Mark Waugh vs Damien Martyn vs Michael Clarke

Who was/is the better batsman?

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Amjid Javed

PakPassion's 100,000 posts man
Mar 3, 2004
Post of the Week
3 of the Most classiest batsmen ive seen whilst watching Australia play down the years. All 3 batsmen had excellent footwork, very good players of Spin and were just really good to watch in Full flow.

So who was the better player from the 3? And why?
o crap....this is a toughie....:D

hmm....micheal clarke maybe..coz of his class,,his cricketing brain,,resilience and ability to produce when most needed.
His fielding is superb too..

2.mark waugh
3. damein martyn
What is he good for

Actually I would pick Waugh in my side out of the 3... but Clarke is a close second.
I PERSONNALLY don't like M Clarke, but he is a very fine batsman and an underrated spinner.
My choice : Waugh
Waugh Jnr is the most over rated just because he was smooth to watch made him look better he averages in low 40's.
Clarke definitely. Beautiful to watch, a world class fielder, gritty when required, and is a big game player.

Waugh is overrated, Martyn never really became world class, he was very solid though.
has to be Mark Waugh. He opened the innings, he batted in the middle order. Superb hands in the slips, very handy off-spinner.
I dont know but clarke's batting can look a bit ugly at times, but as a player and what he brings to team via all aspects you would have to pick him, waugh and than martyn
M Waugh, by some stretch too.
Call it a flaw or not, but Clarke always likes to come a few steps down the wicket, even while defending a fast bowler. Asif worked him out in the Australia series, getting through his defences by bowling off-cutters.
Clarke is not a classy batsman as such, he's changed into an ugly to watch grinder.
If one has seen all the three batsmen in their very prime, I think most of them will agree that Waugh was a much complete batsman, looked so easy while his stay on the pitch. Martyn almost always preferred the area of point and covers, and he was worked out there by the Kiwis very well. No doubt Clarke is a classy player but sometimes his stay on the wicket looks hard work and he is not that pleasing on the eye.

So, from a pure spectator point of view, also I think Mark Waugh is better than the other two.
Clarke's the best against spinner - he uses his feet brilliantly and is a natural in how he plays the ball, can play it late at will, with soft hands as needed.

Martyn was an artist too, but I'd say Clarke is more classy and the more complete player.

Mark Waugh though was certainly the most pleasing on the eye of these three - and against pace, the best of the lot too. Hence, Mark Waugh it is.

PS: poll now added
yaar Hard to go against Waugh, even though Clarke has a better record.

Waugh played 128 Tests against some pretty good bowling, while Clarke is playing in an era of flat tracks.

Plus Waugh made batting look so easy, do he was quite inconsisten
Have to say for me its a toss up between Martyn and Waugh.

Waugh was very wristy and almost Asianesque when it came to his batting. Always enjoyed watching him open inns in ODIs along side Gilly.

Martyn was a tough cookie and was probably one of the best players square of the wicket ive ever seen.
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m waugh, very classy, did really well in all formats esp odis, decent part time offie and excellent slipper

Clarke not in same style class but may become a better player in long term
Damien Martyn, one of the better back foot players I've ever seen.

Had this languid way about him, and his cricket was the same one: effortless but brilliant. A treat to watch.
Waugh was clearly a better batsmen , but Damien Martyn was one of the most underrated players ...very very classy & good to watch .
Easa said:
Damien Martyn, one of the better back foot players I've ever seen.

Had this languid way about him, and his cricket was the same one: effortless but brilliant. A treat to watch.

One of the best square players I've seen. Classy player and great to watch.
Mark Waugh, I remember what a class act he was and how he would almost always looked solid against Akram, Waqar and Shoaib charging in. Was a very stylish cricketer too, one of the best to watch. Clarke is possibly as gifted but he's become more of a gritty grafter type recently - I think he's well on his way to being a great and will probably be considered better than Waugh at the end of his career. Martyn was under-rated but he wasn't as classy as the other two.
Mark Waugh was overrated IMO - nowhere near as good as his twin.

I'd say Clarke, of those three.
Considering the stats of the three, Michael Clark clearly wins the race, but seeing Martyn playing was more soothing than Clark and Waugh.
Why does everybody spell Michael wrong? :))

Mods, please fix thread title
Robert said:
Mark Waugh was overrated IMO - nowhere near as good as his twin.

I'd say Clarke, of those three.

Obviously - in no way was Mark as good as Steve. Steve Waugh was in a league of his own.

Mark Waugh, out of these three of course, is the best. Clarke still has a LONG way to go - he'll have a great future, he's being groomed by Cricket Australia and the Australian team really well as vice-captain and is sure to take over as captain in all formats when Ponting retires soon. Clarke will (most likely) end up to be 'better' than Mark Waugh after he retires, but at the moment, no.
Has to be Waugh, he played against mighty bowlers of 90's not against Sami or Ishant etc.
Had Clark was 15 years older he would be = Jamie Siddons. Would never get a call in the playing XI.
I am a big fan of Michael Clarke. I think he is definetely underrated and he will be a champion batsman in the years to come. He has really buckled down and has got his act together (in the field at least) after being handed the vice captaincy. He has a great sense of sportsmanship which most of the Aussie players lack and I'm sure he'll make a good captain.

