Head to Head is arguably the best programme on Al Jazeera and its just finished airing now in the UK. Good interview about all the major issues such as militancy, Afghanistan, Hafeez Saeed, Mumbai, Kashmir, minorities, missing persons issue and the role of the Army.
Thought Hina Rabbani Khar despite my opposition to her government gave a decent account of herself unlike some of the other Head to Head guests who were made to look foolish by Mehdi Hasan who always does his research before the interviews.
This was conducted at the Oxford Union a few weeks ago. On the panel was Mosharraf Zaidi, Omar Warraich and Humeira Iqtidar.
A few standout quotes:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qm5JK1BFT3o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thought Hina Rabbani Khar despite my opposition to her government gave a decent account of herself unlike some of the other Head to Head guests who were made to look foolish by Mehdi Hasan who always does his research before the interviews.
This was conducted at the Oxford Union a few weeks ago. On the panel was Mosharraf Zaidi, Omar Warraich and Humeira Iqtidar.
A few standout quotes:
“It's absolutely true that the military has a larger role than the constitution of Pakistan would typically permit”
“I think I was fiercely independent”
“The US gov’t has a long history of immense fascination w/ the military of Pakistan because they propped them up”
“From 2,800 reported missing persons - we have 1,500 cases already resolved”
“It’s difficult in most societies to be able to prosecute people who are supposed to be protecting the country”
“After 35yrs, no military or civilian gov’t in Pakistan could normalise trade with India - we changed that!”
“I like to believe that we did humongous work on redirecting foreign policy”
“Pakistan did not have the ability to take on every terror network within the region all at the same time”
“Drone strikes are counterproductive - they are actually fuelling extremism”
“Pakistan’s job is to protect its own people before the United States of America.”
On her government’s reaction to #OsamabinLaden being found in Pakistan: “we went still”
“Don't judge Pakistan for where it is today, judge Pakistan for where it is going.”
“I'm embarrassed that we've done to minorities what we've done in Pakistan”
“We're a very, very young nation. Give us time.”
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qm5JK1BFT3o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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