase so i reckon that u got out of that too ... good to know ... congrats ... seems to me that most of the ppl experience such thing in one form or other at some stage in life , for me its happening now ...
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I fully understand where your coming from :(

My personal experience is that I've had a bad experience just over a year ago and since then I don't want to know nobody, don't want to 'chill with the boys', I used to known for as the loud one but know my mates say I keep myself to myself.

Every day is a different day emotionally, so many things playing on my mind and the sad thing is that I can't share my thoughts and feelings cause no one understands where am coming from in regards to my problems. One thing that has really helped me is gym, without that by now I would be in a mental hospital.

I have felt like this for over a year and I have grown to be strong but waking up everyday and fighting the same battle is something that cannot be done continously, every human needs to feel happy and loved, without those our lives feel useless.

I keep saying to myself that I'll make a new start but it something that cannot be done cause mentally in the end I break down and going through life with sadness aswell as thoughts that shouldn't be coming into no one's head is a depression in itself.

I totally understand where your coming from though everyone has different issues and only yourself can really understand everything that is affecting and hurting them.

My problems have affected me in every walk of life and the moment I have time to myself where I am doing nothing, I just think and get all stressed about my problems, I try putting a smile on my face but my heart and inside me is full of tears and sorrow.

Got no idea out to get out of this but I would not wish this feeling on my worst enemy, life is too short to be feeling like this:zaka
On a serious note,

Whenever I feel down, fried chicken really brings me back up...Something about hot, fried chicken just makes me get up and start dancing.
Was in a similar phase two years ago. Used to be alone, keep to myself. Stopped socializing with friends for almost a couple of semesters. College and my room were the only places I used to be.Stopped going to party's, gym, Stopped playing cricket too. I was once known for being the most fun guy in our group..and one year later people really stopped noticing me at all. And one day..I forced myself to a friends party....And late that night after most people left...there were 10 very close friends in our group left..most of them classmates from almost 1st grade....6 boys and 4 girls..and we danced from 10 pm to 3 pm ...to various songs..just fun dance..nobody even knows dance that well...and I am not exactly sure why but I have changed and went back back to my normal self..the one night brought me back. Go and have fun man...take a vacation ..just do something which you dont do in daily life...One incident /one conversation is what it take sometimes to get out of depression.
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On a serious note,

Whenever I feel down, fried chicken really brings me back up...Something about hot, fried chicken just makes me get up and start dancing.

When i feel down which is regularly like tonight, I spend like £15 buying junk food on various meals and scoffing all of them :inzi
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Was in a similar phase two years ago. Used to be alone, keep to myself. Stopped socializing with friends for almost a couple of semesters. College and my room were the only places I used to be.Stopped going to party's, gym, Stopped playing cricket too. I was once known for being the most fun guy in our group..and one year later people really stopped noticing me at all. And one day..I forced myself to a friends party....And late that night after most people left...there were 10 very close friends in our group left..most of them classmates from almost 1st grade....6 boys and 4 girls..and we danced from 10 pm to 3 pm ...to various songs..just fun dance..nobody even knows dance that well...and I am not exactly sure why but I have changed and went back back to my normal self..the one night brought me back. Go and have fun man...take a vacation ..just do something which you dont do in daily life...One incident /one conversation is what it take sometimes to get out of depression.

The problem is what is that one solution :butt :(
Return to the Lord ALLAH. We humans are so ignorant that we always try to find peace of mind and happiness in Worldly activities and things but believe me brother it is like chasing your own shadow. Peace of mind and happiness is in Ibaadah, try this and I am sure you will be quiet happy.
Well folks , as the title says ... I have noticed that during last 1-1.5 years i have lost interest in certain things in life that i once used to be passionate abt ... whether its sports , music , socializing with friends etc ... I just don't like anything anymore ...
By any chance, did you get married 1 - 1.5 years back? :asif
Since this is depression the main cure is to go in path of Allah (SWT).

I will try my best to explain.

Your inner soul comes from Allah (SWT) whereas your outer body is made of clad, sand, water etc which are found on earth.