It is difficult for me to pick as I have seen much more of Clarke then I have of Waugh and Martyn. But I do remember that Martyn's, batting when he was at his peak was an excellent sight. The WC final knock especially comes to mind. Unfortunately I missed Mark Waugh's batting at it's peak as I wasn't that interested in cricket at that time (as I was only 6-7) and watching YouTube videos doesn't suffice.
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Equinox said:
I am a big fan of Michael Clarke. I think he is definetely underrated and he will be a champion batsman in the years to come. He has really buckled down and has got his act together (in the field at least) after being handed the vice captaincy. He has a great sense of sportsmanship which most of the Aussie players lack and I'm sure he'll make a good captain.

It is difficult for me to pick as I have seen much more of Clarke then I have of Waugh and Martyn. But I do remember that Martyn's, batting when he was at his peak was an excellent sight. The WC final knock especially comes to mind. Unfortunately I missed Mark Waugh's batting at it's peak as I wasn't that interested in cricket at that time (as I was only 6-7) and watching YouTube videos doesn't suffice.

m waugh was all grace, class, elegance and timing
D Martyn is a class act and one of the most underrated players from Australia. Beautiful to watch, never played an ugly shot.
Robert said:
Mark Waugh was overrated IMO - nowhere near as good as his twin.

I'd say Clarke, of those three.

I agree Steve >>>> Mark

but talent , that would be opposite . M Waugh was very gifted player
BD-fan said:
Had Clark was 15 years older he would be = Jamie Siddons. Would never get a call in the playing XI.

surprises me that hes being called a great player .

Clarke is a good player of spin and some one who looks good playing his shots & thats it .

A touch above average player at best .
jusarrived said:
surprises me that hes being called a great player .

Clarke is a good player of spin and some one who looks good playing his shots & thats it .

A touch above average player at best .

avg. of 50+ in Tests
avg. of 40+ in ODIs

what more does he need to do to be a great player?
Both Waugh and Martyn had their moments but Clarke has become a more consistent batsmen for Australia.

He's been our best batsmen by far in the last 2-3 years and his defense looks impregnable.;template=results;type=allround;template=results;type=allround;template=results;type=allround

Since 2005, he's been awesome.
Comparing Stats of players of different decades is very misleading.

I would rate some players who averaged in 40s in the 1990s alot better than some players of current era who average 50 plus!

Standard of bowling around world was alot tougher in 90s then it was now!
Actually it would've been better poll if mark wagh wasn't in it coz anyone who watched him bat knows his class was much more superior then the other two.
The Poll should've been
M Clarke
M Slater
D Martin
Then I would've picked clarck ahead of them
Slater was just an awesome player, one of the most ferocious cutters of the ball.
Amjid Javed said:
Comparing Stats of players of different decades is very misleading.

I would rate some players who averaged in 40s in the 1990s alot better than some players of current era who average 50 plus!

Standard of bowling around world was alot tougher in 90s then it was now!
I agree with you. I think the only team with decent attack in the 00s was Australia, and not alot of batsmen averaged over 40 against them.
Ahmed Zulfiqar said:
Slater was just an awesome player, one of the most ferocious cutters of the ball.
I would still pick clarke ahead of him. But thats irrelevent because slater was oppener and clarke is middle order batsman. I think we wouldn't know the comparison. However Clake would come straight into any team at the moment. He definately is the backbone of Aussie middle order.
Paradox said:
Would love to hear Random Aussie and OZGOD's views on this.

Martyn. By a fair way for me.

Mark Waugh underachieved.

Clarke has only now got rid of his habit of giving his wicket away.

Martyn was the rock of our most dominant team.
Random Aussie said:
Martyn. By a fair way for me.

Mark Waugh underachieved.

Clarke has only now got rid of his habit of giving his wicket away.

Martyn was the rock of our most dominant team.
yup ... on decent wickets clarke but on minefields martyn hands down!!

no aussie batsmen i have seen could handle spinners so well
its like marto was born in india and learnt to play spin there :)

i still remember the lanka series where aussies were held aloft in a big way by martyn.

m waugh was more smooth than the other two but results wise flopped.

if it was between the 3 of them it has to be martyn for me .
Poison said:
Clarke is not a classy batsman as such, he's changed into an ugly to watch grinder.

True - notwithstanding him against spin bowling, he is not in the same league as Mark and Damien.

Hell, Damien probably shouldn't even be there with Mark. Martyn only had a couple of classy looking shots (Cover drive, cut shot). Mark Waugh made everything look classy. Even his dismissals.

But for the purposes of this argument, Mark Waugh takes them both - by the throat.
Mark Waugh's elegant cut and drive makes him the most stylish batsman of the decade.

