Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveils Iranian stealth fighter jet


T20I Debutant
Jul 21, 2010
Iran has unveiled a fighter jet military officials claim can evade radar and has been made by Iranian developers.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a ceremony broadcast on state television that building the Qaher F-313, or Dominant F-313, shows Iran's will to "conquer scientific peaks".

Tehran has repeatedly claimed to have developed advanced military technologies in recent years, but its claims cannot be independently verified because the country does not release the technical details.

The state started producing its own military equipment in the 1980s to compensate for a Western weapons embargo that banned export of military technology and kit to Iran.

The Defence Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, said: "Qaher is a fully indigenous aircraft designed and built by our aerospace experts.

"This is a radar-evading plane that can fly at low altitude, carry weapons, engage enemy aircrafts and land at short airstrips."

He said it was Iran's best stealth plane.

However, some reports suggest Iran's program relies on equipment supplied by major international defence contractors and that it incorporates parts made abroad or uses outside engineered technologies in its domestic designs.

Pictures of the Qaher released by the official IRNA news agency and pictures on state TV showed a single-seat jet. They described it as a fighter-bomber that can combat other aircraft and ground targets.

Iran's English-language state Press TV said Qaher was similar to the American-made F/A-18, an advanced fighter capable of dogfighting as well as penetrating enemy air defences to strike ground targets.

Hasan Parvaneh, an official in charge of the project, said the physical design of the Iranian plane was unique and bore no resemblance to any foreign fighter jet.

"Development depends on our will. If we don't have a will, no one can take us there," President Ahmadinejad said.

"Once we imported cars and assembled them here. Now, we are at a point where we can design, build and get planes in the air."

Source : Sky News

Looks impressive I am happy for Iran
BTW to you aviation / military fans is this actually any good or does it just look good ?
Good news, Iran has released a picture of it "in flight"!


But wait a minute:


I always wonder if it's technologically possible to have cloaking capabilities to make something invisible lol It'll be so cool if it happens :))
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I am no aerospace engineer but that looks fake. Too small plus i don't think it has the wing span to fly and it definitely doesn't have VTOL like they have claimed
The glad canopy looks so third class and there is duct tape in the cockpit, jus compare it to the jf 17 that pak made with china. You can see one can fly and other is just a model
a "real" cockpit

jf17 == alien mother ship....

I never stated that the jf was anything advance, merely that it flyes. The jf 17 is basically a cheap version of the f 16 block C with less maneuverability. It's desgined to be the mainstay of a defensive Air Force and it does that job well. The j 10s, jf 17 block 2s , f 16 block ds are our advanced fighters. Though the most advance f 16s can't leave Pakistan due to American kill switches. The Chinese have also confirmed that Pakistan will be offered the 5th generation j 31 after the PAF Cheif expressed interest. In the past we were offered the J11 but that was declined because the PAF only operated single engine jets . I have it on good authority that might chance come 2020
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I know, I was just wondering if it's possible in the future :))

Interesting. It would have to be able to not only absorb light from one side, but project what it captures from the other. hmmmm....

I could easily see a plane being invisible at certain angles. So if youre looking at it with the sky in the background, it would be easier. But if there are mountains or trees in the background, might not be quite so easy.

I bet they are busy working on one!
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we have whole europe and russia working for us. Why we need to learn?
Actually missiles are the one tech that India HAS finally learnt quite well. Can't say the same for jet fighters though, and the less said about jet engines the better. It will probably take India another 7-10 years to come up with an advanced 5th gen fighter.

On topic, the Iranian jet is at best a prototype, or most likely a model. You don't just pop a stealth fighter out of thin air, it takes time to develop and mature these technologies.
The Finger chopping machine looks far more interesting.

It should sell well in certain countries.
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I am no defense expert but it appears that there is a widespread skepticism among various defense analysts on the veracity of the claims made by Iran on this fighter jet. Some useful links on this topic for reading given below

The only way this can be possible is if Iranians somehow hacked in to USA's or Russian's defense database. Poor bluff.
but why would they release a photoshoped image of it in action that just proves it cant fly or is a fake
I want to learn to fly a plane, sounds so much fun

It's an exciting prospect. Only rich kids can learn to fly in their own time though. One could think about joining the Air Force.
Iran really fits Tippu Sultan's quote. That's what I really like about Iranian leadership.
Thats Ahmadinejad's new toy!!

Surely that thing cant fly!! Maybe with a string attached above and its lifted?
I am no defense expert but it appears that there is a widespread skepticism among various defense analysts on the veracity of the claims made by Iran on this fighter jet. Some useful links on this topic for reading given below

What these sites say about Iran's decryption of video files (present in the stealth drone which was hacked by iran in 2011)?

I always thought that Iran had been bluffing about Everything...
and drone might have encountered some technical difficulty and landed in iran ..but by releasing those encrypted videos to youtube...iran has demonstrated their capability to the world...

@BZ - Extracting and decoding the video from CIA's drone was/is definitely one of the big achievement by Iran besides capturing the above said UAV through their alleged Electronic warfare unit (though USA refutes this claim stating that a technical snag in the Drone might have caused it to fall on Iranian borders).

Here is an interesting article I found on the net about this video decoding effort from Iran
@BZ - Extracting and decoding the video from CIA's drone was/is definitely one of the big achievement by Iran besides capturing the above said UAV through their alleged Electronic warfare unit (though USA refutes this claim stating that a technical snag in the Drone might have caused it to fall on Iranian borders).

Here is an interesting article I found on the net about this video decoding effort from Iran

I have studied cryptography in my master of engineering i can appreciate this achievement...

my only concern is why they revealed public? iran could have kept it secret...
I have studied cryptography in my master of engineering i can appreciate this achievement...

my only concern is why they revealed public? iran could have kept it secret...

I think this was done to shut certain doubts raised by cynics at Intnl level. IMO, this could very well work as some kinda morale booster for local scientists/population.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Was recently informed about the death of <a href="">@NipseyHussle</a> and I was saddened to hear about his death and the other 10 people killed in Los Angeles last week. How can one take someone's life so easily? 'Baby Don't Cry Gotta Keep Your Head Up Even when The Road is Hard Never Give Up'</p>— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (@Ahmadinejad1956) <a href="">April 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I think they should of figured it out by now, been almost 23 years.</p>— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (@Ahmadinejad1956) <a href="">April 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
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