So in order to keep your inner soul happy you will need to give it medications which come from Allah (SWT) and they are Salah, Quran etc

I hope this made sense, it is much easier to explain in person than writing it out.
Since this is depression the main cure is to go in path of Allah (SWT).

I will try my best to explain.

Your inner soul comes from Allah (SWT) whereas your outer body is made of clad, sand, water etc which are found on earth.

So in order to keep your inner soul happy you will need to give it medications which come from Allah (SWT) and they are Salah, Quran etc

I hope this made sense, it is much easier to explain in person than writing it out.

Perfectly summed up.A seh roza will bring you inner satisfaction.

go to amsterdam.. phir las vegas..

should solve this depression crap
lack of interest in social relationships,- yes
a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle,- yes
secretiveness,- yes
emotional coldness,- yes
and sometimes (sexual) apathy,- yes
with a simultaneous rich, elaborate, and exclusively internal fantasy world.- no

I have most of those things too, but I wouldn't say I'm depressed. I just like my own company.

Look, if you are bored with your current life, find some new games to play.
My personal experience is that I've had a bad experience just over a year ago and since then I don't want to know nobody, don't want to 'chill with the boys', I used to known for as the loud one but know my mates say I keep myself to myself.

Every day is a different day emotionally, so many things playing on my mind and the sad thing is that I can't share my thoughts and feelings cause no one understands where am coming from in regards to my problems. One thing that has really helped me is gym, without that by now I would be in a mental hospital.

I have felt like this for over a year and I have grown to be strong but waking up everyday and fighting the same battle is something that cannot be done continously, every human needs to feel happy and loved, without those our lives feel useless.

I keep saying to myself that I'll make a new start but it something that cannot be done cause mentally in the end I break down and going through life with sadness aswell as thoughts that shouldn't be coming into no one's head is a depression in itself.

I totally understand where your coming from though everyone has different issues and only yourself can really understand everything that is affecting and hurting them.

My problems have affected me in every walk of life and the moment I have time to myself where I am doing nothing, I just think and get all stressed about my problems, I try putting a smile on my face but my heart and inside me is full of tears and sorrow.

How sad to read!

A lot of young men have such feelings. I did too, back in the eighties.

Now I have a family and try to put them first, which brings me out of myself, breaking down the wall of ego that one can get buried inside.
i also feel the for the last 2 years, wow din't know many people felt like that, i thought iwas the only one.

all i do is just go on Pakpassion thats it.
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I feel like I'm losing interest in cricket. It's a terrible feeling, I had a game today and was actually bored. Worst day of my life :afridi
I fully understand where your coming from :(

My personal experience is that I've had a bad experience just over a year ago and since then I don't want to know nobody, don't want to 'chill with the boys', I used to known for as the loud one but know my mates say I keep myself to myself.

Every day is a different day emotionally, so many things playing on my mind and the sad thing is that I can't share my thoughts and feelings cause no one understands where am coming from in regards to my problems. One thing that has really helped me is gym, without that by now I would be in a mental hospital.

I have felt like this for over a year and I have grown to be strong but waking up everyday and fighting the same battle is something that cannot be done continously, every human needs to feel happy and loved, without those our lives feel useless.

I keep saying to myself that I'll make a new start but it something that
cannot be done cause mentally in the end I break down and going
through life with sadness aswell as thoughts that shouldn't be coming
into no one's head is a depression in itself.

I totally understand where your coming from though everyone has
different issues and only yourself can really understand everything that
is affecting and hurting them.

My problems have affected me in every walk of life and the moment I
have time to myself where I am doing nothing, I just think and get all
stressed about my problems, I try putting a smile on my face but my
heart and inside me is full of tears and sorrow.

Got no idea out to get out of this but I would not wish this feeling on my
worst enemy, life is too short to be feeling like this:zaka

Bro, I feel for you. You need help. This is more than a phase. Please see a doctor. Chemical imbalances inside the brain can make you depressed. Anti depressant medications may be able to help you. Do not hesitate or feel embarrassed in doing that. You have taken the bold step to express how you feel on this forum. Now you need to take some action. Wish you good luck.