My 100th post on M. Waugh my fav ex cricketer :14:
Random Aussie said:
Martyn. By a fair way for me.

Mark Waugh underachieved.

Clarke has only now got rid of his habit of giving his wicket away.

Martyn was the rock of our most dominant team.

Martyn rock just based on tour of SL in 2004 ? Though he was really stone in that tour
By the time Clarke ends his career, he will end with stats far better than Waugh and Martyn. So he will have to be the best.

In terms of class and joy of watching, Martyn perhaps would be the best though I also loved Waugh's silken stroke play with a cool languid poise.
I have never really seen mark waugh play, but out of DM and MC, MC wins it for me. Clarkey is an excellent player and a modern example of a stylish and technically good player.
mnoman15 said:
Martyn rock just based on tour of SL in 2004 ? Though he was really stone in that tour

No not just that tour. Why do you think he batted at number 4 for us in our most dominant team then? We hide guys at number 4? There was a reason....
Afridi_Fan said:
has to be Mark Waugh. He opened the innings, he batted in the middle order. Superb hands in the slips, very handy off-spinner.

Martyn is one of my all-time favorite players. I used to love his batting like anything at a time when I did not watch cricket as much as I do now. I also like Clarke..But I voted for Waugh especially because he was a 'versatile' player. He could open the innings and also bat in the middle order.:D
Mark Waugh. Watching him was like having honey licked off you by your girlfriend.
I wonder if people will reassess their earlier statements now.

Sure, Waugh was classier - but Clarke has outdone the other two over the last couple of years with his behemoth scores.
Micheal Clarke by miles now, if he is continuing they way he is playing then there is no stopping him to the second best after Bradman.
mark waugh was the better batsman under pressure, esp. LOIs.

But overall, Pup is better than the rest. Remember, Pup didnt have too many superstars to bat with in the recent past.
I think Michael Clarke is ahead of both Mark Waugh and Damien Martyn because of consistency.

All three play beautifully, and all are touch players than big power players. But, if I have to watch one among the three, then I will definitely watch Mark Waugh play. He used to have that nice and easy stance and caressed the ball so gently and stylishly on the leg side (specially tucking away from his hips towards the square). A great sight to watch. Even his fielding looked so effortlessly and stylish, plucking away difficult catches ridiculously easy.
Mark Waugh! Class personified,,. One of the best artists the game has ever produced
Damien Martyn.

His circa 50 average was attained in a relatively quiet manner, so he doesn't receive the credit he deserves.

I remember an astonishing hundred chasing a total in a Cape Town Test towards the end of his career.

One of the few Australian batsmen to conquer subcontinental wickets as well, so often like hot coals even for their best players.
Damien Martyn.

His circa 50 average was attained in a relatively quiet manner, so he doesn't receive the credit he deserves.

I remember an astonishing hundred chasing a total in a Cape Town Test towards the end of his career.

One of the few Australian batsmen to conquer subcontinental wickets as well, so often like hot coals even for their best players.

If you look up Youtube there is a clip of Martyn hitting Gough for a couple of boundaries through cover off good balls that are just amazing to watch. The look on Gough's face was like holy hell.....
Re: Mark Waugh v Damien Martyn v Michael Clarke

Martyn and Waugh were definitely more pleasing to the eyes, but Clarke has had a phenomenal run that has really lifted him to one level above the other two I would say.

Also, am surprised that Martyn had a 50 average.
Damien Martyn for me, had the technique to survive any conditions, averaged atleast 40 in SA, Australia and Asia. In a way i feel like he underachieved. Mark Waugh was mentally tough than him though, maybe thats why he averaged 45 instead of 50+.

There is too much difference between Clarke's average @home (64) and away (paltry 41). He needs to improve that before i can rate him.
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Martyn is my favourite. I even copied his stance as a kid. But pup is ahead tbh.
Mark Waugh v Damien Martyn v Michael Clarke

Martyn was my favorite player of that Australian team and certainly the most underrated component. He was as important to them as some of the big names.
And Marto was brilliant to watch.

His batting was just so pure. Also won us our first series in India in decades.
The reason I plucked out a T20 knock out all his great Test knocks is because some people live under this illusion that Martyn wasn't versatile and couldn't turn it on when needed.
The fact that CA allowed Warne, Mcgrath, Langer, Gilchrist and Martyn to retire so close to each other is quite shocking.
Damien Martyn is the best player of spin among three, and the most gracious as well.

Definitely its

1. Damien Martyn
2. Michael Clarke
3. Mark Edward Waugh

At one point, Waugh was considered a batsman in the league of Lara and Sachin, though he didn't quite live upto that expectations.
Martyn is so elegant he looks like he learned his batting from the sub continent, his elegance reminds me of Laxman.

Mark Waugh is same as above but the offside play is not as strong.

Clarke, well he looks like a typical Australian batsmen, good player but don't have that special touch like the above 2..