Losing interest in everything

Its a simple thing - "Be who you are",never change yourself for others.If u feel bored,yes u feel bored thats the end of matter,look for enjoyment in sme other thing.smetimes even a small thing can bring enjoyment).Lot of youngsters these days(those who are even introverts in the first place )think they should always socialize,be outgoing,party,blah blah blah only then good relationships will be maintained..

Of course in a professional office envmt it wont work as you will be forced to pretend ur in a good relationship with everyone but once u cme out from there be whom you are.its easy to say but about 80 percent of the people dont do this,they look around and try to go with the society from the smallest of things.
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take up a sports you enjoy football cricket tennis whatever you like or hit the gym even
I fully understand where your coming from :(

My personal experience is that I've had a bad experience just over a year ago and since then I don't want to know nobody, don't want to 'chill with the boys', I used to known for as the loud one but know my mates say I keep myself to myself.

Every day is a different day emotionally, so many things playing on my mind and the sad thing is that I can't share my thoughts and feelings cause no one understands where am coming from in regards to my problems. One thing that has really helped me is gym, without that by now I would be in a mental hospital.

I have felt like this for over a year and I have grown to be strong but waking up everyday and fighting the same battle is something that cannot be done continously, every human needs to feel happy and loved, without those our lives feel useless.

I keep saying to myself that I'll make a new start but it something that cannot be done cause mentally in the end I break down and going through life with sadness aswell as thoughts that shouldn't be coming into no one's head is a depression in itself.

I totally understand where your coming from though everyone has different issues and only yourself can really understand everything that is affecting and hurting them.

My problems have affected me in every walk of life and the moment I have time to myself where I am doing nothing, I just think and get all stressed about my problems, I try putting a smile on my face but my heart and inside me is full of tears and sorrow.

Got no idea out to get out of this but I would not wish this feeling on my worst enemy, life is too short to be feeling like this:zaka

well friend , good to know abt ur recovery ...

but i guess u and i differ in circumstances ...
Was in a similar phase two years ago. Used to be alone, keep to myself. Stopped socializing with friends for almost a couple of semesters. College and my room were the only places I used to be.Stopped going to party's, gym, Stopped playing cricket too. I was once known for being the most fun guy in our group..and one year later people really stopped noticing me at all. And one day..I forced myself to a friends party....And late that night after most people left...there were 10 very close friends in our group left..most of them classmates from almost 1st grade....6 boys and 4 girls..and we danced from 10 pm to 3 pm ...to various songs..just fun dance..nobody even knows dance that well...and I am not exactly sure why but I have changed and went back back to my normal self..the one night brought me back. Go and have fun man...take a vacation ..just do something which you dont do in daily life...One incident /one conversation is what it take sometimes to get out of depression.

I really doubt , dancing with friends at night would suit me ...

but i agree with u ... i am thinking of applying for leave ... if they wont agree then ... bokun ... i will leave the place without any notice !

Return to the Lord ALLAH. We humans are so ignorant that we always try to find peace of mind and happiness in Worldly activities and things but believe me brother it is like chasing your own shadow. Peace of mind and happiness is in Ibaadah, try this and I am sure you will be quiet happy.

Since this is depression the main cure is to go in path of Allah (SWT).

I will try my best to explain.

Your inner soul comes from Allah (SWT) whereas your outer body is made of clad, sand, water etc which are found on earth.

So in order to keep your inner soul happy you will need to give it medications which come from Allah (SWT) and they are Salah, Quran etc

I hope this made sense, it is much easier to explain in person than writing it out.

thanks ppl ...

go to amsterdam.. phir las vegas..

should solve this depression crap

hmmm ...
well friends ... in my opinion this thread has seen its max ... and as stupid as it may sound to few ppl , but online world can also offer help ( i doubted that in past ) .... i kinda knew what my problem is but was not accepting it to myself for a long time ... and ironically it cant be fixed by any leave or vacation or fun or socializing ... when u r born with something , u r bound to bear that for whole life ... ppl like me can never be happy and we always have problems with almost everything and everyone we come across ..... education , money or progress in life doesnt matter to us as we r not made to be peaceful ... thankfully i m not like many others of my league ... so .... Life continues as it is or has always been ....
do not worry bro

i know exactly what you are talking about . my whole family suffers from it , it is just a khandani mindset for us . Adam bezaar type :p
do not worry bro

i know exactly what you are talking about . my whole family suffers from it , it is just a khandani mindset for us . Adam bezaar type :p

aray nah yara ... its something individual to myself only .. most of my cousins , who live in west or were born there are ... out of control kind of ppl ... its just something related to my childhood and stuff ... anyways i too know what ur talking abt ...
over-analyzing everything , people who are overly patriotic or religious without being logical and reasonable irritate you , being formal and reserved with most people , very few people you can be yourself with .

if that is what you are talking about then it is not depression , just one 's nature .
dude you are suffering from a classic case of mid- life crisis .
get a tattoo , a couple of piercings , buy a flashy sports car ,enjoy the night life in lahore or where ever you are based, if all that doesnt work out for you , there is always potassium cyanide...

no but seriously you should take a trip up north , maybe you can find inner piece up in the mountains :p , fairy meadows is one place i would recommend .
i thought mid life crisis starts at 40 + ... i am quite younger than that ... 3 weeks back before eid i was in balushastaan ... which i frequent ... i dont think northern province would make a difference ... i guess in december i once again would be going to quetta ....

as for the KCN suggestion ... shame on u ... :butt
i thought mid life crisis starts at 40 + ... i am quite younger than that ... 3 weeks back before eid i was in balushastaan ... which i frequent ... i dont think northern province would make a difference ... i guess in december i once again would be going to quetta ....

as for the KCN suggestion ... shame on u ... :butt

Ik was a hasish guy . Maybe that will help ?
5-6 years ago, I used to be enthusiastic about many things. But, those enthusiasms are long gone.

As you grow older, many interests/hobbies can disappear.
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